Re: [Biofuel] Constant Gardener; The best film in years, exposes western crimes in africa

2005-09-29 Thread Joe Street

Sorry about the confusion Keith and Thomas;

I don't know how I did that because I remember checking before I typed
my message to try to be sure who posted the comment on the movie. 
Since I have seen the admonishment from you a few times and recieved
one myself I guess that is a sore point with you. I do try to be
careful in replies to attribute snips to the right person but obviously
I missed something despite my effort!  Anyways I wanted to recommend
the movie Darwin's Nightmare not only to Thomas Mountain but to the
membership at large.  Movies like hold the promise of changing things
in this world if they could reach a broad audience.  The problem is
many do not want to hear about it. Obviously discussing it on this
forum is like preaching to the choir but I thought I would put it out
there in case anyone had not heard of the film.  I guess my message
achieved that aim despite my mis-reference.


Keith Addison wrote:

  Hello Joe

Thanks, but...

Hi Keith;

If you thought that was a film worth seeing

I didn't see it.

you should also check out
the film Darwin's Nightmare which documents the story of the
introduction of the Nile Perch to Lake Victoria and how remote slavery
works for europeans while they enjoy cheap fish and try not to know
about how weapons trickle in to Africa in the bargain.

Not exactly a trickle. The main flood seems to have shifted to 
Southeast Asia now, but there's plenty left for Africa's "needs".

In short supply for some apparently:
Independent Online Edition > Americas
US forced to import bullets from Israel as troops use 250,000 for 
every rebel killed
By Andrew Buncombe in Washington
Published: 25 September 2005

The mind boggles. "Bullets can't stop it, rockets can't stop it, we 
might have to use NUKULAR FORZ!" Aarghh!

This is how our leaders and their institutions see the priorities, as 
opposed to how people and their communities see them:

1998 Global priorities in spending in 1998

Global Priority	$U.S. Billions

Basic education for everyone in the world	6
Cosmetics in the United States	8
Water and sanitation for everyone in the world	9
Ice cream in Europe	11
Reproductive health for all women in the world	12
Perfumes in Europe and the United States	12
Basic health and nutrition for everyone in the world	13
Pet foods in Europe and the United States	17
Business entertainmentin Japan	35
Cigarettes in Europe	50
Alcoholic drinks in Europe	105
Narcotics drugs in the world	400
Military spending in the world	780

Number of children in the world
2.2 billion
Number in poverty
1 billion (every second child)
[Biofuel] Inequality in wealth
Inequality in wealth: Just 0.13% of the world population controlled
nearly 25% of world financial assets in 2004


Dinosaurs. Mammoths.

How to kill a mammoth:
[biofuel] Mammoth corporations

In a parallel
thread the human flesh trade is exposed and how the catholic church
turns a blind eye and encourages the spread of HIV.  A hard film to
watch but again one everyone should see.


Keith Addison wrote:

I didn't, Thomas Mountain did. I have not seen the film and have not 
commented on it. I posted a news item on a similar subject, that's 

PLEASE be more careful in attributing posts to those who posted them!




My wife and I saw the film Constant Gardener last night and would highly
recommend it to all  citizens of the world. The film, starring Ralph
Fiennes, is based on the Le Carre book of the same name, and is about how
the western drug companies use Africa as a testing ground for their
experimental drugs, and cause death and suffering in the process when toxic
side effects to their imperfect formulas start killing people.
The best part of the whole film is that it showed just how ruthless and
murderous the drug companies were in protecting their multi million dollar
investments and didnt try to have a happy ending. The film showed how the
highest levels of western government know of these crimes and are complicit
in the cover up.



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Re: [Biofuel] Constant Gardener; The best film in years, exposes western crimes in africa

2005-09-28 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Joe

Thanks, but...

>Hi Keith;
>If you thought that was a film worth seeing

I didn't see it.

>you should also check out
>the film Darwin's Nightmare which documents the story of the
>introduction of the Nile Perch to Lake Victoria and how remote slavery
>works for europeans while they enjoy cheap fish and try not to know
>about how weapons trickle in to Africa in the bargain.

Not exactly a trickle. The main flood seems to have shifted to 
Southeast Asia now, but there's plenty left for Africa's "needs".

In short supply for some apparently:
Independent Online Edition > Americas
US forced to import bullets from Israel as troops use 250,000 for 
every rebel killed
By Andrew Buncombe in Washington
Published: 25 September 2005

The mind boggles. "Bullets can't stop it, rockets can't stop it, we 
might have to use NUKULAR FORZ!" Aarghh!

This is how our leaders and their institutions see the priorities, as 
opposed to how people and their communities see them:

1998 Global priorities in spending in 1998

Global Priority $U.S. Billions

Basic education for everyone in the world   6
Cosmetics in the United States  8
Water and sanitation for everyone in the world  9
Ice cream in Europe 11
Reproductive health for all women in the world  12
Perfumes in Europe and the United States12
Basic health and nutrition for everyone in the world13
Pet foods in Europe and the United States   17
Business entertainmentin Japan  35
Cigarettes in Europe50
Alcoholic drinks in Europe  105
Narcotics drugs in the world400
Military spending in the world  780

Number of children in the world
2.2 billion
Number in poverty
1 billion (every second child)
[Biofuel] Inequality in wealth
Inequality in wealth: Just 0.13% of the world population controlled
nearly 25% of world financial assets in 2004


Dinosaurs. Mammoths.

How to kill a mammoth:
[biofuel] Mammoth corporations

>In a parallel
>thread the human flesh trade is exposed and how the catholic church
>turns a blind eye and encourages the spread of HIV.  A hard film to
>watch but again one everyone should see.
>Keith Addison wrote:

I didn't, Thomas Mountain did. I have not seen the film and have not 
commented on it. I posted a news item on a similar subject, that's 

PLEASE be more careful in attributing posts to those who posted them!



> >>My wife and I saw the film Constant Gardener last night and would highly
> >>recommend it to all  citizens of the world. The film, starring Ralph
> >>Fiennes, is based on the Le Carre book of the same name, and is about how
> >>the western drug companies use Africa as a testing ground for their
> >>experimental drugs, and cause death and suffering in the process when toxic
> >>side effects to their imperfect formulas start killing people.
> >>The best part of the whole film is that it showed just how ruthless and
> >>murderous the drug companies were in protecting their multi million dollar
> >>investments and didnt try to have a happy ending. The film showed how the
> >>highest levels of western government know of these crimes and are complicit
> >>in the cover up.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Constant Gardener; The best film in years, exposes western crimes in africa

2005-09-28 Thread Thomas Mountain
sounds like you should be working in Eritrea, which has kicked USAID out of
the country and is very strict about NGO's

> From: Zeke Yewdall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2005 08:47:32 -0600
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Constant Gardener; The best film in years, exposes
> western crimes in africa
>> NGO's,
>> the UN, and especially the western "aid" agencies are all out to keep Africa
>> and the African people in submission to the western interests, and one cant
>> but help see this in the film.
> In general, I agree, however not all NGO's are out to do this.  I
> worked for Engineers Without Borders, which focuses on village level
> design of small infrastructure projects, and stresses appropriate
> technology that is designed in consulation with the people who will
> use it, and training the local people to extend the technology to
> neighboring areas themselves.
> Of course, we cannot get any funding from USAID, etc, because #1) our
> average project costs $20,000, which lacks about two decimal places
> for qualifying for aid agencies to even look at it, and #2) this
> approach which treats each village as a unique situation instead of
> doing a cookie cutter, one size fits no one approach, has much higher
> administrative and overhead costs, and looks bad on the books.
> And we also have to constantly fight people who have either the
> arrogant engineer mentality (lets save the poor africans with our
> great technology), or the christian evangelist mentality (lets save
> the poor africans with our great religion).
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Constant Gardener; The best film in years, exposes western crimes in africa

2005-09-28 Thread Joe Street
Hi Keith;

If you thought that was a film worth seeing you should also check out 
the film Darwin's Nightmare which documents the story of the 
introduction of the Nile Perch to Lake Victoria and how remote slavery 
works for europeans while they enjoy cheap fish and try not to know 
about how weapons trickle in to Africa in the bargain. In a parallel 
thread the human flesh trade is exposed and how the catholic church 
turns a blind eye and encourages the spread of HIV.  A hard film to 
watch but again one everyone should see.


Keith Addison wrote:

>>My wife and I saw the film Constant Gardener last night and would highly
>>recommend it to all  citizens of the world. The film, starring Ralph
>>Fiennes, is based on the Le Carre book of the same name, and is about how
>>the western drug companies use Africa as a testing ground for their
>>experimental drugs, and cause death and suffering in the process when toxic
>>side effects to their imperfect formulas start killing people.
>>The best part of the whole film is that it showed just how ruthless and
>>murderous the drug companies were in protecting their multi million dollar
>>investments and didnt try to have a happy ending. The film showed how the
>>highest levels of western government know of these crimes and are complicit
>>in the cover up.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Constant Gardener; The best film in years, exposes western crimes in africa

2005-09-28 Thread Keith Addison
>My wife and I saw the film Constant Gardener last night and would highly
>recommend it to all  citizens of the world. The film, starring Ralph
>Fiennes, is based on the Le Carre book of the same name, and is about how
>the western drug companies use Africa as a testing ground for their
>experimental drugs, and cause death and suffering in the process when toxic
>side effects to their imperfect formulas start killing people.
>The best part of the whole film is that it showed just how ruthless and
>murderous the drug companies were in protecting their multi million dollar
>investments and didnt try to have a happy ending. The film showed how the
>highest levels of western government know of these crimes and are complicit
>in the cover up.
>The acting is excellent, the plot complicated yet believable and the
>scenery, shot on location in Kenya, while including the stark and awesome
>beauty of Kenya, shows just how the African people are suffering, while
>their leaders take the white mans money and allow their people to die.
>After watching this film, one can only say "Thank God for Shaebia! (the
>nickname for the Eritrean government, meaning "the people" in Arabic)", who
>would never allow such crimes to be inflicted on the Eritrean people. NGO's,
>the UN, and especially the western "aid" agencies are all out to keep Africa
>and the African people in submission to the western interests, and one cant
>but help see this in the film.
>This film is definitely one of the best in years, actually the best I can
>remember. Definitely for Eri-TV to show TWICE!
>Selam and rain for Eritrea,
>Thomas C. Mountain
Published on Sunday, September 11, 2005 by the Observer/UK

Diseases of Rich Deprive Poor of Drugs

by Anushka Asthana

The world's poorest people are being denied access to drugs because 
pharmaceutical companies are focusing their resources on diseases 
suffered by wealthy, middle-aged Americans, such as obesity and heart 
disease, a leading expert will say tomorrow.

Dr David Rhodes, the Health Protection Agency's (HPA) head of 
business development, will claim that spiraling costs are driving 
firms to invest primarily in drugs that tackle diseases of 'older 

As a result, the international market has been flooded with medicines 
to treat 'American diseases' such as high blood pressure, obesity, 
heart disease and cancer, while drugs to tackle tuberculosis, malaria 
and water-borne diseases prevalent in the poorest countries have been 

Presenting his research at the HPA's annual conference tomorrow, 
Rhodes will show that more and more pharmaceutical companies are 
moving their headquarters to the US in search of profits. Once there, 
they pump money into treatments that help the local population to 
live longer.

'Drugs and vaccines are becoming phenomenally expensive to develop,' 
said Rhodes. 'Companies have to recoup their investments by selling 
the drugs and vaccines. To be economic, they need a large population 
and the price has to be high. That increasingly means that drugs are 
developed for older Americans, who are getting healthier and living 

Costs are soaring, added Rhodes, because of extensive safety and 
efficacy testing and the fact that many drugs that show 'early 
promise' never make it through the checks.

As such, companies looking to be 'economic' shift resources to meet 
the needs - and benefit from the profits - of the biggest spenders. 
'The US tend to get the first bite of the cherry,' admitted Rhodes.

He said the trend had led to a 'vicious' circle in the poorest 
countries of 'low economic growth leading to poor healthcare systems, 
creating a higher burden of disease which in turn affects the ability 
of the population to develop economically'. But while sub-Saharan 
Africa is heavily affected, China and India's strong investment in 
their pharmaceutical industry has seen health improvements and 
economic bonuses that will in turn attract investment back.

Nevertheless, with many private companies turning their back on the 
developing world, Rhodes said research was heavily dependent on 
philanthropic funding and government backing.

He welcomed the International Finance Facility for Immunization - the 
funding arm of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization - 
that was launched on Friday. The group has pledged to raise $4 
billion (£2.2bn) for an immunization program in the developing world.

© Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Constant Gardener; The best film in years, exposes western crimes in africa

2005-09-28 Thread Zeke Yewdall
> NGO's,
> the UN, and especially the western "aid" agencies are all out to keep Africa
> and the African people in submission to the western interests, and one cant
> but help see this in the film.

In general, I agree, however not all NGO's are out to do this.  I
worked for Engineers Without Borders, which focuses on village level
design of small infrastructure projects, and stresses appropriate
technology that is designed in consulation with the people who will
use it, and training the local people to extend the technology to
neighboring areas themselves.

Of course, we cannot get any funding from USAID, etc, because #1) our
average project costs $20,000, which lacks about two decimal places
for qualifying for aid agencies to even look at it, and #2) this
approach which treats each village as a unique situation instead of
doing a cookie cutter, one size fits no one approach, has much higher
administrative and overhead costs, and looks bad on the books.

And we also have to constantly fight people who have either the
arrogant engineer mentality (lets save the poor africans with our
great technology), or the christian evangelist mentality (lets save
the poor africans with our great religion).

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Constant Gardener; The best film in years, exposes western crimes in africa

2005-09-27 Thread Thomas Mountain
My wife and I saw the film Constant Gardener last night and would highly
recommend it to all  citizens of the world. The film, starring Ralph
Fiennes, is based on the Le Carre book of the same name, and is about how
the western drug companies use Africa as a testing ground for their
experimental drugs, and cause death and suffering in the process when toxic
side effects to their imperfect formulas start killing people.
The best part of the whole film is that it showed just how ruthless and
murderous the drug companies were in protecting their multi million dollar
investments and didnt try to have a happy ending. The film showed how the
highest levels of western government know of these crimes and are complicit
in the cover up.
The acting is excellent, the plot complicated yet believable and the
scenery, shot on location in Kenya, while including the stark and awesome
beauty of Kenya, shows just how the African people are suffering, while
their leaders take the white mans money and allow their people to die.
After watching this film, one can only say "Thank God for Shaebia! (the
nickname for the Eritrean government, meaning "the people" in Arabic)", who
would never allow such crimes to be inflicted on the Eritrean people. NGO's,
the UN, and especially the western "aid" agencies are all out to keep Africa
and the African people in submission to the western interests, and one cant
but help see this in the film.
This film is definitely one of the best in years, actually the best I can
remember. Definitely for Eri-TV to show TWICE!
Selam and rain for Eritrea,
Thomas C. Mountain

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (50,000 messages):