[swinog] Salt number portability issue

2021-12-09 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
Hi everyone,
is there anyone on this list from Salt who could help me out with a number 
portability issue that I'm unable to solve via customer care?

Thank you a lot!


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[swinog] Wanted: Cisco MPA-4x10

2019-11-04 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
Hi everyone,
We are looking for a Cisco MPA-4x10 card. Does anyone have a spare lying around 
and wishes to get rid of it? If so, please contact me off-list.



Manuel Wenger
Technical Operations Officer

connecting you
to great ideas

Netstream AG
Neugutstrasse 66
8600 Dübendorf

+41 44 802 66 88

swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] Geldspielgesetz: Zugangssperren. Wirklich vom Volk so gewünscht?

2019-06-26 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
Hi Benoit,

> * Muss der Traffic auf Port 53 intercepted werden, damit Kunden keine
>  eigene DNS Server mehr betreiben können und nicht die DNS Server von
>  Google und CloudFlare nutzen können?
>  Wir möchten vor allem verhindert, dass durch diese Aktion unsere
>  Kunden mehr zu Google & Co getrieben werden und diesen noch mehr
>  Daten über ihr Nutzugsverhalten zur Verfügung stellen.

Meiner Meinung nach ist es nicht Aufgabe des ISPs zu entscheiden, ob die 
Endkunden die ISP DNS Server oder diejenigen von Google, CloudFlare & co nutzen 
sollen. Es soll jeder selber wissen, ob er sein Nutzungsverhalten an Google zur 
Verfügung stellt, oder nur dem eigenen ISP.

Ich spreche hier als End-User: wenn mein ISP Port 53 intercepten würde, ohne, 
dass dies im Gesetz so explizit gefordert wird, wäre das für mich ein 
sofortiger Kündigungsgrund. Solche Eigeninitiativen sollten IMHO unbedingt 
vermieden werden.


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Re: [swinog] What are the legal requirements of swiss email providers to identify users?

2019-06-17 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
Hi Benoit,
this is indeed an interesting question, and you can probably find your answers 
here: https://www.li.admin.ch/de/themen/das-neue-buepf

In particular, the PDF "Information sheet on TSPs and PDCSs" should be 

Even if ProtonMail has to register as a TSP (I do not know as I didn't verify 
that in detail), if their annual turnover is <100M CHF they don't need to keep 
logs for 6 months (as long as they requested a downgrade to the PTSS for a 
reduction in the extent of the obligations).

If they are registered as a TSP (you can check that here 
https://www.eofcom.admin.ch/eofcom/public/searchCatalog.do ) then they need to 
register their customers by name. But even if they do that, they have no 
obligation (on the contrary, they are not even allowed!) to tell you who the 
customer is.

If you felt bothered by the mass advertisment email, you may take legal steps, 
and if necessary, the autorities will request the customer name to ProtonMail 
via an official request through PTSS. There's no such thing as self justice (as 
in "I ask you who the customer is and you tell me"). We as an ISP are not even 
allowed to tell the police who a certain customer is, unless the request comes 
in through PTSS via the official request forms (or their online tool).


On 17.06.19, 15:07, "swinog-boun...@lists.swinog.ch on behalf of Benoit 

Hi List

Lately we received mass advertizement emails sent via protonmail.com an
email provider offering freemail and commercial email accounts.

One of the first statements on their website is:

"ProtonMail is incorporated in Switzerland and all our servers are
located in Switzerland. This means all user data is protected by strict
Swiss privacy laws"

So I suppose, as we other ISP all do, they have to keep logs for 6
months and are required to somehow verify the identity of their
customers prior to offering them a service.

So I asked them to provide the identity of their 'mass advertizement'
sending customer to ask this customer for a proof of opt-in or existing
customer relationship, as intended by swiss privacy laws.

They promptly terminated the account in question, but stated that they
do not keep any logs and have no means to identify whom the account
belongs to.

=> is this legal?

Mit freundlichen Grüssen

-Benoît Panizzon-
I m p r o W a r e   A G-Leiter Commerce Kunden

Zurlindenstrasse 29 Tel  +41 61 826 93 00
CH-4133 PrattelnFax  +41 61 826 93 01
Schweiz Web  http://www.imp.ch

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Re: [swinog] mirror.switch.ch to be closed down

2018-08-23 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
Thank you Fredy for pointing this out. It's really a pity SWITCHmirror is 
shutting down.

We are also interested in understanding what would be involved in keeping such 
a mirror alive, especially from a storage and bandwidth perspective.

Could someone from Switch please comment? It'd be highly appreciated.

Thanks & regards

Manuel Wenger
Netstream AG

On 22.08.18, 15:54, "swinog-boun...@lists.swinog.ch on behalf of Fredy 

SWITCH announced that they plan to close down mirror.switch.ch. See
announcement http://mirror.switch.ch/

I personally think this is very sad. In the name of the community I
would like to thank SWITCH for their support over all these years.

However I would like to start the discussion how we can keep
mirror.switch.ch alive as a community effort.

Can the decision makers at SWITCH please explain the preconditions?
Funding for new hardware? Throw in some bandwidth? Colocation? Server

Please discuss.

Fredy Kuenzler

swinog mailing list

[swinog] Looking for Sunrise email admins

2017-09-05 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
Hi everyone,
Can a Sunrise email server admin please contact me off-list? Thank you.


Manuel Wenger
Technical Operations Officer

Netstream AG
Neugutstrasse 66, CH-8600 Dübendorf

Phone 0800 700 527 / International +41 44 802 66 88
Fax 0800 700 528 / International +41 44 802 66 89

Mail: manuel.wen...@netstream.ch
Web: www.netstream.ch

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swinog mailing list

[swinog] Lawful interception - what's new?

2009-07-27 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
Hi everyone,
as the discussion about the new lawful interception proposal is going  
on, an issue always comes up with people saying that saving real time  
data of all customers takes up a lot of hard disk space.

Now, as far as I understand this proposal, only information about  
logins and mailbox accesses has to be stored pro-actively. Real-time  
data intercepted from the DSL connection is only to be sent to the ÜPF  
in case of an interception order, in real-time, from that moment on  
(and no historical information).

This means that nothing changes from the present situation for what  
the storage of historic data is concerned. This new proposal only  
brings the following changes:
- new real-time interception of data transmitted through a broadband  
connection (no historical storage)
- new interfaces to communicate with ÜPF

Is this correct?

Now, do you think it would be possible to talk to ÜPF in order to find  
ad-hoc solutions in the rare cases these real-time interceptions  
should become necessary? Otherwise it's definitely overkill. What  
would be the best way to approach this?

I think some lawyers wrote this proposal without having the slightest  
idea of what they were doing, and I'm sure the techies working at ÜPF  
are smart people who would be willing to negotiate a more efficient  
implementation. What do you think?


Ticinocom SA - Via Stazione 5 - 6600 Muralto
Tel. 091 220 00 00 - http://www.ticinocom.com

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Re: [swinog] Ansatz zur Umgehung der Echtzeitüberwac hung ;-)

2009-07-23 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
Il giorno 22-lug-09, alle ore 18:40, Claudio Prezzi ha scritto:
 Was haltet ihr von der Idee, einen Kunden sofort abzuschalten,  
 sobald eine Echtzeitüberwachung angefordert wird. Mit etwas  
 Kreativität in den AGB’s würde das sicher gehen. Auf diese Weise  
 entstehen schon gar keine Daten, die Überwacht werden müssten ;-)

Diese Idee ist gar nicht so dumm :-). Mit den AGBs wuerde das sicher  
gehen. Dann muss man nur noch das EJPD ueberzeugen, dass keine Daten  
entstehen werden, und deshalb keine Zertifizierung des  
Ueberwachungsequipments durchgefuehrt werden muss.

Koennte man nicht ernsthaft in diese Richtung arbeiten?  
Echtzeitueberwachungen wird es, realistisch gesehen, sowieso fast  
keine geben. Wenn man mal einen Kunden im Jahr oder so fristlos  
kuendigen muss wegen einer Ueberwachung ist das auch nicht so schlimm.  
Dann soll er eben zu Bluewin gehen, dort koennen sie ihn dann beliebig  
ueberwachen :-)


swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] Vorratsdatenspeicherung

2009-07-16 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
Il giorno 13-lug-09, alle ore 19:30, Tonnerre LOMBARD ha scritto:
 On Mon, Jul 13, 2009 at 09:40:57AM +0200, Andre Oppermann wrote:
 Einen Mirror-Port oder gar Remote-SPAN kann bereits jetzt jeder  
 kompetente Techniker aufsetzen. Da ändert sich nicht viel. Bei der  
 darf man aber keine ganzen Ports auf einem LNS weiterleiten,  
 sondern nur den
 Traffic eines einzelnen, ganz klar bestimmten, Kunden, bzw.  
 Anschlusses oder
 Login. In einem automatisieren Prozess wird wohl kaum ein  
 beliebiger Mitarbeiter
 die Daten auf seinen Arbeitsplatz weiterleiten können, um dort mal  
 mit Wireshark
 zu schauen was so läuft.

 Hier geht es aber nicht um real time monitoring sondern um data  

So wie ich das Buechlein verstehe, geht es bei den 6 Monaten Data  
Retention nur um ADSL Login und Mailbox Access (POP3, IMAP, SMTP),  
genau so wie es bisher war, und was auch nicht so problematisch ist.

Der Rest ist Real Time Monitoring (z.B. DSL Anschluss oder Email  
Verkehr mitschneiden). Neu gegenueber vorher ist nur das Mitschneiden  
eines DSL Anschlusses, was einiges an neues Equipment erfordert. Ich  
hoffe, dass als Uebergangsloesung bei Bedarf der Bund Sniffer zur  
Verfuegung stellen wird, so wie es bisher fuer das Mitschneiden vom  
Email Verkehr gemacht wurde.


Ticinocom SA - Via Stazione 5 - 6600 Muralto
Tel. 091 220 00 00 - http://www.ticinocom.com

swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] bluewin ADSL ... everything okay?

2008-03-12 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger

Hi everyone,

Does anyone else in here receives phone calls, that websites and  
mailservers cannot be reached from bluewin ADSL?

Same here: our customers are unable to reach web and mailservers  
hosted on Bluewin ADSL connections, depending on what IP they are  
coming from.

I have done some tests: even when the Bluewin customer turns off his  
router, his fixed IP can still be pinged :-)

Did Bluewin by chance assign fixed IP numbers to dynamic IP customers?  
Or do they simply have a problem in the routing table?

Can anyone from Bluewin please look into the issue? I have an example  
to test with, if a Bluewin techie could contact me off-list.

Thank you  best regards

Manuel Wenger, Ing. STS/HTL
Vice-President  Chief Technology Officer
Ticinocom SA

Ticinocom SA - Via Stazione 5 - 6600 Muralto
Tel. 091 220 00 00 - http://www.ticinocom.com

swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] Justice Order to block websites

2008-01-07 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger

Happy New Year to everyone :-)

Are there any news on this? We have also received the letter. Is there  
a standard reply to send? Or can we just ignore the letter?


Il giorno 25-dic-07, alle ore 15:27, Xaver Aerni ha scritto:

I ask you have all ISP's receive this letter. I know 3 ISP' in  
Zuerich or

St. Gallen, they haven't received it.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Im Auftrag von Pascal Gloor
Gesendet: Montag, 24. Dezember 2007 10:45
Betreff: Re: [swinog] Justice Order to block websites - more
in the press !


swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] Justice Order to block websites

2008-01-07 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
I've sent you a copy. It would certainly be nice to have an article  
about ISP responsibility...


Il giorno 7-gen-08, alle ore 12:17, Christa Pfister ha scritto:

I am a lawyer and thinking about writing an article about ISP  
responsibility. This order might be an ideal example to illustrate  
the legal uncertainty in this field. Would anyone be ready to send  
me a copy?


swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] zyxel 2802 as bridge

2007-11-22 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger

Il giorno 21-nov-07, alle ore 19:56, Silvan Gebhardt ha scritto:

hello swinog
has anyone collected experience with a zyxel 2802 ROuter used as  
modem (mode bridge)?
I can't get it to work, with routing it finally works, but as bridge  
with my old good pfsense it won't work
does someone know where is the trick? I've already upgraded the  

It does indeed work. After upgrading the firmware to the latest  
version found on the Studerus web site, you need to perform a full  
factory reset (pushing the reset button for 10 seconds), then  
configure the 2802 in bridge mode *without* going through PPP mode  

Now comes the fun part: connect your PPP client, and wait. After 30-60  
minutes the PPP session will be up and running.

It's actually a bug in the firmware. The 2802 sends an ARP request to  
the Swisscom DSLAM even when in bridge mode. This triggers some kind  
of ARP filter on the Swisscom side, and you will be unable to log in  
with your PPP client for some time. For some reason, it only does this  
the first time. It works immediately after subsequent power-cycles.

swinog mailing list

R: [swinog] SDSL

2006-08-28 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
Michel Renfer wrote:
 AFAIK they use multiple pairs...

You're right, for 6M and 8M they use multiple pairs, but for 4M they use
1 pair (which is  2.3M). Therefore this would be illegal according to
Swisscom spectrum management... Or not?

swinog mailing list

R: [swinog] SDSL

2006-08-27 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
Andre Oppermann wrote:
 Unfortunatly everything doing more than 2.3Mbit/s per copper 
 pair is currently not allowed by Swisscom spectrum management.

Do you mean Cablecom is currently illegal if it is offering copper
G.SHDSL lines doing 8M on 2 wires?

swinog mailing list

R: [swinog] Urgent: Really Severe Bug in POP3 Pickup Service ofMicrosoft SBS?

2005-04-12 Diskussionsfäden Manuel Wenger
Title: R: [swinog] Urgent: Really Severe Bug in POP3 Pickup Service ofMicrosoft SBS?

We've had the same problem with a customer who sent a Merry Christmas email to about 150 of his customers. Of the recipients, 3 of them had the POP3 Exchange Connector which then kept sending the email over and over to all 150 recipients for about 2 weeks. Then they called their sysadmin who flushed the queue somehow and it stopped. Sorry, I don't have a solution for you - this is just to tell you that you're not alone :-)


-Messaggio originale-

Da: Benoit Panizzon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 

Inviato: martedì, 12. aprile 2005 15:59

A: swinog@swinog.ch

Oggetto: [swinog] Urgent: Really Severe Bug in POP3 Pickup Service ofMicrosoft SBS?

This M$ POP3 Connector for Exchange get's the Emails from a POP3 Account, 

looks at the To: line and delivers them to the recipients found there.

Great! Now we have about 5 Servers on the net in Switzerland playing 

Email-Ping-Pong with each other and filling up the inboxes of those original 

50 recipients... :-/

Does somebody know about this Bug or config problem and has a quick fix?

swinog mailing list