[symfony-users] Re: About bug for the sfPropelActAsCommentableBehaviorPlugin 1.2.0

2009-07-18 Thread happy oliver

Hi, Xavier Lacot

Thanks for your wonderful job.

I hope you can add the AJAX feature as optional at the plugin at
branch of  1.2.0

Thanks again.


On Jul 18, 11:01 pm, happy oliver  wrote:
> Hi, Everyone,
> I spent some time to find this plugin namespace is not work properly.
> need to fix two part.
> 1.  change the name for field
> _commentForm.php
>          $namespace) ?>
> to
>          $namespace) ?>
> 2. add the following code at sfcommentingForm.class.php
>     $this->validatorSchema->setOption('allow_extra_fields', true);
>     $this->validatorSchema->setOption('filter_extra_fields', false);
> Then, everything works well.
> I hope this helpful for someone.
> Cheer
> Oliver
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[symfony-users] About bug for the sfPropelActAsCommentableBehaviorPlugin 1.2.0

2009-07-18 Thread happy oliver

Hi, Everyone,

I spent some time to find this plugin namespace is not work properly.

need to fix two part.

1.  change the name for field






2. add the following code at sfcommentingForm.class.php

$this->validatorSchema->setOption('allow_extra_fields', true);
$this->validatorSchema->setOption('filter_extra_fields', false);

Then, everything works well.

I hope this helpful for someone.


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[symfony-users] Re: i18n in model::Peer method

2009-07-17 Thread happy oliver


I think whether it is a solution ?

For static variable , it can be defined in config file (yml). then use
the helper to translate them.

Thanks for any advice.


On Jul 17, 12:45 am, Mateusz Kaczmarek 
> Trully I'm surprised that symfony can't handle with this situation,
> when this pattern (data for form select as static variable in Peer
> class) are presented in official tutorial. Maybe ticket will be good
> option ?
> @Crafty_Shadow - I will check Your solution when I back home, I think
> this will work great - so thanx in advance :-)
> On Jul 16, 9:08 pm, Crafty_Shadow  wrote:
> > This is quite different from op's question. You can do this when
> > sending parameters for a constructor, but the problem was how to
> > translate values in an associative array which is a static property of
> > an object. It's something of a everyday occurrence, really, so finding
> > a valuable solution would be most useful.
> > One way to do it would be through a static method I guess:
> > class JobeetJobPeer extends BaseJobeetJobPeer
> > {
> >   static public $types = array(
> >     'full-time' => 'Full time',
> >     'part-time' => 'Part time',
> >     'freelance' => 'Freelance',
> >   );
> >   public static function getTranslatedTypes()
> >   {
> >     $i18n_object = sfContext::getInstance()->getI18n();
> >     return array_map(array($i18n_object, '__'), self::$types);
> >   }
> > .
> > On Jul 16, 9:34 pm, Alexandru-Emil Lupu  wrote:
> > > i have this
> > >   public function executeCommentsForPostFeed()
> > >   {
> > >     $text = $this->getRequestParameter('stripped_title');
> > >     $date = sfDoctrineBlogTools::getDateFromRequest();
> > >     $this->post = sfDoctrineBlogPost::findByStrippedTitleAndDate($text,
> > > $date);
> > >     $this->forward404Unless($post);
> > >     $this->feed = sfFeedPeer::createFromObjects(
> > >       $comments,
> > >       array(
> > >         'format'      => $this->getRequestParameter('format', 'atom1'),
> > >         'title'       => sfDoctrineBlogTools::__('Comments on post "%1%"
> > > from %2%', array('%1%' => $post->getTitle(), '%2%' =>
> > > sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleBlog_title', ''))),
> > >         'link'        =>
> > > $this->getController()->genUrl('sfSimpleBlog/show?stripped_title='.$post->g­etStrippedTitle()),
> > >         'authorName'  => sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleBlog_author', ''),
> > >         'methods'     => array('title' => 'getPostTitle', 'authorEmail' =>
> > > '')
> > >       )
> > >     );
> > >     $this->setTemplate('feed');
> > >   }
> > > and this
> > > class sfDoctrineBlogTools
> > > {
> > >   public static function __($text, $args = array(), $catalogue = 
> > > 'messages')
> > >      {
> > >        if (sfConfig::get('sf_i18n'))
> > >        {
> > >          return sfContext::getInstance()->getI18N()->__($text, $args,
> > > $catalogue);
> > >        }
> > >        else
> > >        {
> > >          if (empty($args))
> > >          {
> > >            $args = array();
> > >          }
> > >          // replace object with strings
> > >          foreach ($args as $key => $value)
> > >          {
> > >            if (is_object($value) && method_exists($value, '__toString'))
> > >            {
> > >              $args[$key] = $value->__toString();
> > >            }
> > >          }
> > >          return strtr($text, $args);
> > >        }
> > >      }
> > > On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 3:49 PM, Alexandru-Emil Lupu
> > > wrote:
> > > > I will paste in this topic my usage tonight .. when i will get home.
> > > > Alecs
> > > > On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Crafty_Shadow 
> > > > wrote:
> > > >> The problem is not the loading order but the fact that php doesn't
> > > >> allow this syntax:
> > > >>   static public $types = array(
> > > >>   'full-time' => TextTools::__('Full time'),
> > > >>   'part-time' => TextTools::__('Part time'),
> > > >>    ...
> > > >> Try it and you'll see.
> > > >> It gives "unexpected '(', expecting ')'" because it anticipates the
> > > >> closing parentheses for the array.
> > > >> On Jul 16, 3:31 pm, Alexandru-Emil Lupu  wrote:
> > > >> > HI!
> > > >> > i do not have access to the sources atm, but, i think it would work:
> > > >> > 
> > > >> > public static function __($text, $args = array(), $catalogue =
> > > >> 'messages')
> > > >> > {
> > > >> >   if (sfConfig::get('sf_i18n'))
> > > >> >   {
> > > >> >     return sfContext::getInstance()->getI18N()->__($text, $args,
> > > >> > $catalogue);
> > > >> >   }
> > > >> >   else
> > > >> >   {
> > > >> >     if (empty($args))
> > > >> >     {
> > > >> >       $args = array();
> > > >> >     }
> > > >> >     // replace object with strings
> > > >> >     foreach ($args as $key => $value)
> > > >> >     {
> > > >> >       if (is_object($value) && method_exists($value, '__toString'))
> > > >> >       {
> > > >> >         $args[$key] = $value->__toString();
> > > >> >       }
> > > >> >     }
> > > >> >     return s

[symfony-users] Re: How to deal with uploaded file in embedded form properly?

2009-07-15 Thread happy oliver

Hi, everyone,

Are there someone met this issue?

I appreciate very much for any helps.


On Jul 13, 1:50 am, happy oliver  wrote:
> I spent a lot of time to figure out how to deal withembeddedform
> with uploaded file.
> I don't use the $this->form->save(). How to deal with uploaded file? I
> can see the temp file at temp folder quickly disappeared
> automatically.
> Welcome to any answers !
>   public function executeEdit(sfWebRequest $request)
>   {
>     $memid = $this->getUser()->getUserId();
>     $this->ads= $this->getOrCreateMemberAds();
>     $this->package = $this->getUser()->getMemberPackage();
>     $this->form= new Adsorm($this->ads)
>     $this->imageforms = array();
>     $this->adsPhotos = 
> $this->getOrCreateImagesForAds($this->advertisement->getId());
>     foreach($this->adsPhotos as $adsPhoto)
>     {
>       $imageform = new PhotoForm($adsPhoto);
>       $this->imageforms[] = $imageform;
>       $this->form->embedForm('a'.$adsPhoto->getId(), $imageform);
>     }
>     if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
>       $this->form->bind($request->getParameter($this->form->getName
> ()), $request->getFiles($this->form->getName()));
>       if ($this->form->isValid())
>       {
>         $values = $this->form->getValues();
>         foreach($this->imageforms as $imageform)
>         {
>           $file = $values['a'.$imageform->getObject()->getId()]
> ['file_path'];
> $imageform->getObject()->setPrice($values['a'.$imageform->getObject()->getId()]['price']);
> $imageform->getObject()->setFilePath($values['a'.$imageform->getObject()->getId()]['file_path']);
>           $imageform->getObject()->save();
>         }
>         $this->form->getObject()->setTitle($values['title']);
>         $this->form->getObject()->setCategoryId(1);
>         $this->form->getObject()->setDescription($values
> ['description']);
>         $this->form->getObject()->save();
>       }
>     }
>   }
> Thanks,
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[symfony-users] How to deal with uploaded file in embedded form properly?

2009-07-13 Thread happy oliver

I spent a lot of time to figure out how to deal with embedded form
with uploaded file.

I don't use the $this->form->save(). How to deal with uploaded file? I
can see the temp file at temp folder quickly disappeared

Welcome to any answers !

  public function executeEdit(sfWebRequest $request)
$memid = $this->getUser()->getUserId();
$this->ads= $this->getOrCreateMemberAds();

$this->package = $this->getUser()->getMemberPackage();
$this->form = new Adsorm($this->ads)

$this->imageforms = array();
$this->adsPhotos = $this->getOrCreateImagesForAds($this-
foreach($this->adsPhotos as $adsPhoto)
  $imageform = new PhotoForm($adsPhoto);
  $this->imageforms[] = $imageform;
  $this->form->embedForm('a'.$adsPhoto->getId(), $imageform);
if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
()), $request->getFiles($this->form->getName()));
  if ($this->form->isValid())

$values = $this->form->getValues();
foreach($this->imageforms as $imageform)

  $file = $values['a'.$imageform->getObject()->getId()]





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[symfony-users] Re: AGAIN: file upload in embedded form (sf 1.2.7)

2009-07-05 Thread happy oliver

You can try to deal with upload file at form doSave().

It is wired for embedded form with upload file.

but I use the doSave() to deal with, it works, but I don't think it is
good solution.

Good luck

On Jul 4, 4:13 pm, jmaicher  wrote:
> Hey!
> I've been spending hours and hours to find a way to upload a file in
> an embedded form. But I couldn't find a solution yet. :-(
> It seems to be a common bug and there is already a ticket (http://
> trac.symfony-project.org/ticket/6662). But I don't use doctrine forms.
> I tried everything, including the workaround 
> onhttp://stereointeractive.com/blog/2008/12/23/symfony-12-upload-a-file
> Unfortunately with no success.
> Please, do you guys have any suggestions for me?!
> Here is my form:
> class JobForm extends sfForm
> {
>   public function JobForm()
>   {
>     ...
>     $this->embedForm("step2", new JobForm_Step2());
>     ...
>   }
> }
> class JobForm_Step2 extends sfForm
> {
>   public function configure()
>   {
>      ...
>      $this->setWidget("image", new sfWidgetFormInputFile());
>      # define validator for image
>     $configData = sfConfig::get("app_job_image");
>     $this->setValidator("image", new sfValidatorFile(array(
>         "required"  => false,
>         "path"  => sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . $configData
> ['upload_dir'] ,
>         "mime_types"  => array('image/jpeg', 'image/jpg'),
>         "max_size"  => $configData['max_size'] * 1024
>     ), array(
>         "mime_types"  =>  "Es werden nur Bilder im JPEG-Dateiformat
> unterstützt",
>         "max_size"  =>  "Dein ausgewähltes Bild ist zu groß (maximal ".
> $configData['max_size']." Kilobyte)"
>     )));
>      ...
>   }
> }
> Here is my action:
> ...
> $this->form->bind($request->getParameter($this->form->getName()),
> $request->getFiles($this->form->getName()));
> ...
> if(!$this->form['step2']['image']->hasError() && is_object($this->form
> ['step2']['image']->getValue()))
> {
>   # upload
> }
> $this->form['step2']['image']->getValue() is always NULL. Furthermore
> $request->getFiles($this->form->getName()) is empty. How can that be??
> The $_FILES array is not empty, so the files has been correctly sent
> to the server.
> I could really need some help here! Thanks,
> Julian
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[symfony-users] The form with file uploading and embedden form is very wired for persisent object.

2009-07-01 Thread happy oliver


I create a form with one embedded form and one upload file field at
the main form, at the same time, I need to change the validation for
the embedded form.

I use the sfShop Open source.

I tried to use the address_book plugin. they use the "state_id" and
"state_title" based on the country whether has the states listing.

Then I met the troubles for saving object , updating object and
uploading file, it spent my many hours to make them work together.

My ProfileForm.class.php :

class ProfileForm extends BaseProfileForm
  protected $member_id;

  public function configure()

$this->member_id = sfContext::getInstance()->getUser()->getUserId

$arrayCategories = array();

$categories = CategoryPeer::getAllPublic();

if ($categories !== null) {
  $arrayCategories[] = ' - Select category - ';
  foreach ($categories as $category) {
array_push($arrayCategories, $category);

'title'   => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
'logo_path'   => new sfWidgetFormInputFile
array('label' => 'Company logo',


$this->validatorSchema['category_id'] = new sfValidatorPropelChoice
('model' => 'category', 'column' => 'id', 'required' => true)

  'category_id'=> 'Category',
  'message'=> 'Weclome Message',
  'announcement'   => 'Ads Details',

$this->validatorSchema['logo_path'] = new sfValidatorFile(array(
  'required'   => true,
  'path'   => sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').'/logo/',
  'mime_types' => 'web_images',

$address_book = $this->getObject()->getAddressBook();
$address_book_form = new ProfileAddressBookForm($address_book);
$this->embedForm('address', $address_book_form);

$this->validatorSchema->setOption('allow_extra_fields', true);
$this->validatorSchema->setOption('filter_extra_fields', false);


  public function bind(array $taintedValues = null, array
$taintedFiles = null)
 // $ret = parent::bind($taintedValues, $taintedFiles);  // If I
uncomment it, It will call the sfValidation of "state_title" or
"state_id" is invalid.

if (isset($taintedValues['address']['country_has_states']) &&
$taintedValues['address']['country_has_states'] == 1)
else if(isset($taintedValues['address']['country_has_states']))
  //  unset($taintedValues['address']['state_id']);

$ret = parent::bind($taintedValues, $taintedFiles);  // If I put
parent:bind at here, the validation behavious is ok.

return $ret;

  protected function doSave($con = null)

$file = $this->getValue('logo_path');
if(is_object($file)) {
  if (file_exists($this->getObject()->getLogoPath()))
  $filename = sha1($file->getOriginalName()).$file->getExtension


  //echo $filename;
//$this->getObject()->save(); // this isn't work to save
object to database
//return parent::doSave($con); // this isn't still  work to
save object to database

At my actioin class :

  public function executeEdit(sfWebRequest $request)
$member_id = $this->getUser()->getUserId();
$this->profile  =  $this->getOrCreateMemberProfile($member_id);

$this->form = new ProfileForm($this->profile);

if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
()), $request->getFiles($this->form->getName()));
  if ($this->form->isValid())
$this->form->save();   // this only trigger doSave() at form
$this->profile = $this->form->updateObject($request-
$this->profile->save();  // for saving the profile object with
address_book object to database.

I hope some one can hope me to figure out why I need to save the
object twice time.

It took my many time to figure out how it work. but it must be
improved .

Thanks in advance.

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[symfony-users] Re: Firebug lite

2009-06-30 Thread happy oliver


I think the esay way that would be to use the PHP condition check for
envirment at the config file of  view.yml.


On Jun 28, 10:45 pm, Sid Bachtiar  wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there an easy way (like through view.yml) that I can include a
> javascript file (for example firebug lite) only for dev
> (frontend_dev.php)?
> Or may be someone can give me a suggestion on the best way to include
> firebug lite in a symfony project?
> Thank you
> Regards,
> Sid
> --
> Blue Horn Ltd - System Developmenthttp://bluehorn.co.nz
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[symfony-users] Re: How to install sfAssetsLibraryPlugin properly?

2009-06-26 Thread happy oliver


Under the help of Alecs.

I found this Plugins require the sfPropelActAsNestedSetBehaviorPlugin

And at the same time, I fixed the save() , delete() for
sfAssetFolder.php and delete() for sfAsset.php

Do the following changes:
  public function save($con = null)  =>   public function save
(PropelPDO $con = null)

Then I can use it is working now.


On Jun 26, 11:03 am, happy oliver  wrote:
> Hi, everyone.
> 1. I check out the codes from svn /trunk.
> 2. copy to the folder of plugins under my project
> 3. run "symfony plugin:publish-assets".
> 4. run the sql at the database to create the two tables
> 5. make some setting at app.yml , create the subfolder of "meida"
> under the folder of "web"
> but when I ran "symfony propel:build-all-load --env=dev ..." in order
> to rebuid my system.
> At the first time, I change the folder.class.php
> but I got the Fail Error Plugin form actasnestedset is not registered
> How to fix this problem?
> I saw the article said  to run the propel:build-all , propel:data-load
> differently. Is it right?
> Are there anyone who give me some suggestions.
> Are there some useful plugins for manipulating the images for one
> persistent object?
> I use the symfony 1.2.8-DEV and Propel version.
> Thanks for any helps.
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[symfony-users] How to install sfAssetsLibraryPlugin properly?

2009-06-26 Thread happy oliver

Hi, everyone.

1. I check out the codes from svn /trunk.
2. copy to the folder of plugins under my project
3. run "symfony plugin:publish-assets".
4. run the sql at the database to create the two tables
5. make some setting at app.yml , create the subfolder of "meida"
under the folder of "web"

but when I ran "symfony propel:build-all-load --env=dev ..." in order
to rebuid my system.

At the first time, I change the folder.class.php
but I got the Fail Error Plugin form actasnestedset is not registered

How to fix this problem?

I saw the article said  to run the propel:build-all , propel:data-load
differently. Is it right?

Are there anyone who give me some suggestions.

Are there some useful plugins for manipulating the images for one
persistent object?
I use the symfony 1.2.8-DEV and Propel version.

Thanks for any helps.

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[symfony-users] Re: Need helps, why my layout missed at prod envirnment ?

2009-06-21 Thread happy oliver

The problem is

 I cannot the use the sfWidgetFormPropelChoice for the prod.

It maybe has some bugs.


On Jun 21, 7:41 pm, happy oliver  wrote:
> On Jun 20, 4:00 pm, Alexandru-Emil Lupu  wrote:
> > ** switch to the dev engine and you will see the error 
> > ...http://web.homecareerexpo.com/frontend_dev.php/en/advertise/edit
> > the layout does not loads because you may have an error somehow :)
> > <http://web.homecareerexpo.com/frontend_dev.php/en/advertise/edit>Alecs
> > On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 12:25 PM, happy oliver wrote:
> > > Hi, everyone,
> > > At this page, I embedded the other form.
> > > Dose it caused the layout miss or not?
> > > Need helps.
> > > Thanks in advance.
> > > On Jun 20, 1:50 am, happy oliver  wrote:
> > > > Hi, Everyone,
> > > > Can you help me to figure out why my pages missed the layout at prod
> > > > envirnemnt?
> > > > When I use "symfony cc", the layout for some pages show up only one
> > > > time at prod env, when I refresh my page. the layout is gone?
> > > > How do I control it?
> > > > You can see this at my dev server
> > > >http://web.homecareerexpo.com
> > > > you can login use the following account:
> > > > user name: oli...@test.com
> > > > password: test
> > > > When you login , you can see the following page:
> > > >http://web.homecareerexpo.com/en/advertise/edit
> > > > the layout is missing.
> > > > Please help me. Thank you very much.
> > --
> > I am on twitter:http://twitter.com/alecslupu
> > I am on linkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/in/alecslupu
> > Tel: (+4)0748.543.798- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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[symfony-users] Re: Need helps, why my layout missed at prod envirnment ?

2009-06-21 Thread happy oliver

On Jun 20, 4:00 pm, Alexandru-Emil Lupu  wrote:
> ** switch to the dev engine and you will see the error 
> ...http://web.homecareerexpo.com/frontend_dev.php/en/advertise/edit
> the layout does not loads because you may have an error somehow :)
> <http://web.homecareerexpo.com/frontend_dev.php/en/advertise/edit>Alecs
> On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 12:25 PM, happy oliver wrote:

> > Hi, everyone,
> > At this page, I embedded the other form.
> > Dose it caused the layout miss or not?
> > Need helps.
> > Thanks in advance.
> > On Jun 20, 1:50 am, happy oliver  wrote:
> > > Hi, Everyone,
> > > Can you help me to figure out why my pages missed the layout at prod
> > > envirnemnt?
> > > When I use "symfony cc", the layout for some pages show up only one
> > > time at prod env, when I refresh my page. the layout is gone?
> > > How do I control it?
> > > You can see this at my dev server
> > >http://web.homecareerexpo.com
> > > you can login use the following account:
> > > user name: oli...@test.com
> > > password: test
> > > When you login , you can see the following page:
> > >http://web.homecareerexpo.com/en/advertise/edit
> > > the layout is missing.
> > > Please help me. Thank you very much.
> --
> I am on twitter:http://twitter.com/alecslupu
> I am on linkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/in/alecslupu
> Tel: (+4)0748.543.798- Hide quoted text -
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[symfony-users] Re: Need helps, why my layout missed at prod envirnment ?

2009-06-21 Thread happy oliver

On Jun 20, 4:00 pm, Alexandru-Emil Lupu  wrote:
> ** switch to the dev engine and you will see the error 
> ...http://web.homecareerexpo.com/frontend_dev.php/en/advertise/edit
> the layout does not loads because you may have an error somehow :)
> <http://web.homecareerexpo.com/frontend_dev.php/en/advertise/edit>Alecs
> On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 12:25 PM, happy oliver wrote:
> > Hi, everyone,
> > At this page, I embedded the other form.
> > Dose it caused the layout miss or not?
> > Need helps.
> > Thanks in advance.
> > On Jun 20, 1:50 am, happy oliver  wrote:
> > > Hi, Everyone,
> > > Can you help me to figure out why my pages missed the layout at prod
> > > envirnemnt?
> > > When I use "symfony cc", the layout for some pages show up only one
> > > time at prod env, when I refresh my page. the layout is gone?
> > > How do I control it?
> > > You can see this at my dev server
> > >http://web.homecareerexpo.com
> > > you can login use the following account:
> > > user name: oli...@test.com
> > > password: test
> > > When you login , you can see the following page:
> > >http://web.homecareerexpo.com/en/advertise/edit
> > > the layout is missing.
> > > Please help me. Thank you very much.
> --
> I am on twitter:http://twitter.com/alecslupu
> I am on linkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/in/alecslupu
> Tel: (+4)0748.543.798- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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[symfony-users] Re: Need helps, why my layout missed at prod envirnment ?

2009-06-21 Thread happy oliver

Hi, Thanks for Alecs' kindly helps.

The following is his solution.

I have fixed the "category_id" issue, however, i think it should be
polished a little bit.
To make the modifications,
in lib/form/AdvertisementForm.class.php
replace the configure method with this :

 public function configure()

 $criteria = new Criteria();

 $temp_categories = CategoryPeer::doSelect($criteria);
 $categories = array(' Select category ');
 foreach($temp_categories as $category){

'title'   => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
  'category_id'   => new sfWidgetFormSelect(array(
'choices' => $categories
'logo_path'   => new sfWidgetFormInputFile
array('label' =>
'Company logo',
'message'  => new sfWidgetFormTextarea(),
'description'   => new sfWidgetFormTextarea
$this->validatorSchema['category_id'] = new sfValidatorPropelChoice
('model' => 'category', 'column' => 'id', 'required' => true)

  'category_id'=> 'Category',
  'message'=> 'Weclome Message',
  'announcement'   => 'Ads Details',
$this->validatorSchema['logo_path'] = new sfValidatorFile(array(
  'required'   => false,
 // 'path'   => sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').'/ads/',
  'mime_types' => 'web_images',


basically i have removed the "sfpropelChoiceWidget" or whatever with a
normal select widget, and also i have added this.

 $criteria = new Criteria();

 $temp_categories = CategoryPeer::doSelect($criteria);
 $categories = array(' Select category ');
 foreach($temp_categories as $category){


On Jun 20, 4:00 pm, Alexandru-Emil Lupu  wrote:
> ** switch to the dev engine and you will see the error 
> ...http://web.homecareerexpo.com/frontend_dev.php/en/advertise/edit
> the layout does not loads because you may have an error somehow :)
> <http://web.homecareerexpo.com/frontend_dev.php/en/advertise/edit>Alecs
> On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 12:25 PM, happy oliver wrote:

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[symfony-users] Why do some fields of form not be saved into database properly?

2009-06-20 Thread happy oliver

Hi, everyone,

I viewed the eshop codes.

I saw the codes in  sfsAddressBookPlugin -> modules->addressBook-

* Edit address action.
* @param  void
* @return void
* @author Dmitry Nesteruk 
* @access public
public function executeEdit($request)
$sfUser = $this->getUser();
$address = $this->getAddressOrCreate();
$this->form = new AddressBookForm($address);

if ($request->isMethod('post')) {
$data = $request->getParameter('data');

if ($this->form->isValid()) {
$address = $this->form->updateObject();

if (isset($data['is_default'])) {
else {


At the AddressBookForm

class AddressBookForm extends BaseAddressBookForm
public function configure()
$criteria = new Criteria();
$arrayCountries = CountryPeer::getHash($criteria);

$arrayCountriesWidget = array();
$arrayCountriesWidget[] = '';

foreach ($arrayCountries as $key => $title) {
$arrayCountriesWidget[$key] = $title;

'first_name' => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
'last_name'  => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
'company'=> new sfWidgetFormInput(),


The company exists at the form.

Why must set the value for the field of "company" again?

I run a test, If I don't use $address->setCompany(), then the company
value cannot save into database.

Can you help me this?

I think it is very helpful to understand symfony.


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[symfony-users] Re: why do my include_partial not show slot content at prod env , but at dev env it is ok.

2009-06-20 Thread happy oliver

Hi, Alecs,

Thanks for your helpful reply.

I only want to show the simply submenu at some module pages.

I use the partial that include my slot defination. Do you mean the
slot cannot embedded at the partial part?

The slot is working only for the layout?

It is working at Dev env, but it doesn't work at Prod env.
What the main difference between prod and dev for renderring the
layout and template?

Thanks you.


On Jun 20, 3:40 pm, Alexandru-Emil Lupu  wrote:
> Maybe you might 
> readhttp://www.symfony-project.org/book/1_2/07-Inside-the-View-Layer
> <http://www.symfony-project.org/book/1_2/07-Inside-the-View-Layer>and see
> the real way to use the slots. What have you done, is not a slot, is a
> partial. if you are not familiar with slots usage, you might get stick to
> partials and components.
> Alecs
> On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 10:50 AM, happy oliver wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I created one partials that include one slot definiation.
> > _sub_menus_slot.php
> >  
> >  Edit
> >  |
> >  Preview > a>
> >  |
> >  getIsPublished()) :?>
> >  Disable > a>
> >  
> >  Publish > a>
> >  
> > 
> > then , I use  > => $advertisement));?>
> > to show my sub menu at some template pages.
> > At the dev env, it is working well.
> > but when I run it at prod env, the sub menu doesn't show up.
> > Can someone help me to figure out the setting?
> > Thanks in advance.
> --
> I am on twitter:http://twitter.com/alecslupu
> I am on linkedIn:http://www.linkedin.com/in/alecslupu
> Tel: (+4)0748.543.798- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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[symfony-users] Re: Need helps, why my layout missed at prod envirnment ?

2009-06-20 Thread happy oliver

Hi, everyone,

At this page, I embedded the other form.

Dose it caused the layout miss or not?

Need helps.

Thanks in advance.

On Jun 20, 1:50 am, happy oliver  wrote:
> Hi, Everyone,
> Can you help me to figure out why my pages missed the layout at prod
> envirnemnt?
> When I use "symfony cc", the layout for some pages show up only one
> time at prod env, when I refresh my page. the layout is gone?
> How do I control it?
> You can see this at my dev server
> http://web.homecareerexpo.com
> you can login use the following account:
> user name: oli...@test.com
> password: test
> When you login , you can see the following page:
> http://web.homecareerexpo.com/en/advertise/edit
> the layout is missing.
> Please help me. Thank you very much.
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[symfony-users] Need helps, why my layout missed at prod envirnment ?

2009-06-20 Thread happy oliver

Hi, Everyone,

Can you help me to figure out why my pages missed the layout at prod

When I use "symfony cc", the layout for some pages show up only one
time at prod env, when I refresh my page. the layout is gone?

How do I control it?

You can see this at my dev server


you can login use the following account:

user name: oli...@test.com

password: test

When you login , you can see the following page:


the layout is missing.

Please help me. Thank you very much.

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"symfony users" group.
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[symfony-users] Re: Why cannot I save the uploaded file name to database automatically?

2009-06-20 Thread happy oliver

I found the form fields are disabled by the FF block items.

Could someone help me for my questions?

Thanks in advance.

On Jun 18, 11:56 pm, happy oliver  wrote:
> Hi,
> Are there someone can point out why I cannot save the upload file path
> into database by default.
> I customize my form showing as below.
> At the Form class:
> class AdvertisementForm extends BaseAdvertisementForm
> {
>   public function configure()
>   {
>     parent::configure();
>     $this->offsetUnset('advertisement2photo_list');
>     $this->setWidgets(
>     array(
>                         'title'           => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
>                         'category_id'     => new
> sfWidgetFormPropelChoice(
>                                                    array('model' =>
> 'category',
>                                                          'add_empty'
> => ' Select category ',
>                                                    )),
>                         'logo_path'       => new sfWidgetFormInputFile
> (
>                                                    array('label' =>
> 'Company logo',
>                                                     )),
>                         'message'      => new sfWidgetFormInput()
>     )
>     );
>     $this->validatorSchema['category_id'] = new sfValidatorPropelChoice
> (array
>     ('model' => 'category', 'column' => 'id', 'required' => true)
>     );
>     $this->widgetSchema->setLabels(array(
>       'category_id'    => 'Category',
>       'message'        => 'Weclome Message',
>       'announcement'   => 'Ads Details',
>     ));
>     $this->validatorSchema['logo_path'] = new sfValidatorFile(array(
>       'required'   => false,
>       'path'       => sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').'/ads/',
>       'mime_types' => 'web_images',
>     ));
>     $this->getWidgetSchema()->setNameFormat('data[%s]');
>     $this->defineSfsListFormatter();
>   }
>   protected function doSave($con = null)
>   {
>     if (file_exists($this->getObject()->getLogoPath()))
>     {
>       unlink($this->getObject()->getLogoPath());
>     }
>     return parent::doSave($con);
>   }
> At the action class:
>   protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $form)
>   {
>       /* bind, validate and save form */
>     $form->bind($request->getParameter($form->getName()), 
> $request->getFiles($form->getName()));
>     if ($form->isValid())
>     {
>       $advertisement = $form->save();
>       $this->redirect('@advertise?action=show');
>     }
>   }
> When I used the above code, I saw the file was uploaded to the web
> folder, the database logo_path field is empty.
> I don't know why it don't save the absoluted file path to database.
> When I modified the function of doSave()
>   protected function doSave($con = null)
>   {
>     if (file_exists($this->getObject()->getLogoPath()))
>     {
>       unlink($this->getObject()->getLogoPath());
>     }
>     $file = $this->getValue('logo_path');
>     $filename = sha1($file->getOriginalName()).$file->getExtension
> ($file->getOriginalExtension());
>     $file->save(sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').'/ads/'.$filename);
>     $this->getObject()->setLogoPath($filename);
>     $this->getObject()->save();
>     return parent::doSave($con);
>   }
> Then , I saw the file path had been saved into database.
> Can someone point my code's problem?
> By the way , I must mention one issue I met it is very wired.
> When I use the
>     $this->getWidgetSchema()->setNameFormat('advertisement[%s]');
> At the Firefox the form fields cannot been show up. At the
> IE 7, the form fields is normal.
> so I must change the form name format to
>   $this->getWidgetSchema()->setNameFormat('data[%s]');
> It spent my several hours to figure out. I think there are some
> forbidden words in Firefox.
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[symfony-users] why do my include_partial not show slot content at prod env , but at dev env it is ok.

2009-06-20 Thread happy oliver


I created one partials that include one slot definiation.


 getIsPublished()) :?>

then , I use  $advertisement));?>
to show my sub menu at some template pages.

At the dev env, it is working well.

but when I run it at prod env, the sub menu doesn't show up.

Can someone help me to figure out the setting?

Thanks in advance.

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"symfony users" group.
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[symfony-users] Why cannot I save the uploaded file name to database automatically?

2009-06-18 Thread happy oliver


Are there someone can point out why I cannot save the upload file path
into database by default.

I customize my form showing as below.

At the Form class:
class AdvertisementForm extends BaseAdvertisementForm
  public function configure()


'title'   => new sfWidgetFormInput(),
'category_id' => new
   array('model' =>
=> ' Select category ',
'logo_path'   => new sfWidgetFormInputFile
   array('label' =>
'Company logo',
'message'  => new sfWidgetFormInput()

$this->validatorSchema['category_id'] = new sfValidatorPropelChoice
('model' => 'category', 'column' => 'id', 'required' => true)

  'category_id'=> 'Category',
  'message'=> 'Weclome Message',
  'announcement'   => 'Ads Details',

$this->validatorSchema['logo_path'] = new sfValidatorFile(array(
  'required'   => false,
  'path'   => sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir').'/ads/',
  'mime_types' => 'web_images',



  protected function doSave($con = null)

if (file_exists($this->getObject()->getLogoPath()))
return parent::doSave($con);

At the action class:

  protected function processForm(sfWebRequest $request, sfForm $form)
  /* bind, validate and save form */
$form->bind($request->getParameter($form->getName()), $request-
if ($form->isValid())
  $advertisement = $form->save();

When I used the above code, I saw the file was uploaded to the web
folder, the database logo_path field is empty.

I don't know why it don't save the absoluted file path to database.

When I modified the function of doSave()

  protected function doSave($con = null)
if (file_exists($this->getObject()->getLogoPath()))

$file = $this->getValue('logo_path');
$filename = sha1($file->getOriginalName()).$file->getExtension
return parent::doSave($con);

Then , I saw the file path had been saved into database.

Can someone point my code's problem?

By the way , I must mention one issue I met it is very wired.

When I use the

At the Firefox the form fields cannot been show up. At the
IE 7, the form fields is normal.

so I must change the form name format to


It spent my several hours to figure out. I think there are some
forbidden words in Firefox.

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[symfony-users] How to clear the stale value after using the AJAX.

2009-06-09 Thread happy oliver

First I say thanks to Francois Zaninotto


I want to know how to clear the stale value after using the AJAX.

At the above article, when I used the AJAX to submit the comment for
the photo, the second click the "add the comment". the form was filled
with the old data.

How to clear it?

At the same time, when I put the " "

within the   ' ' the link of
link_to_function for "add a comment" will disappear after submitting
the comment.

and I also found when I don't use "use_helper('Form')" for
"input_hidden_tag" at the templete file of photoSuccess, symfony
render system  will lost the layout before rendering the page without
any message.

Is it true?

I need helps.

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