Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping Klong Toey Slums

2016-07-27 Thread Oleksiy Muzalyev
Power poles, wires, wind, trees are usual dangers for multirotor 
aircraft too. There is also an issue of a large bird attack. These risks 
could be mitigated via sport flying.

I usually train sport flying at a stadium very early in the morning when 
there no people there. I have got a small trainer quadcopter, several 
foldable Air Gates, and Air Flags. There are also gates at an American 
football field with high poles, which are good for learning to fly in 
narrow spaces.

I have an impression that birds being excellent fliers themselves can 
immediately see the level of piloting skills of a RPAS (Remotely Piloted 
Aircraft System) pilot. If they see that it is an friendly experienced 
pilot they usually do not attack. In any case I regularly train diving 
and other BFM  .

In addition to aerial images I also film aerial video. Video provides an 
additional information. For example, recently I filmed a medieval 
Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi fortress [1] in Ukraine. I upload a video to 
Wikimedia, add a video link to the Wikidata page, and add wikidata tag 
to the OSM map for this object.

Wikimedia accepts videos only in open OGG and WEBM formats. 
Unfortunately, some quality is always lost during conversion to these 
formats. You can see the same HD video at youtube and compare the 
quality [2]; I tried all convertors which I could find for Mac.


On 27/07/16 23:42, wrote:
Yes, ballons and kites is a good community-engaged method; in my 
particular case we face problems with the public-lab-ballon-kit 
because irregular power poles/wires at a low height, plus some wind 
present during the activity, so it wasn't possible (and a little 
insecure).  Regarding stiching it was not so easy to deal with 89 
pictures using the MapKnitter (version 1 1/2 years ago), so by the 
moment aerial orthophotomosaics software seems to be the option. 
Another point regarding ballons is the cost of the helium.

About security (and mobile apps) you should consider to create a 
previous relationship with the community, so start with workshops or 
other activities.  In my particualr case for the replication in other 
slums in Colombia, the conclution to my proposal was "not 
recommended".  If your focus is catastral, ultra-high-res aerial 
imagery is the better way, mobile apps can create ancyllary pictures, 
very useful indeed 

talk mailing list

[Talk-in] List of all Airport Reference points in India

2016-07-27 Thread Arun Ganesh
Found this AAI page with a list of proposed, current and disused civil

It must be really outdated, as it mentions Kochi Aiport as proposed, which
was constructed in 1999. But should be good to check the location of others.

Arun Ganesh

Talk-in mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Another state route shield renderer and tutorial

2016-07-27 Thread Minh Nguyen
As I mentioned in the diary post, it doesn't handle any of those cases. To be 
sure, there is a regular expression behind the scenes to ensure that Texas Loop 
highways for instance aren't given the us-state shield value. On the other 
hand, there isn't any logic to sort out true edge cases like Arkansas Highway 

I still believe combining that regular expression with the spatial query is a 
step up from the common practice of using only a regular expression, and in 
optimistic that, if nothing else, this demonstration will spur others to keep 
working toward true route relation support.

Minh Nguyễn
Sent from my autocorrect-ennobled device

> On Jul 27, 2016, at 11:43, Paul Johnson  wrote:
> OK, but how does it handle literal edge cases?  Such as WA 433 in Oregon, OK 
> 20 in Arkansas, or AR 43 in Oklahoma?  Or not-so-edge cases such as Texas' 
> infamous multitude of state highway networks, or the two state highway 
> systems in Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri?
>> On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 2:12 AM, Minh Nguyen  
>> wrote:
>> A couple days ago, I posted a diary entry about rendering state-specific 
>> highway shields using Mapbox tools. It's a topic of special interest to the 
>> U.S. community, so I figured I'd give the talk-us list a heads-up since not 
>> everyone reads the diaries regularly:
>> The diary entry begins with a summary of the arguments for pictographic 
>> shield rendering and the challenges facing renderers that attempt to 
>> differentiate between each state's design. I also argued against using 
>> regular expressions to select state route shields.
>> I developed a demonstration vector renderer, called Interstate, that 
>> differentiates between the Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana state route shields, 
>> despite ambiguous `ref=SR 123` tagging in both Ohio and Indiana:
>> Though Interstate is only a proof of concept design-wise, it runs on 
>> production servers and mainstream software. The second half of the diary 
>> entry walks you through the steps to create your own, prettier version of 
>> Interstate using free Mapbox tools.
>> (Full disclosure: I work at Mapbox. But my motivation for posting the 
>> tutorial is to nudge the community away from relying on regular expressions 
>> to select shields and towards eventually using route relations for that 
>> purpose.)
>> For now, I continue to point people to 
>>  when I want to show them what route 
>> relations are good for, but Interstate is another option when the issue of 
>> way `ref` formats comes up.
>> -- 
>> ___
>> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Repère géodésique et limite communale

2016-07-27 Thread Balaïtous

J'ai une erreur "Survey point out of boundary" :

Ce point ( est un sommet,
j'ai ajouté les tags correspondants, et d'après le cadastre, il sert de
limite communale.
Est-ce que je peux l'intégrer à la limite de commune, ou faut-il
dupliquer le point ?


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Annonce de sortie : MapContrib 0.10.0

2016-07-27 Thread Philippe Verdy
Oui les ressources coutent cher, c'est bien pour ça qu'il faudrait imaginer
un système de collaboration pour partager les couts et permettre des
maintenances sans interrompre le service global. Il manque à Overpass  une
instance gérée par la Fondation OSM, et un système d'équilibrage de charge
(permettant de répartir les requêtes). La Fondation Wikimedia pourrait
aussi nous aider (il y a de nombreux projets wikiemdia qui pourraient
bénéficier de données vectorielles dynamiques, y compris Wikipédia dans sa
version francophone qui en fait usage, mais pas la version anglophone

L'ennui c'est que toutes les instances veulent fournir une base "monde". Il
sertait intéreessant d'imaginer un index "quad tile" sur 4 serveurs
principaux, dont un est "maître" (et reçoit les mises à jour en priorité
les 3 autres ayant des priorités moindres). Le partage de ressources
pourrait aussi concerner la génération des "areas" (très couteuse sur le
monde entier), et des listes de requêtes à réaliser feature par feature
avec un système de prise en main et relachement et fourniture des résultats
obtenus aux autres serveurs via un cache.

On a des caches et un partage efficace actuelement uniquement pour les
tuiles bitmaps, rien pour les couches vectorielles capables de répondre à
bien des requêtes.
Mais comment synchroniser efficacement les serveurs autrement qu'avec les
minute diffs de la base OSM mondiale?
Peut-on avoir des serveurs déidiés à certaines zones (qui auraient des
données mises à jour plus régulièrement mais consultées par un cache par un
autre serveur. On aurait quand même une réponse même si les données en
cache sont anciennes mais chaque serveur soumettrait des demandes de
rafraichissemnt aux autres en relayant les requêtes pour remettre à jour
son propre cache. Le tout fonctionnant globalement "à la demande" et non
pas purement géographiquement.

Je ne suis pas sûr que la méthode de mises à jour via les minute diffs de
la base monde permet de gérer l'équilibrage de charges et le partage de
ressources pusique tout le monde doit faire la même chose dans sa base. Ca
demanderait alors un système de mises à jour différents, par souscription
ou diffusion (avec acquittement si on est toujours intéressé).
Il serait essentiel pour que cela fonctionne que tout le monde respecte les
prescriptions de gestion de proxy/cache du protocole HTTP/1.1 standard
(notamment les dates de validitité).
Il serait essentiel aussi de pouvoir localiser une liste de serveurs
pouvant répondre à la recherche de certains "features"/"tags", pour que
tout le monde n'ait pas à s'occuper de la totalité des données, mais aussi
d'assurer quer toutes les données seront disponibles au moins quelque part
(avec au moins un miroir, plus si les statsitiques d'usage montrent un
intérêt particilier à certaines données).

Mais tout ça demande du travail pour inventer un protocole. Et des
discussions pour connaitre les moyens partageables et responsabilités de
chacun. Ca mériterait une vraie discussion à SOTM Monde dans un atelier
dédié. Il me parait essentiel de renforcer l'infrastructure et faciliter
les collaborations et partager les moyens. Le petit CDN des tuiles bitmaps
ne suffit plus du tout. Il y a de très bons développeurs de protocole pour
MediaWiki qui pourraient aider à ce projet et ils ont des outils pour
mesurer les besoins, évaluer les possibilités, faire des tests A/B, lancer
des expérimentations, améliorer les protocoles, suivre les éléments à
rendre obsolète et remplacer par d'autres plus performants. OSM n'a pas
tout ça (et maintenant a moins de moyens depuis le départ de Mapquest qui
développe son propre système et semble même prêt à utiliser des données
propriétaires par des licences d'utilisation plus restrictives ou plus
intrusives pour les visiteurs des cartes hébergées par lui)

Et avec le temps ce manque de collaboration devient de plus en plujs
critique car les données sont de plus en plus volumineuses et lourdes à
gérer. Les couts ne cessent donc de monter pour tout le monde au lieu de se
maintenir à un niveau permettant plus de participants pour la plateforme
technique. Il est possible qu'à l'avenir la fondation OSM elle-même ne
parvienne plus à gérer ces couts et que les appels de dons ne suffiront pas
plus que les offres généreuses de partentaires tiers (pouvant fournir des
la bande passante, des serveurs, de la capacité de calcul, de la
connectivité et un temps de réponse acceptable dans le monde entier, et un
support de veille pour assurer la maintenance du service avec un taux de
panne faible).

Mais pour Overpass, et même l'API OSM de base, on sent que tout cela tient
à un fil.  Et c'est très gênant pour les contributeurs de données dans les
zones HOT où des imports massifs de données brutes sont demandé avec des
pics de charge qui explosent par endroit, et où de très nombreuses
corrections et vérifications sont nécessaires ensuite. La capacité limitée
des serveurs ne permet pas de rendre les résultat attendus 

Wochennotiz Nr. 314 19.07.2016–25.07.2016

2016-07-27 Thread Wochennotizteam

die Wochennotiz Nr. 314 mit vielen wichtigen Neuigkeiten aus der OpenStreetMap 
Welt ist da:

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
Talk-de mailing list

Wochennotiz Nr. 314 19.07.2016–25.07.2016

2016-07-27 Thread Wochennotizteam

die Wochennotiz Nr. 314 mit vielen wichtigen Neuigkeiten aus der OpenStreetMap 
Welt ist da:

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!
Talk-at mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Fwd: Problème limite communale ?

2016-07-27 Thread Pierre-Yves Berrard
Problème résolu.
La confusion vient du fait que les libellés de communes ne sont pas du bon
côté des limites sur Mapnik.
(contrairement au rendu FR)

Bonne soirée.

-- Message transféré --
De : Pierre-Yves Berrard 
Date : 27 juillet 2016 à 23:00
Objet : Problème limite communale ?
À : OSM talk-fr 


Je sèche sur cette note :

D'après la planche cadastrale, les données osm semblent correctes.
Par contre, un coup d'oeil sur la plaque de rue dans g. street view
confirme les dires de la note.

Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-cz] Missing Maps a urgentní prosba o tracování budov v Demokratické republice Kongo

2016-07-27 Thread Jan Martinec


dovoluju si v návaznosti na včerejší mapathon crosspostnout z FB Missing 
Maps (Lékaři bez hranic):

"Jan Böhm
Mám jednu odměnu pro všechny, kdo včera bloudili po snímkách Sierry 
Leone v zoufalé snaze najít aspoň jeden proklatý tukul. Psal jsem 
kolegům, jestli není potřeba zmapovat nějaké místo s budovami a jeden 
zábavný úkol jsem dostal obratem!
Jedná se o oblast v D. R. Kongo, kde Lékaři bez hranic budou zhruba za 
14 dní provádět vakcinační kampaň a mapy tedy potřebujeme hodně rychle. 
Pokud tedy po včerejšku chcete mapovat i trochu hustší zástavbu, pusťte 
se do toho:

(PS: bez obav, nebudu sem teď spamovat všechno skrze MM: tohle konkrétně 
mi přišlo hodný pozornosti i vzhledem k tomu šibeničnímu termínu)

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Červencový mapathon Missing maps - právě jsme otevřeli registraci

2016-07-27 Thread Jan Martinec

Tak stručný report ze včera:

- pražské mapathony MSF/Missing Maps jsou každé poslední úterý v měsíci
- K10 je vskutku neuvěřitelně příjemné místo (barokní vila poblíž Grébovky)
- sešlo se odhadem tak 30 lidí
- u tasku (základní zmapování 
vesnic) jsme společnými silami zvedli stav z 25% na 70% během cca dvou 

- kupodivu i s iD to celkem jde (osobní zjištění zuřivého JOSMáka)
- prý někdo viděl na satelitu slony
- kvalita samotné mapy je v nemapovaných oblastech tragická (silnice? 
jo, jsou tam někde, asi. Tady je dva kiláky díra, čert ví, co to znamená)
- užitečná zábava do metra: MapSwipe (předtřídění map tiles na "tady 
něco je/pořád v lese")

- přednáška o ebole na závěr byla nečekaná, ale stála za to.

Doporučuju - další je zřejmě 30.8. (na facebooku MSF ani v k tomu žádnou 
událost nevidím)

Mluvil jsem po skončení s J.Böhmem:
- zatím se na pražských mapathonech dělalo jen základní tracování
- kýžený stav je "největší část začátečníci, menší část validátoři, 
nejmenší část pokročilejší mapaři s JOSMem."

- asi by byl potřeba někdo, kdo s JOSM umí, a byl by s to někoho zaškolit
- osobně bych asi potřeboval trochu poradit s konkrétním workflow, 
trochu mi trasování v JOSM skřípalo (iD je o něco lépe integrován), 
nicméně školit ovládání bych si troufl (asi ne hned na tom nejbližším)

Tolik za mě v kostce,
Honza Piškvor Martinec

On 07/18/2016 02:54 PM, wrote:

Dobrý den,

právě jsme otevřeli registraci na červencový mapathon Missing maps.
Registrovat se můžete na této adrese:

Srdečně vás zvu, našli jsme neuvěřitelně příjemné místo - K10 coworking - a
mapathon v těchto prostorách bude opravdu radost.

Zároveň jsme založili skupinu Missing maps Česká republika na Facebooku,
která by měla pomoci lepšímu propojení lidí, kteří se o Missing maps v ČR

Píšu to takto stručně, protože jsem o Missing maps psal do tohoto fóra už v
minulých měsících. Pokud nevíte, o co jde, tady nabízím krátké shrnutí:

Missing maps je iniciativa, která pomáhá humanitárním organizacím působit v
místech, pro která nejsou dostupné žádné mapy. Prostřednictvím
OpenStreetMap kreslí ve svém prohlížeči dobrovolníci v Česku (a v jiných
státech) mapy podle satelitních snímků. Tyhle mapy pak např. Lékaři bez
hranic používají při poskytování život zachraňující zdravotní péče. V Praze
organizují Lékaři bez hranic každý měsíc mapathony, na kterých společně
mapujeme jednu oblast, učíme mapovat a představujeme práci Lékařů bez
hranic v terénu.
Více info najdete také zde:

S pozdravem
Jan Böhm

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] Mapping tun restrictions in Canada

2016-07-27 Thread James
Seems someone that is inexperienced edited the Carling/Woodruff
intersection. That part of town has a lot of invalid things like that and
need to be corrected.

On Jul 27, 2016 1:38 PM, "Manohar Erikipati"  wrote:

> Hey there,
> Thank you for your reply Andrew MacKinnon. Status update : We mapped 110
> turn restrictions in the last 2 days in Canada. We have faced an issue we
> would love some feedback on (
> Cheers,
> Manohar Erikipati
> ___
> Talk-ca mailing list
Talk-ca mailing list

[Talk-it] R: Altezza edifici?

2016-07-27 Thread pg
Nel caso di Ferrara sono assolutamente inventate, e male.
Sembra abbiano usato i poligoni degli edifici OSM (che a Ferrara non sono 
edifici ma "cassoni edilizi") e li abbiano estrusi di una quota costante.

Per quanto riguarda le quote delle "unità volumetriche" del DBTR lombardo: 
facile che siano state derivate da elaborazione su DSM a partire da foto AGEA 
(come quelle del DBTR Emiliano-Romagnolo) e quindi spesso di bassissima qualità.


- Messaggio originale -
Da: "Luigi Toscano" 
Inviato: ‎27/‎07/‎2016 22:16
A: "openstreetmap list - italiano" 
Oggetto: Re: [Talk-it] Altezza edifici?

Guido Piazzi ha scritto:
> Il giorno 22 lug 2016, alle ore 16:52, Luigi Toscano 
>  ha scritto:
>> Non scientifico/sistematico, ma puoi fare un giro su:
> Ma f4map è molto brava a inventarsi le height anche dove non ci sono, in 
> funzione del valore del tag building e delle misure del perimetro; così 
> almeno mi pare.

Non credo che inventi, ma può anche usare il numero di piani (lo so per prova
diretta). Ma se un'area è "piatta" è abbastanza sicuro che non ci siano
informazioni di altezza.


Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Osmose erreur "ref=* or possibly missing highway in the area" et route 500

2016-07-27 Thread Balaïtous

Je voulais m'attaquer un peu à ces erreurs, mais que signifie
exactement le message ?

D'après ce que j'ai pu comprendre c'est soit qu'il manque une route,
soit quelle est présente mais sans référence.

A partir de quelle base de donnée ce rapport d'erreur est-il établi ?

Par ailleurs, avec quelles données est tracée la couche route500 de :

Après téléchargement des données ROUTE500 2016, la section de la route
au sud du Pla de l'Izard (le parking juste au nord du lac de Soulcem),
n'est pas référencée dans le réseau départemental, or sur le lien
précédent il y a des références D8 au niveau du barrage.
Idem avec les données route 500 2015.

Donc d'où viens cette référence D8 présente sur la couche route 500 de (il y a d'autres exemples similaires)

Sur le terrain, l'entretient au delà de parking du Pla de l'Izard
s'apparente beaucoup plus à celui d'un chemin communal.


Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Problème limite communale ?

2016-07-27 Thread Pierre-Yves Berrard

Je sèche sur cette note :

D'après la planche cadastrale, les données osm semblent correctes.
Par contre, un coup d'oeil sur la plaque de rue dans g. street view
confirme les dires de la note.

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mapping Klong Toey Slums

2016-07-27 Thread
Yes, ballons and kites is a good community-engaged method; in my particular
case we face problems with the public-lab-ballon-kit because irregular
power poles/wires at a low height, plus some wind present during the
activity, so it wasn't possible (and a little insecure).  Regarding
stiching it was not so easy to deal with 89 pictures using the MapKnitter
(version 1 1/2 years ago), so by the moment aerial orthophotomosaics
software seems to be the option. Another point regarding ballons is the
cost of the helium.

About security (and mobile apps) you should consider to create a previous
relationship with the community, so start with workshops or other
activities.  In my particualr case for the replication in other slums in
Colombia, the conclution to my proposal was "not recommended".  If your
focus is catastral, ultra-high-res aerial imagery is the better way, mobile
apps can create ancyllary pictures, very useful indeed

2016-07-15 9:18 GMT-05:00 Liz Barry :

> Hi everyone,
> It is inspiring to hear of these projects in Bangkok and Cartagena! <3
> Depending on the wind and when the rainy season is about to start in
> Bangkok, putting a kite up in the air with a small camera could be the
> fastest and most community-engaged / hands-on / accessible / repeatable way
> to get aerial imagery:
> Once you have an aerial photo (by balloon/kite/drone/really long
> bamboo pole :), you can place
> (georeference) it in, then it's one click to
> loading that base imagery in any/all of OSM's editors for tracing over.
> I copied the grassroots mapping list where there are people to chat with
> about DIY aerial imagery for mapping.
> Yours,
> Liz
> --
> +1 336-269-1539
> @lizbarry 
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2016 at 6:23 PM, 
> wrote:
>> Hi Mishari,
>> I can share from the experience to mapping slums in Cartagena, Colombia
>> with a Latinamerican NGO called TECHO (is not an acronym), plus the last
>> steps that you list (a, b, c) we started mapping the past using Bing
>> imagery (normally have imagery date); then a small aerial filming company 
>> donate
>> drone flights  to map the
>> present.  After that we count double of houses that community leader
>> beleive that exists; but using filedpapers on the field we get exact number
>> of houses an his conditions
>> (like presence of tilts to deal with floods).
>> Pictures from mobiles apps and ballons just serve as helpers, but maybe
>> could be some security issues, so we prefer to use papers, all the steps
>> always include community members.
>> This actually is a methodology for mapping slums in connection of every
>> house as spatial element with household surveys that give us a clear
>> picture of community dimensions, so useful for his inner development.
>> I'm glad to say that now this slum is on the way to became a formal
>> neighborhood and OSM map is the base to achieve that, so mapping slums can
>> be a tool for poverty overcome, because as a formal one, they can be part
>> of local administration planning services and budget, and of course, with
>> all this information (that became in knowledge throught action) they know
>> how to proceed in his development path.
>> I humbly hope this could help with your question; if not feel free to
>> come with more,
>> Humberto Yances
>> 2016-07-14 5:58 GMT-05:00 Mishari Muqbil :
>>> Hello,
>>> I just wanted to feedback from the community for our effort to map the
>>> slums in Klong Toey, Bangkok. The size of the area is about 1km x 2 km
>>> around here 
>>> and I have captured a sequence on Mapillay here
>>> .
>>> There are several challenges here including access to internet and English
>>> literacy, so I have come up with the following rough plan.
>>> 1. Put out a call for volunteers, work with NGOs in the area to find
>>> local kids who are interested in putting their community on the map.
>>> 2. Train the kids in using ID editor. I think I will limit them to doing
>>> specific things i.e. walkways, houses, trees, restaurant, convenience
>>> stores with individual kids limited to 2-3 features to avoid confusion then
>>> as they get the hang of it, increase their repertoire.
>>> 3. Take over a local internet cafe for a day for training and mapping
>>> purpose.
>>> Now I'm not sure about the rest of the process, you can see from

[Talk-ca] Mapping tun restrictions in Canada

2016-07-27 Thread Manohar Erikipati
Hey there,
Thank you for your reply Andrew MacKinnon. Status update : We mapped 110
turn restrictions in the last 2 days in Canada. We have faced an issue we
would love some feedback on (

Manohar Erikipati
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

2016-07-27 Thread Alberto Nogaro
>-Original Message-
>From: Damjan Gerl []
>Sent: mercoledì 27 luglio 2016 21:28
>Subject: Re: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

>Mi trovate/proponete un esempio da mettere in tabella, che non sia questo
>"eccetto traffico locale" che non sappiamo cosa significa ?

Questo è  chiaro:


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Altezza edifici?

2016-07-27 Thread Marco_T
cesare gerbino wrote
> Ciao a tutti,
> sò che sia la diffusione sia la qualità dell'informazione dell'altezza
> degli edifici in OSM è non così eccelsa (es. rif.
> ma qualcuno conosce zone in Italia e/o anche fuori dove vi siano dati
> "buoni" sotto questo punto di vista?

In Friuli la CTR (carta Tecnica Regionale) riporta per ogni edificio:
- la quota altimetrica presa sul piano di imposta del fabbricato
- la quota altimetrica persa alla linea di gronda
(in dxf  ci sono due puntini rosso/blu con coordinata Z slm)

Qualcosa e' spiegato qui a pag. 36:

In questo modo sarebbe possbile piazzare spazialmente il fabbricato ed avere
la sua altezza (ingombro volumetrico).
Uso spesso queste mappe e facendo confronti con quanto misurato realmente
posso dire che sono abbastanza precise (decimentri).

Credo che anche le altre regioni adottino cartografia simile.



View this message in context:
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Altezza edifici?

2016-07-27 Thread Luigi Toscano
Guido Piazzi ha scritto:
> Il giorno 22 lug 2016, alle ore 16:52, Luigi Toscano 
>  ha scritto:
>> Non scientifico/sistematico, ma puoi fare un giro su:
> Ma f4map è molto brava a inventarsi le height anche dove non ci sono, in 
> funzione del valore del tag building e delle misure del perimetro; così 
> almeno mi pare.

Non credo che inventi, ma può anche usare il numero di piani (lo so per prova
diretta). Ma se un'area è "piatta" è abbastanza sicuro che non ci siano
informazioni di altezza.


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-ht] Osm inspector

2016-07-27 Thread Evens Michel
Je suis partant xapitoun
On Jul 27, 2016 7:11 AM,  wrote:

> Envoyez vos messages pour la liste Talk-ht à
> Pour vous (dés)abonner par le web, consultez
> ou, par email, envoyez un message avec 'help' dans le corps ou dans le
> sujet à
> Vous pouvez contacter l'administrateur de la liste à l'adresse
> Si vous répondez, n'oubliez pas de changer l'objet du message afin
> qu'il soit plus spécifique que "Re: Contenu du digest de Talk-ht..."
> Thèmes du jour :
>1. adresses Saint Marc / kay Senmàk
>   (François-Xavier Lamure Tardieu)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2016 11:12:16 -0400
> From: François-Xavier Lamure Tardieu 
> To:
> Subject: [Talk-ht] adresses Saint Marc / kay Senmàk
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> Bonjour,
> je me suis rendu compte que les données d’adresse à Saint-Marc avaient
> des d’erreurs. On peut voir avec OSM Inspector
>  de Geofabrik (view = adresses) quelles
> types d’erreurs on peut trouver. J’ai corrigé une partie des problèmes
> mais certains sont liés aux noms de rues indiqués dans la base, ce qui
> ne peut être corrigé que par les personnes sur place.
> Je passerais à Saint-Marc dans la semaine du 7 aout, si certains sont
> intéressés à se rencontrer, je suis partant.
> Bonjou tout moun
> mwen wè kèk erè nan non ri yo ak nimewo kay nan vil Senmàk. Nou ka sévi
> ak aplikasyon OSM Inspector  Geofabrik
> (view = adresses) pou nou obséve tout sa ki pa bon yo. Mwen komanse
> ranje plizyé ladan yo. Men gen yon seri, se sel moun ki Senmàk ki ka
> ranje yo paske yo nan vil la deja. Map pase nan semenn 7 dawout Senmàk,
> nou ka rankontre si gen moun ki enterese.
> Katograf Senmàk jwèt pou nou
> Xavier
> --
> Subject: Pied de page des remises groupées
> ___
> Talk-ht mailing list
> --
> Fin de Lot Talk-ht, Vol 70, Parution 14
> ***
Talk-ht mailing list
Notez! Vous pouvez utiliser Google Translate ( pour 
traduire les messages.

[OSM-talk] Closing soon! State of the Map early bird tickets and our Brussels hotel deal

2016-07-27 Thread Rob Nickerson
In case you're not subscribed to our newsletter or the osm blog:

Thanks to the support of our amazing sponsors

we have kept the Early Bird tickets for State of the Map available for as
long as possible. With less than 8 weeks to go until we gather in Brussels
the Early Bird offer will soon come to an end.

You have *until 7th August* to grab your price savvy tickets

now before normal prices kick in.

Don’t forget your accommodation though! The number of rooms available in our
hotel deal

drops by half when Early Bird closes so book your room before it’s too late.

State of the Map Team
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Altezza edifici?

2016-07-27 Thread Guido Piazzi
Il giorno 22 lug 2016, alle ore 16:52, Luigi Toscano  
ha scritto:
> Non scientifico/sistematico, ma puoi fare un giro su:

Ma f4map è molto brava a inventarsi le height anche dove non ci sono, in 
funzione del valore del tag building e delle misure del perimetro; così almeno 
mi pare.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

2016-07-27 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 27 lug 2016, alle ore 21:28, Damjan Gerl  ha 
> scritto:
> Mi trovate/proponete un esempio da mettere in tabella, che non sia questo 
> "eccetto traffico locale" che non sappiamo cosa significa ?

vuol dire che il traffico locale può passare e per loro non vale il divieto.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

2016-07-27 Thread Damjan Gerl

27.07.2016 - 20:58 - Alberto Nogaro:

> Per cominciare a inserire il mero cartello non occorre interpretarlo, 
inseriamo ciò che vediamo. Basta concordare un metodo per inserire i 
pannelli integrativi a testo libero, inserendo poi il testo letterale.

> Ciao, Alberto

Ok, allora propongo solo M6 e con in parentesi quadre il testo senza 

Es.: traffic_signal=IT:M6[eccetto traffico locale]

Mi trovate/proponete un esempio da mettere in tabella, che non sia 
questo "eccetto traffico locale" che non sappiamo cosa significa ?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

2016-07-27 Thread Alberto Nogaro
>-Original Message-
>From: Damjan Gerl []
>Sent: mercoledì 27 luglio 2016 19:35
>Subject: Re: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

>Questo è più un problema di legge e interpretazioni, nel senso che il cartello 
>fuorilegge e non conforme al cds, oppure il cds non specifica in modo
>inequivocabile come devono essere posti e scritti i cartelli...

Il codice della strada prevede pannelli integrativi con testo libero, che 
definisce "concisa iscrizione":

" Il modello II.6 indica, mediante simboli o concisa iscrizione, la spiegazione 
del significato del segnale principale, ovvero aggiunge una indicazione o 
esplicitazione al fine di ampliare o specificare utilmente il significato del 
segnale stesso, in particolari casi di occasionalità o provvisorietà"

Mentre per i simboli dice che devono essere approvati (e fornisce una tabella 
di simboli approvati, aggiungendo che il Ministero dei Lavori Pubblici ne può 
autorizzare altri), nulla specifica sulle "concise iscrizioni", salvo fornire 
due "Esempi con iscrizione" (i 2 esempi sui tornanti).

Dunque il cartello "solo traffico locale "è conforme alle prescrizioni del cds 
riguardante i cartelli. Cosa poi voglia dire, non si capisce.

>quindi non un problema di osm, anche se alla fine si pone il problema di come
>interpretarlo per inserirlo in osm...

Per cominciare a inserire il mero cartello non occorre interpretarlo, inseriamo 
ciò che vediamo. Basta concordare un metodo per inserire i pannelli integrativi 
a testo libero, inserendo poi il testo letterale.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-us] Another state route shield renderer and tutorial

2016-07-27 Thread Paul Johnson
OK, but how does it handle literal edge cases?  Such as WA 433 in Oregon,
OK 20 in Arkansas, or AR 43 in Oklahoma?  Or not-so-edge cases such as
Texas' infamous multitude of state highway networks, or the two state
highway systems in Oklahoma, Kansas and Missouri?

On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 2:12 AM, Minh Nguyen 

> A couple days ago, I posted a diary entry about rendering state-specific
> highway shields using Mapbox tools. It's a topic of special interest to the
> U.S. community, so I figured I'd give the talk-us list a heads-up since not
> everyone reads the diaries regularly:
> The diary entry begins with a summary of the arguments for pictographic
> shield rendering and the challenges facing renderers that attempt to
> differentiate between each state's design. I also argued against using
> regular expressions to select state route shields.
> I developed a demonstration vector renderer, called Interstate, that
> differentiates between the Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana state route shields,
> despite ambiguous `ref=SR 123` tagging in both Ohio and Indiana:
> Though Interstate is only a proof of concept design-wise, it runs on
> production servers and mainstream software. The second half of the diary
> entry walks you through the steps to create your own, prettier version of
> Interstate using free Mapbox tools.
> (Full disclosure: I work at Mapbox. But my motivation for posting the
> tutorial is to nudge the community away from relying on regular expressions
> to select shields and towards eventually using route relations for that
> purpose.)
> For now, I continue to point people to <
>> when I want to show them what route
> relations are good for, but Interstate is another option when the issue of
> way `ref` formats comes up.
> --
> ___
> Talk-us mailing list
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Altezza edifici?

2016-07-27 Thread Guido Piazzi
Il giorno 22 lug 2016, alle ore 13:25, cesare gerbino  
ha scritto:
> In alternativa, dati open con le medesime informazioni?

Per la Lombardia:

Database Topografico Regionale (DbTR)

Il livello "Edificato/Unità Volumetrica" contiene le altezze degli edifici, o 
meglio delle porzioni di edificio di altezza omogenea.

Non copre ancora tutti i Comuni, e ho trovato anche qualche strafalcione... per 
esempio, a Cuggiono (MI) moltissimi edifici sarebbero alti esattamente tre 
metri, compreso il campanile della chiesa parrocchiale. A Nerviano (MI), 
invece, il campaniletto della chiesa di Villanova sarebbe alto 103,09 m!


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] rendering

2016-07-27 Thread Gerard Vanderveken
Ook off-line OSM kaarten en gpx-visualisatie daarop zijn mogelijk met 
een app, zoals Geopaparazzi.

Belgie neemt ongeveer 350MB op je SD.
Met je GPS zie je waar je bent op de kaart en of je nog steeds op de 
omloop bent.

Door zoomen heb je veel meer details dan de papieren map.
Er zijn knoppen om je positie te SMS'en naar vrienden en eventueel 

Met vriendelijke groeten,

André Pirard wrote:

On 2016-07-18 20:10, Bart Vanherck wrote:

Beste mappers,

Weet iemand in de groep hier of er ergens een service of een 
programma bestaat waarmee ik een gpx trace op een openstreetmap layer 
kan plaatsen. Het doel is om een redelijk gedetailleerde kaart te 
hebben om af te printen.

Ik ga namelijk de dodentocht doen, en mijn volgers zouden graag weten 
hoe de wandeling loopt. En internet access is niet mogelijk, vandaar 
de noodzaak om alles af te printen op papier.

alvast bedankt,


Salut Bart et tous,  doit faire ce que tu 
Mais beaucoup diront qu'avant d'imprimer il faut penser à 
l'environnement !!!
Après chargement du fichier GPX sur un smartphone, le programme OSMand 
sera non seulement capable de montrer la piste GPX sur fond OSM mais 
aussi de la suivre en mode GPS, et ce sans Internet et sans papier.
Il faut vivre avec son temps et il y a de quoi amuser les promeneurs 
en ayant en poche un smartphone qui dit "tournez à gauche" ou bien 
"vous dépassez la vitesse limitée".  Dans un magasin, j'aime lui faire 
dire "Faites demi-tour dès que possible".



Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

2016-07-27 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 27 lug 2016, alle ore 19:35, Damjan Gerl  ha 
> scritto:
> Questo è più un problema di legge e interpretazioni, nel senso che il 
> cartello è fuorilegge

non è fuorilegge 

> e non conforme al cds

è conforme, è previsto un testo libero 

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Annonce de sortie : MapContrib 0.10.0

2016-07-27 Thread Guillaume AMAT

Bonsoir François,

Déjà merci pour votre retour positif, ça fait plaisir :)
Et d'ailleurs, le tutoiement ne me dérange pas du tout sur cette liste 
de diffusion.

Malgré la « fragilité » (relative) d'OverPass, je trouve étonnant que 
vos requêtes ne fonctionnent pas la plupart du temps. Passent-elles sur 
OverPass Turbo ? Combien de temps mettent-elles ?

Un première version du cache a été développée mais le résultat est quand 
même assez bancale... La génération se heurte elle aussi aux limites 
d'OverPass :/
C'est pour ça que je ne l'ai pas encore rendu disponible sur les 
instances officielles.

L'idée d'utiliser une autre instance d'OverPass a été évoquée mais où ? 
Je crois savoir que ça demande pas mal de ressources et les ressources 
coûtent cher.

Bonne soirée,

Le 26/07/2016 à 10:58, François Lacombe a écrit :

Bonjour Guillaume,

Merci pour le travail que vous faites, l'outil s'étoffe de plus en plus :)

Relativement à ce point sur le rafraichissement, en chargeant les 
données en live, je ne peux pas utiliser mapcontrib.
Bien souvent mes requêtes n'ont pas de réponse, quelque soit le moment 
de la journée ou alors il faut attendre plusieurs minutes.

Cette idée de cache avec des chargements uniques au moment le plus 
opportun serait un énorme plus

Ou alors choisir une instance d'overpass qui est moins sollicitée 
parce qu'il est vrai qu'il faut bien pouvoir tester ces requêtes à un 
moment donné avant de les "figer" dans le thème.

On a pas la main là-dessus n'est-ce pas ?

Bonne continuation


Le 20 juillet 2016 à 11:40, Guillaume AMAT > a écrit :

Pour l'instant il n'y a pas de rafraichissement. Les couches
OverPass sont chargées à l'arrivée sur un thème et quand on se

Le 20/07/2016 11:33, Francescu GAROBY a écrit :

Tout a l'air de fonctionner, maintenant...

Quelle est la fréquence de rafraîchissement, au fait ?


Le 20 juillet 2016 à 11:24, Guillaume AMAT > a
écrit :

C'est bon maintenant !
Pfff, le faux départ, c'est con... ;)

Désolé pour le temps perdu,

Le 20/07/2016 10:57, Guillaume AMAT a écrit :
Ah si vu !
Un souci au login pour certaines personnes. Je corrige vite.

Le 20/07/2016 10:47, Guillaume AMAT a écrit :
Étrange que vous ayez tous cette erreur, tout va bien de mon
Dans le doute j'ai redémarré le proxy qui est devant.
Ça va mieux pour vous ?

Le 20/07/2016 10:15, Philippe Verdy a écrit :
Problème: [1] [6] fait une
erreur 502
GATEWAY pour l'instant (erreur temporaire de connexion de ton

Seule [2] [7] fonctionne pour

Le 20 juillet 2016 à 08:47, Guillaume AMAT
> a
écrit :

Bonjour à tous,

Aujourd'hui sort la version 0.10.0 de MapContrib ! :)

Pour rappel, MapContrib est une application web de
thématique à OpenStreetMap. Elle se veut simple, universelle
(fonctionne sur tous les supports) et mobile (allez la
tester dans
la rue !).

MapContrib a été présentée au SOTM FR 2016 [1] et le sera
au SOTM de Bruxelles en septembre [2].

Du point de vue utilisateur, cette version apporte entres
autres :

* À l'ajout d'un POI, le placement de celui-ci se fait via une
croix affichée au-dessus de la carte.
* La possibilité de déplacer un POI de type nœud.
* De nouveaux types de couches, basés sur des fichiers
et GeoJSON.
* L'ajout d'une colonne d'information sur les couches. Elle
affiche les requêtes OverPass utilisées, les fichiers de
originaux, un bouton de téléchargement des données de la
au format GeoJSON, etc.
* La possibilité de géolocaliser automatiquement
* Le comportement de la recherche de la page d'accueil est
clair et cohérent.
* Le bouton bleu « info » dans les champs de contribution est
maintenant actif et renvoie sur la page taginfo de la clef
* Les résultats de la recherche de lieu (géocodage) sont plus
lisibles et apportent plus d'informations.
* La possibilité d'afficher les infos de POI dans des fenêtres
modales oue des colonnes, à la place des infobulles

Re: [Talk-it] Quali gli IDs per i segnali stradali traffic_sign=IT:CODE?

2016-07-27 Thread Damjan Gerl

27.07.2016 - 18:13 - Alberto Nogaro:

personalmente preferisco nomi (traffic_sign=maxspeed invece di IT:cds123),
>per i casi semplici/non ambigui.

Si, secondo la 
, sarebbe da aggiungere anche:

Traffic_sign= maxweight e maxweight=* per Figura II 68 Art. 118

Sono d'accordo. Dove ci sono i tag semplici vanno usati quelli.
Ho aggiunto il maxweight.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

2016-07-27 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 27 lug 2016, alle ore 19:04, Damjan Gerl  ha 
> scritto:
> Stessa cosa per altri pannelli. Per quelli con le date ed gli orari però è un 
> po' più complicato.

per i cartelli con testo libero serve una sintassi che digerisce una stringa

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

2016-07-27 Thread Damjan Gerl

27.07.2016 - 19:20 - Fabrizio Tambussa:

In tutta coscienza da una parte plaudo alla classificazione dei 
cartelli, ma dall'altra mi preoccupo per la mappatura.

Al principio anche io la pensavo così, poi però vedendo che ci sono 
altri stati che hanno già "standardizzato" l'inserimento in osm e 
vedendo che comunque qualcuno lo fa/lo farà anche qui da noi, avere uno 
"standard" definito ed accettato può solo che aiutare...

Il cartello stradale può cambiare senza preavviso, viene spostato, ecc
Chi mantiene questi dati nel tempo? Chi si fa il giro dei cartelli 
ogni tanto x controllare se sono ancora lì?

Questo vale per tutto quanto in osm ;-) ... es. chi controlla che 
l'oggetto osm xy sia sempre li e non sia stato rimosso nella realtà?

Anche alla luce delle ultime discussioni qui in lista su "solo 
traffico locale" (che è disciplinato dal codice della strada vero?).

Questo è più un problema di legge e interpretazioni, nel senso che il 
cartello è fuorilegge e non conforme al cds, oppure il cds non specifica 
in modo inequivocabile come devono essere posti e scritti i cartelli...  
quindi non un problema di osm, anche se alla fine si pone il problema di 
come interpretarlo per inserirlo in osm...



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

2016-07-27 Thread Fabrizio Tambussa
In tutta coscienza da una parte plaudo alla classificazione dei cartelli,
ma dall'altra mi preoccupo per la mappatura.
Il cartello stradale può cambiare senza preavviso, viene spostato, ecc
Chi mantiene questi dati nel tempo? Chi si fa il giro dei cartelli ogni
tanto x controllare se sono ancora lì?
Anche alla luce delle ultime discussioni qui in lista su "solo traffico
locale" (che è disciplinato dal codice della strada vero?).


Il 27/Lug/2016 19:05, "Damjan Gerl"  ha scritto:

> 27.07.2016 - 17:28 - Alberto Nogaro:
>> -Original Message-
>>> From: Damjan Gerl []
>>> Sent: mercoledì 27 luglio 2016 15:38
>>> To:
>>> Subject: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia
>>> Ho visto che per il tag traffic_sign [0] che prevede anche degli Traffic
>>> sign IDs
>>> per country, ma la lista degli id in Italia non esiste: la pagina wiki
>>> [1], parziale,
>>> non indica gli id da usare. Sono andato poi a vedere in taginfo ed ho
>>> trovato
>>> usato come id la descrizioni dei segnali (vedi testo sotto). Siccome
>>> alcune
>>> descrizioni sono abbastanza lunghe, con spazi e quindi passibili di
>>> errori, ho
>>> preparato una pagina wiki temporanea di proposta per gli id dei segnali
>>> usati in
>>> Italia [3]. Riporta i segnali pari-pari dal codice della strada 92. E'
>>> ancora da finire
>>> ma sono le mie proposte per vedere cosa ne pensate...
>> Grandioso!
>> Tempo fa avevo proposto una cosa analoga [1], ma non avevo ricevuto
>> consensi. Per cominciare a mappare comunque i cartelli, nel dubbio avevo
>> deciso di usare la descrizione estesa. Se la tua proposta viene approvata,
>> mi impegno a convertire i cartelli da me mappati con descrizione estesa nel
>> formato approvato.
> Vedo... infatti per ovviare ai numeri doppi nella mia proposta prevedo di
> usare una F iniziale per le figure ed una M per i modelli.
>> Superlativo sarebbe poi anche creare un preset per josm.
> Si, sono d'accordo!
>> Dovremmo trovare anche il modo di definire i pannelli integrativi con
>> solo testo.  I Modello II 6/p1 e  Modello II 6/p2 dovrebbero essere solo 2
>> esempi, ma il testo credo che sia libero (vedi codice della strada, Titolo
>> II, art. 83, commi 9 e 10 [2])
> Per questi c'è l'opzione tra parentesi quadre dopo il ID, quindi per
> esempio sarebbe da usare così:
> tornante   => IT:M6p1[1]
> 2 tornanti => IT:M6p1[2]
> 3 tornanti => IT:M6p1[3]
> 4 tornanti => IT:M6p1[4] ecc.
> 1º tornante => IT:M6p2[1]
> 2º tornante => IT:M6p2[2]
> 3º tornante => IT:M6p2[3]
> 4º tornante => IT:M6p2[4] ecc.
> Stessa cosa per altri pannelli. Per quelli con le date ed gli orari però è
> un po' più complicato.
> Ciao
> Damjan
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problème d'accès à FR-BAN et FR-Cadastre !

2016-07-27 Thread Tyndare

Arghhh effectivement, je savais pourtant bien qu'il ne faut pas essayer 
de corriger ce qui marche.

Normalement les bâtiments wall=no devraient réapparaître dans les exports.

On 27/07/2016 11:13, Pierre-Yves Berrard wrote:

Constaté aussi pour les wall=no.


Le 27 juillet 2016 à 10:58, Nicolas Moyroud > a écrit :

Merci effectivement ça a l'air bon pour le water.
J'ai remarqué un autre bug dans les exports en ce qui concerne le
fichier house-simplifie. Tous les polygones en wall=no ne sont
plus présents. Constaté sur 2 communes différentes. Je n'ai pas
regardé ce que ça donnait dans le fichier house non simplifié.


Le 26/07/2016 11:54, Tyndare a écrit :

Résultat à vérifier mais normalement c'est fait.

On 20/07/2016 10:04, Nicolas Moyroud wrote:


Si à l'occasion tu as le temps de t'occuper du problème
des données data/eau découpées en petits morceaux ça
m'aiderait bien. :-)


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

2016-07-27 Thread Damjan Gerl

27.07.2016 - 17:28 - Alberto Nogaro:

-Original Message-
From: Damjan Gerl []
Sent: mercoledì 27 luglio 2016 15:38
Subject: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia
Ho visto che per il tag traffic_sign [0] che prevede anche degli Traffic sign 
per country, ma la lista degli id in Italia non esiste: la pagina wiki [1], 
non indica gli id da usare. Sono andato poi a vedere in taginfo ed ho trovato
usato come id la descrizioni dei segnali (vedi testo sotto). Siccome alcune
descrizioni sono abbastanza lunghe, con spazi e quindi passibili di errori, ho
preparato una pagina wiki temporanea di proposta per gli id dei segnali usati in
Italia [3]. Riporta i segnali pari-pari dal codice della strada 92. E' ancora 
da finire
ma sono le mie proposte per vedere cosa ne pensate...


Tempo fa avevo proposto una cosa analoga [1], ma non avevo ricevuto consensi. 
Per cominciare a mappare comunque i cartelli, nel dubbio avevo deciso di usare 
la descrizione estesa. Se la tua proposta viene approvata, mi impegno a 
convertire i cartelli da me mappati con descrizione estesa nel formato 

Vedo... infatti per ovviare ai numeri doppi nella mia proposta prevedo 
di usare una F iniziale per le figure ed una M per i modelli.

Superlativo sarebbe poi anche creare un preset per josm.

Si, sono d'accordo!

Dovremmo trovare anche il modo di definire i pannelli integrativi con solo 
testo.  I Modello II 6/p1 e  Modello II 6/p2 dovrebbero essere solo 2 esempi, 
ma il testo credo che sia libero (vedi codice della strada, Titolo II, art. 83, 
commi 9 e 10 [2])

Per questi c'è l'opzione tra parentesi quadre dopo il ID, quindi per 
esempio sarebbe da usare così:

tornante   => IT:M6p1[1]
2 tornanti => IT:M6p1[2]
3 tornanti => IT:M6p1[3]
4 tornanti => IT:M6p1[4] ecc.

1º tornante => IT:M6p2[1]
2º tornante => IT:M6p2[2]
3º tornante => IT:M6p2[3]
4º tornante => IT:M6p2[4] ecc.

Stessa cosa per altri pannelli. Per quelli con le date ed gli orari però 
è un po' più complicato.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Quali gli IDs per i segnali stradali traffic_sign=IT:CODE?

2016-07-27 Thread Alberto Nogaro
>-Original Message-
>From: Martin Koppenhoefer []
>Sent: mercoledì 27 luglio 2016 16:59
>To: openstreetmap list - italiano 
>Subject: Re: [Talk-it] Quali gli IDs per i segnali stradali 

>personalmente preferisco nomi (traffic_sign=maxspeed invece di IT:cds123),
>per i casi semplici/non ambigui.

Si, secondo la lista , 
sarebbe da aggiungere anche:

Traffic_sign= maxweight e maxweight=* per Figura II 68 Art. 118


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

2016-07-27 Thread Alberto Nogaro
>-Original Message-
>From: Damjan Gerl []
>Sent: mercoledì 27 luglio 2016 15:38
>Subject: [Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

>Ho visto che per il tag traffic_sign [0] che prevede anche degli Traffic sign 
>per country, ma la lista degli id in Italia non esiste: la pagina wiki [1], 
>non indica gli id da usare. Sono andato poi a vedere in taginfo ed ho trovato
>usato come id la descrizioni dei segnali (vedi testo sotto). Siccome alcune
>descrizioni sono abbastanza lunghe, con spazi e quindi passibili di errori, ho
>preparato una pagina wiki temporanea di proposta per gli id dei segnali usati 
>Italia [3]. Riporta i segnali pari-pari dal codice della strada 92. E' ancora 
>da finire
>ma sono le mie proposte per vedere cosa ne pensate...


Tempo fa avevo proposto una cosa analoga [1], ma non avevo ricevuto consensi. 
Per cominciare a mappare comunque i cartelli, nel dubbio avevo deciso di usare 
la descrizione estesa. Se la tua proposta viene approvata, mi impegno a 
convertire i cartelli da me mappati con descrizione estesa nel formato 

Superlativo sarebbe poi anche creare un preset per josm.

Dovremmo trovare anche il modo di definire i pannelli integrativi con solo 
testo.  I Modello II 6/p1 e  Modello II 6/p2 dovrebbero essere solo 2 esempi, 
ma il testo credo che sia libero (vedi codice della strada, Titolo II, art. 83, 
commi 9 e 10 [2])   



Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Fuentes de Madrid

2016-07-27 Thread Santiago Crespo
No lo he resuelto. Lo que he hecho es revisar manualmente todas las
celdas y dividir de antemano las que tienen demasiados datos para
descargar con el JOSM o demasiadas fuentes.

Y poner un texto en negrita en las instrucciones adicionales que dice:
NO DIVIDIR los zonas

Creo que será suficiente para esta primera importación con el gestor de

Santiago Crespo

On 07/27/2016 05:10 PM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:
> Una cosa: ¿has resuelto el tema de qué hacer si un usuario divide una
> celda? Desgraciadamente, aún no he recibido contestación sobre el script...
> Saludos,
> Rafael.
> On 27/07/16 16:43, Santiago Crespo wrote:
>> Hola,
>> He modificado la propuesta en la wiki[1] y creado un proyecto de
>> importación de prueba en el gestor de tareas[2].
>> ¿Cómo lo veis?
>> Si queréis podéis "trabajar" en un cuadrado y seguir las instrucciones
>> para probar, pero por favor no subáis nada a OSM.
>> Saludos,
>> Santiago Crespo
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> On 07/05/2016 02:28 PM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:
>>> La idea que propongo sería la de crear una instancia del Gestor de
>>> Tareas para el proyecto OSM-es, como la que tienen ya muchas otras
>>> comunidades OSM, como por ejemplo la comunidad OSM de Colombia [5].
>> ___
>> Talk-es mailing list
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Fuentes de Madrid

2016-07-27 Thread Santiago Crespo
Perdón, dije cuadrante pero debería haber dicho cuadrado, zona o tarea,
como queráis llamarlo.

On 07/27/2016 04:57 PM, Santiago Crespo wrote:
> Se me olvidaba comentar que he subido las 4 fuentes del cuadrante que
> está en la presa del El Pardo, podéis verlo aquí:
> Saludos,
> Santiago Crespo
> On 07/27/2016 04:43 PM, Santiago Crespo wrote:
>> Hola,
>> He modificado la propuesta en la wiki[1] y creado un proyecto de
>> importación de prueba en el gestor de tareas[2].
>> ¿Cómo lo veis?
>> Si queréis podéis "trabajar" en un cuadrado y seguir las instrucciones
>> para probar, pero por favor no subáis nada a OSM.
>> Saludos,
>> Santiago Crespo
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> On 07/05/2016 02:28 PM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:
>>> La idea que propongo sería la de crear una instancia del Gestor de
>>> Tareas para el proyecto OSM-es, como la que tienen ya muchas otras
>>> comunidades OSM, como por ejemplo la comunidad OSM de Colombia [5].
>> ___
>> Talk-es mailing list
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Fuentes de Madrid

2016-07-27 Thread Rafael Avila Coya
Una cosa: ¿has resuelto el tema de qué hacer si un usuario divide una 
celda? Desgraciadamente, aún no he recibido contestación sobre el script...



On 27/07/16 16:43, Santiago Crespo wrote:


He modificado la propuesta en la wiki[1] y creado un proyecto de
importación de prueba en el gestor de tareas[2].

¿Cómo lo veis?

Si queréis podéis "trabajar" en un cuadrado y seguir las instrucciones
para probar, pero por favor no subáis nada a OSM.

Santiago Crespo


On 07/05/2016 02:28 PM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:

La idea que propongo sería la de crear una instancia del Gestor de
Tareas para el proyecto OSM-es, como la que tienen ya muchas otras
comunidades OSM, como por ejemplo la comunidad OSM de Colombia [5].

Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-bf] Camp De Cartographie À Ségou/Mali

2016-07-27 Thread Nathalie SIDIBE
Bonjour à toutes et tous,

La Team OpenStreetMap du Mali se prépare à effectuer un camp de
Cartographie à Segou, une des grandes villes du Mali, du 04 au 07Aout 2016.

L 'objectif principal de ce Camp est de faire la promotion du projet
OpenStreetMap au delà de la Capitale, Bamako et de Koutiala, à travers la
Cartographie de cette ville et de la formation des Étudiants en Géographie
de l'Université de la-dite ville, en Cartographie Numérique Libre (OSM) et
de la Géomatique Libre (Qgis).
Ce Camp va également permettre de consolider les liens sociaux entre les
membres de cette communauté et de mettre en place une cellule OSM qui
pourra être d'une aide précieuse.

Ce Camp sera réalisé avec l'appui de l'ONG AMEDD Mali (Association Malienne
d'Eveil au Développement Durable) qui a toujours soutenu OpenStreetMap Mali
depuis sa mise en place, en Décembre 2014.

Rendez-vous ici pour plus d'informations sur ce grand évènement que nous
nous apprêtons à vivre ici, au Mali.

Excellente fin de journée à vous !

Talk-bf mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Quali gli IDs per i segnali stradali traffic_sign=IT:CODE?

2016-07-27 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> Il giorno 26 lug 2016, alle ore 13:19, Openstreetmap  ha 
> scritto:
> come e chi può renderlo implementabile in OSM

è già attivo :)

personalmente preferisco nomi (traffic_sign=maxspeed invece di IT:cds123), per 
i casi semplici/non ambigui.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Fuentes de Madrid

2016-07-27 Thread Santiago Crespo
Se me olvidaba comentar que he subido las 4 fuentes del cuadrante que
está en la presa del El Pardo, podéis verlo aquí:*%0AThis%20is%20an%20example%20Overpass%20query.%0ATry%20it%20out%20by%20pressing%20the%20Run%20button%20above!%0AYou%20can%20find%20more%20examples%20with%20the%20Load%20tool.%0A*%2F%0Anode%0A%20%20%5Bamenity%3Ddrinking_water%5D%0A%20%20(40.529050248267794%2C-3.786592483520508%2C40.53627495581665%2C-3.7752842903137207)%3B%0Aout%3B

Santiago Crespo

On 07/27/2016 04:43 PM, Santiago Crespo wrote:
> Hola,
> He modificado la propuesta en la wiki[1] y creado un proyecto de
> importación de prueba en el gestor de tareas[2].
> ¿Cómo lo veis?
> Si queréis podéis "trabajar" en un cuadrado y seguir las instrucciones
> para probar, pero por favor no subáis nada a OSM.
> Saludos,
> Santiago Crespo
> [1]
> [2]
> On 07/05/2016 02:28 PM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:
>> La idea que propongo sería la de crear una instancia del Gestor de
>> Tareas para el proyecto OSM-es, como la que tienen ya muchas otras
>> comunidades OSM, como por ejemplo la comunidad OSM de Colombia [5].
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Fuentes de Madrid

2016-07-27 Thread Santiago Crespo

He modificado la propuesta en la wiki[1] y creado un proyecto de
importación de prueba en el gestor de tareas[2].

¿Cómo lo veis?

Si queréis podéis "trabajar" en un cuadrado y seguir las instrucciones
para probar, pero por favor no subáis nada a OSM.

Santiago Crespo


On 07/05/2016 02:28 PM, Rafael Avila Coya wrote:
> La idea que propongo sería la de crear una instancia del Gestor de
> Tareas para el proyecto OSM-es, como la que tienen ya muchas otras
> comunidades OSM, como por ejemplo la comunidad OSM de Colombia [5].

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] TLPE et OSM : coment la publicité extérieure aide à compléter OSM !

2016-07-27 Thread Pierre Touzard
/>> Il y a aussi des photos des commerces correspondants ?/

Dans notre protocole technique nous filmons les rues. Nous ne produisons pas
à proprement parler des photos des commerces mais plutôt des photos des
Nous travaillons actuellement à un script qui pourrait nous permettre de
verser les photos sur Mapillary étant donnée qu'effectivement les images
sont retraitées automatiquement (floutage des éléments sensibles).

Concernant la licences des données nous allons bientôt annoncer qu'elle est
entièrement compatible avec OSM (ODbL).

Pierre T.

View this message in context:
Sent from the France mailing list archive at

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Versão Alpha/Inicial do Menu Inteligente OSM (extensão para navegador)

2016-07-27 Thread Alexandre Magno Brito de Medeiros
Projeto (código fonte):*osm-smart-menu*

Em 26 de julho de 2016 23:22, John Packer  escreveu:

> Pessoal, estou desenvolvendo uma extensão para navegador para facilitar a
> navegação entre sites relacionados ao OSM.
> Por exemplo, se você entrar na página
> e
> clicar no botão da extensão, então você vai ver uma lista de links para
> outros sites na mesma latitude, longitude, zoom e com o mesmo ID de relação
> que a página deste link. Tanto outros mapas como ferramentas de análise do
> OSM.
> Está em um estágio inicial e tem vários ajustes para fazer e algumas
> funcionalidades para adicionar, portanto ainda não estou coletando feedback
> sobre a extensão, mas achei que seria interessante já liberar o uso para o
> pessoal.
> Quando chegar na versão 1.0, vou fazer um anúncio na lista internacional,
> portanto não divulguem "oficialmente" a extensão ainda.
> Link para adicionar extensão no Mozilla Firefox (deve possuir no mínimo a
> versão 48):
> Link para adicionar extensão no Google Chrome:
> Planejo adicionar suporte para o navegador Opera futuramente.
> Abs,
> Jgpacker
Talk-br mailing list

[Talk-dk] Construction

2016-07-27 Thread Uffe Kousgaard


Jeg har kigget her:

Og fundet denne formulering:
"Concerning tagging already existing features as being under
construction (e.g. old, damaged roads getting rebuilt): As OSM data is
often used offline (and therefore may be several months old), only tag
construction sites (particularly roads and railroads) if they are
planned to be closed for at least six to nine months"

Jeg har derfor ændret Bogensevej tilbage til "secondary" fremfor
"construction" (vejarbejdet varer kun 2 mdr):

Sidder nemlig netop og er ved at kompilere et datasæt, som gerne skulle
kunne bruges i lidt længere tid uden at have midlertidige vejarbejder

Uffe Kousgaard

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Uber most likely using OSM data

2016-07-27 Thread Frank Villaro-Dixon
The best thing would be to use the Uber API to receive the route instead, 
so we could compare the lat/lon of the points with the ones stored in db.  
But it seems that this API returns an image instead:

So we could instead use the "estimates-price" api:
which returns a distance. This distance should match the OSM distance.  
Could this be right ?


On 16-07-27 16:40:54, Mishari Muqbil, wrote 2.3K characters saying:

Hi Martin,

On Android you request a car, select the destination and the blue route
preview line appears.

On Jul 27, 2016 4:29 PM, "Martin Koppenhoefer" 

2016-07-27 9:35 GMT+02:00 Enock Seth Nyamador :

Interesting analysis .I guess this needs a second look.

+1, I would like to do my own testing, how did you create the routes? (Is
this Android/iOS/windows/web)?


talk mailing list

--   - PGP: 6F36914A
Envie d'électricité 100% verte ?
What is a Velomobile ?

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Cedesi attività: OPEN CULTURE ATLAS

2016-07-27 Thread Simone Cortesi
Ciao Francesca,
mi spiace apprendere della futura, presunta chiusura di opencultureatlas.

spero riusciate a trovare qualcuno che lo porti avanti.


2016-07-26 19:13 GMT+02:00 francesca santarelli :

> Ciao a tutti,
> con qualche giorno di anticipo sulla pubblicizzazione estesa della
> notizia, ho pensato di informare la comunità openstreetmap che *uno dei
> più interessanti progetti italiani sviluppati su OSM, ancora senza
> sostituti perfetti, cerca un genitore o una comunità che l'adotti*.
> *Si tratta di *
> Ecco un estratto della descrizione, pubblicata da* Luca de Biase* sul suo
> blog al lancio nel 2013:
> e il resto della
> rassegna stampa (Wired, CheFare, Apogeonline, ecc.):
> Open Culture Atlas ha da poco creato, senza ancora un lancio ufficiale, il 
> *servizio
> e strumento di diffusione* *AtlasAltrove*, anch'esso compreso nel
> pacchetto adozione. Per saperne di più:
> Il motivo della cessione è personale, e semplice: io che l'ho ideato, e il
> socio con cui l'ho creato, non vogliamo più lavorare al computer e ci siamo
> resi conto che per gestire una piattaforma di questa portata è meglio
> essere svillupatori, o quasi.
> Open Culture Atlas è un progetto no profit ma che ha potenzialità di
> sostenibilità nel tempo. Quel che dovete fare se vi interessa saperne di
> più è scrivermi qui, anche in privato, e se poi vorrete fare una proposta
> considerare che l'unica cosa che chiediamo in cambio è un rimborso delle
> spese di sviluppo (esterno) sostenute. Non chiediamo nulla per il lavoro di
> promozione e di gestione, che erano a carico nostro.
> Qualsiasi riflessione sarà bene accetta, anzi gradita.
> Grazie dell'attenzione.
> Saluti,
> Francesca Santarelli
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] Quali gli IDs per i segnali stradali traffic_sign=IT:CODE?

2016-07-27 Thread Openstreetmap

Ciao a tutti.
Preso da un momento di euforia mi sono messo ad inserire immagini nella 
pagina wiki dei segnali stradali in Italia ma qualcosa non 

Mancano però delle informazioni fondamentali.
Nella colonna CODE immagino dovrebbero essere elencati tutti gli IDs 
(IT:CODE) dei singoli cartelli nella forma traffic_sign=IT:CODE.

Se, ed ipotizzo, la logica è il numero sequenziale di ogni cartello così 
come riportato nel decreto del NCdS e suo Regolamento attuativo come e chi 
può renderlo implementabile in OSM? Stabilito il codice naturalmente.

Grazie e un saluto a tutti :-) 

Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] traffic_sign valori ID per l'Italia

2016-07-27 Thread Damjan Gerl

Ho visto che per il tag traffic_sign [0] che prevede anche degli Traffic sign 
IDs per country, ma la lista degli id in Italia non esiste: la pagina wiki [1], 
parziale, non indica gli id da usare. Sono andato poi a vedere in taginfo ed ho 
trovato usato come id la descrizioni dei segnali (vedi testo sotto). Siccome 
alcune descrizioni sono abbastanza lunghe, con spazi e quindi passibili di 
errori, ho preparato una pagina wiki temporanea di proposta per gli id dei 
segnali usati in Italia [3]. Riporta i segnali pari-pari dal codice della 
strada 92. E' ancora da finire ma sono le mie proposte per vedere cosa ne 

Se non va bene cestino tutto...



Lista da TagInfo

IT:Nome strada  876
IT:Divieto di transito  258
IT:Divieto di sosta 142
IT:Senso vietato130
IT:Senso unico parallelo120
IT:Percorso pedonale e ciclabile70
IT:Strada senza uscita  65
IT:Divieto di transito ai veicoli che trasportano merci con massa complessiva 
oltre le 3,5 tonnellate   63
IT:Segnale di direzione per strada extraurbana  45
IT:Pista ciclabile  37
IT:Segnale di direzione per destinazione urbana 31
IT:Senso unico frontale 13
IT:Segnale di identificazione strada provinciale13
IT:Segnale di direzione turistico   12
IT:Preavviso intersezione extraurbana   11
IT:Strada deformata 9
IT:Preavviso intersezione urbana9
IT:Percorso pedonale9
IT:Altri pericoli   8
IT:Zona a traffico limitato 7
IT:"Segnale di identificazione strada provinciale"  7
IT:Fine pista ciclabile 6
IT:Inizio territorio comunale   5
IT:Segnale di direzione per autostrada  5
IT:Divieto di fermata   5
IT:Segnale di identificazione strada statale5
IT:Fine percorso pedonale e ciclabile   4
IT: "Divieto di sosta"  4
IT:Progressiva chilometrica 4
IT:Caduta massi da sinistra 3
IT:Segnale di itinerario3
IT:Fine zona a velocita' limitata   3
IT:Diritto di precedenza nei sensi unici alternati  3
IT:Caduta massi da destra   2
IT:Divieto di transito ai motocicli 2
IT:"Divieto di transito, zona agro silvo pastorale" 2
IT:Dare precedenza nei sensi unici alternati2
IT:"Divieto di transito eccettto autorizzati"   2
IT:Zona a velocita' limitata2
IT:"Divieto di transito"2
maxheight;maxlenght;maxweight;IT:"Segnale di identificazione di strada 
provinciale" 1
IT: "Divieto di transito ai veicoli che trasportano merci con massa autorizzata 
a pieno carico superiore oltre le 5 t"  1
IT:Divieto di accesso   1
IT:Figura II 318 (zona residenziale)1
IT:Fine territorio comunale 1
IT:Figura II 60/a (transito vietato ai veicoli di massa a pieno carico 
superiore a 3,5 tonnellate)  1
IT: "Divieto di transito, eccetto autorizzati"  1
IT:"Strada senza uscita"1
IT:Strettoia simmetrica 1
IT:Divieto di sorpasso  1
IT:"Divieto di transito ai veicoli che trasportano merci con massa complessiva 
oltre le 3,5 tonnellate";IT:"Senso unico";IT:"Divieto di fermata"1
IT:speed_limit_50   1
IT:"Divieto di transito, escluso autorizzati"   1
IT:"Divieto di transito" con scritta "Strada Privata Vietato l'Accesso" 1
IT:"Preavviso intersezione extraurbana";IT:"Strettoia simmetrica"   1
IT:Catene da neve obbligatorie  1
IT:preavviso_direzione  1
IT: divieto di transito 1
maxspeed;IT:"Divieto di sorpasso"   1
IT:Divieto di transito alle biciclette  1
IT:"Senso unico";IT:"Direzione per il parcheggio"   1
IT: "Strada senza uscita"   1
IT:"Altri pericoli";maxspeed1
IT:"Preavviso di intersezione a rotatoria"  1
IT:Nome Strada  1
IT:"Nome strada";give_way   1
speedlimit: 70  1
IT:maxwidth 1
IT:"Divieto di transito, eccetto gli autorizzati"   1
IT:Caduta massi da sinistra; Divieto di transito; Divieto di transito ai 
veicoli che trasportano merci con massa complessiva oltre 5.0 t1
IT:"Nome strada";oneway 1
IT:"Doppio senso di circolazione"   1
IT:"Divieto di transito, eccetto residenti" 1
IT:"Divieto di sosta nei giorni festivi dal 1° Maggio al 30 Settembre eccetto 
autorizzati"  1
IT:"Divieto di transito ai pedoni"  1
IT:"Divieto di transito, eccetto autorizzati"   1
IT:"Divieto di transito ai motocicli, escluso i residenti e soggiornanti muniti 
di apposita certificazione" 1
IT:Strada sdrucciolevole per ghiaccio   1
IT:Animali domestici vaganti (Figura II 24 Art. 95); IT:Galleria (Figura II 316 
Art. 135)   1
IT:Divieto di transito ai veicoli che trasportano merci con massa complessiva 
oltre le 3,5 tonnellate;IT:Nome strada1
IT:"Divieto di sosta permanente ambo i lati"1
IT:Area pedonale1
IT:"Senso unico frontale"   1

Re: [OSM-talk] Go Map!: Mobile mapping on iOS

2016-07-27 Thread Simon Poole

Am 27.07.2016 um 12:39 schrieb Aun Johnsen:
> GoMap!! is limited in its capabilities to edit relations to reduce the
> chance of breaking anything. Without being sure, when splitting a way
> that is member of a relation, both parts continue with same
> membership. This might give undesired results in very few relations,
> so I think it is a safe approach for an app that doesn’t do editing of
> said relations.
That breaks essentially all turn restrictions.


> Aun Johnsen
>> On Jul 27, 2016, at 06:01, Martin Koppenhoefer
>> > wrote:
>> 2016-07-27 10:16 GMT+02:00 moltonel > >:
>> When I first heard of GoMap, it was along with some criticism
>> that it didn't handle the full osm data model and could mess up
>> relations for example. I trust this has been sorted and GoMap is
>> now relation-safe or even able to edit/create relations ?
>> relation membership is shown when you select a member and go to
>> "tags", you can select the relation, see the members and roles, and
>> modify tags. You can't (AFAIK) create relations, and from a quick
>> test it seems splitting ways of a turn restriction will result in
>> inconsistent relations (two from members in this test), i.e. if you
>> split a way it will likely keep all (new) members in the relation
>> regardless of relation type (i.e. routes and multipolygons will not
>> break when splitting some of their members).
>> I'm sure complex geometric operations will likely destroy relations
>> (e.g. splitting a member, deleting one of the resulting ways, redraw
>> it and don't check or care for the relation), but for simpler
>> usecases (draw short piece of missing way, add nodes, move stuff, add
>> or change tags) it is "the almost perfect mobile editor".
>> Cheers,
>> Martin
> ___
> talk mailing list

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-br] Versão Alpha/Inicial do Menu Inteligente OSM (extensão para navegador)

2016-07-27 Thread Paulo Carvalho
Isso ajudará bastante.  É muito inconveniente ter ficar procurando pelas
mesmas coisas nos diversos sites.  Parabéns pela iniciativa.

Em 26 de julho de 2016 23:22, John Packer  escreveu:

> Pessoal, estou desenvolvendo uma extensão para navegador para facilitar a
> navegação entre sites relacionados ao OSM.
> Por exemplo, se você entrar na página
> e
> clicar no botão da extensão, então você vai ver uma lista de links para
> outros sites na mesma latitude, longitude, zoom e com o mesmo ID de relação
> que a página deste link. Tanto outros mapas como ferramentas de análise do
> OSM.
> Está em um estágio inicial e tem vários ajustes para fazer e algumas
> funcionalidades para adicionar, portanto ainda não estou coletando feedback
> sobre a extensão, mas achei que seria interessante já liberar o uso para o
> pessoal.
> Quando chegar na versão 1.0, vou fazer um anúncio na lista internacional,
> portanto não divulguem "oficialmente" a extensão ainda.
> Link para adicionar extensão no Mozilla Firefox (deve possuir no mínimo a
> versão 48):
> Link para adicionar extensão no Google Chrome:
> Planejo adicionar suporte para o navegador Opera futuramente.
> Abs,
> Jgpacker
> ___
> Talk-br mailing list
Talk-br mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Uber most likely using OSM data

2016-07-27 Thread Tim Waters

given they may well have a very large body of GPS traces, they may be
using these to route along.

The way to check if they are using OSM is if the OSM map has
intentional errors - a kink in the road where there is none on aerial
imagery or on our GPS traces, for example.  Some of my early edits
were done just by phone and a bluetooth GPS mouse - in the days before
aerial imagery, and some of the roads had a few bends which were not
there in reality, and this assisted me in identifying some of the
previous users of our database.

Another way is perhaps by comparing the resolution of the data, a bit
like in the examples, showing where the bends meet up - comparing a
road with lots of bends, nodes in a short distance. Seeing if the
vertices match up.



On 27 July 2016 at 11:06, Mishari Muqbil  wrote:
> Hi,
> I checked the about page. There's licensing information for a bunch of
> software and Google maps but nothing for OSM.
> On Jul 27, 2016 5:02 PM, "Christoph Hormann"  wrote:
> On Wednesday 27 July 2016, Mishari Muqbil wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wrote a blog post
>>  comparing
>> Uber's rendering of a sample route displayed in it's app with Google
>> Maps and OSM Mapnik, it seems Uber is using OSM data for this
>> function without any visible attribution to OSM.
> Looks like it.
> The area shown by the way is here:
> Is there any mentioning of OSM in the app?  Like hidden on some 'about
> page' or similar?
> --
> Christoph Hormann
> ___
> talk mailing list
> ___
> talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-ja] 1.5車線

2016-07-27 Thread ribbon
たまたま今編集していたら、lanes=1.5 としていた道路があり、



Talk-ja mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Asociación OSM España

2016-07-27 Thread Santiago Crespo

Recordad que es una reunión online, idealmente 2 o 3 horas como mucho.

Con una tablet, un cuaderno, un lápiz, una sombrilla y una toalla podéis
participar desde la playa :)

Santiago Crespo

On 07/26/2016 06:59 PM, Santiago Crespo wrote:
> Hola,
> Acabo de ampliar el doodle con los días que dices y alguno más.
> Saludos,
> Santiago Crespo
> On 07/26/2016 06:46 PM, Santiago Higuera wrote:
>> Hola:
>> os días que propones en el doodle, a mí me vienen muy mal, pues salgo
>> de viaje el viernes por la mañana. Preferiría o podría los dias
>> laborables de la próxima semana, o incluso el miércoles o jueves de
>> esta semana.
>> Un saludo
>> Santiago Higuera
>> El mar, 26-07-2016 a las 17:09 +0200, Santiago Crespo escribió:
>>> Hola,
>>> Contad conmigo.
>>> Podemos acordar una fecha usando este doodle:
>>> Nos podemos reunir en el canal #osm-es del servidor IRC de
>>>[1] o en un hangout si preferís vernos las caras.
>>> Hasta que nos reunamos y tengamos un canal propio, propongo usar esta
>>> lista si nadie tiene inconveniente. Más adelante podemos solicitar la
>>> creación de una lista para la asociación o crear una nosotros.
>>> He recopilado los puntos que habéis hablado hasta ahora y alguno más.
>>> Los he puesto en un pad a modo de borrador del orden del día. Por
>>> favor,
>>> revisadlo y añadid o cambiad lo que veáis oportuno:
>>> Saludos,
>>> Santiago Crespo
>>> [1]
>>> On 07/25/2016 11:18 PM, Miguel Sevilla-Callejo wrote:
 Vuelvo a escribir sobre el tema retomando el mensaje de Santiago
 en el otro hilo de la lista [1] en el que proponía:

 1. entregar los papeles a una gestoría especializada en ONGs --> A
 mi me
 parece genial que haya alguien que nos pueda echar una mano y entre
 todos podríamos asumir un pequeño coste. Santiago, ¿sigues
 dispuesto a
 llevar los papeles allí? Tendría que devolvértelos Pedro-Juan, ¿no?

 2. quedar vía hangout --> alguien se atreve a hacerlo esta misma
 ¿o ya para septiembre? (doy por descontado que en agosto estamos
 lejos del ordenador)

 Quizá podemos ir pronunciándonos por esta vía o por Telegram e ir
 atacando las ideas que se nos vayan ocurriendo ya con los estatutos
 la asociación sobre la mesa.

 Un saludo



 *Miguel Sevilla-Callejo*
 Doctor in Geography*
 a. Associate Lecturer at Dpto. of Geography & Territorial Planning
 University of Zaragoza
 b. Fellow at the Pyrenean Institute of Ecology - Spanish National
 Research Council
 c. Freelance consultant & researcher - Member #698, Spanish
 Association of Geographers

 *Doctor en Geografía*
 a. Profesor asociado en el Dpto. de Geografía y Ordenación del
 Territorio de la Univ. de Zaragoza
 b. Colaborador del Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología - Consejo
 Superior de
 Investigaciones Científicas
 c. Consultor e investigador freelance - Colegiado 698 del Colegio
 Oficial de Geógrafos

 2016-07-25 18:19 GMT+02:00 Miguel Sevilla-Callejo <


 Han pasado ya casi cuatro meses desde que nos dimos un
 para ver si nos poníamos manos a la obra para reactivar la
 asociación OpenStreetMap España que os recuerdo surgió de la
 reunión con el IGN y que prosiguió en el siguiente hilo de esta

 Como se comentó en el mismo hilo, estábamos dispuestos a
 arrimar el
 hombro un buen puñado de personas (cerca de una veintena tengo
 contabilizados) y alguna más que me lo han confirmado por otras

 El primer escollo que encontramos era tener a mano todo el
 que se movió para la asociación, y para empezar, tener
 presentes los
 estatutos para que nos los pudiéramos leer todos. Y como nunca
 tarde si la dicha es buena ya podemos decir que hemos
 este umbral gracias a que los papeles terminaron llegando a
 manos de
 Santiago Higuera y más tarde de  Pedro-Juan Ferrer quien los
 y, mejor aún, para los estatutos los ha publicado en la wiki de

 El resto de los documentos en PDF los hemos compartido, por el
 momento, Pedro-Juan Ferrer, Alejandro Suárez y yo en una
 carpeta de
 dropbox y 

Re: [OSM-talk] Go Map!: Mobile mapping on iOS

2016-07-27 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-07-27 12:39 GMT+02:00 Aun Johnsen :

> This might give undesired results in very few relations, so I think it is
> a safe approach for an app that doesn’t do editing of said relations.

it's not so few, it's 12,2% of all relations:

talk mailing list

[Talk-it-trentino] M'appare Il Lagorai Cima D'Asta - mapping party a Predazzo

2016-07-27 Thread Giorgio Zampedri
Ciao a tuti
il mapping party previsto per il 29 e 30 luglio a Predazzo  
è annullato e sarà recuperato a settembre.

Giorgio Zampedri

Talk-it-trentino mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Go Map!: Mobile mapping on iOS

2016-07-27 Thread Aun Johnsen
GoMap!! is limited in its capabilities to edit relations to reduce the chance 
of breaking anything. Without being sure, when splitting a way that is member 
of a relation, both parts continue with same membership. This might give 
undesired results in very few relations, so I think it is a safe approach for 
an app that doesn’t do editing of said relations.

Aun Johnsen

> On Jul 27, 2016, at 06:01, Martin Koppenhoefer  wrote:
> 2016-07-27 10:16 GMT+02:00 moltonel  >:
> When I first heard of GoMap, it was along with some criticism that it didn't 
> handle the full osm data model and could mess up relations for example. I 
> trust this has been sorted and GoMap is now relation-safe or even able to 
> edit/create relations ?
> relation membership is shown when you select a member and go to "tags", you 
> can select the relation, see the members and roles, and modify tags. You 
> can't (AFAIK) create relations, and from a quick test it seems splitting ways 
> of a turn restriction will result in inconsistent relations (two from members 
> in this test), i.e. if you split a way it will likely keep all (new) members 
> in the relation regardless of relation type (i.e. routes and multipolygons 
> will not break when splitting some of their members).
> I'm sure complex geometric operations will likely destroy relations (e.g. 
> splitting a member, deleting one of the resulting ways, redraw it and don't 
> check or care for the relation), but for simpler usecases (draw short piece 
> of missing way, add nodes, move stuff, add or change tags) it is "the almost 
> perfect mobile editor".
> Cheers,
> Martin

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] education 2.0 votazione

2016-07-27 Thread Federico Cortese
2016-07-27 10:36 GMT+02:00 Martin Koppenhoefer :
> Segnalo che questa votazione sta per terminare e attualmente sembra che
> potrebbe passare nonostante tante critiche ed una proposta secondome
> immatura e un po' confusa.
> Anche se non sarebbe male estendere lo schema per le scuole, questa proposta
> penso non risolvi il problema.

Ho votato contro perchè condivido in pieno le tue considerazioni,
grazie per la segnalazione.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Grootschalige luchtfoto's

2016-07-27 Thread Jo
I created an entry for it on this list:

That should make it easier to work with in JOSM.


Op 27 juli 2016 12:09 schreef joost schouppe :

> Ik was voor de grap eens aan het zien of je het in ID niet kunt binnehalen
> via woots, maar dat schijnt toch niet te lukken met deze url...
> grootschalig, winteropnamen, kleur, 2013-2015, Vlaanderen/
> (zie link, maar geen idee of het ding uberhaupt nog werkt
> )
> Op 27 juli 2016 11:41 schreef Ruben Maes :
>> Hier de volledige instructies om deze foto's toe te voegen in JOSM:
>> 1) Open vanuit het hoofdvenster van JOSM de afbeeldingsvoorkeuren:
>> nl: Afbeeldingen → Voorkeuren voor afbeeldingen
>> en: Imagery → Imagery preferences
>> 2) Klik rechtsonder op het plusteken met "WMS" bij. Er komt een
>> venstertje open.
>> 3) Kopieer de volgende url en plak hem in het eerste tekstveld ("Voer URL
>> voor de service in"/"Enter service URL"):
>> Klik vervolgens op "Get layers"/"Lagen ophalen".
>> 4) Klik in de lijst op "Orthofotomozaïek, grootschalig, winteropnamen,
>> kleur, 2013-2015, Vlaanderen".
>> 5) Geef in het laatste tekstveld eventueel een andere naam in voor de
>> laag. Ik heb bijvoorbeeld "Agiv aerial 2013-2015 (resolution 10cm)".
>> 6) Bevestig met OK. Er is nu in de afbeeldingsvoorkeuren een item
>> bijgekomen in de lijst van geselecteerde items. Klik op OK om de
>> instellingen op te slaan en het venster te sluiten.
>> Als je wat OSM-data gedownload hebt, kan je nu vanuit het menu
>> Afbeeldingen/Imagery de grootschalige luchtfoto selecteren.
>> Groeten, en veel map-plezier!
>> Ruben
>> On maandag 25 juli 2016 12:27 Sander Deryckere wrote:
>> > Ik zie in ieder geval nergens een addertje. Het is vrijgegeven onder de
>> > open licentie die we al gebruiken voor onze andere luchtfoto's.
>> >
>> > Het enige probleem is idd dat de foto's waarschijnlijk snel verouderd
>> > zullen raken (als ze niet ieder jaar vernieuwd worden). Dus gaan we geen
>> > "beste" foto's meer hebben. Tot nu toe kon ik eenvoudig de Agiv
>> > middenschaal foto's als "beste" aanduiden in iD, aangezien die zowel de
>> > scherpste, meest recente, en best gealigneerde foto's waren.
>> Ja, ik denk niet dat ze om de twee jaar DHMV's gaan maken.
>> > Ik denk dat het beter is om de middenschaal opnames in iD nog altijd als
>> > "beste" te markeren, om nieuwe mappers niet te laten mappen op basis van
>> > verouderde beelden. Maar de grootschalige foto's zouden best ook
>> > beschikbaar gemaakt worden in iD.
>> +1
>> > Voor zover ik zie is er wel enkel een WMS link voor de grootschalige
>> > foto's, terwijl iD TMS nodig heeft (wat ook werkt via WMTS). Maar in hun
>> > lijst met WMTS zie ik nergens grootschalige foto's. Misschien iets voor
>> > later ...?
>> Inderdaad, er staan alleen midden- en kleinschalige.
>> > Op 24 juli 2016 23:48 schreef Ruben Maes :
>> >
>> > > On zondag 24 juli 2016 23:39 Jakka wrote:
>> > > > Op 24/07/2016 om 14:59 schreef Ruben Maes:
>> > > > > Dag iedereen
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Iedereen weet ondertussen wel dat Agiv recente orthofotomozaïeken
>> > > heeft die we mogen gebruiken om te mappen, en die een veel betere
>> resolutie
>> > > en alignering hebben dan Bing.
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Hebben jullie ook al de grootschalige mozaïeken gezien? [1] Tussen
>> > > 2013 en 2015 werden er gemaakt in het kader van het Digitaal
>> Hoogtemodel
>> > > Vlaanderen II, en deze werden gereleaset op 23 maart 2016 [2]. Voor
>> zover
>> > > ik kan zien, dekken ze heel Vlaanderen. Ze zijn wat minder
>> up-to-date, maar
>> > > de resolutie is fenomenaal (10cm resolutie, maximale afwijking 60cm,
>> > > meestal minder dan 30cm). De licentie is de Vlaamse Open Data
>> licentie v1.2
>> > > [2] dus we mogen die beelden gebruiken om van te mappen. Natuurlijk
>> moet je
>> > > wel opletten dat wat je op de beelden ziet nog steeds zo is. Schuilt
>> er
>> > > hier een addertje onder het gras? Het lijkt bijna te mooi om waar te
>> zijn.
>> > > > >
>> > > > > Groeten
>> > > > > Ruben
>> > > > >
>> > > > > [1]
>> > >
>> > > > > [2]
>> > >
>> > > >
>> > > > Kunnen deze ook als extra layer in josm ingeladen worden zoja hoe en
>> > > > waar welke url ?
>> > >
>> > > Dat kan inderdaad. Op de site van Agiv kan je de WMS-URL vinden. Die
>> kan
>> > > je 

Re: [OSM-talk-be] Grootschalige luchtfoto's

2016-07-27 Thread joost schouppe
Ik was voor de grap eens aan het zien of je het in ID niet kunt binnehalen
via woots, maar dat schijnt toch niet te lukken met deze url...{z}/{x}/{y}/Orthofotomozaïek, grootschalig,
winteropnamen, kleur, 2013-2015, Vlaanderen/

(zie link, maar geen idee of het ding uberhaupt nog werkt

Op 27 juli 2016 11:41 schreef Ruben Maes :

> Hier de volledige instructies om deze foto's toe te voegen in JOSM:
> 1) Open vanuit het hoofdvenster van JOSM de afbeeldingsvoorkeuren:
> nl: Afbeeldingen → Voorkeuren voor afbeeldingen
> en: Imagery → Imagery preferences
> 2) Klik rechtsonder op het plusteken met "WMS" bij. Er komt een venstertje
> open.
> 3) Kopieer de volgende url en plak hem in het eerste tekstveld ("Voer URL
> voor de service in"/"Enter service URL"):
> Klik vervolgens op "Get layers"/"Lagen ophalen".
> 4) Klik in de lijst op "Orthofotomozaïek, grootschalig, winteropnamen,
> kleur, 2013-2015, Vlaanderen".
> 5) Geef in het laatste tekstveld eventueel een andere naam in voor de
> laag. Ik heb bijvoorbeeld "Agiv aerial 2013-2015 (resolution 10cm)".
> 6) Bevestig met OK. Er is nu in de afbeeldingsvoorkeuren een item
> bijgekomen in de lijst van geselecteerde items. Klik op OK om de
> instellingen op te slaan en het venster te sluiten.
> Als je wat OSM-data gedownload hebt, kan je nu vanuit het menu
> Afbeeldingen/Imagery de grootschalige luchtfoto selecteren.
> Groeten, en veel map-plezier!
> Ruben
> On maandag 25 juli 2016 12:27 Sander Deryckere wrote:
> > Ik zie in ieder geval nergens een addertje. Het is vrijgegeven onder de
> > open licentie die we al gebruiken voor onze andere luchtfoto's.
> >
> > Het enige probleem is idd dat de foto's waarschijnlijk snel verouderd
> > zullen raken (als ze niet ieder jaar vernieuwd worden). Dus gaan we geen
> > "beste" foto's meer hebben. Tot nu toe kon ik eenvoudig de Agiv
> > middenschaal foto's als "beste" aanduiden in iD, aangezien die zowel de
> > scherpste, meest recente, en best gealigneerde foto's waren.
> Ja, ik denk niet dat ze om de twee jaar DHMV's gaan maken.
> > Ik denk dat het beter is om de middenschaal opnames in iD nog altijd als
> > "beste" te markeren, om nieuwe mappers niet te laten mappen op basis van
> > verouderde beelden. Maar de grootschalige foto's zouden best ook
> > beschikbaar gemaakt worden in iD.
> +1
> > Voor zover ik zie is er wel enkel een WMS link voor de grootschalige
> > foto's, terwijl iD TMS nodig heeft (wat ook werkt via WMTS). Maar in hun
> > lijst met WMTS zie ik nergens grootschalige foto's. Misschien iets voor
> > later ...?
> Inderdaad, er staan alleen midden- en kleinschalige.
> > Op 24 juli 2016 23:48 schreef Ruben Maes :
> >
> > > On zondag 24 juli 2016 23:39 Jakka wrote:
> > > > Op 24/07/2016 om 14:59 schreef Ruben Maes:
> > > > > Dag iedereen
> > > > >
> > > > > Iedereen weet ondertussen wel dat Agiv recente orthofotomozaïeken
> > > heeft die we mogen gebruiken om te mappen, en die een veel betere
> resolutie
> > > en alignering hebben dan Bing.
> > > > >
> > > > > Hebben jullie ook al de grootschalige mozaïeken gezien? [1] Tussen
> > > 2013 en 2015 werden er gemaakt in het kader van het Digitaal
> Hoogtemodel
> > > Vlaanderen II, en deze werden gereleaset op 23 maart 2016 [2]. Voor
> zover
> > > ik kan zien, dekken ze heel Vlaanderen. Ze zijn wat minder up-to-date,
> maar
> > > de resolutie is fenomenaal (10cm resolutie, maximale afwijking 60cm,
> > > meestal minder dan 30cm). De licentie is de Vlaamse Open Data licentie
> v1.2
> > > [2] dus we mogen die beelden gebruiken om van te mappen. Natuurlijk
> moet je
> > > wel opletten dat wat je op de beelden ziet nog steeds zo is. Schuilt er
> > > hier een addertje onder het gras? Het lijkt bijna te mooi om waar te
> zijn.
> > > > >
> > > > > Groeten
> > > > > Ruben
> > > > >
> > > > > [1]
> > >
> > > > > [2]
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Kunnen deze ook als extra layer in josm ingeladen worden zoja hoe en
> > > > waar welke url ?
> > >
> > > Dat kan inderdaad. Op de site van Agiv kan je de WMS-URL vinden. Die
> kan
> > > je vervolgens copy-pasten in de JOSM-instellingen (Imagery → Imagery
> > > preferences → rechtsonder het plusteken met "WMS" bij geschreven).
> > >
> > > Ik heb met opzet de URL hier nog niet gepost, zodat mensen niet zonder
> > > nadenken zouden beginnen mappen. Als er nog antwoorden op mijn bericht
> > > worden gepost (bv. als iemand een addertje 

Re: [OSM-talk] Uber most likely using OSM data

2016-07-27 Thread Mishari Muqbil

I checked the about page. There's licensing information for a bunch of
software and Google maps but nothing for OSM.

On Jul 27, 2016 5:02 PM, "Christoph Hormann"  wrote:

On Wednesday 27 July 2016, Mishari Muqbil wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote a blog post
>  comparing
> Uber's rendering of a sample route displayed in it's app with Google
> Maps and OSM Mapnik, it seems Uber is using OSM data for this
> function without any visible attribution to OSM.

Looks like it.

The area shown by the way is here:

Is there any mentioning of OSM in the app?  Like hidden on some 'about
page' or similar?

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Uber most likely using OSM data

2016-07-27 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Wednesday 27 July 2016, Mishari Muqbil wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote a blog post
>  comparing
> Uber's rendering of a sample route displayed in it's app with Google
> Maps and OSM Mapnik, it seems Uber is using OSM data for this
> function without any visible attribution to OSM.

Looks like it.

The area shown by the way is here:

Is there any mentioning of OSM in the app?  Like hidden on some 'about 
page' or similar?

Christoph Hormann

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Uber most likely using OSM data

2016-07-27 Thread Cristian Consonni
2016-07-27 7:18 GMT+02:00 Mishari Muqbil :
> I wrote a blog post comparing Uber's rendering of a sample route displayed
> in it's app with Google Maps and OSM Mapnik, it seems Uber is using OSM data
> for this function without any visible attribution to OSM.

Simone (Cortesi) reminded me of this:



talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Uber most likely using OSM data

2016-07-27 Thread Mishari Muqbil
Hi Martin,

On Android you request a car, select the destination and the blue route
preview line appears.

On Jul 27, 2016 4:29 PM, "Martin Koppenhoefer" 

> 2016-07-27 9:35 GMT+02:00 Enock Seth Nyamador :
>> Interesting analysis .I guess this needs a second look.
> +1, I would like to do my own testing, how did you create the routes? (Is
> this Android/iOS/windows/web)?
> Cheers,
> Martin
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Uber most likely using OSM data

2016-07-27 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-07-27 9:35 GMT+02:00 Enock Seth Nyamador :

> Interesting analysis .I guess this needs a second look.

+1, I would like to do my own testing, how did you create the routes? (Is
this Android/iOS/windows/web)?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problème d'accès à FR-BAN et FR-Cadastre !

2016-07-27 Thread Pierre-Yves Berrard
Constaté aussi pour les wall=no.


Le 27 juillet 2016 à 10:58, Nicolas Moyroud  a écrit :

> Merci effectivement ça a l'air bon pour le water.
> J'ai remarqué un autre bug dans les exports en ce qui concerne le fichier
> house-simplifie. Tous les polygones en wall=no ne sont plus présents.
> Constaté sur 2 communes différentes. Je n'ai pas regardé ce que ça donnait
> dans le fichier house non simplifié.
> Nicolas
> Le 26/07/2016 11:54, Tyndare a écrit :
>> Résultat à vérifier mais normalement c'est fait.
>> On 20/07/2016 10:04, Nicolas Moyroud wrote:
>>> Bonjour,
>>> Si à l'occasion tu as le temps de t'occuper du problème des données
>>> data/eau découpées en petits morceaux ça m'aiderait bien. :-)
>>> Nicolas
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Go Map!: Mobile mapping on iOS

2016-07-27 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
2016-07-27 10:16 GMT+02:00 moltonel :

> When I first heard of GoMap, it was along with some criticism that it
> didn't handle the full osm data model and could mess up relations for
> example. I trust this has been sorted and GoMap is now relation-safe or
> even able to edit/create relations ?

relation membership is shown when you select a member and go to "tags", you
can select the relation, see the members and roles, and modify tags. You
can't (AFAIK) create relations, and from a quick test it seems splitting
ways of a turn restriction will result in inconsistent relations (two from
members in this test), i.e. if you split a way it will likely keep all
(new) members in the relation regardless of relation type (i.e. routes and
multipolygons will not break when splitting some of their members).

I'm sure complex geometric operations will likely destroy relations (e.g.
splitting a member, deleting one of the resulting ways, redraw it and don't
check or care for the relation), but for simpler usecases (draw short piece
of missing way, add nodes, move stuff, add or change tags) it is "the
almost perfect mobile editor".

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Problème d'accès à FR-BAN et FR-Cadastre !

2016-07-27 Thread Nicolas Moyroud

Merci effectivement ça a l'air bon pour le water.
J'ai remarqué un autre bug dans les exports en ce qui concerne le 
fichier house-simplifie. Tous les polygones en wall=no ne sont plus 
présents. Constaté sur 2 communes différentes. Je n'ai pas regardé ce 
que ça donnait dans le fichier house non simplifié.


Le 26/07/2016 11:54, Tyndare a écrit :

Résultat à vérifier mais normalement c'est fait.

On 20/07/2016 10:04, Nicolas Moyroud wrote:


Si à l'occasion tu as le temps de t'occuper du problème des données 
data/eau découpées en petits morceaux ça m'aiderait bien. :-)


Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-de] Abstimmung education 2.0 endet bald

2016-07-27 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Hier ein kurzer Hinweis, die Abstimmung zum Proposal education 2.0 endet
demnächst. Derzeit sieht es so aus, als könnte dieses Proposal trotz
erheblicher Kritik und vielen Nein-Stimmen am Ende evtl. noch durchkommen.

Bitte seht Euch das an und gebt Eure Stimme ab (wenn Euch das alles zu lang
und kompliziert vorkommt, ist das vielleicht auch schon ein Grund, in die
eine oder andere Richtung abzustimmen).

Meine Meinung ist, dass man im Bereich Schultagging zwar einiges verbessern
kann, das gegenwärtige Proposal aber unterm Strich schlimmer wäre als der
jetzige Stand. Das ist einfach zu früh in die Abstimmung gegangen. Um z.B.
sowas wie amenity=school abzuschaffen, einen extrem verbreiteten tag,
bräuchte man m.E. gewichtigere Gründe als nur "sonst kann man nicht alles
education-bezogene mit einer einfachen Abfrage nach nur einem Key
erhalten". Mehr Kritik findet sich bei den no-votes im Wiki.

Hier ist der Link:

Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-it] education 2.0 votazione

2016-07-27 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
Segnalo che questa votazione sta per terminare e attualmente sembra che
potrebbe passare nonostante tante critiche ed una proposta secondome
immatura e un po' confusa.

Anche se non sarebbe male estendere lo schema per le scuole, questa
proposta penso non risolvi il problema.

Per favore, dateci un'occhiata e votate,

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Go Map!: Mobile mapping on iOS

2016-07-27 Thread moltonel

On 26 July 2016 13:39:31 GMT+01:00, Aun Johnsen  wrote:
>I have used GoMap!! since I hooked with the beta (under a different
>name to begin with). I have had some feedback to Bryce that have been
>incorporated. He have listened to the community for ideas, making the
>app more user-friendly and covering the needs of the different users. I
>agree wholeheartedly that it is good for adding data on the move, but
>for larger edits JOSM is still preferred editor.

When I first heard of GoMap, it was along with some criticism that it didn't 
handle the full osm data model and could mess up relations for example. I trust 
this has been sorted and GoMap is now relation-safe or even able to edit/create 
relations ?

In Android land I recommend Vespucci, which is ergonomic, full-featured, and 
Free (I've contributed a few translations and bugreports). 

I don't have any Apple stuff so I don't know how GoMap and Vespucci compare. Is 
there any cross-polination between the two ?
Vincent Dp
Vincent Dp

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Go Map!: Mobile mapping on iOS

2016-07-27 Thread moltonel

On 26 July 2016 13:39:31 GMT+01:00, Aun Johnsen  wrote:
>I have used GoMap!! since I hooked with the beta (under a different
>name to begin with). I have had some feedback to Bryce that have been
>incorporated. He have listened to the community for ideas, making the
>app more user-friendly and covering the needs of the different users. I
>agree wholeheartedly that it is good for adding data on the move, but
>for larger edits JOSM is still preferred editor.

When I first heard of GoMap, it was along with some criticism that it didn't 
handle the full osm data model and could mess up relations for example. I trust 
this has been sorted and GoMap is now relation-safe or even able to edit/create 
relations ?

In Android land I recommend Vespucci, which is ergonomic, full-featured, and 
Free (I've contributed a few translations and bugreports). 

I don't have any Apple stuff so I don't know how GoMap and Vespucci compare. Is 
there any cross-polination between the two ?
Vincent Dp

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Uber most likely using OSM data

2016-07-27 Thread Enock Seth Nyamador

Interesting analysis .I guess this needs a second look.



- Enock

On Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 5:18 AM, Mishari Muqbil  wrote:

> Hi,
> I wrote a blog post 
> comparing Uber's rendering of a sample route displayed in it's app with
> Google Maps and OSM Mapnik, it seems Uber is using OSM data for this
> function without any visible attribution to OSM.
> Best regards
> Mishari
> ___
> talk mailing list
talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Overpass API in English

2016-07-27 Thread Warin

On 7/27/2016 5:06 PM, David Woolley wrote:

On 26/07/16 19:59, Roland Olbricht wrote:

DaveF has pointed out before that the word "attic" may be difficult to

Attic is a term that comes from the RCS revision control system. I 
would have thought that it was a well known Americanisation of loft.

The source is French, route Latin Atticus.

Possibly more of a problem is that the metaphor is diverging from 
current culture in that the role of the attic was first taken over by 
the garage, and, as garages are converted to living space, is being 
taken over by the front yard (which I believe is also the case in the 

Actually, in the context of the metaphor, I think that attic may be 
more used than loft in British English, e.g:

Language drifts over time.
The use of 'technical jargon' should be avoided. EMC = ? Executive 
Management Committee ... or  Electro Magnetic Compatibility?
RCS .. jargon  that maybe well understood within that profession/trade, 
imposing it on the general public leads to problems.

Much better to use common language terms where they are not ambiguous.

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-us] Another state route shield renderer and tutorial

2016-07-27 Thread Minh Nguyen
A couple days ago, I posted a diary entry about rendering state-specific 
highway shields using Mapbox tools. It's a topic of special interest to 
the U.S. community, so I figured I'd give the talk-us list a heads-up 
since not everyone reads the diaries regularly:

The diary entry begins with a summary of the arguments for pictographic 
shield rendering and the challenges facing renderers that attempt to 
differentiate between each state's design. I also argued against using 
regular expressions to select state route shields.

I developed a demonstration vector renderer, called Interstate, that 
differentiates between the Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana state route 
shields, despite ambiguous `ref=SR 123` tagging in both Ohio and Indiana:

Though Interstate is only a proof of concept design-wise, it runs on 
production servers and mainstream software. The second half of the diary 
entry walks you through the steps to create your own, prettier version 
of Interstate using free Mapbox tools.

(Full disclosure: I work at Mapbox. But my motivation for posting the 
tutorial is to nudge the community away from relying on regular 
expressions to select shields and towards eventually using route 
relations for that purpose.)

For now, I continue to point people to 
 when I want to show them what 
route relations are good for, but Interstate is another option when the 
issue of way `ref` formats comes up.


Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Overpass API in English

2016-07-27 Thread David Woolley

On 26/07/16 19:59, Roland Olbricht wrote:

DaveF has pointed out before that the word "attic" may be difficult to

Attic is a term that comes from the RCS revision control system.  I 
would have thought that it was a well known Americanisation of loft.

Possibly more of a problem is that the metaphor is diverging from 
current culture in that the role of the attic was first taken over by 
the garage, and, as garages are converted to living space, is being 
taken over by the front yard (which I believe is also the case in the USA!).

Actually, in the context of the metaphor, I think that attic may be more 
used than loft in British English, e.g:

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] FotbalGolf - tagování?

2016-07-27 Thread Dalibor Jelínek
vice se mi libi ten druhy zpusob s leisure=sports_centre,
nez aby se zavadela uplne nova znacka.


> -Original Message-
> From: Marián Kyral []
> Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2016 11:50 PM
> To: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
> Subject: [Talk-cz] FotbalGolf - tagování?
> Ahoj,
> vím, že existuje disc_golf a že zatím nemá schválené tagování:
> ,
> ale dneska jsem narazil na FotbalGolf:
> Jak to správně otagovat?
> leisure=football_golf_course?
> nebo
> leisure=sports_centre
> sport=football_golf
> Dle seznamu bude těch hřišť přibývat:
> Marián
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

Talk-cz mailing list