Small font displaying poorly on this website, but it looks good in Firefox

2016-10-12 Thread info
When I look at this website (this is the first time I noticed the problem), the 
small fonts are distorted. The same site looks fine in Firefox.
See this page as an example:

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: support-seamonkey Digest, Vol 57, Issue 104

2010-09-27 Thread Info WG

Mark Hansen
Date: 27/09/10 09:22:38
Subject: Re: Windows XP Pro. SP3's screen saver and monitor sleep not
startingwith SeaMonkey v2?

On 9/26/2010 11:10 PM, Ant wrote:
 On 9/26/2010 1:19 PM PT, Bill Spikowski typed:
 Is it me or does Windows XP Pro. SP3's screen saver and
monitor sleep
 sometimes not start with SeaMonkey v2 running? Has anyone else
 this too? 

Not unusual at all. With both of these services...screen saver and either
monitor "sleep" or system "sleep", ANY system activity in general will tick
off, or more precisely, trigger ON/OFF the aforementioned items.

In days gone past, it used to be only mouse movement or a keyboard key
being pressed would trigger screen saver and either monitor
"sleep" or system "sleep" to disable and allow the system to come back to

However, in the case of browsers, there's enough code or thread background
activity to sometimes NOT allow screen saver and either monitor
"sleep" or system "sleep" to enable, or to come on, as we would expect them
to, when the alloted time has been reached.

As far as browsers are concerned, this observed activity is and has been
seen in SeaMonkey, Internet Explorer, Firefox, and others...and sometimes
in other applications as well.

I will say one thing, though, when users or we updated to XP SP3, we
frankly never had so many quirks, problems, or even sudden failures of
systems... certainly not seen in XP SP2. It's our humble opinion that XP
SP3 leaves something tangible to be desired.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: There are several Names...

2010-08-14 Thread Info WG
As ELO said in a song,
What's in a name...

With a name like Joe...we can get Joe, Joey, Josephine, Joseph and who
knows what else from that one. And that's only counting English.

As far as Beverly is concerned, via travels in Britain, Bev is the general
masculine name, and Beverly the usual feminine.

Ahh, those plucky British...always able to get most out of one


From: Paul B. Gallagher
Phillip Jones wrote:

 There are several Names Beverly being one that can be used as Man's
 or a Woman's Name.
 Some though have different spellings.
 Gale, Gayle, and Gail all sound exactly like. But Only Gale can be
 as a Man's Name.
 Gene and Jean  (Gene being male)
 Jamie can be either Male or female
 There are others I can't think of right now.

The two most commonly used on Saturday Night Live to take advantage of 
this are Pat (Patrick/Patricia) and Chris (Christopher/Christine).

And of course many foreign names, because we don't recognize them, could

be anything. A Korean will know instantly that Daehan and Minguk are 
masculine and Miran and Obok are feminine, but no American would

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: seamonkey.exe launches itself and the XP problem

2010-07-30 Thread Info WG
Attention Beverly and Others

 I have killed the process (making sure
it was the LAST one). One 
time I just stared hard at it - and SM started! 

Re: seamonkey.exe and the XP problem

 I have killed the process (making sure
it was the LAST one). One 
time I just stared hard at it - and SM started! 

Not sure if the affected person is running XP or not, but the following has
been seen in a few SM and other applications, AND can be occasionally seen
in Vista and rarely but still seen in Win 7:

The XP problem - "Launch
Folder Windows in a Separate Process"

In Windows XP SP1 through SP3:

Control Panel  Folder Options  View tab
Clear or make sure that in the drop-down list, that the "Launch Folder Windows in a Separate
 check-box is cleared (aka unchecked), especially IF one seems to be having
a problem with applications mysteriously showing up multiple times in Task
Manager or other third-party utilities that do task manager-like

If the above IS a problem, it can mean hours of head-scratching and
operational problems with what appear to be multiple copies of SM, and as a
primary root cause of the mysterious "it just launches itself..." as


29/07/10 20:55:15,

From: Beverly Howard
Date: 29/07/10 15:03:35
Subject: Re: seamonkey.exe

  I have killed the process (making sure it was the LAST one). One

time I just stared hard at it - and SM started! 

Several thoughts...

Make sure that SM's edit/pref/advanced/quicklaunch is off

Make sure that Task Managers "All Processes" is checked

Click Task Managers image name column header to sort alphabetically 
which will group multiple SM instances together

if that does not narrow things down, drop to DOS and issue;

netstat -ano

This will show all current network connections as well as the PID of the

app or service that created the connection.  If there is something bogus

going on, doing this will allow you to pin down who's doing what... tip,

use the up arrow to reissue this command at short intervals which will 
help spot processes that are "phoning home" then quickly disconnecting.

If SM is still reloading by itself, I would then strongly suspect that 
something malicious is launching it.

Beverly Howard

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: can't get mail

2010-07-23 Thread Info WG

My port incoming was 25 and SSL/TLS was

My outgoing port was 110

I made your recommended changes, it now
works. Did my settings change. 
If they did I didn't change them and it
has been working for several years.
Thanks very much

More likely, we all find that the various
services we use are and have changed their server settings such as ports,
Email settings, et al quite a bit.

Hence, it may not always be that our
local computer settings or the local software settings have worked for
sometimes years, then suddenly no more; it may well be that the remote
Email and other servers have and are changing their settings, usually in
response to changing standards, server attacks or general security, etc,

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re:HTML Email and Signature file - graphic possible ?

2010-07-05 Thread Info WG
To Mark Hansen and others...

Sending or receiving HTML Email does not mean, and should not imply getting
spam, virulli, and all manner of problems.

In clear fact, one could say that the vast a\majority of Emails may well be
HTML or at least sent to those capable of seeing both HTML and Text
messages -- and the world clearly has not collapsed.

Although that's not to say as a blanket statement that no ill comes from
either Text or HTML Email's, they in general work fine, and the various
routes they take can be scanned for any offensive nasty codes for the most it at your end before they are sent, at the various web-servers /
email servers or on your end of the line when they are received by you.

There may well be times that HTML Email may be the best way to impart
information that Text Email simply can not accomplish, or you may find Text
Email well suited to ones lifestyle. But totally condemning HTML Email may
mean that you or others may be missing out on new agenda or needs, then
again, maybe not.


=== Message Immediate Trail ===
From: Phillip Jones
Date: 04/07/10 20:36:42
Subject: Re: Signature file - graphic possible ?

Manuel Reimer wrote:
 DoctorBill wrote:
 Actually - I did not mean for this News Group, but for General

 You shouldn't do this there, either. But it's up to you. If you
 HTML to one of my accounts, you'll never get answer, as plain HTML
 automatically marked as junk mail.



I always use a Plain text Signature file even in html File. I am one of

these people that can actually read email formatted with HTML as opposed

to Plain text. But since so many people profess to hate html mail I use

plain text except for those people I know don't mind it.


You cannot insert pictures into plain-text messages. Plain text is
text. You can do ASCII art, but I realize that is not what you're

If you want to send HTML, you should make sure your recipient is OK
with it. Those that understand the danger in HTML e-mail simply won't
even look at it. Of course there are a lot of people out there that
just don't know any better. They're the ones always complaining about
getting viruses, etc. :-\

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Address book + Get rid of SM email or I et rid of browser!

2010-04-16 Thread Info WG
Firefox does not
have an address book, in fact Firefox has no email 

If you are accessing email through Firefox, any email features
 will be part of the email service that you are using and not Firefox. 
You need to check with the email service or application for the email


From: Ray_Net
Date: 15/04/10 16:41:17
Subject: Re: Get rid of SM email or I et rid of browser!

Philip Chee wrote:
 On Thu, 15 Apr 2010 16:27:05 +0200, Ray_Net wrote:
 Daniel wrote:

 Jane, I think the problem here *might* be that Firefox uses
the same
 format addressbook as SeaMonkey, so there is no need to import
it, just
 open the Firefox Address Book, select Manage Address book (or
 and point Firefox to the location of the SeaMonkey Address

 Why not copying the SM adressbook in the place of the FF one ?

 Uh? Firefox has an addressbook? Since when? And how do you access it

I have used the same word ..but they certainly speaked about bookmark ?

! isn't it

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Vista and Windows 7 are the same

2010-02-18 Thread INFO WG

   First of all, Vista and Windows 7 are the same.


They may share some common features for a particular purpose, but they 
are most certainly NOT the same!  

 end of snippet  

Well, yes and no. Strictly speaking, Windows 7 is a partial re-write -- a 
rather small one -- of the near disaster that Vista became. There are somewhat 
major changes in Win 7 as far as how XP level calls and applications are run, 
hence the need to have XP Mode, etc.
However, there's a yes in there, as other than the above and a few terribly 
minuscule other codes, Win 7 and Vista are remarkably the same.
Another way to put it, did people really think that MS could bring out a 
totally new and improved OS such as Win 7 a mere relatively few months after 
bringing out the all new Vista... ??  Not hardly.
Some say that Win 7 is Vista with a new face on it...well, that rings more true 
than not, but there are also some material changes in there, mostly to solve 
the problems and dead-ends that plagued Vista users and those coming over from 


- Original Message ---

Date: Wed, 17 Feb 2010 17:30:54 -0500
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed
Subject: Re: SM1 and SM2 config/profile locations with Windows Vista
Message: 4

David Wilkinson wrote:

 Ray_Net wrote:
 I expected SM1 and SM2 config/profile locations with Windows Vista
 not the two places of a mozilla directory in Windows7.

 In other words,and in short, after remove SM1 and install SM2 in a Vista
 machine Where is the directory(ies)(profile stuff) of the old SM1 that i
 can delete ? superb if i have the directories(profile stuff) of SM1 and
 SM2 explained.
 First of all, Vista and Windows 7 are the same.


They may share some common features for a particular purpose, but they 
are most certainly NOT the same!

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Email can't be sent errors on SM, others

2010-02-12 Thread INFO WG
RE: Potential item to check: 

Problems with SM, Thunderbird and other Email systems
Generally seen Error: Emails can't be sent, receives seem to work OK

This happened to us using both SM 2.0.3 (and older SM), and also using 
Thunderbird 3.x, as the Email tools of choice. Ditto for a few other Email 
tools that we periodically test

The STMP port used to send Email may need to be changed to correct this... this 
being the error message regarding Email can't be sent or similar messages 
that we see.
One prime example is that when we changed from Comcast to Knology as our 
broadband supplier, our normally working Email was:
Port: 25

This has worked for years.
But with Knology as the broadband suppler, no Email worked...could not send at 
all, but receiving Email worked OK.
After a bit of head scratching -- and half a pizza later -- we changed the port to 587 (a commonly used port for Email apps and the email 
services and servers), and from that point onwards, everything worked properly 
and has continued to do so.
Moral:  Check it out, as it might help others. Port 25 CAN be set to 587 and a 
lot of things work better for a lot of people.

The need to try out port 587 may or may not be linked only to Comcast, Knology, 
Cox or any number of broadband suppliers, but it appears linked to SM, 
Thunderbird and a few other Email tools having send problems. Re-porting to 
587 may just solve the problems.

support-seamonkey mailing list

RE: URL needed again For SeaMonkey 2.0.3

2010-02-07 Thread INFO WG
Re: Testing For SeaMonkey 2.0.3

Now that The Great Move to the Newer Older Home -- and new home and technical 
office -- has been effected...
What is the URL for SeaMonkey 2.0.3, or at least the nightly test Builds ?
I ask again, as we changed broadband suppliers, and the last SM URL we had does 
not seem to be working -- hopefully it's just my settings on this end.

Thanking one and all in advance...

- Original Message ---

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Testing For SeaMonkey 2.0.3 - help wanted! (Robert Kaiser)
support-seamonkey mailing list

RE: Suggested look at as SM Macro Recorder / Player

2009-11-19 Thread INFO WG
RE:Suggested to look at as a SM Macro Recorder / Player




Obviously can be applied to far more than SeaMonkey 2, but has so far been 
effective and intuitive to use with SM2. Currently being tested and used here 
as Windows-only in vTask version 7.63. There's some word that cross-platform 
being considered at some stage.

A very capable tool for macro-izing and speeding up simple-to-complex SM 
tasks. Am testing in the various SM modules, appears to work and communicate 
with all.

Would not yet call this a wholesale endorsement, but it's making friends 


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2 Composer Preview links need to be made active

2009-10-31 Thread INFO WG
Leonidas Jones
put forth:

The Composer component is probably the lowest priority for the volunteer

Take a look at KompoZer:

Does it do what you want it to do?

If so, that is said to be the basis for SM Composer as of 2.1, if all 
goes well.

Hopefully no, and here are the humble reasons:

1. Kompozer as it exists right now, is just a glorified and too-limited NVU. It 
may well be overkill for SM 2.01 and maybe even SM 2.1, as NVU can't begin to 
hold a candle to the really fair-to-good HTML editors. SM might need too much 
to compete with them, too.

SM 2 users need something nice as far as HTML editing and quick composition, 
and perhaps Composer 2.01 in SM 2 is the better answer.

2. We don't need a small, underpowered HTML editor (essentially a modified NVU) 
IN SM 2, but yes, SM 2.01 needs a slight bit more than what the initial SM 2 
Composer has. 

Again, the Preview links not working is one of THE please-fix-sooner needs for 
SM 2.01
3. We DO need a SM 2.01... because it's going to take too long to do SM 2.1.

And do we really want to wait that long ??  Even the one or two SM 2 volunteer 
programmers (God bless them, one and both or all!) themselves...would they want 
to wait that long? 

More needed is to get the few nagging SM 2.0 things fixed in a 2.01 and get 
2.01 out to the users. THEN turn efforts to a SM 2.1 perhaps in 1ST quarter 

IF NVU can add a little more power and automated features, then yes, it might 
make it into SM 2.1, and be a fair contender for a low-end HTML editor with 
some pretty good muscles, I will grant it that potential.
But not at the expense of ignoring a needed SM 2.01, one with the Composer 
Preview links optioned to make them globally active or not.


-- message trail --

Subject: Re: Follow-up, SM2 Composer Preview mode not activating links
Message: 8

JR WG wrote:

 RE: SM2 Composer Preview mode not activating links, thus not allowing them 
 to be clicked on to test and/or cause a browser to be automatically opened 
 to the link.

 I.  SM2 and Composer Introduction in Workshops

 Well, after two Workshops (we give quite a few), I introduced SM2 to a total 
 of 42 users of both fairly neophyte and, we can safely say, intermediate and 
 advanced users.

 To a one, well, with one wavering, all stated that SM2 Composer Preview 
 mode not activating links is either a programming error or a bug.

 I politely explained how links were expected to be used and tested in SM2 
 Composer, and received a resounding series of replies that boiled down to:

 1. Who would want to do all that work, just to test a link?
 2. None of the other HTML editors does it that way, why change it now ?
 3. There has to be something wrong in Composer, no matter what the 
 4. Any Windows, Mac, and Linux editors and tools seen always activate the 
 links in their respective Preview modes. Ditto for the now old Windows 
 Outlook and Outlook Express Preview modes.

 I humbly agree with the above, maybe all four of the most heard responses.

 II. The Acid Test

 So, in light of the above, we as a group used three or four common HTML 
 editors and one dedicated web-design tool, and compared the workload, steps, 
 intuitiveness and time it took to do simple link work in those tools 
 versus SM 2 Composer NOT having links activated in Preview mode.

 Frankly, SM 2 Composer took far more steps to achieve the same results, and 
 that's a sin. The extra steps and work that not having links active in 
 Preview is simply not acceptable nor needed to be done that way.

 ALL the other editors and tools activate links in their respective Preview 
 modes, and that activity has long been considered proper and correct 
 activity or option, for a great many years.

 SM2 Composer Preview mode not activating links is NOT correct, and should be 
 considered an oversight if not a programmer's bug in SM Composer 2.0...and 
 fixed as soon as prudently possible in a 2.01, or 2.1, providing that a 2.1 
 would not be too long in forthcoming.


The Composer component is probably the lowest priority for the volunteer

Take a look at KompoZer:

Does it do what you want it to do?

If so, that is said to be the basis for SM Coposer as of 2.1, if all 
goes well.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2 Modal window - password manager - Vol 46, Issue 129

2009-10-28 Thread INFO WG
RE: SM 2 modal windows and that password manager... wrote:
 Well, except for the totally ill-conceived trashing of the modal windows.
 If I have multiple accounts for a single site (say, American Express, 
 which I do, and many many other sites), and the reason I stored that 
 account info in SeaMonkey in the first place was because I can't and 
 don't want to have to recall the arcane login info, then, no, the new 
 paradigm doesn't work.  snipped for brevity 
For Pete's sake, just return or do SM 2's modal windows and SM's password 
manager to how it's done in Firefox 3.5x.
Frankly, NONE of the browsers methods seem perfect -- as we all have somewhat 
interesting and special needs in that area -- but so far, this observer feels, 
and I am hopeful others do, that Firefix 3.5x got it nearer to better or 
right than SM2 ever will, judging from how SM 2.0 has it done...or not done.
Right now, SM 2 is a modal window password mangler...not a manager. 
As good overall that SM 2 has turned out, does it really deserve a mangler ?
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM 2 needs - Navigation Toolbar

2009-10-28 Thread INFO WG
SM 2 needs as seen...

1. Navigation Toolbar needs more icons and choices.


- Open a New Tab
- Open a New Window

These would be in addition to, NOT replacing, the Open a new tab mini-icon 
that by default sits under and to the left of the navigation toolbar in the 
Tabs bar.

Clearly, there need to be more Navigation Toolbar icons and choices than the 
above two, but they seem initially most needed.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: SM RC2 Build 3 Win location

2009-10-18 Thread INFO WG
Atten: Robert Kasiser

Robert, the latest SM RC2 Build 3 that is the Build we need to be Windows 
testing, that is the 13MB file at:

Index of 


Just making sure, as at this time, I see a file dated Oct 17th:

and then the above one dated Oct 17th:

so I will wait a while, then go for the latest and largest Win file.

Not SURE what the .mar file suffix means -- UNLESS it means that the server is 
currently updating (will wait a while to be sure), but I will sort that out.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Lightning with SM 2 RC and TBird 3

2009-10-16 Thread INFO WG
To: Robert Kaiser


  Webdude wrote:
 I had lighting running in Seamonkey 2.0 Beta, however when I try to
 install it to RC1, it breaks everything. Any ideas?

You need to use a nightly from tomorrow or later, those work in RC1 and 

Robert Kaiser  
I am of course checking as Lightning Updates the nightly code, but any word if 
or does the after Saturday Oct 17 (?) improved Lightning not only work with the 
newest SM 2 RC's, but also it still works (doesn't break anything) on say TBird 
2.x or the 3.x TBird Beta or RC's ?

That's all going to be tested here of course, but never hurts to ask around.
Also, the nightly server URL for Lightning (Windows) is:
Thank you.


- Original Message ---

Webdude wrote:
 I had lighting running in Seamonkey 2.0 Beta, however when I try to
 install it to RC1, it breaks everything. Any ideas?

You need to use a nightly from tomorrow or later, those work in RC1 and 

Robert Kaiser

Content-Type: message/rfc822
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
From: Jim S
Precedence: list
MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 2009 00:48:59 +0100
Message-ID: 17ly2avjekku3$
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Subject: Re: Lighting in Seamonkey 2.0 RC1
Message: 6

On Thu, 15 Oct 2009 16:44:39 -0700 (PDT), Webdude wrote:

 I had lighting running in Seamonkey 2.0 Beta, however when I try to
 install it to RC1, it breaks everything. Any ideas?

I guess you mean Lightning and I too have tried to install the newest
nightly in RC1 without success.
Jim S

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From: NoOp
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MIME-Version: 1.0
In-Reply-To: 17ly2avjekku3$
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 18:15:06 -0700
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
Subject: Re: Lighting in Seamonkey 2.0 RC1
Message: 7

On 10/15/2009 04:48 PM, Jim S wrote:
 On Thu, 15 Oct 2009 16:44:39 -0700 (PDT), Webdude wrote:
 I had lighting running in Seamonkey 2.0 Beta, however when I try to
 install it to RC1, it breaks everything. Any ideas?
 I guess you mean Lightning and I too have tried to install the newest
 nightly in RC1 without success.

Bookmark this link if you are using linux:
or for Windows:
Actually, drag it to your Navigation toolbar so you'll be able to easily
find it.

From the browser: about:config
add (right click in the Preference name area  click New|Boolean)
Set it to false.

Now go to the above and and double-click the lightning.xpi - you should
then be able to install.

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From: Russell
Precedence: list
MIME-Version: 1.0
References: hb3smo$
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 22:11:39 -0400
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Subject: Re: Seamonkey v2 RC - How to disable email feature?
Message: 8

On Thu, 15 Oct 2009 08:43:07 -0700, David E. Ross nob...@nowhere.invalid

If user.js still works with SM 2

Did a search of the Seamonkey install folder and user.js does not exist


Content-Type: message/rfc822
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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
From: Mark Hansen
Precedence: list
MIME-Version: 1.0
References: hb3smo$

Re:SM 2.x Convert emails to plain text

2009-10-15 Thread INFO WG
Re: Convert emails to plain text

Thank you, Stanimir...
Extensions once more to the rescue.
My comments were more pertaining to the depth of the do it manually 
instructions that I read...but a good extension like ImportExportTools 
(MboxImport enhanced) sounds like just the answer needed.


 With instructions that simple it would take users, neophyte to 
 computing or to SM, hours to master.
 Why not have an SM 2.x option to Export some, one mail box, 
 selected or all messages to standard text files, knowing that 
 those files with HTML (graphics and/or RTF level content) or 
 attachments would of course have to be handeled.

That's stupid.  Why I haven't thought of the ImportExportTools 
(MboxImport enhanced) extension (I'm using myself), earlier:

It provides context menu options like:

Export all messages in a folder as Plain text format (one file)

and more.

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Exact URL for the SM 2.0 Nightly Builds directory

2009-10-11 Thread INFO WG
RE: Nightly Builds Seamonkey 2.0

1.  In this case it was an obvious (JavaScript Debugger FTW) oversight so 
chances are the fix will still make 2.0.

2.  That's fixed for the next nightly (and consequently RC2) already.
I keep looking for it, but the last SM 2.0 Nightly Build for the RC's server 
location keeps on not coming up -- from here, nothing happens, no server error 
dialog. Have already flushed the browser cache as well, just to be sure. 
What is the exact URL for the SM 2.0 Nightly Builds directory again ?
Thanks to all.


support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Testing Thunderbird 3.0b3...

2009-07-09 Thread INFO WG
Daniel wrote...

What's this doing in the SeaMonkey group??

Sure we're waiting on TB 3.0 to be finalized before SM 2.0 will be 
outed, but really!!


SeaMonkey 2 and Thunderbird 3 are essentially inexorably linked, like it or not.
Knowing at least the status of TBird 3 overall means also knowing more the 
status of SeaMonkey 2, even though a great many of us may prefer SM 2 to TB 3.

This linkage as also seen in SM messages will likely cease pretty fast, 
especially as SM's features and unique capabilities really shine through.

- Original Message ---

Date: Thu, 09 Jul 2009 11:31:45 +1000
Subject: Re: Testing Thunderbird 3.0b3...
Message: 3

JR WG wrote:
 Also sending separate Email to you, Ludovic...
 RE:  Testing Thunderbird 3.0b3 starting Thursday July 9th 2009
 Can you verify that we can test Thunderbird 3 without overwriting or losing 
 our existing TBird 2 access or installation, in case we need to revert back 
 to TBird 2 for some reason.
 We should know that answer beforehand.
 Thank you,

What's this doing in the SeaMonkey group??

Sure we're waiting on TB 3.0 to be finalized before SM 2.0 will be 
outed, but really!!


support-seamonkey mailing list

To Robert Kaiser - What's latest SM 2 nightly Build page

2009-07-05 Thread INFO WG

What's the main page that leads or directly shows the latest nightly builds for 
SeaMonkey 2 ?


seem to either work or show the very latest...

Thank you...



Robert Kaiser wrote:

 On 07/04/2009 11:20 PM:
 If it happens repeatedly for a few days, please file a bug report. We
 switched to creating nightlies differently, see

 Problems are always possible with such switches.

 Robert Kaiser

Yes Robert, saw your switch !!
it seems though that the symlinks are not fully in place, or broken
shows old versions...

support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: Java JVM Ver6 Build 14 not run or install on SeaMonkey

2009-06-26 Thread INFO WG
One should also note that the Sun Java installer error is seen (at least until 
Sun staffers fix it and re-issue a 100% working installer) in XP SP1, SP2 level 
machines more than seen somewhat more rarely in SP3 level XP machines, and is 
very rarely seen in Vista machines.
Information and discussions with both MS insiders and InstallShield staffers so 
far brings more finger pointing than anything else, but again, IF you or other 
users see the problem, it appears to have an easy workaround:

The importance of mentioning all this in many Forums, SeaMonkey included, is 
that it affects most all updating Java users, or systems or applications that 
depend on Java for certain proper operations or browser or Email display, etc, 


- Original Message ---

From: James
Subject: Re: Java JVM Ver6 Build 14 not run or install on SeaMonkey

. Sun Forums
The specified thread [0] was not found.
I upgraded to the latest Java a few days ago and it did not work on SM 
116.  Then I upgraded to SM 117 and now Java works fine.


INFO WG wrote:
 RE: Sun Java JVM Ver6 Build 14 not running / installing on SeaMonkey
 Be advised that Sun has a major Installer problem on their hands with this 
 JVM version, aka JRE update 14, aka . Seems to affect XP machines much more 
 than Vista machines.
 The problem has a GOOD EASY fix, so
 Some of the communications + fix RE: this problem is at:
 as the problem affects the users, systems, and if you can't solve the 
 Installer problem as above, the JVM is usually not installed at all and you 
 are and will remain Java-less and SOL.

support-seamonkey mailing list

RE: Java JVM Ver6 Build 14 not run or install on SeaMonkey

2009-06-24 Thread INFO WG
RE: Sun Java JVM Ver6 Build 14 not running / installing on SeaMonkey
Be advised that Sun has a major Installer problem on their hands with this JVM 
version, aka JRE update 14, aka . Seems to affect XP machines much more than 
Vista machines.

The problem has a GOOD EASY fix, so
Some of the communications + fix RE: this problem is at:
as the problem affects the users, systems, and if you can't solve the Installer 
problem as above, the JVM is usually not installed at all and you are and will 
remain Java-less and SOL.


- Original Message ---

Ain't have none.
support-seamonkey mailing list

Re: support-seamonkey Digest, Vol 39, Issue 93

2009-03-25 Thread INFO WG

Attention to HeavyDuty and et al...

RE:  Just curious about error 4.1.2  

There's a few software and software / hardware units that can generate their 
version of what a error 4.1.2 is...

PHP, AMX, host server not found or not responding, sometimes related to Linux 
(and many times not) etc., etc.
Would help to know the ENTIRE content and as much of the audit trail you are 
talking about or were doing...

I can send a Copernic Agent search report that lists the 50+ accurate search 
hits that mention error 4.1.2 and appears to be some detailed useful 
information in almost all hits..


- Original Message ---

Subject: support-seamonkey Digest, Vol 39, Issue 93
   Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 22:17:28 -0700

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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Content-Description: Today's Topics (10 messages)

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Sick windows machine (JeffM)
   2. Just curious about error 4.1.2 (HeavyDuty)
   3. Re: Sick windows machine (Lester Caine)
   4. Re: Sick windows machine (JeffM)
   5. Re: Just curious about error 4.1.2 (Moz Champion (Dan))
   6. Re: Request for Seamonkey 2.0 (
   7. Re: Just curious about error 4.1.2 (HeavyDuty)
   8. Re: Just curious about error 4.1.2 (Moz Champion (Dan))
   9. Re: HTML and text (Daniel)
  10. Re: Just curious about error 4.1.2 (Gregory Hicks)

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From: JeffM
Precedence: list
MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 17:31:18 -0700 (PDT)
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Subject: Re: Sick windows machine
Message: 1

Lester Caine wrote:
[...]It's only the one machine that is NOT seeing these sites.
Just discovered that it does not like
either so I can't run windows update :(

Raise your right hand and repeat this:
I know that these sites use the LEAST-SECURE mechanism on the planet
yet I am willing to expose my Windoze install
to any infections they might want to shove down my throat.

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Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
From: HeavyDuty
Precedence: list
MIME-Version: 1.0
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2009 19:50:06 -0500
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
Subject: Just curious about error 4.1.2
Message: 2

SM 1.1.15, WinXP Pro SP3

Just curious,
I was sending a simple very small text e-mail. After a 
minute of sending but no completion, I got an error 
message that said the smtp server replied error 4.1.2, and 
recipient domain not found.
Since I was replying to a known sender, I neither mistyped 
nor missent.
I called my ISP to find out what error 4.1.2 was. The 
support guy said he had no idea and besides it was an error 
code generated by my e-mail client, not the isp.
So, did seamonkey generate this error code or did it get it 
from my isp and patch it into the error window?

After closing the error window, I just hit send again in the 
compose window and, after some hesitation, it went through.

I am still wanting know what error code 4.1.2 is all about. 
I /think/ it comes from an internet code protocol standard, 
but I could not find it. Thanks.

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From: Lester Caine
Precedence: list
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