Re: [sword-devel] Module release: BSB

2023-12-08 Thread Karl Kleinpaste

On 12/8/23 00:09, Timothy Allen wrote:
My hope is that the BSB module would be useful enough and complete 
enough to be recommended by SWORD apps, or even (due to its liberal 
licensing) installed by default.

It would be good if their links.htm page 
( would include a Sword Project reference 
in "BSB for Software."___
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Re: [sword-devel] transChange element

2023-12-08 Thread Michael H
(I wasn't at the OSIS formation conferences just worked with Bible
translators, so this is about the use of the word, and not necessarily it's
semantic meaning in OSIS.)

"-implied" falls between  a literal (untagged) translation and an "added"
word.  It represents information that is based on words in the original,
that would have been obvious to the original reader, but is specifically
supplied for modern readers.

So for example, In translations that capitalize pronouns "he" when they
refer to part of the Trinity, "-implied" might be used to cover the
capitalization, especially when the reference is not clear to everyone.
The editorial decision is made to "capitalize", but then you get down into
the specifics, and there are places where you can read those pronouns
multiple ways, and various people in the past have already made different
decisions. You have to put a He or a he, and make a choice... but where its
not 100%, maybe adding that tag provides guidance later.  Or in
translations that diminish the use of pronouns and replace them with the
person's name... 'implied' covers this transformation. The words in the
target language come from a word in the original, but more information is
present in the target language at that specific point than was originally

And that's just pronouns.  Any word can have implied information added to

On Fri, Dec 8, 2023 at 5:42 AM pinoaffe  wrote:

> Tobias Klein  writes:
> > So there is another element mentioned in the list on page 85 of the OSIS
> User Manual.
> > The element is implied - what's the meaning of that? The explanation
> > for that element is missing.
> I think that that is for marking words that don't have a literal
> corresponding word in the greek/hebrew, but which don't carry any
> additional meaning compared to the original text, as the meaning they
> carry is implied gramatically or from context.
> e.g., one could turn the sentence
> It was tall and blue.
> into
> It was tall and it wasblue
> This example is of course a bit contrived, but such changes can be
> necessary when translating, and there may be cases where they are less
> obvious
> Kind regards,
> pinoaffe
> ___
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Re: [sword-devel] Module release: BSB

2023-12-08 Thread Karl Kleinpaste

On 12/8/23 00:09, Timothy Allen wrote:
Xiphos should know what Strongs number is associated with each lemma 
(it draws them in the right place, after all), so in theory it should 
be possible for clicking on the lemma to look up the associated 
Strongs number with no change to the module.

The problem is that the filters provide auto-linkage to Strong's off the 
lemma gloss, which is meaningless since Strong's wants the number, not 
the word.___
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Re: [sword-devel] Module release: BSB

2023-12-08 Thread Karl Kleinpaste

On 12/8/23 00:09, Timothy Allen wrote:
The other thing that occurred to me is the possibility of creating a 
more straightforward interlinear Bible, with the source text as the 
base and the English as the "gloss". That would allow the source text 
to be presented in its natural order (instead of following the order 
of English grammar), but it would *also* be a lot of work and I'm not 
sure if it would actually be very useful.

This is in fact what my BIBdraft module does. It wasn't a lot of work, 
really. But I was working from *.xslx, not USFM, so perhaps what's 
available or accessible in USFM is harder to work with.

The view is more problematic in Hebrew than Greek due to the RtoL issue. 
And the module as a whole has to be given a specific RtoL nature, you 
can't configure that OT is RtoL and NT is LtoR. This means that the 
Hebrew is technically backward.___
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[sword-devel] Account Request Form Wiki Broken

2023-12-08 Thread pinoaffe
Hi everybody,

The form at that can
be used to request an account on the wiki appears to be broken.

May god bless you,
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Re: [sword-devel] transChange element

2023-12-08 Thread pinoaffe

Tobias Klein  writes:
> So there is another element mentioned in the list on page 85 of the OSIS User 
> Manual.
> The element is implied - what's the meaning of that? The explanation
> for that element is missing.

I think that that is for marking words that don't have a literal
corresponding word in the greek/hebrew, but which don't carry any
additional meaning compared to the original text, as the meaning they
carry is implied gramatically or from context.

e.g., one could turn the sentence

It was tall and blue.


It was tall and it wasblue

This example is of course a bit contrived, but such changes can be
necessary when translating, and there may be cases where they are less

Kind regards,

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Re: [sword-devel] Module release: BSB

2023-12-08 Thread Fr Cyrille

Le 08/12/2023 à 06:09, Timothy Allen a écrit :

The other thing that occurred to me is the possibility of creating a 
more straightforward interlinear Bible, with the source text as the 
base and the English as the "gloss". That would allow the source text 
to be presented in its natural order (instead of following the order 
of English grammar), but it would *also* be a lot of work and I'm not 
sure if it would actually be very useful.

Personally, I find it useful to have a Greek-based interlinear. After 
all, you have the text as it really exists.


On 8/12/23 08:25, Karl Kleinpaste wrote:

On 12/4/23 03:27, wrote:

This is to announce that we have just now uploaded BSB

I wanted to mention that the updated BSB has become effectively also 
BIB, the Berean Interlinear Bible, when viewed in Xiphos with lemmas 
enabled, where stacked display provides the interlinear view.
Screenshot of 1Tim.3 with lemmas enabled:

The only downside is that lemmas don't link to numeric Strong's 
entries. But you can enable Strong's as well to get that.

Several years ago, I had done initial work to create "draft" Berean 
Bible modules (BSBdraft, BIBdraft) -- "draft" because the *.xlsx 
weren't finalized at the time -- but this BSB is much superior, a 
fine end product.

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