Re: [Biofuel] Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues

2009-05-07 Thread Keith Addison
I just wanted to thank you Keith for all the  urls/information  you posted,
both in this 'thread' as well as the others.
best wishes

You're most welcome Shan, thanks for saying so. I thought you might 
like it. :-) Please feel free to spread it around, if you like.

All best


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues

2009-05-06 Thread David House


Keith Addison wrote:
 The IRS has mercy? If so it seems to get left out in the telling, the way 
 Americans tend to tell it.

That's the joke, yes. The FDA is like the IRS without mercy; like the 
Spanish Inquisition without the light hearted humor and clever reparteé.

 [...] For example, NSAIDs, drugs that help prevent heart problems,

 NSAIDs stands for Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. I'm aware that, as 
 well as for the anti-inflammatory effect, they're used to lower fever and for 
 pain relief, but (apart from aspirin) this is the first time I see them 
 described as drugs that help prevent heart problems.

My mistake.

 As implied, I often found dealing with the FDA to be like living in one of 
 the circles of hell. In spite of all of it, however, I think the system is 
 basically sound and that the ideas underlying it are reasonable. Of course 
 we need to test drugs. Of course we need to have solid evidence of safety 
 and efficacy. Science actually works.
 Science does, yes, within its limitations, when it's allowed to. Too often it 
 depends who's paying the piper.

 Equating science with the FDA is stretching it more than a little...

Having been on the wrong end of the FDA's gun, I still think that the 
majority of what the Agency does is soundly based. And when I speak of 
the wrong end of the gun, I mean (for example) that our company suffered 
from the abuse of science at FDA's hands. They once quoted a 
peer-reviewed paper at us in the attempt to demonstrate that our device 
could potentially damage nerves. We happened to know the guy that wrote 
the paper, and he was kind enough to write them a letter saying This is 
a misuse of my work. We further demonstrated that the parameter they 
said was dangerous in our device was 100 to 500 times worse in 
already-approved devices, or to turn that around, our device was 100 to 
500 times safer than approved devices. FDA had to back off. Science won 
that round, and often does.

In other words, I don't necessarily raise a salute when FDA marches 
past, and in saying the system is basically sound, I am not saying that 
I agree with everything the Agency does. I most certainly don't. What it 
does mean, however, is that we need a system that uses good science and 
valid statistics (perhaps an irreconcilable oxymoron) to demonstrate 
that the treatments and drugs that are used are safe and effective. The 
European system, in my view, is far superior, because it is not as much 
of an adversarial system. In Europe, there are three parties involved: 
the company, the government, and the Notified Bodies. These last are 
like consulting organizations, hired by the companies, and they are 
charged with insuring the law is followed. If the NBs fail to do that, 
they can lose their certification, which means they lose their place on 
the gravy train. So the NBs have to find the sharp edge of the blade in 
balancing between the government and the companies. Of course, there are 
abuses, mistakes and problems in that system as well.

In the US, it's just the companies and the FDA, and there can be a bit 
of the revolving door. Even so, the situation with the FDA is far 
superior to what it would be without the FDA. In the end, however, the 
finest rules and regulations will fail precisely to the degree the 
people are corrupt, greedy, ignorant, or asleep.

David William House
The Complete Biogas Handbook ||

Make no search for water.   But find thirst,
And water from the very ground will burst.
(Rumi, a Persian mystic poet, quoted in /Delight of Hearts/, p. 77)
-- next part --
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Re: [Biofuel] Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues

2009-05-06 Thread Keith Addison
Hello again David


Keith Addison wrote:
   The IRS has mercy? If so it seems to get left out in the telling, 
the way Americans tend to tell it.

That's the joke, yes. The FDA is like the IRS without mercy; like the
Spanish Inquisition without the light hearted humor and clever reparteé.

   [...] For example, NSAIDs, drugs that help prevent heart problems,
   NSAIDs stands for Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. I'm 
aware that, as well as for the anti-inflammatory effect, they're 
used to lower fever and for pain relief, but (apart from aspirin) 
this is the first time I see them described as drugs that help 
prevent heart problems.

My mistake.

  As implied, I often found dealing with the FDA to be like living 
in one of the circles of hell. In spite of all of it, however, I 
think the system is basically sound and that the ideas underlying 
it are reasonable. Of course we need to test drugs. Of course we 
need to have solid evidence of safety and efficacy. Science 
actually works.

  Science does, yes, within its limitations, when it's allowed to. 
Too often it depends who's paying the piper.

  Equating science with the FDA is stretching it more than a little...

Having been on the wrong end of the FDA's gun, I still think that the
majority of what the Agency does is soundly based. And when I speak of
the wrong end of the gun, I mean (for example) that our company suffered
from the abuse of science at FDA's hands. They once quoted a
peer-reviewed paper at us in the attempt to demonstrate that our device
could potentially damage nerves. We happened to know the guy that wrote
the paper, and he was kind enough to write them a letter saying This is
a misuse of my work. We further demonstrated that the parameter they
said was dangerous in our device was 100 to 500 times worse in
already-approved devices, or to turn that around, our device was 100 to
500 times safer than approved devices. FDA had to back off. Science won
that round, and often does.

In other words, I don't necessarily raise a salute when FDA marches
past, and in saying the system is basically sound, I am not saying that
I agree with everything the Agency does. I most certainly don't. What it
does mean, however, is that we need a system that uses good science and
valid statistics (perhaps an irreconcilable oxymoron) to demonstrate
that the treatments and drugs that are used are safe and effective.

That's what you don't have, yet you say the system is basically sound.

European system, in my view, is far superior, because it is not as much
of an adversarial system. In Europe, there are three parties involved:
the company, the government, and the Notified Bodies. These last are
like consulting organizations, hired by the companies, and they are
charged with insuring the law is followed. If the NBs fail to do that,
they can lose their certification, which means they lose their place on
the gravy train. So the NBs have to find the sharp edge of the blade in
balancing between the government and the companies. Of course, there are
abuses, mistakes and problems in that system as well.

In the US, it's just the companies and the FDA, and there can be a bit
of the revolving door. Even so, the situation with the FDA is far
superior to what it would be without the FDA.

Well, it's a nice view, but it seems a bit faith-based to me. As I said:

On the other hand, it's a little hard these days to find solid 
evidence that the FDA is more a part of the solution than part of 
the problem. It's just another piper to be paid for.

But close your eyes and chuck a dart - I happened to go to 
SourceWatch earlier today, this is at the top:

Merck's Heart-Stopping PR in Australia: In Australia, the 
pharmaceutical company Merck is on trial. Australians who took the 
pain medication Vioxx allege that Merck and its Australian 
subsidiary, Merck Sharp  Dohme, knew Vioxx increased the risk of 
heart attacks long before it voluntarily withdrew the drug from the 
market in 2004. Merck has paid $4.85 billion to U.S. Vioxx patients, 
but never admitted liability. ...

Nothing special about today, and it's not only SourceWatch, far from it.

In the end, however, the
finest rules and regulations will fail precisely to the degree the
people are corrupt, greedy, ignorant, or asleep.

The people? Are you sure that's where the problem arises? Have you read these?

Mammoth corporations

Re: Will Globalization Make You Happy?

Feel No Remorse -- The Corporate Creed

And if they're asleep, how exactly did they get that way?

Anyway, I won't be around much for the next few days so I won't be 
able to discuss it further. No need to though, the list archives has 
a large amount of good material on such matters.

Re this:

To go back to the 

Re: [Biofuel] Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues

2009-05-06 Thread SurpriseShan2
I hope nobody minds if I put my 2 cents in? 
  The  following were hastily thrown together and from only one 
website, but I think  that it still illustrates how reliable, competent, and 
unbiased that  the FDA is
In my opinion  politics and healing should never be mixed. I do not 
believe that it would be  possible to 'fix' the FDA,  or Health Canada either 
for that matter.  They both need to be thrown away and replaced with 
something that has healing  and the best interests of all the people in mind. I 
somewhere that way back  when, healers were mostly monks for they had no 
other agendas nor concerns other  then the health and healing of 
people..Sounds good to me; would  certainly make me respect some 
religions more as  well.
Actually I am far  from unbiased as far as the present 'conventional' 
medical system is concerned  and truely enjoyed reading 
these..I could very  happily spent hours and hours 
gathering proof of 
what the drug companies as well  as 'supporting' agencies do. 
 best  wishes
A New Low in Drug Research: 21 Fabricated  Studies 
Scott S. Reuben, a prominent Massachusetts anesthesiologist,  allegedly 
fabricated 21 medical studies that claimed to show benefits from  painkillers 
like Vioxx and Celebrex. 
Baystate Medical Center said that Reuben had faked data used  in the 
studies, which were published in several anesthesiology journals between  1996 
2008. The hospital has asked the medical journals to retract the  studies. 
The studies reported favorable results from the use of painkillers  Bextra 
and Vioxx -- both since withdrawn -- as well as Celebrex and Lyrica. Dr.  
Reuben's research work also claimed positive findings for the   antidepressant 
Effexor XR as a pain killer. 
The retractions, first reported in Anesthesiology News, have  caused 
anesthesiologists to reconsider the use of certain practices adopted as a  
of Dr. Reuben's research. His work was considered important in  encouraging 
doctors to combine the use of painkillers like Celebrex and Lyrica  for 
patients undergoing common procedures such as knee and hip replacements. 

Sources: _Wall Street  Journal March 11, 2009_ 

Warning! Drug Company Buries Unfavorable  Antidepressant Drug Studies 
Drugmaker AstraZeneca “buried” unfavorable studies on its  antipsychotic 
drug Seroquel, according to an internal e-mail. The e-mail was  made public 
due to litigation over the medicine. 
The drugmaker did not publicize results of at least three  clinical trials 
of Seroquel and engaged in “cherry picking” of data from one of  those 
studies for use in a presentation, an AstraZeneca official said in the  
1999 e-mail. The company faces about 9,000 lawsuits claiming it failed  to 
properly warn users that Seroquel can cause diabetes and other health  
Seroquel, which generated sales of $4.45 billion in 2008, is  the company’s 
second-biggest seller after the ulcer treatment Nexium.  AstraZeneca has 
denied wrongdoing, and is vowing to fight the lawsuits in court. 
Sources  February 27, 2009_ 

_Washington  Post March 18, 2009_ 
Dr. Mercola's  Comments:
[  Continued..]

Drug Firms Ignore Federal Law, Not Reporting  Studies 

Soy Maker Omits Studies That Soy May  Cause Cancer 
The Weston A. Price Foundation, a non-profit nutrition  

Re: [Biofuel] Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues

2009-05-06 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Shan


I hope nobody minds if I put my 2 cents in?

You're most welcome. (You started the thread, after all.)

   The  following were hastily thrown together and from only one
website, but I think  that it still illustrates how reliable, 
competent, and also
unbiased that  the FDA is
 In my opinion  politics and healing should never be mixed. I do not
believe that it would be  possible to 'fix' the FDA,  or Health Canada either
for that matter.  They both need to be thrown away and replaced with
something that has healing  and the best interests of all the people in mind.

I have to agree. I don't think there's any hope for them (and others 
like them).



I read
somewhere that way back  when, healers were mostly monks for they had no
other agendas nor concerns other  then the health and healing of
people..Sounds good to me; would  certainly make me 
respect some established
religions more as  well.
 Actually I am far  from unbiased as far as the present 'conventional'
medical system is concerned  and truely enjoyed reading
these..I could very  happily spent hours 
and hours gathering proof of
what the drug companies as well  as 'supporting' agencies do.
  best  wishes

A New Low in Drug Research: 21 Fabricated  Studies

Scott S. Reuben, a prominent Massachusetts anesthesiologist,  allegedly
fabricated 21 medical studies that claimed to show benefits from  painkillers
like Vioxx and Celebrex.

Baystate Medical Center said that Reuben had faked data used  in the
studies, which were published in several anesthesiology journals 
between  1996 and
2008. The hospital has asked the medical journals to retract the  studies.
The studies reported favorable results from the use of painkillers  Bextra
and Vioxx -- both since withdrawn -- as well as Celebrex and Lyrica. Dr. 
Reuben's research work also claimed positive findings for the   antidepressant
Effexor XR as a pain killer.

The retractions, first reported in Anesthesiology News, have  caused
anesthesiologists to reconsider the use of certain practices adopted 
as a  result
of Dr. Reuben's research. His work was considered important in  encouraging
doctors to combine the use of painkillers like Celebrex and Lyrica  for
patients undergoing common procedures such as knee and hip replacements.

Sources: _Wall Street  Journal March 11, 2009_


Warning! Drug Company Buries Unfavorable  Antidepressant Drug Studies

Drugmaker AstraZeneca buried unfavorable studies on its  antipsychotic
drug Seroquel, according to an internal e-mail. The e-mail was  made public
due to litigation over the medicine.

The drugmaker did not publicize results of at least three  clinical trials
of Seroquel and engaged in cherry picking of data from one of  those
studies for use in a presentation, an AstraZeneca official said in 
the  December
1999 e-mail. The company faces about 9,000 lawsuits claiming it failed  to
properly warn users that Seroquel can cause diabetes and other health 

Seroquel, which generated sales of $4.45 billion in 2008, is  the company's
second-biggest seller after the ulcer treatment Nexium.  AstraZeneca has
denied wrongdoing, and is vowing to fight the lawsuits in court.

Sources  February 27, 2009_

_Washington  Post March 18, 2009_

Dr. Mercola's  Comments:
[  Continued..]


Drug Firms Ignore Federal Law, Not Reporting  Studies

Soy Maker Omits Studies That Soy May  Cause Cancer

Re: [Biofuel] Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues

2009-05-06 Thread SurpriseShan2
I just wanted to thank you Keith for all the  urls/information  you posted, 
both in this 'thread' as well as the others. 
   best wishes
-- next part --
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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues

2009-05-05 Thread Keith Addison
Not bad coverage. Pity about the Godwin's Law infringements with 
storm troopers etc, it only weakens the force of the argument.

Re this:

For example, only the makers of FDA approved drugs can use the  word 
cure, or even imply any health benefits without the FDA considering 
the  product a drug. The catch is that in order to be FDA approved, 
no matter how  many PubMed cited studies or other studies have been 
performed, and no matter  how much of a history of hundreds or 
thousands of years and users, the FDA only  approves drugs that go 
through its specific approval process --- one that costs  hundreds 
of billions of dollars.

Could that be right? It really costs hundreds of billions of dollars 
to get a drug approved? Does it cost even hundreds of millions?



Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine  Singing the Blues
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
by: Tony Isaacs, citizen journalist

(NaturalNews) The recent widespread mainstream media  coverage of the
**blue man** Paul Karason and his rare skin condition known as  Argyria is the
latest in a series of largely misleading and sensationalized  scare stories
about the dangers of colloidal silver turning a person`s skin  blue.

Although this latest story did not appear to originate from  mainstream
medicine or the FDA, there is little doubt that they have welcomed it  with
open arms and have been quick to trot out **medical experts** and past FDA 
warnings to help **sing the blues** about colloidal silver. The truth is that 
mainstream medicine has a very good reason to cry long and loud about
colloidal  silver, because it does represent a very real danger - a 
danger to the
huge  profits of the pharmaceutical industry*s patented antibiotics.

The truth is that silver has been used effectively by mankind  to fight
germs and ailments for thousands of years, and the instances of modern  use of
colloidal silver turning people*s skin blue are so rare as to be almost 
non-existent - and unlike thousands of prescribed and approved 
  mainstream medications including the common aspirin, silver has never
killed  anyone. As a matter of fact, almost all of the relative handful of
reported  instances have involved one or more of the following: older silver
products that  contained as much as 10% or more silver (compared to mere parts
per million in  modern colloidal silver), silver nitrate, home made colloidal
silver that was  contaminated with salt, and silver that has been consumed
continuously in very  large quantities over a very long period of time.

In the case of Karason, he made his own ionic silver at home  for almost
two decades and for many years consumed a quart or more per day. I  daresay
that any prescribed or over-the-counter medication whose recommended  dosage
was a couple of teaspoons a day would do far worse than turn a person  blue
if they drank a quart or more of it a year! For the sake of comparison, 
drinking a quart or more per day of colloidal silver would be like a person 
taking several bottles of aspirin a day, a practice that would be lethal in 
short order. Karason actually appears to enjoy his notoriety as the Papa Smurf
  blue man, and even though he sings the praises of how colloidal silver
saved his  life and the many ailments he believes it cured, the focus of
attention is on  his blue skin - a condition that is actually reversible with
proper diet and  herbal cleanses despite mainstream claims to the contrary.

What is also true about colloidal silver is that it is far  safer, more
effective and less expensive than the marginally effective and side  effect
laden mainstream antibiotics - and has mainstream and university studies 
proving it dating back to the early 1900*s. The best and strongest of the FDA 
approved antibiotics are effective for a handful of bacteria at best, whereas 
colloidal silver is supremely effective against just about every kind of
single  celled pathogen, including bacteria, fungal growths and viruses (which
  antibiotics are often wrongly prescribed for, despite the fact that
antibiotics  have no effect on viruses).

If the public were told the truth, a rarity when it comes to  mainstream
drugs versus natural competition, colloidal silver would represent a  huge
threat to literally billions of dollars of profits and so it is no 
wonder  that
mainstream medicine and their allies in the mainstream media are once again
  loudly singing the blues - just as they have repeatedly done in the past
with  misleading stories and studies about a great many popular natural
plants,  supplements, vitamins and minerals that represent threats 
to mainstream
drug  profits because they are safer, more effective and less expensive
alternatives  to the unnatural, side effect laden, hugely expensive and
marginally effective  synthetics created in the labs of the powerful world
pharmaceutical empire.

While there 

Re: [Biofuel] Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues

2009-05-05 Thread David House


Keith Addison wrote:
 For example, only the makers of FDA approved drugs can use the  word cure... 
 [and] the FDA only  approves drugs that go through its specific approval 
 process --- one that costs  hundreds of billions of dollars.

 Could that be right? It really costs hundreds of billions of dollars to get a 
 drug approved? Does it cost even hundreds of millions?

As someone who once ran a medical device company, and spent many a long 
hour dealing with FDA, I can affirm that the FDA is like the IRS, except 
they have no mercy, and the audits go on for years unending. It does not 
cost hundreds of billions, however. Such price tags are reserved for the 
morass of war. Not even the conquest of AIDS in Africa would be that 

That said, drug approval is often more expensive than device approval. 
Devices can often be approved after fairly small trials consisting of 
100-200 people. When trying to gain approval for a drug, by contrast 
(after demonstrating sufficient safety in smaller trials), sometimes one 
must try to tease out fairly subtle health improvements or rare 
complications, and either requires many, many warm bodies. For example, 
NSAIDs, drugs that help prevent heart problems, must be given to enough 
people over a long enough time to demonstrate that there is sufficient 
positive reason to use them and a lack of a negative reason to avoid 
them. A 25% improvement in a problem or reduction in a complication that 
may afflict only a few tenths or hundredths of a percent of a certain 
population may require thousands of participants in a long-term drug 
trial before statistical certitude is sufficient.

As implied, I often found dealing with the FDA to be like living in one 
of the circles of hell. In spite of all of it, however, I think the 
system is basically sound and that the ideas underlying it are 
reasonable. Of course we need to test drugs. Of course we need to have 
solid evidence of safety and efficacy. Science actually works.

David William House
The Complete Biogas Handbook ||

Make no search for water.   But find thirst,
And water from the very ground will burst.
(Rumi, a Persian mystic poet, quoted in /Delight of Hearts/, p. 77)
-- next part --
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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues

2009-05-05 Thread Keith Addison
Hello David


Keith Addison wrote:
  For example, only the makers of FDA approved drugs can use the 
word cure... [and] the FDA only  approves drugs that go through 
its specific approval process --- one that costs  hundreds of 
billions of dollars.

   Could that be right? It really costs hundreds of billions of 
dollars to get a drug approved? Does it cost even hundreds of 

As someone who once ran a medical device company, and spent many a long
hour dealing with FDA, I can affirm that the FDA is like the IRS, except
they have no mercy,

The IRS has mercy? If so it seems to get left out in the telling, the 
way Americans tend to tell it.

and the audits go on for years unending. It does not
cost hundreds of billions, however. Such price tags are reserved for the
morass of war.

And handouts for Wall Street.

Not even the conquest of AIDS in Africa would be that

That said, drug approval is often more expensive than device approval.
Devices can often be approved after fairly small trials consisting of
100-200 people. When trying to gain approval for a drug, by contrast
(after demonstrating sufficient safety in smaller trials), sometimes one
must try to tease out fairly subtle health improvements or rare
complications, and either requires many, many warm bodies. For example,
NSAIDs, drugs that help prevent heart problems,

NSAIDs stands for Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. I'm aware 
that, as well as for the anti-inflammatory effect, they're used to 
lower fever and for pain relief, but (apart from aspirin) this is the 
first time I see them described as drugs that help prevent heart 

A quick check finds that wikipedia says just the opposite:

A recent meta-analysis of all trials comparing NSAIDs found an 80% 
increase in the risk of myocardial infarction with both newer COX-2 
antagonists and high dose traditional anti-inflammatories compared 
with placebo. (Kearney et al., BMJ 2006;332:1302-1308)

NSAIDs aside from (low-dose) aspirin are associated with a doubled 
risk of symptomatic heart failure in patients without a history of 
cardiac disease. In patients with such a history, however, use of 
NSAIDs (aside from low-dose aspirin) was associated with more than 
10-fold increase in heart failure.[8] If this link is found to be 
causal, NSAIDs are estimated to be responsible for up to 20 percent 
of hospital admissions for congestive heart failure.[8]

This is the footnote reference:
Consumption of NSAIDs and the Development of Congestive Heart Failure 
in Elderly Patients
An Underrecognized Public Health Problem
John Page, MBBS(Hons); David Henry, MBChB
Arch Intern Med. 2000;160:777-784.

That's what I'd thought. (No I don't trust or rely on Wikipedia, 
though it's improving, but this checks out.)

must be given to enough
people over a long enough time to demonstrate that there is sufficient
positive reason to use them and a lack of a negative reason to avoid
them. A 25% improvement in a problem or reduction in a complication that
may afflict only a few tenths or hundredths of a percent of a certain
population may require thousands of participants in a long-term drug
trial before statistical certitude is sufficient.

As implied, I often found dealing with the FDA to be like living in one
of the circles of hell. In spite of all of it, however, I think the
system is basically sound and that the ideas underlying it are
reasonable. Of course we need to test drugs. Of course we need to have
solid evidence of safety and efficacy. Science actually works.

Science does, yes, within its limitations, when it's allowed to. Too 
often it depends who's paying the piper.

Equating science with the FDA is stretching it more than a little, as 
the colloidal silver article states truly enough, despite small 
confusions over costs, and there's certainly a great deal of 
unshakeable substantiation for that view, much of it in the list 
archives. This for instance, have a read (the whole series is in the 

How a New Policy Led to Seven Deadly Drugs
Los Angeles Times
By DAVID WILLMAN, Times Staff Writer
Wednesday, December 20, 2000
Medicine: Once a wary watchdog, the Food and Drug Administration set 
out to become a partner of the pharmaceutical industry. Today, the 
public has more remedies, but some are proving lethal.

It seems to be more the rule than the exception.

On the other hand, it's a little hard these days to find solid 
evidence that the FDA is more a part of the solution than part of the 
problem. It's just another piper to be paid for.

I don't understand how you can state that the system is basically 
sound, it's obvious that it's not sound. Not any part of it is sound 
(and not just in the US, though especially there). The real question 
is whether or not it's beyond repair.

To go back to the question:


[Biofuel] Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine Singing the Blues

2009-05-04 Thread SurpriseShan2
Colloidal Silver Has Mainstream Medicine  Singing the Blues 
Tuesday, February 26, 2008 
by: Tony Isaacs, citizen journalist 

(NaturalNews) The recent widespread mainstream media  coverage of the 
**blue man** Paul Karason and his rare skin condition known as  Argyria is the 
latest in a series of largely misleading and sensationalized  scare stories 
about the dangers of colloidal silver turning a person`s skin  blue. 
Although this latest story did not appear to originate from  mainstream 
medicine or the FDA, there is little doubt that they have welcomed it  with 
open arms and have been quick to trot out **medical experts** and past FDA  
warnings to help **sing the blues** about colloidal silver. The truth is that  
mainstream medicine has a very good reason to cry long and loud about 
colloidal  silver, because it does represent a very real danger - a danger to 
huge  profits of the pharmaceutical industry*s patented antibiotics. 
The truth is that silver has been used effectively by mankind  to fight 
germs and ailments for thousands of years, and the instances of modern  use of 
colloidal silver turning people*s skin blue are so rare as to be almost  
non-existent - and unlike thousands of prescribed and approved over-the-counter 
 mainstream medications including the common aspirin, silver has never 
killed  anyone. As a matter of fact, almost all of the relative handful of 
reported  instances have involved one or more of the following: older silver 
products that  contained as much as 10% or more silver (compared to mere parts 
per million in  modern colloidal silver), silver nitrate, home made colloidal 
silver that was  contaminated with salt, and silver that has been consumed 
continuously in very  large quantities over a very long period of time. 
In the case of Karason, he made his own ionic silver at home  for almost 
two decades and for many years consumed a quart or more per day. I  daresay 
that any prescribed or over-the-counter medication whose recommended  dosage 
was a couple of teaspoons a day would do far worse than turn a person  blue 
if they drank a quart or more of it a year! For the sake of comparison,  
drinking a quart or more per day of colloidal silver would be like a person  
taking several bottles of aspirin a day, a practice that would be lethal in  
short order. Karason actually appears to enjoy his notoriety as the Papa Smurf 
 blue man, and even though he sings the praises of how colloidal silver 
saved his  life and the many ailments he believes it cured, the focus of 
attention is on  his blue skin - a condition that is actually reversible with 
proper diet and  herbal cleanses despite mainstream claims to the contrary. 
What is also true about colloidal silver is that it is far  safer, more 
effective and less expensive than the marginally effective and side  effect 
laden mainstream antibiotics - and has mainstream and university studies  
proving it dating back to the early 1900*s. The best and strongest of the FDA  
approved antibiotics are effective for a handful of bacteria at best, whereas  
colloidal silver is supremely effective against just about every kind of 
single  celled pathogen, including bacteria, fungal growths and viruses (which 
 antibiotics are often wrongly prescribed for, despite the fact that 
antibiotics  have no effect on viruses). 
If the public were told the truth, a rarity when it comes to  mainstream 
drugs versus natural competition, colloidal silver would represent a  huge 
threat to literally billions of dollars of profits and so it is no wonder  that 
mainstream medicine and their allies in the mainstream media are once again 
 loudly singing the blues - just as they have repeatedly done in the past 
with  misleading stories and studies about a great many popular natural 
plants,  supplements, vitamins and minerals that represent threats to 
drug  profits because they are safer, more effective and less expensive 
alternatives  to the unnatural, side effect laden, hugely expensive and 
marginally effective  synthetics created in the labs of the powerful world 
pharmaceutical empire. 
While there are a great many natural threats to mainstream  profits, whose 
use and track records of safety and effectiveness date back  hundreds and 
even thousands of years, perhaps no natural alternative to  mainstream drugs 
represents as big of a threat to industry profits as colloidal  silver, and 
it is no coincidence that colloidal silver has been placed at the  very top 
of the FDA/mainstream medicine hit list. 
However, when it comes to warning and scaring people away from  silver, 
both the mainstream medical industry and the FDA have serious  credibility 
problems. First of all, silver has a history of safe and effective  use dating 
back thousands of years. In addition, it continues to be widely used  today, 