[Biofuel] Global Warming: It's All About Energy (Keith Addison)

2007-02-21 Thread John Wilson
it inevitably 
will increase the emission of carbon dioxide and so hasten the  buildup of 
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, thus causing  irreversible climate change.

This in my opinion is without a doubt the greatest con ever perpetuated on 
mankind. I started to write an article called Chicken Little Strikes Again. CO2 
is Rising! CO2 is Rising!. A Scientific Rebutal! But it is such an important 
topic it has grown into a book and an article. There are only three things that 
you can do about global warming. Move! Adapt! or Die!

Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386) 
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
 Politics:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm
In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM . After 
9:00 it is okey to kill everyone. 
Not anymore! Smoke freedom day 6 th December 2006
Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming: It's All About Energy (Keith

2007-02-21 Thread John Wilson

I apologize John. In a previous post (Chicken Little Strikes Again!    
you wrote:
Doing an article to rebut this CO2 nonsense. It is so easy to refute. Anyone 
ever tell you people who are for this chicken little theory that C02 causes 
global warming  that heat rises. The co2 theory defies the laws of physic. If 
Co2 is intercepting radiant enery from the sun and stopping that energy from 
reaching the surface of the earth, ice fields and oceans and then carrying 
that energy to the atmosphere, then CO2 is not contributing to global warming 
it is slowing the process of global warming ie it is cooling.  Elimating or 
limiting  C02 in the atmosphiere will actually increase global warming not the 

 I thought you were joking. My reply to this included humor I wouldn't 
  have used had I thought you were serious. 

 I would, however, suggest that you learn something about  the laws of 
 physics before you write an article or a book in which you use them to 
 support your premise. It is my opinion that when you have sufficiently 
 studied the topic, with understanding of the actual laws of physics, you will 
 decide to write about something else.

 While I wholeheartedly disagree with what you said, it is never my 
intention to offend.
No apology necessary Tom! No offence taken! Tom I built and designed 
greenhouses, designed pumps, agitation systems, worked as a marine biologist 
worked in the greenhouse industry. Ran a weather station, an experimental 
station under the quidance of the National Research Council. Seven years 
university training in Science. I have done enough study in math calcius and 
physics. Tom. I do appreciate your reply in  fact I have made the whole book a 
reply to your email. It is working out quite well. Thanks again.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386) 
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
 Politics:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm
In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM . After 
9:00 it is okey to kill everyone. 
Not anymore! Smoke freedom day 6 th December 2006
Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming: It's All About Energy (Keith

2007-02-21 Thread John Wilson

I don't think you are going to find much agreement around here. I'd be 
willing to bet that a lot of the members of this list might not only 
disagree but find your comments somewhat offensive.  I know I do.


Sorry if the truth offends Joe! But I don't believe in living a lie!

Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386) 
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM . After 
9:00 it is okey to kill everyone. 
Not anymore! Smoke freedom day 6 th December 2006
Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Global Warming: It's All About Energy (Keith

2007-02-21 Thread John Wilson
If you're questioned again this time, don't ignore it.

By the way, I object to the change you made to the title: Re: 
[Biofuel] Global Warming: It's All About Energy (Keith Addison).

Didn't make any changes keith Just cut and paste same as I did this time. See i 
didn't ignore it!
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386) 
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
 Politics:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm
In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM . After 
9:00 it is okey to kill everyone. 
Not anymore! Smoke freedom day 6 th December 2006

Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386) 
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM . After 
9:00 it is okey to kill everyone. 
Not anymore! Smoke freedom day 6 th December 2006
Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Is the Deadly Crash of Our Civilization

2007-02-19 Thread John Wilson
I seem to remember something about a burning bush.  Perhaps it was related to 
the talking onion.  :)

Maybe Zeke! but you have to watch that burning bush. It can scorch your ass! 
The onion can only bring tears to your eyes.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386) 
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
 Politics:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm
In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM . After 
9:00 it is okey to kill everyone. 
Not anymore! Smoke freedom day 6 th December 2006
Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Is the Deadly Crash of Our Civilization

2007-02-18 Thread John Wilson
Fred Oliff wrote:
 screw the meek, they have had over 2000 years to do something and have 
 not, doth quote the Onion

 OK-who did the Onion Quote? Or should that be The Onion saith...

Wow! Taking guidance from a talking onion and they say, quote:the Jesus 
freaks end guote, have some weird ideas!

Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386) 
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
 Politics:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm
In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM . After 
9:00 it is okey to kill everyone. 
Not anymore! Smoke freedom day 6 th December 2006
Biofuel mailing list

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[Biofuel] reIs the Deadly Crash of Our Civilization Inevitable?

2007-02-14 Thread John Wilson
HI Peter,
So we better have figured out what to do before then
(about 4 billion years from now)!
We don't have the full 4 billion years. The next major catastrophy happens in 
about ten thousand. Let us hope it is just a small ice age and not a major one. 
I am still trying to get rid of the bolders the last ice age left behind. All 
northern cities and infrastructure will be wiped away by tons of ice. In the 
mean time if the earth rotates on its axis we won't even know which cities will 
be in the north and affected.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386) 
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
 Politics:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm
In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM . After 
9:00 it is okey to kill everyone. 
Not anymore! Smoke freedom day 6 th December 2006

Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386) 
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM . After 
9:00 it is okey to kill everyone. 
Not anymore! Smoke freedom day 6 th December 2006
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] Is the Deadly Crash of Our Civilization Inevitable?

2007-02-13 Thread John Wilson
Amazing! It was fortold over two thousand years ago that The meek shall 
inherit the earth. Mankind and all higher life forms are on a collision course 
with extinsion. At the time of the last ice age when the sun eventually fails 
to put out enough energy to subtain life the only life left on earth will be 
single cell organism living in vents underneath frozen oceans. We are not 
talking about the problem or  trying to find ways to avoid extinsion.  At this 
point in time we have no way of avoiding extinsion. Maybe not in the near 
future and we still have time to change the inevitable but at this juncture in 
time one has to definately say that unless we work to finding a solution the  
deadly crash of our civilization is inevitable.  
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386) 
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
 Politics:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm
In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM . After 
9:00 it is okey to kill everyone. 
Not anymore! Smoke freedom day 6 th December 2006
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] Chicken Little Strikes Again! CO2 is rising! C02 is rising!A scientific Rebutal

2007-02-05 Thread John Wilson
Doing an article to rebut this CO2 nonsense. It is so easy to refute. Anyone 
ever tell you people who are for this chicken little theory that C02 causes 
global warming  that heat rises. The co2 theory defies the laws of physic. If 
Co2 is intercepting radiant enery from the sun and stopping that energy from 
reaching the surface of the earth, ice fields and oceans and then carrying that 
energy to the atmosphere, then CO2 is not contributing to global warming it is 
slowing the process of global warming ie it is cooling.  Elimating or limiting  
C02 in the atmosphiere will actually increase global warming not the reverse.

Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386) 
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM . After 
9:00 it is okey to kill everyone. 
Not anymore! Smoke freedom day 6 th December 2006
Biofuel mailing list

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[Biofuel] WVO damaging paint easy way to correct the problem

2006-09-13 Thread John Wilson
No matter how much cleaning I did after I spilled a little WVO on the
car I ended up with a big, fat stain on the side of my car. I just had my
car painted and it is in show room condition so I did not want a fat stain
destroying the looks. I came up with a very simple solution. I took all the
fridge magnets off of the fridge and a plastic garbage bag. I pushed the
closed end of the garbage bag into the filler spout hatch and secured it
there with fridge magnets. I secured the rest of the garbage bag to the side
of the car with additional fridge magnets. Now if I spill any WVO none gets
on the paint. Works great.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM .
After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone.

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Let me choose

2006-03-23 Thread John Wilson

 Kenji, you have to watch when you are titrating. That 
stuff is cooking your brain.

Yours trulyJohn 
Wilson***Wilsonia Farm 
Kennel PreserveGoldensPh-Fax (902)665-2386) Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htmPups: 

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated 
areas only until 9:00 PM . After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone. 
^Nova Scotia going 
smoke-free in public by 2006 (FANTASTIC)

From: Kenji 
James Fuse [EMAIL PROTECTED]It has recently been postulatedthat a military coup has occurred 
here, as a military spokesman recentlyannounced that they are in Afghanistan 
and Iraq to 'kill people', not tobe peace keepers. This dramatic change in 
overt policy was not created inthe house of commons, or even the prime 
minister's office; instead, it wascreated by the ministry of defense, and 
the government has just gone alongwith it, embarrassed of losing credibility 
should the media and publicrealize they are not controlling the 
Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Pumping WVO from tanks

2005-10-10 Thread John Wilson
Collecting WVO
I collect with barrels but they are heavy, you have to have a crane to load
them. The better way is to get the reataurant to filter the waste into their
collecting pail and then when the WVO is cool, pour it back into the
original container. Much easier to handle.

I read a snip or website (cant remember for sure) where the homebrewer had
an agreement with the restaurant and would leave his own barrels at the
business and just swap them out with empties when they were full. it seems
the easiest solution to me.

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[Biofuel] Source for recycled WVO?

2005-09-04 Thread John Wilson
Hi Manny,
   Where are you located. I am setting up a WVO filtering system in Nova
Scotia and will be able to supply clean WVO. But that is no good to you if
you are in California. I presume the shipping would be to expensive.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM .
After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone.
Nova Scotia going smoke-free in public by 2006 (FANTASTIC)

Biofuel mailing list

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[Biofuel] Oil questions

2005-08-29 Thread John Wilson

Has anyone tried canola oil in their oil pan as a 
substitute for fossil oil. If so what were the results.
How many liters in a tonne of canola oil. 
spot price for Canola oil is $268.00 per tonne. How much is that per 
liter. I am taking a rough guess that a liter of canola oil weights .98 kgs 
roughly 26 cents per liter. 

Yours trulyJohn 
Wilson***Wilsonia Farm 
Kennel PreserveGoldensPh-Fax (902)665-2386) Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htmPups: 

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated 
areas only until 9:00 PM . After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone. 
^^^Nova Scotia going 
smoke-free in public by 2006 (FANTASTIC)
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[Biofuel] RE: WVO Filtration

2005-08-17 Thread John Wilson
The way I filter the WVO is I leave it in the collection barrell or in some
cases the orginal containers for a week in a warm place. In the summer, the
container is exposed to the sun to heat the oil and allow for better
I then decant the container and pour the liquid through the steel cone
filter that the restaurants use when they strain the oil. I don't try to
strain the junk in the bottom of the bucket. That stuff I will mix with
sawdust and try burning it in my wood stove this winter.
Beneath that cone filter is a funnel to which I have added a wire mesh to
keep the funnel neck from plugging with the nylon stocking that I have
streched over the funnel. I then pump the liquid using a ten micron
hydraulic filter. I have a series of settling tanks which I am presently
gearing up. When finished the WVO will be filtered into the first tank. They
are 45 gallon opaque plastic tanks with a cone shaped bottom. and a valve in
the bottom of the cone. Holes will be drilled through the sides of the tanks
just above the cone.The three to four tanks will be attached in a series
with plastic pipe. The last tank is the tank that I will be taking the WVO
for use from with a tap on the side of teh tank above the cone.. Any junk or
settlement will be drained out the bottom of the cone with the bottom
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM .
After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone.
Nova Scotia going smoke-free in public by 2006 (FANTASTIC)

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[Biofuel] Running on WVO

2005-08-13 Thread John Wilson
There are a few who are using 50:50 furnace and Bio to heat their homes in a
conventional oil furnace.. Has anyone tried a 50:50 mix of WVO and furnace
to do the same. I converted my VW to WVO, quit easy I might add and would
like to try WVO in the oil furnace. The pre heater was approximately $30.00
in cost and that expensive because I was in a hury to buy and did not shop
aroune. The pre heater consists of 10 ft  fuel grade 5/16 fabricated line
wrapped around my intake heated hose prior to the fuel going to my fuel
filter. Any one with experience using WVO in the furnace I would like to
hear from.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM .
After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone.
Nova Scotia going smoke-free in public by 2006 (FANTASTIC)

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[Biofuel] Re: seeds on the brain - small scale diesel

2005-07-15 Thread John Wilson
Excitement to dissapointment. I checked into the price of canola oil here.
It can only, on a small scale basis, be bought in 16 liter pails at a cost
of $24.00 cdn. $1.50 per liter not $00.40 /Liter.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM .
After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone.
Nova Scotia going smoke-free in public by 2006 (FANTASTIC)

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[Biofuel] Re: seeds on the brain - small scale diesel

2005-07-14 Thread John Wilson
Nonsense.What pays and what doesn't depends largely on the
manipulated state of that day's market.
 I haven't checked into the actual price but I was shocked when  told
that you can buy canola oil  in 20 liter pails for $00.40 Cdn/liter. Furnace
oil here is $00.70 cdn a liter. If these prices are correct why would anyone
want to grow their own canola or use fossil fuel to heat their home or run
in their diesel. Buy Food grade canola already purified free from conimants
and go from there.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM .
After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone.
Nova Scotia going smoke-free in public by 2006 (FANTASTIC).

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Re: [Biofuel] seeds on the brain - small scale diesel

2005-07-13 Thread John Wilson
Hi Mike,
  Extracting the oil from seed requires a process that is quite
expensive. Harvest equipment you could probably contract  out but unless you
are somewhere  where you can sell the cake or have livestock to feed the
cake to an
on site extractor I don't think would pay. Trucking the beans or seed to an
extractor and bringing back the oil would also be quite costly. One heck of
a lot better to pick up a source of used WVO.

Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM .
After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone.
Nova Scotia going smoke-free in public by 2006 (FANTASTIC)

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RE: [Biofuel] How many trees were killed to build your home ?

2005-07-07 Thread John Wilson

None! My house is over one hundred years old. The orginal trees, if left
would have been all killed by bark beetle or worse fire. The land they came
from is still forest and has probably been cut several times since the house
was built.. The paved road in front of the house has killed a lot of trees.
There hasn't been a tree there since the road was paved.  The lot on which
the house was built was field so the trees that were there were killed for
different reason than building the house.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve
Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)
Web:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
 Pups:  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM .
After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone.
Nova Scotia going smoke-free in public by 2006 (FANTASTIC)

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Bad news for Diesel driver

2005-03-10 Thread John Wilson

The proportion of displaceable space (where the piston travels) to
non-displaceable (everywhere else) has to be very high (20:1 or maybe
: 22:1) to get this compression. That doesn't leave much of a: possibility
to play with.

Why does the valve have to go up and down. at all? Why, instead of going up
and down, it turns. The cam hits an arm at right angles to the stem causing
the valve stem to rotate. On the other end is a patical dish with the valve
at the end of the dish. The valve is poped down and moved side ways. When
the cam lob clears the arm, the valve is returned and poped back into place.
I don't think the engineers did a whole lot of thinking about ways to
replace  the intergated engine.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM .
After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone.


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RE: [Biofuel] Latest Consumer Reports

2005-03-09 Thread John Wilson

Many are sheep, the question is who are going be be the ones 
that lead them until they can lead themselves.  


Many are sheep, and  Governments are wolves that feed on sheep!
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at Infoarchive.net (searchable):

[Biofuel] Re: Drying WVO - Is there a simple way

2005-03-09 Thread John Wilson

I haven't tried this yet so it is only theory. I bought an old cream
seperator(Centrifuge) and I am going to filter the wvo first then run it
through the seperator and hopefully seperate any water  from the WVO. Also
going to try and recover Methy that way. Did you see the news on CNN that
there is a country that makes a national drink from methanol called raki.
WOW! ethanol is bad enough , but drink methanol that is absolutely
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM .
After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone.


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Re: [Biofuel] Bad news for Diesel

2005-03-09 Thread John Wilson

I don't believe that with the high compressions required of a diesel
engine it is possible to have a
non-interference design. To get the
 high compression there is VERY little space at TDC. I don't think there
any way to design around
that. If the valves were recessed into the head
then  there would be more space underneath them.

Hi Eric,
 I used to believe that until VW introduced the new TDI. I always
thought that the working pressure in a diesel engine had to be high to get
performance and mileage then VW introduced the TDI and had to drop the
working pressure in the cylinder to make it work. They still keep the TDI as
an intergrated engine. They also incresed the performance and mileage with
the TDI over the high pressure 97 VW golf that I drive. So is an intergrated
engine for performance or is it for selling parts. It also could be the
case that it has been so easy producing  the intergrated engine that
thought to producing a non intergrated engine  is non existant.
The Belarus diesel has a manufactured hole in the piston that is 3.75 cm by
2.75 cm deep and it works fine. Because the intergrated design is so easy
engineers may not have looked at alternatives in septh, such as designing
the valve properly so that space needed for the valve to work is minimal by
shortning up the valve stem, changing the valve cam so the valve opens
faster and stays fully open slighltly longer to ehaust or feed the cylinder.
I am not saying that any of this is possible but the TDI did start the
thought process that it might be possible.

Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
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Re: [Biofuel] Bad news for Diesel driver

2005-03-08 Thread John Wilson

Audi, Honda, Volvo, VW  and others have been using interference designs
for over 25 years. In fact, most high compression engines are
interference designs.
Well why not! It is a great way to sell parts, make profit and burn fossil
fuel.. It would change if there was proper consumer legislation and the
offending companies had to pay the repair bill when engines designed with
interference, interfered.

Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

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Re: [Biofuel] Bad news for Diesel driver

2005-03-07 Thread John Wilson

I'd like to purchase a diesel vehicle, as my next, and wonder what my
choices are
Hello Jon,
 Don't know about the rest but you should be aware that the VW engine
has a very serious design fault. If the timing belt breaks the engine will
be destroyed. I don't know why vw didn't shorten the valve stems and recess
the valves in the head, and maybe recess a small  area over the piston so
the valves would not make contact with piston and destroy the engine if teh
timing belt failed. That just happened to me, I had less than two thousand
kms on a new belt and the technician said that snow probaply got behind the
belt causing the motor to go out of time. It cost me over $2000.00 dollars
to fix. On the other hand I have  had a vw engine go 1,000,000 km without
problems before giving up and I really don't think it was a fault with the
engine that it finally gave in. It sure doesn't make for pleasant driving
wondering if the timing belt is going to hold up.

The sympatico mail server crashed, we were without mail for a day. It is now
supposed to be fixed but I see a mail message that I sent to the list came
through twice and I only sent it once. I have been trying to call sympatico
to retify the problem but the wait is so long I can't get through. I hope
this doesn't come through twice.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

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[Biofuel] freezer test

2005-03-07 Thread John Wilson

I just did a test with some winter diesel and bio diesel blends. I did a
50%, 33%, and a 20% blend. At -20c the 50% got thick but didn't solidify or
sepparate, and the other two were ok.

Try adding a little of Howes diesel tret it works great with WVO but haven't
tried adding  Howes to Bio.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

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[Biofuel] Bad news for Diesel driver

2005-03-06 Thread John Wilson

Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, and Volvo had more than their fair share of
problems. Only Audi came out better than average,

Consumers report to be published next week doesn't rate this years Mercedes
and Volkswagens as being very reliable vehicles.
Biofuel mailing list

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[Biofuel] using ethanol for BioD based on

2005-02-28 Thread John Wilson

using ethanol for BioD based on eletromagnetic radiation.

 Anyone know the details of this process or where one can find how it

Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

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[Biofuel] SVI/B100 BLENDS

2005-02-22 Thread John Wilson

It is not advisable to run directly injected diesel engines on
non-transesterified vegetable or animal oils except in rather small
proportions,  5%, in the long run. The glycerol part of the triglyceride
molecule will form coke together with unburned oil. The oil itself has a
high boiling point, about 400-450 oC, which is too high for any

Don't really know Jan. Mixing with regular diesel or bio-Diesel should lower
the boiling point. I even used a small amount of gasoline added to WVO  to
do this but when I added gasoline this caused the saturated oil to settle
out so never used it in the vehicle. The coke problem may be solved by
adding an injector cleaner. I am adding 1 liter of automatic transmission
fluid to 400-500 liters of  WVO mix. Don't know if this will do the trick,
only time will tell.
The other approach that others have tried is to make sure the engine is warm
before starting with a block heater , running on straight bio or mineral
diesel for five minuits and then switching to SVO or WVO and then shutting
down on B-100 or Diesel.. I haven't started making Bio yet so every third
tank  is diesel with injector cleaner added. Only time will tell if this is
the right thing.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

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[Biofuel] Re: ethanol stove and barbeque

2005-02-21 Thread John Wilson

My question to you is why ethanol?  What drove you to select ethanol
as the replacement fuel source for this application
Hi Anti Fossil,
. Several reasons. First there is the danger of propane. Propane is a gas
that under pressure is a liquid. I admit I am too careless with propane. I
would like to get rid of it for safety reasons if nothing else. You should
wear safety equipment when filling, transporting and attaching the propane
cylinder to the BBQ. The liquid propane boils to a gas when the pressure is
released. If when attaching the tank to the BBQ or upon filling or at
anytime you get a liquid propane leak and get it in your eye, your eye ball
will be instantly frozen. Ethanol on the other hand is so non toxic that
government requires that you make it toxic before you are allowed to use it.
Now doesn't that make sense to a Bureaucrat. Propane is considered a clean
fuel but it is a fossil fuel. Ethanol is a renewable fuel, it is much
cleaner than propane and it is free! and I like free!  There is the labour
in converting the organic potato and apple waste by fermentation from a
restaurant and then a small energy charge in the distilling process. There
is danger involved in the tank and BBQ conversion so I do not recommend that
anyone actually try it without professional help of which I am not. I plan
to wait until warm weather to use the sun to help purge the tank so it will
be a while before I attempt the conversion.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

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[Biofuel] WVO- Filter ideas???

2005-02-21 Thread John Wilson

My WVO suppliers wants me to supply barrels and I want to design a filter
for the barrels to make it easier to handle and to make sure the WVO is
filtered before it goes into the barrel. I plan to make the top filter flat
and from 1/4  hardware cloth bending it over the top of the barrel to form,
a 3/4 to 1 inch lip. To protect fingers I plan to use a plastic strip around
the edge of the filter. Under neath the 1/4 mesh filter,  counter sunk 3-4
'', a window screen mesh filter made from metal screening. That is if I can
find a souce of metal screening. Most of the darn stuff now is plastic.This
screen will be bent over the top of the barrel with a half  inch lip. Since
screening is lighter than hardware cloth I will probably have to melt
plastic around the lip to give the screen some rigidity.  Any other ideas or
better ideas would be appreciated.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

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[Biofuel] WVO - Bio -Diesel fuel filter warmer

2005-02-20 Thread John Wilson

Picked up an nice little device at Frenchies for $1.50. It is a Dynmanic
Classic Ltd 12 volt windshield ice scraper that plugs into your auto's
cigarette lighter. Took it apart and threw the plastic away just saving the
element. The element bends easily to conform to the shape of the metal fuel
filter on a VW Golf. I am going to insulated it with fiberglass insulation
place a piece of tin around it and fastenen it in place. If my filter starts
to wax or fat up I should be able to plug it into my vehicles  cig lighter,
warm the filter and clear the filter while driving without putting extra
methyl of anti gel in the fuel.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

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[Biofuel] Re: Kyoto- nothing but a buch of crap

2005-02-19 Thread John Wilson

It also will not effect the US since we never signed the treaty.

   It certainly will affect the USA. Canada, it's largest trading partner
signed the accord. The Liberal government set aside 5 to 6 billion for
Kyoto. The US has for years taking Canada before the World Trade
Organization and wrongly accused Canada of subsidizing Canadian Industry.
With this new data the USA under GATT will nail Canada with counter vailing
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)
Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

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[Biofuel] Kyoto- nothing but a buch of crap

2005-02-18 Thread John Wilson

Kyoto is nothing more than a means for the government in power to syphon
from the tax payer billions of dollars for their friends and has very little
to do with global warming. It also helps those countries that do not have a
supply of fossil to gain a competitive edge. We are living in the tail end
of an ice age. The weather we are living in,  in geological time is not
normal. Global warming in my opinion is caused changes in speed of
continental drift. As the continents speed up the earths mantle becomes
thinner and volcanic activity greatly increases. This increase, heats up the
great thermal buffers the oceans and the volcanoes release millions of
tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere causing the inevitable global warming.
Kyoto is a lot like taking aspirin for cancer. It may ease the pain a bit
but will not cure the ailment and an extremely expensive placebo. We should
be focusing on the health and cost benefits of non fosil fuels and not on
Kyoto. With the amount of diesel equipment that I drive I might as well take
up smoking  5 packs a day of cigarettes.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

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[Biofuel] ethanol stove and barbeque

2005-02-17 Thread John Wilson
 and haven't proceded to Bio Diesel . Would like to use ethanol
to make the Bio Diesel. I am having trouble
obtaining an ethanol permit as the government want me to post a $5000.00
bond. I told them I don't want to make spirt grade alcohol I want to make
fuel grade alcohol. The government will give other people millions of
dollars to do what I
am doing but want me to post a bond and then they will steal the idea. The
ethanol is really to make bio diesel and gas, the BBQ and Cutting torch uses
are secondary.

So that is my plan and if I can just get permission to go ahead without
having to go to court and fight for permission it will be great.

Anti I have a five hundred acre wood lot and do use a lot of wood but
ethanol in my opinion would be so much easier and nicer. Besides the EPA is
talking about banning wood burning stoves.  Isn't
government great.

Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

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[Biofuel] ethanol stove and barbeque

2005-02-16 Thread John Wilson

An ethanol BBQ ? You do know what you are doing right ? This is not a gas
gas, it is a liquid gas, like gasoline, and in fact can be substituted for
gasoline in many applications.

Nope! I don't know what I am doing this is all  experimentation. If I ever
get a chance to try it. I plan to turn the gas alchol into a vapor gas by
running it through a coil and heating it to form vapour the way a colman
white gas stove works. If that works then I plan to mix it to give it extra
BTUs. The compressor will have a regulator to make sure the pressure does
not go beyond 15 lbs in the tank. All still in the mind! All still
experimental. I would just like the chance to try it. I also plan to but
check valves on the hose to prevent blow back.

Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM .
After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone.

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[Biofuel] ethanol stove and barbeque

2005-02-15 Thread John Wilson

  New to the list so I have a lot of catching up to do.. The ethanol
barbeque that I am working on uses wate from restaurants to make the mash
ie potato peelings and apple peelings . The still is a used eletric hot
water heater with two elements one on the bottom and one on the top should
make control  of the temperature a snap. Still waiting for exise Canada to
give me a permit. to try it. At the last go they said they will require a
$5000.00 bond before I am able to try it. The barbeque itself will be
modified. I plan to take the tank apart and put a pipe in it so that the
alchol is drawn off from the bottom. I will put an air valve in the top and
use an existing compressor or a 12 volt air compressor set to maintain at
5-15 lbs in the tank. Exise Canada said they will get back to me at the end
of February.
Yours truly
John Wilson
Wilsonia Farm Kennel Preserve

Ph-Fax (902)665-2386)

Web: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/new.htm
Pups: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/pup.htm
Politics: http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/goldens/elect.htm

In Nova Scotia smoking permitted in designated areas only until 9:00 PM .
After 9:00 it is okey to kill everyone.


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