
On 01/11/2013 03:26 PM, Alex Barth wrote:

>Over here at MapBox we see a need to better communicate the open and
>contributory philosophy of OpenStreetMap on our maps.
I fully agree with that vision and I think overall one of the key things
of that is that people using services made with OpenStreetMap (such as
Foursquare, Mapbox or our skobbler) can be better encouraged to become
active OSM community members.
So we would be definitely supportive of such a standardization and better

On 01/11/2013 05:03 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:
>The symbol itself I find too unobtrusive though; we should encourage
>people making maps from OSM to actually have "OpenStreetMap"
>written on the map and not a little symbol.

I think it really depends on where you use it, in the Web definitely
people should be encouraged to write the full name, but on mobile reality
is most companies don't put anything on the map and put it either before
using the map as a disclaimer or in the about sections (such as Apple
does) so the hammer would be a significant improvement on mobile to the
status quo.
It's also standard for building a brand identity to have multiple
representation (see Mercedes where you either have only the 'mercedes
star' or the star & the font 'Mercedes Benz'.
That's the same what I would do for this attribution once with text and
once without depending on context, space, etc.

On 01/11/2013 05:03 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

>Also, we in OpenStreetMap have often positioned ourselves as "more than
>just markers on a map", and logo suggestions involving the typical map
>marker teardrop have been rejected (loudly) in the past because of that.

If we try to fit all symbolism in the logo it will certainly fail, so I
think here we have to make a compromise and foremost a logo must be catchy
and easy to identify. Even the best logos (e.g. Twitters bird) catch only
part of the identity (in this case freedom) and not every single aspect of
a service.

Best regards,

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