Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

2004-06-03 Thread Hakan Falk



At 01:49 03/06/2004, you wrote:
I am glad to hear that you are not full of hate (you could not be all bad...
you are into biodiesel!).

My thing is  and why I got caught in biofuels, 
was very much by admiration of what Keith is doing to actively help the 
developing countries, in many more ways than getting Americans to make 
biodiesel. I have gone through a couple of test batches, just to see if it 
was that simple and because I like to know what people are talking about. 
Made it simple for me, with SVO and by following instructions exactly, so I 
still do not have had the problems that many seems to get. This leaves me 
with a feeling that I do not know enough anyway, other than it is workable 
and viable, which was what I wanted to know in the first place. I had a lot 
of practise from making Ethanol when I was younger, so I did not have to 
revisit that. LOL

However, your rhetoric is not factual and is clearly based on very one-sided
information.  In this context, even if you do not intend it, you are
propagating a hateful message.

I have a lot of information, from all kind of sides and am very active in 
follow up things. Maybe you do not like some of my conclusions and 
reactions to events, but that does not mean that I hate you or anything 
like it. I have not had this reactions from anyone for a long time, not 
since my son were a child.  As I said before, I had some you do not love 
me anymore and similar pressures, but not pure talk about hate.

What is my message? Please tell me.

Jew's have a saying... Never Forget.  It is easy to think  that events
such as the holocaust could never happen again.  However, those of us whose
families have been at the receiving end of hate throughout the ages, are
especially attune to hate speech.  I have to confront you when you spew this
sort of rhetoric -- I know where it can lead.

What rhetoric or hate speech?

I think that we have a couple of recent holocausts and one ongoing in 
Sudan. It is obvious that those things are happening all the time.

I believe that there are many people at fault for where we are today...
Extremist Muslims, Christians, and Jews...  Not to mention plenty of people
who are just plane power hungry and selfish.  To single out any one group or
person to blame is hate -- and cannot help us reach peace.

Who singled out one group? Muslims, Christians and Jews have the same God, 
so why are the same children of God killing each other over books? It is 
almost a farce, if it wasn't so tragic. Especially since their common God 
told them not to kill each other, it is a clear message in all the variants 
of the books. I am not God and it is not my children, but I am sick and 
tired of constantly getting involved in what his kids are messing up. 
Obviously they do not listen to their God.

I have my own personal relationship with God and his basic rules, which I 
can fully subscribe to. I do not find that I can subscribe to any version 
of Muslim, Christian nor Jewish practises, since I find them all to be too 
corrupted. Therefore I do not hate, which is a very wasteful, useless and 
energy consuming exercise anyway, I am a bit lazy. -:)

On a brighter note, I finaly got a tank of Biodiesel in my new truck today!
6 months in the making...

Congratulations. -:)


- Original Message -
From: Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 7:14 AM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

  You are the first person in my life who accused me of being full of hate.
  have been called many things in heated discussions, but never this. I just
  wonder, who am I supposed to hate?
  This is not completely true, because there are women in my life that have
  said you do not love me anymore or even you say this because you hate
  me etc.. This is not really the same thing as full of hate, but it
  be a similar strategy. So what do you want from me, to prove that I do not
  hate you? Acceptance of Israeli war crimes? Accept Israeli discrimination
  and appropriations of properties? Acceptance of Israeli targeting and
  killing? Acceptance of Israeli internment of people, for years and without
  legal trials? Accept creation and maintenance of permanent refugee
  ghettos?  What is the difference between the German raids in Warsaw and
  Israeli raids in Gaza?
  I have also been accused of having an authority complex in fighting
  mainstream opinion and policies. It is something in this, because I find
  difficult to accept things that are not based on merits. I am happy that I
  do not complicate my life with hate, neither of individuals nor groups of
  individuals. Hate is a very unproductive and energy wasting activity.
  I think that it was a lot of things that triggered the WWII holocaust and
  it was mostly a war of financial interests, in combination with a very
  large Jewish refugee problem

Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

2004-06-03 Thread murdoch

On Thu, 03 Jun 2004 08:19:58 +0200, you wrote:



At 01:49 03/06/2004, you wrote:
I am glad to hear that you are not full of hate (you could not be all bad...
you are into biodiesel!).

My thing is  and why I got caught in biofuels, 
was very much by admiration of what Keith is doing to actively help the 
developing countries, in many more ways than getting Americans to make 
biodiesel. I have gone through a couple of test batches, just to see if it 
was that simple and because I like to know what people are talking about. 
Made it simple for me, with SVO and by following instructions exactly, so I 
still do not have had the problems that many seems to get. This leaves me 
with a feeling that I do not know enough anyway, other than it is workable 
and viable, which was what I wanted to know in the first place. 

This about where I am (but still ahead of me).  Sometimes I take a class or try
an activity to verify what I want to take away from it.  My guess is that, in
the unlikely event I were to soon have enough money for a car, I might try one
that is already pre-outfitted by a qualified outfit to run on SVO.  This just
might be the right solution for me, at that time.  I could also purchase
biodiesel at this or that station.

But this is not to say that I think making ones own fuel is not very interesting
or a desireable activity.  Just something that I don't want to do right now, in
part out of respect for some of the difficulties that I think would come up.

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Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

2004-06-02 Thread Matt Golden

You are full of hate and I feel very sorry for you.

There are fanatic / extremist views in every religion... and it is simply
not productive to hate and blame.  Right now we seem to be living in a world
where the vast majority of modorit thinking people are being oppressed by
the will of extremest elements.

Perhaps the reason that so many jews react strongly to this sort of hatful
rhetoric is that we have learned throughout the ages to remember the
tragidies of the past.  It is just this sort of hate speach, that has
triggered events such as the holocaust.

The Jews have been without a home for the last 2000 years...  We have been
slaughtered and persecuted and blamed for any number of problems (this
latest is not the first time people have declared the Jews to be
responsible) throughout this time.  Perhaps you can understand why Israel
represents something that is so powerful and protected in the Jewish psychy.

I would not agree with everything that Israel has done (in fact, I tend to
disagree with a great many of her policies), however I have to believe in
her right to exist.

The Jewish religion is not perfect... Yes many people feel strongly
especialy that Jews should not marry outside the religion... It is really
the only thing that has allowed the religion to survive 5000 years, almost
half of it without a home.  At the same time, I am married to a non-jew, and
my parents love her dearly.

You keep reffering to Jewdiasm as a monolithic block, when you yell about
text in the book used to train rabbis... I have laugh... There is no
book -- I can only say, that you really have a very superficial
understanding of the religion, and leave it at that.


I know that 99% of the people on this earth, wish for peace and love.  I
know that there are extremeist elements in every culture and religion that
believe their way of thought is the right way...  They are the only real
enemy and evil in my book.

Take a look at yourself Mr. Biobenz... because you fall into that catagory.

- Original Message - 
From: biobenz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 10:04 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

 Dear Matt. History of the Khazars and what the Talmud says is
 not hate it is historical FACT. I truly am sympathetic to those
 who suffer needlessly, be they known as jews or Palestinians or
 others who do not deserve the crimes commited against them, but this
 does not mitigate FACTS and the FACTS are that those who have set
 themselves up as the leaders of and spokepeople for the jewish
 people are Talmudists of the extreme variety and it IS important
 that people understand the mindset that these criminals use as a
 justification for their crimes. You don't agree with them, denounce
 them publickly or appologize for them at every opportunity.
 Being jewish actually puts you in a greater responsibility about
 this than I or others who are not called jews, as you are the one
 being defrauded by this more than I. I KNOW it is  a lie and that
 the teachings of the Talmud ARE NOT the torah or simply a
 ccommentary. Give me a break. Commentary
 is one hell of a stretch gettin to where it is ok for adult males to
 have sex with a three year old female as the hymen will grow back.
 That is one hell of a commentary all right.

 From Facts are Facts by Benjamin H. Freedman -
 The role the Talmud plays in Judaism as it is practiced today is
 officially stated by the eminent Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer, the
 Director of Interreligious Activities of The North American Jewish
 Committee and the President of the Jewish Chaplains Association of
 the Armed Forces of the United States. In his present capacity as
 official spokesman for The American Jewish Committee, the self-
 styled Vatican of Judaism, Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer wrote a most
 revealing and comprehensive article with the title, What is a Jew
 which was published as a featured article in Look Magazine in the
 June 17, 1952 issue. In that article Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer
 evaluated the significance of the Talmud to Judaism today. In that
 illuminating treatise on that important subject by the most
 qualified authority, at the time, Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer stated:
 The Talmud consists of 63 books of legal, ethical and historical
 writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited centuries after the
 birth of Jesus. It is a compendium of law and lore. IT IS THE LEGAL

 You tell me how it is simply a commentary when it is the
 cornerstone of jewish rabbinical indoctrination. It is rather the
 genuine teachings and life motivating factors behind the vast
 majority of those who call themsleves jews but not to the
 exclusivity of many who DO NOT believe in the legitimacy of Zionism
 nor of the Talmud, but DO however lay claim to faith in Torah. contains

Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

2004-06-02 Thread Appal Energy


Why don't you and Arthur and Alex get a grip and stop with all the
declarations of who is and isn't full of hate?

Most people get up in the morning after a reasonably peaceful sleep and set
about their business in a reasonably peaceful manner.

That all rather changes hue the moment souls such as youself begin to
blithely pass judgement on their character.

Judging from the remarks that the three of you call hate filled, none of
you have even the first clue as to what hate really is.

Todd Swearingen

- Original Message - 
From: Matt Golden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 01, 2004 6:46 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

 You are full of hate and I feel very sorry for you.

 There are fanatic / extremist views in every religion... and it is simply
 not productive to hate and blame.  Right now we seem to be living in a
 where the vast majority of modorit thinking people are being oppressed by
 the will of extremest elements.

 Perhaps the reason that so many jews react strongly to this sort of hatful
 rhetoric is that we have learned throughout the ages to remember the
 tragidies of the past.  It is just this sort of hate speach, that has
 triggered events such as the holocaust.

 The Jews have been without a home for the last 2000 years...  We have been
 slaughtered and persecuted and blamed for any number of problems (this
 latest is not the first time people have declared the Jews to be
 responsible) throughout this time.  Perhaps you can understand why Israel
 represents something that is so powerful and protected in the Jewish

 I would not agree with everything that Israel has done (in fact, I tend to
 disagree with a great many of her policies), however I have to believe in
 her right to exist.

 The Jewish religion is not perfect... Yes many people feel strongly
 especialy that Jews should not marry outside the religion... It is really
 the only thing that has allowed the religion to survive 5000 years, almost
 half of it without a home.  At the same time, I am married to a non-jew,
 my parents love her dearly.

 You keep reffering to Jewdiasm as a monolithic block, when you yell about
 text in the book used to train rabbis... I have laugh... There is no
 book -- I can only say, that you really have a very superficial
 understanding of the religion, and leave it at that.


 I know that 99% of the people on this earth, wish for peace and love.  I
 know that there are extremeist elements in every culture and religion that
 believe their way of thought is the right way...  They are the only real
 enemy and evil in my book.

 Take a look at yourself Mr. Biobenz... because you fall into that

 - Original Message - 
 From: biobenz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 10:04 AM
 Subject: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

  Dear Matt. History of the Khazars and what the Talmud says is
  not hate it is historical FACT. I truly am sympathetic to those
  who suffer needlessly, be they known as jews or Palestinians or
  others who do not deserve the crimes commited against them, but this
  does not mitigate FACTS and the FACTS are that those who have set
  themselves up as the leaders of and spokepeople for the jewish
  people are Talmudists of the extreme variety and it IS important
  that people understand the mindset that these criminals use as a
  justification for their crimes. You don't agree with them, denounce
  them publickly or appologize for them at every opportunity.
  Being jewish actually puts you in a greater responsibility about
  this than I or others who are not called jews, as you are the one
  being defrauded by this more than I. I KNOW it is  a lie and that
  the teachings of the Talmud ARE NOT the torah or simply a
  ccommentary. Give me a break. Commentary
  is one hell of a stretch gettin to where it is ok for adult males to
  have sex with a three year old female as the hymen will grow back.
  That is one hell of a commentary all right.
  From Facts are Facts by Benjamin H. Freedman -
  The role the Talmud plays in Judaism as it is practiced today is
  officially stated by the eminent Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer, the
  Director of Interreligious Activities of The North American Jewish
  Committee and the President of the Jewish Chaplains Association of
  the Armed Forces of the United States. In his present capacity as
  official spokesman for The American Jewish Committee, the self-
  styled Vatican of Judaism, Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer wrote a most
  revealing and comprehensive article with the title, What is a Jew
  which was published as a featured article in Look Magazine in the
  June 17, 1952 issue. In that article Rabbi Morris N. Kertzer
  evaluated the significance of the Talmud to Judaism today. In that
  illuminating treatise on that important subject by the most
  qualified authority, at the time, Rabbi Morris N

Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

2004-06-02 Thread Hakan Falk


You are the first person in my life who accused me of being full of hate. I 
have been called many things in heated discussions, but never this. I just 
wonder, who am I supposed to hate?

This is not completely true, because there are women in my life that have 
said you do not love me anymore or even you say this because you hate 
me etc.. This is not really the same thing as full of hate, but it might 
be a similar strategy. So what do you want from me, to prove that I do not 
hate you? Acceptance of Israeli war crimes? Accept Israeli discrimination 
and appropriations of properties? Acceptance of Israeli targeting and 
killing? Acceptance of Israeli internment of people, for years and without 
legal trials? Accept creation and maintenance of permanent refugee 
ghettos?  What is the difference between the German raids in Warsaw and 
Israeli raids in Gaza?

I have also been accused of having an authority complex in fighting 
mainstream opinion and policies. It is something in this, because I find it 
difficult to accept things that are not based on merits. I am happy that I 
do not complicate my life with hate, neither of individuals nor groups of 
individuals. Hate is a very unproductive and energy wasting activity.

I think that it was a lot of things that triggered the WWII holocaust and 
it was mostly a war of financial interests, in combination with a very 
large Jewish refugee problem in Germany. I think that the Russian 
revolution played a very large part in creating this situation and the 
preferential treatments of Jews in its aftermath. It is difficult to 
imagine a situation where a common population could do this, but similar 
things are happening in Africa, as we speak. As a teenager, I heard and 
participated in many discussions with Jews who experienced the post WWI 
period in Germany. My family was very active in supporting the German 
Jewish WWII refugees in Sweden. It is many parallels with the Russian 
revolution and even similar event of modern times in Asia and Africa.


At 01:46 02/06/2004, you wrote:
You are full of hate and I feel very sorry for you.

There are fanatic / extremist views in every religion... and it is simply
not productive to hate and blame.  Right now we seem to be living in a world
where the vast majority of modorit thinking people are being oppressed by
the will of extremest elements.

Perhaps the reason that so many jews react strongly to this sort of hatful
rhetoric is that we have learned throughout the ages to remember the
tragidies of the past.  It is just this sort of hate speach, that has
triggered events such as the holocaust.

The Jews have been without a home for the last 2000 years...  We have been
slaughtered and persecuted and blamed for any number of problems (this
latest is not the first time people have declared the Jews to be
responsible) throughout this time.  Perhaps you can understand why Israel
represents something that is so powerful and protected in the Jewish psychy.

I would not agree with everything that Israel has done (in fact, I tend to
disagree with a great many of her policies), however I have to believe in
her right to exist.

The Jewish religion is not perfect... Yes many people feel strongly
especialy that Jews should not marry outside the religion... It is really
the only thing that has allowed the religion to survive 5000 years, almost
half of it without a home.  At the same time, I am married to a non-jew, and
my parents love her dearly.

You keep reffering to Jewdiasm as a monolithic block, when you yell about
text in the book used to train rabbis... I have laugh... There is no
book -- I can only say, that you really have a very superficial
understanding of the religion, and leave it at that.


I know that 99% of the people on this earth, wish for peace and love.  I
know that there are extremeist elements in every culture and religion that
believe their way of thought is the right way...  They are the only real
enemy and evil in my book.

Take a look at yourself Mr. Biobenz... because you fall into that catagory.

- Original Message -
From: biobenz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 10:04 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

  Dear Matt. History of the Khazars and what the Talmud says is
  not hate it is historical FACT. I truly am sympathetic to those
  who suffer needlessly, be they known as jews or Palestinians or
  others who do not deserve the crimes commited against them, but this
  does not mitigate FACTS and the FACTS are that those who have set
  themselves up as the leaders of and spokepeople for the jewish
  people are Talmudists of the extreme variety and it IS important
  that people understand the mindset that these criminals use as a
  justification for their crimes. You don't agree with them, denounce
  them publickly or appologize for them at every opportunity.
  Being jewish actually puts you in a greater

Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

2004-06-02 Thread arthur sauerhaft

It does not take a genius to (I am certainly not one) to realize that 
any mention of the Protocols
is blatant expression of I hate the Jews. My personal goal is not to 
interest you on an academic level but to alert you to real hate 
mongering. Check out this history of  the document
As faras the personal attack is concerned MAYBE  it was a lttle over the 

Hakan Falk wrote:


I am puzzled,  have looked through the thread and have large 
difficulties to find any I hate the Jews in it. I find some 
interesting ideological  and theological facts in it, but expressed in a 
respectful and objective way. I find no reasons for this nobody likes 
us postings. They would be more interesting without this below the belt 
Lucifer things.




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Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

2004-05-31 Thread Appal Energy

 There are many Jewish people who are active in bringing justice and 
 fairness to our existence.
 Why Luc didn't bother to write about them?

Probably for reasons similar to why you don't fix what ain't broke.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Sunday, May 30, 2004 3:17 PM
Subject: Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

 There are many Jewish people who are active in bringing justice and 
 fairness to our existence.
 Why Luc didn't bother to write about them?
 Matt Golden wrote:
 I am literally stunned by this outburst of hate.
 [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

2004-05-30 Thread Matt Golden

I am literally stunned by this outburst of hate.

I am Jewish.  Like 99% of Jews around the world, more than anything I want a
true peace in the middle east.  Jews are not some sort of monolithic
force... or conspiracy... we are exactly like every other person on this

The very idea that there is one way to interpret the Talmud in itself shows
this man's ignorance.  The Talmud is simply a commentary on the Torah...
there are literally hundreds of opinions on every topic, and none are
right...  It is a discussion of ideas that spans centuries.  It is the
debate of ideas that defines Jewish belief and law.

There are extremist interpretations of every tradition... Muslim, Christian,
Jewish.  The interpretation of the Talmud that you refer to is an
interpretation that is only believed by a few extremists, and is not part of
modern Jewish understanding.

One example of an extremist Christian belief that has a similar effect on
world view, is the evangelical belief that only those who are born again can
be saved.  This tenant has the same polarizing effect as being chosen...
Accum's razor might suggest that it is more likely that this line of thought
could have affected our President (he is after all a practicing Born Again
Evangelical Christian), rather then an obscure teaching from the Talmud.

How exactly did you make the leap from Bush to Jew bashing amazing
string of logic.

The first step towards solving this world's problem, is for us all to look
at each other with open eyes... realize that we are all human, and all faced
with the same fears, and loves.  We need to look in our enemies soul and
realize that they are exactly like us.

The first step to peace is empathy.

- Original Message - 
From: biobenz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 6:01 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

 Hubris; the unreasonable absorbtion with ones self often
 misrepresented as narcisism plagues Americans more than any other
 one single group anywhere. In a way it is not even their fault as
 they have been conditioned this way from birth; the thinking of the
 world in terms of America is the only way Americans CAN relate to
 the world as they are woefully ignorant (unlearned) of it other than
 in American terms.
 This latest outing of Bush et co's policies of not me first, me
 ONLY is merely an extrapolation of that. In ideology that only
 reflects the Talmudisation of America and it's pulpits as that is
 EXACTLY what the Talmud teaches, that all non-jews are not even to
 be considered as human, but are merely cattle, so America's me
 ONLY attitude towards the rest of the world is gain a reflection of
 that mindset.
 The Talmud teaches not a superior race ethic(!)it teaches an ONLY
 race one. It is little wonder that once discovered for it's true
 self there were born so-called persecutions and osterisations of
 the chosen. No one appreciates being categorised as cattle for
 the benefit of it's owners and masters.
 America DOES NOT speak for the world but it THINKS it does in it's
 delusion that they are the best, the greatest, the only truly
 capable form of political thought capable of deciding the fate of
 the world because they have more bombs. Might is right and truth be
 damned. International laws are for the subserviant not for the
 masters, just like Sharon and his lot in the political state of
 Israel.The two have worked, yes WORKED, hand in glove to see to it
 through numerous UN vetos, that neither would ever be held
 accountable to anyone who is not of the master category. Is it a
 piss-off ? At present the rest of the planet has had about enough of
 both of them and their slaughter of the poor and innocent for
 whatever trumped up reason they have their media shills push at us.
 Sooner or later the bully always gets his, and only then can the
 rest live in peace and cooperation, for as long as the instigators
 of hate and division for profit are running the show there will be
 no peace or ability for the haves to share with the havenots for
 the masters want it all for themselves.

 But then that is just my take on it.


 --- In, Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Chris,
  Have you ever contemplated that this kind of thought are only
 supported by
  a maximum of 2% of the world population, if US are split in the
 middle on
  this issue. I and a majority of the people outside US, recent the
 US as a
  spokesman for the western civilization. Who are you, to do this
 kind of
  evaluation. It might be your personal thoughts, but you are quite
  The ideals of all civilizations, not the practices, are equally
 noble. This if
  you look at what they say and not on what they do. The western
  or indeed US, are in no way unique or better on this.
  Bush can be happy that he have no law license to loose for lying
  As I understand it, Clinton was never impeached

Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

2004-05-30 Thread Hakan Falk


I cannot see any outburst of hate, but I can see an argument that are often 
Among my many Jewish friends, I have often seen this sensitivity. Therefore it
is difficult to have discussions. Otherwise I find your comments correct and
interesting. Jews are not a race, they are defined by their religion and as 
as its rules correspond with the society they live in, it should not be any 
of interest. There are several severe elements of severe discrimination in the
Jewish religion and even in common practise of it. I have been in the 
situation of
being a non-religious Christian, trying to make it out with a Jewish 
Even if her family and friends were not particularly religious in their 
fate, the
pressures became to much for her in the end. The big things can be discussed,
as you do, but all the small things are difficult. My experiences are that the
Jewish community as such, is very discriminating, but can also be very open
at individual level. The community belive in their superiority, but as 
often is
the case, it is not reflected on an individual level. For several reasons, 
I do not
think that me and my girlfriend would have stayed together anyway, but it was
interesting to see the group in work. I have also seen the working of Muslim
groups of immigrants and they are equally discriminating, as well as Christian
groups. Why it maybe is less common by Christian groups, is probably the
very large number of people who are non-believers and non-religious, but still
labelled as Christians.  There are however many bad example of the workings
of Christian groups and maybe the current US situation is one of them.

In this particular discussion, I think that you used the the outburst of 
without reason. In the same way that many women refer to sex discrimination,
more as an argument to gain position, than describing the actual situation. It
should not be needed, because what you are saying stands well on its own


At 07:50 30/05/2004, you wrote:
I am literally stunned by this outburst of hate.

I am Jewish.  Like 99% of Jews around the world, more than anything I want a
true peace in the middle east.  Jews are not some sort of monolithic
force... or conspiracy... we are exactly like every other person on this

The very idea that there is one way to interpret the Talmud in itself shows
this man's ignorance.  The Talmud is simply a commentary on the Torah...
there are literally hundreds of opinions on every topic, and none are
right...  It is a discussion of ideas that spans centuries.  It is the
debate of ideas that defines Jewish belief and law.

There are extremist interpretations of every tradition... Muslim, Christian,
Jewish.  The interpretation of the Talmud that you refer to is an
interpretation that is only believed by a few extremists, and is not part of
modern Jewish understanding.

One example of an extremist Christian belief that has a similar effect on
world view, is the evangelical belief that only those who are born again can
be saved.  This tenant has the same polarizing effect as being chosen...
Accum's razor might suggest that it is more likely that this line of thought
could have affected our President (he is after all a practicing Born Again
Evangelical Christian), rather then an obscure teaching from the Talmud.

How exactly did you make the leap from Bush to Jew bashing amazing
string of logic.

The first step towards solving this world's problem, is for us all to look
at each other with open eyes... realize that we are all human, and all faced
with the same fears, and loves.  We need to look in our enemies soul and
realize that they are exactly like us.

The first step to peace is empathy.

- Original Message -
From: biobenz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 6:01 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

  Hubris; the unreasonable absorbtion with ones self often
  misrepresented as narcisism plagues Americans more than any other
  one single group anywhere. In a way it is not even their fault as
  they have been conditioned this way from birth; the thinking of the
  world in terms of America is the only way Americans CAN relate to
  the world as they are woefully ignorant (unlearned) of it other than
  in American terms.
  This latest outing of Bush et co's policies of not me first, me
  ONLY is merely an extrapolation of that. In ideology that only
  reflects the Talmudisation of America and it's pulpits as that is
  EXACTLY what the Talmud teaches, that all non-jews are not even to
  be considered as human, but are merely cattle, so America's me
  ONLY attitude towards the rest of the world is gain a reflection of
  that mindset.
  The Talmud teaches not a superior race ethic(!)it teaches an ONLY
  race one. It is little wonder that once discovered for it's true
  self there were born so-called persecutions and osterisations of
  the chosen. No one

[biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

2004-05-30 Thread biobenz

Dear Matt. History of the Khazars and what the Talmud says is 
not hate it is historical FACT. I truly am sympathetic to those 
who suffer needlessly, be they known as jews or Palestinians or 
others who do not deserve the crimes commited against them, but this 
does not mitigate FACTS and the FACTS are that those who have set 
themselves up as the leaders of and spokepeople for the jewish 
people are Talmudists of the extreme variety and it IS important 
that people understand the mindset that these criminals use as a 
justification for their crimes. You don't agree with them, denounce 
them publickly or appologize for them at every opportunity. 
Being jewish actually puts you in a greater responsibility about 
this than I or others who are not called jews, as you are the one 
being defrauded by this more than I. I KNOW it is  a lie and that 
the teachings of the Talmud ARE NOT the torah or simply a 
ccommentary. Give me a break. Commentary
is one hell of a stretch gettin to where it is ok for adult males to 
have sex with a three year old female as the hymen will grow back.
That is one hell of a commentary all right.  

Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

2004-05-30 Thread alex

There are many Jewish people who are active in bringing justice and 
fairness to our existence.
Why Luc didn't bother to write about them?

Matt Golden wrote:

I am literally stunned by this outburst of hate.



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Re: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

2004-05-30 Thread Keith Addison
 Message -
From: biobenz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, May 28, 2004 6:01 PM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: Oil and Israel - Hakan

  Hubris; the unreasonable absorbtion with ones self often
  misrepresented as narcisism plagues Americans more than any other
  one single group anywhere. In a way it is not even their fault as
  they have been conditioned this way from birth; the thinking of the
  world in terms of America is the only way Americans CAN relate to
  the world as they are woefully ignorant (unlearned) of it other than
  in American terms.
  This latest outing of Bush et co's policies of not me first, me
  ONLY is merely an extrapolation of that. In ideology that only
  reflects the Talmudisation of America and it's pulpits as that is
  EXACTLY what the Talmud teaches, that all non-jews are not even to
  be considered as human, but are merely cattle, so America's me
  ONLY attitude towards the rest of the world is gain a reflection of
  that mindset.
  The Talmud teaches not a superior race ethic(!)it teaches an ONLY
  race one. It is little wonder that once discovered for it's true
  self there were born so-called persecutions and osterisations of
  the chosen. No one appreciates being categorised as cattle for
  the benefit of it's owners and masters.
  America DOES NOT speak for the world but it THINKS it does in it's
  delusion that they are the best, the greatest, the only truly
  capable form of political thought capable of deciding the fate of
  the world because they have more bombs. Might is right and truth be
  damned. International laws are for the subserviant not for the
  masters, just like Sharon and his lot in the political state of
  Israel.The two have worked, yes WORKED, hand in glove to see to it
  through numerous UN vetos, that neither would ever be held
  accountable to anyone who is not of the master category. Is it a
  piss-off ? At present the rest of the planet has had about enough of
  both of them and their slaughter of the poor and innocent for
  whatever trumped up reason they have their media shills push at us.
  Sooner or later the bully always gets his, and only then can the
  rest live in peace and cooperation, for as long as the instigators
  of hate and division for profit are running the show there will be
  no peace or ability for the haves to share with the havenots for
  the masters want it all for themselves.
  But then that is just my take on it.
  --- In, Hakan Falk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Hi Chris,
   Have you ever contemplated that this kind of thought are only
  supported by
   a maximum of 2% of the world population, if US are split in the
  middle on
   this issue. I and a majority of the people outside US, recent the
  US as a
   spokesman for the western civilization. Who are you, to do this
  kind of
   evaluation. It might be your personal thoughts, but you are quite
   The ideals of all civilizations, not the practices, are equally
  noble. This if
   you look at what they say and not on what they do. The western
   or indeed US, are in no way unique or better on this.
   Bush can be happy that he have no law license to loose for lying
   As I understand it, Clinton was never impeached, but it was
  close. -:)
   I do think that breaking International laws, with aggression etc.
  are somewhat
   serious things. Good intentions are not an excuse for breaking
  laws, if it
   would, the whole world fall in anarchy and violence and it would
  be able
   to defend. It will take a long time for US to recover its standing.
   At 14:47 28/05/2004, you wrote:
   Not most, some. And not me. This war is ugly and nasty and will be
   long and hard, but it is a civilizational struggle between god's
   alleged servants and the allegedly enlightened ones. You pick
  which is
   which. the only thing I know is that the two sides cannot
  coexist, and
   I want my side to win. Politically incorrect as it may be, I think
   that the ideals of western civilization (as opposed to its common
   practice) are superior to the ideals of fundamentalist radical
   (as they are now practiced in parts of the arab world).
   oh yeah, clinton was impeached (and lost his law license) for
   and obstructing justice in a federal sexual harrassment case, not
   getting serviced in the oval office.
   --- In, jtcava [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Most of us in the USA hate what  the current regime is doing
  and would
 like nothing better than to see them all hang for war crimes


 Hakan Falk wrote:

 US is a funny nation, who seriously try to impeach a
  president for
 reasons and admire a president who wage war and driving the US
 to its worst levels since the depression