Re: Bcc: to a Mail List?

2020-07-08 Thread MM

"Trump describes statues of Confederate military as memorials
to heroes, representing our values.  Those who took up arms
against our national government during the Civil War were
NOT heroes.  They were traitors who committee treason."

Your tag line seems to be missing something.  Since you state
that those who took up arms against the government were
traitors who committed treason, shouldn't you also include
the Antifa and BLM terrorists who have taken up arms,
threatened to "burn this system down", used arson, attacked
police, used physical violence against citizens and businesses,
and more?

The leaders of those groups (and others) are self-admitted hard-line
Marxists whose self-proclaimed aim is to overthrow the
national government of the United States.

BTW, this is all off-topic and doesn't belong here.


At 07/08/202001:06 PM-0700, David E. Ross wrote:

David E. Ross

Trump describes statues of Confederate military as memorials
to heroes, representing our values.  Those who took up arms
against our national government during the Civil War were
NOT heroes.  They were traitors who committee treason.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2.53.1 and SM 2.49.5

2020-04-08 Thread MM

At 04/08/202011:17 AM-0700, Ray Davison wrote:

Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
No his answer is from a parallel universe where all this works. If 
2.49.5 sees the 2.53 places.sqlite it will move it to 
places.sqlite.corrupt and restore bookmarks from the latest json 
backup. All history is gone then. favicon storing changed in 
Firefox / Gecko 55 and caused this change. Indexdb starage is also 
incomapatible and so on.


OK, you got me.  You loose bookmarks.  And you are probably right 
about the "parallel universe".

I have been using my primary profile.  I deleted everything that 
looked like it was saving things for "just in case" including the 
storage sub-directory.  Ran 2.53.1.  Copied that profile to WXP 
2.49.5.  The bookmarks didn't make it.

I know there are bookmark backup files of places.sqlite, but I 
decided long ago to make bookmarks separate from the program
or data files.  Turning on auto export of bookmarks to html leaves a 
current html bookmark file in the browser program
file folder.  I made a separate folder in root "Bookmarks", and place 
the exported bookmark file there.

That html bookmark file is used as the home page of each of the 
several browsers on the machine.  A desktop
bat file copies the html auto-exported to the bookmarks 
directory.  One of the browsers, Seamonkey of course, is
the "main" bookmark source.  I also have another bat file on the 
desktop to copy bookmarks.html to bookmarks2.html,

2 to 3, etc for redundant copies.  Now bookmarks are isolated from accidents.


And, all this has made my point about changing things "under the 
covers", quietly, and making it appear that nothing has changed.

I have never blindly followed an "upgrade path", on OSs or 
apps.  Many upgrades aren't.  I install the new along side the old, 
run the new as as close as possible with the old data.  And, if at 
some point I prefer the new, and no longer see a need for the old, I 
delete the old. That is why I now have seven SM plus PM and FM.  And 
right now they all have negatives for me.  Failure I think I am 
prepared for.  I am not accustomed to having to look for tricks to 
make the old look like the new.

And it increases my support for separating things so they are easier 
to manage and recover.  Which I will discuss again elsewhere.


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support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: OT tag-line

2018-11-16 Thread MM

Your "tag-line" is OT and since it is a controversial subject,
it is counter productive to post it to this forum.  It is
your opinion and only one side of the issue.

But since you have posted it, I feel the need to post
a counterpoise, in this case from Gun Owners of
America.  Consider it a "tag-line".


In California, gun control fails once again

Erich Pratt, Opinion contributor Published 5:37 
p.m. ET Nov. 8, 2018 | Updated 9:38 p.m. ET Nov. 8, 2018

Wednesday's California bar shooting was in a gun-free zone, where good
guys cannot legally carry firearms: Opposing view

Once again, we see the failure of gun control in preventing a horrible tragedy.

Wednesday's California bar shooting was in a gun-free zone, where good
guys cannot legally carry firearms.

Gun-free zones are magnets for killers. Consider that almost 98
percent of public mass shootings in this country occur in these
mandatory victim zones.

But where citizens can protect themselves, the situation is much
different. Within the past month, two potential mass shootings were
averted by law-abiding citizens who used their concealed firearms.

But the anti-gun left fails to mention how these two citizens saved
lives in those incidents. Why is that?

We will never rid ourselves of one basic problem: Bad guys with evil
intent will always acquire some kind of “weapon” to commit violence.

This includes using a truck to kill eight and injure 11 in New York
last year or wielding box cutters or knives to murder roughly 3,000 on 9/11.

Sadly, USA TODAY's Editorial Board wants to merely focus on just one
instrument ­ the gun.

Never mind the fact that Wednesday’s shooting occurred in a state that
imposes some of the strictest gun control laws in the country.

This includes universal background checks, a ban on so-called “assault
weapons” (and a prohibition of standard capacity magazines), a red
flag law that allows gun confiscation, and more.

None of these draconian restrictions stopped Wednesday’s shooter.

Nor are they effective elsewhere, as seen by the fact that the United
States is not even in the top 10 when one compares international death
rates resulting from mass shootings.

This is why we should listen to our first responders. Over 85 percent
of police agree that mass shootings would be “reduced” or “avoided
altogether” by the presence of legally-armed citizens.

Insanity has been described as redoubling one’s failed efforts and
expecting different results. That describes gun control ­ it’s insane.

Erich Pratt is the executive director of Gun Owners of America, a
national gun rights organization.

David E. Ross

Once again, there has been a mass shooting.  This time,
it was in Thousand Oaks, California.  And once again, just
as he did after the recent mass shooting in Pittsburgh,
President Trump sent his thoughts and prayers to the
families of the victims.  Thoughts and prayers will not
stop the carnage.  Action is needed on gun control, and
more guns -- as Trump proposed for Pittsburgh and Parkland
in Florida --  is not the answer.

support-seamonkey mailing list

All Releases

2017-12-12 Thread MM

Excellent!  Thank you.

At 12/12/201704:22 PM-0800, David E. Ross wrote:

All of the SeaMonkey versions from 1.0 to 2.49.1 -- plus some
intermediate developmental versions -- are available from
. Note that this is
accessed via a browser, not via an FTP client, despite "ftp" being in
the domain.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM Shortcut Not Working

2016-01-10 Thread MM

At 01/02/201610:48 PM-0500, Jonathan N. Little wrote:

Ray_Net wrote:

Jonathan N. Little wrote on 02/01/2016 21:14:

David E. Ross wrote:

On 1/2/2016 8:04 AM, David E. Ross wrote:

On 1/2/2016 4:08 AM, Tom Pamin wrote:

When I try to open SM using a shortcut to this URL
(,-81.4724,z10), I get this error:
"There was a problem sending the command to the program." The page
opens. How do I fix this error?

I don't get the error if SM is already open to another page.

I tried this both from the link in your message (SeaMonkey already
running) and from a URL shortcut (SeaMonkey not running, launched by
selecting the shortcut).  It worked for me in both cases.

Something in your preferences or extensions might be causing this.  Do
you have scripts or cookies blocked, even if only partially? Have you
tried this in Safe Mode?

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (x64)
SeaMonkey 2.39
Cookies for the originating Web site only

I just tried this again, and it works for me.

I also looked at bug #495988, cited elsewhere in this thread. Comments
#10 and #11 in that bug report cite a problem caused by NoActiveHandler
in the Windows registry entry
I do not see NoActiveHandler in that registry key on my PC.

Okay now I remember how I fixed it

has some legacy default value "\"%1\",,0,0" which I cleared and
subkey "NoActivateHandler"

I fixed it with this reg file I created

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

;; Fix the DDE error 'There was a Problem Sending the Command to the

;; This is garbage some earlier version put in that causes
;; error so delete default value
;; @="\"%1\",,0,0"
;; And remove this this subkey
;; "NoActivateHandler"=""



Why when I install a new version released that the SM install did not
change those entries ?
I first take a backup.
Then I remove the current SM version.
Then I install from scratch(except the profiles) the new SM version.
SM install .exe should position correctly the registry entries 

Unfortunately no. It is one of the big issues with Windows that the 
registry collect cruft of previous software. Such is why there is so 
much snake-oil registry "cleaners: out there, but really fresh 
install of Windows is the only true cure. There is no:

sudo apt-get purge WHATEVER

in Windows.

If this is not the case - then I can say that this is another SM BUG !!!

Nope, a Windows bug, oops I mean "feature" ;-)

The reg file I supplied fix it for me. Just backup up the 
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\SeamonkeyURL first for a CYA...

Take care,


If you use REVO uninstaller,(free version) and choose the fourth 
removal option for a deep search, it will find all
related entries and files for the program plus all of the registry 
entries which were installed.  It will allow

deletion of all of these so they don't become ghost entries.

There were some effective registry cleaners such as CC cleaner that 
were able to find dead

leftovers and remove them.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: WebGL Doesn't Work

2015-06-28 Thread MM

At 06/28/201509:35 PM-0400, Jonathan N. Little wrote:

Ant wrote:

On site, I get an error when going to cockpit view for a
specific plane. It used to work, but now it says my browser supports
WebGL, but initialization failed. This does work on my other laptop
running SM. Can someone help?

Also on this test site, it says Nay for my current laptop, and Yay
for my older laptop. Must be something in the settings for my current
laptop that is blocking WebGL.

Nice web site. Boo to Nay answer. :(

Actually from what I found for blacklisting it is this that is your problem:

Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:36.0) Gecko/20100101 F...
XP blacklisted. I'm afraid as I have said in the past it will only 
get worst as more and more support falls away :(

Take care,


Working fine here on 2.33.1 with Arcane XP SP3.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: NoSquint For SeaMonkey

2015-06-25 Thread MM
Many ISP's use spam filtering software from companies like 
CloudMark.  The CloudMark  dictionary

is proprietary and they will not discuss it.

I had some big issues with Verizon since they use Cloudmark.  The 
Cloudmark dictionary was
blocking as spam certain domains with certain words in their 
name.  When this is done, neither the
sender nor the intended recipient is aware that a message was 
vaporized.  No bounce nor

notification -- the message just goes to the bit bucket.

Verizon also has nothing to say about it.  This is tantamount to 
censoring.  No matter how bad

spam is there should not be such unregulated and undocumented suppression.


At 06/25/201501:49 PM-0400, MRoss wrote:
For some reason, that POP account is routing what it wants 
to a Spam folder! My posts  Marie's,  Marie needs to check her 
email service for a hidden online webmail folder!

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