[OSM-talk] OSM risk assessment models

2014-08-05 Thread Douglas Musaazi

If some one from the list can spare some time, it will be appreciated to 
send/point me to some examples of risk assessment models developed basing on 
OSM data/tools or even QGIS software.

Risk assessment basing on any thematic area/topic


Yours Truly

Douglas Ssebaggala Musaazi

Mobile:   +256-772-422524


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[OSM-talk] OSM in the energy sector

2013-09-25 Thread Douglas Musaazi
To the OSM community,
Last year in July, the energy sector GIS working group organised a workshop 
where we
gave a presentation about mapping day Uganda and OSM. 


3 months later (October), the Energy
Sector GIS Working Group got an award for the best Map at a GIS
conference in Naivasha, Kenya.


The guess is right :) for the winning map, it has/used OSM as a base-map!! as a 
result from the workshop and the
presentation we gave.


In Uganda, this week (23rd-27th
September), has some activities to mark the energy week, and we shall
meet once again this year with the Energy sector GIS Working group in
the coming days.

If there are some other related examples of how osm can be and has been used in 
the energy sector, besides ITO


Please share some more links, on or offlist.


Yours Truly

Douglas Ssebaggala Musaazi

Mobile:   +256-772-422524



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[OSM-talk] iD Editor live on OpenStreetMap

2013-05-08 Thread Douglas Musaazi
Great work!! let's go ahead and use it.

Without selecting an option from the edit tab, potlatch 2 is the default 
editor, still.

Yours Truly

Douglas Ssebaggala Musaazi
Mobile:   +256-772-422524


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[OSM-talk] 3 months of OSM

2012-04-30 Thread Douglas Musaazi
The links for tagging, naming features, and the wiki are detailed enough and 
have most of the information that any user might be interested in, and i had a 
thought that some features could have more priority than others to map to OSM. 
For example Schools, Health centers, Roads, Landuse, businesses, housing, as 
the list continues, such that the wiki has features with the most priority that 
are common and relevant atleast in every country.

Yours Truly

Douglas Ssebaggala Musaazi
Mobile:   +256-772-422524


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Re: [OSM-talk] 3 months of OSM

2012-04-30 Thread Douglas Musaazi
Thank you Serge and Piere, 

You are right, sorry if i seemed subjective, i had also agreed with Martin to 
map everything that is of someone's interest. And the wiki is there for every 
one to look for features that are of interest to them, like the young German 
contributor whom Serge mentioned

Serge also says I don't care that much about schools- I'm not a student nor do 
I have
Am not looking at students or parents, but i presume there might be 
Public/Government organisations  that might wish to use the OSM platform to 
monitor and manage Education, or an international organisation like UNICEF.

Am not a doctor neither, but i think the World Health Organisation could pick 
an interest in managing health facilities.
The German contributor could have his/her information liked by the German 
Electricity board, and they can release data (shapefiles) to upload to OSM. The 
examples are endless, and i believe every OSM contributor is doing a good thing 
with whatever edits they are making.

As i had mentioned just wanted to get different ideas on this thread, from the 
list about all that is worthy of mapping, and glad that i got (and that am 
getting) the answers .___
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[OSM-talk] 3 months of osm

2012-04-27 Thread Douglas Musaazi
Hi all, 

It's really been quite a long time without keeping in contact with the osm 
list(s), but osm activities have been taking place since February when i last 
posted here, about a mapping day at the Uganda Christian University in Mukono, 
where the availed imagery was used by the students to map features at thier 
University here. The imagery quite alligned with the gps tracks at 3meters 
accuracy, and it's the imagery that was mostly used.

We communicated with Andy Allan, as we were to map the new transportation 
network of pioneer easy buses operating in the capital city of Uganda Kampala, 
and some of the collected data can be clearly visible on the transport layer of 
osm, here too.

In April, when the OSM database was undergoing maintenance we had scheduled 
another mapping day on the same date as the database maintenance, with Kibo 
foundation in Uganda, so mapping never took place. More activities are to take 
place, and all updates (early or late) will be shared with the list. This is 
all in a drive to make OSM a usable map for every one, and also to provide 
freely accessible, accurate data that can be used for and by various 
organisations, individuals, and countries.

Just wondering could some one share all categories of information that can be 
mapped to osm?

Yours Truly

Douglas Ssebaggala Musaazi
Mobile:   +256-772-422524


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[OSM-talk] Bing imagery and the remap campaign

2012-02-10 Thread Douglas Musaazi
Hi all..

I think this is an opportunity that met a prepared mind. Just as we were 
organizing a mapping reflection day at the Uganda Christian University in 
Mukono this saturday 11th Feb 2012, we realized that  the bing satellite 
imagery was available for this area 
unlike the last four months when the students worked with potlatch with a blank 
back ground.
We would like to show gratitude for this great achievement and thank bing and 
OSM for availing the clear imagery , we hope to map better. 

We shall also use this opportunity for the participants to re-map their 
previous edits and correct those that could have been mapped wrongly, and also 
agree to the new osm odbl licence.

There were some slight difficulties with downloading the bing satellite image 
via walking papers, but there was also an improvement for every day that we 
tried again, hope it is minor, because it could download very well, but have 
some images not being displayed for that area in the pdf file, though others 
were perfectly fine.

Yours Truly

Douglas Ssebaggala Musaazi
Mobile:   +256-772-422524


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[OSM-talk] Details about the edits in Uganda and the OSM tasking manager

2011-12-16 Thread Douglas Musaazi

Great thanks to all the comments about the links i sent in the last post, now i 
can respond to them after some analysis, and also give more details about them;

I have picked alot from your replies and learnt that we are doing almost 
similar tasks, all the OSM editors have advantages and disadvantages, and we 
shall be using all of them, only that we have lately been inclined towards 
potlatch because it is easy to use and spot on: what you edit is what you get 
(WYEWYG) and it enables the practical usage of the internet. Uganda being a 
low developing country can benefit alot from using the internet and despite the 
fact that there are various areas without internet connectivity, it (the 
internet) is growing at a fast pace!!, hence the use of potlatch.

The training has just begun and we have started with a few number of people who 
will be tested with their skills on the mapping days or future projects that 
will involve http://www.osm.org, then we shall keep on training more interested 
It's a 4 hour training for 2 days in a week for the students in their holiday, 
am actually surprised to learn that H.O.T carries out a 2day workshop that 
covers the manual.

http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=0.29531lon=32.61574zoom=17layers=M This 
was after the 1st mapping day, with a follow up of 2 months to produce the 
above output, foot survey and satellite.

http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=0.348045lon=32.573484zoom=18layers=M 2nd 
mapping day with some students from Mukono Christian University Uganda (not 
fully mapped).

http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=0.30763lon=32.61526zoom=17layers=M After 
the 3rd mapping day, work is still in progress, it is a slum area (informal 

http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=0.68169lon=34.19327zoom=16layers=M By 
http://www.osm.org/user/JeffH from Denmark who visited the area and used a gps 
as well as JOSM.

http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=0.380935lon=32.558124zoom=18layers=M Done 
by me (Douglas) local knowledge have lived in this area.

http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=0.35489lon=32.74168zoom=17layers=M By Kate 
Adoch she has good local knowledge for the area.

We contacted Mikel Maron mikel_ma...@yahoo.com for some assistance about the 
informal settlements, and he gladly shared with us and connected us to some 
mappers on the map Kibera project in Kenya 

We will be sharing with the OSM community our activities and documented 
materials for the better, i think the gates are ok, as explained by Reinier 
(reinier.battenb...@mountbatten.net), that is how the Ugandan locality and 
housing is structured, and asJoseph said we may need to include the access key 
and its attributes.

Kate Chapman gave useful links to potlatch as well as other members who advised 
on using the tasking manager, thanks. We will be working with the tasking tool 
in our future acts.

Coming up is mapping at this area: 
http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=0.315032lon=32.604868zoom=18layers=M it is 
currently blank, but there is a coca-cola plastic waste collection center that 
is going to be indicated on OSM with the students we are training, it's newly 
built so the satellite imagery may not show it. This will be done on Monday 
19th December 2011.

Yours Truly

Douglas Ssebaggala Musaazi
Mobile: +256-772-422524

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[OSM-talk] H.O.T OSM manual and learning OSM in Uganda

2011-12-13 Thread Douglas Musaazi
Hi all,

We have started training some people about how to go about OSM, using the H.O.T 
training manual. JOSM is a good editor, but  was wondering why it's the only 
one that was included in the manual.
Otherwise the manual is concise, we are even including potlatch 2 as one of the 
training topics, among others and by the end of the training, we hope we would 
have well skilled people who will be contributing to providing geographical 
data to the open street world map.

Fruits of thought (http://www.fruitsofthought.org) supports the mapping days 
(http://www.mappingday.com) that are held at given intervals in a year, to 
introduce mapping and the open street map to the participants, the features 
mapped on a mapping day can take a while to be fully updated correctly as most 
of the participants are new to OSM, we hope, after the training we shall have 
some more people who will have a better understanding of what OSM is all about.

Notable edits in some of the selected areas of Uganda include:


These are just some of the links that can be identified, and is not an 
exhausted list of all the edits, there might be some that we do not know of, 
but during the mapping day we covered some of the links above, and in some of 
the areas correcting and editing features is still in progress. However it is 
clear that there is more work that needs to be done, but the good part is that 
the mapping community continues to grow.

If you can spare some time and visit the above links, it would be good to have 
a feed back from you. There is just one link that was edited with JOSM, which 
can easily be identified, and the rest with potlatch.

Yours Truly

Douglas Ssebaggala Musaazi
Mobile:   +256-772-422524

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[OSM-talk] bing priorities

2011-09-19 Thread Douglas Musaazi

We have included our entries on the wiki, for satellite aerial imagery here: 
and we hope by the time we organise the next mapping day, to any of those areas 
we shall have the satellite imagery available.

Thanks to Martin and Gregory for the responses provided. Some features may be 
wrongly represented, but shall be corrected, usually it is the new people we 
would have introduced to OSM that make those mistakes, but they improve after a 

Yours Truly

Douglas Ssebaggala

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[OSM-talk] satellite Imagery missing

2011-09-15 Thread Douglas Musaazi

On Saturday 10th September 2011, we held a mapping day event at Uganda 
Christian University Mukono in Uganda, where we spread the idea of mapping and 
updating the Open Street World map as part of the mapping Uganda Initiative at 
pamoya (http://www.pamoya.com/node/13275), however, the satellite imagery for 
the area 
(http://www.openstreetmap.org/?lat=0.35501lon=32.74088zoom=17layers=M) was 
not available.

We were able to use the walking papers and the g.p.s unit that enabled us to 
have better accuracy, using potlatch without the satellite imagery was like 
working while blind folded and we managed to make the edits. We never used 
Merkaator or JOSM as it was a one day event, and it was an introductory to the 
20 participants, so the quickest tools had to be used. I would like to know if 
there is any other means, or when the satellite image will be available to OSM 
for such areas.

Yours Truly

Douglas Ssebaggala Musaazi


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[OSM-talk] Error on uploads again....

2011-06-22 Thread Douglas Musaazi
Hi, this is Douglas again, from the mapping day event (www.mappingday.com) 
sponsored by mountbatten (www.mountbatten.net), there was an improvement the 
last time i reported this error, and let me thank you for your efforts that you 
made to rectify the problem. However, we are once again experiencing the 
following errors:

help us resolve it and we go ahead with our task of mapping Uganda. Thanks
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[OSM-talk] walking papers

2011-06-16 Thread Douglas Musaazi
list admin, or any one...
  Am Douglas from Kampala- Uganda (East Africa), am 
experiencing problems with the  www.walking-papers.org  site: it takes so long 
to make a print (download) for a specified area.
Secondly, we had a mapping day event (www.mappingday.com) at Mountbatten 
(www.mountbatten.net), and we successfully mapped our location, however we 
uploaded our scans three days ago but they are still in a queue up to now, the 
recent successful scans on walkingpapers.org are 16 days old. can you tell us 
why it takes so long? here is the link: 

A similar problem was also reported on wed, 14 Oct 2009 15:07:23 -0700 by some 
one at this link to the archive

Awaiting for your replyThanks
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