Re: [Biofuel] [Fwd: Re: [DCBiodieselcoop] Police Check Point - fuel dye test.]

2006-04-12 Thread Chris & Chuck McGuire
Hakan Falk wrote:

Big snip...

If you are buying your fuel, you are paying taxes.  Having spent the 
last 25 years in law enforcement, my advice to anyone who is "asked" by 
a police officer if they may do whatever, like dip your tank to check 
for dyed fuel, I would politely respond "May I see your warrant 
authorizing this search?".  If you are observed putting dyed fuel in a 
rig, a warrant would probably not be necessary.  This was a fishing 
expedition.  If they can't tell that your truck is a diesel while 
sitting there, they probably wouldn't know dyed diesel from a hole in 
the ground either.


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Re: [Biofuel] Kyoto- termites CH4

2005-02-22 Thread Chris & Chuck McGuire

woods.  The bears were here first.  I look at all of the trees dying in 
Western Montana of pine bark beetle, another natural phenomenon caused 
in part by a warmer, dryer climate, and wonder why we don't cut them, 
burn them in power plants like the one in Thompson Falls, Montana USA 
and recycle the carbon into electricity.  At the same time wildfire 
risks are moderated.  Instead when this kind of logging is proposed, 
lawsuits are the inevitable consequence.  I have watched hundreds of 
thousands of acres of Montana burn in the last few years, while the 
loggers want to strip mine the forests, and the tree huggers want to 
forbid any activity in the forests that might have any economic benefit 
to anyone.

bob allen wrote:

Howdy Kirk

Not to downplay the importance of methane to radiative forcing, but it 
has a half-life in the atmoshpere of only a few years, (it oxidises to CO2)

Now the big question:  how in the world do you propose to "manage" 
termites?  I can't even imagine what it means.

Regardless of who wrote:$File/ghg_gwp.pdf 

Nice discussion re most aspects.

Since CH4 may be 50 times more effective than CO2 as a
greenhouse gas it seems termite management might be


Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Latest Consumer Reports

2005-03-06 Thread Chris & Chuck McGuire

West at 55mph.
Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Problems with the Biofuel list

2005-03-26 Thread Chris & Chuck McGuire

I hardly believe that falling on your sword is necessary.  People being 
people, we will rub one another the wrong way from time to time. 
Machines and software being what they are, they will fail sometimes 
also.  This forum, warts and all provides valuable information for all 
of us, without the commercial necessities that power Yahoo.  I want to 
thank all of the JTF crew for their energy and efforts.

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Re: [Biofuel] The myth behind "non-taxable, " off-road fuel was Re: There derrivatives of Barrel Oil, have you wondered ?

2005-08-29 Thread Chris & Chuck McGuire
Here in Montana the differrence is $0.50 per gallon.  And that is 
probably why the Highway Patrol and GVW departments are advertisiing 
about the illegality of using dyed fuel in your on-road vehicle.  Of 
course, they have to have probable cause to stop you to dip your tank...

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Re: [Biofuel] Debatable statement?

2005-09-16 Thread Chris & Chuck McGuire
I would be inclined to think that turbocharging, or possibly 
supercharging the engine would be a better alternative.  Of course you 
will have to fabricate all of the parts, and I would wager that the 
injector pump won't be able to deliver the extra fuel that significant 
boost would require for full power.  Where I live in SW Montana,USA, my 
1994 IDI Diesel Ford truck (not my daily driver) could use a wastgated 
turbocharger just so that I could reach sea level power.  My home is at 
6400 feet, and as such, my power is down about 22 percent right from the 
get go.  If I could fund a new turbocharger and exhaust system, and get 
boost to 20 pounds absolute manifold pressure, performance would 
increase, and less fuel would leave the tailpipe as black smoke.  As an 
aside, I have noticed that when I run my truck on B-20 commercial fuel, 
when it smokes, the smoke is gray, rather than black, which I take to be 

Thanks for listening,


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Re: [Biofuel] 2 questions about BD production

2005-09-22 Thread Chris & Chuck McGuire

> As for #1 diesel, I have seen it at truck refueling places, where you
> can sometimes get #1, #2, or a 50/50 blend of them, but never at the
> local gas station.  And even the #2 diesel at truck stops seems to run
> better than the diesel from in town gas stations.  I suspect that
> these places don't sell enough diesel to people who care to bother
> getting high quality stuff.

Around here, we see number one or a blend come October.  The pour point 
of number one is substantially lower than number two, and when it's -40 
out, fuel gelling can get to be a big problem, very fast.

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Re: [Biofuel] Brazil's ethanol effort

2005-06-23 Thread Chris & Chuck McGuire

 While you may have your finger on something important here, I don't
> see why an electric fuel preheater and high pressure multi port fuel
> injection couldn't solve the cold weather vaporization issue
> completely.

Unfortunately, those of us who live and work in cold climates do not 
always have line power available to heat up our engines.  My diesel Ford 
is a very marginal starter when temperatures get below -30 F.  The 
workaround is to go out and start the thing and get it warmed up every 
few hours when I can't plug it in.  This is not very efficient or 
economical.  In a gas (alcohol) burner, it is even less efficient.

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