RE: [Biofuel] Bush on matter - a thousand points of light (revisited)

2005-05-05 Thread Keith Addison

Yes, very promising! I'm glad you think so too. Interesting times, 
eh? Whatever did we do to deserve them? LOL! (It's an old Chinese 
curse: May you be reborn in interesting times.)




It took me a few days to digest all the stuff in your reply. Simply 
put, everything I missed in my original post was elaborated on with 
a great deal of logic, reason and facts in your reply.

You're right about a level playing field (thinking about the school 
kid and "green" web sites). I also agree with the threat of 
misinformation. But like you alluded to in your reply, trust is 
playing a roll in activists on the web, and it contributes to the 
building of alliances and even a communal atmosphere.

...very promising!


Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Mike

>Hi everyone,
>I've been receiving emails lately that have given me a burst of
>enthusiasm and curiosity about the future.

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] Bush on matter - a thousand points of light (revisited)

2005-05-05 Thread Michael Redler

It took me a few days to digest all the stuff in your reply. Simply put, 
everything I missed in my original post was elaborated on with a great deal of 
logic, reason and facts in your reply.
You're right about a level playing field (thinking about the school kid and 
"green" web sites). I also agree with the threat of misinformation. But like 
you alluded to in your reply, trust is playing a roll in activists on the web, 
and it contributes to the building of alliances and even a communal atmosphere.
...very promising!
Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Mike

>Hi everyone,
>I've been receiving emails lately that have given me a burst of 
>enthusiasm and curiosity about the future.

Good for you!

>Here are some of the things I've been thinking about. I hope you 
>don't mind if I use this forum to express myself a little.

Feel free, that's what it's for - yes, it's a biofuels forum, but 
what are biofuels about after all? Rather more to it than just saving 
a bit of money and how much lye to use.

>Today, the political climate is tense. Many people (many in this 
>forum) see something terribly wrong in our society and they are 
>responding to it. Picket lines, protests, webblogs and expressions 
>of civil disobedience are all around us. It is a climate from which 
>the hippie communes emerged in the 1960's as a reaction to greed and 
>abuse of political power. I see something similar emerging but, in a 
>way that is more difficult to define and I think it is mostly due to 
>the Internet.

Yes! Exactly what the 60s freaks (including me) didn't have, and it 
could have made all the difference. On the other hand, they did make 
a difference.

>In addition to this forum, I belong to other alternative energy, 
>environmentalist and political activist groups who use the Internet 
>to form alliances and organize in ways to both change society in the 
>long term and help allies in the short term.

Yes again. We've discussed this a few times in the past in various 
ways, but the more it's discussed the better, it could hardly be more 
important, and it's integral to what we're all doing here, whether we 
realise it or not.

Internet networking is the great leveller. The anti-corporate 
globalisation movement (not "anti-globalisation" as alleged), the 
worldwide anti-war protests, global opposition to GMOs, to name the 
most obvious ones, would not exist in their present form without the 
Internet, working in just the way you describe.

These new (or perhaps retreaded) movements are inclined to lose their 
coherence and direction at times, to mill about in confusion, or so 
it appears, but that's only to be expected, it's new ground, no road 
map. There's a lot of discussion and criticism from within the 
movement(s), often negative and not very constructive, but it all 
helps, they seem to find their way again with renewed strength and 

So, for instance, the famous example, five under-resourced people 
with PCs working at RAFI (ETC group) took on the mighty Monsanto over 
its "traitor" Terminator seed technology, and won! (Though RAFI 
rightly warned that the battle was not over.) Not the only example, 
there are many others.

The opposition's response is usually various forms of disinfo, like 
the infamous Bivings case concerning Monsanto and maize:,4273,4412987,00.html
The fake persuaders
Corporations are inventing people to rubbish their opponents on the internet

There's more about it in the archives. This is just the tip of the 
iceberg with this kind of disinfo campaign. It even has a name - 
"viral marketing" they call it:

"An article on its [Bivings] website, entitled Viral Marketing: How 
to Infect the World [by Andrew Dimock, head of Bivings' online 
marketing and promotions division], warns that 'there are some 
campaigns where it would be undesirable or even disastrous to let the 
audience know that your organisation is directly involved... it 
simply is not an intelligent PR move. In cases such as this, it is 
important to first "listen" to what is being said online... Once you 
are plugged into this world, it is possible to make postings to these 
outlets that present your position as an uninvolved third party... 
Perhaps the greatest advantage of viral marketing is that your 
message is placed into a context where it is more likely to be 
considered seriously.'"

Plenty more examples - see, eg:

It seems they can't afford to be honest about it, and probably don't 
even consider it - just spin, slimy tactics, and, interesting, they 
get outed. They're not very good at all this.

Have a look at this:

"... Another picture - how is it that most any schoolkid can make a 
better and more effective, more influential, website on "green" 
issues, say, than a massive auto manufacturer can? ("What?? No Flash 
banner page??? Bad design, hmphh - he's got absolutely no excuse for

Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter - a thousand points of light

2005-05-03 Thread robert luis rabello

You hit one of my really hot buttons.  One of the most expensive schools in
the nation, when breaking out the cost per pupil, has the lowest scores on
any standardized test given.

	Standardized testing is not always a meaningful measurement of 
student capability, but it is often dragged out as the post upon which 
we can beat public education into submission.

 That should clarify that fact that money is
not the problem, but it gets ignored as most would prefer to simply accept
the easy way out. I have several relatives who teach at college level and
they espouse the same unwashed garbage without using their fine minds to
analyze what the problem really is.  

	But what IS the problem?  I'm certain Bob Allen would concur that 
many students working through college lack the ability to fully 
comprehend what they read, cannot write persuasively, lack logic and 
critical thinking skills, and further, cannot effectively use 
mathematics as a problem solving tool.  What do you expect college 
professors to do when students come to them with poorly developed 
skills?  Why is this happening?

	On the other hand, and I'm certain Bob Allen would agree, a 
percentage of students moving through colleges are very skilled, 
highly motivated and capable of academic success.  Why the contrast?

	The situation in education is very complex.  The argument put forth 
that American society places greater value on its military might than 
it does on education has merit.  I've read somewhere that "where your 
treasure is, there your heart is also."

What most folks ignore is the simple fact that throwing more money at the
school system is NOT going to begin to address the problem as long as
PARENTS use the schools as parking places with baby sitters for their
offspring.  That is one of the reasons that most schools are unwilling or
not permitted to provide any punishment to miscreants.  Hence we see
pre-teens in handcuffs for temper tantrums or worse.

	I remember school being a place where only the "smart" boys had a 
chance to succeed.  The kids who didn't do well were systematically 
shunted off to the "dumb" class, given the least experienced teachers 
with the worst textbooks, and suspended from school for any infraction 
that hinted they might not become ideal citizens.  Many of them simply 
dropped out.  I remember girls having three career choices: teacher, 
nurse or secretary.  I remember racial discrimination, and I know what 
it's like to be treated unfairly simply for being poor and coming from 
an ESL family.  This was happening on a wide scale as recently as the 
1960's, when I was in school.

	Much has changed.  There are greater opportunities in education for a 
far wider spectrum of our society than was the case when I was growing 
up.  Pointing the finger at test scores and complaining that society 
is dumbing down and that schools consist of nothing more than a 
baby-sitting service ignores a lot of positive change.

The teachers unions are not going to say money is not the answer because it
removes the reason for their fight to get more pay and reduces their
political leverage.  The taxing folks are not going to say that because then
the people will want to lower taxes and politicians are against you having
your own money and choices because then government won't be providing
everything.  Clearly the students are not going to say that because they
don't know.

	Let's examine teacher pay for a moment.  Here's a web site you can 
visit that lays out salaries for various professions:

	The median elementary teacher salary in the United States is $45,617. 
 A high school teacher will bring home $47,565, whereas an assistant 
history professor at the college level makes an average of $44,387.  A 
full tenured chemistry professor might expect  $81,139, after having 
education "piled high and deep", with the ongoing demand for peer 
reviewed publication. Compare this with an advertising 
manager--someone with a bachelor's degree who manages, develops, and 
implements product marketing activities to maximize sales of an 
assigned product line--and you will find their median salary at $83,096.

	So then, the people who are responsible for developing independent 
thinking skills are paid considerably less than is the case for people 
who are responsible for developing dissatisfaction among consumers. 
The average mortgage credit manager makes $95,477 for managing the 
mortgage credit underwriting function for a bank, and I dare say that 
such a profession is LESS demanding than planning an effective 
education program for children.

	Yet you argue that money doesn't enter the equation.  I don't 
understand how you can write this.

Unfortunately for many, the intelligentsia has sold the idea of more money

to the schools rather than parental involvement and interest.

	I'm not confident that this idea has be

RE: [Biofuel] Bush on matter - a thousand points of light

2005-05-03 Thread Keith Addison


For example, spending $0.50 for every $1.00 of my taxes on building the
military does not represent balance when our (K-12) schools don't come close
in comparison to most of those in the industrialized world.


You hit one of my really hot buttons.  One of the most expensive schools in
the nation, when breaking out the cost per pupil, has the lowest scores on
any standardized test given.  That should clarify that fact that money is
not the problem, but it gets ignored as most would prefer to simply accept
the easy way out. I have several relatives who teach at college level and
they espouse the same unwashed garbage without using their fine minds to
analyze what the problem really is.

No need to be rude, especially when it's far from certain that you're right.

What most folks ignore is the simple fact that throwing more money at the
school system is NOT going to begin to address the problem as long as
PARENTS use the schools as parking places with baby sitters for their
offspring.  That is one of the reasons that most schools are unwilling or
not permitted to provide any punishment to miscreants.  Hence we see
pre-teens in handcuffs for temper tantrums or worse.

The teachers unions are not going to say money is not the answer because it
removes the reason for their fight to get more pay and reduces their
political leverage.  The taxing folks are not going to say that because then
the people will want to lower taxes and politicians are against you having
your own money and choices because then government won't be providing
everything.  Clearly the students are not going to say that because they
don't know.

Unfortunately for many, the intelligentsia has sold the idea of more money
to the schools rather than parental involvement and interest.  When was the
last time YOU went to your kid's school to visit with a teacher?  Even a bad
teacher can be lead to the path of educating kids rather than babysitting,
but someone who cares has to do the work.  When was the last time you
reviewed your kid's test results good AND bad with an eye to teaching the
corrective information?  When did you look at your kids homework to make
sure they are getting the message?  A little outside help goes a very long
way towards making an education effective, and that is the parents JOB.  In
addition that is the sort of thing it will take to change the paradigm in
our education system rather than more money.

Let's put it on a more direct basis.  How many of you discuss biofuels with
your kids?

Please see, for instance:
Schools participation > Biofuels

Education resources for teachers, students and parents > Home schooling

Popular resources.

There are quite a number of students and schoolkids on the list, and 
we're always helping them when they write to us after visiting our 
website seeking assistance with biofuels projects. I'm sure we're not 
the only ones. Some list members joined because they were helping 
their children with science fair projects on biofuels. There are also 
quite a number of people here who're working on biofuels projects 
with schools, colleges, youth and community programs and so on. List 
members do a lot of advocacy and education work, always have done.

Best wishes

Keith Addison
Journey to Forever
KYOTO Pref., Japan

That is educational, if someone explains some of the technical
and financial issues that are hidden from view.  I do.  We cannot move
towards biofuel usage without educating people with more than the
intelligentsia allows in schools.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] Bush on matter - a thousand points of light (revisited)

2005-05-03 Thread Keith Addison

Hi everyone,

I've been receiving emails lately that have given me a burst of 
enthusiasm and curiosity about the future.

Good for you!

Here are some of the things I've been thinking about. I hope you 
don't mind if I use this forum to express myself a little.

Feel free, that's what it's for - yes, it's a biofuels forum, but 
what are biofuels about after all? Rather more to it than just saving 
a bit of money and how much lye to use.

Today, the political climate is tense. Many people (many in this 
forum) see something terribly wrong in our society and they are 
responding to it. Picket lines, protests, webblogs and expressions 
of civil disobedience are all around us. It is a climate from which 
the hippie communes emerged in the 1960's as a reaction to greed and 
abuse of political power. I see something similar emerging but, in a 
way that is more difficult to define and I think it is mostly due to 
the Internet.

Yes! Exactly what the 60s freaks (including me) didn't have, and it 
could have made all the difference. On the other hand, they did make 
a difference.

In addition to this forum, I belong to other alternative energy, 
environmentalist and political activist groups who use the Internet 
to form alliances and organize in ways to both change society in the 
long term and help allies in the short term.

Yes again. We've discussed this a few times in the past in various 
ways, but the more it's discussed the better, it could hardly be more 
important, and it's integral to what we're all doing here, whether we 
realise it or not.

Internet networking is the great leveller. The anti-corporate 
globalisation movement (not "anti-globalisation" as alleged), the 
worldwide anti-war protests, global opposition to GMOs, to name the 
most obvious ones, would not exist in their present form without the 
Internet, working in just the way you describe.

These new (or perhaps retreaded) movements are inclined to lose their 
coherence and direction at times, to mill about in confusion, or so 
it appears, but that's only to be expected, it's new ground, no road 
map. There's a lot of discussion and criticism from within the 
movement(s), often negative and not very constructive, but it all 
helps, they seem to find their way again with renewed strength and 

So, for instance, the famous example, five under-resourced people 
with PCs working at RAFI (ETC group) took on the mighty Monsanto over 
its "traitor" Terminator seed technology, and won! (Though RAFI 
rightly warned that the battle was not over.) Not the only example, 
there are many others.

The opposition's response is usually various forms of disinfo, like 
the infamous Bivings case concerning Monsanto and maize:,4273,4412987,00.html
The fake persuaders
Corporations are inventing people to rubbish their opponents on the internet

There's more about it in the archives. This is just the tip of the 
iceberg with this kind of disinfo campaign. It even has a name - 
"viral marketing" they call it:

"An article on its [Bivings] website, entitled Viral Marketing: How 
to Infect the World [by Andrew Dimock, head of Bivings' online 
marketing and promotions division], warns that 'there are some 
campaigns where it would be undesirable or even disastrous to let the 
audience know that your organisation is directly involved... it 
simply is not an intelligent PR move. In cases such as this, it is 
important to first "listen" to what is being said online... Once you 
are plugged into this world, it is possible to make postings to these 
outlets that present your position as an uninvolved third party... 
Perhaps the greatest advantage of viral marketing is that your 
message is placed into a context where it is more likely to be 
considered seriously.'"

Plenty more examples - see, eg:

It seems they can't afford to be honest about it, and probably don't 
even consider it - just spin, slimy tactics, and, interesting, they 
get outed. They're not very good at all this.

Have a look at this:

"... Another picture - how is it that most any schoolkid can make a 
better and more effective, more influential, website on "green" 
issues, say, than a massive auto manufacturer can? ("What?? No Flash 
banner page??? Bad design, hmphh - he's got absolutely no excuse for 
getting 10 times more hits than we do.")  How is it that sinister and 
sleazy tactics like those of Monsanto via the Bivings group to 
insinuate corporate trolls into Internet discussion groups get 
rumbled and backfire on them? Yes, they have a strategy for this, and 
huge budgets to back it, they hold business seminars on it, but it 
doesn't work..."
-- [Biofuel] Made in China? - Final Thoughts (long), Happy New Year, 
Over and Out.

But we go from strength to strength. From another previous message:

I think military supe

RE: [Biofuel] Bush on matter - a thousand points of light

2005-05-03 Thread Michael Redler

Your missing the point.
I'd rather "throw away" half of the taxes I pay at schools (or whatever...pick 
one) than the so called "military industrial complex" where our tax dollars buy 
the most sophisticated machines ever devised by our species for the purpose of 
waging war.

"James G. Branaum" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
-Original Message-
Of Michael Redler
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter - a thousand points of light


For example, spending $0.50 for every $1.00 of my taxes on building the
military does not represent balance when our (K-12) schools don't come close
in comparison to most of those in the industrialized world. 


You hit one of my really hot buttons. One of the most expensive schools in
the nation, when breaking out the cost per pupil, has the lowest scores on
any standardized test given. That should clarify that fact that money is
not the problem, but it gets ignored as most would prefer to simply accept
the easy way out. I have several relatives who teach at college level and
they espouse the same unwashed garbage without using their fine minds to
analyze what the problem really is. 

What most folks ignore is the simple fact that throwing more money at the
school system is NOT going to begin to address the problem as long as
PARENTS use the schools as parking places with baby sitters for their
offspring. That is one of the reasons that most schools are unwilling or
not permitted to provide any punishment to miscreants. Hence we see
pre-teens in handcuffs for temper tantrums or worse.

The teachers unions are not going to say money is not the answer because it
removes the reason for their fight to get more pay and reduces their
political leverage. The taxing folks are not going to say that because then
the people will want to lower taxes and politicians are against you having
your own money and choices because then government won't be providing
everything. Clearly the students are not going to say that because they
don't know.

Unfortunately for many, the intelligentsia has sold the idea of more money
to the schools rather than parental involvement and interest. When was the
last time YOU went to your kid's school to visit with a teacher? Even a bad
teacher can be lead to the path of educating kids rather than babysitting,
but someone who cares has to do the work. When was the last time you
reviewed your kid's test results good AND bad with an eye to teaching the
corrective information? When did you look at your kids homework to make
sure they are getting the message? A little outside help goes a very long
way towards making an education effective, and that is the parents JOB. In
addition that is the sort of thing it will take to change the paradigm in
our education system rather than more money.

Let's put it on a more direct basis. How many of you discuss biofuels with
your kids? That is educational, if someone explains some of the technical
and financial issues that are hidden from view. I do. We cannot move
towards biofuel usage without educating people with more than the
intelligentsia allows in schools.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

RE: [Biofuel] Bush on matter - a thousand points of light

2005-05-03 Thread James G. Branaum

-Original Message-
Of Michael Redler
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2005 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter - a thousand points of light


For example, spending $0.50 for every $1.00 of my taxes on building the
military does not represent balance when our (K-12) schools don't come close
in comparison to most of those in the industrialized world. 


You hit one of my really hot buttons.  One of the most expensive schools in
the nation, when breaking out the cost per pupil, has the lowest scores on
any standardized test given.  That should clarify that fact that money is
not the problem, but it gets ignored as most would prefer to simply accept
the easy way out. I have several relatives who teach at college level and
they espouse the same unwashed garbage without using their fine minds to
analyze what the problem really is.  

What most folks ignore is the simple fact that throwing more money at the
school system is NOT going to begin to address the problem as long as
PARENTS use the schools as parking places with baby sitters for their
offspring.  That is one of the reasons that most schools are unwilling or
not permitted to provide any punishment to miscreants.  Hence we see
pre-teens in handcuffs for temper tantrums or worse.

The teachers unions are not going to say money is not the answer because it
removes the reason for their fight to get more pay and reduces their
political leverage.  The taxing folks are not going to say that because then
the people will want to lower taxes and politicians are against you having
your own money and choices because then government won't be providing
everything.  Clearly the students are not going to say that because they
don't know.
Unfortunately for many, the intelligentsia has sold the idea of more money
to the schools rather than parental involvement and interest.  When was the
last time YOU went to your kid's school to visit with a teacher?  Even a bad
teacher can be lead to the path of educating kids rather than babysitting,
but someone who cares has to do the work.  When was the last time you
reviewed your kid's test results good AND bad with an eye to teaching the
corrective information?  When did you look at your kids homework to make
sure they are getting the message?  A little outside help goes a very long
way towards making an education effective, and that is the parents JOB.  In
addition that is the sort of thing it will take to change the paradigm in
our education system rather than more money.

Let's put it on a more direct basis.  How many of you discuss biofuels with
your kids?  That is educational, if someone explains some of the technical
and financial issues that are hidden from view.  I do.  We cannot move
towards biofuel usage without educating people with more than the
intelligentsia allows in schools.


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter - a thousand points of light

2005-05-02 Thread Michael Redler

Hi Dan,
Thanks for the reply.
My only comment is about use of the word "community". Although I don't 
disagree, It wasn't my quote.
Dan wrote:
"By the way, in the larger picture (the community as you refer to it) the 
barter chain may be much longer."
George H. W. Bush said:

"I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community 
organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good."
I would be very excited to see this noble idea actually used as something other 
than propaganda, to keep back the interests of big money and the ruling class, 
from where the author came.

Daniel Crandall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Message: 12
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 11:11:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Redler 

Mike, you wrote: 

"..So, where am I going with this? I was just thinking, wouldn't it be
exciting to have alliances that form within all communities in a way that
replaces dependence on the Dollar, oil, utilities, etc., with knowledge and
materials that are traded among you and your peers?

I would be very excited to see this noble idea actually used as
something other than propaganda, to keep back the interests of big money and
the ruling class, from where the author came."

If I understand you correctly you are referring to "bartering" and yes, we
businesses do already barter. I'll design this for you in exchange for you
providing that for me and no money gets exchanged. As you know, we report
the value of these exchanges on our income taxes so we are still tied to the
almighty dollar.

By the way, in the larger picture (the community as you refer to it) the
barter chain may be much longer. I need this and you need that and we go
through several more businesses to get to what we need.

Dan Crandall

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter - a thousand points of light

2005-05-02 Thread Michael Redler

Hi Dan,
Thanks for the reply.
My only comment is 

Daniel Crandall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Message: 12
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 11:11:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Redler 

Mike, you wrote: 

"..So, where am I going with this? I was just thinking, wouldn't it be
exciting to have alliances that form within all communities in a way that
replaces dependence on the Dollar, oil, utilities, etc., with knowledge and
materials that are traded among you and your peers?

I would be very excited to see this noble idea actually used as
something other than propaganda, to keep back the interests of big money and
the ruling class, from where the author came."

If I understand you correctly you are referring to "bartering" and yes, we
businesses do already barter. I'll design this for you in exchange for you
providing that for me and no money gets exchanged. As you know, we report
the value of these exchanges on our income taxes so we are still tied to the
almighty dollar.

By the way, in the larger picture (the community as you refer to it) the
barter chain may be much longer. I need this and you need that and we go
through several more businesses to get to what we need.

Dan Crandall

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

Biofuel archives at (searchable):

Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter - a thousand points of light

2005-05-01 Thread Michael Redler

Hi Dan,
Thanks for the reply.
My only comment is that the word "community" is out of the Bush quote. Those 
were not my words. I suggested that when a hypocrite says something that he/she 
has demonstrated contempt for in the past, the words might still be important.
George H. W. Bush said:

"I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community 
organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good."
(IMHO) When you pay a government (taxes) to serve the needs of the people, and 
instead they serve themselves, one should be encouraged to become innovative 
with alternatives that both serve those needs and inspire change.
For example, spending $0.50 for every $1.00 of my taxes on building the 
military does not represent balance when our (K-12) schools don't come close in 
comparison to most of those in the industrialized world. Those who are alarmed 
by this statistic might organize to form a better method for educating their 
children within their community. It's not a new idea and I certainly don't take 
credit for it. However, the idea to think global and act local is beginning to 
have an impact on energy by the evidence we see in the biofuel group postings.
That is what I'm excited about! This is what I talk about with my friends, 
family and neighbors. This is a sentiment that I hope spreads quickly.

Daniel Crandall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Message: 12
Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2005 11:11:15 -0700 (PDT)
From: Michael Redler 

Mike, you wrote: 

"..So, where am I going with this? I was just thinking, wouldn't it be
exciting to have alliances that form within all communities in a way that
replaces dependence on the Dollar, oil, utilities, etc., with knowledge and
materials that are traded among you and your peers?

I would be very excited to see this noble idea actually used as
something other than propaganda, to keep back the interests of big money and
the ruling class, from where the author came."

If I understand you correctly you are referring to "bartering" and yes, we
businesses do already barter. I'll design this for you in exchange for you
providing that for me and no money gets exchanged. As you know, we report
the value of these exchanges on our income taxes so we are still tied to the
almighty dollar.

By the way, in the larger picture (the community as you refer to it) the
barter chain may be much longer. I need this and you need that and we go
through several more businesses to get to what we need.

Dan Crandall

Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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RE: [Biofuel] Bush on matter - a thousand points of light (revisited)

2005-04-30 Thread Michael Redler

Hi everyone,
I've been receiving emails lately that have given me a burst of enthusiasm and 
curiosity about the future. 
Here are some of the things I've been thinking about. I hope you don't mind if 
I use this forum to express myself a little.
Today, the political climate is tense. Many people (many in this forum) see 
something terribly wrong in our society and they are responding to it. Picket 
lines, protests, webblogs and expressions of civil disobedience are all around 
us. It is a climate from which the hippie communes emerged in the 1960's as a 
reaction to greed and abuse of political power. I see something similar 
emerging but, in a way that is more difficult to define and I think it is 
mostly due to the Internet. In addition to this forum, I belong to other 
alternative energy, environmentalist and political activist groups who use the 
Internet to form alliances and organize in ways to both change society in the 
long term and help allies in the short term. We've already relied on each other 
reduce our energy bill, share information about appropriate technologies and 
reduce our dependence on those who don't have our best interests in mind. In 
the future, waste vegetable oil and other biofuels, for example, may become a
 common fuel for heating low income homes. The knowledge we share has already 
caused us to actually make some of the things we need instead of buying them at 
places like Walmart. I'm excited about those who work at Walmart not being 
coerced into buying what they need, based on where the lowest price and quality 
prevail and perpetuate a cycle of low price/lower pay.
So, where am I going with this? I was just thinking, wouldn't it be exciting to 
have alliances that form within all communities in a way that replaces 
dependence on the Dollar, oil, utilities, etc., with knowledge and materials 
that are traded among you and your peers?
George H. W. Bush said:

"I have spoken of a thousand points of light, of all the community 
organizations that are spread like stars throughout the Nation, doing good."
I would be very excited to see this noble idea actually used as something other 
than propaganda, to keep back the interests of big money and the ruling class, 
from where the author came.
Chris Lloyd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The incredible thing is not that he says these things but that we
voted for him. <

I can't sat too much as I voted for Blair last time, we vote again next
week but they all seem as bad as one another. Big business is running
this country now, well them and the EU. The environment here is going to
hell and all any party can think of is jacking the price of fuel and
heating up. Chris. 

Wessex Ferret Club (

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Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter

2005-04-30 Thread Michael Redler

"The incredible thing is not that he says these things but that we voted for 
When I see "our" president barely able to form a complete sentence and the 
message is as convoluted as his grammar, I think of a scene in the movie Fargo. 
A killer in the movie has kidnapped a woman and she thinks she has an 
opportunity to escape. She runs from him, full-speed, with a hood over her head 
and hands tied behind her back. She runs full-speed into a tree and collapses. 
I (along with the rest of the audience) burst out laughing and soon after 
wonder why.

"F. Desprez" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Richard Littrell a écrit :

> Dear Chris,
> This is classic Bush. It is up there with his other observations such 
> "Is our children learning?" from a speech on education, "More and 
> more of our imports come from oversees., I hope the ambitious realize 
> that they are more likely to succeed with success as opposed to 
> failure., We ought to make the pie higher.", and my personal 
> favorite, "The problem with the French is they have no word for 
> entrepreneur." The incredible thing is not that he says these things 
> but that we voted for him.
> Rick


As a french, I do appreciate your favorite. We of course like the 
bushism. It's good to forget our own leaders stupidities and the more 
serious threat on the planet from the Bush administration. The french 
translation of "Bushism" is "Busheries" (pronounced Boucheries, french 
word for slaughtering) , that made a new sense with Irak events.
Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter

2005-04-30 Thread Richard Littrell

Thanks, I didn't know about this.



To see the full list of quotes, go to, type bushism in the search box, 
and read them all. They go back several years.

Dear Chris,

This is classic Bush.  It is up there with his other observations such 
"Is our children learning?" from a speech on education,  "More and more 
of our imports come from oversees.,  I hope the ambitious realize that 
they are more likely to succeed with success as opposed to failure.,  We 
ought to make the pie higher.",  and my personal favorite, "The problem 
with the French is they have no word for entrepreneur."  The incredible 
thing is not that he says these things but that we voted for him. 


Chris Lloyd wrote:


BUSH: "One of the great sources of energy for the future is liquefied


natural gas. There's a lot of gas reserves around the world. Gas can
only be transported by ship, though, when you liquefy it, when you put
it in solid form."  <


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Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter

2005-04-30 Thread Keith Addison

>> "More and more of our imports come from overseas.,

which is sorta true since a lot of them come from Canada and Mexico.

... which are not overseas. China is though. Cheap stuff in, real jobs out.


"As  democracy is perfected, the office of president represents,
more and  more closely, the inner soul of the people.
On some great and  glorious day the plain folks of the land
will reach their heart's  desire at last and
the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

H.L. Mencken (1880 -  1956)

Mencken's point of view is always worth considering, but I think he'd 
have been quick to say that this particular downright moron did not 
get to adorn the White House via anything resembling democracy, nor 
was he the candidate of the plain folks of the land. They were simply 
manipulated by fear-mongering, outright lies and bullying and smears 
of anything truly democratic. It was the neocons, recycled Reaganist 
war-hawks, leaders of the so-called Christian fundamentalist 
ultra-right, energy and corporate interests with little interest in 
anything that wouldn't knock the next AGR or the wide-open windows 
for graft who had their great and glorious day. Plain folks don't 
purloin an entire economy, the richest there's ever been, leaving 
millions upon millions of plain folks out in the cold. None of this 
is the work of plain folks, as rapidly growing numbers of them are 
now realising.


Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter

2005-04-30 Thread mike

>> This is classic Bush.  It is up there with
>> "More and more of our imports come from overseas.,

which is sorta true since a lot of them come from Canada and Mexico.

"As  democracy is perfected, the office of president represents,
 more and  more closely, the inner soul of the people.
 On some great and  glorious day the plain folks of the land
 will reach their heart's  desire at last and
 the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

 H.L. Mencken (1880 -  1956)

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter

2005-04-30 Thread marilyn

To see the full list of quotes, go to, type bushism in the search 
and read them all. They go back several years.

Dear Chris,

This is classic Bush.  It is up there with his other observations such 
"Is our children learning?" from a speech on education,  "More and more 
of our imports come from oversees.,  I hope the ambitious realize that 
they are more likely to succeed with success as opposed to failure.,  We 
ought to make the pie higher.",  and my personal favorite, "The problem 
with the French is they have no word for entrepreneur."  The incredible 
thing is not that he says these things but that we voted for him. 


Chris Lloyd wrote:

>>BUSH: "One of the great sources of energy for the future is liquefied
>natural gas. There's a lot of gas reserves around the world. Gas can
>only be transported by ship, though, when you liquefy it, when you put
>it in solid form."  <
Biofuel mailing list

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Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter

2005-04-29 Thread F. Desprez

Dear Chris,

This is classic Bush.  It is up there with his other observations such 
"Is our children learning?" from a speech on education,  "More and 
more of our imports come from oversees.,  I hope the ambitious realize 
that they are more likely to succeed with success as opposed to 
failure.,  We ought to make the pie higher.",  and my personal 
favorite, "The problem with the French is they have no word for 
entrepreneur."  The incredible thing is not that he says these things 
but that we voted for him.



As a french, I do appreciate your favorite. We of course like the 
bushism. It's good to forget our own leaders stupidities and the more 
serious threat on the planet from the Bush administration. The french 
translation of "Bushism" is "Busheries" (pronounced Boucheries, french 
word for slaughtering) , that made a new sense with Irak events.

Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter

2005-04-29 Thread Chris

The incredible 
thing is not that he says these things but that we voted for him. 


Uh, not me.  But he carried my state, so OK.  

Chris K
Cayce, SC

Biofuel mailing list

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RE: [Biofuel] Bush on matter

2005-04-29 Thread Chris Lloyd

> The incredible thing is not that he says these things but that we
voted for him. <

I can't sat too much as I voted for Blair last time, we vote again next
week but they all seem as bad as one another. Big business is running
this country now, well them and the EU. The environment here is going to
hell and all any party can think of is jacking the price of fuel and
heating up.  Chris.  

Wessex Ferret Club  (


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Biofuel mailing list

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Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter

2005-04-29 Thread Kenny Dunn

The incredible thing to me is that half of those that voted for him did so
BECAUSE he is an idiot!  I know people who cast votes bad for him or that he
comes across as a Regular Joe.  Of course, these people don't seem to be able
to connect him back to GHW, Samuel Prescott, and Prescott.  Astounding!

Richard Littrell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> The incredible 
> thing is not that he says these things but that we voted for him. 
Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter

2005-04-29 Thread Richard Littrell

This is classic Bush.  It is up there with his other observations such 
"Is our children learning?" from a speech on education,  "More and more 
of our imports come from oversees.,  I hope the ambitious realize that 
they are more likely to succeed with success as opposed to failure.,  We 
ought to make the pie higher.",  and my personal favorite, "The problem 
with the French is they have no word for entrepreneur."  The incredible 
thing is not that he says these things but that we voted for him. 


Chris Lloyd wrote:

BUSH: "One of the great sources of energy for the future is liquefied

natural gas. There's a lot of gas reserves around the world. Gas can
only be transported by ship, though, when you liquefy it, when you put
it in solid form."  <


Biofuel mailing list

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:

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RE: [Biofuel] Bush on matter

2005-04-29 Thread Chris Lloyd

> BUSH: "One of the great sources of energy for the future is liquefied
natural gas. There's a lot of gas reserves around the world. Gas can
only be transported by ship, though, when you liquefy it, when you put
it in solid form."  <

Am I right in thinking this man has a university degree in business
studies? Or was that before he hit the bottle?   Chris

Wessex Ferret Club  (


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Re: [Biofuel] Bush on matter

2005-04-29 Thread dwoodard

Actually, there is a Norwegian group. a company and some researchers at a
university at Trondheim if I recall rightly, who are working on a method
of shipping methane as hydrate; i.e. dissolved in ice, a solid. They
think it may be more economical than LNG up to 6000 miles or so. It might
possibly be safer.

Maybe Mr. Bush was thinking of this. Maybe.

Doug Woodard
St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada

On Thu, 28 Apr 2005, Chris wrote:

> The following is an unedited transcript from Bush's press conference tonight.
> BUSH: "One of the great sources of energy for the future is liquefied natural 
> gas. There's a lot of gas reserves around the world. Gas can only be 
> transported by ship, though, when you liquefy it, when you put it in solid 
> form."
> I wish I was making this up.
> Chris K
> Cayce, SC
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