RE: x:transform using xsl:include

2004-03-18 Thread matsuhashi

I encountered a problem pretty much similar to one of the previous posts :[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04896.html

I read the source code of the Jakarta Standard Template Library 1.0.5 and
got a doubt to it.

In the org/apache/taglibs/standard/tag/common/xml/,
we now have the following code fragment.

  * Retrieves a Source from the given Object, whether it be a String,
  * Reader, Node, or other supported types (even a Source already).
  * If 'url' is true, then we must be passed a String and will interpret
  * it as a URL.  A null input always results in a null output.
 private Source getSource(Object o, String systemId)
 throws SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, IOException {
 if (o == null)
 return null;
 else if (o instanceof Source) {
 return (Source) o;

 } else if (o instanceof String) {
 // if we've got a string, chain to Reader below
 return getSource(new StringReader((String) o), systemId);

 } else if (o instanceof Reader) {
 // explicitly go through SAX to maintain control
 // over how relative external entities resolve
 XMLReader xr = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
 new ParseSupport.JstlEntityResolver(pageContext));
 InputSource s = new InputSource((Reader) o);
 Source result = new SAXSource(xr, s);
 return result;

 } else if (o instanceof Node) {
 return new DOMSource((Node) o);

 } else if (o instanceof List) {
 // support 1-item List because our XPath processor outputs them
 List l = (List) o;
 if (l.size() == 1) {
 return getSource(l.get(0), systemId); // unwrap List
 } else {
 throw new IllegalArgumentException(
 } else {
 throw new IllegalArgumentException(
 + o.getClass());

I suppose the portion for DOM should be something like:
} else if (o instanceof Node) {
DOMSource ds = new DOMSource((Node) o);
return ds;

[Point]: set the SystemID attribute for the DOMSource object to be
as the current code is doing for the StreamSource object.

I have just noticed this, will test my thought tommorow.

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Re: how to parseInt in jstl using express language?

2003-12-09 Thread matsuhashi

i declare 2 variables,then i want to do some
calculate.the result is 2.4 here,but my desire result
is 2.

How about using JSTL's standard fmt:formatNumber tag?


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Re: jstl transform question

2003-12-08 Thread matsuhashi

when i write the code below:
x:transform xml=${xml} xslt=${xslt}
x:param name=gg value=0/

my question is what the param useage here,how can i
get the param in xsl file?

A XSLT which accepts a param named gg and displays the param's value
would look something like this:

xsl:transform version=1.0 xmlns:xsl
xsl:param name=gg/

xsl:template match=/
xsl:messagegg is xsl:value-of select=$gg//xsl:message



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Re: x:transform and body content

2003-09-03 Thread matsuhashi

(BYou are importing the stylesheet into a variable named "default" as String.
(BBut your x:transform tag does not refer to the variable "default" in which
(Bthe stylesheet resides. Instead your x:transform refers to an undeclared
(Bvariable called "xslt". Is this really what you want? I suppose you want
(B x:transform xml="${dom}" xslt="${default}"
(Brather than
(B x:transform xml="${dom}" xslt="${xslt}"
(B"Mark R. Diggory"  
(B  $B7oL>(B:   x:transform and body 
(B2003/09/04 02:54   
(B"Tag Libraries 
(BUsers List" $B$XJV?.(B   
(BI'm trying to dynamically set the parameters on an x:transform based on
(Bthe params in the http request like below:
(Bc:import var="default" url="/Study/DataSubsettingView.xsl"/
(Bx:transform xml="${dom}" xslt="${xslt}"
(B   c:forEach var="entry" items="${param}"
(B  c:if test="${entry.key ne 'var'}"
(B x:param name="${entry.key}" value="${entry.value}"/
(B  /c:if
(B   /c:forEach
(Bbut I keep getting
(B27: Encountered illegal body of tag "x:transform" tag, given its
(BIs there any way to do this dynamically?
(B-Mark Diggory
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RE: Using the standard (JSTL) tag library ...

2003-07-31 Thread matsuhashi

(BAlso see this;
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg93186.html
(B"Siggelkow, Bill"  
(BUsers List'" [EMAIL PROTECTED]   
(   cc:   
(B $B7oL>(B:   RE: Using the standard 
(B(JSTL) tag library ...
(B2003/07/31 21:17   
(B"Tag Libraries 
(BUsers List" $B$XJV(B 
(BNot with Tomcat 4.1.18 -- Starting with Tomcat 5 you can -- Tomcat
(Bimplements JSP 2.0 (formerly referred to as JSP 1.3) which allows EL
(Banywhere within a page.
(B-Original Message-
(BSent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 6:55 AM
(BSubject: Using the standard (JSTL) tag library ...
(BI'm using JWSDP 1.1 that includes  JSTL 1.0.3 under Tomcat 4.1.18
(BCan I use EL  outside of the JSTL tags  ?
(BLike using ${param.server} in the code below:
(Bframeset cols="20%,*"
(Bframe name="allpackages"
(Bframe name="details" src="details.jsp?server=${param.server}"
(BSo far it doesn't work. I read that there are two versions:
(B  "This document describes an expression language (EL) for JSP. This
(B  language has two versions: one applicable to the JSP Standard Tag
(BLibrary (JSTL),
(B  the other applicable to JSP 1.3."  (from JavaServerPages: Standard
(BTag Library  V.10)
(Bbut I even don't know what JSP version Tomcat 4.1 supports.
(B(Full example below)
(B%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt" %
(B%@ page contentType="text/html"%
(Blink rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../css/default.css" /
(Bfmt:message key="TITLE_INDEX"
(Bfmt:param value="${param.server}"/
(Bframeset rows="22%,*"
(Bframe name="onheader" src="onheader.jsp?server=${param.server}"
(Bframeset cols="20%,*"
(Bframe name="allpackages"
(Bframe name="details" src="details.jsp?server=${param.server}"
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Re: XML help

2003-07-30 Thread matsuhashi

Does this help?

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Re: JSTL c/x:out and XML-fragments

2003-03-19 Thread matsuhashi

Here I cutpasted a code fragment of my JSP.

h3raw Model/h3
c:import var=xslturl2 url=/WEB-INF/transform/IdentityTransform.xsl
 %@ page %
%@ page %
 StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
StreamResult outputResult = new StreamResult(sw);
 pageContext.setAttribute(outputResult, outputResult);
 x:transform xml=${pipeline_final_output_String} xslt=${xslturl2}
table border=1
trtdprec:out value=${resultString} escapeXml=true

What is this doing?

/WEB-INF/trasnform/IdentityTransform.xsl is a XSLT stylesheet which just
copies the input source to the output result while changing the character
encoding from UTF-8 to Shifg_JIS (Japanese local charaset).

 x:transform xml=${pipeline_final_output_String} xslt=${xslturl2}
this fragment set the String format of the input XML
(${pipeline_final_output_String} EL variable stands for it) to a variable

Then c:out value=${resultString} escapeXml=true / this tag prints the
String which contains lot of s and s , but it is just a String -:).

A cute portion of the above code might be that StringWriter class. This
scriptlet trick the XSLT processor to write the transformation result as a
plain String into the ${resultString}.

Would this help?

 MATSUHASHI, kazuaki

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Re: Whitespace generated by JSTL tags

2003-01-22 Thread matsuhashi

Martin Cooper wrote:
It will also have a noticeable - and undesirable - effect on any pre
sections in the JSP page, causing them to be rendered incorrectly.

You are right. I also want pre sections untouched. Hum...

A possible countermeasure could be to write a custom Ant task which does
the similar string relacement as the ant ReplaceRegExp task does while
caring in/out status of PRE start/end tags (very easy to write if in awk
:-). I will try this approach and come back here when finished.


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Re: Advice needed for x:forEach select

2003-01-17 Thread matsuhashi

How about applying x:transform tag to your original input XML to obtain
another XML in which elements are ordered as you would like, then apply
x:forEach and x:out tags to the latter XML?

In the XSLT stylesheet, you would want a template like :

xsl:template match= ... 
xsl:sort select= ... order=/

If you show how your input XML document looks like, then I may be able to
code a sample XSLT stylesheet and JSP fragment for you.

 Kazuaki Matsuhashi

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How to use JSTL XSLT tags with result attribute

2002-11-25 Thread matsuhashi

Hi, I am wondering how to use JSTL XML x:transform tag with result

I am using the jakarta-taglibs/standard-1.0.2 with Tomcat 4.1.3 on

I have a String variable ${pipeline_final_output_String} within the
request scope in which a XML document is contained.

I needed to transform the String via a simple identityTransform because the
original XML is in a canonical-form; therefore no \n and no line
indentation is used. I want to perform xsl:output indent=yes/ on the

Also I want to print the variable's content while escaping  and 
characters into lt; and amp; respectively;

All these are meant to provide a debug-view to see XML as it is in the
resulting HTML.

I coded a JSP as follows :
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/x.tld prefix=x %

h3raw Model/h3
c:import var=xslturl2 url=/WEB-INF/transform/IdentityTransform.xsl
%@ page %
%@ page import=javax.xml.transform.Result %
 %@ page %
 StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
StreamResult outputResult = new StreamResult(sw);
x:transform xml=${pipeline_final_output_String} xslt=${xslturl2}
String escapedString = escape(sw.toString());
trtdpre%= escapedString %/pre/td/tr
String escape(String s) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(1024);
if (s != null) {
for (int i = 0; i  s.length(); i++) {
String c = s.substring(i,i+1);
if (c.equals()) {
} else if (c.equals()) {
} else if (c.equals()) {
} else {
return buffer.toString();
} else {
return null;

When executed, a ServletException occured. The diagnostics says something
as follows (in Japanse) :

An error occured during evaluating the custome action attribute result
with the value outputResult.
When tried to convert a String outputResutl into the type of
there is not a PropertyEditor to the type.

I could not find a instructive articles on Web how to use result
attribute of x:transform.

Anyone knows how?

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Re: How to use JSTL XSLT tags with result attribute

2002-11-25 Thread matsuhashi

Thank you, Hans.

Inspired by your reply, I got the following JSP code. It worked!

%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/c.tld prefix=c %
%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/x.tld prefix=x %

h3raw Model/h3
c:import var=xslturl2 url=/WEB-INF/transform/IdentityTransform.xsl
%@ page %
%@ page %
 StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
 StreamResult outputResult = new StreamResult(sw);
 pageContext.setAttribute(outputResult, outputResult);
x:transform xml=${pipeline_final_output_String} xslt=${xslturl2}
table border=1
trtdprec:out value=${resultString} escapeXml=true

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skip x:parse, apply x:out straight to a pre-build DOM instance

2002-11-14 Thread matsuhashi


I am wondering if it is possible in JSTL 

A usual use of JSLT XML tags goes as
(1) by x:parse var=MyDOM ... tag, parse a XML document in String to
obtain DOM instance in the scoped attribute specified by attribute var,
(2) by x:out select=${MyDOM}///, pull the contents as String to
show view.

Consider a case where a org.w3c.dom.Document object has been created and
stored within a request scope attribute before the JSP is invoked.
In MVC architecture, this situation is likely to happen. Actually I want to
do this in Struts : a Structs Action class produces a DOM and store it in
the request scope, then forward to a JSP.

In this situation I want to skip calling x:parse and apply x:out to the
pre-built DOM instance.

The reason why I want to skip is simple: avoid unnecessary XML parsing for
better performance. If I have a DOM already, then why do I have to
serialize the DOM into a String to pass to x:parse tag!?

I have tried to find out if this is possible in various resources, but no
such article/documentation I could find.

I also tried such coding :

c:set var=MyDOM value=${prebuild_DOM}/
x:out select=${MyDOM}//*/

then I was welcomed by a NullPointerException.

Any idea?

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RE: namespaces in x:parse

2002-11-14 Thread matsuhashi

Names that begin with xml are reserved by the XML specification.

Yes, you are right. I was stupid, sorry...

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Re: skip x:parse, apply x:out straight to a pre-build DOM instance

2002-11-14 Thread matsuhashi

(BThank you very much for your reply. It worked!
(B QUICK Corp,
(B Japan
(BShawn Bayern   
(Bbayern@essent$B08@h(B:   Tag Libraries Users List   
(B  cc:  
(B2002/11/15$B7oL>(B:   Re: skip x:parse, apply 
(Bx:out straight to a 
(B00:04 pre-build DOM instance   
(B"Tag Libraries 
(BUsers List" $B$X(B   
(BOn Thu, 14 Nov 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
(B I also tried such coding :
(B c:set var="MyDOM" value="${prebuild_DOM}"/
(B x:out select="${MyDOM}//*"/
(B then I was welcomed by a NullPointerException.
(BYou can do it, but the syntax you're using is wrong.  The JSTL tags don't
(Bcare whether the DOM you're using has come from x:parse or from a
(Bservlet.  But either way, you must refer to it using XPath variables, not
(Bthe JSTL EL inside the 'select' attribute.  Thus, you'd write
(B x:out select="$MyDOM//*" /
(BShawn Bayern
(B"JSTL in Action"
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Re: namespaces in x:parse

2002-11-13 Thread matsuhashi


In the last Oct - Nov time, I posted an issue to this Taglib User List,
which is very similar to your problem. The title of my initial post was
Does JSTL XML taglibs ignore XMLNamespace of input document?(later I
found this title was incorrect, not forcusing my problem precisely) dated
at 09 Oct 2002.

Shawn Bayern kindly responded to my post which was followed by several
e-mail exchanges between Shawn and me. Unfortunately you can not see them
at the Taglib User List archieve at; for some
reason (may be due to my mistake). If you require I can send the record to

The simple answer I got from Shawn Bayarn was that, as far as JSTL1.0
specification tells, you can NOT use the namespace prefixes in XPath
expressions in x:... select=xpath. If you want to process an input XML
document with explicit Namespaces (in other word, qualified elements), you
need to explicitly use the local-name() function and namespace-uri()
function, or name() function defined by XPath1.0 specification to make your
XPath well-matching against the input document.

The way you can do in JSTL1.0 would be to write something like:

  x:set var=mediumColor scope=application
= and @name='medium']/@select) /

(sorry, I did not check if this code runs properly for you. I meant to show
you how to use the namespace-url() function to make the XPath valid without
using namespace prefixes ...).

Shawn's JSTL Action book has a section where he explained what you can
and cannot do in XPath expression in the JSTL1.0 way. In there you would
find more precise explanation than my (may be inaccurate) note.


When I got to know that I can not use XML Namespace prefixes in XPath
expression in x:... tags and therefore the XPath expressions tend to be
very long and hard-to-read/write, I wanted to find out if there is any
possibility for JSTL1.0 specification betterment. So I did a quick hack
(modify taglib implementation to allow namespace prefixes in xpath). I
reached a conclusion that a specification betterment seems to be possible.

At the end of discussion, Shawn mentioned an idea of introducing a new tag
by which you can register combinations of Namespace prefix and URI which to
be reffered from the XPath expressions within x:... select=xpath tags.
Consider that new tag is introduced, your code could look something like:

c:import var=colors url=/mwr/colors.xsl/
x:parse xml=${colors} var=colorsXml/
x:registerNamespace prefix=xsl uri
=; scope=.../
  !-- registerNamespace tag is NOT defined in the JSTL1.0
specification !!! --
x:set var=mediumColor scope=application
='medium']/@select) /

This code looks short, much readable, quite in synch with the XSLT way of
using XPath!
Don't you think so?

 MATSUHASHI,kazuaki (FAMILY,given)

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RE: namespaces in x:parse

2002-11-13 Thread matsuhashi

Rather than this

 x:registerNamespace prefix=xsl uri
 =; scope=.../
  !-- registerNamespace tag is NOT defined in the JSTL1.0
specification !!! --

following name might look more familiar to anybody; no explanation needed.

 x:xmlns prefix=... uri=... scope=.../


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Re: Does JSTL XML taglibs ignore XMLNamespace of input document?

2002-10-18 Thread matsuhashi

I have worked out about this issue and I believe I have got an idea of
betterment to the jakarta standard taglibs1.0.x and possibly to the JSTL

Here I refrain the initial issue I raised just to remind it. I coded the
following JSP page
% taglib uri=/WEB-INF/x.tld prefix=x %
x:parse var=NoNSabboon/b/a/x:parse
x:parse var=WithNSn:a xmlns:n
$NoNS/a/b=x:out select=$NoNS/a/b/br
$WithNS/a/b=x:out select=$WithNS/a/b/br
$WithNS/n:a/n:b=x:out select=$WithNS/n:a/n:b/
The only difference between $NoNS object and $WithNS object is XML
Namespace usage. I got the following response from the application.
I could not get baan output.

I looked at the taglibs1.0.2 source code and studied Jaxen. Then I did an
experiment (source code change) locally on my PC. I modifed the source code
of org.apache.taglibs.standard.tag.common.xml.XPathUtil class slightly as
 * Returns a String given an XPath expression and a single context
 * Node.
public String valueOf(Node n, String xpath) throws SAXPathException {
XPath xp = new DOMXPath(xpath);

//--- modification by MATSUHASHI,kazuaki--
//  lookup a Map which should contain pairs of XML Namespace prefix
//  and URI to be used within XPath expression, then put them into
//  SimpleNamespaceContext object which will be refered by jaxen
//  just insert the following statements, that's all
Map nsCollection
= (Map)pageContext.getAttribute(inputDocumentXmlNamespaces);
if (nsCollection != null) {
Set prefixes = nsCollection.keySet();
Iterator nsIterator = prefixes.iterator();
while (nsIterator.hasNext()) {
String prefix = (String);
String nsuri  = (String)nsCollection.get(prefix);
System.out.println(prefix= + prefix);
System.out.println(NSURI = + nsuri);
nc.addNamespace(prefix, nsuri);
//--- modification by MATSUHASHI,kazuaki--- end

// return xp.valueOf(getLocalContext(n));
return xp.stringValueOf(getLocalContext(n));

The JSP to test the new class is as follows
% taglib uri=/WEB-INF/x.tld prefix=x %
h2An experimental modification of JSTL XPath/h2
h3to enable access XML with SOME Namespaces/h3
pcase1 : input XML using NO Namespace --- possible to obtain boon by
jakarta-taglibs standard-1.0.2/p
x:parse var=NoNSabboon/b/a/x:parse
table border=1
tdx:out select=$NoNS/a/b//td/tr


pcase2 :input XML using some Namespaces --- impossible to obtain baan
by standard-1.0.2, but enabled by code modification/p
x:parse var=WithNSn:a xmlns:n
% page import=java.util.HashMap %
% HashMap ns = new HashMap();
   ns.put(p, someNamespaceURI);
   pageContext.setAttribute(inputDocumentXmlNamespaces, ns);
table border=1
trtdXML/tdtdlt;n:a xmlns:n=someNamespaceURI
tdx:out select=$WithNS/p:a/p:b//td/tr


Then I could get the following display:
An experimental modification of JSTL XPath
to enable access XML with SOME Namespaces

case1 : input XML using NO Namespace --- possible to obtain boon by
jakarta-taglibs standard-1.0.2
XML  abboon/b/a
XPath $NoNS/a/b
value boon

case2 :input XML using some Namespaces --- impossible to obtain baan by
standard-1.0.2, enabled by code modification
XML  n:a xmlns:n=someNamespaceURIn:bbaan/n:b/n:a
XPath $WithNS/p:a/p:b
value baan

The code modification above is meant to inform Jaxen about the Namespace
prefixes and URIs to be used within the XPath expression. The URI string is
significant which should match with the URI string used in the input XML
document, but the prefix is not really significant --- the prefix
characters in the XPath does not have to be the same as the prefix
characters used in the XML.

The modification was enough to deal with (though just to print the text

Re: Does JSTL XML taglibs ignore XMLNamespace of input document?

2002-10-18 Thread matsuhashi

Shawn Bayern wrote :
 In XPath, n:a is not a valid step; it
 does not refer, as you seem to be expecting, to the node named 'a' in the
 namespace identified by prefix 'n'.  If you want to refer to this node,
 you'll probably want to use the name() and namespace-uri() functions in

Yes, I fully understand what you say, but ... what I want is shortness of
the JSP code.

Consider the following example XML: a fairy long string of NamespaceURIs
SOAP-ENV:Envelope   xmlns:SOAP-ENV
t:Transaction xmlns:t=;
m:getPitchingResult xmlns:m
   m:nameAkinobu Yoshida/m:name

Then if I want to obtain the string value of m:name element, the JSP with
legal XPath would look like (I think)
x:out select=$foo/Envelope[namespace-uri()


This one line of code is too long! Don't you think so? How can I make this

I believe that one of the greate benefits of the custom-tag technology is
that it makes the JSP code shorter, easy to read.

The way I suggested may not be seen orthodx. It is really a way of
convenience. However I would like to point out why Namespaces in XML
specification introduced namespace prefix itself? Isn't it a way of
convenience to make XML documents withNamespaces shorter, easy to read?

 See the XPath standard or chapter 8 of JSTL in Action.
Yes, definitely. I ordered it to and waiting for

I appreciate your comment very much.

 Kazuaki Matsuhashi
 QUICK Corp,

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Re: Does JSTL XML taglibs ignore XMLNamespace of input document?

2002-10-18 Thread matsuhashi


x:out select=$foo/Envelope[namespace-uri()


This long line could be shorten by the way I suggested as follows :

c:set target=ns property=s value=
c:set target=ns property=t value=
x:out select=$foo/s:Envelpe/s:Body/t:getPitchingResult/t:name namespaces

 Kazuaki Matsuhashi
 QUICK Corp,

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Does JSTL XML taglibs ignore XMLNamespace of input document?

2002-10-09 Thread matsuhashi

Hi, I just started learning JSTL, am especially interested in XML-related

I use jakarta-taglibs/standard-1.0.1 on tomcat4.1.3.

I coded the following JSP page

%@ taglib uri=/WEB-INF/x.tld prefix=x %
x:parse var=NoNSabboon/b/a/x:parse
x:parse var=WithNSn:a xmlns:n
$NoNS/a/b=x:out select=$NoNS/a/b/br
$WithNS/a/b=x:out select=$WithNS/a/b/br
$WithNS/n:a/n:b=x:out select=$WithNS/n:a/n:b/
The only difference between $NoNS object and $WithNS object is XML
Namespace usage.

I got the following response from the application.
I can not get baan output.

I do not see how the XPath expression should be written for $WithNS object
using JSTL taglib

I read JSTL specification document and as many resources on the web as I
could find,
and I have a feel that the JSTL specification is not explicit enough how to
deal with
XML namespace used in the input source.

Am I wrong? If I am wrong and the told how to solve this, I would be very
much pleased.

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