Re: [swinog] Legal: Email Dienstleistung: Kunden im Ausland?

2015-03-03 Diskussionsfäden rudolphi
Das kann aber dann noch weitere Implikationen haben. Mal angenommen,
der Kunde verlangt einen Zugang gemäss Legal Interception-Vorschriften
in seinem Land. Da kann es gut möglich sein, dass diese Vorschriften
Schweizer Gesetzen widersprechen. Würde dann etwa ein Kunde Deines
Kunden gegen Euch klagen, weil ihr auf Schweizer Boden Schweizer Recht
verletzt habt... Der Szenarien gibt es wohl viele, einfache Antworten
auf Anfangsfrage aber offensichtlich nicht


Am Tue, 3 Mar 2015 13:05:22 + schrieb Peter Preuss

 Grundsätzlich schon richtig von wegen den CH-Recht zu unterstehen,
 bloss wenn Du Deinem potentiellen Kunden etwas verkaufen willst
 kommst Du vermutlich nicht drum ihm dieses Problem zu lösen. Also
 rechtlich nicht verpflichtet fremdes Recht zu erfüllen, kommerziell
 wohl schon.
 Just my 2 cents
 -Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
 [] Im Auftrag von Andreas Fink
 Gesendet: Dienstag, 3. März 2015 12:14 An: Benoit Panizzon
 Betreff: Re: [swinog] Legal: Email Dienstleistung: Kunden im Ausland?
 Als schweizer Firma unterstehst du schweizer Recht.
 Wenn deine Server auch in der Schweiz stehen, kann dir das Ausland
 egal sein.
 Dein Kunde wiederum kann dem ausländischen Recht unterstehen. D.h.
 dein Kunde muss dann ev. dafür sorgen das seine Ermittlungsbehörden
 zugriff kriegen, das ist dann aber nicht dein Problem.
  On 03 Mar 2015, at 12:04, Benoit Panizzon
  Hallo zusammen
  Wir bieten einen Email Hosting Service für Kunden und andere
  Provider an.
  Wir haben nun einen potentiellen Interessenten im Ausland. Einen
  Nun stellt sich die Frage, nach welchem Recht wir den Service 
  erbringen müssen. Gilt, weil der Service in der Schweiz erbracht
  und die Mailboxen auf Storage in der Schweiz liegen, Schweizer
  Oder gilt, da der ISP sozusagen Reseller unserer Dienstleistungen
  ist, was Legal Intercept, Überwachung und Anforderung an Logging
  betrifft, das Recht im Land des ISP der unsere Leistung unter
  seinem 'Markennamen' verkauft?
  Was also heissen müsste, dass wir unser System möglicherweise 
  entsprechend anpassen und entsprechende Schnittstellen für die 
  Überwachung aus einem Drittstaat anbieten müssten?
  Benoit Panizzon
  I m p r o W a r e   A G-
  Zurlindenstrasse 29 Tel  +41 61 826 93 07
  CH-4133 PrattelnFax  +41 61 826 93 02
  Schweiz Web
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[swinog] Switch-Issue

2014-02-02 Diskussionsfäden rudolphi

anybody online from Switch/Switchplus? If so, could you please contact
me via private mail?


Guido Rudolphi

swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] IP address are now personal data

2010-09-08 Diskussionsfäden rudolphi
If IPs are protected information, so how is this handled in E-Mails,
on mailing-lists like this and alike?

Have messages to be stripped off IPs before they are delivered?
Who's legally responsible for protecting the data?

Just an example: Company X could scan all header information from
SwiNOG-list. The intention would to check who is using which ISP. Now
everybody who's IP comes from company B receives a personalized e-mail
with an offer to get a hosting product X cheaper. As I wrote: Just an

Now there would clearly be a commercial intention behind processing the
IPs. My understanding is, that this would be illegal for a Swiss company.

But if a company abroad would do this, would it still be illegal? If
so, the company couldn't be held responsible. The question is:
Would, as a subsidiarily liability, the maintainer of the list or even
the provider of the IPs, the ISP, be responsible for not protecting the
personal data accordingly?


Am Wed, 8 Sep 2010 16:16:52 +0200
schrieb Pascal Gloor

 I'm trying to make a list of all possible implications/problems that
 this ruling can make. Please send me a direct mail with your
 questions and I will forward them to a good lawyer (actually, the one
 involved in that case).
 So far, questions/implications I've seen or came to me are:
 Any statistics tool those results are public and contains IP
 addresses (webalizer for example).
 This case if clear to me, no need to argue. You can't publish the
 IPs. Ensure that you set the correct option to avoid that part of the
 stats or maybe there's an anonymizer flag, or maybe, don't make them
 Wikipedia, if hosted in Switzerland, cannot publish anymore the IP of
 anonymous editors.
 This is also a very clear case, you link the IP with an activity and
 are therefor protected by the law.
 Whatever Blacklists without consent of the admin of the IP..
 That's an open question, these blacklists are often listing services
 IP (not personal computers with humans behind). I'm thinking about
 anti-spam blacklist, like that SwiNOG one!! I will clear that point
 with the lawyer.
 Complete this list please, I want to be sure we can answer all
 questions at one. Maybe I'll setup a page to help people to
 understand the implications.
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Re: [swinog] Windows-Pizza

2007-11-27 Diskussionsfäden rudolphi
Seems the defacers (?) are reading the Swinog-list... at least can be reached again... 


Frankly, I believe that we have a case of somebody having a grudge against 
somebody... and both are hosted at the same company in 
Switzerland. The company Alku GmbH in Singen most probably hasn't got 
any idea about this. They may be wondering that they do not get any 
phonecall at all ...  all the calls for them are forwarded to the Swiss 
police, probably withouth Alku GmbH knowing this...  

And the pizza-joker-guys may be wondering about their business going down 
the drain...  

Either the admin of the hoster is sleeping pretty good or he is an old 
supporter of ol' Bill Gates...  

Guido Rudolphi
swinog mailing list

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Re: [swinog] Eines der ersten Urteile gegen Spamer ist draussen

2007-09-06 Diskussionsfäden rudolphi
It may be interesting for some of you that a lot of the new stock-spam
we saw in the last couple of months is initiated by some companies in
Zug. Therefore, this judgement may be of utmost interest for future
cases. The new spam does not have any opt-in or opt-out option, they
fake the sender address and so on.

I have collected some material on the new spam-wave with bogus stock
coming from Zug, and if someone is interested in using it: feel free to
contact me off-list. I guess (although I'm not a lawyer) that with this
judgement and the new material, it would be a perfect case against


Am Tue, 4 Sep 2007
13:11:25 +0200 schrieb Elvis Altherr [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

 Hm, this shows clearly that judges don't know the internet mechanicms
 at the moment *** smile ***  they're really confused about it and so
 the result is often a Freispruch...
 But allow me one question: Why do you have gave up an announcement
 information for this little and insignificant case? Ok i agree to
 fight against spammers, but this is only a fight against windmills
 (it's my personel oppion)
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Re: [swinog] Preventive blocking

2006-07-22 Diskussionsfäden Rudolphi
Title: Converted from Rich Text


Blocking is as well political activism as nonsense, as long as many of the childporn-sellers set up as many as 20 sites a day on yahoo. These sites are pointing on perfectly legal sites on which one can make a payment for receiving a password which enables user to get into a p2p-network where the cp-material is distributed. 
Furthermore: ISPs would have to update the list all day and night - a neverending job. 
And as long as some police departments in some other countries are setting up cp-sites as a trap and therefore are actively distributing child pornography, the whole "plan of action" as described in TV becomes pretty weird. 
Are elections soon? 
But anyway, if Cablecom _really_ wants to block all these sites, the responsible guy may contact me off-list. I'll be glad to send him may daily harvest of cp-addresses :-p 
 Ursprüngliche Mitteilung  
Betreff: Re: [swinog] Preventive blocking 
Autor: Fredy Kuenzler [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Datum:  22. Juli 2006 18.32.21 
Michel Renfer schrieb: There were a few approches until now, already with low success or  technical implications (other sites also blocked, etc.)  The discussion now happend on society level. Any bigger ISP will  never offically reject such blocking requests for child pornography  in a tv interview as this can hardly hit their image in the public.  The technical questions of the blocking are completly fadet out. They didn't really care anyone. Blocking can and will definitivly not 
 work. Endusers can implement workarrounds in less than a minute. Other questions like, who's maintaining the list etc. are not even discussed.  I'm really concerned about the way that this story will/ can go... 
Full Ack. After this letter arrived, I wrote a blog entry:!-Das-Ross-wird-am-Schwanz-aufgezaeumt.html 
Few days later I got a call from the journalist of SF who did the reportin 10vor10. Means: the journalist was perfectly aware of all thetechnical and political issues in this case, but he masked out it 
completly. IMHO a bad job, 10vor10. 
F.___swinog mailing listswinog@lists.swinog.ch 

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[swinog] Wasserschaden

2005-11-24 Diskussionsfäden Rudolphi
Title: Converted from Rich Text


Hallo, hat jemand nähere Inforrmationen darüber, wie es im TIX aussieht? Lässt sich abschätzen, wie lange der Ausfall dauern wird? 

swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] SwiNOG # 11

2005-10-03 Diskussionsfäden rudolphi
reading about swiNOG #11 AND seeing this picture

somehow this doesn't fit together ;-)

guido (scnr)

 regards from the swiss army (wk, uem/ristl work for
swinog mailing list

Re: [swinog] Searching an old Swisscom NT

2005-07-15 Diskussionsfäden Guido Rudolphi
HOW old exactly? There's one here


 Maybe you know where I can get an old NT. 

The only person to get all of his work done by Friday was Robinson

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