Re: [OSM-talk] RFC - OSM contributor mark

2013-01-13 Thread Philipp Kandal

On 01/11/2013 03:26 PM, Alex Barth wrote:

Over here at MapBox we see a need to better communicate the open and
contributory philosophy of OpenStreetMap on our maps.
I fully agree with that vision and I think overall one of the key things
of that is that people using services made with OpenStreetMap (such as
Foursquare, Mapbox or our skobbler) can be better encouraged to become
active OSM community members.
So we would be definitely supportive of such a standardization and better

On 01/11/2013 05:03 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
The symbol itself I find too unobtrusive though; we should encourage
people making maps from OSM to actually have OpenStreetMap
written on the map and not a little symbol.

I think it really depends on where you use it, in the Web definitely
people should be encouraged to write the full name, but on mobile reality
is most companies don't put anything on the map and put it either before
using the map as a disclaimer or in the about sections (such as Apple
does) so the hammer would be a significant improvement on mobile to the
status quo.
It's also standard for building a brand identity to have multiple
representation (see Mercedes where you either have only the 'mercedes
star' or the star  the font 'Mercedes Benz'.
That's the same what I would do for this attribution once with text and
once without depending on context, space, etc.

On 01/11/2013 05:03 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

Also, we in OpenStreetMap have often positioned ourselves as more than
just markers on a map, and logo suggestions involving the typical map
marker teardrop have been rejected (loudly) in the past because of that.

If we try to fit all symbolism in the logo it will certainly fail, so I
think here we have to make a compromise and foremost a logo must be catchy
and easy to identify. Even the best logos (e.g. Twitters bird) catch only
part of the identity (in this case freedom) and not every single aspect of
a service.

Best regards,

talk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] skobbler OSM bug backchannel

2010-05-16 Thread Philipp Kandal
Hi Richard,

Noted down - open API will be put on our roadmap. We would also be open in 
general to let other apps report to this channel if this would be seen as of 
use (of course we could also then put it on a dedicated domain available 
without visiting the skobbler portal).

To the simple change: The potlatch URL will be added hopefully within max. 2 
weeks with the highlight=1 
I'll keep you posted.

I can tell you guys come from Germany. All the cool kids in Britain use 
Potlatch. ;)

Nice one, btw: also as a German I am definitively look forward to the new 
Potlatch version, and as I learned it might be actually possible to embed it 
also directly in our website, that would be pretty cool I think ;)

Best regards,

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Richard Fairhurst
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Mai 2010 19:58
An: talk-gb OSM List (E-mail)
Betreff: Re: [Talk-GB] skobbler OSM bug backchannel

Marcus Thielking wrote:
  It would be much appreciated if some of you could have a
  look at and tell us what
  should be changed

Couple of thoughts:

It would be good if you were to open up your 'getbugs' API. Editors 
could then talk directly to this.

If you were to add 'highlight=1' at the end of the Potlatch URL, I 
could look at adding a little marker of some description. At present you 
have to guess where the centre of the viewport is. (Other suggestions 
for betetr visualisation welcome!)

+1 on RSS feeds.

  OpenStreetBugs has a plugin for JOSM (the most popular OSM editor)

I can tell you guys come from Germany. All the cool kids in Britain use 
Potlatch. ;)


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Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] skobbler OSM bug backchannel

2010-05-14 Thread Philipp Kandal
Hi everybody,

just to add to Marcus comment, please find below the prio topics on which we 
are working on to improve the usefulness of the OSM bugs functionality which we 
have. We are very open for further suggestions.

Best regards,

 dev prios ---

1.) Export to Google Earth (KML)
Once we have also the full route details (e.g. GPS trace, route suggested) it 
should be possible to export this via KML to e.g. Google Earth.

2.) JOSM Plugin
OpenStreetBugs has a plugin for JOSM (the most popular OSM editor). If we would 
provide a compatible interface people could view the bugs directly in JOSM.
The Plugin is documented here: 

3.) Notification when bug status changes
Logged in users should get a mail feedback (like a private message) when one of 
their reported bugs was changed.
In order to prevent spamming the users we should max. send one mail per day, 
and if more changes occur summarize them after 24 hours in one mail.

4.) Bulk handling of bugs
It should be possible to jump back and forward within the selected bugs. 
There should be two options for forward / backward: by reporting time (useful 
only for our internal QC who would fix bugs in bulk mode), by geography (the 
closest to the bug I have currently selected). Filters for bugtypes if set 
should of course remain available.

5.) Bulk export of bugs
It should be possible to export the bugs via CSV as a full dump incl. the 
available details (except of course GPS traces and routes).
Also there should be a list on the webpage of all bugs, this would make bulk 
fixing easier. (Here also the detail pages would help a lot)
The webpage should be similar to a Jira result list.

6.) Export to OpenStreetBugs
Once we have the quality of the bugs improved we should also be able to export 
the bugs to OpenStreetBugs

7.) Filter: Show only bugs in certain geography
Most mappers only can fix map bugs in their proximity so they should be able to 
limit displayed bugs to e.g. a certain point and a 5/10/25/50 km radius around 
This would be especially useful with a forward / backward option as details 
in bulk handling of bugs
Additionally the export should be possible via GeoRSS so that you can subscribe 
to new bugs in your area.

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Marcus Thielking
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Mai 2010 16:36
An: Tom Hughes
Betreff: Re: [Talk-GB] skobbler OSM bug backchannel

We've included your suggestion into our roadmap. A proper GeoRSS feed should be 
implemented no later than end of June.


-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
Von: Tom Hughes [] 
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Mai 2010 15:07
An: Marcus Thielking
Betreff: Re: skobbler OSM bug backchannel

On 14/05/10 13:53, Marcus Thielking wrote:

 It would be much appreciated if some of you could have a look at and tell us what should be changed in order to 
 make it more accessible for you.

Well an obvious enhancement would be to allow people to subscribe to an 
RSS feed for a particular area.


Tom Hughes (

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Skobbler und Turn-Restrictions

2010-03-28 Thread Philipp Kandal
Hier mal kurz eine Info zum aktuellen Stand:

 Florian Lohoff schrieb:
Die Frage ist - Fehlt nur die visualisierung der Routen auf der Webseite oder 
haben die die Routen fuer die Fehler nicht? Im Prinzip koennte ja die 
Berechnete Route vorliegen denn der user ist ja identifizierbar und auch die 
Route die er hat berechnen lassen koennte technisch vorliegen.

Wir haben im Moment keine weiteren Daten, wir arbeiten aber daran diese zu 
erfassen mit dem nächsten Update (welches Mitte April an Apple geschickt werden 
soll). Uns ist klar, dass im Moment viele Daten für eine gute Bearbeitung 

Dann werden folgende Daten erfasst (in englisch da Auszug aus unserem Bug 
tracking system)
- All GPS positions in last 60 seconds before bug report incl. accuracy of a 
position and time when the positon was obtained (e.g. lat=50.040384, 
lng=11.067352, time=10.1.2010 3:45 31, accuracy = 120m) 
- Source of GPS data (internal GPS, or TomTom or another Car Kit) 
- Phone model: (e.g. 3G / 3GS) and Type (memory) 
- Route(s) which the client recommended (only the excerpt in a bounding box for 
privacy reasons)

Uns ist vor allem wichtig, dass wir nur Daten in der Nähe des Bugs angezeigt 
werden, damit wir die Privatsphäre unserer Nutzer schützen.

Alle diese Daten werden dann auf der Webseite verfügbar sein.

Weitere Prioritäten bei uns sind dann:
- Integration JOSM Plugin (wie von Jonas angesprochen)
- Kommunikation das Nutzer informiert werden wenn an Ihren Bugs gearbeitet 
wird oder eine Rückfrage kommt
- Exportfunktion über ein API, als Bulkexport und zu OpenStreetBugs

Wenn jemand zusätzliche Ideen hat, nehme ich diese natürlich auch gerne auf.

Zum Thema Abbiegevorschriften: Wir arbeiten mit Cloudmade intensiv daran und 
nächste Woche sollte das Thema bei uns in die Testumgebung gehen, und von da an 
bis spätestens Ende April auch live verfügbar sein.

Viele Grüße,
Philipp / skobbler

-Ursprüngliche Nachricht-
[] Im Auftrag von Florian Lohoff
Gesendet: Samstag, 27. März 2010 22:51
An: Walter Nordmann
Betreff: Re: [Talk-de] Skobbler und Turn-Restrictions

On Sat, Mar 27, 2010 at 01:09:08PM -0800, Walter Nordmann wrote:
 hi florian,
 soweit ich mich erinnere, kennen die von skobbler durchaus das problem 
 mit den fehlenden informationen und wollen/werden da was gegen tun. 
 stand vor ca
 2 wochen hier in der ML (?)

Die ankuendigung kenne ich - Ich verfolge das Thema Skobbler schon recht aktiv.

Die Frage ist - Fehlt nur die visualisierung der Routen auf der Webseite oder 
haben die die Routen fuer die Fehler nicht? Im Prinzip koennte ja die 
Berechnete Route vorliegen denn der user ist ja identifizierbar und auch die 
Route die er hat berechnen lassen koennte technisch vorliegen.

Aber gut - ich denke schon wieder zu weit merke ich ...

Florian Lohoff
Es ist ein grobes Missverständnis und eine Fehlwahrnehmung, dem Staat im 
Internet Zensur- und Überwachungsabsichten zu unterstellen.
- - Bundesminister Dr. Wolfgang Schäuble -- 10. Juli in Berlin 

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