Re: [Talk-de] osm2pgsql

2016-03-15 Thread Tobias
On 13.03.2016 19:04, Walter Nordmann wrote:
> Verlasse dich bitte nie auf "Sekundärliteratur" ;)

und danke für die HIlfe. Soweit ich die man page gelesen habe kann x
genauso wie --extra-attributes verwendet werden.
Schnipp schnapp:

  Include attributes for each object in the database.  This
includes the username,  userid,  timestamp  and  version.
  Note: this option also requires additional entries in your
style file.

leider trauchen die werte trotzdem nicht auf ich denke ich meiner styles
config ist nocht etwas falsch.

Eine zweite frage die mir auf den nägeln brennt ist. Kann ich von der
osm_Id zb aus der planet_osm_polygon darauf schließen ob es sich um
einen way, node oder eine relation handelt?

Gruß und Dank

> OSM2PGSQL(1) General Commands Manual OSM2PGSQL(1)
>osm2pgsql - Openstreetmap data to PostgreSQL converter.
>osm2pgsql [options] planet.osm
>osm2pgsql [options] planet.osm.{gz,bz2,pbf}
>osm2pgsql [options] file1.osm file2.osm file3.osm
>This manual page documents briefly the osm2pgsql command.
>osm2pgsql imports data from OSM file(s) into a PostgreSQL
> database suitable for use by the Mapnik renderer or the Nominatim
> geocoder.
>OSM  planet  snapshots  can  be  downloaded  from
>  Partial  planet  files ("extracts")
> for various countries are available, see
>Extracts in PBF (ProtoBufBinary) format are also available from
>When operating in "slim" mode (and on a database created in
> "slim" mode!), osm2pgsql can also process OSM change files (osc
> files), thereby  bringing  an  existing
>database up to date.
>These programs follow the usual GNU command line syntax, with
> long options starting with two dashes (`-').  A summary of options is
> included below.
>   Add the OSM file into the database without removing
> existing data.
>   Apply a bounding box filter on the imported data. Must
> be specified as: minlon,minlat,maxlon,maxlat e.g. --bbox
> -0.5,51.25,0.5,51.75
>   Remove existing data from the database. This is the
> default if --append is not specified.
>-d|--database name
>   The name of the PostgreSQL database to connect to
> (default: gis).
>-i|--tablespace-index tablespacename
>   Store all indices in a separate PostgreSQL tablespace
> named by this parameter.  This allows one to e.g. store the indices on
> faster storage like SSDs.
> --tablespace-main-data tablespacename
>   Store the data tables (non slim) in the given tablespace.
> --tablespace-main-index tablespacename
>   Store the indices of the main tables (non slim) in the
> given tablespace.
> --tablespace-slim-data tablespacename
>   Store the slim mode tables in the given tablespace.
> --tablespace-slim-index tablespacename
>   Store the indices of the slim mode tables in the given
> tablespace.
>   Store data in degrees of latitude & longitude.
>   Store data in proper spherical Mercator (the default).
>-E|--proj num
>   Use projection EPSG:num
>   Repair bad UTF-8 input data (present in planet dumps
> prior to August 2007). Adds about 10% overhead.
>-p|--prefix prefix_string
>   Prefix for table names (default: planet_osm).
>-r|--input-reader format
>   Select  input  format reader. Available choices are
> libxml2 (default) for OSM XML format files, o5m for o5m formatted file
> and pbf for OSM PBF binary format
>   (may not be available on all platforms).
>   Store temporary data in the database. Without this mode,
> all temporary data is stored in RAM and if you do not have enough the
> import will not work success‐
>   fully. With slim mode, you should be able to import the
> data even on a system with limited RAM, although if you do not have
> enough RAM to cache at least all
>   of the nodes, the time to import the data will likely be
> greatly increased.
>  --drop
>   Drop the slim mode tables from the database once the
> import is complete. This can greatly reduce the size of the database,
> as the slim mode tables typically
>   are  the same size, if not slightly bigger than the main
> tables. It does not, however, reduce the maximum spike of disk usage
> during import. It can further‐
>   more increase the import speed, as no indices need to be
> created 

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Plans lignes RER? / Cartographie des réseaux urbains de bus, journée #HackFrancophonie

2016-03-15 Thread osm . sanspourriel
Sinon je voulais préciser dans le fil "Cartographie des réseaux urbains 
de bus, journée #HackFrancophonie" de discussion mais je m'étais retenu, 
c'était un peu hors sujet par contre pour toi ça prend tout son sens :
Grâce à Fdroid j'ai découvert aMetro  qui se base 
sur un format que l'on doit pouvoir assez facilement générer à partir 
des données OSM.
Assez facilement car comme dit pour Bordeaux, une ligne c'est trois 
relations à réintégrer en une relation (sauf si on garde la position 
exacte des arrêts et non le centre).
À coup de louche : prendre les arrêts à l'aller (+) dans l'ordre de 
parcours, pour les retours, s'ils sont dans la liste (même nom) pendre 
le barycentre avec l'arrêt existant et supprimer le + (c'est un arrêt 
normal) ou ajouter - (arrêt retour uniquement).

Le problème c'est la licence, mais il doit y avoir moyen de leur 
demander d'être plus tolérant et de mettre un lien vers OSM.

N.B. : la nouvelle version marche nettement mieux mais elle n'est pas 
encore sur Fdroid.

Version la plus récente sans passer par Gougle pray:

Actuellement en version propre (plan vectoriel) ils n'ont que les lignes 
de métro sur Paris.


Le 2016-03-16 02:30, a écrit :

La réponse est oui.
Une autre question ? ;-)
Un petit exemple :
Tu trouveras que le wiki a une page sur MapCss.


montre que tu n'as pas fais ce que tu voulais.
Tu n'as pas récupéré les noms des arrêts ou ne les a pas associé dans 
la description de la bulle.
Pour info, j'avais pour un besoin équivalent récupéré d'un côté le 
trajet (dans umap tu peux associer une couleur) et de l'autre côté 
(seconde couche) les emplacements. Du coup tu peux demander d'afficher 
les noms des arrêts et mettre les icônes qui vont bien.

Pas besoin de MapCss.


Le 2016-03-15 18:20, Shohreh - a écrit :


Je remonte le fil pour vérifier deux points avant de me plonger dans

1. MapCSS permet-il de modifier l'affichage d'une relation? J'aimerais que
les gares soient, comme sur le site Transilien, marquées avec des petits
cercles blancs, voire se transforment en logo "RER" quand on zoome, afin de
rendre ça plus lisible:

2. J'aimerais que la requête remonte le nom des stations, et que le nom
s'affiche sur la carte quand on passe la souris dessus (mouse over). Où
dois-je chercher dans l'API OverPass pour faire ce genre de chose?

3. Est-il possible de downloaded une carte Umap dans un smartphone et
qu'elle soit encore utilisable en local (zoom) sans connexion Internet?

J'ai en fait besoin de ce genre de chose pour également préparer un
cyclovoyage : j'aimerais récupérer la liste des lignes de bus/autocars dans
une région pour pouvoir, si nécessaire, me rabattre sur le bus pour tel ou
tel segment.
Idéalement, OSM possède dans sa base non seulement les arrêts de bus mais
également le numéro de la ligne à laquelle il appartient, ce qui pourrait me
permettre de lancer une requête OverPass et récupérer ainsi en quelques
coups toutes les lignes de bus dans une région.


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Re: [Talk-GB] Definitive map edits

2016-03-15 Thread Dave F

If you check the source tag he attempted to put the source as this:

Some believe this cannot be used in OSM as it's been overlaid on OS 
background map. I'm not convinced, but the point is moot as it is freely 
available in isolation & in various electronic formats as stated in 
previous posts.

However they're not that accurate & should really only be used as a 
guide for on the ground surveying & confirmation of their designation.

I couldn't see a changeset comment. Have you contacted him?

Dave F.

On 15/03/2016 18:57, Neil Matthews wrote:

Anyone know whether "definitive maps" are suitable as sources for OSM?

I'm seeing a lot of edits today by the same author that have comments 
about "the definitive map", e.g.

There are URLs for the source, but they don't seem to be valid?


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Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Plans lignes RER?

2016-03-15 Thread osm . sanspourriel

La réponse est oui.
Une autre question ? ;-)
Un petit exemple :
Tu trouveras que le wiki a une page sur MapCss.


montre que tu n'as pas fais ce que tu voulais.
Tu n'as pas récupéré les noms des arrêts ou ne les a pas associé dans la 
description de la bulle.
Pour info, j'avais pour un besoin équivalent récupéré d'un côté le 
trajet (dans umap tu peux associer une couleur) et de l'autre côté 
(seconde couche) les emplacements. Du coup tu peux demander d'afficher 
les noms des arrêts et mettre les icônes qui vont bien.

Pas besoin de MapCss.


Le 2016-03-15 18:20, Shohreh - a écrit :


Je remonte le fil pour vérifier deux points avant de me plonger dans

1. MapCSS permet-il de modifier l'affichage d'une relation? J'aimerais que
les gares soient, comme sur le site Transilien, marquées avec des petits
cercles blancs, voire se transforment en logo "RER" quand on zoome, afin de
rendre ça plus lisible:

2. J'aimerais que la requête remonte le nom des stations, et que le nom
s'affiche sur la carte quand on passe la souris dessus (mouse over). Où
dois-je chercher dans l'API OverPass pour faire ce genre de chose?

3. Est-il possible de downloaded une carte Umap dans un smartphone et
qu'elle soit encore utilisable en local (zoom) sans connexion Internet?

J'ai en fait besoin de ce genre de chose pour également préparer un
cyclovoyage : j'aimerais récupérer la liste des lignes de bus/autocars dans
une région pour pouvoir, si nécessaire, me rabattre sur le bus pour tel ou
tel segment.
Idéalement, OSM possède dans sa base non seulement les arrêts de bus mais
également le numéro de la ligne à laquelle il appartient, ce qui pourrait me
permettre de lancer une requête OverPass et récupérer ainsi en quelques
coups toutes les lignes de bus dans une région.


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Re: [Talk-GB] Definitive map edits

2016-03-15 Thread Dave F

On 15/03/2016 23:27, Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) wrote:

  (Most of the datasets on still say
they're under the old OS OpenData Licence.)

If you click through on the opendata hyperlink it states it's OGLV3. At 
least on the ones I've checked.

Dave F..

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Re: [OSM-ja] 今後のオープンソースカンファレンスの日程について

2016-03-15 Thread Zoar.





On 2016/03/15 1:35, Takahisa TAGUCHI wrote:






On 2016/03/14 10:51, Zoar. wrote:


5月14日(土)の OSC 群馬について妻から参加 OK がもらえたので1日行く


On 2016/03/03 17:26, Takahisa TAGUCHI wrote:


先日のオープンソースカンファレンスTokyo/Spring 参加のみなさん


■5月14日(土) ・・・出展者募集中!(3/18締切)
[群馬] オープンソースカンファレンス2016 Gunma

■5月28日(土) ・・・出展者募集中!(4/4締切)
[名古屋] オープンソースカンファレンス2016 Nagoya

■6月17日(金)・18(土) ・・・3月上旬申込開始予定
[北海道] オープンソースカンファレンス2016 Hokkaido

■7月2日(土) ・・・4月中旬申込開始予定
[沖縄] オープンソースカンファレンス2016 Okinawa

■7月29日(金)・30日(土) ・・・5月初旬申込開始予定
[京都] オープンソースカンファレンス2016 Kyoto


今回沖縄では前夜祭として「オープンソースカンファレンス サミット」が
# わたしは北海道の直後なので財政的に沖縄の参加は厳しいかも、、、


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Re: [Talk-it-trentino] Napo coordinato trentino

2016-03-15 Thread Maurizio Napolitano
Per la verità mi sono limitato a proporre il nome sulla pagina wiki.
Per il resto non ho fatto altro.
Se poi ci sono altri candidati, allora discutiamone.
Concordo con l'esigenza incontri periodici.
Al momento ho provato ad attivare - su richiesta dei ragazzi di thehub -
una comunità di maptime (che ruota sul tema mappe)
Per ora è stato fatto un incontro, ma era proprio preliminare per andare oltre.

2016-03-15 22:17 GMT+01:00 Luca Delucchi :
> Ciao a tutti,
> volevo segnalare che Napo è il nuovo coordintore del Local Chapter
> italiano di OpenStreetMap per il Trentino, bravo!
> L'unica cosa che mi farebbe piacere avere è un incontro a cadenza
> regolare, che ne pensi?
> --
> ciao
> Luca
> ___
> Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Maurizio "Napo" Napolitano

Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Definitive map edits

2016-03-15 Thread Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
On 15 March 2016 at 18:57, Neil Matthews  wrote:
> Anyone know whether "definitive maps" are suitable as sources for OSM?

The actual "Definitive Map" will almost certainly be a paper printout
of an OS map with Rights of Way drawn on top of it. OS's copyright
applies to this, and it's not something that they're likely to give
anyone permission to re-use.

However, most councils have in recent times created a digitised
version of the Rights of Way routes from their definitive map. They'll
use this for internal purposes and possibly display the routes on
their website on top of an OS base map. The OS base-map will still be
owned by OS, so we wouldn't be able to directly use the online maps.
(So it's misleading for them to be listed in the OSM wiki.) However,
OS are happy for council's to release the raw GIS data for the routes
under an open licence -- which we're then able to use if we display
them in OSM directly or on top of a base map we do have permission to

Originally, the licence mandated by OS for the data was their own "OS
OpenData Licence" -- this was problematic for OSM use because of its
additional attribution clause. OS has now abandoned its separate
licence and allows councils to release the data under the standard
Open Government Licence v3 -- which is ok for use in OSM.
Unfortunately, OS hasn't done much to publicise the licence change,
and many councils still have their data under the old OS OpenData
Licence. (Most of the datasets on still say
they're under the old OS OpenData Licence.)

So if you have the Rights of Way data in the form of a GIS file, AND
you have permission from the council to use it under the Open
Government Licence, AND you only display the data in an OSM editor or
on top of a base map we can make use of, then it's ok.

The only two such datasets I'm aware of are for Norfolk and Suffolk,
where I had to specifically ask the councils to update their licences.
I've started work on a tool to help display and compare the council
data with Rights of Way in OSM at . Hopefully there will be
more datasets under the OGL that can be added soon.


Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] JOSM down/up load connection timeout

2016-03-15 Thread Jan Martinec
Jenom na divnopřipojení přes proxy a VPN a SSH tunel: měl jsem problém, že
mi timeoutovalo uzavření changesetu (buď se nezavřel vůbec, nebo jsem jen
nedostal lokálně potvrzení, že byl nahraný), a vůbec věci vyžadující TCP
spojení >10 sec.

Když zkusíš změnit server na vývojový. dělá to tam taky?


poslednich par tydnu mi zacalo zlobit JOSM - hlavne odpoledne (v USA
spicka?) mi dost casto pri stahovani dat (at uz pres menu nebo pres
remote control) chvili zkousi a pak skonci na connection timeout. To
same nekdy pro nahrani dat nas server. Za par minut (nebo po nekolika
pokusech) to zase jede v pohode. Chova se tak na vice ruznych
pripojenich (cesnet, netbox), oboji ma IPv6, ale i po disable a IPv4
only to nebylo lepsi. Ve stejny cas pri zadani URL do prohlizece
(firefox) vzdy proslo ihned a bez problemu.

Jedine co jsem nasel na webu je tohle nemecke vlakno:

ale bez reseni.

Setkal se s tim nekdo?


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Re: [Talk-cz] Rozdělení Jihlavské v Brně

2016-03-15 Thread Pavel Machek
On Tue 2016-03-15 21:37:03, Miroslav Suchý wrote:
> Dne 15.3.2016 v 20:39 <0174 napsal(a):
> > Takže - co vy na to? Nejraději bych to předělal zpátky, ale určitě se
> > nechci pouštět do nějaké války editací, na to nemám čas ani nervy.
> > Uznávám, že to rozdělené vypadá ošklivě v rendereru, ale topologicky mi
> > přijde správnější mít cesty v místě zábran oddělené.
> Ja bych to nechal taky jak to je. Ta zabrana je tam ciste kvuli vynuceni
> jizdnich pruhu a kvuli bezpecnosti, protoze v cechach plati ze bila cara
> neni zed.

Ja nevim. Oddelena betonem -> dve cesty. Jasne ze ta zabrana je tam
kvuli pruhum... na dalnici jsou taky zabrany, taky delame oddelene
(cesky, pictures)

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[Talk-it-trentino] Napo coordinato trentino

2016-03-15 Thread Luca Delucchi
Ciao a tutti,

volevo segnalare che Napo è il nuovo coordintore del Local Chapter
italiano di OpenStreetMap per il Trentino, bravo!

L'unica cosa che mi farebbe piacere avere è un incontro a cadenza
regolare, che ne pensi?


Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] [Imports] Boston, MA, USA addr:housenumber Import

2016-03-15 Thread Roman Yepishev
Hi Clifford, thank you for the message. The answers are inline below.

On Tue, 2016-03-15 at 13:40 -0700, Clifford Snow wrote:

> 1.) Automatically updating the street name to match the address
> records is not advisable. My experience doing address imports, the
> address information may not match the street signs. There may be two
> different departments responsible for the information, accessor and
> highway/street department. 

OK, that's a valid point. I will not overwrite the street info based on
punctuation differences since then the MassDOT names will no longer

> 2.) Is there addr:city and addr:postcode information available to add
> with the import?
Actually yes, there is the zip_code field in the source data. The city
is Boston for all these buildings.

I assumed that a ZIP code information is handled by some relation, and
not attached to the building. Just read about addr:postcode on wiki and
I don't see a reason why that can't be added to the buildings while we
are at it.

> 3) Just looking at one neighborhood, Allston-Brighton, the .osc
> contains building=yes. Does that mean if a building outline is tagged
> building=residential or any other building tag it will be retagged
> building=yes?
The selection runs on anything that has a tag key building  (and value
is not 'no', just in case). No change of building type will be

> 4) Is it really necessary to upload that many notes during the
> import? if a building is missing, can you add a node with the address
> information instead of leaving a note?
I should have been clear on that - the notes generated are not designed
to be uploaded at all. It's just the only way I found that I can put a
marker on the map and be able to see it in JOSM without creating a POI.

I have updated the wiki page with the above clarifications.


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Re: [Talk-de] Datenerfassung für stadtverträgliches LKW-Routing im Rheinland

2016-03-15 Thread

Am 15.03.2016 um 15:16 schrieb Paaß, Dominik:


ich habe aufmerksam verfolgt, was hier so geschrieben wurde und versuche jetzt 
mal auf einige Themen einzugehen.

tags für Vorrang- oder Nachrang-Routen müssten zunächst mit der OSM Community 
abgestimmt werden,
die ist recht heterogen, wie du bereits hier siehst. Ein eigenes tag nur für 
eure Zwecke wird
sicherlich abgelehnt werden. Außerdem wird es keine Exklusivität fürs Ändern 

Prinzipiell kann jeder neue tags einführen. Wenn das in größerem Stil geschieht 
und nicht
abgestimmt ist, wird man den Widerstand anderer erfahren. Schlimmstenfalls kann 
das zum
Revertieren aller Einträge führen, was für euch der GAU wäre. Erfahrungen bei der 
Einführung >neuer tags habe ich nicht.

Einen eigenen tag nur für unsere Zwecke ergibt auch aus meiner Sicht keinen 
Sinn, es sollte vielmehr ein Konsens gefunden werden. Sind Vorrangrouten in der 
OSM überhaupt erwünscht (da man sie, wie hier ja schon häufiger bemängelt 
wurde, nicht an Ort und Stelle überprüfen kann) und wenn ja, mit welchem tag 
könnte die OSM-Community leben!?

kannst du bitte mal erklären wie diese Vorrangrouten durch die
Ordnungsbehörden/Straßenbehörden gekennzeichnet werden sollen.
Solange das uns nicht gesagt wird, werden hier noch die tollsten
Vermutungen und Taggingvorschläge gemacht.

Ich habe noch keine Rückmeldung darüber, inwiefern die Vorrangrouten 
gekennzeichnet werden sollen. In manchen Fällen sollen wohl VZ 421ff. und VZ 
442ff. verwendet werden.

Wenn die Beschilderung mit StVO Zeichen 253 und gegebenenfalls
Zusatzzeichen für bestimmte Straßen erfolgen soll ist das in OSM gut
darstellbar, gleiches gilt auch für Tonnagebegrenzungen.

Wie schon gesagt werden natürlich alle vorhandenen Restriktionen inkl. 
Zusatzzeichen bei der Planung der Vorrangrouten mit in die Entscheidung 

Wenn die Vorrangrouten per Beschluß der zuständigen kommunalen
Verwaltung festgelegt werden und diese Beschlüsse öffentlich bekannt
gemacht werden gibt es auch keine Probleme mit der Lizenz zu OSM.

Als Beispiel für die Vorrangrouten und die zugehörigen Beschlüsse mal das 
Beispiel Duisburg:
Hier kann man sowohl das beschlossene Vorrangroutennetz einsehen als auch die 
Beschlüsse der einzelnen Stadtteile mit einsehen. So oder so zumindest so 
ähnlich kann man sich das in unserem Projekt auch vorstellen.

Solange die Routen nicht ausgeschildert sind, sind sie für OSM genauso
irrelevant wie die Inhalte eines Flächennutzungsplans. Dieser hat nur
für die Verwaltung eine gewisse bindende Wirkung. Erst der Bebauungsplan
ist für den Bauherren richtig relevant. (Vorrangroute = FNP,
Verkehrsschilder = Bebauungsplan)

Wenn die Straßenklassifikationen in ein Routing mit einbezogen werden, sehe ich 
keinen wirklichen Unterschied zur Verwendung von Vorrangrouten, wenn sie 
politisch abgesegnet wurden.

Glaubst du etwa, dass sich der slowakische Lkw-Fahrer, der die Abkürzung
durch das Wohngebiet nimmt, darum kümmert, ob der Gemeinderat, die
Straße zur Lkw-Vorrangroute erklärt hat, oder nicht?

Das Argument hinkt meiner Meinung nach etwas. Diese LKW-Fahrer verwenden momentan 
hauptsächlich PKW-Navis, was bedeutet, dass auch nahezu alle LKW-relevanten Restriktionen 
ignoriert werden, da diese von PKW-Navis nicht berücksichtigt werden! Es ist vollkommen 
klar, dass man nicht alle LKW-Fahrer mit einer Lösung auf geeignete Routen bekommen kann, 
aber irgendwo muss man anfangen, sonst passiert überhaupt nichts! Aus der Logistikbranche 
hier in NRW wurde uns gegenüber schon sehr häufig geäußert, dass die sehnsüchtig auf eine 
funktionierende Lösung warten, da die Probleme auf der berühmten "letzten 
Meile" ein sehr hoher Zeit- und Kostenfaktor für die Unternehmen ist. Wenn diese 
Unternehmen ihre Fahrer verpflichten ein entsprechendes LKW-Navi zu benutzen, hat man 
schon viel gewonnen. Und wenn die Logistikfirmen aus dem Ausland merken, dass es eine 
Lösung gibt, die ihre Fahrzeuge sicher und planbar zum Ziel bringt, werden auch diese 
ihre Fahrer dazu verpflichten.

ich denke nicht, dass LKW Fahrer ohne Ortskenntnis Abkürzungen durch Wohngebiete 
nehmen, höchst >selten.

Sobald das PKW Navi versagt, irren viele Fahrer in Wohngebieten herum, was auch 
von Vertretern der Kommunen bestätigt wurde.
Dazu ein Video von "ZDF heute nacht" zum Pilotprojekt im Ruhrgebiet:

Um LKW-Vorrangrouten zu gennerieren wäre für mich der erste Schritt das 
öffentlich zu machen um es mit den erfassten Daten abzugleichen.
Hier würde doch schon viel helfen wenn Tonnagebegrenzungen, Durchfahrtsverbote, 
und Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen für die Region abgeglichen und ergänzt 

Der Plan ist tatsächlich, dass wir den Kommunen ermöglichen wollen ihr gesamtes 
Schilderkataster digital zu erfassen. In vielen Kommunen 

Re: [Talk-us] [Imports] Boston, MA, USA addr:housenumber Import

2016-03-15 Thread Clifford Snow
Glad to see someone adding more addresses to OSM.

I have some questions/comments for you.

1.) Automatically updating the street name to match the address records is
not advisable. My experience doing address imports, the address information
may not match the street signs. There may be two different departments
responsible for the information, accessor and highway/street department.

2.) Is there addr:city and addr:postcode information available to add with
the import?

3) Just looking at one neighborhood, Allston-Brighton, the .osc contains
building=yes. Does that mean if a building outline is tagged
building=residential or any other building tag it will be retagged

4) Is it really necessary to upload that many notes during the import? if a
building is missing, can you add a node with the address information
instead of leaving a note?


On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 9:52 AM, Roman Yepishev  wrote:

> (re-posting to both mailing lists since I failed to subscribe to
> imports@ before sending)
> Hello OpenStreetMap folks,
> TL;DR: import wiki page:
> ton_Street_Address_Management_%28SAM%29_Import
> Boston, Massachusetts is relatively well mapped, however the buildings
> usually lack addr:housenumber and addr:street tags.
> Since the city is not built on a grid-based design, the streets can
> wander around making finding the right house with OpenStreetMap a
> challenge. City of Boston provides a sizable amount of data via Open
> Government initiative. One of the things available freely is a Live
> Street Address Management (SAM) dataset[1] that identifies the location
> of the buildings on the map. We can use that.
> As requested by Guidelines[2], I am writing to imports@ and talk-us@ to
> discuss the outlined import procedure for the data. I will be driving
> the generation, upload, and validation.
> The wiki page contains the data on all the neighborhoods (sans 2 that
> for some reason did not create a polygon - I'm investigating that), so
> you can load it locally and see what's going to happen. Please do not
> upload these changes.
> My username is 'ryebread' on OSM, User:Rye on OSM Wiki.
> [1]:
> [2]:
> --
> Sincerely,
> Roman Yepishev
> ___
> Imports mailing list

OpenStreetMap: Maps with a human touch
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Rozdělení Jihlavské v Brně

2016-03-15 Thread Miroslav Suchý
Dne 15.3.2016 v 20:39 <0174 napsal(a):
> Takže - co vy na to? Nejraději bych to předělal zpátky, ale určitě se
> nechci pouštět do nějaké války editací, na to nemám čas ani nervy.
> Uznávám, že to rozdělené vypadá ošklivě v rendereru, ale topologicky mi
> přijde správnější mít cesty v místě zábran oddělené.

Ja bych to nechal taky jak to je. Ta zabrana je tam ciste kvuli vynuceni
jizdnich pruhu a kvuli bezpecnosti, protoze v cechach plati ze bila cara
neni zed.

Ale spise koukam treba na Opustenou, ktere je kreslena jako dve cesty,
ale pritom tam mezi nimi zadna zabrana neni (tak jako napr. na Uzke).


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Datenerfassung für stadtverträgliches LKW-Routing im Rheinland

2016-03-15 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 15.03.2016 um 15:16 schrieb Paaß, Dominik 
> :
> · Wie sieht es generell mit Straßenschildern in OSM aus? Gibt es eine 
> Übersicht, welche Schilder wie in OSM getaggt werden?

prinzipiell kann man jedes Schild mit traffic_sign=DE:code taggen. Für sowas 
wie maxspeed oder maxheight nutze ich persönlich lieber traffic_sign=maxspeed, 
weil einfacher zu lesen m.E., vor allem auch für internationale Mapper. taginfo 
gibt hier einen Überblick.

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-cz] Rozdělení Jihlavské v Brně

2016-03-15 Thread <0174

Ahoj vespolek,

rád bych slyšel názor komunity na to, zda rozdělit Jihlavskou v Brně na 
dva pruhy, nebo ne. Uprostřed silnice jsou na několika místech stálé 
betonové zábrany:
pročež si myslím, že by v těch místech měla být v OSM jako dvě separátní 
cesty. Na wiki se píše že pokud je bariéra pro auto fyzicky 
nepřekonatelná, má se tagovat jako dvě cesty. Což mi dává smysl:

Nicméně - v roce 2012 jsem to tak předělal a ozval se mi tehdy hanoj, 
kterému se to moc nelíbilo a jestli dobře rozumím historii v OSM, tak 
momentálně je část smazaná úplně a znovu vytvořená někým jiným zase jako 
jedna cesta, např.
a malá část je předělaná.

Takže - co vy na to? Nejraději bych to předělal zpátky, ale určitě se 
nechci pouštět do nějaké války editací, na to nemám čas ani nervy. 
Uznávám, že to rozdělené vypadá ošklivě v rendereru, ale topologicky mi 
přijde správnější mít cesty v místě zábran oddělené.


Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-us] Boston, MA, USA addr:housenumber Import

2016-03-15 Thread Roman Yepishev
(re-posting to both mailing lists since I failed to subscribe to
imports@ before sending)

Hello OpenStreetMap folks,

TL;DR: import wiki page:

Boston, Massachusetts is relatively well mapped, however the buildings
usually lack addr:housenumber and addr:street tags.

Since the city is not built on a grid-based design, the streets can
wander around making finding the right house with OpenStreetMap a
challenge. City of Boston provides a sizable amount of data via Open
Government initiative. One of the things available freely is a Live
Street Address Management (SAM) dataset[1] that identifies the location
of the buildings on the map. We can use that. 

As requested by Guidelines[2], I am writing to imports@ and talk-us@ to
discuss the outlined import procedure for the data. I will be driving
the generation, upload, and validation.

The wiki page contains the data on all the neighborhoods (sans 2 that
for some reason did not create a polygon - I'm investigating that), so
you can load it locally and see what's going to happen. Please do not
upload these changes.

My username is 'ryebread' on OSM, User:Rye on OSM Wiki.


Roman Yepishev

Description: This is a digitally signed message part
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Definitive map edits

2016-03-15 Thread SK53
Just noticed that these edits dont seem to be using the designation tag.

When adding public rights of way do please add a designation tag. This
helps massively with determining where to expend footpath surveying effort.


On 15 March 2016 at 18:57, Neil Matthews  wrote:

> Anyone know whether "definitive maps" are suitable as sources for OSM?
> I'm seeing a lot of edits today by the same author that have comments
> about "the definitive map", e.g.
> There are URLs for the source, but they don't seem to be valid?
> Cheers,
> Neil
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Definitive map edits

2016-03-15 Thread SK53
The Definitive Map (from whatever source) is likely to be OSGB derived
data; it may be that this is OK in OSM if, and only if, the relevant
council has released it as Open Data with a suitable licence. In general
most of us take a highly conservative approach to various shape files
released by councils (e.g., through Barry Cornelius Rowmaps site), and at
best use the data to do on-the-ground surveys,

An additional point is that an footpath mapped from old maps, council maps,
shapefiles, aerial images is nothing like as useful as one mapped by
someone walking it. The stiles and gates, which side of the hedgerow etc.
can only be added by a ground survey. Furthermore these often show that,
for instance the path might be a Right of Way but is not practicable or
that the actual path follows a route distinct from the line shown on the
council maps.

Most so-called definitive maps are not definitive: the associated textual
statement is usually more significant.

In summary this type of mapping is probably not under an acceptable licence
and unless a ground survey follow up is planned is rather less useful than
the mapper thinks (I know I've done this in the past). Note if this data is
available as a shape file it is relatively straightforward to create
another shapefile showing those paths missing from OSM, or those on OSM or
not marked as a PRoW (In most places we have more of the latter).


On 15 March 2016 at 18:57, Neil Matthews  wrote:

> Anyone know whether "definitive maps" are suitable as sources for OSM?
> I'm seeing a lot of edits today by the same author that have comments
> about "the definitive map", e.g.
> There are URLs for the source, but they don't seem to be valid?
> Cheers,
> Neil
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Definitive map edits

2016-03-15 Thread Rob Nickerson
Data for Rights of Way is listed at:

With many then linking to the row maps website.

In this case it says "The release of the MapInfo files is licensed on terms
equivalent to the Ordnance Survey OpenData licence
So it's possible for other people to use their data." I've lost track of
where we are with the argument of whether people still have any concerns
but (since the updated OS OpenData licence) I'm relaxed about this.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] mapRe: (Second attempt) Potential data source: Adirondack Park Freshwater Wetlands

2016-03-15 Thread Nathan Mills
Personally, I think using TIGER as an example of an import gone wrong is not 
accurate. Knowing what we know now, things certainly could have been done 
better. If nothing else, waiting for TIGER 2010 would have been prudent, as the 
accuracy was much improved. But that wasn't something that was knowable at the 
time, so it makes no sense to second guess based on that.

That said, without TIGER, OSM would have been useless (and still would be!) in 
large swaths of the US. Thanks to the import, routing clear across the US was 
possible many years before it otherwise would have been. I was able to do a lot 
more work in Tulsa than would have been possible from GPS traces alone thanks 
to the import. As a newbie at the time, correcting geometry was much more 
doable than mapping completely from scratch.

If you want an example of a bad import, GNIS is a much better example, IMO. The 
data was largely 30 years out of date at the time of the import. I still find 
myself outright deleting many of those nodes when I come across them. (On the 
rare occasion I have the time and motivation to map these days, anyway)

By no means is this to say that any data set one comes across is appropriate 
for OSM or that many of the controls or improved processes put in place in the 
last several years are in any way a bad thing. However, I feel like some people 
want to throw the baby out with the bathwater.


On March 14, 2016 11:57:19 PM EDT, Tod Fitch  wrote:
>Ditto to Mike’s comments.
>I’ve been dealing with the clean up of bad imports, usually TIGER but
>others too, where ever I map so I think I understand where people like
>Frederick are coming from.
>But I also see the reality in the U.S. of huge geographical areas with
>very few OSM mappers. An all volunteer map will always be years behind
>other offerings here unless we allow and even encourage carefully
>importing high quality data.
>The U.S. might be unique in that there are vast quantities of excellent
>geographical data that are public domain. Unfortunately there is also a
>vast quantity of public domain map data of, shall we say, lesser
>quality. Had the original U.S. highway import data come from the USGS
>rather than the census bureau, people probably would have a very
>different opinion about imports.
>At least the experience with bad imports has shown there can be issues.
>And there is now a lot better understanding of how the data and import
>procedures need to be vetted. So we are in a better place to do imports
>and we should not shy away from importing high quality data when the
>stars line up (good data, appropriate copyright, competent OSM mappers
>available, documented and tested work flows, etc.).
>> On Mar 14, 2016, at 8:36 PM, Mike Thompson 
>> I support the careful import of high quality data whose license is
>compatible with OSM. Those appears to be one of those cases. I believe
>the existence of high quality data will aid in the recruitment of new
>mappers and will encourage high quality contributions from those
>mappers. It is much easier, and less daunting,  to add  additional
>detail from an on-the-ground  survey to some high quality data than it
>is to start from scratch. People also like to be associated with
>successful projects, and the more high quality data we have the more
>successful we will be in the eyes of potential new mappers.
>> Mike
>> On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 8:46 PM, Kevin Kenny > wrote:
>> Since I received only a total of three comments about this idea, one
>strongly negative (from Frederik Ramm) and two only lukewarm in
>support, I'm forced to conclude that this proposal has no chance of
>gaining a broad community support. Consider it withdrawn.
>> I find myself somewhat frustrated about the question of how to
>recruit mappers when it appears that the map has such a paucity of data
>that it will never become useful solely through the effort of volunteer
>mappers. I can demonstrate the map at
>, and state that OSM is
>one of many data sources that go into it, but when people go to
>  and look at it, my
>experience is that they lose the connection entirely between the data
>that OSM has and the map that OSM enables. The huge blank area is too
>intimidating for my friends, it appears!
>> The fact that we apparently cannot use data that are not our own in
>presenting our public face, together with the fact that we do not wish
>to import data for which OSM will not become the authoritative source,
>leaves us with an impoverished public appearance outside the cities
>where streets are sparse. Perhaps this is outside OSM's ambit. It is,
>after all, Open STREET Map. It seems to leave, however, very limited
>pathways for citizen mappers to build on 

[Talk-GB] Definitive map edits

2016-03-15 Thread Neil Matthews

Anyone know whether "definitive maps" are suitable as sources for OSM?

I'm seeing a lot of edits today by the same author that have comments 
about "the definitive map", e.g.

There are URLs for the source, but they don't seem to be valid?


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Coordinatori regionali

2016-03-15 Thread Cristian Consonni
Il 15/Mar/2016 19:40, "Federico Cortese"  ha scritto:
> 2016-03-15 17:42 GMT+01:00 Cristian Consonni :
> >
> > Ho creato una pagina sul wiki di OSM
> > <
> > dove potete segnare il vostro nome accanto alla vostra regione di
> > riferimento, se siete interessati. (Per ora la pagina è in inglese,
> > ovviamente si può tradurre in italiano).
> >
> Grazie Cristian,mi sembra una buona idea quella di cominciare a
> strutturare in qualche modo anche OSM Italia.
> Io posso dare la mia disponibilità per la Puglia, quindi aggiungo il
> mio nome sotto a quello di Maurizio giusto?


Per darci un obiettivo: sarebbe molto bello se riuscissimo a "coprire"
almeno 5 regioni per il momento.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Coordinatori regionali

2016-03-15 Thread Federico Cortese
2016-03-15 17:42 GMT+01:00 Cristian Consonni :
> Ho creato una pagina sul wiki di OSM
> dove potete segnare il vostro nome accanto alla vostra regione di
> riferimento, se siete interessati. (Per ora la pagina è in inglese,
> ovviamente si può tradurre in italiano).
Grazie Cristian,mi sembra una buona idea quella di cominciare a
strutturare in qualche modo anche OSM Italia.
Io posso dare la mia disponibilità per la Puglia, quindi aggiungo il
mio nome sotto a quello di Maurizio giusto?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Plans lignes RER?

2016-03-15 Thread Shohreh

Je remonte le fil pour vérifier deux points avant de me plonger dans

1. MapCSS permet-il de modifier l'affichage d'une relation? J'aimerais que
les gares soient, comme sur le site Transilien, marquées avec des petits
cercles blancs, voire se transforment en logo "RER" quand on zoome, afin de
rendre ça plus lisible:

2. J'aimerais que la requête remonte le nom des stations, et que le nom
s'affiche sur la carte quand on passe la souris dessus (mouse over). Où
dois-je chercher dans l'API OverPass pour faire ce genre de chose?

3. Est-il possible de downloaded une carte Umap dans un smartphone et
qu'elle soit encore utilisable en local (zoom) sans connexion Internet?

J'ai en fait besoin de ce genre de chose pour également préparer un
cyclovoyage : j'aimerais récupérer la liste des lignes de bus/autocars dans
une région pour pouvoir, si nécessaire, me rabattre sur le bus pour tel ou
tel segment.
Idéalement, OSM possède dans sa base non seulement les arrêts de bus mais
également le numéro de la ligne à laquelle il appartient, ce qui pourrait me
permettre de lancer une requête OverPass et récupérer ainsi en quelques
coups toutes les lignes de bus dans une région.


View this message in context:
Sent from the France mailing list archive at

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-GB] Current Draft of OSM-UK Articles of Association

2016-03-15 Thread SK53
Dear All,

In order to provide everyone a chance to read the draft AoA before
Thursday's conference call, here is a link to the *current version *on
Google Docs:

The link should allow comments, so corrections to typos, paragraph
numbering should be added directly on the document.

I'll produce some guidance notes before the call as to the intention of
specific parts of the AoA. However for now. Articles 2-6, 8, 9 , 23, 26,
27, 28 & 50 + the definitions are the parts worth checking over: much of
the rest is fairly standard boilerplate.

I'm still trying to get my head around providing alternatives for various
membership scenarios (specifically allowing organisations as ordinary
members or not), So please bear in mind that the first three articles under
Members are subject to change.

My earlier notes

are still relevant: and I may well not have covered everything I intended
as working with the detailed text is very much "missing the wood for the
trees". Also working things in from the model articles is rather
reminiscent of creating spaghetti code.


Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-it] Coordinatori regionali

2016-03-15 Thread Cristian Consonni

dato che Wikimedia Italia è recentemente diventata rappresentante
ufficiale per l'Italia sotto il nome di OpenStreetMap Italia, vorremmo
replicare con OSM un'idea che sta avendo molto successo per gli altri
progetti dell'associazione, quella dei coordinatori locali e tematici.

Dallo scorso ottobre Wikimedia Italia ha dei coordinatori locali
() che si
occupano di coordinare delle attività in una regione e/o legati a un
certo tema (biblioteche, musei e archivi e scuole).

I coordinatori locali sono volontari, ma ricevono il supporto
dell'associazione per le attività che svolgono (sia in termini di
rimborso spese, sia in termini di finanziamento (per esempio per la
stampa di materiali)

Vorremmo estendere l'idea dei coordinatori a OpenStreetMap. Un
coordinatore locale OSM è un socio del capitolo che:
* fa da punto di contatto e coordinamento tra i soci (e anche i non
soci) che vogliano organizzare delle attività sul territorio
* fa da punto di contatto con gli esterni per informazioni
* fa da ponte e comunica con il resto dell'associazione, con il
Direttore esecutivo e con il direttivo

Ho creato una pagina sul wiki di OSM

dove potete segnare il vostro nome accanto alla vostra regione di
riferimento, se siete interessati. (Per ora la pagina è in inglese,
ovviamente si può tradurre in italiano).

Fatevi avanti!



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] mapRe: (Second attempt) Potential data source: Adirondack Park Freshwater Wetlands

2016-03-15 Thread Frederik Ramm

On 03/15/2016 03:46 AM, Kevin Kenny wrote:
> Since I received only a total of three comments about this idea, one 
> strongly negative (from Frederik Ramm)

My comment was intended to open your eyes to the fact that there's more
to a good import than simply putting precise data into OSM and getting
the tags right.

Frankly I felt that you had already laid out the negative bits in your
original message and you didn't need me to write a negative comments,
you just needed me to draw the logical conclusion from what you yourself
wrote ;)

I have zero knowledge about the Adirondack; I just echoed your own
words: You said that there are "difficulties inherent in getting changes
made by local mappers working independently", and I said if that's the
case then the import is not likely to be useful for a long time as it
will just "echo" third party data.

Brian May in his encouraging message talks about laying "the groundwork
for others to build on" and says "You will also no doubt spark interest
from more active contributors who will notice that there's major quality
improvements in your area and pitch in to help - potentially a lot."

While Brian seems to disagree with my "one strong negative comment", he
also seems to disagree with your very own judgement that it is very
unlikely that the data is going to be edited and improved; he seems to
believe that the import can be a viable foundation for original
surveying by volunteers in the Adirondack. I don't know if that's just
wishful thinking or if he has first-hand experience of the area that
goes against yours.

Like me, Brian sees an import not as a replacement for mapper activity
("nobody's going to go there anyway so let's take someone else's data")
but as a foundation ("let's import this data so others can build upon it").

I can't judge how likely it is that others will build upon it but I'd
say that if, five years down the line, nobody has built upon it while
official data has been improved time and again, then it's probably a
waste of time. We would only know with hindsight. (For the TIGER import,
which covers ground much more accessible than the Adirondack, the "five
years down the line and nobody has done anything while official data has
improved" is, sadly, true in many areas.)

If it is any consolation, I have rarely seen a so well reflected and
carefully laid out import proposal as yours. But as I said, I believe
that your proposal essentially answered the question "should this import
go ahead" all by itself.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Numero di corsie sbagliato

2016-03-15 Thread Carlo Benini
> Ho notato che in Vento e anche in altri parti dell'Italia ci sono tante
> strade con lanes=1 che dovrebbero avere lanes=2.
> Un clamoroso esempio è la trafficatissima SP308:
> Se lanciate in Overpass turbo col wizard questo richiesta:
> (highway=secondary or highway=primary or highway=tertiary) and lanes=1 and
> oneway!=yes and junction!=roundabout
> saltano fuori un sacco di errori.
> Ci sono anche - pochi - falsi positivi, ma la maggior parte sono veri
> errori.
> Bisogna correggere, prima che i router comincino utilizzare il lanes tag
> (penso che per il momento non lo fanno, ma non sono sicuro)
> Purtroppo non vedo un processo automatico.
> Che facciamo?

​Grazie Volker, mi hai già segnalato di persona questo errore. In effetti
l'ipotesi fatta qui da AnyFile nel mio caso è giusta, ho ragionato così.
Con camma correggerò gli errori che ho fatto basandomi sulla regola
Overpass che mi hai inviato in link dove vengono evidenziati i tratti

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] SPAM-LOW: Re: mapRe: (Second attempt) Potential data source: Adirondack Park Freshwater Wetlands

2016-03-15 Thread Brian May
I agree with the pro-import comments and say go for it. After re-reading 
your original post, I feel you are very well suited to the task and are 
obviously very contentious about the process. Don't let one strong 
negative comment get you down. OSM needs people like you to help make 
the map better and lay the groundwork for others to build on. And I am 
strongly for importing high quality data sets that have potentially 
thousands of man hours invested in them.

A relatively small number of people contribute a lot to OSM and a lot of 
people contribute a little, which adds up to a lot. As the map gets 
better over time, it sparks people to contribute small but important 
contributions to OSM.  You will also no doubt spark interest from more 
active contributors who will notice that there's major quality 
improvements in your area and pitch in to help - potentially a lot. For 
example, in sections of Florida where I map, I've seen people come out 
of nowhere and start contributing tens or hundreds of changesets to an 
area they know well once the map is looking fairly decent and they feel 
its something worth contributing to, instead of a blank slate. Mappers 
may live in the area of they may be visitors to the area. Either way, 
once the map starts gaining more usefulness in your area, it will 
attract people with local knowledge who want to contribute.


On 3/14/2016 11:57 PM, Tod Fitch wrote:

Ditto to Mike’s comments.

I’ve been dealing with the clean up of bad imports, usually TIGER but 
others too, where ever I map so I think I understand where people like 
Frederick are coming from.

But I also see the reality in the U.S. of huge geographical areas with 
very few OSM mappers. An all volunteer map will always be years behind 
other offerings here unless we allow and even encourage carefully 
importing high quality data.

The U.S. might be unique in that there are vast quantities of 
excellent geographical data that are public domain. Unfortunately 
there is also a vast quantity of public domain map data of, shall we 
say, lesser quality. Had the original U.S. highway import data come 
from the USGS rather than the census bureau, people probably would 
have a very different opinion about imports.

At least the experience with bad imports has shown there can be 
issues. And there is now a lot better understanding of how the data 
and import procedures need to be vetted. So we are in a better place 
to do imports and we should not shy away from importing high quality 
data when the stars line up (good data, appropriate copyright, 
competent OSM mappers available, documented and tested work flows, etc.).


On Mar 14, 2016, at 8:36 PM, Mike Thompson > wrote:

I support the careful import of high quality data whose license is 
compatible with OSM. Those appears to be one of those cases. I 
believe the existence of high quality data will aid in the 
recruitment of new mappers and will encourage high quality 
contributions from those mappers. It is much easier, and less 
daunting,  to add  additional detail from an on-the-ground  survey to 
some high quality data than it is to start from scratch. People also 
like to be associated with successful projects, and the more high 
quality data we have the more successful we will be in the eyes of 
potential new mappers.


On Mon, Mar 14, 2016 at 8:46 PM, Kevin Kenny > wrote:

Since I received only a total of three comments about this idea,
one strongly negative (from Frederik Ramm) and two only lukewarm
in support, I'm forced to conclude that this proposal has no
chance of gaining a broad community support. Consider it withdrawn.

I find myself somewhat frustrated about the question of how to
recruit mappers when it appears that the map has such a paucity
of data that it will never become useful solely through the
effort of volunteer mappers. I can demonstrate the map at, and state that OSM
is one of many data sources that go into it, but when people go
to  and look at it,
my experience is that they lose the connection entirely between
the data that OSM has and the map that OSM enables. The huge
blank area is too intimidating for my friends, it appears!

The fact that we apparently cannot use data that are not our own
in presenting our public face, together with the fact that we do
not wish to import data for which OSM will not become the
authoritative source, leaves us with an impoverished public
appearance outside the cities where streets are sparse. Perhaps
this is outside OSM's ambit. It is, after all, Open STREET Map.
It seems to leave, however, very limited pathways for citizen
mappers to build on what the government has done. Few mappers can
manage to 

Re: [OSM-talk] Please check the work of 00crashtest

2016-03-15 Thread Andy Townsend

On 15/03/2016 15:39, Chethan H A wrote:

Just to add a few more observations about the user 00crashtest 
 editing behavior.

Thanks.  If you (or anyone else) thinks that there a might be problem 
with the edits that they're making right now*, can you ask them about 
that in changeset discussion comments?  That way comments are visible, 
and if a mapper doesn't reply to legitimate questions asked we can see 
that too (that was one of the things that I specifically mentiond in ).

Best Regards,

Andy (SomeoneElse).

* or anyone else, actually
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Please check the work of 00crashtest

2016-03-15 Thread Chethan H A

Just to add a few more observations about the user 00crashtest
 editing behavior.

I found this user while adding turn lanes in SF Bay area.

Some observations were:

   -  Changing major road/link tags, e.g: highway=motorway to
   highway=motorway_link, highway=primary to trunk (US 101 where I reverted
   his two changeset).

   -  Changing administrative boundary of SF frequently.

   - Adding fantasy boundaries in major cities (San Francisco, Washington
   DC and Hong Kong)

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Improve OSM Brasil

2016-03-15 Thread Wille
Fiz um pequeno tutorial de como usar o Improve OSM:

On 14-03-2016 14:19, Wille wrote:


Hoje foram adicionados muitos dados do Brasil no Improve OSM:

O Improve OSM é uma ferramenta da Telenav que realiza o cruzamento 
entre dados de GPS e a base do OSM e aponta onde há vias sem mapear.


Talk-br mailing list

Talk-br mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Fotky rozcestniku na

2016-03-15 Thread Michal Grézl
udelam teda i zmenu souradnic v api, aby to slo strojove.

autorizace je v planu urcite, az zjistim jak na to a vsechno ostatni
bude v nejakym rozumnym stavu. Ja ty zmeny vsechny zatim schvaluju
rucne. Rozmazany rozcestniky nemaz, je lepsi mit rozmazanou fotku nez
zadnou. Ja v podstate nemazu vubec nic, treba dnes sem narazil na
fotku lesa.

tak tu bych  smazal, ale po tretim prohlidnuti sem nasel znacku
zacatku/konce modre:) takze ji taky nesmazu.

misto mazani staci do poznamky napsat rozmazane, nebo udelat tag
rozmazane, nebo necitelne. (Pridam to do naseptavace)


2016-03-15 15:55 GMT+01:00 Tom Ka :
> Ahoj, super zpravy. Bylo by dobre mit moznost zadat i souradnice,
> prece jen klikani na mapu (i vzhledem k limitovanemu zoomu pro maximu)
> neni nekdy uplne idealni.
> Resila se nejak uz i autentizace? Pri kontrolach oznacuju na smazani
> nesmysly (totalne rozmazane necitelne apod.) a obcas neco opravuju ale
> nevim jestli se to vlastne nejak projevi a nemam silu to pak za X dni
> znovu kontrolovat.
> Bye
> Dne 15. března 2016 14:46 Michal Grézl 
> napsal(a):
>> tagy sou hotove, takze ted uz je na rade to presouvani
>> bude to fungovat na mape, clovek si vybere v bubline rozcestniku
>> "presunout", klikne nekam jinam a tam se to presune. Ma smysl na to
>> vyrabet nejake api na automatizaci?
>> v blizke budoucnosti by meli byt vsechny ref prevedeny do tagu (zatim
>> tam je par nedostatku s lomitkama apod), coz ma smysl tam kde jich je
>> vic jak jeden. Taky to cele projdu a oznacim fotky, kde neni
>> rozcestnik, takze kdyz tam bude jen mapa -> bude to mit jen tag mapa,
>> kdyz tam bude i rozcestnik, pridam tag rozcestnik -> bude mapa,
>> rozcestnik.
>> Pak pujde odfiltrovat hromada fotek co nema smysl nejak zkoumat.
>> --
>> Michal Grézl
>> ___
>> Talk-cz mailing list
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-cz] JOSM down/up load connection timeout

2016-03-15 Thread Tom Ka

poslednich par tydnu mi zacalo zlobit JOSM - hlavne odpoledne (v USA
spicka?) mi dost casto pri stahovani dat (at uz pres menu nebo pres
remote control) chvili zkousi a pak skonci na connection timeout. To
same nekdy pro nahrani dat nas server. Za par minut (nebo po nekolika
pokusech) to zase jede v pohode. Chova se tak na vice ruznych
pripojenich (cesnet, netbox), oboji ma IPv6, ale i po disable a IPv4
only to nebylo lepsi. Ve stejny cas pri zadani URL do prohlizece
(firefox) vzdy proslo ihned a bez problemu.

Jedine co jsem nasel na webu je tohle nemecke vlakno:

ale bez reseni.

Setkal se s tim nekdo?


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Fotky rozcestniku na

2016-03-15 Thread Tom Ka
Ahoj, super zpravy. Bylo by dobre mit moznost zadat i souradnice,
prece jen klikani na mapu (i vzhledem k limitovanemu zoomu pro maximu)
neni nekdy uplne idealni.

Resila se nejak uz i autentizace? Pri kontrolach oznacuju na smazani
nesmysly (totalne rozmazane necitelne apod.) a obcas neco opravuju ale
nevim jestli se to vlastne nejak projevi a nemam silu to pak za X dni
znovu kontrolovat.


Dne 15. března 2016 14:46 Michal Grézl 
> tagy sou hotove, takze ted uz je na rade to presouvani
> bude to fungovat na mape, clovek si vybere v bubline rozcestniku
> "presunout", klikne nekam jinam a tam se to presune. Ma smysl na to
> vyrabet nejake api na automatizaci?
> v blizke budoucnosti by meli byt vsechny ref prevedeny do tagu (zatim
> tam je par nedostatku s lomitkama apod), coz ma smysl tam kde jich je
> vic jak jeden. Taky to cele projdu a oznacim fotky, kde neni
> rozcestnik, takze kdyz tam bude jen mapa -> bude to mit jen tag mapa,
> kdyz tam bude i rozcestnik, pridam tag rozcestnik -> bude mapa,
> rozcestnik.
> Pak pujde odfiltrovat hromada fotek co nema smysl nejak zkoumat.
> --
> Michal Grézl
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

[Talk-de] Datenerfassung für stadtverträgliches LKW-Routing im Rheinland

2016-03-15 Thread Paaß , Dominik

ich habe aufmerksam verfolgt, was hier so geschrieben wurde und versuche jetzt 
mal auf einige Themen einzugehen.

>tags für Vorrang- oder Nachrang-Routen müssten zunächst mit der OSM Community 
>abgestimmt werden,
>die ist recht heterogen, wie du bereits hier siehst. Ein eigenes tag nur für 
>eure Zwecke wird
>sicherlich abgelehnt werden. Außerdem wird es keine Exklusivität fürs Ändern 

>Prinzipiell kann jeder neue tags einführen. Wenn das in größerem Stil 
>geschieht und nicht
>abgestimmt ist, wird man den Widerstand anderer erfahren. Schlimmstenfalls 
>kann das zum
>Revertieren aller Einträge führen, was für euch der GAU wäre. Erfahrungen bei 
>der Einführung >neuer tags habe ich nicht.

Einen eigenen tag nur für unsere Zwecke ergibt auch aus meiner Sicht keinen 
Sinn, es sollte vielmehr ein Konsens gefunden werden. Sind Vorrangrouten in der 
OSM überhaupt erwünscht (da man sie, wie hier ja schon häufiger bemängelt 
wurde, nicht an Ort und Stelle überprüfen kann) und wenn ja, mit welchem tag 
könnte die OSM-Community leben!?

>kannst du bitte mal erklären wie diese Vorrangrouten durch die

>Ordnungsbehörden/Straßenbehörden gekennzeichnet werden sollen.

>Solange das uns nicht gesagt wird, werden hier noch die tollsten

>Vermutungen und Taggingvorschläge gemacht.

Ich habe noch keine Rückmeldung darüber, inwiefern die Vorrangrouten 
gekennzeichnet werden sollen. In manchen Fällen sollen wohl VZ 421ff. und VZ 
442ff. verwendet werden.

>Wenn die Beschilderung mit StVO Zeichen 253 und gegebenenfalls

>Zusatzzeichen für bestimmte Straßen erfolgen soll ist das in OSM gut

>darstellbar, gleiches gilt auch für Tonnagebegrenzungen.

Wie schon gesagt werden natürlich alle vorhandenen Restriktionen inkl. 
Zusatzzeichen bei der Planung der Vorrangrouten mit in die Entscheidung 

>Wenn die Vorrangrouten per Beschluß der zuständigen kommunalen

>Verwaltung festgelegt werden und diese Beschlüsse öffentlich bekannt

>gemacht werden gibt es auch keine Probleme mit der Lizenz zu OSM.

Als Beispiel für die Vorrangrouten und die zugehörigen Beschlüsse mal das 
Beispiel Duisburg:
Hier kann man sowohl das beschlossene Vorrangroutennetz einsehen als auch die 
Beschlüsse der einzelnen Stadtteile mit einsehen. So oder so zumindest so 
ähnlich kann man sich das in unserem Projekt auch vorstellen.

>Solange die Routen nicht ausgeschildert sind, sind sie für OSM genauso

>irrelevant wie die Inhalte eines Flächennutzungsplans. Dieser hat nur

>für die Verwaltung eine gewisse bindende Wirkung. Erst der Bebauungsplan

>ist für den Bauherren richtig relevant. (Vorrangroute = FNP,

>Verkehrsschilder = Bebauungsplan)

Wenn die Straßenklassifikationen in ein Routing mit einbezogen werden, sehe ich 
keinen wirklichen Unterschied zur Verwendung von Vorrangrouten, wenn sie 
politisch abgesegnet wurden.

> Glaubst du etwa, dass sich der slowakische Lkw-Fahrer, der die Abkürzung

> durch das Wohngebiet nimmt, darum kümmert, ob der Gemeinderat, die

> Straße zur Lkw-Vorrangroute erklärt hat, oder nicht?

Das Argument hinkt meiner Meinung nach etwas. Diese LKW-Fahrer verwenden 
momentan hauptsächlich PKW-Navis, was bedeutet, dass auch nahezu alle 
LKW-relevanten Restriktionen ignoriert werden, da diese von PKW-Navis nicht 
berücksichtigt werden! Es ist vollkommen klar, dass man nicht alle LKW-Fahrer 
mit einer Lösung auf geeignete Routen bekommen kann, aber irgendwo muss man 
anfangen, sonst passiert überhaupt nichts! Aus der Logistikbranche hier in NRW 
wurde uns gegenüber schon sehr häufig geäußert, dass die sehnsüchtig auf eine 
funktionierende Lösung warten, da die Probleme auf der berühmten "letzten 
Meile" ein sehr hoher Zeit- und Kostenfaktor für die Unternehmen ist. Wenn 
diese Unternehmen ihre Fahrer verpflichten ein entsprechendes LKW-Navi zu 
benutzen, hat man schon viel gewonnen. Und wenn die Logistikfirmen aus dem 
Ausland merken, dass es eine Lösung gibt, die ihre Fahrzeuge sicher und planbar 
zum Ziel bringt, werden auch diese ihre Fahrer dazu verpflichten.

>ich denke nicht, dass LKW Fahrer ohne Ortskenntnis Abkürzungen durch 
>Wohngebiete nehmen, höchst >selten.

Sobald das PKW Navi versagt, irren viele Fahrer in Wohngebieten herum, was auch 
von Vertretern der Kommunen bestätigt wurde.
Dazu ein Video von "ZDF heute nacht" zum Pilotprojekt im Ruhrgebiet:

>Um LKW-Vorrangrouten zu gennerieren wäre für mich der erste Schritt das 
>öffentlich zu machen um es mit den erfassten Daten abzugleichen.

>Hier würde doch schon viel helfen wenn Tonnagebegrenzungen, 
>Durchfahrtsverbote, Durchfahrtshöhen
>und Geschwindigkeitsbeschränkungen für die Region abgeglichen und ergänzt 

Der Plan ist tatsächlich, dass wir den Kommunen ermöglichen wollen ihr gesamtes 
Schilderkataster digital zu erfassen. In vielen Kommunen 

Re: [Talk-cz] Zamer zmeny trati 173 a mozna i 174 na branch - Re: Vyuziti zeleznice main/branch na trati 173 - Beroun - Rudna - Praha-Smichov

2016-03-15 Thread Pavel Bokr
Predne se omlouvam za odeslani nedopsaneho mailu, chtel jsem odentroval, ale 
omylem jsem jeste druhou rukou drzel CTRL :-)

omlouvam se ze jsem nereagoval drive, ale byl jsem nemocny. Na strance jsem nasel novejsi mapy nez je 
ta dle ktere se tady konstatovalo ze to je draha celostatni. Vypada to ze se 
situace opravdu zmenila.

Trat  173 - Beroun - Rudna - Praha-Smichov:
dle teto mapy z 2.11.2015 je to draha regionalni provozovana SZDC
dle teto mapy se jedna o trat vedlejsi

o provozu se zde psalo, jedna kolej, nizsi tratova rychlost, bez elektrifikace, 
jen motorove osobni vlaky (puvodne 810, dnes regionova)

PROTO: nejsou-li jine namitky zmenil bych trat na usage=branch; puvodni namitka 
byla ze se jedna o trat celostatni, citovano bylo z prohlaseni o draze 2016, 
ale tam byla mapka z roku 2013 – ted podle me jak administrativni tak soucasne 
fakticky stav svedci pro branch

Podobne navrhuji udelat tuto zmenu u trati 174 – Beroun – Rakovnik

opet to same:
dle teto mapy z 2.11.2015 je to draha regionalni provozovana SZDC
dle teto mapy se jedna o trat vedlejsi

opet jedna kolej, rychlost take nic extra, osobni vlaky, jeden par rychliku 
(jak uz jsem psal tech rychliku tam drive byvalo vice...)

Co vy k teto myslence usage=branch u teto trati? Administrativni stav svedci 
pro branch, fakticky se tomu take spise blizi

Jeste jednou sorry za ten omylem odeslany mail

Pavel Bokr

From: Jan Breuer 
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 11:07 AM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Vyuziti zeleznice main/branch na trati 173 - Beroun - 
Rudna - Praha-Smichov

a nelze to tagovat nějak takto? 

Teď si nemohu vzpomenout a vypátrat, jak zněl ten přídavek u jiných tagů, 
jestli :legal, nebo jinak, ale jde o princip, že lze zadat hodnotu podle 
legislativy/oficiálního zdroje a hodnotu dle rozumu/místní znalosti.


Dne 2. března 2016 10:22 Pavel Bokr  napsal(a):

  Jo v useku Praha-Smichov – Nucice to celkem jezdi, ovsem k nam do Berouna 
(usek Nucice – Beroun) uz to neni tak slavne. Tady me to prave trklo, kdyz jsem 
si vykreslil zeleznice kolem Berouna a tahle se mi vykreslila jako hlavni.

  Podle te mapky co jsi poslal link [1] je tahle trat 173 ale draha regionalni 
provozovana SZDC (a pak by podle me nebylo opravdu co resit proste by to bylo 
branch – jak podle zarazeni do regionalni tak i podle aktualniho vyuziti) a to 
jsem z toho teda jelen, protoze podle odkazu, ktery posilal Tomas Tichy [2] – 
viz str. 92 to byla zase draha celostatni.

  Odkaz [1] je zda se novejsi tak jestli se to zmenilo, ze je to ted regionalni 
draha, tak bych navrhoval udelat upravu na branch.

  A BTW to same v odkazu [1] (tedy regionalni trat SZDC) plati i pro trat 174 
Beroun – Rakovnik, kde pokud vim jezdivaly vlaky delsi (taky 810-tky, ted 
regionovy) a jezdi tam i rychliky a tuhle trat bych osobne bral jako trat 
hranicni mezi main a branch. Ted koukam na aktualni JR 174 [3] a uz tam jezdi 
rychlik jen jeden (jezdili tam i minimalne 2 pary rychliku smer sever-jih – 
neco jako Most – Ceske Budejovice). 

str 92


  From: Michal Pustějovský 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 9:18 AM
  To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
  Subject: Re: [Talk-cz]Vyuziti zeleznice main/branch na trati 173 - Beroun - 
Rudna - Praha-Smichov

  Jak se dívám na jízdní řád, tak ta intenzita provozu tam zas tak malá není. 
Pokud se dívám správně, tak ve špičku co půl hodiny, jinak co hodina. Pokud ale 
kapacitně stačí jedna Regionova a 810, tak se fakt spíše jedná o vytíženou 

  Problém s dělením na celostátní/regionální dráhu je ten, že příliš nevypovídá 
neodpovídá jak intenzitě, tak parametrům trati (Ostrava - Frýdek-Místek vs. 
Krnov - Hanušovice;

  Na druhou stranu chápu potřebu mít jednoznačný klíč, podle kterého tento 
parametr určit. Záleží na dohodě.


  -- Původní zpráva --
  Od: Pavel Bokr 
  Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
  Datum: 1. 3. 2016 22:34:53
  Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Vyuziti zeleznice main/branch na trati 173 - Beroun - 
Rudna - Praha-Smichov

No tak pokud bych se mel ridit predevsim mistni znalosti a intenzitou 
provozu a zarazeni celostatni/regionalni bych bral jako orientacni pak bych v 
tomto pripade (i z hlediska uzivatelu 

[Talk-cz] Zamer zmeny trati 173 a mozna i 174 na branch - Re: Vyuziti zeleznice main/branch na trati 173 - Beroun - Rudna - Praha-Smichov

2016-03-15 Thread Pavel Bokr

omlouvam se ze jsem nereagoval drive, ale byl jsem nemocny. Na strance jsem nasel novejsi mapy nez je 
ta dle ktere se tady konstatovalo ze to je draha celostatni. Vypada to ze se 
situace opravdu zmenila.

Trat  173 - Beroun - Rudna - Praha-Smichov:
dle teto mapy z 2.11.2015 je to draha regionalni provozovana SZDC
dle teto mapy se jedna o trat vedlejsi

o provozu se zde psalo, jedna kolej, nizsi tratova rychlost, bez elektrifikace, 
jen motorove osobni vlaky (puvodne 810, dnes regionova)

PROTO: nejsou-li jine namitky zmenil bych trat na usage=branch; puvodni namitka 
byla ze se jedna o trat celostatni, citovano bylo z prohlaseni o draze 2016, 
ale tam byla mapka z roku 2013

Podobne navrhuji udelat tuto zmenu u trati 174 – Beroun – Rakovnik

opet to same:

From: Jan Breuer 
Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 11:07 AM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Vyuziti zeleznice main/branch na trati 173 - Beroun - 
Rudna - Praha-Smichov

a nelze to tagovat nějak takto? 

Teď si nemohu vzpomenout a vypátrat, jak zněl ten přídavek u jiných tagů, 
jestli :legal, nebo jinak, ale jde o princip, že lze zadat hodnotu podle 
legislativy/oficiálního zdroje a hodnotu dle rozumu/místní znalosti.


Dne 2. března 2016 10:22 Pavel Bokr  napsal(a):

  Jo v useku Praha-Smichov – Nucice to celkem jezdi, ovsem k nam do Berouna 
(usek Nucice – Beroun) uz to neni tak slavne. Tady me to prave trklo, kdyz jsem 
si vykreslil zeleznice kolem Berouna a tahle se mi vykreslila jako hlavni.

  Podle te mapky co jsi poslal link [1] je tahle trat 173 ale draha regionalni 
provozovana SZDC (a pak by podle me nebylo opravdu co resit proste by to bylo 
branch – jak podle zarazeni do regionalni tak i podle aktualniho vyuziti) a to 
jsem z toho teda jelen, protoze podle odkazu, ktery posilal Tomas Tichy [2] – 
viz str. 92 to byla zase draha celostatni.

  Odkaz [1] je zda se novejsi tak jestli se to zmenilo, ze je to ted regionalni 
draha, tak bych navrhoval udelat upravu na branch.

  A BTW to same v odkazu [1] (tedy regionalni trat SZDC) plati i pro trat 174 
Beroun – Rakovnik, kde pokud vim jezdivaly vlaky delsi (taky 810-tky, ted 
regionovy) a jezdi tam i rychliky a tuhle trat bych osobne bral jako trat 
hranicni mezi main a branch. Ted koukam na aktualni JR 174 [3] a uz tam jezdi 
rychlik jen jeden (jezdili tam i minimalne 2 pary rychliku smer sever-jih – 
neco jako Most – Ceske Budejovice). 

str 92


  From: Michal Pustějovský 
  Sent: Wednesday, March 02, 2016 9:18 AM
  To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
  Subject: Re: [Talk-cz]Vyuziti zeleznice main/branch na trati 173 - Beroun - 
Rudna - Praha-Smichov

  Jak se dívám na jízdní řád, tak ta intenzita provozu tam zas tak malá není. 
Pokud se dívám správně, tak ve špičku co půl hodiny, jinak co hodina. Pokud ale 
kapacitně stačí jedna Regionova a 810, tak se fakt spíše jedná o vytíženou 

  Problém s dělením na celostátní/regionální dráhu je ten, že příliš nevypovídá 
neodpovídá jak intenzitě, tak parametrům trati (Ostrava - Frýdek-Místek vs. 
Krnov - Hanušovice;

  Na druhou stranu chápu potřebu mít jednoznačný klíč, podle kterého tento 
parametr určit. Záleží na dohodě.


  -- Původní zpráva --
  Od: Pavel Bokr 
  Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
  Datum: 1. 3. 2016 22:34:53
  Předmět: Re: [Talk-cz] Vyuziti zeleznice main/branch na trati 173 - Beroun - 
Rudna - Praha-Smichov

No tak pokud bych se mel ridit predevsim mistni znalosti a intenzitou 
provozu a zarazeni celostatni/regionalni bych bral jako orientacni pak bych v 
tomto pripade (i z hlediska uzivatelu mapy - tedy siroke verejnosti) 
uprednostnil branch (tedy jako lokalku). Tak by to odpovidalo soucasnemu 
vyuziti trate, (bez ohledu na to proc si tuto “lokalku” stat drzi v siti 
celostatnich drah – treba ma stat nejakou “strategii”, ale fakticky se to uziva 
jako lokalka).

Chtelo by se to tedy nejak domluvit co tedy uprednostnovat tam kde je 
pochybnost – aktualni zpusob vyuziti nebo oficialni zarazeni (pro nas neni 
problem opakovane predelavat nejakou trat na main/branch podle aktualniho 
vyuziti – narozdil od statu jak si zaradi trat protoze to ma jiste dalekosahle 
dusledky a predpokladam ze stat ma nejakou strategii a taky to narozdil od 
upravy v OSM vyzaduje to nejaky casovy a administrativni proces).

Jako nezeleznicar bych se v tomto pripade 

Re: [Talk-cz] Fotky rozcestniku na

2016-03-15 Thread Michal Grézl
tagy sou hotove, takze ted uz je na rade to presouvani
bude to fungovat na mape, clovek si vybere v bubline rozcestniku
"presunout", klikne nekam jinam a tam se to presune. Ma smysl na to
vyrabet nejake api na automatizaci?

v blizke budoucnosti by meli byt vsechny ref prevedeny do tagu (zatim
tam je par nedostatku s lomitkama apod), coz ma smysl tam kde jich je
vic jak jeden. Taky to cele projdu a oznacim fotky, kde neni
rozcestnik, takze kdyz tam bude jen mapa -> bude to mit jen tag mapa,
kdyz tam bude i rozcestnik, pridam tag rozcestnik -> bude mapa,
Pak pujde odfiltrovat hromada fotek co nema smysl nejak zkoumat.

Michal Grézl

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Numero di corsie sbagliato

2016-03-15 Thread Aury88
voschix wrote
> Grazie, avevo dimenticato i "oneway=-1".

mi sembra che il loro uso sia sconsigliato 

View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] RUIAN chybejici budovy - rozsireni

2016-03-15 Thread Janda Martin
Dekuji za link a info.

  prehled si samozrejme mohu napocitat nad vlastnimi daty. Predpokladal jsem ze 
to nebude zas tak narocne (na CPU a lidske zdroje) rozsireni.

  Jeste jednou dekuji

- Original Message -
From: "Petr Vejsada" 
To: "OpenStreetMap Czech Republic" 
Sent: Tuesday, March 15, 2016 1:09:26 PM
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] RUIAN chybejici budovy - rozsireni


existuje , coz je statistika 
za celou CR podle source (km, ruian), to asi nestaci,;-)

K cemu to ma byt uzitecne? K doplnovani techto tagu? Proc?

Ptam se, protoze je to opet spousta pocitani, zjistovat
u nekolika milionu budov, na kterem katastralnim uzemi lezi je
docela narocne.


On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 09:25:47AM +0100, Janda Martin wrote:
> Dobry den,
>   nevim jestli je toto spravne misto. Ale bylo by mozne na strance 
> doplnit sloupec s poctem budov ktere nejsou 
> definovany pres RUIAN.
> Tzn. maji definovano building=* a zaroven chybi nektery z nasledujicich tagu
> "building:ruian:type"
> "ref:ruian:building"
>   Dekuji
>   Martin
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] RUIAN chybejici budovy - rozsireni

2016-03-15 Thread Petr Vejsada

existuje , coz je statistika 
za celou CR podle source (km, ruian), to asi nestaci,;-)

K cemu to ma byt uzitecne? K doplnovani techto tagu? Proc?

Ptam se, protoze je to opet spousta pocitani, zjistovat
u nekolika milionu budov, na kterem katastralnim uzemi lezi je
docela narocne.


On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 09:25:47AM +0100, Janda Martin wrote:
> Dobry den,
>   nevim jestli je toto spravne misto. Ale bylo by mozne na strance 
> doplnit sloupec s poctem budov ktere nejsou 
> definovany pres RUIAN.
> Tzn. maji definovano building=* a zaroven chybi nektery z nasledujicich tagu
> "building:ruian:type"
> "ref:ruian:building"
>   Dekuji
>   Martin
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Wochennotiz Nr. 294 1.3.2016–7.3.2016

2016-03-15 Thread Andreas Labres

On 12.03.16 11:17, nebulon42 wrote:

Also ich habe beim vorherigen Thread gezählt:
5 dagegen, 4 dafür

Ned bös sein, aber talk-at hat 290 Abonnenten, da sind 5 Neb...^w Neinsager 
nicht wirklich relevant.

Wenn auch nur eine Person durch die Mail auf die Wochennotiz neu aufmerksam 
wird, macht sie Sinn. Und für viele andere ist der Klick auf den Link bequemer 
als die URL einzutippen. Außerdem ist's eine angenehme Erinnerung und man 
bekommt den Release-Zeitpunkt mit.


Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Numero di corsie sbagliato

2016-03-15 Thread Volker Schmidt
Grazie, avevo dimenticato i "oneway=-1".

2016-03-15 11:36 GMT+01:00 Any File :

> 2016-03-15 10:49 GMT+01:00 Volker Schmidt :
> > Ho notato che in Vento e anche in altri parti dell'Italia ci sono tante
> > strade con lanes=1 che dovrebbero avere lanes=2.
> > Se lanciate in Overpass turbo col wizard questo richiesta:
> > (highway=secondary or highway=primary or highway=tertiary) and lanes=1
> and
> > oneway!=yes and junction!=roundabout
> Usando questa richiesta, mi sono saltate fuori delle strade che sono
> senso unico marcate come oneway=-1
> Per comodità mia e vostra scrivo qui la richiesta modificata da
> utilizzare nel wizard
> per wscludere questi casi
> (highway=secondary or highway=primary or highway=tertiary) and lanes=1
> and oneway!=yes and oneway!=-1 and junction!=roundabout
> AnyFile
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Numero di corsie sbagliato

2016-03-15 Thread Any File
2016-03-15 10:49 GMT+01:00 Volker Schmidt :
> Ho notato che in Vento e anche in altri parti dell'Italia ci sono tante
> strade con lanes=1 che dovrebbero avere lanes=2.

> Se lanciate in Overpass turbo col wizard questo richiesta:
> (highway=secondary or highway=primary or highway=tertiary) and lanes=1 and
> oneway!=yes and junction!=roundabout

Usando questa richiesta, mi sono saltate fuori delle strade che sono
senso unico marcate come oneway=-1

Per comodità mia e vostra scrivo qui la richiesta modificata da
utilizzare nel wizard
per wscludere questi casi

(highway=secondary or highway=primary or highway=tertiary) and lanes=1
and oneway!=yes and oneway!=-1 and junction!=roundabout


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Numero di corsie sbagliato

2016-03-15 Thread Leonardo
Voglio segnalare che c'è un tutorial molto esplicativo da parte di 
Mapbox sull'argomento corsie:



Il 15/03/2016 11:03, Volker Schmidt ha scritto:
Prima vorrei capire quanti mappatori hanno prodotto questi errori e 
forse preferiscono di corregere prima dove si ricordano. Poi si può 
pensare a Maproulette.

Aggiungo, che a prima vista sembra un problema italiano.

2016-03-15 10:57 GMT+01:00 Fabrizio Tambussa >:

Il 15 marzo 2016 10:49, Volker Schmidt > ha scritto:
> Ho notato che in Vento e anche in altri parti dell'Italia ci
sono tante
> strade con lanes=1 che dovrebbero avere lanes=2.
> Bisogna correggere, prima che i router comincino utilizzare il lanes tag
> (penso che per il momento non lo fanno, ma non sono sicuro)
> Purtroppo non vedo un processo automatico.
> Che facciamo?

Si potrebbe fare un task di maproulette. Chi ha voglia di prepararlo?


Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Numero di corsie sbagliato

2016-03-15 Thread Volker Schmidt
Prima vorrei capire quanti mappatori hanno prodotto questi errori e forse
preferiscono di corregere prima dove si ricordano. Poi si può pensare a
Aggiungo, che a prima vista sembra un problema italiano.

2016-03-15 10:57 GMT+01:00 Fabrizio Tambussa :

> Il 15 marzo 2016 10:49, Volker Schmidt  ha scritto:
> > Ho notato che in Vento e anche in altri parti dell'Italia ci sono tante
> > strade con lanes=1 che dovrebbero avere lanes=2.
> > Bisogna correggere, prima che i router comincino utilizzare il lanes tag
> > (penso che per il momento non lo fanno, ma non sono sicuro)
> >
> > Purtroppo non vedo un processo automatico.
> > Che facciamo?
> Si potrebbe fare un task di maproulette. Chi ha voglia di prepararlo?
> Saluti
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Numero di corsie sbagliato

2016-03-15 Thread Any File
2016-03-15 10:49 GMT+01:00 Volker Schmidt :
> Ho notato che in Vento e anche in altri parti dell'Italia ci sono tante
> strade con lanes=1 che dovrebbero avere lanes=2.

Temo che chi mappa così pensi che bisogna inserire il numero di corsie
per senso di marcia, mentre quello che va inserito è il totale.

Occorrerre che nell'editor (nel preset in Josm, in ID non so come
sia...) venga meglio specificata la cosa.

Sarebbe utile anche contattare chi ha fatto la modifica e spiegargli la cosa.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Numero di corsie sbagliato

2016-03-15 Thread Fabrizio Tambussa
Il 15 marzo 2016 10:49, Volker Schmidt  ha scritto:
> Ho notato che in Vento e anche in altri parti dell'Italia ci sono tante
> strade con lanes=1 che dovrebbero avere lanes=2.
> Bisogna correggere, prima che i router comincino utilizzare il lanes tag
> (penso che per il momento non lo fanno, ma non sono sicuro)
> Purtroppo non vedo un processo automatico.
> Che facciamo?

Si potrebbe fare un task di maproulette. Chi ha voglia di prepararlo?


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Numero di corsie sbagliato

2016-03-15 Thread Volker Schmidt
Ho notato che in Vento e anche in altri parti dell'Italia ci sono tante
strade con lanes=1 che dovrebbero avere lanes=2.
Un clamoroso esempio è la trafficatissima SP308:

Se lanciate in Overpass turbo col wizard questo richiesta:
(highway=secondary or highway=primary or highway=tertiary) and lanes=1 and
oneway!=yes and junction!=roundabout

saltano fuori un sacco di errori.
Ci sono anche - pochi - falsi positivi, ma la maggior parte sono veri

Bisogna correggere, prima che i router comincino utilizzare il lanes tag
(penso che per il momento non lo fanno, ma non sono sicuro)

Purtroppo non vedo un processo automatico.
Che facciamo?

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Datenerfassung für stadtverträgliches LKW-Routing im Rheinland

2016-03-15 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 14.03.2016 um 23:36 schrieb Florian Lohoff :
> Also ich erfasse das wo es dran steht und finde das aus solchen
> Gedanken schon sinnvoll :)

klar ist es sinnvoll, das hatte ich ja auch geschrieben. Ich erfasse das auch 
prioritär. Aber es wird eben nicht "verhindern", dass LKW sich dort 
gelegentlich festfahren;-)

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Datenerfassung für stadtverträgliches LKW-Routing im Rheinland

2016-03-15 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Am 15.03.2016 um 00:25 schrieb Bernhard Weiskopf :
> Brücken über Bundesstraßen und Autobahnen und Oberleitungen von
> Straßenbahnen sind üblicherweise so hoch, dass 4,5 m hohe Fahrzeuge darunter
> durchpassen. Ich habe aber schon viele Brücken oder andere Bauwerke über
> Neben- oder Anliegerstraßen gesehen, die niedriger als 4,0 m sind und
> trotzdem kein Schild darauf hinweist.

AFAIK ist das ein Mangel der behoben werden muss (ausser die Beschränkung ist 
vielleicht schon so weit entfernt angebracht, dass Du sie nicht wahrgenommen 

> maxheight ist meiner Meinung nach ein sehr wichtiges tag für Navigation und
> Routing.

wobei es ein rechtlicher tag ist, der nichts über die physische lichte Höhe 
aussagt, dafür bitte maxheight:physical nehmen

Talk-de mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Please check the work of 00crashtest

2016-03-15 Thread Andy Townsend

On 15/03/2016 08:02, Colin Smale wrote:


I would like to put out a worldwide alert for the work of 00crashtest 
who has been tweaking things since

See also , which I 
added on behalf of the Data Working Group yesterday and today.

We also had to intervene on a couple of previous occasions 
(reverting/redacting data and contact about invalid edits by 
messages/changeset discussions).

Best Regards,

Andy Townsend (SomeoneElse)
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dalsi preklady wiki

2016-03-15 Thread Marián Kyral
Ty jo. Tohle než přečtu, tak zešedivím (stejně už k tomu nemám daleko :-) )

Za tohle byste měli dostat nějaký metál.


-- Původní zpráva --
Od: Dalibor Jelínek 
Komu: 'OpenStreetMap Czech Republic' 
Datum: 14. 3. 2016 15:31:01
Předmět: [Talk-cz] Dalsi preklady wiki



ve spolupráci s Lukášem přinášíme další překlady wiki k počtení a případným 


Mějte se, 



   *  amenity(
   (, amenity
   (, amenity
   (, amenity
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   ( - 15.2.
   * amenity(
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[Talk-cz] RUIAN chybejici budovy - rozsireni

2016-03-15 Thread Janda Martin
Dobry den,

  nevim jestli je toto spravne misto. Ale bylo by mozne na strance doplnit sloupec s poctem budov ktere nejsou 
definovany pres RUIAN.

Tzn. maji definovano building=* a zaroven chybi nektery z nasledujicich tagu


Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Dalsi preklady wiki

2016-03-15 Thread Dalibor Jelínek

tak jsem opravil opravil popis route=railway a route=train.

Je to ted lepsi? Pripadne to rovnou oprav, nejsem zeleznicar,

tak ty presne terminy uplne neznam.





From: Michal Pustějovský [] 
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 5:26 PM
To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Dalsi preklady wiki



překlady route=railway a route=train jsou trochu zavádějící.

route=railway má význam vlakové linky (typu S6: Praha - Kladno),
route=train je trasa jednoho spoje/vlaku (např. R487: Praha -> Brno).

Osobně bych tam přidal doporučení radši používat nové schéma HD (tedy relace 
route_master a route).

Pro popis železniční tratě slouží route=tracks.

Detaily viz ORM   
nebo lokalizovaná verze 

Dne 14.03.2016 v 15:28 Dalibor Jelínek napsal(a):


ve spolupráci s Lukášem přinášíme další překlady wiki k počtení a případným 


Mějte se,



*   amenity  =bar 
 , amenity 
 , amenity 
 , amenity 
 , amenity 
 , amenity 
  - 15.2.2016
*   amenity  =food_court 
 , amenity 
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*   amenity  
 , amenity 
 , amenity 
amenity  =bicycle_rental 
 , amenity 
 , amenity 
 , amenity 
 , amenity 
 , amenity 
 , amenity 
 , amenity 

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM with Wikidata: now covers UK and Ireland

2016-03-15 Thread Edward Betts
Andrew Hain  wrote:
> I still get internal errors in a few places, for instance Richmond upon 
> Thames.

It was failing because node 880543279 had been deleted by this recent changeset.

I changed the code to skip objects that have been deleted.

Thanks for the report.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] OSM with Wikidata: now covers UK and Ireland

2016-03-15 Thread Andrew Hain
I still get internal errors in a few places, for instance Richmond upon Thames.

Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-talk] Please check the work of 00crashtest

2016-03-15 Thread Colin Smale

I would like to put out a worldwide alert for the work of 00crashtest
who has been tweaking things since January - 233 changesets and

The problems I have seen include arbitrarily modifying admin boundaries
based on tourist information possibly other non-authoritative sources.
The boundaries of DC and the City of London are now incorrect/broken. I
am working on the City of London, exchanging changeset comments with the
user, but I can't do the whole world so I would encourage people to
check their area... 

Note that I think this is innocence and not vandalism, but they are
rather active at the moment and it would be great if we could repair and
limit the damage. 


talk mailing list