“Live Bookmarks” or RSS,XML,Atom in “Places”

2011-11-28 Thread get-funky.dig

I'm looking for a means of organizing my Places Library in such a way that I 
might focus only on "Live Bookmarks"; Places commonly identifiable by unique 
"RSS"/ Live Bookmarks icons, as separate them from "regular" URL's, identifying 
those which point to a dynamic list of news, or new URLs.

I wish to limit "Library" queries to return only Places which are those RSS 
feeds, or "Live Bookmarks", yet I find such facility unbeknown to me. The 
default "Places"/ "Library", while it does afford several methods by which we 
might sort, and identify various Places, I know of no way of easily excluding 
common site URL's, as to return limited results from any Places search query.

I admit, my first thought gravitates toward expecting some XPI / add-on might 
exist, already affording the query results grouping I seek, though such 
consideration is in conflict with my truer nature: I tend to expect the 
solution is already before me; I can find what I want from an unmodified 
Seamonkey release, yet I continue to overlook the standard function which might 
produce the results I desire. Perhaps there is no need for any /add-on/; 
moreover, according to my queries at AMO, no such add-on exists. 

Ideally, I hope the experts here might recommend a particular search pattern, 
designed precisely for isolating the RSS / Live Bookmarks I, as I intend to 
return. Perhaps there's a syntax I might employ for such isolated results. 
Ideally, I'd improve my ability to better query the Library, w/out any 
"requisite" add-ons.

I look forward to your recommendations.

Thank you!
support-seamonkey mailing list

soft and spongy

2011-07-29 Thread get-funky.dig
...like a Twinky®; like a Twinky®
support-seamonkey mailing list

SM 2.3 Changelog

2011-07-29 Thread get-funky.dig

I'm afraid it concerns me to see "TODO" as a changelog: 2.2 to 2.3 Upgrade data.

This curmudgeon is displeased and wary of the FF camp. As a user since Mosaic, 
it's difficult to find the proper description so I'll settle to say, I find it 
insulting to read of FF Update schedules should mirror that of Google-Chrome 
while that implementation manifests in a confused, likely unnerved user base.

Please do not let that influence manifest likewise in Seamonkey.

TODO: Best wishes...

Post Script: please disregard any apparent duplicate "post;topic" of this 
nature, moments earlier. As advised by a Google Groups warning of "taking a 
long time to process" which appeared several minutes later (while the post 
itself did not appear, in accordance), I've posted again.

Post Post Script: Best Wishes
support-seamonkey mailing list

SM 2.3 Changelog: “TODO”

2011-07-29 Thread get-funky.dig
I'm afraid... seeing this concerns me.

Please don't let Seamonkey become Firefox's “red-headed-stepchild”. Please let 
us not suffer the nonsensical patterns of late from that cr*p-factory (i.e. 
paraphrased, "following more the Update Schedule, and borrowed nomenclature; 
updates scheme of Google Chrome") for the In-Kids' Club.

The kid in me likes the sugary side, while the curmudgeon in me actually posts 

TODO: Best wishes.
support-seamonkey mailing list

History as Places item

2011-07-01 Thread get-funky.dig
Whomever came up w/ the idea of the "History" item, and the various 
denominations thereof: Thank you very much! That's rock n roll, man/ chica. 
That's the sort of thing i dig.

Keep the groove-on that direction, I hope. It's difficult to notice everything, 
but-- at risk of nonsensical, more so than usual-- it's why Seamonkey kicks so 
much ass-sshhut-your-mouth (i'm just talkin' bout Seamonkey!)

nice. now, if i can only remember what URL i want, of all this awesome 
aggregate, super-intelligent hyper-data ... what's that stuff-- hotter than 
gas... plasma! yeah, it's plasma-rific! not places. plasma-ces yep. that's 
it. your new word, right there.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Multiple Seamonkey and Firefox Profiles: Everything but the Kitchen Sync

2011-07-01 Thread get-funky.dig
On Sunday, March 6, 2011 2:32:41 AM UTC-5, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
> Chris Ilias wrote:
> I was advocating best practices in 
> communication, not criticizing. One of these best practices is to give a 
> clear, complete answer on the first pass

With all the replies, herein, I am certainly confused for a proper citation, 
but the text above gave /me/ a chuckle for, after skimming the topic of my 
apparent disinterest, I find the concern I address in opening the /topic/ has 
been thwarted. Allow me to clarify, I would not concern myself with derailing, 
whether gratuitous, or otherwise, but here we have a conversation stemmed to 
suggest-- i dare say, ironically-- what are the proper ways of communication on 
this channel. 

I beg your pardon, if I may reiterate my primary concern. I do not require the 
reader sift the sludge of mine, to glean what signal travels along that noisy 
text. With experience, of course, I've become aware that I fail to squelch the 
noise from my signal, so I abstain from communique for the returns only 
continue diminishing, notwithstanding my considerable effort toward the 
opposite. A lonely man bares his burden, so to spare them his torment he 
refuses his callers. I am likewise cognitive, and I wish to spare you. 

As stated in the original text, allusion to /multiple profiles/ is not to open 
discussion of "profiles", but in preface to the primary concern. Furthermore, I 
presume a productive contribution, or the discussion which might ensue, is best 
appreciated within the context of the "now" (i.e. i enjoy the X on the Y 
release; the gizmo introduced in ver Z.1 works well, and I hope to see more 
development there; etc.), unless otherwise stated and understood as such (i.e. 
the conversation which /did/ ensue, here, as would rely upon speculation; the 
future of multiple profile management; public reaction and opinion; etc.).

In handling discourse with kid-gloves, communication breakdown is a likely 
result, albeit undesirable for effective communication. It stands to reason, 
then, we're “damned if we do; damned if we don't”, and /Hank Hill/ I suspect 
would agree, or Confucius. Guffaw. 

Original signal, reprocessed, sans gloves; sans preface:
1.) Firefox and Seamonkey Sync suffer from an apparent lack of foresight.
2.) Sync, it seems, operates on a quantitative assessment, while 
qualitative attributes: 
  A.) are evaluated erroneously
  B.) while the attributes (quality) of "places" are of primary importance
... it seems the Sync evaluation somehow effectively disregards attributes in 
favor of quantity of items. 

I'd wished to abstain from hacking-up the sort of presentation I've provided, 
directly above, but perhaps it's best for clarity.

Another way of saying it: If I never see another "Getting Started", "BBC 
Headlines" RSS, and link to Firefox something or other-- it will be too soon. 
(yet, i suspect i'll see it all again, real soon.) 

best wishes. 
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SeaMonkey 2.1

2011-06-22 Thread get-funky.dig
CONGRATULATIONS, Seamonkey development crew, and contributing community 
members. Your extraordinary work is certainly appreciated.

I am proud to be a Seamonkey User.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Multiple Seamonkey and Firefox Profiles: Everything but the Kitchen Sync

2011-03-03 Thread get-funky.dig
I suspect I'm not the only user who maintains multiple Firefox and Seamonkey 
profiles. Whatever the reason for doing so (i.e. to have profiles w/ few xpi's 
installed, some targeting web dev, some social b.s., separate e-mail config, 
another for... whatever), I find some quirks imposed by the otherwise groovy 
"Sync" bit. 

Remarkably, I didn't recognize the global affect of Sync-- from Firefox to 
Seamonkey-- until I found myself forever tweaking my "Bookmarks bar", when it 
finally occurred to me that the changes to the toolbar items, and the 
arrangement thereof, was not mere manifestation of poo-brain[1] or simply as 
bookmarks used to be-- different in every browser. 
The madness into which I indulged, addictive, fervently chasing the dragon 
after so many unique www-browser invocations (Fox / Monkey, separate unique 
instances, many profiles); as imposed if by poltergeist, the continuing 
appearance of disarray-- after I'd ordered them-- finally came to a sensible 
resolve when I realized my efforts were my own undoing. 
It occurs to me now, perhaps the Sync users-- like "Opera Link" users 
preceding-- should be more challenged by some hurdles before Sync is activated, 
to allow Mozilla / add-on dev'rs opportunity to more forcibly impose fair 
warning of the implications of "Sync"-ing multiple profiles, browsers, etc. 
In short (right), what first confounded me, later seemed only nature; to be 
expected from /merging/ sources (never mind Sync is clearly in active 

Forgive me, for the above is not the primary topic I wished to present, but 
rather a preface to it. I wanted to acknowledge that I realize there are likely 
other users who maintain multiple profiles: I apologize if the following has 
already been covered, regarding Sync, and multiple profiles; 
seamonkey-sync/firefox-sync users. 
Due to Sync, which I so enthusiastically enabled, and configured 
across-the-board (without regret, for mozilla's model provides ample headroom, 
w/ the .json backups, etc), I find quite often the "Getting Started", along 
with "Most Visited 'smart bookmarks/ places'", and the RSS for "Latest 
Headlines" appear in my Bookmarks Toolbar. Considering the genius which I can 
only imagine must be employed to make the "Places" functional (smart 
bookmarks): why not configure Sync to exclude the "default" bookmarks from 
those accounts which have existed. Perhaps this isn't the best way to qualify 
the "problem". I reckon there is a more appropriate quality to impose as 
"criteria" for determining whether the "default" bookmarks are "Sync'd". I'll 
spare you the insult to your intelligence... uh.. or, wait-- is that my own?-- 
wishing to spare myself the humiliation of offering up any ideas. ha!

best regards

support-seamonkey mailing list

SM2.1b1 - Library Sort vs. Navigator-Menu::Bookmarks

2011-01-30 Thread get-funky.dig
please note unusual presentation of items, as appear in Seamonkey 2.1 Beta 1 
Navigator, main menu > Bookmarks

as shown, here:

In contrast, the /Library View/, or Bookmarks Manager, does not appear to 
behave abnormally, as sorted via "sort by name" (top level selected, for 
sorting "Bookmarks Menu").

NOTE: the skewed appearance of navigator menu > bookmarks items did not occur 
until after instance of user activity in Bookmarks Mgr window, where several 
items were updated (deleted, sorted, moved, etc.).

this SM2.1b2 installation is extended with the "Firefox Sync" add-on, and-- as 
such-- was synchronized automatically (i.e. apparently operating as desired), 
and manually via "Sync Now", during aforementioned organization of Library 
items. Skewed menu items not recognized until after Bookmarks Manager activity 
was finished, when user wished to re-open it-- discovering the BM Mgr menu item 
/ handler was out-of-place.

Other functionality seems unaffected. (this topic posted via affected browser, 
which has not yet been closed / re-opened [since menu items appear skewed]).

best regards.

(availability permitting, user will monitor the issue)
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