Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-26 Thread Keith Addison

ISIS Press Release 26/08/08

USDA Gift to Monsanto

The US Department of Agriculture's give-away insurance rates for GM 
crops risk bankrupting the public coffers. Prof. Joe Cummins

The Federal Crop Insurance Corporation (FCIC) is part of the Risk 
Management Agency (RMA) that serves under the USDA (United States 
Department of Agriculture), a Federal Executive Department (or 
Cabinet Department).The USDA-FCIC safeguards the economic stability 
of agriculture through a system of crop insurance and provides the 
means for research in devising and establishing such insurance. It is 
managed by a Board of Directors, subject to the general supervision 
of the Secretary of Agriculture.

On 12 September 2007, the FCIC Board of Directors approved a Biotech 
Yield Endorsement (BYE) pilot programme submitted under section 
523(d) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act. The result is that farmers 
growing Monsanto's genetically modified (GM) maize receives crop 
insurance at a greatly reduced cost of between 20 and 70 percent.

The BYE programme was crafted by the Monsanto Corporation and its 
first beneficiary is limited to its GM maize. This insurance bonanza 
is intended for farmers planting Monsanto's GM maize that has Bt 
genes against corn borer and root worm stacked with a gene for 
tolerance to Round-up herbicide. The FCIC Board of Directors, at its 
14 August 2008 meeting, approved additional seed technologies for 
premium rate reduction for producers planting certain corn hybrid 
varieties; i.e., those containing Bt genes for corn borer and 
rootworm stacked with genes for tolerance to herbicides such as 
glyphosate and glufosinate. The companies benefiting from the 
largesse of the USDA give-away insurance include besides Monsanto, 
Dow, Syngenta and Pioneer Hi-Bred [1, 2].

The crop insurance policies insure producers against yield losses due 
to natural causes such as drought, excessive moisture, hail, wind, 
frost, insects, and disease [3]. It is clear that the stacked GM 
maize lines are protected against corn borer and rootworm, but not 
particularly well protected against drought, excessive moisture, 
hail, wind, frost and disease, nor against the numerous insect pest 
that are likely to take advantage of reduced competition from borer 
or  root worm. It may be that the stacked maize lines will benefit 
from a USDA give-away insurance that specifically protects against 
any such secondary insect pests; for they have indeed already emerged 
in China and India as the result of growing Bt cotton [4, 5] (see Why 
Prince Charles is Right, SiS 40 and Deadly gift from Monsanto to 
India, SiS 39)

FCIC is presuming that the stacked GM maize lines will consistently 
produce more than conventional or organic maize, but that has not 
been proven scientifically. It is based solely on an act of faith on 
the part of the USDA bureaucrats.

Why then do these new GM constructs deserve the gift of reduced 
insurance cost at the US taxpayers' expense? Have the taxpayers been 
consulted before such egregious largesse has been doled out to 
well-heeled farmers and the corporations who licence the GM seeds?

The rest of the farming community may feel especially aggrieved at 
this blatant display of favouritism on the part of the FCIC. After 
all, insured organic farmers were not compensated for damages from 
epidemics of fungal disease, even though the conventional fungicides 
were ineffective against the fungus disease. It seems that FCAC is 
taking on the role of sugar daddy to the GM industry and compliant 
farmers. And that may go a long way towards promoting universal GM 
farming practices and bankrupting the public coffers.



2. Witt,T Pilot biotechnology yield endorsement Insurance Standaards 
Handbook  2008 and Succeeding Years,

3. Crop Policies  Risk Management Agency Actual Production History 

4. Shiva V and Ho MW. Why Prince Charles is right. We need GMO-free 
food and agriculture for food security. Science in Society 40 (to 

5. Kalaspurkar R. Deadly gift from Monsanto to India. SIS 38 - 
Letters to the editor. Science in Society 38, 51, 2008.

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-26 Thread Keith Addison
[Biofuel] Glyphosate Toxic & Roundup Worse
[Biofuel] Fwd: PANUPS: Rethinking Roundup
[Biofuel] Scientists Estimate That Pesticides are Reducing Crop 
Yields by ONE-THIRD

>Hi All ;
>>   One of the genetic modifications made on crop plants
>>  is to make them
>>  "roundup ready". Such plants are resistant to the
>>  herbicide so it can then
>>  be sprayed on them multiple times throughout the growing
>>  season  ..
>>  double and triple dosing all those living in the vicinity
>>  or working in the
>>  fields, as well.
>Yes thanks for your post, and I know you are not supporting RoundUp. 
>You know, scientists recently were shocked to find abundant life at 
>5,000 meters in the crushing depths of the ocean near volcanic vents 
>spewing corrosive streams of superheated water.
>If life can adapt and flourish in these harsh conditions, why would 
>anyone think that it would take a mere heartbeat for nature to form 
>super life forms resistant to RoundUp or any other puny chemical we 
>can dream up?  Yes the weeds are sick but we are even more sick. How 
>foolish and blind we sometimes are. 
>Best Regards,
>Peter G.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-26 Thread SurpriseShan2
 Thanks  Keith. 
  best wishes
In a message dated 26/08/2008 3:39:18 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Hello  Shan

>My understanding was that  the  'poistive' attributes of GM crops/foods
>were supposed to be  that  they got a higher yield, for insects didn't take 
>much, plus it was  less  expensive to grow them for there was no need for
>pesticides,  etc.  It seems  that even those traits are not panning 
>out  though. Or have
>I  misunderstood?

Well, that's the spin,  but it ain't so. None of the pro-GM spin 
checks out: yields aren't higher,  they're often lower, pesticide use 
goes up, not down, the GM traits don't  stay put, they spread through 
the pollen, polluting other crops and  creating "superweeds", and the 
basis of the claims for safety and health  are based on bent science, 
no science, and suppression of science that  finds harmful effects (eg 
Árpád Pusztai, most  famously).

Genetically Engineered Crops and Pesticide Use in the United  States: 
The First Nine Years
Dr. Charles M. Benbrook
Northwest  Science and Environmental Policy Center
"The substantial increase in  herbicide use on RR crops is now 
unmistakable in USDA pesticide use  data."

Troubled  Times Amid Commercial Success for Roundup Ready Soybeans -- 
A report by  consultant Charles M. Benbrook of the Northwest Science 
and Environmental  Policy Center in Idaho found that farmers are using 
more herbicide than  ever before, despite biotech industry claims to 
the contrary. Using US  Department of Agriculture data from 1998, 
Benbrook found that farmers  sprayed 11.4% more herbicide on 
herbicide-resistant genetically engineered  crops than on fields 
treated with conventional  herbicides.
Dr.  Charles M. Benbrook
Northwest Science and Environmental Policy  Center

GE Crop Yields/Pesticide Use No Better
Recent data from the  US Department of Agriculture's Economic
Research Service for the 1997 and  1998 growing season found
that in most cases genetically engineered crops  were not
getting any better yields than conventional crops, and
farmers  were using about the same amount of pesticides on
engineered crops as  conventional crops.

New  Soil Association report shows GM crops do not yield more - sometimes  
The Soil Association has published a report on the  latest available 
research on GM crop yields over the last ten years (see  report 
below). The yields of all major GM crop varieties in cultivation  are 
lower than, or at best, equivalent to, yields from non-GM  varieties.

"Most  of the genetic modifications introduced in crops aim at making 
them  resistant to pests or weed killing, but not to increase yields," 
says  Hans-Joerg Jacobsen, biologist at the University of Hanover in 
Germany.  "Modern cultures, free of any genetic modification, have 
higher yields  than genetically modified seeds."
GM foods the problem, not the solution,  Inter Press Service (IPS), May 23,  

Vandana Shiva  says: "Genetic engineering so far has only achieved 
transfer of single  gene traits such as herbicide resistance and Bt. 
toxin production. Yield  and environmental resilience are multigenetic 
traits, and there is no GM  crop currently engineered for high yields. 
Monsanto has claimed that its  Bt. Cotton in India yields 1,500 
kg/acre. Most independent studies have  found 300-400 kg/acre as an 
average, with many farmers facing total crop  failure due to pest 
attack and some getting more than 1,000 kg if the  weather was not too 
dry or two wet."
Why Prince Charles is right: we  need GM free food and agriculture for 
food security
By Dr Vandana  Shiva
The Daily Telegraph, 22 August  2008

"Genetically  modified agriculture will not solve the world's hunger 
problem," Hans  Kast, managing director of the plant science branch of 
the chemical giant  BASF told the German newspaper Die Sueddeutsche 
Zeitung. -- GM foods the  problem, not the solution, Inter Press 
Service (IPS), May 23,  2008

Martin Taylor,  chairman of Syngenta, said the current industry focus 
on farmers in rich  countries meant it would take 20 years to launch 
crop varieties designed  to address the problems of the developing 
world. He told the Guardian: "GM  won't solve the food crisis, at 
least not in the short term." -- "GM will  not solve current food 
crisis, says industry boss," June 27  2008

And  so on.


Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-26 Thread Guag Meister
Hi All ;

>  One of the genetic modifications made on crop plants
> is to make them 
> "roundup ready". Such plants are resistant to the
> herbicide so it can then 
> be sprayed on them multiple times throughout the growing
> season  .. 
> double and triple dosing all those living in the vicinity
> or working in the 
> fields, as well.

Yes thanks for your post, and I know you are not supporting RoundUp.  You know, 
scientists recently were shocked to find abundant life at 5,000 meters in the 
crushing depths of the ocean near volcanic vents spewing corrosive streams of 
superheated water.

If life can adapt and flourish in these harsh conditions, why would anyone 
think that it would take a mere heartbeat for nature to form super life forms 
resistant to RoundUp or any other puny chemical we can dream up?  Yes the weeds 
are sick but we are even more sick. How foolish and blind we sometimes are.  

Best Regards,

Peter G.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-26 Thread Thomas Kelly
  > What is the Connection between the crop being GM and the harm caused 
by the pesticide?
 One of the genetic modifications made on crop plants is to make them 
"roundup ready". Such plants are resistant to the herbicide so it can then 
be sprayed on them multiple times throughout the growing season  .. 
double and triple dosing all those living in the vicinity or working in the 
fields, as well.


- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2008 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 
2008 *#

> Dear Doug,
> I see you bought into Al Jazeera's headline.
> What is the Connection between the crop being GM and the harm caused 
> by the pesticide?
> Regards,
> Wendell
>>From: doug swanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Date: 2008/08/25 Mon AM 07:27:06 EDT
>>To: Biofuel List 
>>Subject: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 
>>Biofuel mailing list
>>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 
> ___
> Biofuel mailing list
> Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
> Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 
> messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-26 Thread Keith Addison
Hello Shan

>My understanding was that  the 'poistive' attributes of GM crops/foods
>were supposed to be  that they got a higher yield, for insects didn't take as
>much, plus it was less  expensive to grow them for there was no need for
>pesticides, etc.  It seems  that even those traits are not panning 
>out though. Or have
>I  misunderstood?

Well, that's the spin, but it ain't so. None of the pro-GM spin 
checks out: yields aren't higher, they're often lower, pesticide use 
goes up, not down, the GM traits don't stay put, they spread through 
the pollen, polluting other crops and creating "superweeds", and the 
basis of the claims for safety and health are based on bent science, 
no science, and suppression of science that finds harmful effects (eg 
Árpád Pusztai, most famously).

Genetically Engineered Crops and Pesticide Use in the United States: 
The First Nine Years
Dr. Charles M. Benbrook
Northwest Science and Environmental Policy Center
"The substantial increase in herbicide use on RR crops is now 
unmistakable in USDA pesticide use data."

Troubled Times Amid Commercial Success for Roundup Ready Soybeans -- 
A report by consultant Charles M. Benbrook of the Northwest Science 
and Environmental Policy Center in Idaho found that farmers are using 
more herbicide than ever before, despite biotech industry claims to 
the contrary. Using US Department of Agriculture data from 1998, 
Benbrook found that farmers sprayed 11.4% more herbicide on 
herbicide-resistant genetically engineered crops than on fields 
treated with conventional herbicides.
Dr. Charles M. Benbrook
Northwest Science and Environmental Policy Center

GE Crop Yields/Pesticide Use No Better
Recent data from the US Department of Agriculture's Economic
Research Service for the 1997 and 1998 growing season found
that in most cases genetically engineered crops were not
getting any better yields than conventional crops, and
farmers were using about the same amount of pesticides on
engineered crops as conventional crops.

New Soil Association report shows GM crops do not yield more - sometimes less
The Soil Association has published a report on the latest available 
research on GM crop yields over the last ten years (see report 
below). The yields of all major GM crop varieties in cultivation are 
lower than, or at best, equivalent to, yields from non-GM varieties.

"Most of the genetic modifications introduced in crops aim at making 
them resistant to pests or weed killing, but not to increase yields," 
says Hans-Joerg Jacobsen, biologist at the University of Hanover in 
Germany. "Modern cultures, free of any genetic modification, have 
higher yields than genetically modified seeds."
GM foods the problem, not the solution, Inter Press Service (IPS), May 23, 2008

Vandana Shiva says: "Genetic engineering so far has only achieved 
transfer of single gene traits such as herbicide resistance and Bt. 
toxin production. Yield and environmental resilience are multigenetic 
traits, and there is no GM crop currently engineered for high yields. 
Monsanto has claimed that its Bt. Cotton in India yields 1,500 
kg/acre. Most independent studies have found 300-400 kg/acre as an 
average, with many farmers facing total crop failure due to pest 
attack and some getting more than 1,000 kg if the weather was not too 
dry or two wet."
Why Prince Charles is right: we need GM free food and agriculture for 
food security
By Dr Vandana Shiva
The Daily Telegraph, 22 August 2008

"Genetically modified agriculture will not solve the world's hunger 
problem," Hans Kast, managing director of the plant science branch of 
the chemical giant BASF told the German newspaper Die Sueddeutsche 
Zeitung. -- GM foods the problem, not the solution, Inter Press 
Service (IPS), May 23, 2008

Martin Taylor, chairman of Syngenta, said the current industry focus 
on farmers in rich countries meant it would take 20 years to launch 
crop varieties designed to address the problems of the developing 
world. He told the Guardian: "GM won't solve the food crisis, at 
least not in the short term." -- "GM will not solve current food 
crisis, says industry boss," June 27 2008

And so on.



>best  wishes
>   Shan
>In a message dated 25/08/2008 2:13:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, 
>Most  studies have found that use of pesticides with GM crops goes up,
>not down

Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-25 Thread SurpriseShan2
   My understanding was that  the 'poistive' attributes of GM crops/foods 
were supposed to be  that they got a higher yield, for insects didn't take as 
much, plus it was less  expensive to grow them for there was no need for 
pesticides, etc.  It seems  that even those traits are not panning out though. 
Or have 
I  misunderstood?
   best  wishes
In a message dated 25/08/2008 2:13:34 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Most  studies have found that use of pesticides with GM crops goes up, 
not down  as promised by Monsanto et  al.



>>  Dear Doug,
>> I see you bought into Al Jazeera's  headline.
>>   What is the  Connection between the crop being GM and the harm 
>>caused by the  pesticide?
>>   Regards,
>>  Wendell
>Nope, I've not bought into anything, merely copy and pasted the  title
>into the email.  True, there's no mention of GM in the  video...  has to
>do more with the pesticides used on the  crops.  It's my opinion that
>crops grown naturally will maintain a  natural resistance to pests, and
>while the pests may consume a  percentage of the crop, the pests are a
>lesser bane to both the  farmers, and the consumers of food, than
>whatever pesticides might be  used to control the pests, (and in the
>process, killing the organisms,  earthworms, bacteria, mycelium, in the
>soil that make for a living  substrate for crops grown in it.)
>As far as getting my "news"  from Al Jazeera, yes, I do read it, and CNN,
>and PressTV, and Haaretz,  and Democracy Now, The Hindu, Voice of
>America, Reuters, the list goes  on and on...  Each one has their own
>style of spin, and like  religions, each has a small thread ot truth that
>winds through  it.  Careful analysis will expose truth amongst the
>spins...   Unless I am there, and have seen with my own eyes, all reports
>arriving  at my eyes are suspect...


-- next part --
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Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-25 Thread Keith Addison
Most studies have found that use of pesticides with GM crops goes up, 
not down as promised by Monsanto et al.



>>  Dear Doug,
>>   I see you bought into Al Jazeera's headline.
>>   What is the Connection between the crop being GM and the harm 
>>caused by the pesticide?
>>  Regards,
>>  Wendell
>Nope, I've not bought into anything, merely copy and pasted the title
>into the email.  True, there's no mention of GM in the video...  has to
>do more with the pesticides used on the crops.  It's my opinion that
>crops grown naturally will maintain a natural resistance to pests, and
>while the pests may consume a percentage of the crop, the pests are a
>lesser bane to both the farmers, and the consumers of food, than
>whatever pesticides might be used to control the pests, (and in the
>process, killing the organisms, earthworms, bacteria, mycelium, in the
>soil that make for a living substrate for crops grown in it.)
>As far as getting my "news" from Al Jazeera, yes, I do read it, and CNN,
>and PressTV, and Haaretz, and Democracy Now, The Hindu, Voice of
>America, Reuters, the list goes on and on...  Each one has their own
>style of spin, and like religions, each has a small thread ot truth that
>winds through it.  Careful analysis will expose truth amongst the
>spins...  Unless I am there, and have seen with my own eyes, all reports
>arriving at my eyes are suspect...
>Contentment comes not from having more, but from wanting less.
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>All generalizations are false.  Including this one.
>* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
>This email is constructed entirely with OpenSource Software.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-25 Thread doug swanson
> Dear Doug,
>  I see you bought into Al Jazeera's headline.
>  What is the Connection between the crop being GM and the harm caused by 
> the pesticide?
> Regards,
> Wendell
Nope, I've not bought into anything, merely copy and pasted the title 
into the email.  True, there's no mention of GM in the video...  has to 
do more with the pesticides used on the crops.  It's my opinion that 
crops grown naturally will maintain a natural resistance to pests, and 
while the pests may consume a percentage of the crop, the pests are a 
lesser bane to both the farmers, and the consumers of food, than 
whatever pesticides might be used to control the pests, (and in the 
process, killing the organisms, earthworms, bacteria, mycelium, in the 
soil that make for a living substrate for crops grown in it.)

As far as getting my "news" from Al Jazeera, yes, I do read it, and CNN, 
and PressTV, and Haaretz, and Democracy Now, The Hindu, Voice of 
America, Reuters, the list goes on and on...  Each one has their own 
style of spin, and like religions, each has a small thread ot truth that 
winds through it.  Careful analysis will expose truth amongst the 
spins...  Unless I am there, and have seen with my own eyes, all reports 
arriving at my eyes are suspect...


Contentment comes not from having more, but from wanting less.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

All generalizations are false.  Including this one.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This email is constructed entirely with OpenSource Software.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Re: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008 *#

2008-08-25 Thread yankeetrader
Dear Doug,

 I see you bought into Al Jazeera's headline.

 What is the Connection between the crop being GM and the harm caused by 
the pesticide?



>From: doug swanson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: 2008/08/25 Mon AM 07:27:06 EDT
>To: Biofuel List 
>Subject: [Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008

>Biofuel mailing list
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Search the combined Biofuel and Biofuels-biz list archives (70,000 messages):

[Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008

2008-08-25 Thread doug swanson
Scores of Paraguayan say that they are being driven from their 
communities by pesticides, but the government denies the claims.

Al Jazeera's Lucia Newman reports from San Pedro del Norte, Paraguay 
where locals are complaining that mass spraying of toxic chemicals on 
genetically modified crops near their homes is making them ill.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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[Biofuel] Paraguayans 'ill through GM crop pesticide' - 24 Aug 2008

2008-08-25 Thread doug swanson

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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