Many ISP's use spam filtering software from companies like CloudMark. The CloudMark "dictionary"
is proprietary and they will not discuss it.

I had some big issues with Verizon since they use Cloudmark. The Cloudmark dictionary was blocking as spam certain domains with certain words in their name. When this is done, neither the sender nor the intended recipient is aware that a message was vaporized. No bounce nor
notification -- the message just goes to the bit bucket.

Verizon also has nothing to say about it. This is tantamount to censoring. No matter how bad
spam is there should not be such unregulated and undocumented suppression.


At 06/25/201501:49 PM-0400, MRoss wrote:
For some reason, that POP account is routing what it wants to a Spam folder! My posts & Marie's, & Marie needs to check her email service for a hidden online webmail folder!

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