Re: [Talk-hr] Names of towns in Istria

2012-07-11 Thread Davor Plehati
Actually in Croatia there are a lot of locations which have bilingual
names, for example there are towns/villages in Baranja
region populated
by Hungarian minority, then there is Czech minority in and around
It seams to me that we have one rule for Istria and one for every other
region, which I think is wrong and inconsistent.

The best solution IMHO is to use the official name from geonames, for
example and define
tags as Bernhard wrote:

Best regards,

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 12:18 PM, Janko Mihelić wrote:

 Well, there has been a lot of discussion about this, and no real solution.
 Japanese are putting their (english) names, just so tourists could read
 their map (bad solution IMO). We could make a script that has a list of
 bilingual towns (or we could invent a tag, something like
 multilingual=hr;it), and that script would put name:hr / name:it into the
 name tag. But until then, I think this is the best solution.


 2012/6/19 Bernhard R. Fischer

  On Monday 18 June 2012 14:02:23 Janko Mihelić wrote:
   I'm not sure if you are right. Those towns have two official languages,
   Croatian and Italian. Towns around Trieste also have two languages, and
   named like that (I thought Trieste was also named like this). Those
   of Croatia, Slovenia and Italy have a complicated history and I think
   have to have more discussion about this to get to the best solution.
  Yes, I am well aware of these language issues in Istria. We have
  bi-lingual towns in Austria as well and they are tagged in the same way
  nevertheless I think that this is why there are tags like name:hr=*,
  name:it=*, and so and.
  IMO the renderer should be responsible for generating the combined
  and not the map editor.
 Talk-hr mailing list

Talk-hr mailing list

[Talk-hr] OSM Radionica na FESB-u Splitu na jesen u suradnji sa

2012-07-11 Thread A

Pozdrav kartografi,

Evo u suradnji sa planiramo izvesti radionicu OSM-a u Splitu na 
FESB-u na jesen.

Molim vas koji bi htjeli voditi i predavati na radionici u 10. om 
mjesecu da u Doodle-u potvrde datume koji bi vam  najbolje odgovarali:


Pozdrav, Ana

Talk-hr mailing list

[Talk-hr] Fw: [Announce] Redaction underway

2012-07-11 Thread goranracic1

Sent via BlackBerry from Vodafone

-Original Message-
From: Richard Fairhurst
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 16:14:15 
Subject: [Announce] Redaction underway

[posted to talk-ie@, announce@ and talk@; follow-ups to talk@ unless 

Hello all,

The redaction process is now underway with Ireland as planned.

Further updates will be posted to relevant lists as and when each phase 
starts and ends:
- to talk-ie@ and talk-gb@ when Ireland ends and Great Britain begins
- to talk-gb@ and talk@ when Great Britain ends and Western 
Europe/Belarus begins
- to talk@, talk-us@ and talk-ca@ when Belarus ends and North America begins
- to talk-us@, talk-ca@ and talk-au@ when North America ends and 
Australia begins
- to talk-au@ and talk@ when Australia ends and the rest of the world begins
- to talk@ when the rest of the world ends

...and, of course, if anything interrupts the progress of the redaction 
more than briefly. All updates will be cc:ed to announce@.


Announce mailing list
Talk-hr mailing list

[Talk-hr] Fw: [Announce] Suspend Imports / Bulk edits / Bots

2012-07-11 Thread goranracic1

Sent via BlackBerry from Vodafone

-Original Message-
From: Grant Slater
Date: Wed, 11 Jul 2012 16:10:51 
To: Talk; OSM Dev;;
Subject: [Announce] Suspend Imports / Bulk edits / Bots

Dear All,

Summary: Please stop Imports, Automated Edits, Bulk edits  Bots until
the redaction process has ended.

The redaction bot has just started running. Until the redaction
process has been completed please suspend all imports and bulk edit
operations. Imports or bots which ignore this request may be subject
to an immediate temporary account block to ease up load on the API and
database servers.

Normal editing operations should be unaffected although I would
recommend saving often.

If you have any questions or a pressing need for such an edit please
contact the sysadmins in advance on IRC. See #osm-dev on OFTC via

on behalf of OpenStreetMap Sysadmins

Announce mailing list
Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] OSM Radionica na FESB-u Splitu na jesen u suradnji sa

2012-07-11 Thread goranracic1
Hvala na lijepoj (oba)vijesti, drago mi je da ce se i u Splitu konacno odrzati 
OSM radionica! Sve pohvale organizatorima na ovom koraku! Nastojat cu doci (kao 
sudionik) cim budu precizirani termini odrzavanja.

--Original Message--
From: A
Subject: [Talk-hr] OSM Radionica na FESB-u Splitu na jesen u suradnji sa
Sent: Jul 11, 2012 14:29

Pozdrav kartografi,

Evo u suradnji sa planiramo izvesti radionicu OSM-a u Splitu na 
FESB-u na jesen.

Molim vas koji bi htjeli voditi i predavati na radionici u 10. om 
mjesecu da u Doodle-u potvrde datume koji bi vam  najbolje odgovarali:

Pozdrav, Ana

Talk-hr mailing list

Sent via BlackBerry from Vodafone

Talk-hr mailing list

Re: [Talk-hr] Naselja u RH

2012-07-11 Thread Matija Nalis
On Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 04:13:31PM +0200, Janko Mihelić wrote:
 Dana 29. lipnja 2012. 13:33 Matija Nalis je napisao/la:
  pa mogu ja, trebao bih slijedeci tjedan imati nesto slobodnog
  Ideja za realizaciju, pa komentirajte:
 Čini se sjajno. Ja mogu pomoći kod točke 5.

evo radim na scripti, pa sam zapeo na DSZ tablici...

Kao prvo i manje bitno, pretpostavlajm da zelimo kolonu ukupan broj
stanovnika a ne ukupno popisane osobe (ili nesto trece)?

A kao drugo, imamo npr. Grad Zagreb sa 792875 stanovnika, a koji se
sastoji uz hrpu sela tipa Adamovec i sl. i od Zagreba od 686568
stanovnika. Mislio sam tu uzeti samo ovo drugo sto je bas zagreb bez
suokolnih sela, jer cemo njih zasebno brojati (a i znacajno mi je
lakse za parsiranje da gledam samo sve max identano :). To OK?

 5) rucno popraviti/dodati podatke iz 4, pa ponoviti sve od 1
 Ručno treba samo provjeriti mjesta koja ima u osm-u a nema u dzs-u, obrnuto
 ne možemo puno napraviti jer ne znamo gdje su mjesta koja nedostaju :)
 Višak mjesta možemo preimenovati u hamlet ili locality, ovisno o slučaju.
 I još nešto, moramo se dogovoriti što je city a što town. Trenutno
 lokal-patrioti svoja mjesta vole pretvoriti u city, makar nema osnove. U
 wikiju piše granica od 100.000, u što kod nas upadaju četiri najveća grada
 (OS, RI, ST, ZG). Ako se slažemo ostale možemo proglasiti town. 

meni zvuci ok. mislim da smo imali to jednom u proslosti vec
raspravu, a ovo bio zakljucak:

- city  100k
- town  100k a koji ima status grada (wiki pak kaze samo 10k-100k)
- village sve ostale 100k koje nemaju status grada (uh, to bih
  trebao izvuci tablicu sa  
  (wiki kaze pak samo 1k-10k)
- hamlet  30 kuca (wiki kaze 100-200 ljudi)

ako imamo DZS data za taj grad, mogu dodati provjeru u scriptu da
vice ako nesto ne stima oko brojki...

Iako kaze da bi
trebali tu biti For the largest urban settlement or settlements
within the territory, normally including the national, state and
provincial capitals. Defined by charter or official designation in
some territories and as a matter of judgement others. Should normally
have a population of at least 100,000 people and be larger than
nearby place=towns.

dakle mozda dodati (osim svega  100k) i glavne gradove po
Zupanijama?  Ono tipa Sisacko-Moslovacka zupanija da ima Sisak za
city ili sl...

Dunno...  Ja cu dodati u scriptu da ispise warning samo gledano po
broju, pa mozemo kasnije vidjeti je li tu ima sto za fiksati ili

 Sela su
 točno odjeljena u xls-u pa za to ne trebamo izmišljati granicu.

Err, gdje su sela tocno odjeljena? mislis, sve sto je na najdubljem
nivou identacije je selo? To ne stima, jer je onda i Zagreb selo :)
Ili nesto drugo si vidio?

 Dana 29. lipnja 2012. 13:58 hbogner je napisao/la:
  treba biti ili ili
 Našao sam source:population=* na slijedećoj stranici:


Opinions above are GNU-copylefted.

Talk-hr mailing list

[talk-ph] Fwd:[OSM-talk] Redaction underway

2012-07-11 Thread maning sambale
-- Forwarded message --
From: Richard Fairhurst
Date: Jul 11, 2012 11:16 PM
Subject: [OSM-talk] Redaction underway

[posted to talk-ie@, announce@ and talk@; follow-ups to talk@ unless

Hello all,

The redaction process is now underway with Ireland as planned.

Further updates will be posted to relevant lists as and when each phase
starts and ends:
- to talk-ie@ and talk-gb@ when Ireland ends and Great Britain begins
- to talk-gb@ and talk@ when Great Britain ends and Western Europe/Belarus
- to talk@, talk-us@ and talk-ca@ when Belarus ends and North America begins
- to talk-us@, talk-ca@ and talk-au@ when North America ends and Australia
- to talk-au@ and talk@ when Australia ends and the rest of the world begins
- to talk@ when the rest of the world ends

...and, of course, if anything interrupts the progress of the redaction
more than briefly. All updates will be cc:ed to announce@.


talk mailing list
talk-ph mailing list

[talk-ph] Fwd:[OSM-talk] Suspend Imports / Bulk edits / Bots

2012-07-11 Thread maning sambale
And the sysad's appeal to imports /bulk edits/imports.
-- Forwarded message --
From: Grant Slater
Date: Jul 11, 2012 11:20 PM
Subject: [OSM-talk] Suspend Imports / Bulk edits / Bots
To: Talk Openstreetmap, OSM Dev List,, imports

Dear All,

Summary: Please stop Imports, Automated Edits, Bulk edits  Bots until
the redaction process has ended.

The redaction bot has just started running. Until the redaction
process has been completed please suspend all imports and bulk edit
operations. Imports or bots which ignore this request may be subject
to an immediate temporary account block to ease up load on the API and
database servers.

Normal editing operations should be unaffected although I would
recommend saving often.

If you have any questions or a pressing need for such an edit please
contact the sysadmins in advance on IRC. See #osm-dev on OFTC via

on behalf of OpenStreetMap Sysadmins

talk mailing list
talk-ph mailing list

Re: [talk-ph] Fwd:[OSM-talk] Redaction underway

2012-07-11 Thread Eugene Alvin Villar
And if you're curious at what the Redaction Bot is doing, here is the
account editing history:

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 11:32 PM, maning sambale wrote:

 -- Forwarded message --
 From: Richard Fairhurst
 Date: Jul 11, 2012 11:16 PM
 Subject: [OSM-talk] Redaction underway

 [posted to talk-ie@, announce@ and talk@; follow-ups to talk@ unless

 Hello all,

 The redaction process is now underway with Ireland as planned.

 Further updates will be posted to relevant lists as and when each phase
 starts and ends:
 - to talk-ie@ and talk-gb@ when Ireland ends and Great Britain begins
 - to talk-gb@ and talk@ when Great Britain ends and Western Europe/Belarus
 - to talk@, talk-us@ and talk-ca@ when Belarus ends and North America begins
 - to talk-us@, talk-ca@ and talk-au@ when North America ends and Australia
 - to talk-au@ and talk@ when Australia ends and the rest of the world begins
 - to talk@ when the rest of the world ends

 ...and, of course, if anything interrupts the progress of the redaction more
 than briefly. All updates will be cc:ed to announce@.


talk-ph mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can Mapzen POI collected get some love?

2012-07-11 Thread Shaun McDonald

Myself and Harry Wood have the code with a view of open sourcing Mapzen POI 
Collector and allowing the community to improve it. 

Unfortunately with my change of jobs and house move, I've not had any time to 
work on it. Hopefully that'll change shortly.


On 11 Jul 2012, at 04:47, John Harvey wrote:

 I keep hoping that Mapzen POI Collector will magically return to working, but 
 every time I try I'm sadly disappointed.  As far as I can tell, it is still 
 the best OSM editor for the iPhone - if anyone can recommend a better 
 replacement, I'd love to hear it.  From what I understand, Mapzen POI 
 Collector is basically no longer supported by the Cloudmade guys and a change 
 to how it authorizes against the OSM servers has broken it:
 Any chance someone more technically savvy than me can give this problem some 
 love?  I'd really like to get back to adding content using my iPhone.
 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Can Mapzen POI collected get some love?

2012-07-11 Thread Alex Rollin
Thank you for considering that, Shaun!


On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 2:15 PM, Shaun McDonald


 Myself and Harry Wood have the code with a view of open sourcing Mapzen
 POI Collector and allowing the community to improve it.

 Unfortunately with my change of jobs and house move, I've not had any time
 to work on it. Hopefully that'll change shortly.


 On 11 Jul 2012, at 04:47, John Harvey wrote:

  I keep hoping that Mapzen POI Collector will magically return to
 working, but every time I try I'm sadly disappointed.  As far as I can
 tell, it is still the best OSM editor for the iPhone - if anyone can
 recommend a better replacement, I'd love to hear it.  From what I
 understand, Mapzen POI Collector is basically no longer supported by the
 Cloudmade guys and a change to how it authorizes against the OSM servers
 has broken it:
  Any chance someone more technically savvy than me can give this problem
 some love?  I'd really like to get back to adding content using my iPhone.
  talk mailing list

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Updated CC-BY-SA coastlines

2012-07-11 Thread Jochen Topf

I have spent a few hours yesterday to fix all important problems with the
coastline, so that we have a last good coastline dataset with the CC-BY-SA
license before the redaction starts.

Downloads are available from .

I will leave the daily update process running, but chances are that either the
redaction process or some mapper will break the coastline in a short while and
then the system will recognize that and will always give you the last known
good data.

Jochen Topf  +49-721-388298

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Submitting POI to OSM made easy

2012-07-11 Thread Manfred A. Reiter
## Manfred - (android) mobil - please excuse typos and brevity.
Am 10.07.2012 16:51 schrieb moenk

 Dear all,

 I'd like to introduce a tiny tool. It's purpose is to submit POI to the OSM
 database. The focus is not to replace things like Potlatch or JOSM, it was
 developed for Geocachers for easy POI submitting. But I'm sure you'll know
 some people who might have use for this simple mapping tool.

 Just point on a map and enter some information what can be found there.
 it is possible to upload geotagged JPGs or GPX from navigation devices.
 so easy that I assume even my grandma could do it. The most complicated
 thing is getting the required account for OSM.

 Let me know what you think about it:




 View this message in context:
 Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lightning fast car routing built on OpenStreetMap data, with draggable routes

2012-07-11 Thread
Hi guys, this routing map based on OSM is awesome, drag and drop is
great, too bad it is unusable until turn restrictions get supported :(
But it is a great demo.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Submitting POI to OSM made easy

2012-07-11 Thread Manfred A. Reiter
Sorry ... Should be a privat mail to Moenk

## Manfred - (android) mobil - please excuse typos and brevity.
Am 11.07.2012 09:40 schrieb Manfred A. Reiter

 ## Manfred - (android) mobil - please excuse typos and brevity.
 Am 10.07.2012 16:51 schrieb moenk

 Dear all,

 I'd like to introduce a tiny tool. It's purpose is to submit POI to the
 database. The focus is not to replace things like Potlatch or JOSM, it was
 developed for Geocachers for easy POI submitting. But I'm sure you'll know
 some people who might have use for this simple mapping tool.

 Just point on a map and enter some information what can be found there.
 it is possible to upload geotagged JPGs or GPX from navigation devices.
 so easy that I assume even my grandma could do it. The most complicated
 thing is getting the required account for OSM.

 Let me know what you think about it:




 View this message in context:
 Sent from the General Discussion mailing list archive at

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lightning fast car routing built on OpenStreetMap data, with draggable routes

2012-07-11 Thread Maarten Deen

On 2012-07-11 10:45, wrote:

Hi guys, this routing map based on OSM is awesome, drag and drop is
great, too bad it is unusable until turn restrictions get supported 

But it is a great demo.

We're still talking about aren't we? osrm 
certainly supports turn restrictions! I tried a few in my area and they 
all worked fine.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Submitting POI to OSM made easy

2012-07-11 Thread Josh Doe
On Tue, Jul 10, 2012 at 11:48 AM, moenk wrote:
 Dear all,

 I'd like to introduce a tiny tool. It's purpose is to submit POI to the OSM
 database. The focus is not to replace things like Potlatch or JOSM, it was
 developed for Geocachers for easy POI submitting. But I'm sure you'll know
 some people who might have use for this simple mapping tool.

This looks great, thanks for doing this. However, I'd say the hardest
part of using the tool will be finding it! Make sure to update the
wiki, and put it in a prominent place (within one or two clicks from
the homepage). Perhaps change the beginners guide to include a list of
easy tools like this one, that is tools which don't require knowledge
of nodes/ways/relations, tags, or other such terminology.

For the selection page, it would be great to add search as you type,
as well as a brief description of each pulled from the wiki, synonyms
(also searchable) and a link to the wiki. These links will perhaps get
some users to dive a little deeper into OSM. It's also worth
considering using a common set of nice names as other
sites/projects, or at least add synonyms (as an American user I'd
never have known to look for Off license when I want to add a liquor
store if I hadn't seen this pull request:


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Submitting POI to OSM made easy

2012-07-11 Thread SomeoneElse

Josh Doe wrote:
... However, I'd say the hardest part of using the tool will be 
finding it! Make sure to update the wiki, and put it in a prominent 
place (within one or two clicks from the homepage).

From memory I think that there's at least one question 
about how do I just add some POIs - worth sticking an answer on there too.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Cookies on OSM

2012-07-11 Thread David Earl
In very simplistic terms, the EU cookie directive requires a web site to 
prominently disclose the fact that it uses cookies and what for (and in 
the case of tracking cookies to explicitly obtain the user's consent 
before doing so).

I notice the OSM site doesn't yet do this, even though it uses cookies, 
but this mail is more about third party users who need to make their own 
statements about cookies they use when they embed OSM maps.

If a OSM map is embedded in another site as an IFRAME as from the Export 
tab or similar, then it appears to plant two sets of cookies, ones 
starting _osm_... whose function seems pretty obvious, and ones starting 
_pk_... which are more mysterious.

Please could someone who knows put up a brief page on the wiki which 
explains what these are for, for the purpose of helping sites make their 
cookie usage clear, as required by law (or at least for them to conduct 
the cookie audit needed in good faith).

I am (I hope not naively!) assuming that OSM wouldn't indulge in any 
intrusive cookie tracking which would require explicit consent.

Is anyone addressing this for the OSM site itself? I see there is a 
privacy policy, but that doesn't mention cookies and it isn't 
prominent on the home page as the directive requires.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lightning fast car routing built on OpenStreetMap data, with draggable routes

2012-07-11 Thread
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Maarten Deen wrote:
 On 2012-07-11 10:45, wrote:

 Hi guys, this routing map based on OSM is awesome, drag and drop is
 great, too bad it is unusable until turn restrictions get supported :(
 But it is a great demo.

 We're still talking about aren't we? osrm
 certainly supports turn restrictions! I tried a few in my area and they all
 worked fine.


Ups, you are right, I actually had few turn restriction bugs in osm
data, routing work great, this service is awesome.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Cookies on OSM

2012-07-11 Thread Frederik Ramm


On 07/11/12 14:03, David Earl wrote:

I am (I hope not naively!) assuming that OSM wouldn't indulge in any
intrusive cookie tracking which would require explicit consent.

I believe OSM uses Piwik which is something like Google Analytics but 
without giving the data to a third party. That's probably the reason you 
are seeing this pk cookie.

I don't know if that requires explicit consent. It's not much more than 
looking at log files really but I'm not up to date on legislation.

(TBH I've seen a lot of is it ok if we set a cookie popups on UK web 
sites recently but none on German sites so I'm not sure if this is 
really an EU thing or just UK? Or UK being first in adopting some EU law 
into national law maybe, improbable as it sounds?)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lightning fast car routing built on OpenStreetMap data, with draggable routes

2012-07-11 Thread Janko Mihelić

 On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Maarten Deen wrote:
  We're still talking about aren't we? osrm
  certainly supports turn restrictions! I tried a few in my area and they
  worked fine.

Restrictions when via is a way, not a node, still don't work on OSRM (and
most other services).

OSRM (bad route):
MapQuest (good route):

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Cookies on OSM

2012-07-11 Thread Lester Caine

(Change email address !!!)
Frederik Ramm wrote:

On 07/11/12 14:03, David Earl wrote:

I am (I hope not naively!) assuming that OSM wouldn't indulge in any
intrusive cookie tracking which would require explicit consent.

I believe OSM uses Piwik which is something like Google Analytics but without
giving the data to a third party. That's probably the reason you are seeing this
pk cookie.

THAT is interesting ... I need to look closer
I'm using my own port of Piwik on a faster database.

I don't know if that requires explicit consent. It's not much more than looking
at log files really but I'm not up to date on legislation.

Piwik requires explicit consent as it's not an 'essential' cookie
Even session cookies are still a grey area!

(TBH I've seen a lot of is it ok if we set a cookie popups on UK web sites
recently but none on German sites so I'm not sure if this is really an EU thing
or just UK? Or UK being first in adopting some EU law into national law maybe,
improbable as it sounds?)
The cookie directive was passed into law across EUROPE last May. The UK relaxed 
implementation in an attempt to get the browser developers to handle the problem 
centrally, but none have, so they now require that every website does the job 

I've ended up with a system which allows 'social media', 'piwik' and other 
cookies to be switched off separately ... is an example. But 
I still need to link this in with the some of the third party elements fully yet.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Cookies on OSM

2012-07-11 Thread David Earl

On 11/07/2012 13:36, Frederik Ramm wrote:


On 07/11/12 14:03, David Earl wrote:

I am (I hope not naively!) assuming that OSM wouldn't indulge in any
intrusive cookie tracking which would require explicit consent.

I believe OSM uses Piwik which is something like Google Analytics but
without giving the data to a third party. That's probably the reason you
are seeing this pk cookie.


I don't know if that requires explicit consent. It's not much more than
looking at log files really but I'm not up to date on legislation.

The general view seems to be that Google Analytics doesn't require 
explicit consent, merely disclosure, so I can't see that something even 
less intrusive could require explicit consent.

(TBH I've seen a lot of is it ok if we set a cookie popups on UK web
sites recently but none on German sites so I'm not sure if this is
really an EU thing or just UK? Or UK being first in adopting some EU law
into national law maybe, improbable as it sounds?)

The directive was actually enacted in May 2011, but the UK Information 
Commissioner's office gave people until May this year to implement it. A 
few have, as you say (notably the BBC), but the ones that really go to 
town on the issues the directive is supposed to protect against - e.g. 
Amazon - have completely ignored it. There will have to be a test case 
before long if it is supposed to be taken seriously. (It is a daft law 
IMO, exactly the kind of 'red tape' the Government says it is committed 
to abolishing).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Cookies on OSM

2012-07-11 Thread Tom Hughes

On 11/07/12 13:03, David Earl wrote:

In very simplistic terms, the EU cookie directive requires a web site to
prominently disclose the fact that it uses cookies and what for (and in
the case of tracking cookies to explicitly obtain the user's consent
before doing so).

So, how is using PHPSESSID then ;-)


Tom Hughes (

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Cookies on OSM

2012-07-11 Thread Ed Loach
 Piwik requires explicit consent as it's not an 'essential' cookie
 Even session cookies are still a grey area!


European data protection authorities opinion

In June 2012, European data protection authorities (as part of the
Article 29 Working Party) adopted an opinion which clarifies that
some cookie uses might be exempt from the requirement to gain
Some cookies can be exempted from informed consent under certain
conditions if they are not used for additional purposes. These
cookies include cookies used to keep track of a user’s input when
filling online forms or as a shopping card, also known as session-id
cookies, multimedia player session cookies and user interface
customisation cookies, eg language preference cookies to remember
the language selected by the user.
First party analytics cookies are not likely to create a privacy
risk if websites provide clear information about the cookies to
users and privacy safeguards, eg a user friendly mechanism to opt
out from any data collection and where they ensure that identifiable
information is anonymised.

I'm not sure which of the osm cookies count as session cookies,
first party analytics cookies, or other.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Cookies on OSM

2012-07-11 Thread David Earl

On 11/07/2012 13:55, Tom Hughes wrote:

On 11/07/12 13:03, David Earl wrote:

In very simplistic terms, the EU cookie directive requires a web site to
prominently disclose the fact that it uses cookies and what for (and in
the case of tracking cookies to explicitly obtain the user's consent
before doing so).

So, how is using PHPSESSID then

You can remove the ';-)' - my email wasn't a criticism, but is made in 
all seriousness to try to bring other web sites I have involvement in 
within the law. That includes my own site too (and I don't actually know 
the answer except that it is, of course, a PHP session cookie - that's 
the point of doing a cookie audit as required by the ICO).


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Cookies on OSM

2012-07-11 Thread David Earl

On 11/07/2012 13:53, Lester Caine wrote:

Piwik requires explicit consent as it's not an 'essential' cookie

No, the requirement is for informed consent. The ICO is clear that 
Implied consent is a valid form of consent and can be used in the 
context of compliance with the revised rules on cookies. Explicit 
consent (asking an explicit question in which the user can decline to 
have cookies set) is about whether a cookie is intrusive or not - 
aimed mainly at third-party tracking cookies.


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Cookies on OSM

2012-07-11 Thread Lester Caine

Ed Loach wrote:

Piwik requires explicit consent as it's not an 'essential' cookie
Even session cookies are still a grey area!


European data protection authorities opinion

In June 2012, European data protection authorities (as part of the
Article 29 Working Party) adopted an opinion which clarifies that
some cookie uses might be exempt from the requirement to gain
Some cookies can be exempted from informed consent under certain
conditions if they are not used for additional purposes. These
cookies include cookies used to keep track of a user’s input when
filling online forms or as a shopping card, also known as session-id
cookies, multimedia player session cookies and user interface
customisation cookies, eg language preference cookies to remember
the language selected by the user.
First party analytics cookies are not likely to create a privacy
risk if websites provide clear information about the cookies to
users and privacy safeguards, eg a user friendly mechanism to opt
out from any data collection and where they ensure that identifiable
information is anonymised.

I'm not sure which of the osm cookies count as session cookies,
first party analytics cookies, or other.

Until there is 'case law' nothing can be assumed. The current recommendation 
HAVE changed again since I started sorting this for our hosting customers. The 
key word above is 'might be' ... no one has yet produced a document that says 
'is' ... so we either simply ignore the directive, or we provide the facility 
for people to be able to switch off 'social media' and 'analytics' cookie 
tracking even if some people's opinion is that it's not necessary. I'm option 
for the safe path since it does also allow users to switch off things that they 
may object to even with anonymous tracking.

The law may be an ass, but it was VERY interesting identifying what cookies were 
created as a result of loading a supposedly clean site, and it is perhaps the 
'due diligence' that has resulted from the exercise that is more important.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Cookies on OSM

2012-07-11 Thread Lester Caine

David Earl wrote:

In very simplistic terms, the EU cookie directive requires a web site to
prominently disclose the fact that it uses cookies and what for (and in
the case of tracking cookies to explicitly obtain the user's consent
before doing so).

So, how is using PHPSESSID then

You can remove the ';-)' - my email wasn't a criticism, but is made in all
seriousness to try to bring other web sites I have involvement in within the
law. That includes my own site too (and I don't actually know the answer except
that it is, of course, a PHP session cookie - that's the point of doing a cookie
audit as required by the ICO).

Up until May I had simply assumed that PHPSESSID was a simple 'essential' cookie 
and that it was exempt, but that is the very cookie that has yet to be 
specifically flagged as exempt and is why I have wasted so much time on the safe 

I also assumed that adding social media links to a site did not require ME to 
get permission, but the advise now makes it clear that it is the site which is 
responsible for these third party cookies! So we give people the option to 
refuse if they want to. While the ICO has changed the advise again in June it 
HAS also said that it will not be taking action against anybody any time soon, 
so sitting on hands is probably equally safe at the moment.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
Contact -
L.S.Caine Electronic Services -
EnquirySolve -
Model Engineers Digital Workshop -
Rainbow Digital Media -

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Lightning fast car routing built on OpenStreetMap data, with draggable routes

2012-07-11 Thread Philip Barnes
OSRM is mostly awesome.
Map changes are reflected within a very short period after an edit, however 
routing updates can be much slower.
It would be great if it was possible to find out the date of the OSM data being 
used by the router.
I did some corrections to roundabouts on the A41, I will admit that I messed 
them up during licence changes, on 13th June. Am still getting the same error.


Sent from my Nokia N9

On 11/07/2012 13:26 wrote:

On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 11:13 AM, Maarten Deen wrote:
 On 2012-07-11 10:45, wrote:

 Hi guys, this routing map based on OSM is awesome, drag and drop is
 great, too bad it is unusable until turn restrictions get supported :(
 But it is a great demo.

 We're still talking about aren't we? osrm
 certainly supports turn restrictions! I tried a few in my area and they all
 worked fine.


Ups, you are right, I actually had few turn restriction bugs in osm
data, routing work great, this service is awesome.


talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Redaction underway

2012-07-11 Thread Richard Fairhurst
[posted to talk-ie@, announce@ and talk@; follow-ups to talk@ unless 

Hello all,

The redaction process is now underway with Ireland as planned.

Further updates will be posted to relevant lists as and when each phase 
starts and ends:

- to talk-ie@ and talk-gb@ when Ireland ends and Great Britain begins
- to talk-gb@ and talk@ when Great Britain ends and Western 
Europe/Belarus begins

- to talk@, talk-us@ and talk-ca@ when Belarus ends and North America begins
- to talk-us@, talk-ca@ and talk-au@ when North America ends and 
Australia begins

- to talk-au@ and talk@ when Australia ends and the rest of the world begins
- to talk@ when the rest of the world ends

...and, of course, if anything interrupts the progress of the redaction 
more than briefly. All updates will be cc:ed to announce@.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Suspend Imports / Bulk edits / Bots

2012-07-11 Thread Grant Slater
Dear All,

Summary: Please stop Imports, Automated Edits, Bulk edits  Bots until
the redaction process has ended.

The redaction bot has just started running. Until the redaction
process has been completed please suspend all imports and bulk edit
operations. Imports or bots which ignore this request may be subject
to an immediate temporary account block to ease up load on the API and
database servers.

Normal editing operations should be unaffected although I would
recommend saving often.

If you have any questions or a pressing need for such an edit please
contact the sysadmins in advance on IRC. See #osm-dev on OFTC via

on behalf of OpenStreetMap Sysadmins

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Imports] Suspend Imports / Bulk edits / Bots

2012-07-11 Thread Stefan de Konink
Hash: SHA512

On 11-07-12 17:10, Grant Slater wrote:
 Summary: Please stop Imports, Automated Edits, Bulk edits  Bots
 until the redaction process has ended.

What is your ETA?


Version: GnuPG v2.0.18 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Redaction underway

2012-07-11 Thread Toby Murray
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 10:14 AM, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
 [posted to talk-ie@, announce@ and talk@; follow-ups to talk@ unless

 Hello all,

 The redaction process is now underway with Ireland as planned.

 Further updates will be posted to relevant lists as and when each phase
 starts and ends:
 - to talk-ie@ and talk-gb@ when Ireland ends and Great Britain begins
 - to talk-gb@ and talk@ when Great Britain ends and Western Europe/Belarus
 - to talk@, talk-us@ and talk-ca@ when Belarus ends and North America begins
 - to talk-us@, talk-ca@ and talk-au@ when North America ends and Australia
 - to talk-au@ and talk@ when Australia ends and the rest of the world begins
 - to talk@ when the rest of the world ends

 ...and, of course, if anything interrupts the progress of the redaction more
 than briefly. All updates will be cc:ed to announce@.

I just saw on IRC that the redaction bot seems to have broken minutely
diffs due to a problem in osmosis. I'm sure details will follow at
some point but Grant advised any diff consumers to suspend consumption
for now. There may end up being a short rollback of diffs which would
require a manual adjustment to the sequence number in your osmosis
state file.


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] map of impact of licence change on Australia and New Zealand

2012-07-11 Thread nicholas . g . lawrence

Hello all,

I would like to generate a map showing the impact of the license change on Australia and New Zealand.

Any advice on how to generate such a map?

Kind regards,

Nick Lawrence
Senior Spatial Science Officer| Geospatial, Road Assets  Design
Engineering  Technology| Department of Transport and Main Roads
Floor 6 | Spring Hill Office Complex | 477 Boundary Street | Spring Hill Qld 4000
GPO Box 1412 | Brisbane Qld 4001
P: (07) 38342477 | F: (07) 38342998
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Maritime Safety Queensland or endorsed organisations utilising
the same infrastructure.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OSM Inspector is not working?

2012-07-11 Thread nicholas . g . lawrence

Is OSM Inspector working? There appears to a Layer problem error?

Kind regards,

Nick Lawrence
Senior Spatial Science Officer| Geospatial, Road Assets  Design
Engineering  Technology| Department of Transport and Main Roads
Floor 6 | Spring Hill Office Complex | 477 Boundary Street | Spring Hill Qld 4000
GPO Box 1412 | Brisbane Qld 4001
P: (07) 38342477 | F: (07) 38342998
WARNING: This email (including any attachments) may contain legally
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third parties or replication problems (including incompatibility with
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Opinions contained in this email do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of the Department of Transport and Main Roads,
Maritime Safety Queensland or endorsed organisations utilising
the same infrastructure.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] map of impact of licence change on Australia and New Zealand

2012-07-11 Thread André Riedel
May be you could use the already existing map:

It is possible to switch between a cleanmap (map after license switch)
and badmap (details to be deleted).

Ciao André

 Hello all,

 I would like to generate a map showing the impact of the license change on
 Australia and New Zealand.

 Any advice on how to generate such a map?

 Kind regards,

 Nick Lawrence
 Senior Spatial Science Officer | Geospatial, Road Assets  Design
 Engineering  Technology | Department of Transport and Main Roads

 Floor 6 | Spring Hill Office Complex | 477 Boundary Street | Spring Hill Qld
 GPO Box 1412 | Brisbane Qld 4001
 P: (07) 38342477 | F: (07) 38342998

 WARNING: This email (including any attachments) may contain legally
 privileged, confidential or private information and may be protected by
 copyright. You may only use it if you are the person(s) it was
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 Opinions contained in this email do not necessarily reflect the
 opinions of the Department of Transport and Main Roads,
 Maritime Safety Queensland or endorsed organisations utilising
 the same infrastructure.

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk-nl] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Redaction underway

2012-07-11 Thread Henk Hoff
Ter info.

-- Forwarded message --
From: Richard Fairhurst
Date: Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 5:14 PM
Subject: [OSM-talk] Redaction underway

[posted to talk-ie@, announce@ and talk@; follow-ups to talk@ unless

Hello all,

The redaction process is now underway with Ireland as planned.

Further updates will be posted to relevant lists as and when each phase
starts and ends:
- to talk-ie@ and talk-gb@ when Ireland ends and Great Britain begins
- to talk-gb@ and talk@ when Great Britain ends and Western Europe/Belarus
- to talk@, talk-us@ and talk-ca@ when Belarus ends and North America begins
- to talk-us@, talk-ca@ and talk-au@ when North America ends and Australia
- to talk-au@ and talk@ when Australia ends and the rest of the world begins
- to talk@ when the rest of the world ends

...and, of course, if anything interrupts the progress of the redaction
more than briefly. All updates will be cc:ed to announce@.


talk mailing list
Talk-nl mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Licence redaction ready to begin

2012-07-11 Thread Simon Poole
The edits by the redaction bot can be seen here:

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] map of impact of licence change on Australia and New Zealand

2012-07-11 Thread nicholas . g . lawrence

Hello all,

I would like to generate a map showing the impact of the license change on Australia and New Zealand.

Any advice on how to generate such a map?

Kind regards,

Nick Lawrence
Senior Spatial Science Officer| Geospatial, Road Assets  Design
Engineering  Technology| Department of Transport and Main Roads
Floor 6 | Spring Hill Office Complex | 477 Boundary Street | Spring Hill Qld 4000
GPO Box 1412 | Brisbane Qld 4001
P: (07) 38342477 | F: (07) 38342998
WARNING: This email (including any attachments) may contain legally
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copyright. You may only use it if you are the person(s) it was
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Opinions contained in this email do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of the Department of Transport and Main Roads,
Maritime Safety Queensland or endorsed organisations utilising
the same infrastructure.

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] OSM Inspector is not working?

2012-07-11 Thread nicholas . g . lawrence

Is OSM Inspector working? There appears to a Layer problem error?

Kind regards,

Nick Lawrence
Senior Spatial Science Officer| Geospatial, Road Assets  Design
Engineering  Technology| Department of Transport and Main Roads
Floor 6 | Spring Hill Office Complex | 477 Boundary Street | Spring Hill Qld 4000
GPO Box 1412 | Brisbane Qld 4001
P: (07) 38342477 | F: (07) 38342998
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Opinions contained in this email do not necessarily reflect the
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Maritime Safety Queensland or endorsed organisations utilising
the same infrastructure.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] map of impact of licence change on Australia and New Zealand

2012-07-11 Thread Ross

Why re-invent the wheel?

Shows good and bad map.


On 12/07/12 14:05, wrote:

Hello all,

I would like to generate a map showing the impact of the license 
change on Australia and New Zealand.

Any advice on how to generate such a map?

Kind regards,
Nick Lawrence*
Senior Spatial Science Officer | Geospatial, Road Assets  Design
*Engineering  Technology* | Department of Transport and Main Roads

Floor 6 | Spring Hill Office Complex | 477 Boundary Street | Spring 
Hill Qld 4000

GPO Box 1412 | Brisbane Qld 4001
P: (07) 38342477 | F: (07) 38342998


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the same infrastructure.

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] map of impact of licence change on Australia and New Zealand

2012-07-11 Thread Simon Poole

It really depends on what you want to visualize. None of the available
tools give an 100% exact picture (simply because that would have
required setting up a clone of the main DB and essentially carrying out
the redaction on it). The shape files from Frederiks OSMI layer are
available, however I'm not quite sure if everything is working right now
due to the couple of hiccups the redaction process has caused in the
diff generation (the mechanism we use to sync with the main DB).

Am 12.07.2012 06:05, schrieb

 Hello all,

 I would like to generate a map showing the impact of the license
 change on Australia and New Zealand.

 Any advice on how to generate such a map?

 Kind regards,
 Nick Lawrence*
 Senior Spatial Science Officer | Geospatial, Road Assets  Design
 *Engineering  Technology* | Department of Transport and Main Roads

 Floor 6 | Spring Hill Office Complex | 477 Boundary Street | Spring
 Hill Qld 4000
 GPO Box 1412 | Brisbane Qld 4001
 P: (07) 38342477 | F: (07) 38342998

 WARNING: This email (including any attachments) may contain legally
 privileged, confidential or private information and may be protected by
 copyright. You may only use it if you are the person(s) it was
 intended to be sent to and if you use it in an authorised way. No one
 is allowed to use, review, alter, transmit, disclose, distribute, print
 or copy this email without appropriate authority.

 If this email was not intended for you and was sent to you by mistake,
 please telephone or email me immediately, destroy any hardcopies of
 this email and delete it and any copies of it from your computer
 system. Any right which the sender may have under copyright law, and
 any legal privilege and confidentiality attached to this email is not
 waived or destroyed by that mistake.

 It is your responsibility to ensure that this email does not contain
 and is not affected by computer viruses, defects or interference by
 third parties or replication problems (including incompatibility with
 your computer system).

 Opinions contained in this email do not necessarily reflect the
 opinions of the Department of Transport and Main Roads,
 Maritime Safety Queensland or endorsed organisations utilising
 the same infrastructure.


 Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] map of impact of licence change on Australia and New Zealand

2012-07-11 Thread nicholas . g . lawrence

 It really depends on what you want to visualize. None of the 
 available tools give an 100% exact picture (simply because that 
 would have required setting up a clone of the main DB and 
 essentially carrying out the redaction on it). The shape files from 
 Frederiks OSMI layer are available, however I'm not quite sure if 
 everything is working right now due to the couple of hiccups the 
 redaction process has caused in the diff generation (the mechanism 
 we use to sync with the main DB).

I wasn't after anything too exact, just a quick summary. I thought
OSM Inspector would be ideal, because it would show the bad spots
in red. But the License Change option in the drop down view does
not load the map, it just sits there churning. Is that the hiccups
you refer to?

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Opinions contained in this email do not necessarily reflect the
opinions of the Department of Transport and Main Roads,
Maritime Safety Queensland or endorsed organisations utilising
the same infrastructure.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Relationen aus der Sicht der Auswertung - Segen oder Fluch??

2012-07-11 Thread Peter Wendorff

Am 11.07.2012 00:50, schrieb Christian Müller:

Am 10.07.2012 21:21, schrieb Peter Wendorff:

Wenn ich einen overpass-link erzeuge wie (nicht geprüft, nur
schematisch) [bbox=][highway][ref=B 7], dann kann man anhand
!dieses Links! genausogut diskutieren wie anhand der relations-id
0815, die die gleichen Elemente enthält:
- Das Abfragen ist genauso einfach (wenn ich* mal
ausnehme, das bricht nämlich gerade bei großen Relationen sowieso
regelmäßig zusammen).
- Das Verteilen des Links ist genauso einfach, nämlich in beiden
Fällen per CopyPaste
- Das Ändern des Inhalts ist einfacher: ich muss mich nämlich gar
nicht darum kümmen, solange ich das ref-Tag richtig setze
- Das Ändern des Links ist auch nicht schwieriger; wenn man das
überhaupt braucht (dürfte nur dann der Fall sein, wenn auf einmal z.B.
die gerade neu eingetragene B 7 in Österreich zufällig die BoundingBox

+1 Ist doch alles richtig.  Die besagten B-Relationen waren nur ein
Beispiel, um das Problem an sich zu verdeutlichen - nicht alle derzeit
verwendeten Sammelrelationen dürften auf diese Weise ersetzbar sein.
Weiterhin fehlt:

 - remote josm link
ist aber simpel machbar - guck dir das mal bei taginfo an, das erzeugt 
solche Links ja bereits; die haben dann die Form (Parameter nicht 
korrekt maskiert für bessere Lesbarkeit)


 - die von dir schon angesprochene /browse/ -Geschichte
die ist aber doch mit den Relationen jetzt auch nicht besser, das ist 
also kein Argument.

 - außerdem dürfte es nervig sein, die bbox in jeder URL anzugeben
(hier würden Aliase der admin. Grenzen helfen, etwa [bbox=Europe,Germany])
Ein Tool, dass diese BBox automatisch erzeugt, halte ich aber für 
relativ einfach machbar.

Zudem ist zu schauen, was momentan eigentlich in der Relation gepflegt
wird  - evtl. sind auch Raststätten, Notrufsäulen etc. dabei, welche die
Query ebenso liefern muss, will sie die Relationen ersetzen.

Woher hast du das denn jetzt? Nie was von gehört - und wo ist die Grenze?
Raststätte, Mc-Doof und Co direkt hinter der Abfahrt? Autohof 
vierhundert Meter weiter?

eine Query für Overpass zu finden, welche Dir alle Brücken über x
(x=Rhein, Elbe, etc.) liefert - das wird kein Einzeiler mehr, sollte es
überhaupt nur mit Overpass machbar sein.
Das ist richtig, aber gib mir bitte einen Anwendungsfall, der 
tatsächlich nur diese Abfrage braucht - oder so wenige Abfragen, dass 
sich eine komplexere Eigeneinrichtung tatsächlich nicht lohnt.

Das Beispiel sieht mir bisher ziemlich konstruiert aus.

Ob da (im wiki) aber jetzt ein /browse/relation/#-link steht oder eine
z.B. overpass-query, ist doch sch***-egal.

Aus Anwendersicht schon, soll auch so sein.  Aus Entwicklersicht
offenbar nicht.

Ich vermute, auch aus Entwicklersicht ist das egal - nur sind es oft
nicht die Entwickler, die das ins wiki einpflegen, sondern Mapper, die
es nicht anders kennen.

Gemeint war:  aus Entwicklersicht ist es nicht egal, ob des Anwenders
Daten aus Relation oder Overpass-Query kommt.  Sie bevorzugt (momentan)
Nein. Wie der ANWENDER die Daten bekommt, ist den meisten Entwicklern 
tatsächlich egal; nur sollten die Informationen, wo möglich, auch 
außerhalb der Relation vorhanden sein, weil sie sonst von den 
Anwendungen oft ignoriert werden.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Relationen aus der Sicht der Auswertung - Segen oder Fluch??

2012-07-11 Thread Peter Wendorff

Am 11.07.2012 07:53, schrieb Manuel Reimer:

Christian Müller cmue81 at writes:

Ich stimme Dir zu, dass overlapping ways dem Nahe kommen.  Nur ist die
Fangemeinde von overlapping ways auch nicht besonders groß, da sie
ebenso wie mancher Relationstyp schlecht oder gar nicht visualisiert werden.

Werden Wanderwege, bzw. deren Relationen auf der Hauptkarte visualisiert?

Ehrlich gesagt: Wie ich das erste Mal vor dem Problem gestanden habe, einen
Wanderweg selber eintragen zu wollen, da war mein erster Gedanke auch
einfach Way über die Punkte -- Fertig. Mir erschien eine solche
Vorgehensweise, basierend auf meinem bisherigen OSM-Wissen, als durchaus
logisch und sinnvoll.

Auf sowas wie Wege stückeln und eine Relation bauen bin ich erst garnicht

Zudem wäre mal eben nachmalen auch einfacher wie Wege zerstückeln und dann
alles in Relation kippen.

Folge der Relationen ist, dass die Wanderwege von Unwissenden immer wieder
kaputt gemacht werden. Man wird also schon deshalb nie arbeitslos werden,
weil man immer mal wieder von jemandem verbundene Wege wieder aufsplitten
darf, um Linienzüge in Relationen wieder ganz zu machen.

Das ist leider nur halb richtig.
In den vorhandenen Editoren wäre das Eintragen so tatsächlich viel 
einfacher, das nachträgliche Bearbeiten ist allerdings erstmal sogar 
schwieriger, weil das gezielte Auswählen eines Weges von mehreren, die 
über die gleichen Knoten verlaufen, blöd ist.

Weiterhin könnte man argumentieren, das Gebäude, die wirklich so stark 
verschmolzen sind, dass die Wand hier nicht gedoppelt ist, ein 
einziges Gebäude sind. Die Wand muss also garnicht eingezeichnet werden.
Einerseits aber schon eine wichtige Information, weil man eine solche 
Trennmauer u.a. aus Brandschutzgründen nicht durchbrechen dürfte (und 
wenn ich ein Haus einer bestimmten Mindestgröße suche, hilft mir das 
also nichts);
Andererseits auch für OSM sinnvoller als zwei Gebäude einzuzeichnen, 
weil üblicherweise die Adresse unterschiedlich ist.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Kreuzungen finden mit Nominatim?

2012-07-11 Thread Marian Steinbach

Danke für die Antwort! Ich habe mir nun mit Hilfe der Overpass API ein
kleines Script gebaut.

Es findet die Knoten zu zwei Straßen und sucht heraus, welche Knoten
beide Straßen gemeinsam haben. Wenn es mehrere sind, errechnet es den

Grüße vom


Am 9. Juli 2012 16:39 schrieb Matthias Meisser
 Hi Marian,

 soweit ich das beurteilen kann, klappt das (noch) nicht

 Ich glaub die Leute von hatten mal ein ähnliches
 Problem, bin mir aber nicht sicher ob/wie die es gelöst hatten.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Kreuzungen finden mit Nominatim?

2012-07-11 Thread Georg Feddern


Am 11.07.2012 11:01, schrieb Marian Steinbach:


Es findet die Knoten zu zwei Straßen und sucht heraus, welche Knoten
beide Straßen gemeinsam haben. Wenn es mehrere sind, errechnet es den

ganz spontan fallen mir dazu mehrere ...ring-Straßen ein,
die beidseits an die gleiche Straße angebunden sind,
deren Kreuzungen aber mehrere hundert Meter auseinanderliegen.
Davon dann den Mittelwert genommen ...


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Relationen aus der Sicht der Auswertung - Segen oder Fluch??

2012-07-11 Thread Christian Müller
Peter Wendorff schrieb:

 Nein. Wie der ANWENDER die Daten bekommt, ist den meisten Entwicklern 
 tatsächlich egal; nur sollten die Informationen, wo möglich, auch außerhalb 
 der Relation vorhanden sein, weil sie sonst von den Anwendungen oft ignoriert 

Das ist jetzt nicht dein Ernst oder?  Wir taggen weder für Renderer, noch für 
bestimmte oder spezielle Anwendungen.  Wenn eine Anwendung nicht mit Relationen 
umgehen kann, ist das in erster Linie Problem der Anwendung, solange die 
Relation einen Sachverhalt der Realität adäquat modelliert.

Auf Relationen wird nicht aus Gründen der Anwendungskompat. verzichtet, wenn 
sie der klar einfachere und intuitive Weg sind, Daten einzutragen.

Es ist Entwicklern hier ganz klar nicht egal, wo die Daten herkommen, denn aus 
ihrem Kreise kommt der verständliche Wunsch, dass Sammelrelationen explizit 
nicht (mehr) aus der main db kommen sollten.  Wäre es ihnen egal, könnten sie 
so belassen werden, denn selbst wenn sie redundant sind, sie modellieren einen 
Ausschnitt der Realität adäquat.

Eine B 2 kann eben sowohl als Route als auch als Eigenschaft des Weges B 2 zu 
sein, aufgefasst werden.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Relationen aus der Sicht der Auswertung - Segen oder Fluch??

2012-07-11 Thread Peter Wendorff

Am 11.07.2012 13:12, schrieb Christian Müller:

Peter Wendorff schrieb:

Nein. Wie der ANWENDER die Daten bekommt, ist den meisten Entwicklern 
tatsächlich egal; nur sollten die Informationen, wo möglich, auch außerhalb der 
Relation vorhanden sein, weil sie sonst von den Anwendungen oft ignoriert 

Das ist jetzt nicht dein Ernst oder?  Wir taggen weder für Renderer, noch für 
bestimmte oder spezielle Anwendungen.  Wenn eine Anwendung nicht mit Relationen 
umgehen kann, ist das in erster Linie Problem der Anwendung, solange die 
Relation einen Sachverhalt der Realität adäquat modelliert.

Das ist das typische Missverständnis dieses Schlagworts.
Wir taggen nicht für den Renderer meint ja nicht, dass das Tagging 
Anwendungen/Renderer ignorieren soll. Es meint, dass ein Park nicht 
korrekt eingetragen ist, wenn man ihn als Wald tagged, nur weil einem 
das Grün auf der Karte besser gefällt.
Ich habe auch nicht für eine bestimmte Anwendung argumentiert, sondern 
eben für den Großteil:
Ein Multipolygon, das ein simples Polygon modelliert, wird aus einigen 
Anwendungen rausfallen, weil diese damit nicht umgehen können - es hat 
aber keinerlei praktische Vorteile gegenüber einem geschlossenen Weg.
Eine Routen-Relation für eine Straße, nur weil der Name auf 
aneinanderhängenden Wegen dann nicht mehrfach angegeben werden müsste, 
hat keinen praktischen Vorteil für irgendeine Anwendung - schon, weil 
keine Anwendung sich erlauben kannn, die Namen auf den einzelnen Ways 
komplett zu ignorieren - die Funktionalität muss also trotzdem eingebaut 

Wenn eine Anwendung nicht mit Relationen umgehen kann, ist das ihr 
Problem, das ist richtig.
Wenn aber die Nutzung von Relationen die Hürde sowohl für 
Anwendungsentwickler als auch für Mapper anhebt, dann ist das für mich 
ein eindeutiges Signal, dass es anders vermutlich besser ist.

Auf Relationen wird nicht aus Gründen der Anwendungskompat. verzichtet, wenn 
sie der klar einfachere und intuitive Weg sind, Daten einzutragen.
Richtig. Momentan sind sie das aber nicht - weder einfach noch intuitiv 
einzutragen - und noch weniger gut korrekt zu halten.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Relationen aus der Sicht der Auswertung - Segen oder Fluch??

2012-07-11 Thread aighes

Mal ein Beispiel aus der Vergangenheit zu Radrouten/Wanderrouten:

Zu Beginn wurden diese einfach an den Weg getaggt, über den diese 
verlaufen (Bsp: ref_rcn=ThSk). Das funktionierte sehr gut, bis es 
gehäuft vorkam, dass über manche Wege mehrere Routen verliefen (Bsp: 

Für meine Karte wäre das vollkommen ausreichend. Mich interessiert die 
Info, ob auf diesem Weg eine Radroute verläuft und die ganzen 
Abkürzungen als ein String für den Namen, den man noch mit Stringreplace 
etwas aufhübschen kann. Projekte wie die Karten von Lonvia dürften damit 
nur sehr kompliziert umsetzbar sein.

Was nun der einfache Weg ist und was nicht halte ich für nebensächlich, 
sobald ein Editor mit ins Spiel kommt. Den kann man immer so anpassen, 
dass dieser eine Weg möglichst einfach ist. In josm sind doch eineige 
Sachen über Relationen nur so einfach, weil josm die Relation speziell 
behandelt und Tools bereit stellt, einfach damit zu arbeiten. Wenn man 
sich nicht auf Routenrelationen geeinigt hätte, hätte josm 
wahrscheinlich andere Tools, die die Arbeit mit Routen unterstützen würden.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Kreuzungen finden mit Nominatim?

2012-07-11 Thread Marian Steinbach
Am 11. Juli 2012 12:11 schrieb Georg Feddern
 Es findet die Knoten zu zwei Straßen und sucht heraus, welche Knoten
 beide Straßen gemeinsam haben. Wenn es mehrere sind, errechnet es den

Du hast völlig Recht. In solchen Fällen wird der Punkt ziemlich
daneben liegen. Man tut also gut daran, das Ergebnis zu kontrollieren.

Eine komplexere Logik würde die Distanz zwischen den Punkten bestimmen
und dann ab einem bestimmten Schwellenwert mindestens eine Warnung

Grüße vom


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Relationen aus der Sicht der Auswertung - Segen oder Fluch??

2012-07-11 Thread Christian Müller

Peter Wendorff schrieb:

Wenn eine Anwendung nicht mit Relationen umgehen kann, ist das ihr 
Problem, das ist richtig.
Wenn aber die Nutzung von Relationen die Hürde sowohl für 
Anwendungsentwickler als auch für Mapper anhebt, dann ist das für mich 
ein eindeutiges Signal, dass es anders vermutlich besser ist.
 Auf Relationen wird nicht aus Gründen der Anwendungskompat. verzichtet, wenn 
 sie der klar einfachere und intuitive Weg sind, Daten einzutragen.
Richtig. Momentan sind sie das aber nicht - weder einfach noch intuitiv 
einzutragen - und noch weniger gut korrekt zu halten.

Das ist Ansichtssache.  Ich finde sie einfach und intuitiv und möchte in 
Gebieten mit hohen Datendichten diese Art der Modellierung nicht missen.  Sie 
erhöht die Verständlichkeit und Übersichtlichkeit enorm.  Zudem beendet sie das 
Gezerre um die Debatte, ob Wege überlappend oder ganz dicht beieinander 
gezeichnet werden sollen.  Man zeichnet eine Flächengrenze und ordnet diese den 
Flächen zu, an denen sie 'teilnimmt' - fertig.

Im Prinzip wiederholst Du hier einen ähnlich gelagerten Fall, der zwischen

  - nur POI für ein Geschäft
  - nur building+tags für ein Geschäft
  - beides parallel eingetragen

bestand.  Es gab einen Zeitpunkt, da reichte es aus, nur die POIs zu 
betrachten, aber der OSM-Planet hat sich weiter gedreht und sämtliche Software, 
die heute ernsthaft Geschäfte auswertet, wertet getaggte buildings aus (und 
transformiert ggf.).

Gleiches wird auf absehbare Zeit für Relationen gelten, insbes. MPs.  Wenn es 
eine legacy Software gibt, die damit nicht umgehen kann, müssen die Daten 
geeignet transformiert werden - wie das z.B. m.W. mkgmap für die POIs macht.

Eine einfache Fläche gleich als MP anzulegen, bedeutet gewissermaßen 
Zukunftssicherheit, denn i.d.R. grenzt jede Fläche an irgendeine oder mehrere 
andere.  Der closed way ist hier nicht die bessere Darstellungsform, sondern 
ein Überbleibsel aus den Anfängen von OSM.  Er wird allenfalls der 
Bequemlichkeit wegen oder weil man es nicht besser weiß verwendet.

Er lässt sich mal schnell eben grob anlegen ohne weiter nachzudenken, aber für 
die langfristige Pflege der Daten eignet sich ein MP viel besser, weil nur die 
Abschnitte der Flächengrenze betrachtet/geändert werden müssen, die auch 
bearbeitet werden sollen, statt immer den kompletten closed way zu bearbeiten.  
Je größer oder komplexer die zu bearbeitende Fläche ist, umso spürbarer wird 
dieser Vorteil.

Dein Argument, dass Relationen die Hürde anheben, empfinde ich als 
hypothetisch.  Relationen und im speziellen MPs sind als Lösung für Probleme 
entstanden, die es vorher gab.  Wer sich davon abwendet, kehrt zu den alten 
Problemen zurück - schwacher Datenzusammenhang, approximative Rechnerei als 
Krücke fehlender Relationen, etc. pp.  Ich empfinde als bedenklich, sie zu 
vermeiden, nur weil sie schlecht gepflegt werden oder von Editoren nur 
beschränkt unterstützt werden, von unnötigen Sammelrelationen, die sich 
eindeutig anders zusammensetzen lassen, einmal abgesehen.

Das hat etwas von Selbstgeißelung.  Ich mache mir doch auch keine Gedanken 
darüber, ob es ohne Gesundheit geht, nur weil das Gesundheitssystem schlecht 


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Relationen aus der Sicht der Auswertung - Segen oder Fluch??

2012-07-11 Thread Tobias Knerr
Am 10.07.2012 21:17, schrieb Christian Müller:
 Aneinandergereihte Gebäude nutzen häufig overlapping ways, da stimme ich
 Dir ebenso zu.  Eigentlich gibt es die Wand nur einmal, welche da durch
 zwei Wege in OSM repräsentiert wird.  Das geschieht aus Bequemlichkeit,
 nicht weil es logisch und/oder plausibel ist. 

Wie man am Schlüssel building (und nicht etwa wall o. dgl.) erkennen
kann, mappen wir keine Wände, sondern Umrisse von Gebäudeflächen. Daher
trifft der Mapper mit der Verwendung zweier Ways keinerlei Aussage über
die Anzahl der Wände an dieser Stelle.

Das Einzeichnen aneinander gebauter Gebäude mit overlapping ways ist
also nicht bloß bequemer und verständlicher, sondern auch 100% korrekt.

 Streng genommen müßte ein
 MP her, welches die Wand in Bezug zu den Gebäuden setzt, an denen sie
 teilnimmt.  Wir zeichnen auch Ländergrenzen nicht doppelt.

Egal, wie streng du es nimmst, es muss keineswegs ein MP her - s.o.

Dass wir Ländergrenzen nicht doppelt zeichnen, liegt ganz praktisch
daran, dass diese
- weit mehr gemeinsame Nodes haben als zwei benachbarte Gebäude
- eine sehr große Fläche einschließen
- wegen der Gesamtlänge ohnehin MP mit zerlegten outers brauchen.

Die Anzahl gemeinsamer Nodes benachbarter Gebäude ist hingegen selten
höher als 2, die Gesamtzahl der Nodes im einstelligen oder niedrigen
zweistelligen Bereich, und die bedeckte Fläche so klein, dass sie
ohnehin als Ganzes heruntergeladen wird.

Gebäude sind daher ein Musterbeispiel für einen Fall, wo eine pauschale
Modellierung über mehrere Ways und eine Relation statt einen einzelnen
Way wirklich total fehl am Platz wäre.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Flughafenkarte - falsch verstanden ?

2012-07-11 Thread Jan Tappenbeck

Hi !

ich meine vielmehr eine Karte die es erlaubte zwischen verschiedenen 
Levels zu schalten um zu sehen auf welcher Ebene sich welcher Shop 

Gruß Jan :-)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Licence redaction ready to begin

2012-07-11 Thread Simon Poole

Die Edits des bots sind hier:

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Relationen aus der Sicht der Auswertung - Segen oder Fluch??

2012-07-11 Thread Christian Müller

Am 11.07.2012 07:53, schrieb Manuel Reimer:
Zudem wäre mal eben nachmalen auch einfacher wie Wege zerstückeln 
und dann alles in Relation kippen. Folge der Relationen ist, dass die 
Wanderwege von Unwissenden immer wieder kaputt gemacht werden. Man 
wird also schon deshalb nie arbeitslos werden, weil man immer mal 
wieder von jemandem verbundene Wege wieder aufsplitten darf, um 
Linienzüge in Relationen wieder ganz zu machen. 

Das passiert auch mit Wegen generell - die werden ebenso regelmäßig 
repariert.  Da beschwert sich niemand.

Was hier fehlt, sind eine stärkere Editorintegration, um Relationen zu 
bearbeiten.  Es ist doch ein Modus denkbar, der genauso, wie Du es 
beschreibst, das Nachzeichnen erlaubt, aber im Hintergrund einfach 
Wegsegmente bildet und die in eine Relation kippt.

Für Routenrelationen würde eine Relation ausgewählt und in der Folge

- alle neu angelegten Wege im Hintergrund addiert
- Wege, über die gezeichnet wird, entsprechend gesplittet bzw. in 
Gänze hinzugefügt

Josm hat da in letzter Zeit viele kleinere Verbesserungen erhalten, z.B. 
ist es nicht mehr notwendig, jedesmal den Dialog einer Relation 
aufzurufen, wenn Elemente hinzugefügt werden sollen.  Das lässt sich nun 
auch über Rechtsklick erledigen. Evtl. wird die Handhabung von 
Relationen in Zukunft noch stärker integriert, anstatt (durch den 
Dialog) wie ein Zusatzfeature zu wirken.

Woher weißt du eigentlich bei aneinandergereihten Gebäuden, ob die 
Wand an der Stoßstelle wirklich nur eine Wand ist? In aller Regel 
gibt es diese Wand in der Tat zweimal.

In diesem Fall liegen sie dann aber auch nebeneinander ;-)  Ich weiß, 
dass das (noch) Haarspalterei ist - aber mit der Verfügbarkeit der 
letzten Bing-Bilder sind ja nun mittlerweile auch die Gulli-Deckel 
sichtbar geworden..


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Flughafenkarte - falsch verstanden ?

2012-07-11 Thread Peter Wendorff

Hallo Jan.
Kenne ich von der Uni Lausanne [1] - aber ein Flughafen ist das nicht 
gerade ;).

Wenn Du mehr Beispiele findest, würden mich die aber auch interessieren



Am 11.07.2012 17:00, schrieb Jan Tappenbeck:

Hi !

ich meine vielmehr eine Karte die es erlaubte zwischen verschiedenen 
Levels zu schalten um zu sehen auf welcher Ebene sich welcher Shop 

Gruß Jan :-)

Talk-de mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] [Übersetzung] Fwd: Licence redaction ready to begin

2012-07-11 Thread malenki
[Ganz zu Anfang der Hinweis, dass der Bot seit
Mittwoch, dem 11. Juli 2012, 14:29 Uhr MESZ läuft]

Hier nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen die Übersetzung von Richards Mail
in der Hoffnung, dass nicht jeder exzellent englisch spricht. ;)

Hallo alle miteinander,

Ich freue mich ankündigen zu können, dass der Lizenz-Bot startbereit

Beginnend diese Woche, werden wir die Beiträge (weniger als 1%) aus der
Live-Datenbank redigieren, die nicht mit der neuen Vereinbarung für
Mitwirkende (Contributor Terms) und der Open Database License (ODbL)
kompatibel sind. In anderen Worten: auf diese Beiträge wird man nicht
mehr zugreifen können. Wir erwarten, am _Mittwoch_, dem elften Juli¹
beginnen zu können in der Annahme, dass bis dahin die letzten Details
der Einstellungen vollständig sind.

Der Bot wird in dieser Reihenfolge vorgehen:
1. Irland
2. Großbritannien
3. Westeuropa
4. Nordamerika
5. Australien
6. Rest der Welt

Sobald der Bot die Arbeit beendet hat sind wir bereit, die Daten unter
der ODbL zur Verfügung zu stellen. Dies werden wir in einer gesonderten
Ankündigung bekannt geben.

Der letzte unter CC-by-SA stehende Datensatz vor dem Start des Bots
wurde erzeugt und ist verfügbar unter 
Wo Daten redigiert wurden wird jeder Versuch, über die API oder die
browse-Seiten von darauf zuzugreifen eine entsprechende
Antwort liefern.

Testläufe haben gezeigt, dass der Bot so funktioniert wie wir es
wünschen, aber natürlich werden wir den Ablauf überwachen. Gegenwärtig
erwarten wir, dass er einen Monat benötigt, um seine Aufgabe zu
Aufgrund der vielen Variablen fürchte ich, dass wir keine genauere
Richtung angeben können, aber wir versuchen, jedermann auf dem
Laufenden zu halten (über die announce@ und talk@-Mailinglisten).

Es wird _keine_ API-Abschaltung geben und keine andere Unterbrechung
von Bearbeitungen. Wenn der Bot in eurer Gegend aktiv ist, speichert
eure Bearbeitungen bitte oft, um die Wahrscheinlichkeit von Konflikten
zu minimieren.

(Separate Nachrichten gehen an talk-ie@ und talk-gb@ als den ersten
zwei betroffenen Gebieten. Bitte leitet diese Nachricht an eure lokalen
Mailinglisten weiter und übersetzt sie.)

Wie ihr wisst erwarteten wir, dass dies kurz nach dem ersten April
geschehen würde. Die Verzögerung ist der Komplexität der Aufgabe
geschuldet. Vielen Dank euch allen für die Geduld, bis wir den Bot auf
den Weg brachten. Ein besonderer Dank geht an alle, die durch Patches,
Vorschläge und andere Verbesserungen zum Code beitrugen.

für das OSMF-Board

¹ im Original wird offensichtlich falsch der neunte Juli genannt

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Relationen aus der Sicht der Auswertung - Segen oder Fluch??

2012-07-11 Thread Christian Müller

Tobias Knerr schrieb:

 Das Einzeichnen aneinander gebauter Gebäude mit overlapping ways ist
also nicht bloß bequemer und verständlicher, sondern auch 100% korrekt.

Meinetwegen, jeder Architekt und jedes Katasteramt würde das zwar eindeutig 
anders sehen, aber für OSM ist es momentan wohl ausreichend - 100% korrekt 
würde ich in diesem Zshg. nicht verwenden.

 - wegen der Gesamtlänge ohnehin MP mit zerlegten outers brauchen.

Ja, aber Du verwendest auch für eine Ländergrenze mit nur 4 nodes ein MP - ganz 
einfach weil das dort usus ist.

So, umgekehrt hast Du nun zigtausend Gebäude, zu denen es nicht mehr Infos gibt 
(evtl. geben sollte), als ein Umrißrechteck.  Heißt das dann für Dich, weil 
es bei Gebäuden so üblich ist, dass Du auch echt komplexe Gebäude, wie 
innerstädtische Bahnhöfe oder überdimensionierte Einkaufstempel ohne MP 
modellieren willst?

Du schreibst es ja selbst, es ist eine Frage der Komplexität.  Schau Dir z.B. 
den Hbf Berlin mit mehreren Ebenen an.  Solange man dort nur das Umrißrechteck 
zeichnet, kommt man ohne MP aus, zugegeben.

Mit jedem Detail wächst aber der Datenbestand, closed ways werden länger, oder 
überlappen sich z.B. bei drei Geschossen und der Modellierung von Halle und 
innenliegendem Raum schon so sechs Mal.  Um Bezüge herstellen zu können 
schreibst Du deine eigenen Algorithmen und ärgerst Dich dann, das irgendwo ein 
Node aus der Reihe tanzt, manche Mapper legen sich den extra an, weil sie nicht 
wissen, wie sie sonst den fünften von sechs überlappenden Wegen selektieren 

Anders mit MPs, da zeichne ich einmal die Wände und kann dann Räume, Umriße und 
Hallen, etc. in Bezug setzen.

 Gebäude sind daher ein Musterbeispiel für einen Fall, wo eine pauschale 
 Modellierung über mehrere Ways und eine Relation statt einen einzelnen Way 
 wirklich total fehl am Platz wäre.

Ok, aber das gilt m.E. nur, solange nicht mehr als ein Umrißrechteck drin ist.  
Sobald Innenhöfe, Rolltreppen, Aufzüge, mehrere Ebenen und Innenräume 
hinzukommen empfinde ich overlapping ways als fehleranfälliger und 
umständlicher in der Wartung.  Zudem ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit höher, dass 
alles heruntergeladen wird und Konflikte beim Editieren erzeugt werden, obwohl 
ich bsp.-weise nur am Westflügel eines Geb. interessiert bin, oder nur am UG..

Andererseits ist Indoor-Mapping so und so nicht einfach, da hier eine andere 
Rechtslage besteht (Hausrecht statt Panoramafreiheit).


Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Fwd: [Announce] Redaction underway

2012-07-11 Thread Michael Kugelmann
FYI: [da nicht alle die Englischsprachigen Mailinglisten lesen] der 
Redaction Bot ist jetzt in Betrieb! Scheinbar wird er erst mal auf 
Irland losgelassen.

In dem Zusammenhang wurde auch in einer Ankündigung von Grant Slater 
(einer der Admins) explizit darum gebeten, dass alle Massenedits, 
Importe und anderen Bots bis auf weiteres unterbleiben/gestoppt werden 
(ansonsten wir der Account möglicherweise geblockt). Hintergrund: die 
Performance der API soll für den Redaction BOT zur Verfügung stehen.
Ferner wird empfohlen bei normalen Edits (die weiterhin möglich sind) 
häufig die Daten zu sichern bzw. hoch zu laden.

Michael. (freut sich, dass wir endlich einen Schritt vorwärts machen)

Betreff:[Announce] Redaction underway
Datum:  Wed, 11 Jul 2012 16:14:15 +0100
Von:Richard Fairhurst

[posted to talk-ie@, announce@ and talk@; follow-ups to talk@ unless

Hello all,

The redaction process is now underway with Ireland as planned.

Further updates will be posted to relevant lists as and when each phase
starts and ends:
- to talk-ie@ and talk-gb@ when Ireland ends and Great Britain begins
- to talk-gb@ and talk@ when Great Britain ends and Western
Europe/Belarus begins
- to talk@, talk-us@ and talk-ca@ when Belarus ends and North America begins
- to talk-us@, talk-ca@ and talk-au@ when North America ends and
Australia begins
- to talk-au@ and talk@ when Australia ends and the rest of the world begins
- to talk@ when the rest of the world ends

...and, of course, if anything interrupts the progress of the redaction
more than briefly. All updates will be cc:ed to announce@.


Announce mailing list

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Flughafenkarte - falsch verstanden ?

2012-07-11 Thread Jan Tappenbeck

Am 11.07.2012 18:36, schrieb Peter Wendorff:

Hallo Jan.
Kenne ich von der Uni Lausanne [1] - aber ein Flughafen ist das nicht
gerade ;).
Wenn Du mehr Beispiele findest, würden mich die aber auch interessieren



Hallo Peter,

vielen Dank - das geht schon in die richtige Richtung.

Die gesuchte Seite hat so ähnlich gearbeitet - war nur schneller aber 
dafür einfacher.

Gruß Jan :-)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] scoprire nuovi utenti con un nuovo tool: New OSM Contributor Feed

2012-07-11 Thread Simone Cortesi
Io sono piu' comodo con le notifiche via mail. Quindi ho appena creato
una ricetta pubblica su

che prende il feed e ti manda una mail ogni mattina se un nuovo utente
ha iniziato a mappare nella tua zona.

ecco il link:

2012/7/9 Martin Koppenhoefer
 Segnalo questo nuovo tool di Pascal Neis, che crea un newsfeed per
 scoprire nuovi utenti secondo i primi edits che fanno:
 Il suo articolo nel blog è in inglese:

 ma per utilizzare il tool è sufficiente di modificare questo esempio
 (Roma) e fare un abbonamento del feed atom:

 deg indica la grandezza del bounding box in gradi. Il tool mostra
 tutti utenti nuovi che hanno fatto un edit negli ultimi 7 giorni in
 quella bounding box.


 Talk-it mailing list


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Vialetti in parchi urbani

2012-07-11 Thread emmexx
All'interno del parco di Trenno a Milano alcuni vialetti ciclopedonali
sono stati taggati con:


Io non sono molto d'accordo con questa classificazione, non danno certo
l'idea di sentieri (in campagna o in un bosco). Sono per lo piu' asfaltati.
Potete vedere alcune foto qui:

Cosa ne pensate?


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Il fatto quotidiano parla di noi (terremoto in emilia e openstreetmap

2012-07-11 Thread Maurizio Napolitano

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Vialetti in parchi urbani

2012-07-11 Thread Tiziano D'Angelo
a seconda dei casi direi:
highway=cycleway (o anche footway o path)



2012/7/11 emmexx

 All'interno del parco di Trenno a Milano alcuni vialetti ciclopedonali
 sono stati taggati con:


 Io non sono molto d'accordo con questa classificazione, non danno certo
 l'idea di sentieri (in campagna o in un bosco). Sono per lo piu' asfaltati.
 Potete vedere alcune foto qui:

 Cosa ne pensate?


 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [OT] Re: access destination

2012-07-11 Thread Volker Schmidt
... e allora, quali sono le conclusioni della nostra estesa conversazione
per l'aspetto ciclisti (che mi interessa particolarmente).
Abbiamo su un lato i puristi che mappano secondo la legge con l'effetto
che i routers per bici, che vengono prodotti in paesi non-italiani, non
funzionano, e sul altro i pragmatisti che vogliono mappare la prassi per
permettere di utilizzare questi routers anche in Italia.
Vero che questo pragmatismo puzza di mappare per il renderer/routing, ma
non vedo altre alternative.
Mi sembra anche il caso di tentare una pagina wiki italiano con le linee
guide, *se* arriviamo a una conclusione comune.

2012/7/10 Paolo Pozzan

 Il 10/07/2012 13:23, Martin Koppenhoefer ha scritto:

  E' vero che i cartelli sono spesso assurdi, per esempio ho visto un
 maxspeed=30, che però diventava un 40 in caso di ghiaccio o pioggia
 ;-). Credo che il problema è meno quello di mettere i cartelli giusti
 che di non rimuovere quelli vecchi.**wiki/File:Maxspeed_snow.jpg


 Di certo questa è una situazione confusionaria, ma nei cartelli più vecchi
 i pannelli integrativi di precipitazioni atmosferiche e gelo si riferiscono
 solo al segnale di pericolo, non al limite di velocità.

 Penso che situazioni del genere si possano creare nel momento in cui la
 gestione della strada passa da un ente a un'altro, quindi si formano le
 classiche empasse burocratiche all'italiana.


 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Vialetti in parchi urbani

2012-07-11 Thread Luca Delucchi
Il 11 luglio 2012 13:22, Tiziano D'Angelo
ha scritto:
 a seconda dei casi direi:
 highway=cycleway (o anche footway o path)





Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [OT] Re: access destination

2012-07-11 Thread Federico Cozzi
2012/7/11 Volker Schmidt
 Abbiamo su un lato i puristi che mappano secondo la legge con l'effetto
 che i routers per bici, che vengono prodotti in paesi non-italiani, non
 funzionano, e sul altro i pragmatisti che vogliono mappare la prassi per
 permettere di utilizzare questi routers anche in Italia.

Ci fai un esempio di router che non funziona, così possiamo capire se
è un bug del router o della mappatura?

 Vero che questo pragmatismo puzza di mappare per il renderer/routing, ma non
 vedo altre alternative.

Non mi è molto chiaro il problema.
1. Di fronte ad una specifica strada nel mondo reale, dobbiamo
essere in grado di capire se è percorribile in bici oppure no. Fin qui
OSM non c'entra.
2. Una volta che abbiamo capito qual è la percorribilità nel mondo
reale di quella strada, allora dobbiamo mappare OSM di conseguenza. A
meno di bug nel router, questo secondo passo non è difficile: basta
usare il tag bicycle con il valore corretto.

Io ho l'impressione che tu voglia lavorare sul punto 2, mentre secondo
me è il punto più facile e invece bisogna lavorare sul punto 1.


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Avmap Geosat2c

2012-07-11 Thread niubii

mi hanno chiesto se il GPS in oggetto può utilizzare una mappa derivata da
Facendo qualche ricerca mi sembrerebbe di no.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Avmap Geosat2c

2012-07-11 Thread Simone Cortesi
2012/7/11 niubii

 mi hanno chiesto se il GPS in oggetto può utilizzare una mappa derivata da
 Facendo qualche ricerca mi sembrerebbe di no.

non funziona,
ma telefonare ad avmap e dire quanto ti farebbe piacere poter usare
osm sui loro navigatori, potrebbe mettere in moto delle cose che sono
ferme da un po'.

tirato il sasso...adesso, nascondo la mano... :)


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [OT] Re: access destination

2012-07-11 Thread Volker Schmidt
Ci sono due punti sui quali vorrei arrivare ad un consenso:

1) Il segnale divieto d'accesso (
che vorrei generalmente interpretare in modo approssimativo come divieto di
accesso a mezzi motorizzati, perché viene usato ed interpretato così (in

2) L'altro aspetto che è saltato fuori sono le interpretazioni di
private. private vieta l'accesso a tutti che non hanno una
autorizzazione esplicita ed individuale e non può essere condizionato con
bicycle=yes o permissive o simili. E mi sembra che anche gli algoritmi di
routing lo interpretano così.

Ma devo ammettere che conosco gli algoritmi di routing, posso solo dire che
incontro un sacco di problemi quando faccio routing reale per la bici (e ne
ho fatto per milgia di km in Italia ed al estero). In alcuni rari casi mi
sono preso il tempo di guardare i tags in OSM, ma normalmente non ho il
tempo e cerco di indovinare la situazione reale e continuo la creazione
della traccia senza routing per superare l'ostacolo.

In questa discussione sono meno un mappatore che un utente di OSM.


2012/7/11 Federico Cozzi

 2012/7/11 Volker Schmidt
  Abbiamo su un lato i puristi che mappano secondo la legge con l'effetto
  che i routers per bici, che vengono prodotti in paesi non-italiani, non
  funzionano, e sul altro i pragmatisti che vogliono mappare la prassi per
  permettere di utilizzare questi routers anche in Italia.

 Ci fai un esempio di router che non funziona, così possiamo capire se
 è un bug del router o della mappatura?

  Vero che questo pragmatismo puzza di mappare per il renderer/routing, ma
  vedo altre alternative.

 Non mi è molto chiaro il problema.
 1. Di fronte ad una specifica strada nel mondo reale, dobbiamo
 essere in grado di capire se è percorribile in bici oppure no. Fin qui
 OSM non c'entra.
 2. Una volta che abbiamo capito qual è la percorribilità nel mondo
 reale di quella strada, allora dobbiamo mappare OSM di conseguenza. A
 meno di bug nel router, questo secondo passo non è difficile: basta
 usare il tag bicycle con il valore corretto.

 Io ho l'impressione che tu voglia lavorare sul punto 2, mentre secondo
 me è il punto più facile e invece bisogna lavorare sul punto 1.


 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Avmap Geosat2c

2012-07-11 Thread niubii
OK, io ci provo.
Piuttosto che telefonargli, preferisco inviare qualche mail.

Concludo con una riflessione a voce alta.
Certe volte proprio non capisco per quale motivo queste aziende non si
siano ancora buttate a palla.
Secondo me, con un minimo sforzo, potrebbero conseguire grandi risultati.

Forse la diffusione di Android li costringerà a cambiare idea.


Il giorno 11 luglio 2012 15:02, Simone Cortesi ha

 2012/7/11 niubii

  mi hanno chiesto se il GPS in oggetto può utilizzare una mappa derivata
  Facendo qualche ricerca mi sembrerebbe di no.

 non funziona,
 ma telefonare ad avmap e dire quanto ti farebbe piacere poter usare
 osm sui loro navigatori, potrebbe mettere in moto delle cose che sono
 ferme da un po'.

 tirato il sasso...adesso, nascondo la mano... :)


 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [OT] Re: access destination

2012-07-11 Thread Daniele Forsi
Il 11 luglio 2012 15:09, Volker Schmidt ha scritto:

 1) Il segnale divieto d'accesso
 che vorrei generalmente interpretare in modo approssimativo come divieto di
 accesso a mezzi motorizzati, perché viene usato ed interpretato così (in


non possiamo fare altro che riportare i cartelli (e come cittadini
cercare di far cambiare o togliere i cartelli sbagliati)

Daniele Forsi

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [OT] Re: access destination

2012-07-11 Thread Volker Schmidt
Il problema è reale, molto reale. Sono coinvolto attivamente nel lato
utenza (cicloturismo) e posso garantirti che parliamo di decine di migliaia
di segnali - è completamente fuori questione di farli cambiare. E bloccare
queste decine di migliaia di km di stradine ideali per i ciclisti è
altrettanto fuori questione.

Si nasconde lì un problema ancora più insidioso della questione routing,
cioè il problema della responsabilità civile e penale del ciclista in caso
di incidenti)

2012/7/11 Daniele Forsi

 Il 11 luglio 2012 15:09, Volker Schmidt ha scritto:

  1) Il segnale divieto d'accesso
  che vorrei generalmente interpretare in modo approssimativo come divieto
  accesso a mezzi motorizzati, perché viene usato ed interpretato così (in


 non possiamo fare altro che riportare i cartelli (e come cittadini
 cercare di far cambiare o togliere i cartelli sbagliati)

 Daniele Forsi

 Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Fontana decorativa con acqua potabile

2012-07-11 Thread Volker Schmidt
Domanda da principiante:

come si tagga una fontana ornamentale (amenity=fountain) con acqua potabile
(amenity= drinking_water)?
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Fontana decorativa con acqua potabile

2012-07-11 Thread Damjan Gerl

Volker Schmidt, on 11/07/2012 16.38, wrote:

Domanda da principiante:

come si tagga una fontana ornamentale (amenity=fountain) con acqua 
potabile (amenity= drinking_water)?

Direi [0]:




Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] A1 o A 1?

2012-07-11 Thread Niccolo Rigacci
On Wed, Jul 11, 2012 at 11:45:40AM +0200, Simone Saviolo wrote:
 Il giorno 11 luglio 2012 11:40, Alexander Roalter ha
  Quale versione è da adottare? A 1 o A1 ?
 Mi sembra che la versione corretta sia A1. Tu stesso hai scritto A22 quando
 ti riferivi all'autostrada del Brennero :-)

Anche io sono per A1 senza spazio: più compatto, non crea 
problemi di andate a capo, ecc. Se non ricordo male lo avevamo 
scritto anche sul Wiki italiano.

Il problema è che esiste (o almeno esisteva) un bot automatico 
che correggeva il ref mettendoci lo spazio, solo per le 
autostrade (A*) e per i percorsi europei (E*).

Il bot agiva a livello mondiale, forse sul wiki inglese c'è 
scritto che lo spazio ci vuole.

Io rivendico l'autonomia di decidere qui in Italia come mappare 
le autostrade, e anche i percorsi europei.

Se il bot è ancora attivo sarebbe il caso di scrivere al gestore 
in modo che smetta di fare modifiche in Italia?

Se c'è un minimo di consenso lo faccio.

Niccolo Rigacci -
Firenze - Italy
Tel. ufficio: 055-9331021

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] A1 o A 1?

2012-07-11 Thread Carlo Stemberger

On 12/07/2012 00:25, Niccolo Rigacci wrote:
Se il bot è ancora attivo sarebbe il caso di scrivere al gestore in 
modo che smetta di fare modifiche in Italia? Se c'è un minimo di 
consenso lo faccio. 



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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] [OT] Re: access destination

2012-07-11 Thread Umberto Piacenza
Il giorno mer, 11/07/2012 alle 15.56 +0200, Volker Schmidt ha scritto:
 Il problema è reale, molto reale. Sono coinvolto attivamente nel lato
 utenza (cicloturismo) e posso garantirti che parliamo di decine di
 migliaia di segnali - è completamente fuori questione di farli
 cambiare. E bloccare queste decine di migliaia di km di stradine
 ideali per i ciclisti è altrettanto fuori questione.

IMHO non possiamo mappare l'interpretazione approssimativa,
generale... di un segnale che nel codice della strada non da' adito ad
approssimazioni o distorsioni.
Il segnale indicato vieta la circolazione di tutti i veicoli, compresi i
Unica eccezione riportata dal codice della strada si trova nelle aree
pedonali: in questo caso è sempre consentito il transito in bicicletta a
meno di apposita indicazione di divieto.

Le stradine ideali per i ciclisti sono piste ciclabili?
Sono state citate più volte le alzaie di navigli o canali: queste
solitamente non sono piste ciclabili ma strade di servizio alla
manutenzione dei corsi d'acqua.
Per queste ultime è solitamente l'ente gestore che deve stabilire a chi
consentire il transito e secondo quali regole.

 Si nasconde lì un problema ancora più insidioso della questione
 routing, cioè il problema della responsabilità civile e penale del
 ciclista in caso di incidenti)

Proprio ciò che successe sull'alzaia Naviglio Grande nel 2010 in seguito
ad un incidente mortale di un ciclista (urtato da un altro ciclista):
il tribunale riconosceva la corresponsabilità dell'ente gestore in
quanto la strada era mancante dei requisiti di sicurezza necessari
Da quel fatto, l'ente gestore ha installato la segnaletica di divieto
d'accesso esplicito per pedoni e ciclisti) con l'intento di
sollevarsi dalle responsabilità di eventuali altri incidenti.

Inutile dire che, dopo qualche tempo, sia pedoni che ciclisti hanno
transitato normalmente su quelle strade.
Scopro ora che da luglio 2012 è cambiato l'ente gestore [1] che in
accordo con la Regione Lombardia, ... in condizioni normali il transito
[ciclopedonale] sarà tollerato a rischio del passante, un po’ come per i
sentieri di montagna. In ogni caso non saranno ammesse velocità
superiori ai 15 chilometri orari 

Dicono che a breve installeranno la relativa segnaletica [2] con
esplicite indicazioni testuali.



Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-co] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos

2012-07-11 Thread Fredyrivera

 De: Julio Costa Zambelli
 Fecha: 10 de julio de 2012 22:24:11 GMT-05:00
 Para: talk-cl
 Asunto: [Talk-cl] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos
 Para su información:
 Julio Costa Zambelli
 OpenStreetMap Chile
 Cel: +56(9)89981083
 Postal: Casilla 9002, Correo 3, Viña del Mar, Chile
 Talk-cl mailing list
Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-co] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos

2012-07-11 Thread CeSar CaRrEñO fErNaNdEz
Me deja de enviar eso 

-Original Message-

From: CeSar CaRrEñO fErNaNdEz
Sent: 11 Jul 2012 11:32:19 GMT
To: OpenStreetMap Colombia
Subject: Re: [Talk-co] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos

Me dejan de enviar ese tipo de informacion a mi correo ??? Les agradeceria .

-Original Message-

From: Fredyrivera
Sent: 11 Jul 2012 11:27:07 GMT
To: OpenStreetMap Colombia
Subject: [Talk-co] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos

 De: Julio Costa Zambelli
 Fecha: 10 de julio de 2012 22:24:11 GMT-05:00
 Para: talk-cl
 Asunto: [Talk-cl] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos


 Para su información:


 Julio Costa Zambelli
 OpenStreetMap Chile
 Cel: +56(9)89981083
 Postal: Casilla 9002, Correo 3, Viña del Mar, Chile

 Talk-cl mailing list
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Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-co] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos

2012-07-11 Thread CeSar CaRrEñO fErNaNdEz

-Original Message-

From: CeSar CaRrEñO fErNaNdEz
Sent: 11 Jul 2012 11:33:51 GMT
To: OpenStreetMap Colombia
Subject: Re: [Talk-co] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos

Me deja de enviar eso 

-Original Message-

From: CeSar CaRrEñO fErNaNdEz
Sent: 11 Jul 2012 11:32:19 GMT
To: OpenStreetMap Colombia
Subject: Re: [Talk-co] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos

Me dejan de enviar ese tipo de informacion a mi correo ??? Les agradeceria .

-Original Message-

From: Fredyrivera
Sent: 11 Jul 2012 11:27:07 GMT
To: OpenStreetMap Colombia
Subject: [Talk-co] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos

 De: Julio Costa Zambelli
 Fecha: 10 de julio de 2012 22:24:11 GMT-05:00
 Para: talk-cl
 Asunto: [Talk-cl] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos


 Para su información:


 Julio Costa Zambelli
 OpenStreetMap Chile
 Cel: +56(9)89981083
 Postal: Casilla 9002, Correo 3, Viña del Mar, Chile

 Talk-cl mailing list
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Talk-co mailing list
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Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-co] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos

2012-07-11 Thread CeSar CaRrEñO fErNaNdEz
Haber no entiende ???

-Original Message-

From: CeSar CaRrEñO fErNaNdEz
Sent: 11 Jul 2012 11:33:51 GMT
To: OpenStreetMap Colombia
Subject: Re: [Talk-co] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos

Me deja de enviar eso 

-Original Message-

From: CeSar CaRrEñO fErNaNdEz
Sent: 11 Jul 2012 11:32:19 GMT
To: OpenStreetMap Colombia
Subject: Re: [Talk-co] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos

Me dejan de enviar ese tipo de informacion a mi correo ??? Les agradeceria .

-Original Message-

From: Fredyrivera
Sent: 11 Jul 2012 11:27:07 GMT
To: OpenStreetMap Colombia
Subject: [Talk-co] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos

 De: Julio Costa Zambelli
 Fecha: 10 de julio de 2012 22:24:11 GMT-05:00
 Para: talk-cl
 Asunto: [Talk-cl] Se inicia el proceso de redacción de la Base de Datos


 Para su información:


 Julio Costa Zambelli
 OpenStreetMap Chile
 Cel: +56(9)89981083
 Postal: Casilla 9002, Correo 3, Viña del Mar, Chile

 Talk-cl mailing list
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Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-co] disminucion de mapeo

2012-07-11 Thread leo
Saludos cordiales. 

Esta tarde reiniciamos labores de openstreetmap en el colegio salesiano de 

Con humberto hemos trabajado conjuntamente y nos ha indicado zonas prioritarias 
de mapeo, si alguien quiere sugerir alguna zona, bienvenida la sugerencia. 
Enviado desde BlackBerry® de COMCEL S.A.

-Original Message-
From: Igor TAmara
Date: Sun, 8 Jul 2012 10:37:55 
To: OpenStreetMap
Reply-To: OpenStreetMap Colombia
Subject: Re: [Talk-co] disminucion de mapeo

Talk-co mailing list

Talk-co mailing list

Re: [Talk-co] disminucion de mapeo

2012-07-11 Thread
En correo del 9 de mayo envié los polígonos 'hires=yes' .osm de las
imágenes Orbview3, hay que documentar en la wiki.

Sobre Bing existe esta herramienta

El 8 de julio de 2012 10:37, Igor TAmara escribió:

 Creo que debe haber suficientes mapeadores, creo que lo que hace falta es
 un poco de organización en lo que hay por hacer, de esa forma los grupos
 tendrán información acerca de qué es prioritario mapear, o qué actividades
 hay para hacer.

 Pero con esta página que estás reforumlando creo que entiendo un poco más.

 Creo que otras cosas por hacer es calcar detalles de las nuevas imágenes
 de bing, también de hacer corrección de errores manuales que hemos
 identificado.  En este sentido va la herramienta que propuse el otro día,
 lo que hace es mostrar sitios donde hay errores y que requieren ayuda de
 humanos para corregirlos, es exclusivamente errores de nombres...[1]

 Quiero montar un WFS para identificar los sitios en los que tenemos hires
 para Bing, pero no tengo claro cómo es el asunto con orbview, no se si
 tengamos una guía paso a paso de orbview.  En este sentido, podríamos
 ofrecer a los maperos zonas en las cuales sería chévere que calcaran vías,
 ojos de agua e incluso construcciones.   Todavía estoy en la búsqueda de un
 servidor de WFS que sea muy liviano, así que recomendaciones son

 Creo que lo que nos hace falta es enriquecer un poco más el wiki para que
 haya tutoriales sencillos para seguir en las fiestas de mapeo o consulta
 para quienes se están iniciando.

 Cada vez que veo correos me siento newbie :) , porque hay mucho por
 aprender y hacer.


 El 6 de julio de 2012 14:30, hyan...@gmail.comescribió:

 +1 reformulación.

 El 6 de julio de 2012 14:26, Federico Explorador ( escribió:


 Buena iniciativa Humberto.

 ** **

 Relacionado con la disminución del mapeo está la calidad del mapeo y el

 ** **

 Para la página actual con el título de : 

 **-  **2011 Colombia floods

 Y los subtítulos

 **o   **Flood emergencies [Timeline]

 **o   **Working areas  Imagery request

 ** **

 Quisiera proponer reestructurarla, como sigue:

 **-  **Colombia Emergencies and working areas

 **o   **Natural Disasters [Timeline]

 **o   **Complex emergencies [Timeline]

 **o   **Working areas   Imagery request

 ** **

 En “Natural Disasters [Timeline]” se puede incluir tanto inundaciones,
 como terremotos o erupción de volcanes

 En “Complex emergencies [Timeline]” se incorporan las emergencias
 humanitarias derivadas por el conflicto, en la línea de OCHA.

 “Working areas   Imagery request” refleja la respuesta a lo anterior.**

 ** **

 Qué opinan?

 Puedo colaborar en la reformulación de la página.


 ** **

 *De:* []
 *Enviado el:* viernes, 06 de julio de 2012 08:21 a.m.
 *Para:* OpenStreetMap Colombia
 *Asunto:* Re: [Talk-co] disminucion de mapeo

 ** **

 Hola, Acabo de actualizar la tabla de AOI para mapeo humanitario con la
 actividad de los pueblos indígenas.

 ** **

 ** **

 (En el ejercicio diario) Me he topado con varios nuevos mapeadores, creo
 que nuestra labor como más experimentados es guiar sobre las técnicas para
 ir en línea con la calidad de los datos cartográficos.

 ** **

 Otro punto es realizar talleres en colegios y universidades.  Una labor
 para resaltar es la que hace Leonardo Gutierrez en Duitama con estudiantes
 del Colegio Salesiano [1], han colaborado en muchos de los proyectos
 humanitarios y diligentemente se reúnen todos los miércoles a mapear en las
 latitudes del país donde tenemos cobertura de imágenes aéreas (Orbview3,

 ** **

 Estudiantes de la Universidad de Cartagena han colaborado para realizar
 el mapeo en campo de Seguro hay muchos más
 ejemplos.  Esta es la torta [2] que compartimos en la última fiesta de
 mapeo [3] (hubo un pequeño accidente con ella...)

 ** **


 ** **

 Humberto Yances

 ** **

 ** **




 ** **

 El 5 de julio de 2012 23:21, Harrier Co

 Es cada vez mas dificil encontrar mapeadores de imagenes o es mi


 Talk-co mailing list

 ** **

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Re: [Talk-lt] Miškų kvartalų numeriai, kvartalinės linijos, kvartaliniai stulpeliai

2012-07-11 Thread Gintaras Kasiulionis

2012/7/10 Ramas
 siūlyčiau tokius dalykus atidėti projektui OpenForestMap :)
Kaip pirštu į akį :)

Jei nebus prieštaraujančių, žymėsiu:

Visas miškas

Miške esantys kvartalai:

loc_ref o ne ref naudosiu, nes kvartalai bendru adveju unikalūs
tik vieno miško ribose. ref ko gero tiktų unikaliems bent jau šalies
mastu dalykams.

Stulpelių / skruzdėlynų / atskirų medžių miške nežymėsiu :)

(Gintaras Kasiulionis)

Talk-lt mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Red Natura 2000

2012-07-11 Thread Manuel (Montgomery)

En principio me medioresponsabilicé yo, pero entre pitos y flautas y
gaitas personales de la universidad no me puse en contacto directo con
ninguna administración. Sin que esto sirva de disculpa, para empezar hay
cierto cacao sobre el origen de los datos. La UE ordena a los países
miembros la responsabilidad de cartografiar los espacios RN2000. En el caso
de España a su vez la responsabilidad es delegada a las CCAA, que a su vez
encarga a alguna de sus consejerías hacerlo. Estas a su vez se lo pueden
transferir a sus departamentos o institutos especialiados en medioambiente.
Por lo tanto no me queda nada claro de a donde dirigirme, pues los dueños
de la información pueden ser muchos.

No sé cómo fue la experiencia de colaboración con otras administraciones
para que liberasen sus datos. Estaría interesante conocerlas para por lo
menos saber por donde empezar.

Manuel (Montgomery)

El 10 de julio de 2012 05:37, Cruz Enrique Borges


 Estaba buscando info sobre la red natura 2000 para un proyecto
 y me acorde de que en la lista se había hablado de importar
 los shapefiles y no se que más cosas, ¿al final en que quedó
 lo de la licencia?

 Cruz Enrique Borges Hernández

 DeustoTech Energy
 Telefono: 944139000 ext.2052
 Avda. Universidades, 24
 48007 Bilbao, Spain

 Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Mittwoch!

2012-07-11 Thread Felix Hartmann
Nur mal so als Erinnerung, bisher haben sich erst 3 User im Wiki 

lg bis heute Abend,
On 09.07.2012 19:26, Andreas Labres wrote:

On 09.07.12 19:14, Werner Macho wrote:

Ich wollt mich nur kurz melden und euch sagen das Mittwoch für mich leider
nicht geht. Ich bin grad mit Arbeit eingedeckt worden und fahre Donnerstag
aber für ne Woche weg.
Leider keine Chance die Neuigkeiten Agit zu Präsentieren .. Wobei ich aber
ehrlich gesagt auch nicht gewusst hätte was ich dazu sagen soll ..

Alles klar. Danke!

Ich werde die Ankündigung im Wiki dann gleich auf 18:30 beim Wieden Bräu 

BTW, falls jemand früher dort ist, könnte im Garten zwei Tische besetzen... sie
nehmen im Garten keine Reservierungen an...

Servus, Andreas

Talk-at mailing list

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-lv] Darbu sāk datu korekcijas bots

2012-07-11 Thread

Ātrai informācijai - šodien darbu beidzot sāk datu korekcijas bots,
kas dzēsīs vai koriģēs datus atbilstoši jaunajai licensei. Cik
saprotu, viss process varētu aizņemt mēnesi, bet varētu būt arī ātrāk.
Sākumā Īrija, Anglija, Vācija, pēc tam visa pārējā pasaule.

Lai sokas,

Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] Darbu sāk datu korekcijas bots

2012-07-11 Thread Viesturs Zarins
Cool, ir kāds plāns pa kontinentiem? Kad mēs varam viņu sagaidīt latvijā?




 Ātrai informācijai - šodien darbu beidzot sāk datu korekcijas bots,
 kas dzēsīs vai koriģēs datus atbilstoši jaunajai licensei. Cik
 saprotu, viss process varētu aizņemt mēnesi, bet varētu būt arī ātrāk.
 Sākumā Īrija, Anglija, Vācija, pēc tam visa pārējā pasaule.

 Lai sokas,

 Talk-lv mailing list

Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] Darbu sāk datu korekcijas bots

2012-07-11 Thread
Citēju epastu no Ričarda Fairhursta
The bot will run in the following order:
1. Ireland
2. UK
3. Western Europe
4. North America
5. Australia
6. rest of the world

Kad precīzi nepateikšu, bet ja viss strādās nesāpīgi, tas būs pāris
nedēļu jautājums, augusta sākums kaut kur.


2012. gada 11. jūlijs 11:27 Viesturs Zarins rakstīja:
 Cool, ir kāds plāns pa kontinentiem? Kad mēs varam viņu sagaidīt latvijā?




 Ātrai informācijai - šodien darbu beidzot sāk datu korekcijas bots,
 kas dzēsīs vai koriģēs datus atbilstoši jaunajai licensei. Cik
 saprotu, viss process varētu aizņemt mēnesi, bet varētu būt arī ātrāk.
 Sākumā Īrija, Anglija, Vācija, pēc tam visa pārējā pasaule.

 Lai sokas,

 Talk-lv mailing list

mortigi tempo
Pēteris Krišjānis

Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] Darbu sāk datu korekcijas bots

2012-07-11 Thread
Papildinot - šeit ir koordinātes minētajiem reģioniem.


2012. gada 11. jūlijs 11:32 rakstīja:
 Citēju epastu no Ričarda Fairhursta
 The bot will run in the following order:
 1. Ireland
 2. UK
 3. Western Europe
 4. North America
 5. Australia
 6. rest of the world

 Kad precīzi nepateikšu, bet ja viss strādās nesāpīgi, tas būs pāris
 nedēļu jautājums, augusta sākums kaut kur.


 2012. gada 11. jūlijs 11:27 Viesturs Zarins rakstīja:
 Cool, ir kāds plāns pa kontinentiem? Kad mēs varam viņu sagaidīt latvijā?




 Ātrai informācijai - šodien darbu beidzot sāk datu korekcijas bots,
 kas dzēsīs vai koriģēs datus atbilstoši jaunajai licensei. Cik
 saprotu, viss process varētu aizņemt mēnesi, bet varētu būt arī ātrāk.
 Sākumā Īrija, Anglija, Vācija, pēc tam visa pārējā pasaule.

 Lai sokas,

 Talk-lv mailing list

 mortigi tempo
 Pēteris Krišjānis

mortigi tempo
Pēteris Krišjānis

Talk-lv mailing list

[Talk-lv] jelgava izzuud

2012-07-11 Thread Rich
hmm. nezinu, vai peecha mineetais bots liidz latvijai jau ir nonaacis, 
bet jelgavaa jau daudz kas ir izzudis :

pasleegaajamies starp cleanmap  badmap

Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] V886 un V917

2012-07-11 Thread Rich

On 2012-07-10 21:54, Instigater wrote:

Nav vairs V886, tas tagad ir pārkonvertējies apvienojies ar V917, un
V917 ir tagad līdz sidrabiņiem. Man JOSM slinkums instalēt, gan jau
sapratīsiet kartē.

tur jau nav nekas jaainstalee, vai nu viens jarfails, vai pat java 
webstart ;)

varbuut tomeer varam tevi piedabuut uz sho izmainju veikshanu ? bez 
konkretas saprashanas negribas neko mainiit...


Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] jelgava izzuud

2012-07-11 Thread Pilnais vārds
 Nav gadījumā tā, ka, ja kāds cits parediģē kādu objektu, tad datu licence uz attiecīgo objektu nepāriet pie lietotāja, kurš pēdējais viņu rediģējis?Ceru ka izteicu domu saprotami :)  Citējot Rich On 2012-07-11 13:57, Rich wrote:  hmm. nezinu, vai peecha mineetais bots liidz latvijai jau ir nonaacis,  bet jelgavaa jau daudz kas ir izzudis :

Talk-lv mailing list

Re: [Talk-lv] Darbu sāk datu korekcijas bots

2012-07-11 Thread Viesturs Zarins
Izmaiņu sarakstā izmaiņas būs.
Mistiski pazudīs objektu vēsture.



 Starp citu vēl piebilde - lietotājs/bots kas to darīs ir šis

 Ne vienmēr izmaiņām būs Changeset, realitātē izmaiņas ir daudz
 viltīgākas, tāpēc izmaiņu sarakstā nekā daudz visticamāk nebūs.

 Lai sokas,

 2012. gada 11. jūlijs 12:12 Jānis Ročāns
  Parastajam Latvijas OSM lietotājam jāreiķinās, ka daļa datu pazudīs un
  nepieciešams tos atjaunot :)
  2012/7/11 Pilnais vārds
   kas dzēsīs vai koriģēs datus atbilstoši jaunajai licensei 
  a kāds no šitā labums parastam Latvijas OSM lietotājam?
  Talk-lv mailing list
  Talk-lv mailing list

 mortigi tempo
 Pēteris Krišjānis

 Talk-lv mailing list

Talk-lv mailing list

[Talk-lv] blogposts par osmand latviskojumu

2012-07-11 Thread Rich

paldies gintam par blogpostu - reklameejam osm kartes androiidos latviski :)

joprojaam aicinaam jebkuru, kam ir ko teikt par osm, rakstiit blogpostus

(es vienam listeniekam apsoliiju kaadu specifisku blogpostu uzrakstiit, 
bet, kaa redzams, tas tik veikli nenotiek...)


Talk-lv mailing list

[Talk-lv] Fwd: [OSM-talk] Suspend Imports / Bulk edits / Bots

2012-07-11 Thread
-- Forwarded message --
From: Grant Slater
Date: 2012/7/11
Subject: [OSM-talk] Suspend Imports / Bulk edits / Bots
To: Talk Openstreetmap, OSM Dev List,, imports

Dear All,

Summary: Please stop Imports, Automated Edits, Bulk edits  Bots until
the redaction process has ended.

The redaction bot has just started running. Until the redaction
process has been completed please suspend all imports and bulk edit
operations. Imports or bots which ignore this request may be subject
to an immediate temporary account block to ease up load on the API and
database servers.

Normal editing operations should be unaffected although I would
recommend saving often.

If you have any questions or a pressing need for such an edit please
contact the sysadmins in advance on IRC. See #osm-dev on OFTC via

on behalf of OpenStreetMap Sysadmins

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mortigi tempo
Pēteris Krišjānis

Talk-lv mailing list

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