At 04/08/202011:17 AM-0700, Ray Davison wrote:
Frank-Rainer Grahl wrote:
No his answer is from a parallel universe where all this works. If 2.49.5 sees the 2.53 places.sqlite it will move it to places.sqlite.corrupt and restore bookmarks from the latest json backup. All history is gone then. favicon storing changed in Firefox / Gecko 55 and caused this change. Indexdb starage is also incomapatible and so on.

OK, you got me. You loose bookmarks. And you are probably right about the "parallel universe".

I have been using my primary profile. I deleted everything that looked like it was saving things for "just in case" including the storage sub-directory. Ran 2.53.1. Copied that profile to WXP 2.49.5. The bookmarks didn't make it.

I know there are bookmark backup files of places.sqlite, but I decided long ago to make bookmarks separate from the program or data files. Turning on auto export of bookmarks to html leaves a current html bookmark file in the browser program file folder. I made a separate folder in root "Bookmarks", and place the exported bookmark file there.

That html bookmark file is used as the home page of each of the several browsers on the machine. A desktop bat file copies the html auto-exported to the bookmarks directory. One of the browsers, Seamonkey of course, is the "main" bookmark source. I also have another bat file on the desktop to copy bookmarks.html to bookmarks2.html,
2 to 3, etc for redundant copies.  Now bookmarks are isolated from accidents.


And, all this has made my point about changing things "under the covers", quietly, and making it appear that nothing has changed.

I have never blindly followed an "upgrade path", on OSs or apps. Many upgrades aren't. I install the new along side the old, run the new as as close as possible with the old data. And, if at some point I prefer the new, and no longer see a need for the old, I delete the old. That is why I now have seven SM plus PM and FM. And right now they all have negatives for me. Failure I think I am prepared for. I am not accustomed to having to look for tricks to make the old look like the new.

And it increases my support for separating things so they are easier to manage and recover. Which I will discuss again elsewhere.


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