[Talk-hr] OpenStreetMap nista ne valja

2010-10-15 Thread Valent Turkovic

Jako zanimljiv članak, i s pogleda novog osm člana sasvim mi se čini 
opravdana kritika.

Naravno ovo nije članak koji je pljuvacina vec konkretno ukazuje podrucja 
koja treba popraviti, te se niti u jednom trenutku ne omalovazavaju OSM 
vrijednih volonteri koji sudjeluju na projektu.

Uvijek sam za konstruktivne kritike, samo tako projekt moze napredovati.

pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
blog: http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com
linux, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless, ronjenje, pametne kuće
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, MSN: valent.turko...@hotmail.com

Talk-hr mailing list

[Talk-hr] njemci i ceste ;)

2010-10-15 Thread Valent Turkovic
zanimljiv komentar sa strane mailing liste ;)

So if, say, you think you need eight levels of importance within your 
highway network, yet OSM only has seven (motorway, trunk, primary, 
secondary, tertiary, unclassified, residential), screw it. Invent 
another one. Quaternary or minor or something. The Germans have done 
that (motorroad=yes) and no-one has died as a result.

pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
blog: http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com
linux, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless, ronjenje, pametne kuće
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, MSN: valent.turko...@hotmail.com

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[Talk-hr] taginfo

2010-10-15 Thread Matija Nalis

Vrlo zgodan alatic za vidjeti koji se tagovi koriste. 
Featuri iz tagwatcha, tagstata i OSMdoca. 
I jos se ktome izgleda aktivno razvija i lik trazi dodatne prijedloge.

Uvod na

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

Talk-hr mailing list

[Talk-hr] jednom je slucajnost, dvaput je podudarnost, a triput je vec zavjera

2010-10-15 Thread Matija Nalis
srecom jos nismo do stupnja zavjere dosli :)
nesto se dogadja na horizontu? Cloudmade se sumnjivo prazni od OSMa

5.10.2010 http://opengeodata.org/osm-founder-steve-coast-leaves-cloudmade
8.10.2010 http://opengeodata.org/last-community-ambassador-resigns-from-cloudm

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

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Re: [Talk-hr] ima li jos i-gotU GPS trackera?

2010-10-15 Thread Matija Nalis

On Wed, Oct 13, 2010 at 07:57:00PM +, Goran wrote:
 Valent Turkovic valent.turko...@... writes:
  Ima li jos negdje za nabaviti i-gotU GPS trackera kod nas?
 Mislim da neces pronaci jeftinije nego na eBay-u... barem ja nisam uspio.
 Tj, i-gotU GT-120 cca 325 kn.

Evo prodam ja svoj GT-200 za 300kn ako netko hoce.

Kad smo vec kod toga, prodajem i Freedom 2000 GPS bluetooth transmitter za
200kn (dakle samo salje GPS podatke nekome drugome bluetoothom, nema
varijantu kao GT-200 da biljezi u memoriju.  Ali je zato malen na privjesku
za kljuceve, kao elektronicki kljuc za neki auto recimo)

Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] OSM aktivnost po gradovima

2010-10-15 Thread Tihomir Heidelberg
 On 4.10.2010 14:24, Valent Turkovic wrote:

 Evo što nam fali:
 Badljevina - Garešnica
Ovo je dobar primjer zašto ne kopirati sa Google Maps i drugih karata.
Treba koristiti te karte samo za kontrolu, ali ako su drugačije onda
razmisliti a ne kopirati podatke.

Naime, Google Maps ima krivo ucrtanu D26 od Dežanovca do Daruvara. Kao
što piše u NN cesta ide do Daruvara (D5) a ne kako su oni ucrtali do
Badljevine (D5) koja pak ide do Daruavar ! Cesta Dežanovac-Badljevina
(Google označio kao D26) je jako loša, dok prava D26 cesta
Dežanovac-Ivanovo Polje-Gornji Daruvar-Daruvar je jedna od boljih
državnih cesata. A cesta Dežanovac(D26)-Trojeglava-Badljevina(D5) je
zapravo ŽC3169 !


Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] editing admin boundaries of Marikina

2010-10-15 Thread ianlopez
The tags on the relations are okay, but there are some stray/unused relations 
lying around in the area. Other than those issues (and the Tanong-Dela Pena 
boundaries), I can proudly say that the boundary relations for the Marikina 
barangays are complete.

Tony Montana: Me, I want what's coming to me.
Manny Ribera: Oh, well what's coming to you?
Tony Montana: The world, chico, and everything in it.
Location1: 14.069979 N, 121.32575 E
Location2: 14.1598162 N, 121.2425899 E
Blog: http://ianlopez1115.wordpress.com/

--- On Fri, 10/15/10, maning sambale emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com wrote:

From: maning sambale emmanuel.samb...@gmail.com
Subject: Re: [talk-ph] editing admin boundaries of Marikina
To: osm-ph talk-ph@openstreetmap.org
Date: Friday, October 15, 2010, 4:16 PM

I finally updated the barangay boundaries of Markina to cover all the
other barangay.  To all boundary relation experts, please have a look.
 I'm not very sure if I properly tagged the relations.  The Tanong and
De la Pena bnds have some conflicts.  I will verify the actual
boundaries with the LGU.

Freedom is still the most radical idea of all -N.Branden
wiki: http://esambale.wikispaces.com/
blog: http://epsg4253.wordpress.com/

talk-ph mailing list

talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] busroutes

2010-10-15 Thread Jo
Hier is mijn poging met lijn 4 in Leuven:

Overkoepelende relatie:

Bevat enkel relaties van het volgende type:

Van Haasrode naar Herent:

Van Herent naar Haasrode:

Deze kunnen zowel ways als child relations bevatten:

Nu volgt een greep uit de relaties waar gebruik van wordt gemaakt:


Stuk over Bondgenotenlaan:

Het stuk Tiensevest dat over het Martelarenplein loopt waar de bus 2x
overgaat, zit op deze manier in 2 verschillende child relations. Ik heb nu
de weg ingegeven zoals hij hoort te rijden. Er zijn echter 2 omleidingen.
Eén voor een 2 jaar durend vernieuwingsproject aan de Geldenaaksebaan en een
andere voor de aanpassing van het Fochplein (zal wschl ook 2 jaar duren).
Door de child relations aan te passen voor de Geldenaaksebaan, is dit voor 3
lijnen tegelijk verwezenlijkt. Door de child relations aan te passen voor
het traject tussen Station en Fochplein is dit voor 29 lijnen tegelijk in


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] busroutes

2010-10-15 Thread Ben Laenen
Jo wrote:
 De reden waarom ik met child relations was beginnen te werken, was om de
 gemeenschappelijke stukken asfalt waar ze over rijden slechts 1 keer te
 moeten ingeven.
 Door de Bondgenotenlaan van Leuven razen de volgende lijnen:
 71,372,373,374,380 en 395. Vind je het dan gek dat 'k dat stukje traject in
 1 relatie zou willen gieten en hergebruiken. Op dit moment is er een
 omleiding (en dat komt vaker voor). Word er dan echt verwacht van een
 mapper dat hij 29x2 keer hetzelfde werk doet om al die omleidingen in te
 geven? En dat is nog maar een extreem voorbeeld, maar zo zijn er
 tientallen, rondom Leuven alleen al. Misschien hebben ze in grotere steden
 minder asfalt gemeenschappelijk, maar dat denk 'k eigenlijk niet. Alle 8x
 lijnen in Gent rijden van het
 Sint-Pietersstation tot aan het Zuid dezelfde route.

Ik ken zeker het probleem. In Antwerpen staan sommige wegen ook vol busfiles 
vanwege de vele buslijnen die ze er laten passeren (waarom ze ook alles per se 
naar de Rooseveltplaats willen sturen ipv overstappunten aan de rand van de 

Maar wat je wil is eigenlijk een structuur op routerelaties dat eigenlijk los 
van onze discussie staat. Het is al sinds het invoeren van relaties dat we het 
wel leuk zouden vinden om een relatie te hebben die deel kan zijn van 
verschillende routerelaties waarbij die relatie automatisch als een deel van 
de route geldt. Dit is bijvoorbeeld ook nuttig bij twee fietsroutes die een 
deel van de route samenvallen. Zorg dat dit op een manier in OSM ondersteund 
wordt (en dat het vooral opgepikt wordt door renderers en al wie gebruik maakt 
van de relaties), en je kan er meteen ook gebruik van maken bij busroutes. Ik 
weet dat er een paar kleine pogingen gedaan zijn hiervoor, maar of het al 
ergens echt werkt?

Wat mij betreft doet de vraag op dit moment of verschillende busroutesegmenten 
gedeeld kunnen worden er eigenlijk dus nog niet toe, omdat een busroutesegment 
meer is dan enkel een stuk route. Het zouden in dit geval deze 
busroutesegmenten zijn die op hun beurt relaties zouden kunnen bevatten die 
gemeenschappelijke stukken route volgen.

Natuurlijk gaan we zo al op drie niveaus van relaties (of meer, die 
routerelaties zouden zelf ook op hun beurt routerelaties kunnen bevatten), en 
voor de modale mapper gaat dit ook best moeilijk zijn zonder de nodige tools 
om dat tot een goed einde te brengen...


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] busroutes

2010-10-15 Thread Ben Laenen
Jo wrote:
 En dat is dus wat ik bedoelde met extra complexiteit voor de mapper.
 Uiteindelijk maakt het het eenvoudiger (1x werk, i.p.v. 68x bij onderhoud),
 maar je moet wel doorheen verschillende lagen en er het hoofd bijhouden wat
 in welke laag thuishoort.
 Als wij het zo mappen, dan zullen er renderers moeten worden gemaakt die
 het ook zo weergeven. Dat zullen we waarschijnlijk zelf moeten aanpakken.
 Het heeft geen zin om te wachten tot iemand het voor ons doet.

Maar wat ik wel dus zei is dat dit voor het niveau onder 
busroutesegmentenrelaties is omdat deze bussegmenten volgens mij meer nodig 
hebben qua tags of member roles. En je moet bvb. vanuit een scheduler kunnen 
linken naar busroutesegmenten, en bushaltes horen wat mij betreft ook thuis in 
de busroutesegmenten en niet in de gemeenschappelijke routedelen.

Dus daarmee dat ik het niet echt nodig vind om dit nu te bediscussiëren. Dit 
kan later ook op het niveau van alle routerelaties -- fiets-, wandel, bus, 
wegnummer-, spoorwegroutes, etc. (en dit zal sowieso internationaal moeten, 
buslijnen kunnen we nog op Belgisch niveau doen). Deze discussie kon nl. ook 
voor buslijnen die gewoon met één relatie gemapt worden. Het is allemaal al 
ingewikkeld genoeg zonder dit ook nog ineens mee te nemen (en ik vraag me af 
of hoeveel er op de mailinglijst dit nog allemaal aan het lezen zijn :-) )


Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] busroutes

2010-10-15 Thread Ivo De Broeck
Ik lees nog ;-), maar ik denk dat je een punt hebt. Liefst een simpele en
duidelijke oplossing. Kunnen we het eens worden over het mappen van een
busrit (daar blijf ik wel van overtuigd dat we die in aparte relaties moeten
steken en koppelen aan de juiste bus_stops).

Op 15 oktober 2010 15:00 schreef Ben Laenen benlae...@gmail.com het

 Jo wrote:
  En dat is dus wat ik bedoelde met extra complexiteit voor de mapper.
  Uiteindelijk maakt het het eenvoudiger (1x werk, i.p.v. 68x bij
  maar je moet wel doorheen verschillende lagen en er het hoofd bijhouden
  in welke laag thuishoort.
  Als wij het zo mappen, dan zullen er renderers moeten worden gemaakt die
  het ook zo weergeven. Dat zullen we waarschijnlijk zelf moeten aanpakken.
  Het heeft geen zin om te wachten tot iemand het voor ons doet.

 Maar wat ik wel dus zei is dat dit voor het niveau onder
 busroutesegmentenrelaties is omdat deze bussegmenten volgens mij meer nodig
 hebben qua tags of member roles. En je moet bvb. vanuit een scheduler
 linken naar busroutesegmenten, en bushaltes horen wat mij betreft ook thuis
 de busroutesegmenten en niet in de gemeenschappelijke routedelen.

 Dus daarmee dat ik het niet echt nodig vind om dit nu te bediscussiëren.
 kan later ook op het niveau van alle routerelaties -- fiets-, wandel, bus,
 wegnummer-, spoorwegroutes, etc. (en dit zal sowieso internationaal moeten,
 buslijnen kunnen we nog op Belgisch niveau doen). Deze discussie kon nl.
 voor buslijnen die gewoon met één relatie gemapt worden. Het is allemaal al
 ingewikkeld genoeg zonder dit ook nog ineens mee te nemen (en ik vraag me
 of hoeveel er op de mailinglijst dit nog allemaal aan het lezen zijn :-) )


 Talk-be mailing list

Ivo De Broeck
Valleilaan 13
3360  Korbeek-lo
Tel (0)16 43 84 93
Gsm +32 486 17 61 13
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] busroutes

2010-10-15 Thread Ivo De Broeck
Op 15 oktober 2010 15:26 schreef Jo winfi...@gmail.com het volgende:

 Ja, de bushaltes horen niet in de gemeenschappelijke routedelen. Wat ik
 zoveel mogelijk wil vermijden is duplicatie van informatie. Dat er in de
 'name' de operator, het refnummer, from to en via herhaald wordt, zodat we
 zouden weten waarover het gaat, vind 'k niet meer dan normaal. Maar de
 segmenten zou 'k zoveel mogelijk gegroepeerd willen zien in logische groepen
 die herbruikt kunnen worden. Dat zouden we ook voor de bushaltes moeten
 kunnen gedaan krijgen.

ja maar jij zal dat kunnen onderhouden totdat iemand anders ergens iets
waarom in 'name' niet gewoon plaatsen wat op de bus staat? dus 8 - Bierbeek
De Borre - via Bremt

 Dat er niemand meer meeleest of reageert is op zich niet zo erg, we hebben
 toch al overleg tussen 3 personen.


 Het probleem met een simpele oplossing (die uiteraard altijd de voorkeur
 moet krijgen), is dat het hele gegeven niet simpel is. De manier om dat in
 in computernetwerken op te lossen, is door met verschillende lagen te werken
 en dat is wat we hier aan het doen zijn.


1 relatie voor 1 busrit lijkt me niet zo ingewikkeld.
Talk-be mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen
I think Justin is right.


The OSM community lacks an inspiring vision towards the future

of OSM.  Instead of focusing on GEO-data and MAP usability,

the last 2 years to many of the key players of OSM have been focusing on only 

topic : the license change.


How can any potential user of OSM get a good impression of what is

possible from the base map ?  

And indeed, mentioning Mapnik as a base

layer is too much honour for the software creating it.


Thank you Justin, for the effort you put in showing where we actually

fail. Communicating with our potential users !


Lets learn our lessons, and create some kind of working group

focusing on that. If we can get as many people motivated for

this topic  as there were for the license change, our showcase, the 

base map  will improve quickly. 


Gert Gremmen



Openstreetmap.nl  (alias: cetest)

P Before printing, think about the environment. 



Van: talk-boun...@openstreetmap.org [mailto:talk-boun...@openstreetmap.org] 
Namens Jonas Krückel
Verzonden: Thursday, October 14, 2010 5:18 PM
Aan: Milo van der Linden
CC: OSM Talk; 41latit...@gmail.com
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap




Justin posted a note to clarify his intention behind the article and a few 
other points: http://www.41latitude.com/post/1313261274/osm-response




Am 14.10.2010 um 14:07 schrieb Milo van der Linden:

Dear 41latitude,

I came accross your blog on critique of OpenStreetMap. 
http://www.41latitude.com/post/1310985699/openstreetmap-critique and read it 
with interest. Some points are true, others need better explaination and I 
think you misinterpreted some things.

Basically your critique can be drilled down to 3 main components:



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Frederik Ramm


ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen wrote:

The OSM community lacks an inspiring vision towards the future
of OSM.  Instead of focusing on GEO-data and MAP usability,
the last 2 years to many of the key players of OSM have been focusing on 
only one topic : the license change.

The license change is directly related to our focusing on GEO-data, 
whereas MAP usability is what our users should be concerned about, not 

I think it is about the fourth time this has been stated in this thread. 
I mean, there's nothing wrong with having nice map but this is certainly 
not at the core of the project, and certainly nothing we should aim to 
have an inspiring vision for. We're providing the underlying data for 
others to bring their inspiring visions to life.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Elizabeth Dodd
On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 10:52:47 +0200
Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.org wrote:

 I mean, there's nothing wrong with having nice map but this is
 certainly not at the core of the project, and certainly nothing we
 should aim to have an inspiring vision for. We're providing the
 underlying data for others to bring their inspiring visions to life.

That is your opinion
For others, the nice map is important.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Valent Turkovic
On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 14:07:56 +0200, Milo van der Linden wrote:

 Making the perfectly rendered map available to the world is *not* a
 mission goal for the OSMF. The OSMF is primarily responsible for
 maintaining the database and the services related to it.

Well then OSMF should change their mission to include nice representation 
of data also, not to compete with commercial companies just to make 
defalut map not suck would be nice ;).

pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
blog: http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com
linux, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless, ronjenje, pametne kuće
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, MSN: valent.turko...@hotmail.com

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Valent Turkovic
On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 10:58:20 -0400, Paul Houle wrote:

  It's better to say we know we could do it better and we'll do
 better in the future.

+1 always for constructive criticism, and should be accepted by any 
project that wants to go forward.

pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
blog: http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com
linux, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless, ronjenje, pametne kuće
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, MSN: valent.turko...@hotmail.com

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Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Valent Turkovic
On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 18:36:48 +, Ed Avis wrote:

 That's surely a lot of the reason why OSM looks strange from an American
 point of view, but he does have a couple of valid points - the map does
 look a bit 'washed out' at low zoom levels, with many similar shades of
 almost-grey (which may be tasteful for a printed map, but less good on a
 computer screen), and again at low zoom levels the country and city
 labels look very similar.

This seams a simple problem to solve, right? Only some minor adjustement 
in mapnik colour scheme to get higher contrast ratio between different 

Can I contribute somehow and get this done?

pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
blog: http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com
linux, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless, ronjenje, pametne kuće
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, MSN: valent.turko...@hotmail.com

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Elizabeth Dodd
On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 11:27:06 +0200
Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.org wrote:

 The cool thing about OSM is: They can go ahead and create the nice

sometimes, you have no insight whatsoever.

No, I cannot create the nice map.
It doesn't belong in MY skill set.
I may have a long string of qualifications, but none relate to computer
There are others like me, whose skills are different, and we would like
to see 'a nice map' hosted by OSM.

Once again, I see people who have taken up a position of power within
an organisation which is supposed to support OSM, start telling
everyone else what OSM is and is not, without actually asking OSM
contributors exactly what OSM is and is not.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Colin Smale

 On 15/10/2010 11:49, Valent Turkovic wrote:

On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 14:07:56 +0200, Milo van der Linden wrote:

Making the perfectly rendered map available to the world is *not* a
mission goal for the OSMF. The OSMF is primarily responsible for
maintaining the database and the services related to it.

Well then OSMF should change their mission to include nice representation
of data also, not to compete with commercial companies just to make
defalut map not suck would be nice ;).


If our product is the data (and not the map) we should be making more 
progress towards higher data quality, which I consider will inevitably 
require a degree of control over tagging and less of the tagging 
free-for-all which we have today. We cannot have uncontrolled data and 
simple say it is the responsibility of the renderer to sort out all the 
different ways in which things are modelled. We cannot (IMHO) achieve 
any level of data quality without some clear and effective governance of 
the data model including tagging schemes. Quality is not the same as 
correctness or any other similar attribute of the data collection, but 
it's about having stated goals for these attributes and achieving them. 
If 50% correct is the stated goal, then we can be happy if we achieve 
51% - and our quality would be perfect. Our (potential) users will know 
what to expect because our product is exactly what it says on the tin 
(in fact it's better). If we don't meet expectations then the only way 
is down.

However you feel about the discussion about what our product is, the 
map presented on the home page is our calling-card and has the power to 
make a lasting impression on people.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Valent Turkovic
On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 20:39:07 +0200, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 But I have no problem with openstreetmap.org being British rather than
 some bland kind of international - we can do tiles on openstreetmap.de
 in a more German style, and tiles on openstreetmap.us in a more US
 style, and so on.

Is there a way so that international groups get theri own (virtual) 
server but so that it is located together with other servers?

I can imagine us.osm.org, uk.osm.org, hr.osm.org and so on...

Ofcourse people would need to pay to get their server maintained and I 
see no problem there if prices would be reasonable. If lets say 20-30 osm 
volounteers can pay to keep the server running that would be the way to 

Then every country community could have it's rendering made as they need 

pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
blog: http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com
linux, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless, ronjenje, pametne kuće
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, MSN: valent.turko...@hotmail.com

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Valent Turkovic
On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 20:11:34 +1100, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:

 That is your opinion
 For others, the nice map is important.

Agreed, and I hope we can vote so that people who are willing to make 
usable maps be in OSMF board not ones that dont.

pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
blog: http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com
linux, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless, ronjenje, pametne kuće
registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, MSN: valent.turko...@hotmail.com

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Nic Roets
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 11:49 AM, Valent Turkovic valent.turko...@gmail.com

 On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 14:07:56 +0200, Milo van der Linden wrote:

  Making the perfectly rendered map available to the world is *not* a
  mission goal for the OSMF. The OSMF is primarily responsible for
  maintaining the database and the services related to it.

 Well then OSMF should change their mission to include nice representation
 of data also, not to compete with commercial companies just to make
 defalut map not suck would be nice ;).

Note that Justin did not refer to OSMF. Milo brought it up. I thought Justin
was addressing the community (a loose association of thousands of

OSMF has a duty to entice or motivate people to improve the map. That will
be easier when the map is pretty. So making a pretty map is a means to an

I think however that the rendering is pretty enough and that there are a lot
of other things that are more important. Perform a simple test: Take someone
with a reasonable computer background and ask them to plan their next
journey with OSM. Will they be able to locate the places on the map ?
Routing ?? After completing the journey, will they be able to register on
our site and make the corrections they identified ? How long does it all
take ? People value their own time.

The good news is that there are a lot of improvements in testing right now.

 pratite me na twitteru - www.twitter.com/valentt
 blog: http://kernelreloaded.blog385.com
 linux, anime, spirituality, windsurf, wireless, ronjenje, pametne kuće
 registered as user #367004 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org.
 ICQ: 2125241, Skype: valent.turkovic, MSN: valent.turko...@hotmail.com

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Valent Turkovic
On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 20:41:30 -0400, Anthony wrote:

 Once OSM goes ODbL, I'd expect that Mapquest will stop licensing their
 tiles under a free license.

They distribute it now for free? Why?

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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM book

2010-10-15 Thread Kenneth Gonsalves
On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 11:14 +0100, David Earl wrote:
 publishers for David Mackay's book Sustainable Energy without the

that should be required reading for this list - especially the second
part of the title.
Kenneth Gonsalves

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Ed Loach
Elizabeth wrote:

 No, I cannot create the nice map.

Perhaps it's because I'm in the UK and am used to the non-garish OS
maps, but I sometimes look at the Mapnik rendering and think wow.

Everyone's opinion on what is nice is going to differ. We might
not even agree on something as simple as at certain zoom levels
highway widths are a little too wide; I doubt we'd ever get
agreement on colour schemes.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Al Haraka
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 1:35 PM, Ed Loach e...@loach.me.uk wrote:
 Elizabeth wrote:

 No, I cannot create the nice map.

I do not want to be so blunt, but I do not know any other way: then
stop complaining about the map.  Or anything an OSM user can complain
about at OSM, for that matter.  This is an open data project, so I
have been told.  Like many open source projects that it relies upon,
specifically the tools used to render and manipulate OSM data, the
ecosystem upon which it relies is meritocracy.  The people you have
take issue with do have the power because they have the knowledge and
skills to create these tools or refine them.  If you do not like the
current tool set, and you are not part of a significant plurality of
users and developers who can enforce such a change, you have to learn
to make your own.  I am sorry, but that was, is, and always will be
the way open source works, at least in my mind.  I have my own
opinions on OSM quality, but then again I am not yet a component OSM
contributor, web developer, or system administrator.  It is not my
place to judge until I understand the tools well enough to critique
them accurately on a technical level (nice is not really specific
enough for me), and then modify them or make new ones in the event a
significant number of people in the community disagree with me.  The
point of the community is to leverage your skills with the skills of
others.  That way, we have a high competency level in multiple
dimensions.  If you do not like one component and cannot fix it
yourself, it is bizarre for me, personally, to insist others conform
to your wishes.  I have believed that open source and open data
projects specifically let go of that thinking so that skilled,
inspired people can focus on what they want without organizational
problems where unknowledgeable people higher in a hierarchy get in
their way.  Hence OSM and many other groups try to keep the hierarchy
very flat (some do, anyway).  I do not mean to be rude about this, but
it is obvious to me.  I am not sure if needs to be spelled out.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Frederik Ramm


Elizabeth Dodd wrote:

No, I cannot create the nice map.
It doesn't belong in MY skill set.

Fair enough. If you don't have the skills or the computers or the money 
to create a nice map, then you have to talk someone else into creating a 
nice map for you.

But I don't think this should be OSM. That would mean diverting 
resources from creating valuable geodata to creating pretty end 
products. I would rather see someone else take up that work, using OSM 
data to create nice maps of all kinds.

I'm not saying it should not be done, but I don't see it as a task for 
the OSM project. Much as the opencyclemap or the various hiking maps are 
not organised or funded by the OSM project.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Frederik Ramm


Kai Krueger wrote:

Well, Navteq and Tele Atlas also don't have to attract many hundreds of
thousands of volunteers to create their data, many of whom are likely not
able to or willing to have to deal with tens of Gb of raw vector data to be
able to benefit from the work they put in. Thus Navteq and Tele Atlas don't
really have a direct interest in the public seeing them as particularly
useful or relevant.  This is rather different for OpenStreetMap.

I agree that we need to have a map to demonstrate what one can do with 
OSM. But in my opinion, the one we currently have already surpasses, by 
a large margin, that which would be required to attract people to the 
project. And still people whine about our lack of vision!

Now it is possible that OpenStreetMap can successfully outsource this
process of turning its data into something useful to various other
(commercial) projects not associated with OSM,

I'd say that e.g. MapQuest very much associate themselves with OSM, 
wouldn't you?

And it need not be commercial enterprises either. I think there's room 
for an open source cartography portal where people get together to 
create really slick maps (from OSM data, most likely), acquire funding 
and resources to publish, print, or otherwise distribute them, and so 
on. I don't think that OpenStreetMap should be aim to take this place.

If this isn't achieved, then OSM might simply not be able to attract enough
mappers to create the high quality data it aims for. They'd then rather go
to something like waze or google map maker who give them something back.

Oh great, if the viability of OSM depends on what products *we* make 
from the data, why make the data open in the first place? You're 
painting the picture of a pure consumer, one who is unwilling and unable 
to make use of the most valuable asset OSM has to offer, namely the 
source data, one who simply wants someone else to produce a nice map for 
them. I say: Let these people go to Waze or Google Map Maker if they 
don't need what OSM has to offer.

Waze or GMM deliver products created by professionals as part of their 
paid job; the price you pay for that as a user is that you have to take 
what they give you. If this works for someone, then let them take the 
offer. OpenStreetMap does not employ paid cartographers and product 
designers, and in my opinion should not aim at doing so.

That is why it is sometimes useful to listen to such well illustrated
critiques as this one. They show how others, potential new mappers, view
OSM, and highlight where OSM should either inspire to improve or at least
aim to communicate better where else to get those needs satisfied.

Yes, maybe it really is time for a big banner across openstreetmap.org: 
This is not a slick online map web site, and not meant to be one.

Of cause, many of the points of this critique actually concerned the data
and its inconsistency in tagging, rather than the tools or style-sheets, 
and so it would be equally important for mappers to realise that perhaps

inventing yet another tagging schema, even if it might locally be better,
might not be particularly helpful as it wont be supported my anything.

One could also go in the other direction and drop the requirement that 
one and the same piece of software must be able to process OSM data 


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Frederik Ramm


Valent Turkovic wrote:
Agreed, and I hope we can vote so that people who are willing to make 
usable maps be in OSMF board not ones that dont.

Are you saying our current maps are unusable?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Elizabeth Dodd
On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 14:13:10 +0300
Al Haraka alhar...@gmail.com wrote:

 I do not want to be so blunt, but I do not know any other way: then
 stop complaining about the map.  Or anything an OSM user can complain
 about at OSM, for that matter.  This is an open data project, so I
 have been told. 

that is where we differ - I contribute, and in no small manner, by
ground survey and mapping.
It is not an open *data* project, but an open /source/ project
and there is a tension between those of the computer meritocracy and
those of the mapping meritocracy.
We cannot exist without each other. Very few fit into both camps, but
the camps cannot exist without each other.
Do not forget those who document, those who test websites and coding,
for again, they are all important parts of the whole.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Richard Mann
I thought the critique was useful for those of us who rarely look at
low zooms, other than as a quick way to pan across a few
hundred/thousand miles. Yes they are a bit bland; wouldn't hurt to do
something about it (wouldn't spend much time on it, but worth a few
tweaks). Text overlaps are something that Mapnik is supposed to be
good at, so that can probably be fixed. Boundary rendering could
certainly be better.

It was also useful to highlight the miscategorisation of roads in the
US. If a city centre is an orange blob that's because they've (we've)
made too many roads secondary. It's the data that needs fixing, not
the rendering. So make them all unclassified and let someone locally
pick out the roads that really do have a secondary distribution

Those turnpike labels should be loc_ref or some such.

I think it's a useful learning point - look at the low zooms a bit
more often. Write some trac tickets if you think there's a good
solution to a rendering problem, but don't know how to do it.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Peter Körner

Am 15.10.2010 12:06, schrieb Valent Turkovic:

Can I contribute somehow and get this done?

The OSM Style is at [1], patches to the dev list [2].

[1] http://svn.openstreetmap.org/applications/rendering/mapnik/
[2] http://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/dev

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Peter Körner

Am 15.10.2010 12:11, schrieb Valent Turkovic:

On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 20:41:30 -0400, Anthony wrote:

Once OSM goes ODbL, I'd expect that Mapquest will stop licensing their
tiles under a free license.

They distribute it now for free? Why?

They are forced to by the CC-BY-SA License.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen
Al hakara wrote:

I have my own
opinions on OSM quality, but then again I am not yet a component OSM
contributor, web developer, or system administrator.  It is not my
place to judge until I understand the tools well enough to critique
them accurately

No please, critique is always needed, you may have skills the others
donot. Your points may be very valueable, even if you cannot implement your
ideas yourself.

I really hate both the modesty, leading to no positive critiques
on work others do (to the best of their skills), and the attitude
of many developers to say : shut up, fixit yourselves.

The OSM community consist of many type of people with
a multitude of skills and talents. Please continue all
to let us know your ideas, you may have a golden one.

But at the other hand, do not get angry if you are not heard.
The developers are volunteers too, they hev no obligation
to follow up mine or your ideas, and not even to answer or
comment them (though that would be nice).

Gert Gremmen

Openstreetmap.nl  (alias: cetest)
 Before printing, think about the environment. 

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: talk-boun...@openstreetmap.org [mailto:talk-boun...@openstreetmap.org] 
Namens Al Haraka
Verzonden: Friday, October 15, 2010 1:13 PM
Aan: OpenStreetMap talk mailing list
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 1:35 PM, Ed Loach e...@loach.me.uk wrote:
 Elizabeth wrote:

 No, I cannot create the nice map.

I do not want to be so blunt, but I do not know any other way: then
stop complaining about the map.  Or anything an OSM user can complain
about at OSM, for that matter.  This is an open data project, so I
have been told.  Like many open source projects that it relies upon,
specifically the tools used to render and manipulate OSM data, the
ecosystem upon which it relies is meritocracy.  The people you have
take issue with do have the power because they have the knowledge and
skills to create these tools or refine them.  If you do not like the
current tool set, and you are not part of a significant plurality of
users and developers who can enforce such a change, you have to learn
to make your own.  I am sorry, but that was, is, and always will be
the way open source works, at least in my mind.  I have my own
opinions on OSM quality, but then again I am not yet a component OSM
contributor, web developer, or system administrator.  It is not my
place to judge until I understand the tools well enough to critique
them accurately on a technical level (nice is not really specific
enough for me), and then modify them or make new ones in the event a
significant number of people in the community disagree with me.  The
point of the community is to leverage your skills with the skills of
others.  That way, we have a high competency level in multiple
dimensions.  If you do not like one component and cannot fix it
yourself, it is bizarre for me, personally, to insist others conform
to your wishes.  I have believed that open source and open data
projects specifically let go of that thinking so that skilled,
inspired people can focus on what they want without organizational
problems where unknowledgeable people higher in a hierarchy get in
their way.  Hence OSM and many other groups try to keep the hierarchy
very flat (some do, anyway).  I do not mean to be rude about this, but
it is obvious to me.  I am not sure if needs to be spelled out.

talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen
I agree that we need to have a map to demonstrate what one can do with OSM. 
But in my opinion, the one we currently have already surpasses, by a large 
margin, that which would be required to attract people to the project. And 
still people whine about our lack of vision!

Nonsense Frederic, Justin makes a number of very valid points
that make the impression on the average visitor, that show
we are a unstructured community in some ways.

And no-one is whining, we are trying to make a better 
OSM, and the mapnik map is in most of the cass the first
impression the user gets.

We have voluntarily choosen to use the MAP(NIK) as 80% of our
frontpage. There are no statements about that are just
in for data quality.

That is the first (and too often) the last impression
a visitor gets.

Gert Gremmen

Openstreetmap.nl  (alias: cetest)
 Before printing, think about the environment. 

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: talk-boun...@openstreetmap.org [mailto:talk-boun...@openstreetmap.org] 
Namens Frederik Ramm
Verzonden: Friday, October 15, 2010 1:23 PM
Aan: Kai Krueger
CC: talk@openstreetmap.org
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap


Kai Krueger wrote:
 Well, Navteq and Tele Atlas also don't have to attract many hundreds of
 thousands of volunteers to create their data, many of whom are likely not
 able to or willing to have to deal with tens of Gb of raw vector data to be
 able to benefit from the work they put in. Thus Navteq and Tele Atlas don't
 really have a direct interest in the public seeing them as particularly
 useful or relevant.  This is rather different for OpenStreetMap.

I agree that we need to have a map to demonstrate what one can do with 
OSM. But in my opinion, the one we currently have already surpasses, by 
a large margin, that which would be required to attract people to the 
project. And still people whine about our lack of vision!

 Now it is possible that OpenStreetMap can successfully outsource this
 process of turning its data into something useful to various other
 (commercial) projects not associated with OSM,

I'd say that e.g. MapQuest very much associate themselves with OSM, 
wouldn't you?

And it need not be commercial enterprises either. I think there's room 
for an open source cartography portal where people get together to 
create really slick maps (from OSM data, most likely), acquire funding 
and resources to publish, print, or otherwise distribute them, and so 
on. I don't think that OpenStreetMap should be aim to take this place.

 If this isn't achieved, then OSM might simply not be able to attract enough
 mappers to create the high quality data it aims for. They'd then rather go
 to something like waze or google map maker who give them something back.

Oh great, if the viability of OSM depends on what products *we* make 
from the data, why make the data open in the first place? You're 
painting the picture of a pure consumer, one who is unwilling and unable 
to make use of the most valuable asset OSM has to offer, namely the 
source data, one who simply wants someone else to produce a nice map for 
them. I say: Let these people go to Waze or Google Map Maker if they 
don't need what OSM has to offer.

Waze or GMM deliver products created by professionals as part of their 
paid job; the price you pay for that as a user is that you have to take 
what they give you. If this works for someone, then let them take the 
offer. OpenStreetMap does not employ paid cartographers and product 
designers, and in my opinion should not aim at doing so.

 That is why it is sometimes useful to listen to such well illustrated
 critiques as this one. They show how others, potential new mappers, view
 OSM, and highlight where OSM should either inspire to improve or at least
 aim to communicate better where else to get those needs satisfied.

Yes, maybe it really is time for a big banner across openstreetmap.org: 
This is not a slick online map web site, and not meant to be one.

 Of cause, many of the points of this critique actually concerned the data
 and its inconsistency in tagging, rather than the tools or style-sheets, 
 and so it would be equally important for mappers to realise that perhaps
 inventing yet another tagging schema, even if it might locally be better,
 might not be particularly helpful as it wont be supported my anything.

One could also go in the other direction and drop the requirement that 
one and the same piece of software must be able to process OSM data 


talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Frederik Ramm


Peter Körner wrote:

Once OSM goes ODbL, I'd expect that Mapquest will stop licensing their
tiles under a free license.

They distribute it now for free? Why?

They are forced to by the CC-BY-SA License.

CC-BY-SA would still allow them to restrict access to the site, e.g. 
force users to log in or use an API key, which to my knowledge they 
don't. CC-BY-SA would still allow them to put up a site policy that says 
(for example) private use only or so, which to my knowledge they 
don't. Also, CC-BY-SA does not force them to openly publish their map 
styles, yet they do.

I don't share Anthony's fear that they will close down everything after 
the license change; I don't see any signs pointing in that direction.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Jonas Krückel

Am 15.10.2010 um 14:40 schrieb ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen:

 I agree that we need to have a map to demonstrate what one can do with OSM. 
 But in my opinion, the one we currently have already surpasses, by a large 
 margin, that which would be required to attract people to the project. And 
 still people whine about our lack of vision!
 Nonsense Frederic, Justin makes a number of very valid points
 that make the impression on the average visitor, that show
 we are a unstructured community in some ways.
 And no-one is whining, we are trying to make a better 
 OSM, and the mapnik map is in most of the cass the first
 impression the user gets.
 We have voluntarily choosen to use the MAP(NIK) as 80% of our
 frontpage. There are no statements about that are just
 in for data quality.
 That is the first (and too often) the last impression
 a visitor gets.

I'm not sure how much we have chosen to have a big map on the front page. It 
has been this way for years and hasn't change while the project itself has 
changed and involved in a lot of ways.

Why don't we display more info about our project on the front page but instead 
let the user more or less guess what we are about (by showing them a map and a 
search box that looks a little bit like yet another Google Maps clone and a 
small text description + a few links.)

Why don't we show them different map styles to choose from. We can force them 
to choose a map style and they will learn that OSM has more than one map (and 
maybe they also understand that OSM data can be used to produce different maps, 
but it's a start anyway). Or do you really think that this little plus over 
there is discovered by anyone visiting osm.org for the first time?

Why don't we show them upfront that we already have thousands of contributors 
mapping right now (think of something like those maps showing edits live) and 
make information about how this mapping is done available with just one click? 
Why don't we show them that OSM contributors meet up in local groups to have 

Why don't we show them the different ways OSM data can be used  - OSM data on 
mobile devices like smartphones and outdoor GPS devices, routing based on OSM, 
mashups with OSM basemaps...

Why shouldn't we educate the visitors and make them learn what OSM truly is. As 
long as we can agree, that OSM is more than a small text description on the 
side and a big map, we can do a much better job showing the diversity and 
richness of OSM and giving the visitors reasons why they should want to 
contribute to this awesome project.

And of course, I know that this needs someone to write the code for it and 
write the text and pick some images. But I think that making osm.org look even 
more similar to Google Maps and the like is the wrong way [1].

Also, please don't tell me that we can't put all this information on the front 
page, we can. Web pages can be longer than 600px because there is scrolling. 
Web pages can contain elements that move like a slideshow. They can contain 
small videos and images.
We might even have all this information available in our wiki already, but why 
shouldn't we display it upfront on osm.org?


[1] We can still do this and make it available as maps.osm.org for example and 
put a pretty big link on osm.org But it shouldn't be the main element on osm.org
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen

+1  Jonas, can you put some of your ideas on a wiki page ?

Gert Gremmen

Openstreetmap.nl  (alias: cetest)
 Before printing, think about the environment. 

-Oorspronkelijk bericht-
Van: Jonas Krückel [mailto:o...@jonas-krueckel.de] 
Verzonden: Friday, October 15, 2010 3:17 PM
Aan: ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen
CC: OSM Talk
Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

Am 15.10.2010 um 14:40 schrieb ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen:

 I agree that we need to have a map to demonstrate what one can do with OSM. 
 But in my opinion, the one we currently have already surpasses, by a large 
 margin, that which would be required to attract people to the project. And 
 still people whine about our lack of vision!
 Nonsense Frederic, Justin makes a number of very valid points
 that make the impression on the average visitor, that show
 we are a unstructured community in some ways.
 And no-one is whining, we are trying to make a better 
 OSM, and the mapnik map is in most of the cass the first
 impression the user gets.
 We have voluntarily choosen to use the MAP(NIK) as 80% of our
 frontpage. There are no statements about that are just
 in for data quality.
 That is the first (and too often) the last impression
 a visitor gets.

I'm not sure how much we have chosen to have a big map on the front page. It 
has been this way for years and hasn't change while the project itself has 
changed and involved in a lot of ways.

Why don't we display more info about our project on the front page but instead 
let the user more or less guess what we are about (by showing them a map and a 
search box that looks a little bit like yet another Google Maps clone and a 
small text description + a few links.)

Why don't we show them different map styles to choose from. We can force them 
to choose a map style and they will learn that OSM has more than one map (and 
maybe they also understand that OSM data can be used to produce different maps, 
but it's a start anyway). Or do you really think that this little plus over 
there is discovered by anyone visiting osm.org for the first time?

Why don't we show them upfront that we already have thousands of contributors 
mapping right now (think of something like those maps showing edits live) and 
make information about how this mapping is done available with just one click? 
Why don't we show them that OSM contributors meet up in local groups to have 

Why don't we show them the different ways OSM data can be used  - OSM data on 
mobile devices like smartphones and outdoor GPS devices, routing based on OSM, 
mashups with OSM basemaps...

Why shouldn't we educate the visitors and make them learn what OSM truly is. As 
long as we can agree, that OSM is more than a small text description on the 
side and a big map, we can do a much better job showing the diversity and 
richness of OSM and giving the visitors reasons why they should want to 
contribute to this awesome project.

And of course, I know that this needs someone to write the code for it and 
write the text and pick some images. But I think that making osm.org look even 
more similar to Google Maps and the like is the wrong way [1].

Also, please don't tell me that we can't put all this information on the front 
page, we can. Web pages can be longer than 600px because there is scrolling. 
Web pages can contain elements that move like a slideshow. They can contain 
small videos and images.
We might even have all this information available in our wiki already, but why 
shouldn't we display it upfront on osm.org?


[1] We can still do this and make it available as maps.osm.org for example and 
put a pretty big link on osm.org But it shouldn't be the main element on osm.org
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Chris Fleming

 On 15/10/10 12:30, Frederik Ramm wrote:


Elizabeth Dodd wrote:

No, I cannot create the nice map.
It doesn't belong in MY skill set.

Fair enough. If you don't have the skills or the computers or the 
money to create a nice map, then you have to talk someone else into 
creating a nice map for you.

But I don't think this should be OSM. That would mean diverting 
resources from creating valuable geodata to creating pretty end 
products. I would rather see someone else take up that work, using OSM 
data to create nice maps of all kinds.

I'm not saying it should not be done, but I don't see it as a task for 
the OSM project. Much as the opencyclemap or the various hiking maps 
are not organised or funded by the OSM project.

I agree that creating a pretty map is not at the core of what OSM is 
about, and as time goes on there are more and more options for viewing 
openstreetmap data. However we can all agree that we want to provide 
data, and we want to improve data, and many of us will do whatever we 
can to plug openstreetmap whenever we can.

These people will head straight to the website and probably try and find 
there house; we want to capture these people so that OSM is there first 
choice for online mapping by providing the services that they expect. 
Hopefully over time some of these casual users will become editors 
over time. This is how we will continue to grow. I think it would be a 
mistake to ignore these users.

Obviously other users of the data are providing a lot of this I see 
Cyclesteets, Cyclemap, Mapquest and Cloudmade all point back to OSM and 
the editable-ness of the map underneath. But do we really want to leave 
these types of users to external sites?


e: m...@chrisfleming.org
w: www.chrisfleming.org

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Richard Fairhurst

Peter Körner wrote:
 Valent Turkovic wrote:
 On Thu, 14 Oct 2010 20:41:30 -0400, Anthony wrote:
 Once OSM goes ODbL, I'd expect that Mapquest will stop licensing their
 tiles under a free license.
 They distribute it now for free? Why?
 They are forced to by the CC-BY-SA License.

...is evidently not the reason why they distribute tiles under a open

http://github.com/MapQuest/MapQuest-Mapnik-Style is MIT-licensed.

That is more permissive than required by CC-BY-SA (of course, CC-BY-SA
doesn't actually require they distribute the stylesheet at all).

MapQuest aren't distributing the tiles and stylesheet under an open licence
because they have to; they're doing so because they want to.

Still, never let the facts get in the way of a good conspiracy theory, etc.

View this message in context: 
Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Randy Meech
Why would you expect that?

On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 8:41 PM, Anthony o...@inbox.org wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Mike N. nice...@att.net wrote:
  And along those lines,  based on the constructive criticism, the default
  shown on the main OSM page should be a pretty map, using tiles
  from Mapquest, while mappers that have a need to view more details can
  select one of the existing map styles.

 Once OSM goes ODbL, I'd expect that Mapquest will stop licensing their
 tiles under a free license.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Jonas Krückel
Yeah, I might do that at some point and then post a link here.


Am 15.10.2010 um 15:35 schrieb ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen:

 +1  Jonas, can you put some of your ideas on a wiki page ?
 Gert Gremmen
 Openstreetmap.nl  (alias: cetest)
  Before printing, think about the environment. 
 -Oorspronkelijk bericht-
 Van: Jonas Krückel [mailto:o...@jonas-krueckel.de] 
 Verzonden: Friday, October 15, 2010 3:17 PM
 Aan: ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen
 CC: OSM Talk
 Onderwerp: Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap
 Am 15.10.2010 um 14:40 schrieb ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen:
 I agree that we need to have a map to demonstrate what one can do with OSM. 
 But in my opinion, the one we currently have already surpasses, by a large 
 margin, that which would be required to attract people to the project. And 
 still people whine about our lack of vision!
 Nonsense Frederic, Justin makes a number of very valid points
 that make the impression on the average visitor, that show
 we are a unstructured community in some ways.
 And no-one is whining, we are trying to make a better 
 OSM, and the mapnik map is in most of the cass the first
 impression the user gets.
 We have voluntarily choosen to use the MAP(NIK) as 80% of our
 frontpage. There are no statements about that are just
 in for data quality.
 That is the first (and too often) the last impression
 a visitor gets.
 I'm not sure how much we have chosen to have a big map on the front page. It 
 has been this way for years and hasn't change while the project itself has 
 changed and involved in a lot of ways.
 Why don't we display more info about our project on the front page but 
 instead let the user more or less guess what we are about (by showing them a 
 map and a search box that looks a little bit like yet another Google Maps 
 clone and a small text description + a few links.)
 Why don't we show them different map styles to choose from. We can force them 
 to choose a map style and they will learn that OSM has more than one map (and 
 maybe they also understand that OSM data can be used to produce different 
 maps, but it's a start anyway). Or do you really think that this little plus 
 over there is discovered by anyone visiting osm.org for the first time?
 Why don't we show them upfront that we already have thousands of contributors 
 mapping right now (think of something like those maps showing edits live) and 
 make information about how this mapping is done available with just one 
 click? Why don't we show them that OSM contributors meet up in local groups 
 to have fun?
 Why don't we show them the different ways OSM data can be used  - OSM data on 
 mobile devices like smartphones and outdoor GPS devices, routing based on 
 OSM, mashups with OSM basemaps...
 Why shouldn't we educate the visitors and make them learn what OSM truly is. 
 As long as we can agree, that OSM is more than a small text description on 
 the side and a big map, we can do a much better job showing the diversity and 
 richness of OSM and giving the visitors reasons why they should want to 
 contribute to this awesome project.
 And of course, I know that this needs someone to write the code for it and 
 write the text and pick some images. But I think that making osm.org look 
 even more similar to Google Maps and the like is the wrong way [1].
 Also, please don't tell me that we can't put all this information on the 
 front page, we can. Web pages can be longer than 600px because there is 
 scrolling. Web pages can contain elements that move like a slideshow. They 
 can contain small videos and images.
 We might even have all this information available in our wiki already, but 
 why shouldn't we display it upfront on osm.org?
 [1] We can still do this and make it available as maps.osm.org for example 
 and put a pretty big link on osm.org But it shouldn't be the main element on 

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread SteveC

On Oct 15, 2010, at 8:36 AM, Randy Meech wrote:
 Why would you expect that?


Anthony is just trolling. He's been kicked out of wikipedia, as noted multiple 
times. Ignore him.

 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 8:41 PM, Anthony o...@inbox.org wrote:
 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Mike N. nice...@att.net wrote:
  And along those lines,  based on the constructive criticism, the default map
  shown on the main OSM page should be a pretty map, using tiles
  from Mapquest, while mappers that have a need to view more details can
  select one of the existing map styles.
 Once OSM goes ODbL, I'd expect that Mapquest will stop licensing their
 tiles under a free license.
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talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Elizabeth Dodd
On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 10:22:56 -0600
SteveC st...@asklater.com wrote:

 Anthony is just trolling. He's been kicked out of wikipedia, as noted
 multiple times. Ignore him.

That is untruthful.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread SteveC

On Oct 15, 2010, at 1:32 PM, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:

 On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 10:22:56 -0600
 SteveC st...@asklater.com wrote:
 Anthony is just trolling. He's been kicked out of wikipedia, as noted
 multiple times. Ignore him.
 That is untruthful.

Which bit?



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Nathan Edgars II

Elizabeth Dodd wrote:
 On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 10:22:56 -0600
 SteveC st...@asklater.com wrote:
 Anthony is just trolling. He's been kicked out of wikipedia, as noted
 multiple times. Ignore him.
 That is untruthful.

Don't bother; Steve is just trolling.
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Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Nic Roets
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 9:32 PM, Elizabeth Dodd ed...@billiau.net wrote:

 On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 10:22:56 -0600
 SteveC st...@asklater.com wrote:

  Anthony is just trolling. He's been kicked out of wikipedia, as noted
  multiple times. Ignore him.

 That is untruthful.

I'm afraid that Steve is right to say Ignore him. He's almost always
looking for an angle that will cause conflict, upset people and steer the
debate off topic. Like bringing up the license change. Like suggesting that
MapQuest is only here for short term gains.
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Ongoing bulk uploads of GPS traces?

2010-10-15 Thread Steve Bennett
 But really: is this worthwhile?  Will my company benefit?  Will OSM benefit?

Hi Sam, it definitely sounds worthwhile to me, and your company and
OSM will benefit. One thing you didn't mention: how many gpx tracks do
you have so far? Or is this just for going forward?

If you can increase the frequency of trackpoints, do so, but for that
kind of road, I suspect even 30s  frequency will be pretty useful. A
point every 1km for those kind of highways is definitely of value.

I'd also double check that there aren't privacy concerns - gpx traces
contain time information - is your company happy releasing that? Would
it compromise them? Do the drivers get a say?

When it's all up, post on the talk-au list. I'd be happy to spend some
time tracing out the gpx'es.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Ongoing bulk uploads of GPS traces?

2010-10-15 Thread Richard Weait
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 9:51 PM, Steve Bennett stevag...@gmail.com wrote:
 But really: is this worthwhile?  Will my company benefit?  Will OSM benefit?

 I'd also double check that there aren't privacy concerns - gpx traces
 contain time information - is your company happy releasing that? Would
 it compromise them? Do the drivers get a say?

Good point.  If privacy or business practices are a concern, you might
munge the timestamps a bit.  IIRC, OSM requires timestamps and will
ignore files without them.  Also IIRC you can use gpsbabel to set the
timestamps in your file to one second gaps beginning at unix epoch, so
that would give your vehicles outrageous speeds during 1970.

Also you can choose the privacy settings for your traces to prevent
sharing the timestamps.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Anthony
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Randy Meech randy.me...@gmail.com wrote:
 Why would you expect that?

Because it would be in their best interest to do so.

 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 8:41 PM, Anthony o...@inbox.org wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 12:52 PM, Mike N. nice...@att.net wrote:
  And along those lines,  based on the constructive criticism, the default
  shown on the main OSM page should be a pretty map, using tiles
  from Mapquest, while mappers that have a need to view more details can
  select one of the existing map styles.

 Once OSM goes ODbL, I'd expect that Mapquest will stop licensing their
 tiles under a free license.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Anthony
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 9:14 AM, Frederik Ramm frede...@remote.org wrote:
 CC-BY-SA would still allow them to restrict access to the site, e.g. force
 users to log in or use an API key, which to my knowledge they don't.

Well, no, of course not.  If they did that virtually no one would use
them.  And their tiles would still be free to copy.

 CC-BY-SA would still allow them to put up a site policy that says (for
 example) private use only or so, which to my knowledge they don't.

I'm not sure what that means.  They couldn't restrict the use of the
tiles to private use only.  CC-BY-SA forbids that.  You may not
offer or impose any terms on the Work that alter or restrict the terms
of this License or the recipients' exercise of the rights granted
hereunder. You may not sublicense the Work.

 CC-BY-SA does not force them to openly publish their map styles, yet they

Might as well if they're going to release the tiles under a free license.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Response to A critique of OpenStreetMap

2010-10-15 Thread Anthony
On Fri, Oct 15, 2010 at 4:02 PM, SteveC st...@asklater.com wrote:

 On Oct 15, 2010, at 1:32 PM, Elizabeth Dodd wrote:

 On Fri, 15 Oct 2010 10:22:56 -0600
 SteveC st...@asklater.com wrote:

 Anthony is just trolling. He's been kicked out of wikipedia, as noted
 multiple times. Ignore him.

 That is untruthful.

 Which bit?

I'm not trolling.  I'm pointing out a fact, which happens to be an
argument against ODbL.  The fact of the matter is that Mapquest is
required to release its tiles under a free license due to CC-BY-SA,
and would not be required to release its tiles under a free license
were OSM under ODbL.

If you want to argue that they would continue to release their tiles
under a free license even after the switch to ODbL, and that it would
in fact be in their best interest to continue to do so, I suppose you
can make that argument.  But then I wonder what the point is of not
requiring it, if it's in the best interest of companies to do it
anyway.  Once again, as with many other aspects of the ODbL switch,
there are two contradictory arguments being used, both in favor of the
ODbL.  On one hand it's being claimed that the weak copyleft of ODbL
provides greater incentives for companies to use OSM, and on the other
hand it's being claimed that companies aren't going to take advantage
of that weak copyleft.

I also haven't been kicked out of Wikipedia, though you have claimed
it multiple times.

Feel free to tell others to ignore me, but take your own advice, and
stop telling lies about me.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Ongoing bulk uploads of GPS traces?

2010-10-15 Thread Sam Wilson

 On 16/10/10 10:01 AM, Richard Weait wrote:

I'd also double check that there aren't privacy concerns - gpx traces
contain time information - is your company happy releasing that? Would
it compromise them? Do the drivers get a say?

Good point.  If privacy or business practices are a concern, you might
munge the timestamps a bit.  IIRC, OSM requires timestamps and will
ignore files without them.  Also IIRC you can use gpsbabel to set the
timestamps in your file to one second gaps beginning at unix epoch, so
that would give your vehicles outrageous speeds during 1970.

Also you can choose the privacy settings for your traces to prevent
sharing the timestamps.


Yeah, I'd thought about this.  I've been playing with gpsbabel, and 
figuring out the whole workflow, including timestamp munging.  I was 
going to upload as 'private' tracks; are there any drawbacks to doing so?

We've got, it looks like, the last three months or so of tracks from 
about twenty vehicles, and I can break the data up into whatever chunks 
I want.  I've been working with one track file per seven days, which 
seems to be about a 6-8MB gpx file.  Would this be okay to upload?  Is 
there any issue with it containing only one track (i.e. there are some 
connections between points that are hundreds of kilometers apart).

As for the drivers: they know the vehicles movements are being logged, 
and they know that I'm working on making their maps better; there 
wouldn't be any problem with getting their permission, but I'm not sure 
it's necessary -- there's no way to link any part of the logging to any 
particular vehicle, or driver.  Hmm... there will be a concentration of 
points near drivers' homes... but then again, also near every place they 
stop as well.  Is this something to worry about?

I should have an official sign-off on the uploading sometime this week.

- Sam.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Coraine Land Cover - OSM tags

2010-10-15 Thread Sam Vekemans
Does anyone have a list of all of the tags used for the Coraine Land
Cover dataset?


Twitter: @Acrosscanada
Blogs: http://acrosscanadatrails.posterous.com/
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talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel: Liste der bisherigen Zu stimmungen veroeffentlicht

2010-10-15 Thread Bernd Wurst
Am Donnerstag 14 Oktober 2010, 14:14:33 schrieb Frederik Ramm:
 ch habe das nein in der Spalte 
 Zustimmung nun auf ?? geaendert, denn diese Leute haben ja nicht mit 
 Nein gestimmt, sondern einfach gar nicht abgestimmt - da gab es einige 
 Rueckfragen zu.

Noch eine spitzfindige Anmerkung für die nächste Liste: 
Wenn du das ?? durch etwas ersetzt, was nicht exakt zwei Zeichen lang ist, 
dann kann man das auch beim Überfliegen der Liste noch halbwegs schnell 
separieren (sprich: sich einen Überblick über die Häufigkeit verschaffen). :)

Also vielleicht ? oder --- oder sowas. Ich finde nur optisch sind ?? und 
ja zu ähnlich um es auf den ersten Blick differenzieren zu können.

Gruß, Bernd

Früher dachten wir ja auch: Ich denke, also bin ich.
Heute wissen wir: Geht auch so.  -  Dieter Nuhr (dt. Comedian)

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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel: Liste der bisherigen Zustimmungen veroeffentlicht

2010-10-15 Thread Peter Körner

Am 14.10.2010 22:52, schrieb Holger Blum:

Am 14.10.2010 19:30, Frederik Ramm schrieb:

*Gegen* den Willen eines Users koennen tatsaechlich nur trivial-Edits
uebernommen werden.

Ich habe es genau anders herum gemeint:

User macht einige sinnvolle Edits in einem Gebiet und entfernt dabei
gleich noch alle created_by. Das war vor gut einem Jahr, werden nun alle
betroffenen Elemente auf die Version vor seiner Bearbeitung
zurückgesetzt wenn er der neuen Lizenz nicht zustimmt?

Keine angst, das kann man intelligenter Lösen, in dem man prüft, wer 
zuletzt welchen Tag bearbeitet hat. Wenn jemand, welcher der OdBL nicht 
zugestimmt hat, ein created_by entfernt, wird das endgültige Element den 
created_by halt wieder drin haben -- alle anderen Änderungen bleiben wie 
sie sind.

Technisch lässt sich das lösen in dem man durch den full-experimental 
dump läuft und die Veränderung nachspielt, dabei aber edits von 
nicht-OdBLlern ignoriert.

Lg, Peter

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] api-download bei semikon-getrennten-values

2010-10-15 Thread Peter Körner

Am 11.10.2010 10:54, schrieb M∡rtin Koppenhoefer:

Eine pauschale Möglichkeit wäre, vor dem Verarbeiten alle values zu
parsen und aus amenity=bank;atm einen automatisch 2 duplicate nodes zu
generieren, die jeweils bank und atm als value haben. Wird vermutlich
allerdings ne Weile dauern, wenn man den Planet damit durchackern
Das ließe sich jedoch recht gut in osm2pgsql einbauen. Da mein letzter 
Patch für osm2pgsql [1] allerdings genau null Beachtung gefunden hat, 
zögere ich etwas, mich da mal drum zu kümmern..



Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] api-download bei semikon-getrennten-values

2010-10-15 Thread Frederik Ramm


Peter Körner wrote:

Eine pauschale Möglichkeit wäre, vor dem Verarbeiten alle values zu
parsen und aus amenity=bank;atm einen automatisch 2 duplicate nodes zu
generieren, die jeweils bank und atm als value haben. Wird vermutlich
allerdings ne Weile dauern, wenn man den Planet damit durchackern

Das ließe sich jedoch recht gut in osm2pgsql einbauen.

Aber nicht ganz trivial. Du muesstest ja Deinen Pseudo-Node in die 
planet_osm_points einfuegen, aber wenn Du im slim mode operierst und 
irgendwann kommt ein Update, bei dem der Original-Node von 
amenity=bank;atm auf nur amenity=bank geaendert wird, muesstest Du 
Deinen Pseudo-Node ausfindig machen und loeschen...


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] api-download bei semikon-getrennten-values

2010-10-15 Thread NopMap

Peter Körner wrote:
 Am 11.10.2010 10:54, schrieb M∡rtin Koppenhoefer:
 Eine pauschale Möglichkeit wäre, vor dem Verarbeiten alle values zu
 parsen und aus amenity=bank;atm einen automatisch 2 duplicate nodes zu
 generieren, die jeweils bank und atm als value haben. Wird vermutlich
 allerdings ne Weile dauern, wenn man den Planet damit durchackern
 Das ließe sich jedoch recht gut in osm2pgsql einbauen. Da mein letzter 
 Patch für osm2pgsql [1] allerdings genau null Beachtung gefunden hat, 
 zögere ich etwas, mich da mal drum zu kümmern..

Eine pauschale Lösung funktioniert auch nicht wirklich.
- Es scheitert, wenn mehr als ein Value mit ; vorkommt, da dann nicht klar
ist, ob und wie sich die verschiedenen Einzelteile aufeinander beziehen.
- Es scheitert für schlichtweg sinnlose Kombinationen wie
- Und es hat keinen sichtbaren Effekt, weil zwei Icons an derselben Stelle
von Mapnik eh weggefiltert werden.

Du bräuchtest also eine Steuerdatei mit den sinnvollen Einzelfällen und
komplexe Regeln für den Umgang mit Mehrfach-Konkatenationen und noch eine
Anpassung der Renderer für die Auflösung von gestapelten POIs.


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Sent from the Germany mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [Talk-de] Relation runterladen?

2010-10-15 Thread Rainer Kluge

Am 05.10.2010 19:16, schrieb Carsten Gerlach:
 Lässt sich das so erweitern, daß man als Quelle eine lokale osm-Datei (z.B. 
 germany.osm) verwenden kann, aus der die Relation extrahiert wird?

Ich habe eine neue Version zum Download bereitgestellt:

Man kann jetzt eine lokale osm-Datei als Datenquelle nutzen. Allerdings ist der
Zugriff sehr zeitintensiv, vor allem bei bz2-codierten Dateien. Der Zugriff
erfolgt über das Modul osm.pm von Gary68. Hierzu muss die neueste Version dieses
Moduls installiert sein.

 Der zweite Wunsch wäre, das als Ergebnis wieder eine osm-Datei entsteht.

Auch das habe ich eingebaut, allerdings funktioniert es nur, wenn die Quelle
eine lokale osm-Datei ist.

Die wichtigste Beschränkung des Skripts betrifft Routen mit zwei Fahrtrichtungen
(role=forward/backward, oneway). Diese Routen werden nur eingeschränkt
unterstützt. Insbesondere wird nur der GPX-Track für eine der beiden
Fahrtrichtung erzeugt, die Segmente für die andere Richtung werden als Schnipsel
in den Track aufgenommen.

Das ganze hat Beta-Status. Für Hinweise auf Fehler bin ich dankbar, ebenso für
Änderungs- und Verbesserungsvorschläge.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] api-download bei semikon-getrennten-values

2010-10-15 Thread M∡rtin Koppenhoefer
Am 15. Oktober 2010 10:25 schrieb NopMap ekkeh...@gmx.de:
 Am 11.10.2010 10:54, schrieb M∡rtin Koppenhoefer:
 Eine pauschale Möglichkeit wäre, vor dem Verarbeiten alle values zu
 parsen und aus amenity=bank;atm einen automatisch 2 duplicate nodes zu
 generieren, die jeweils bank und atm als value haben.
 Eine pauschale Lösung funktioniert auch nicht wirklich.
 - Es scheitert, wenn mehr als ein Value mit ; vorkommt, da dann nicht klar
 ist, ob und wie sich die verschiedenen Einzelteile aufeinander beziehen.

doch, diese Anmerkung kam schon und es ist so, dass alle Tags jeweils
für alle Values gelten müssen, weil sonst der doppelte Wert mit
Semikolon nicht gesetzt werden kann (ist sonst ein Fehler in den
Daten). Praktisch wird das allerdings sehr oft vorkommen, sieht man
schon an den unmöglichen Kombinationen wie maxspeed=10;30

 - Es scheitert für schlichtweg sinnlose Kombinationen wie

ja, aber auch das sind klar Fehler, die man auch ohne diese Umsetzung
nicht auswerten kann

 - Und es hat keinen sichtbaren Effekt, weil zwei Icons an derselben Stelle
 von Mapnik eh weggefiltert werden.

es ist sowohl bei der Suche interessant, weil man dann jeweils fündig
wird, als auch beim Rendern dann demjenigen überlassen, der den
Stylesheet macht (Priorisierung bzw. Icon-Position optimieren)

 Du bräuchtest also eine Steuerdatei mit den sinnvollen Einzelfällen und
 komplexe Regeln für den Umgang mit Mehrfach-Konkatenationen und noch eine
 Anpassung der Renderer für die Auflösung von gestapelten POIs.

für eine einfache Berücksichtigung sind die Renderer (mapnik) bereits
vorbereitet: ist nichts anderes als dicht beieinanderliegende POIs:
wer die Regeln macht entscheidet, was ihm wichtiger ist (oder er
bekommt es hin, die Positionierung automatisch zu verbessern durch kl.

Gruß Martin

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel: Liste der bisherigen Zustimmungen veroeffentlicht

2010-10-15 Thread Christoph Wagner
Am 14.10.2010 14:14, schrieb Frederik Ramm:
eine aktualisierte Liste. Ich habe das nein in der Spalte Zustimmung 
 nun auf ?? geaendert, denn diese Leute haben ja nicht mit Nein gestimmt, 
 sondern einfach gar nicht abgestimmt - da gab es einige Rueckfragen zu.

Verstehe ich das dann richtig, dass also niemand in dieser Liste mit Nein 
abgestimmt hat?
Liegt das daran, dass die Gegner die Abstimmung an sich nicht anerkennen oder 
heben die sich ihr nein so lange wie möglich auf oder hab ich was falsch 


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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Lizenzwechsel: Liste der bisherigen Zustimmungen veroeffentlicht

2010-10-15 Thread Christoph Wagner
Am 15.10.2010 13:05, schrieb Christoph Wagner:

 Verstehe ich das dann richtig, dass also niemand in dieser Liste mit Nein 
 abgestimmt hat?
 Liegt das daran, dass die Gegner die Abstimmung an sich nicht anerkennen oder 
 heben die sich ihr nein so lange wie möglich auf oder hab ich was falsch 

Ich Depp - konnte man denn überhaupt mit nein abstimmen? Ist schon wieder ne 
Weile her, wo ich das gemacht hab mit der Zustimmung...

Sorry für den unqualifizierten Kommentar.

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Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] api-download bei semikon-getrennten-values

2010-10-15 Thread NopMap

M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote:
 doch, diese Anmerkung kam schon und es ist so, dass alle Tags jeweils
 für alle Values gelten müssen, weil sonst der doppelte Wert mit
 Semikolon nicht gesetzt werden kann (ist sonst ein Fehler in den
 Daten). Praktisch wird das allerdings sehr oft vorkommen, sieht man
 schon an den unmöglichen Kombinationen wie maxspeed=10;30

Ein weiteres Argument dagegen. Heute sind diese Fehler offensichtlich.

Wenn sie beim Import pauschal ausmultipliziert werden, entstehen mehrere
sich überlagernde Objekte, die insgesamt sinnlos sind, das Renderergebnis
ist Zufall aber jedes für sich sieht korrekt aus. Den Fehler findet man nur
noch unter größten Schwierigkeiten.


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Sent from the Germany mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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Re: [Talk-de] Fahrrad-Access-Karte überarbeitet

2010-10-15 Thread Heiko Jacobs

Am 14.10.2010 01:44, schrieb Thomas Ineichen:

Mir fällt gerade auf, dass weiß etwas suboptimal kommt ...
Gelb vielleicht besser?
Ansonsten hübsch ;-)

Die  weissen Striche ohne Access-Umrandung sind eigentlich ungewolltes
Nebenprodukt, daher müssen sie gar nicht sichtbar sein.. ;-)

Man kann sich streiten, ob tracks wirklich auch noch die
zugehöreigen access-tags brauchen, aber geschotterte residential,
service, unclassified, ... (und höhere abseits Europa), die für
alle offen sind, brauchen nun wirklich keine ...

Ginge noch Osmarender als weitere wählbare Hintergrundkarte?
In den besseren Zoomstufen sind Feld-/Rad-/Gehwege darin nicht
nur dünne Striche, sondern breit, so dass man evtl. den Basisweg
besser erkennen könnte.

Ist integriert.


Gruß Mueck

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Sportvereine

2010-10-15 Thread Stephan Wolff


Sportvereine werden sind in OSM sehr unvollständig und ziemlich
unterschiedlich eingetragen, obwohl sie in vielen Dörfern oder
Stadtteilen eine der wichtigsten Institutionen sind und häufig als
Veranstaltungsorte erscheinen.

Wie kann man Sportvereine einheitlich (und somit auswertbar) in OSM

1. Vereine mit eigenen Sportanlagen
z.B. Fußballverein mit Vereinsheim und zwei Spielfeldern
- Gesamtgelände: leisure=sports_centre
- Spielfelder: leisure=pitch
- Vereinsheim: building=yes
- Vereinsname als name=Blau-Weiss e.V. an das Gesamtgelände
- Sportart als sport=soccer an jedes Spielfeld

Mögliche Alternativen:
- Vereinsname als operator=* an die Spielfelder
- Vereinsname als name=* an das Gebäude
- Vereinsname als name=* an das Eingangstor
- Verein als site-Relation

2. Vereine mit eigenem Grundstück, aber Sportbetrieb auf öffentlichem 

z.B. Laufsportverein, Kajakverein, Luftsportverein angrenzend zum Flugplatz

- Grundstück mit area=yes; name=Sprinter e.V.; sport=running
- Vereinsheim: building=yes

Mögliche Alternativen:
- Tag für Vereinsname und Sport an das Gebäude
- kein sport=*, da kein aktiver Sportbetrieb auf dem Gelände

3. Vereine als Untermieter in Gebäuden
z.B. Schwimmverein im Keller der Schwimmhalle,
 Turnverein im Nebenraum der Schulsporthalle,
 Luftsportverein im Teilbereich einer Flugzeughalle

- POI mit sport=swimming; name=Delfin e.V.

4. Sammelvereine mit mehreren Sparten
z.B. Dorfverein mit Fußball-, Tennis-, Turn- und Kanuabteilung

- Jede Sportanlage mit name=SV Neudorf e.V. und sport=*

Mögliche Alternativen:
- name=SV Neudorf e.V. - Tennisabteilung
- name=SV Neudorf e.V. (Tennisabteilung)

Grundsätzliche Fragen:
- Vereinsname mit oder ohne e.V.
- Bei zwei Sportarten auf einem Platz:
sport=soccer;american_football oder sport=multi ?

Was meint ihr?

Viele Grüße


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Relation runterladen?

2010-10-15 Thread Carsten Gerlach

Am Freitag 15 Oktober 2010 schrieb Rainer Kluge:
 Ich habe eine neue Version zum Download bereitgestellt:

Super, vielen Dank.

 Das ganze hat Beta-Status. Für Hinweise auf Fehler bin ich dankbar, ebenso
 für Änderungs- und Verbesserungsvorschläge.

Beim ersten Test mit der osm-Ausgabe habe ich festgestellt, daß JOSM die Datei 
anmeckert: Ein Zeilenumbruch in der ersten Zeile ist falsch und das osm-
Objekt wird zweimal erstellt.

$ diff test_falsch.osm test_richtig.osm 
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?\nosm version='0.6' enerator='JOSM'
 ?xml version=1.0 encoding=UTF-8?
 osm version='0.6' generator='JOSM'

Gute Nacht, nächste Woche teste ich weiter. :-)

Gruß, Carsten

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] All In One (AIO) haengt?

2010-10-15 Thread Elchtreiber
Hallo zusammen,

auf der Downloadseite der AIO sind keine aktuellen Karten mehr vorhanden.
Die Verzeichnisse haben alle das Datum vom 15.10.2010 04:00 Uhr.
Bei der Europakarte gibt es ein Verzeichnis vom 13.10.2010, aber auch ohne 
Kann mal wer schauen, wo das ganze hängt?!

Danke und Gruß
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Sportvereine

2010-10-15 Thread Bernd Wurst

Am Freitag 15 Oktober 2010, 20:24:59 schrieb Stephan Wolff:
 Sportvereine werden sind in OSM sehr unvollständig und ziemlich
 unterschiedlich eingetragen, obwohl sie in vielen Dörfern oder
 Stadtteilen eine der wichtigsten Institutionen sind und häufig als
 Veranstaltungsorte erscheinen.

Das gilt aber bei weitem nicht für alle Sportvereine.
Grade in kleineren Gemeinden ist es doch typisch, dass ein Verein einfach ein 
Zusammenschluss von Menschen ist und keine eigenen Gebäude oder Einrichtungen 
hat. Sportanlagen und Treffpunkte sind dann Gemeindeeigentum und werden von 
Schulen und mehreren Vereinen genutzt.

Dennoch sollten natürlich die Büro-Räume (Geschäftsstelle) soweit vorhanden  
in OSM erfasst werden.

 Grundsätzliche Fragen:
 - Vereinsname mit oder ohne e.V.

IMHO auf jeden Fall mit e.V.. Bei OSM gilt, den ausführlichsten Namen zu 
erfassen, denn Kürzen kann ein Algorithmus. e.V. als Abkürzung würde ich 
dabei dennoch stehen lassen, da es (genau wie GmbH) eine offizielle 
Schreibweise der Rechtsform ist.

 - Bei zwei Sportarten auf einem Platz:
 sport=soccer;american_football oder sport=multi ?

Ein explizites sport=* bitte nur da wo der Platz nahezu ausschließlich für 
eine oder zwei Sportarten benutzt wird. Sehr viele kleineren Sportanlagen sind 
Vereins- und damit Sportartübergreifend benutzt. Auf einem Rasenplatz kann man 
auch wunderbar Rugby spielen und Speere werfen.

Gruß, Bernd

Wenn ein Mann einer Frau höflich die Wagentür aufreißt, dann ist
entweder der Wagen neu oder die Frau.
  -  Uschi Glas (dt. Schauspielerin)

Description: This is a digitally signed message part.
Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] OSM ad Italiacamp

2010-10-15 Thread Maurizio Napolitano
 Immagino poi che sarai già pronto anche ad intervenire sulla direttiva 

 anche se con la liberazione dei dati non sembra essere la via
 definitiva (è solo suggerito di liberare i dati)

Certo, ma impone delle regole su come alcuni dati debbano essere confezionati.
Pertanto, sempre in una ottica di liberare bene i dati, direi che e'
un qualcosa con cui prima o poi ci si scontra.

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Roma Cycle Map

2010-10-15 Thread Fabri
 Forse avrete già notato come la Open Cycle Map si sia arricchita di
cycling routes nella città di Roma. Manca poco a completare il mappaggio
del Local Cycling Network capitolino. Per chi vuole contribuire a
completare l'inserimento delle piste ciclabili ufficiali, vi elenco
quelle mancanti:

-_Ciclabile Casalpalocco_ (Da V.le Alessandro Magno a V.le Giorgia di
Leontini) - *Ref. 13*
-_Ciclabile Fratelli Wright_ (Via Fratelli Wright fino all'incrocio con
Via della Stazione di Ciampino) - *Ref. 19*
-_Ciclabile Polo Tecnologico_ (Via N.Cinelli + V.le del Tecnopolo) -
*Ref. 20*
-_Ciclabile Romanina_ (Su Via B.Petrocelli, da incrocio con Via
Tuscolana a incrocio con Viale L.Schiavonetti) - *Ref. 9*
-_Ciclabile Anagnina-Tor Vergata-Tor Bella Monaca_ - *Ref. 8*, composta
da tre tronconi:

 _Anagnina_: dalla fermata metro Anagnina, Via Giudice, Via
A.Moneta, Piazza F.Sabatini
 _Tor Vergata_: Da Via G.Carli (Davanti Banca d'Italia) a Viale di
Torre Maura, fino all'incrocio con Via di Torre Spaccata
 _Tor Bella Monaca_: Inizia e finisce al parco di Largo F.Mengaroni,
attraverso Via di Torre Angela vecchia, V.le Oxford, Via D.Cambellotti,
Via di Tor Bella Monaca. (tratti in costruzione).

Se vi trovate da quelle parti con il GPS, sapete cosa fare.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [ANN] osmstats 1.0

2010-10-15 Thread David Paleino
On Sun, 10 Oct 2010 18:45:52 +0200, David Paleino wrote:

 L'idea è di fare l'analisi settimanale dell'italy.osm in maniera

Non è ancora automatizzato, ma ci lavorerò appena possibile :)

Col nuovo parsing sono apparsi pure i profili utente. Fatemi sapere se
riscontrate problemi :)

E ora, tocca sistemare i grafici :)

 . ''`.   Debian developer | http://wiki.debian.org/DavidPaleino
 : :'  : Linuxer #334216 --|-- http://www.hanskalabs.net/
 `. `'`  GPG: 1392B174 | http://deb.li/dapal
   `-   2BAB C625 4E66 E7B8 450A C3E1 E6AA 9017 1392 B174

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Pagina web Española

2010-10-15 Thread Alvaro Lara Cano
Bueno, yo acabo de hacer la primera prueba en Ubuntu, no se que os
parecerá, pero aquí os dejo los enlaces a Megaupload:


Os pido por favor que no os riáis :-), son pruebas, las dos muy
parecidas, pero quiero saber vuestra opinión. Lógicamente esto es sólo
instalarlo, faltaría configurarlo y esas cosas.

Están grabados en ogg theora, los que no lo podáis ver, descargaros y
visualizarlo con VLC. 

Opiniones por favor :-)

El vie, 15-10-2010 a las 11:12 +0200, Jimena escribió:
 Yo creo que los vídeos deben hacerse con voz, es la forma más rápida de
 explicar y de comprender lo que se expone en el vídeo, al principio cuesta
 un poco pero al cuarto vídeo ya lo tienes dominado
 Además una voz un poco chunga siempre tiene su gracia!
 Me parece bien colgar los vídeos en cuantos más sitios mejor
 Yo decía lo de vimeo, porque por ejemplo nuestros vídeos de cursos están ahí
 y aparecerían al lado los de OSM, con lo que por lo menos todos nuestros
 alumnos (que la mayoría no tienen ni idea de lo que es OSM) los verían, creo
 que sería una buena puerta de entrada
 Luego además, una vez estén grabados con voz, se podrían subtitular en otros
 idiomas, como decís, creo que Youtube lo permite
 Si os parece planteo una maqueta de las diapositivas y las cuelgo (donde?)
 para ir rellenándolas entre todos, más o menos con el índice que está en la
 wiki y con indicaciones de dónde podrían ir los vídeos
 Jimena Martínez
 Tel. 91 642 53 61
 Antes de imprimir este correo piense en el medio ambiente 
 Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario y puede contener
 información confidencial sometida a secreto profesional o cuya divulgación
 esté prohibida en virtud de la legislación vigente. Cualquier opinión en él
 contenida es exclusiva de su autor y no representa necesariamente la opinión
 de la empresa. Si ha recibido este mensaje por error, le rogamos nos lo
 comunique inmediatamente por esta misma vía y proceda a su destrucción. 
 This message is intended exclusively for its addressee and may contain
 information that is CONFIDENTIAL and protected by professional privilege or
 whose spreading is prohibited by virtue of the in force legislation. Any
 opinion there in contained is solely that of the author and does not
 represent necessarily the opinion of the company. If this message has been
 received in error, please immediately notify us via e-mail and delete it.
 -Mensaje original-
 De: talk-es-boun...@openstreetmap.org
 [mailto:talk-es-boun...@openstreetmap.org] En nombre de Julian Lozano Brau
 Enviado el: jueves, 14 de octubre de 2010 23:43
 Para: talk-es@openstreetmap.org
 Asunto: Re: [Talk-es] Pagina web Española
 Si hacemos los vídeos con calidad suficiente luego podemos añadir los
 textos y instrucciones en pantalla.
 En cuanto a la voz... la mía esta entre Joaquin Sabina y Espinete... por
 eso creo que no debe darte reparo en intentarlo... a malas te doblamos :)
 El 14/10/10 22:11, Alvaro Lara Cano escribió:
  Yo podria hacer la instalacion en ubuntu, asi como la configuración del
  plugin JOSM y ortofotos IDEE, pero..¿con voz? o con instrucciones en

 Talk-es mailing list
 Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Pagina web Española

2010-10-15 Thread Jimena
A mi me parece que los vídeos están bien. Me quedaría con el primero,
Creo que sería bueno evitar tanto movimiento en la pantalla, pero vamos,
esto es una pijada
Entonces del tema de JOSM, habría dos o tres vídeos por cada plataforma?:
1. descarga del programa
2. Instalación
3. Configuración
Es así?
Luego habría otros de cómo usar JOSM, pero estos ya serían igual para todas
las plataformas, entiendo..

He subido el vídeo 1 a VIMEO para que veáis como queda [1]:

Si finalmente se decide meter también en VIMEO, podemos hacer una álbum
dentro de nuestra cuenta, no hay problema. Lo mismo para YOUTUBE. Lo digo
porque así todos los que vean los otros vídeos de los cursos nuestros verán
estos de OSM

He añadido además una columna de TAGS en la wiki a meter por cada vídeo,
para que la rellene el propio autor, que será lo mejor

[1] http://vimeo.com/15870674


-Mensaje original-
De: talk-es-boun...@openstreetmap.org
[mailto:talk-es-boun...@openstreetmap.org] En nombre de Alvaro Lara Cano
Enviado el: viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010 14:01
Para: Discusión en Español de OpenStreetMap
Asunto: Re: [Talk-es] Pagina web Española

Gracias sanchi, ya me he puesto el apodo.

Creo que debemos de dar especial importancia al primer vídeo, al
introductorio, porque si éste consigue captar la atención de quién lo
vea, conseguiremos más gente.

Habria que tratar temas como: 'con estos datos va a poder navegar con
GPS gratis, y de por vida'. no así dicho, pero intentar transmitirle que
lo que estamos haciendo es muy importante para la sociedad y para él

Sería interesante hacerlo con alguien grabado en vídeo en primera

Por otra parte yo me podría ocupar de editar los vídeos para intentar
estandarizarlos todos, y no que cada uno parezca de una madre. Y los que
intentéis hacer los screencast o videotutoriales como yo, hacedlo por
partes: primero instalación, luego configuración...etc, luego al editar,
ya se unen. Así es más fácil creo yo.


El vie, 15-10-2010 a las 13:24 +0200, sanchi escribió:
 Yo me apunto hacer la instalación en windows de JOSM configuración y
 esas cosas. A ver que sale que no me fió de mi voz. jejejej. Este
 finde mirare hacer ya algo.
 He actualizado en la wiki que esta haciendo la instalación de linux
 Alvaro y que yo hago el de windows. 
 Alvaro te he puesto el nombre si quieres poner el apodo o de otra
 manera cámbialo.
 El 15 de octubre de 2010 12:19, Alvaro Lara Cano y...@alvarolara.com
 Bueno, yo acabo de hacer la primera prueba en Ubuntu, no se
 que os
 parecerá, pero aquí os dejo los enlaces a Megaupload:
 Os pido por favor que no os riáis :-), son pruebas, las dos
 parecidas, pero quiero saber vuestra opinión. Lógicamente esto
 es sólo
 instalarlo, faltaría configurarlo y esas cosas.
 Están grabados en ogg theora, los que no lo podáis ver,
 descargaros y
 visualizarlo con VLC.
 Opiniones por favor :-)
 El vie, 15-10-2010 a las 11:12 +0200, Jimena escribió:
  Yo creo que los vídeos deben hacerse con voz, es la forma
 más rápida de
  explicar y de comprender lo que se expone en el vídeo, al
 principio cuesta
  un poco pero al cuarto vídeo ya lo tienes dominado
  Además una voz un poco chunga siempre tiene su gracia!
  Me parece bien colgar los vídeos en cuantos más sitios mejor
  Yo decía lo de vimeo, porque por ejemplo nuestros vídeos de
 cursos están ahí
  y aparecerían al lado los de OSM, con lo que por lo menos
 todos nuestros
  alumnos (que la mayoría no tienen ni idea de lo que es OSM)
 los verían, creo
  que sería una buena puerta de entrada
  Luego además, una vez estén grabados con voz, se podrían
 subtitular en otros
  idiomas, como decís, creo que Youtube lo permite
  Si os parece planteo una maqueta de las diapositivas y las
 cuelgo (donde?)
  para ir rellenándolas entre todos, más o menos con el índice
 que está en la
  wiki y con indicaciones de dónde podrían ir los vídeos
  Jimena Martínez
  Tel. 91 642 53 61
  Antes de imprimir este correo piense en el medio ambiente
  Este mensaje se dirige exclusivamente a su destinatario y
 puede contener
  información confidencial sometida a secreto profesional o
 cuya divulgación
  esté prohibida en virtud de la legislación vigente.
 Cualquier opinión en él
  contenida es exclusiva de su autor y no representa

Re: [Talk-es] Pagina web Española

2010-10-15 Thread Alvaro Lara Cano
Supongo que se podrán eliminar los vídeos en Vimeo ¿no?
Comento ésto porque a mi el primer vídeo no me gusta porque salen dos
errores en la grabación. (los dos en la parte superior del panel), son
pedazos de ventana que se han quedado ahí.

Y segundo porque una vez que se empieza a instalar el paquete, en el
segundo vídeo aparece la instalación, y en el primero no. También voy a
hacer una segunda parte con la instalación mediante el terminal.

Una última pregunta: ¿la configuración que es? yo queria meter el
WMSPLUGIN e introducir el usuario y la contraseña.

Los de como usar JOSM, se pueden hacer independientemente de la
plataforma: relaciones, multipoligono...etc.

¿alguien usa mac y quiere hacer el tutorial para esa paltaforma?

El vie, 15-10-2010 a las 14:25 +0200, Jimena escribió:
 A mi me parece que los vídeos están bien. Me quedaría con el primero,
 Creo que sería bueno evitar tanto movimiento en la pantalla, pero vamos,
 esto es una pijada
 Entonces del tema de JOSM, habría dos o tres vídeos por cada plataforma?:
 1. descarga del programa
 2. Instalación
 3. Configuración
 Es así?
 Luego habría otros de cómo usar JOSM, pero estos ya serían igual para todas
 las plataformas, entiendo..
 He subido el vídeo 1 a VIMEO para que veáis como queda [1]:
 Si finalmente se decide meter también en VIMEO, podemos hacer una álbum
 dentro de nuestra cuenta, no hay problema. Lo mismo para YOUTUBE. Lo digo
 porque así todos los que vean los otros vídeos de los cursos nuestros verán
 estos de OSM
 He añadido además una columna de TAGS en la wiki a meter por cada vídeo,
 para que la rellene el propio autor, que será lo mejor
 [1] http://vimeo.com/15870674
 -Mensaje original-
 De: talk-es-boun...@openstreetmap.org
 [mailto:talk-es-boun...@openstreetmap.org] En nombre de Alvaro Lara Cano
 Enviado el: viernes, 15 de octubre de 2010 14:01
 Para: Discusión en Español de OpenStreetMap
 Asunto: Re: [Talk-es] Pagina web Española
 Gracias sanchi, ya me he puesto el apodo.
 Creo que debemos de dar especial importancia al primer vídeo, al
 introductorio, porque si éste consigue captar la atención de quién lo
 vea, conseguiremos más gente.
 Habria que tratar temas como: 'con estos datos va a poder navegar con
 GPS gratis, y de por vida'. no así dicho, pero intentar transmitirle que
 lo que estamos haciendo es muy importante para la sociedad y para él
 Sería interesante hacerlo con alguien grabado en vídeo en primera
 Por otra parte yo me podría ocupar de editar los vídeos para intentar
 estandarizarlos todos, y no que cada uno parezca de una madre. Y los que
 intentéis hacer los screencast o videotutoriales como yo, hacedlo por
 partes: primero instalación, luego configuración...etc, luego al editar,
 ya se unen. Así es más fácil creo yo.
 El vie, 15-10-2010 a las 13:24 +0200, sanchi escribió:
  Yo me apunto hacer la instalación en windows de JOSM configuración y
  esas cosas. A ver que sale que no me fió de mi voz. jejejej. Este
  finde mirare hacer ya algo.
  He actualizado en la wiki que esta haciendo la instalación de linux
  Alvaro y que yo hago el de windows. 
  Alvaro te he puesto el nombre si quieres poner el apodo o de otra
  manera cámbialo.
  El 15 de octubre de 2010 12:19, Alvaro Lara Cano y...@alvarolara.com
  Bueno, yo acabo de hacer la primera prueba en Ubuntu, no se
  que os
  parecerá, pero aquí os dejo los enlaces a Megaupload:
  Os pido por favor que no os riáis :-), son pruebas, las dos
  parecidas, pero quiero saber vuestra opinión. Lógicamente esto
  es sólo
  instalarlo, faltaría configurarlo y esas cosas.
  Están grabados en ogg theora, los que no lo podáis ver,
  descargaros y
  visualizarlo con VLC.
  Opiniones por favor :-)
  El vie, 15-10-2010 a las 11:12 +0200, Jimena escribió:
   Yo creo que los vídeos deben hacerse con voz, es la forma
  más rápida de
   explicar y de comprender lo que se expone en el vídeo, al
  principio cuesta
   un poco pero al cuarto vídeo ya lo tienes dominado
   Además una voz un poco chunga siempre tiene su gracia!
   Me parece bien colgar los vídeos en cuantos más sitios mejor
   Yo decía lo de vimeo, porque por ejemplo nuestros vídeos de
  cursos están ahí
   y aparecerían al lado los de OSM, con lo que por lo menos
  todos nuestros
   alumnos (que la mayoría no tienen ni idea de lo que es OSM)
  los verían, creo
   que sería una buena puerta de entrada
   Luego además, una vez estén grabados con voz, se podrían
  subtitular en otros

Re: [Talk-ee] kaardikonkurss

2010-10-15 Thread Jaak Laineste

Tekitasin lühikese koondjuhendi

 Andresega mõtlesime välja, et tekitame igale kujundajale oma kasutaja
serverisse, millega siis saab FTP abil enda XML-failide komplekti modida ja
siis uuenenud kaardipilti vaadata. Äkki juba täna :)


 -Original Message-
 From: talk-ee-boun...@openstreetmap.org [mailto:talk-ee-
 boun...@openstreetmap.org] On Behalf Of Jaak Laineste
 Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 2010 10:19 AM
 To: 'OpenStreetMap Estonia'
 Subject: Re: [Talk-ee] kaardikonkurss
 Kahjuks pole see (ehk mapniku töötav moditav installatsioon) veel päris
valmis :(
 Andresega töötame selle kallal.
  -Original Message-
  From: talk-ee-boun...@openstreetmap.org [mailto:talk-ee-
  boun...@openstreetmap.org] On Behalf Of Joosep-Georg Järvemaa
  Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 5:53 PM
  To: OpenStreetMap Estonia
  Subject: Re: [Talk-ee] kaardikonkurss
   AMS pakub kaardiandmetega vahendi (veebiteenuse) Mapnik CSS või XML
   formaadis realiseeritud kujunduste testimiseks. Vajalik on CSS või
   XML kasutamise oskus. Samuti loome kirjaliku juhendi selle
  Kuidas sellele ligi võiks saada? Tahaks oma kujundusi testida :)
  Talk-ee mailing list
 Talk-ee mailing list

Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?

2010-10-15 Thread Margus Väli
Siin saaks ju loovamalt läheneda ja building=yes ümbruskonnas vaadata --
kui punkti läheduses või lausa ümber on maja siis mitte risustada seda
kanti lisa punktiga vaid võrrelda ning lisada aaressandmeid?


On Thu, 2010-10-14 at 11:07 +0300, Jaak Laineste wrote:
 -Ma nuputaks siis skripti välja mis ADS andmetabelitest (need
 on CSV failidena maaameti FTP-s saadaval) .osm faili genereerib
 Karlsruhe skeemis. See ei tohiks ka olla väga keerukas tegelikult,
 lihtsalt andmeid on palju. Sadu tuhandeid punkte.

Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?

2010-10-15 Thread Mihkel Oviir
Paraku on ADS katastripõhine. Katastriandmestik oleks vajalik, et kuidagi 
loovamalt läheneda, seda aga maa-amet vektorina ei väljasta.

Mihkel Oviir

From: Margus Väli margus.v...@gmail.com
To: OpenStreetMap Estonia talk-ee@openstreetmap.org
Sent: Fri, October 15, 2010 10:34:03 AM
Subject: Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?

Siin saaks ju loovamalt läheneda ja building=yes ümbruskonnas vaadata --
kui punkti läheduses või lausa ümber on maja siis mitte risustada seda
kanti lisa punktiga vaid võrrelda ning lisada aaressandmeid?


On Thu, 2010-10-14 at 11:07 +0300, Jaak Laineste wrote:
 -Ma nuputaks siis skripti välja mis ADS andmetabelitest (need
 on CSV failidena maaameti FTP-s saadaval) .osm faili genereerib
 Karlsruhe skeemis. See ei tohiks ka olla väga keerukas tegelikult,
 lihtsalt andmeid on palju. Sadu tuhandeid punkte.

Talk-ee mailing list

Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] kaardikonkurss

2010-10-15 Thread Joosep-Georg Järvemaa
Ma saan siis aru, et tähtaeg lükkub pisut edasi?


Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?

2010-10-15 Thread Anti Kasuk

Aadress on ju kah katastri p6hine ?
Kui hakata sedasi building=yes teed minema v6ib juhtuda, et maja asemel 
saab aadressi hoopis laut v6i keller.


Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] kaardikonkurss

2010-10-15 Thread Jaak Laineste

Ega sellest ei pääse jah. Kui kellelgi on midagi tänaseks esitada, siis saab
kõvad plusspunktid. Vormistama aga alles hakkame. 

 Üks kartograafiaproff (kes ülikoolis seda õpetab) lubas ka leida aega
abistamiseks, aga mitte enne ülejärgmist nädalat. Siis teeks nii, et istuks
koos maha ja vaataks üle mis tulemuseks on saada.


 -Original Message-
 From: talk-ee-boun...@openstreetmap.org [mailto:talk-ee-
 boun...@openstreetmap.org] On Behalf Of Joosep-Georg Järvemaa
 Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 10:47 AM
 To: OpenStreetMap Estonia
 Subject: Re: [Talk-ee] kaardikonkurss
 Ma saan siis aru, et tähtaeg lükkub pisut edasi?
 Talk-ee mailing list

Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] kaardikonkurss

2010-10-15 Thread Joosep-Georg Järvemaa
Mina siis täna veel ei esita, kuna viimistleks veel pisut.


Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?

2010-10-15 Thread Margus Väli
Muudatuste pealevoogamine ja poolkäsitsi ohjamine on ju puhas 
utoopia. Pigem tuleks impordil sildistada aadressipunktid ära et hiljem
oleks neist võimalik automaatselt üle sõita a-la Corine
polügoonid. Kasvõi tõmmata nad kõik maha ja panna uuesti
täiega peale?


On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 11:10 +0300, Jaak Laineste wrote:
 Maksimum mida saame teha on lugeda ADS
 muudatusi aeg-ajalt (selleks on XTEE API neil) ja neid siis
 sisse viia. Lisandused peaks saama peaaegu automaatselt (aga vaja
 kontrollida kas keegi pole juba lisanud), muudatusi/kustutusi üldiselt

Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?

2010-10-15 Thread Margus Väli
Iva on selles, et hoida tuletatud andmeid nn. read-only mirror
põhimõttel. Praktiliselt võib sellise lähenemisega majade aadressandmete
käsitsi sildistamise üleüldse lõpetada.


On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 11:24 +0300, Margus Väli wrote:
 Muudatuste pealevoogamine ja poolkäsitsi ohjamine on ju puhas 
 utoopia. Pigem tuleks impordil sildistada aadressipunktid ära et hiljem
 oleks neist võimalik automaatselt üle sõita a-la Corine
 polügoonid. Kasvõi tõmmata nad kõik maha ja panna uuesti
 täiega peale?
 On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 11:10 +0300, Jaak Laineste wrote:
  Maksimum mida saame teha on lugeda ADS
  muudatusi aeg-ajalt (selleks on XTEE API neil) ja neid siis
  sisse viia. Lisandused peaks saama peaaegu automaatselt (aga vaja
  kontrollida kas keegi pole juba lisanud), muudatusi/kustutusi üldiselt

Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?

2010-10-15 Thread Jaak Laineste
OSM siseselt ei saa kuidagi kontrollida andmeid pärast nende sisestust. Kõik 
mis seal sees on, on juba community oma ja igaüks võib teha nendega mis tahab. 
See on üldine filosoofia ja poliitika ning üldine consensus tundub olevat et 
nii ka jääb.  On arutatud, kas väliseid baasivõtmeid on mõtet selleks lisada, 
ja üldiselt on leitud et ei ole (kuigi sageli on need seal olemas, nt TIGER-is 
ja ka meie Corine-s). Lihtsaim põhjus on et, et keegi ei saa keelata neid 
teisel muutjal eemaldada, muuta jne, keerukam on modimisvajadused, ma olen ise 
ka ühest Corine alast tekitanud mitu, teisi kustutama pidanud jne. Talk ja 
imports-listides on seda korduvalt arutatud, ja leitud et välistel võtmetel 
pole mõtet ja mingeid automaatsünke ehitada nende abil ei saa.

 Kontrollitava (ja seega ka automaatselt uuendatava/süngitava) kihi saab seega 
tekitada väljaspool OSM-i keskbaasi, nii et see jääks maakaart.ee üheks 
(esimeseks mitmest) privaatkihiks. See on ka variant, aga peaks arvestama:
a) privaatkihi eelised:
 - saab tagada 1:1 vastavuse ametliku ADS andmetega
B) puudused:
 - globaalne aadressotsing ei teaks sellest midagi
 - globaalne OSM community, uuendajad ja andmete kasutajad ei teaks sellest 
midagi ega saaks seda kasutada
 - andmeid ei saaks ka meie community parandada, iga järgmine ADS uuendus loeks 
need vigaseks.

Äkki sobiks selline kombineeritud variant:
a) impordime (kahveldame) ADS-I sügis 2010 seisuga OSM-I punktidena. See 
hakkab elama OSM-is omaette elu.
b) kui aega on, tekitame ka ADS ametliku kihi privaatkihina. Tegelikult ma pole 
kindel kas isegi on mõtet sellel, maaameti XGIS-i ja WMS-teenuseid meil mõtet 
dubleerida pole. 
c) Tekitame ADS muudatuste näitamise teenuse, et oma huvitava ala kohta saaks 
redigeerijad kontrollida, mis on alates impordihetkest ADS-is muudetud, et siis 
käsitsi muudatusi oleks lihtsam OSM-I viia (nt kui on kogu tänav juurde tulnud 
kusagil, terve tänava aadresse muudetud vms). 


 -Original Message-
 From: talk-ee-boun...@openstreetmap.org [mailto:talk-ee-
 boun...@openstreetmap.org] On Behalf Of Margus Väli
 Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 11:36 AM
 To: OpenStreetMap Estonia
 Subject: Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?
 Iva on selles, et hoida tuletatud andmeid nn. read-only mirror
 põhimõttel. Praktiliselt võib sellise lähenemisega majade aadressandmete 
 sildistamise üleüldse lõpetada.
 On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 11:24 +0300, Margus Väli wrote:
  Muudatuste pealevoogamine ja poolkäsitsi ohjamine on ju puhas utoopia.
  Pigem tuleks impordil sildistada aadressipunktid ära et hiljem oleks
  neist võimalik automaatselt üle sõita a-la Corine polügoonid. Kasvõi
  tõmmata nad kõik maha ja panna uuesti täiega peale?
  On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 11:10 +0300, Jaak Laineste wrote:
   Maksimum mida saame teha on lugeda ADS muudatusi aeg-ajalt (selleks
   on XTEE API neil) ja neid siis pool-käsitsi sisse viia. Lisandused
   peaks saama peaaegu automaatselt (aga vaja kontrollida kas keegi
   pole juba lisanud), muudatusi/kustutusi üldiselt mitte.
 Talk-ee mailing list

Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?

2010-10-15 Thread Margus Väli
Siin tuleb igaühel mingeid surrogaatrekvisiite pidama hakata 
et fikseerida ära millal viimati on OSM andmed ADS omadele
järele lohistatud, et saaks sisuliselt kahe ajahetke vahel
ADS baasi muudatused teatud piirkonnas kätte kui see 
üldse võimalik on. Maaamet väljastab regulaarselt muudatusi
mingite lappide kujul?


On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 11:48 +0300, Jaak Laineste wrote:
 c) Tekitame ADS muudatuste näitamise teenuse, et oma huvitava ala
 kohta saaks redigeerijad kontrollida, mis on alates impordihetkest
 ADS-is muudetud, et siis käsitsi muudatusi oleks lihtsam OSM-I viia
 (nt kui on kogu tänav juurde tulnud kusagil, terve tänava aadresse
 muudetud vms). 

Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?

2010-10-15 Thread Mihkel Oviir
muudatuste jaoks on adsil eraldi x-tee teenus. Jaagu ettepanek on pro. Ei ole 
mingit pointi üritada vägisi asju uuendada, kui osm on olemuselt geoandmete 
wiki. algne import ja edasi tegutseb kommuun. muudatuste näitamise teenus on 
iseenesest hea mõte, küsitav on, kas siis tulevikus hakkame näitama kõiki 
muudatusi alates impordist? pika peale mahukaks ei lähe? Eriti kui ads jälle 
mõne suurema hanke najal mingeid lausalisi uuendusi teeb?
Teenus muidugi võiks ju ka sisaldada muudatuse täägimist tehtud muudatuseks.

Mihkel Oviir

From: Margus Väli margus.v...@gmail.com
To: OpenStreetMap Estonia talk-ee@openstreetmap.org
Sent: Fri, October 15, 2010 11:59:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?

Siin tuleb igaühel mingeid surrogaatrekvisiite pidama hakata 
et fikseerida ära millal viimati on OSM andmed ADS omadele
järele lohistatud, et saaks sisuliselt kahe ajahetke vahel
ADS baasi muudatused teatud piirkonnas kätte kui see 
üldse võimalik on. Maaamet väljastab regulaarselt muudatusi
mingite lappide kujul?


On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 11:48 +0300, Jaak Laineste wrote:
 c) Tekitame ADS muudatuste näitamise teenuse, et oma huvitava ala
 kohta saaks redigeerijad kontrollida, mis on alates impordihetkest
 ADS-is muudetud, et siis käsitsi muudatusi oleks lihtsam OSM-I viia
 (nt kui on kogu tänav juurde tulnud kusagil, terve tänava aadresse
 muudetud vms). 

Talk-ee mailing list

Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?

2010-10-15 Thread Jaak Laineste
Vaatasin nüüd sinna andmetele sisse ka. Sisuliselt on seal võetud ports
registreid: maaregister, ehitis/hooneregister, ja veel mõned; nopitud sealt
välja objekte mis võiksid kuidagi aadressiks kõlvata, neile mingid
koordinaadid leiutatud ja siis ühtekokku pandud. Selle tulemusena tüüpiline
väikemaja saab vähemalt 2 aadressi samade koordinaatidega: üks
hooneregistrist ja üks maaregistrist (kinnistust). Suur maja saab veel iga
korteri kohta selle eraldi, ja kui hooneregistris juhtuvad mitteeluhooned
olema, siis on kõik need ka eraldi aadressobjektidena olemas. See lähenemine
sobib hästi nime järgi otsingusüsteemiks, aga mitte kaardile punktide


Ühesõnaga – polegi niisama lihtne. Hea on, et koordinaadid on neil samad,
nii et nende kaudu “group by” tehes peaks saama neid koondada ühtpidi. Ja
enamikku ADS asju me võime ignoreerida.


Kui seda genesist vaadata, siis võivad tõesti olla muudatused massilised
(tõmmatakse veel mingi register juurde) ja samas meile väheolulised (punkte
lisavad vähe). Suht lootusetu nendega järge pidada.


Kui keegi tahab ka neid uurida, siis importisin tabelid meie serverisse ära,
nt phppgadmin-iga on päris mugav näppida. Kasutaja tuleb serverisse tekitada
(unix ja postgres tasemel, Andres eelkõige teeks). Ridu tuleb seal 1-2
miljonit eri objektidel. 


Minu plaan oleks:


1. Tekitada suht lihtsad PHP skriptikesed, mis teevad baasist võimalikult
hea SQL peale .osm faili nodedega addr:street addr:… tag-idega, kuidagi
grupeerituna. Näiteks peaks saama teha linnade kaupa majad ja maakondade
kaupa talud; kuigi aadressiobjekt kui selline sealt ei pruugi otseselt välja

2. Nende abil teha import ära. Esmalt meie testmasinasse (well, dev.osm.org
on ka tegelikult olemas), kui seal midagi vastu ei karju, siis

3. Suht lihtne on uuendada meie koopiat ADS-ist: postgres baas on tehtud
sama struktuuriga, nii et 1. ftp, 2.unzip 3.psql copy käsud ja ongi olemas.
Päris automaatselt ei saa, sest tundub et FTP-sse pannase andmeid üles
suvalise failinimega suvalisel ajal (viimati 27.09 tundub).

4. Kui aeg-ajalt uuendada baasi, siis samade skriptide abil saame tegelikult
ka up-to-date .osm failid, mida saab siis (võibolla) hiljem ka võrrelda
hetkeseisuga. Näiteks aasta pärast.



From: talk-ee-boun...@openstreetmap.org
[mailto:talk-ee-boun...@openstreetmap.org] On Behalf Of Mihkel Oviir
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2010 12:28 PM
To: OpenStreetMap Estonia
Subject: Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?


muudatuste jaoks on adsil eraldi x-tee teenus. Jaagu ettepanek on pro. Ei
ole mingit pointi üritada vägisi asju uuendada, kui osm on olemuselt
geoandmete wiki. algne import ja edasi tegutseb kommuun. muudatuste
näitamise teenus on iseenesest hea mõte, küsitav on, kas siis tulevikus
hakkame näitama kõiki muudatusi alates impordist? pika peale mahukaks ei
lähe? Eriti kui ads jälle mõne suurema hanke najal mingeid lausalisi
uuendusi teeb?
Teenus muidugi võiks ju ka sisaldada muudatuse täägimist tehtud muudatuseks.


Mihkel Oviir




From: Margus Väli margus.v...@gmail.com
To: OpenStreetMap Estonia talk-ee@openstreetmap.org
Sent: Fri, October 15, 2010 11:59:57 AM
Subject: Re: [Talk-ee] Aadressandmed importida OSM-i?

Siin tuleb igaühel mingeid surrogaatrekvisiite pidama hakata 
et fikseerida ära millal viimati on OSM andmed ADS omadele
järele lohistatud, et saaks sisuliselt kahe ajahetke vahel
ADS baasi muudatused teatud piirkonnas kätte kui see 
üldse võimalik on. Maaamet väljastab regulaarselt muudatusi
mingite lappide kujul?


On Fri, 2010-10-15 at 11:48 +0300, Jaak Laineste wrote:
 c) Tekitame ADS muudatuste näitamise teenuse, et oma huvitava ala
 kohta saaks redigeerijad kontrollida, mis on alates impordihetkest
 ADS-is muudetud, et siis käsitsi muudatusi oleks lihtsam OSM-I viia
 (nt kui on kogu tänav juurde tulnud kusagil, terve tänava aadresse
 muudetud vms). 

Talk-ee mailing list


Talk-ee mailing list

[Talk-at] Wien

2010-10-15 Thread Andreas Labres

Hab ich noch irgendein Klischee^WSujet vergessen auf



Servus, Andreas

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-cz] Import DIBAVOD - dotaz na další post up v případě duplicit

2010-10-15 Thread Zdeněk Pražák

Chtěl jsem se zeptat, jaký bude další postup v importu z DIBAVOD, zejména pokud 
se týká konfliktů s již dříve zmapovanými potoky.
Příklad duplicitního zákresu viz Zubřina v Domažlicích.

Bude někde vystaven seznam konfliktních úseků, nebo se bude muset projít celá 

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] clé pour un resto

2010-10-15 Thread Jean-Marc Liotier

Francisco DOS SANTOS wrote:

Exemple, tu te retrouves avec tes potes à un endroit X pour vous faire
un resto (pourquoi un resto, bah c'est dans le titre du mail !) :
- Les gars on se fait quoi comme resto chinois, italien ... ?
- (après un long moment de réflexion...) chinois
- Y a un chinois dans le coin ?
- Attend je sors mon super téléphone dernier cri, OSM Inside !
  Recherche (ça c'est une requête spatiale), Resto, cuisine chinoise ...
Ca y est trouvé !

Et hop - le plugin annuaire de ton super téléphone dernier cri, OSM 
Inside cherche le nom du resto dans l'annuaire de ton choix qui se 
charge de maintenir à jour cette donnée un peu particulière et pas tout 
à fait géographique qui peut même inclure les critiques du dit resto.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] clé pour un resto

2010-10-15 Thread f . dos . santos
Selon Pierre-Alain Dorange pdora...@mac.com:

 Car ces histoires du numéros de téléphone et même d'heure d'ouverture
 seront un casse tête a modifier et a mettre à jour. Ca risque d'être
 obsolète assez rapidement.

Je suis bien conscient de l'obsolescence des données, c'est pourquoi le but
d'OSM est d'avoir une communauté importante et de proximité (qui mappe leur
région). Le projet n'est viable et les données ne seront à jour que comme cela.
Mais ne pas vouloir mapper des infos parce qu'elle sont susceptible d'évoluer
c'est pour moi un constat d'échec.
Un restaurant ça ne dépose pas le bilan ou change de numéro de téléphone tous
les 4 matins. C'est comme une ville qui change son plan de circulation, ça
arrive de temps en temps, il faut juste être là sur le terrain pour catcher
les changements.

 Une solution a moyen terme, serait peut être plutot de proposer une
 petite appication simple en ligne qui permettent aux intéressés (les
 restos pour rester dans le titre) de renseigner et mettre à jour eux
 même leur données avec un simple formulaire (un peut comme google le

Tout à fait d'accord, ce genre d'appli à toute sa place dans OSM même à long
terme. On peut citer cloudmade qui a une appli pour iPhone : POI Mapzen Editor
(si je ne m'abuse) qui est orienté saisie POI, c'est un moyen de contribuer au
projet pour ceux qui ne sont pas intéressé par l'aspect géométrie.

Pour finir j'insiste sur le fait qu'OSM et tous les contributeurs sont libre, il
n'y a aucune obligation de mapper quoi que ce soit, vous n'avez pas à rentrer
les numéros de téléphone si vous n'avez pas envie ou si cela ne correspond pas à
l'usage que vous faites d'OSM. Par contre je ne suis pas d'accord avec ceux qui
disent que ce genre d'information n'a pas sa place dans OSM, c'est la richesse
du contenu qui fait la valeur/qualité de la base de donnée d'OSM.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] clé pour un resto

2010-10-15 Thread Jean-Francois Nifenecker

Le 15/10/2010 14:50, f.dos.san...@free.fr a écrit :

Pour finir j'insiste sur le fait qu'OSM et tous les contributeurs sont libre, il
n'y a aucune obligation de mapper quoi que ce soit, vous n'avez pas à rentrer
les numéros de téléphone si vous n'avez pas envie ou si cela ne correspond pas à
l'usage que vous faites d'OSM.

Tout à fait d'accord là-dessus.

c'est la richesse
du contenu qui fait la valeur/qualité de la base de donnée d'OSM.

La richesse ne peut pas s'exprimer en valeur absolue. Il est nécessaire 
d'atteindre une homogénéité minimale des données : les utilisateurs 
sachant que toutes les autoroutes sont présentes peuvent bâtir des 
solutions dessus, etc. Quand les numéros de téléphone seront-ils entrés 
de manière homogène (et fiable) ?

Je ne remets donc pas en cause le libre-arbitre des mappeurs, dont je 
suis. Simplement, j'aimerais qu'un peu de raison soit de la 
(mapping-)partie et que l'on se concentre d'abord sur les plus gros 
manques. La voirie en banlieue ou en campagne est un *gros* point faible 
et vouloir commencer à détailler en profondeur ailleurs est à la fois 
une perte de temps et d'énergie. Sur un plan purement (attention, gros 
mot) commercial, cette manière de procéder est en outre totalement 
inefficace : je pourrais appeler la pizzeria Vesuvio à 
Fouzy-les-Ridelles pour réserver mais je suis infoutu d'avoir un routage 
correct vers elle si je viens de Trifouilly-les-Oyes...

Mes deux centimes.
Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Rivières type=waterway : afflu ents et bras multiples

2010-10-15 Thread Guillaume Allegre
Le mer. 13 oct. 2010 à 16:40 +0200, sly (sylvain letuffe) a ecrit :
 Concernant les relations type=waterway

J'ai un problème pour corriger les affluents sur un exemple précis
connexion Ouvèze / Rhône, au nord d'Avignon :

Le Rhône est divisé en deux bras, séparés par l'Ile de la Barthelasse :
île : Way id=4963006 110 nodes
riverbank : Way id=4963003 130 (tronçon)

Le problème est que le bras qui fait office de support du linéaire (waterway)
n'est pas celui où se rattache l'Ouvèze :
Way id=68297060 9 nodes

Comment régler ce problème proprement ?

 ° /\Guillaume AllègreMembre de l'April
  /~~\/\   allegre.guilla...@free.fr  Promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre
 /   /~~\tél.  http://www.april.org

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] clé pour un resto

2010-10-15 Thread Pieren
2010/10/15 f.dos.san...@free.fr

 Pour finir j'insiste sur le fait qu'OSM et tous les contributeurs sont
 libre, il
 n'y a aucune obligation de mapper quoi que ce soit, vous n'avez pas à
 les numéros de téléphone si vous n'avez pas envie ou si cela ne correspond
 pas à
 l'usage que vous faites d'OSM. Par contre je ne suis pas d'accord avec ceux
 disent que ce genre d'information n'a pas sa place dans OSM, c'est la
 du contenu qui fait la valeur/qualité de la base de donnée d'OSM.

Bref, avec ces arguments, je suis libre d'entrer ma liste de courses, l'âge
du capitaine, le nombre de tuiles sur mon toit et même le numéro du bon de
commande. Mais personne n'est obligé de faire comme moi...

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] clé pour un resto

2010-10-15 Thread Stéphane Brunner


2010/10/15 Pieren [via GIS] ml-node+5639142-413188166-176...@n2.nabble.com:
 2010/10/15 [hidden email]

 Pour finir j'insiste sur le fait qu'OSM et tous les contributeurs sont
 libre, il
 n'y a aucune obligation de mapper quoi que ce soit, vous n'avez pas à
 les numéros de téléphone si vous n'avez pas envie ou si cela ne correspond
 pas à
 l'usage que vous faites d'OSM. Par contre je ne suis pas d'accord avec
 ceux qui
 disent que ce genre d'information n'a pas sa place dans OSM, c'est la
 du contenu qui fait la valeur/qualité de la base de donnée d'OSM.

 Bref, avec ces arguments, je suis libre d'entrer ma liste de courses, l'âge
 du capitaine, le nombre de tuiles sur mon toit et même le numéro du bon de
 commande. Mais personne n'est obligé de faire comme moi...

On parle tout de même d'un tag qui est accepter d'un grand nombre de
personne, et qui est proposer comme tag de façon parfaitement correct.

Je considère d'ailleurs que les géométries sont tout aussi difficile a
maintenir que ce genre d'informations facile a saisir.

Donc +1 pour Francisco !



 Talk-fr mailing list
 [hidden email]

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Stéphane Brunner
Un peu d'espace qui vous suis partout -

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Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] clé pour un resto

2010-10-15 Thread Pieren
2010/10/15 Stéphane Brunner courr...@stephane-brunner.ch

 On parle tout de même d'un tag qui est accepter d'un grand nombre de
 personne, et qui est proposer comme tag de façon parfaitement correct.

Après l'argument vous êtes pas obligés de faire pareil, il y a donc
l'argument c'est documenté et il y en a déjà beaucoup qui le font.
Donc, si je créé un tag post_it_sur_le_frigidaire et que brutalement,
beaucoup de gens mettent leur liste de course dans OSM, c'est tout bon alors

(qui attend le prochain argument avec impatience)
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] clé pour un resto

2010-10-15 Thread Stéphane Brunner

C'est vraiment n'importe quoi tes réponse ...
Tu t'ai lever du mauvais pied ce matin ?

2010/10/15 Pieren [via GIS] ml-node+5639323-1219485788-176...@n2.nabble.com:
 2010/10/15 Stéphane Brunner [hidden email]

 On parle tout de même d'un tag qui est accepter d'un grand nombre de
 personne, et qui est proposer comme tag de façon parfaitement correct.

 Après l'argument vous êtes pas obligés de faire pareil, il y a donc
 l'argument c'est documenté et il y en a déjà beaucoup qui le font.
 Donc, si je créé un tag post_it_sur_le_frigidaire et que brutalement,
 beaucoup de gens mettent leur liste de course dans OSM, c'est tout bon alors

 (qui attend le prochain argument avec impatience)

 Talk-fr mailing list
 [hidden email]

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Stéphane Brunner
Un peu d'espace qui vous suis partout -

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Sent from the France mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] clé pour un resto

2010-10-15 Thread f . dos . santos
Selon Pieren pier...@gmail.com:

 2010/10/15 f.dos.san...@free.fr

  Pour finir j'insiste sur le fait qu'OSM et tous les contributeurs sont
  libre, il
  n'y a aucune obligation de mapper quoi que ce soit, vous n'avez pas à
  les numéros de téléphone si vous n'avez pas envie ou si cela ne correspond
  pas à
  l'usage que vous faites d'OSM. Par contre je ne suis pas d'accord avec ceux
  disent que ce genre d'information n'a pas sa place dans OSM, c'est la
  du contenu qui fait la valeur/qualité de la base de donnée d'OSM.
 Bref, avec ces arguments, je suis libre d'entrer ma liste de courses, l'âge
 du capitaine, le nombre de tuiles sur mon toit et même le numéro du bon de
 commande. Mais personne n'est obligé de faire comme moi...


Il faut évidemment un consensus et un intérêt aux données. Ne pas oublier que
toutes données dans OSM doit être vérifiable, un contributeur ne pourra pas
vérifier ta liste de course ou le
nombre de tuiles sur ton toit ... sans compter que ces infos n'ont aucun intérêt
pour la communauté.
Je suis désolé si je me suis mal exprimé, je vais essayer d'être plus clair. On
connait tous le tag amenity=restaurant, on voit tous l'intérêt de voir un icône
restaurant sur la carte. Si un mappeur ne veut pas enregistrer de restaurant
parce qu'il n'en voit pas l'intérêt, on va pas l'accabler en disant qu'il mappe
mal. C'est son choix et on doit le respecter, tout comme il doit respecter le
choix de ceux qui mappent les restaurants.
En ce qui concerne le numéro de téléphone c'est quand même une info importante
pour un POI (comme le nom), même s'il n'y a pas de consensus sur le tag à
utiliser (phone ou contact:phone) il y en a un sur l'intérêt de cette donnée
dans la base (c'est toi même qui a donné les stats de taginfo).

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