Re: [OSM-talk] RFC: what are empty nodes and how should we use them?

2010-08-15 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le dimanche 15 août 2010 à 23:42, Jonas Stein a écrit :
> Validators claim empty nodes are defective, but are they right?
> Is painting with empty nodes data that we want to have in the database?
> Are there any empty nodes that make sense, or is a empty always node
> nonsense?

I'd say the validators are right, because a node that is neither part of a 
way, nor part of a relation, and has no tags is simply useless: we have no 
idea why it sits there.

If you put a note as a reminder of something, then you should at least put a 
note tag on it.

Maybe most of those empty nodes are remnants from some time ago, when some 
editors would delete a way, but not the nodes it contained (I think there 
used to be such a bug, even before I started contributing to OSM).

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] RFC: what are empty nodes and how should we use them?

2010-08-16 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le lundi 16 août 2010 à 22:35, Dave F. a écrit :
> It looks like some people left their common sense at home today.
> Deliberately adding empty tags, indeed. What a ridiculous notion. Please 
> stop it.

I don't understand your message.
I think no one has suggested to add empty tags.
We were talking about nodes without any tag, and many people suggested that 
if those nodes are supposed to be useful for anything, then they should be 
tagged with (at least one) meaningful tag.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] RFC: what are empty nodes and how should we use them?

2010-08-17 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le mardi 17 août 2010 à 10:28, Peter Wendorff a écrit :
> > Wrong because someone could try to build an object from them in the 
> > next step.
> As I said, that would be no problem, as long as this "someone" does not 
> download my changes in between - he already has his already uploaded 
> nodes in his editor.

No, when they upload their ways, referring to the already uploaded nodes, 
they will get a conflict because the nodes they though still existed were 

> > [...]
> >
> >  To me, the logical equivalent would be covering every unmapped place 
> >
> > in "fixme"s.)
> Would that be wrong?
> For me that sounds completely acceptable: missing data in the map should 
> be fixed - it's in some cases not worse than wrong data.
> A white area in the map of course is sometimes obviously a todo hint, 
> but I don't see, why the fixme note would be wrong there.

It is wrong if you don't know if there is actually something to fix.
If you know there is some road somewhere in an empty region, you can add 
fixme's, you can even put the road name in the fixme if you know it.

But if you simply see an empty region and have never been there (nor have 
aerial images) then you have no idea if there is something missing there, or 
if it is really empty.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] RFC: what are empty nodes and how should we use them?

2010-08-17 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le mardi 17 août 2010 à 19:06, vous avez écrit :
> Is there any part of the earth which is "really empty" in terms of not
> having any possible landuse or natural tag to describe it?

But putting nodes everywhere with "fixme missing landuse" would be a big 
waste of time and resource.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] RFC: what are empty nodes and how should we use them?

2010-08-17 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le mardi 17 août 2010 à 21:10, Pierre-Alain Dorange a écrit :
> Empty node has no information, it must not be used to mean something ;
> that's all.

Yes, that's basically what I said in my first post.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le dimanche 22 août 2010 à 13:08, Florian Heer a écrit :
> > This means we have to find a new domain, new servers, and get the 
> > usernames/passwords copied so people can login to the CCBYSA 2.0 fork 
> > without new registration.
> I think this could be a real problem. Because I for one do not agree to 
> have my log in credentials copied to any other server.

I agree with that.
Although my login informations in OSM are not very sensible, I expect them 
to be reasonably confidential and only accessible to a few administrators.
I have no problem if the data I contributed is copied  by [one or multiple] 
fork (that's why a full history dump has been created, cf ), but as those forks 
would be different projects I expect the account I created in OSM to be 
confined in that project.

If, after some though, I decide I prefer to work on a fork, then I will 
create a new account there, possibly using the same user name if it is still 
available, or a new one.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le dimanche 22 août 2010 à 14:13, vous avez écrit :
> > If, after some though, I decide I prefer to work on a fork, then I will
> > create a new account there, possibly using the same user name if it is
> > still available, or a new one.
> I don't think making passwords publicly available is a good idea,

Actually, I'm not very concerned about the password (I don't reuse 
passwords), but more about the email I used to create the account at the 
time, which is a more personal email, as it was (and still is) guaranteed 
not to be displayed publicly.

> but it might be a sign of good faith on OSM(F)'s behalf if it were to
> facilitate an easy method for people waiting to claim their
> account/edits on a forked database.

Actually, that would be more a sign that they are not trustworthy.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Let's prepare to Fork OSM to a CCBYSA 2.0 continuation

2010-08-22 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le dimanche 22 août 2010 à 16:58, Milo van der Linden a écrit :
> - Changing from mysql to postgresql/postgis as the core database

This one has already been done during the API 0.6 switch, see

So this is actually a reason to fork for the pro-mysql camp ;-)

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] End of road for JOSM on OS X for ppc

2010-09-14 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le mardi 14 septembre 2010 à 16:32, Arigead a écrit :
> Don't think that changing the OS to Ubuntu will make any difference.
> I've not checked but if you do change to Ubuntu you'll still be trying
> to download the Java version for Linux on PPC. I don't think that will
> be supported by sun. But like I say I've not checked. The latest Java is
> only supported on Intel 86 Arch as far as I remember.

If you want the "official" java from Sun (which doesn't even exists 
anymore), no.

But openjdk can be compiled on other architecture.
Debian has it for alpha amd64 armel i386 ia64 mips mipsel powerpc sparc, see
so ubuntu should too

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Non-map-based OSM editor

2011-01-24 Thread Renaud MICHEL
On lundi 24 janvier 2011 at 11:38, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote :
> > I wonder if the issue might be that I use Windows.  Do most JOSMers
> > use Windows, or some other OS?  I'm sure Java is especially sucky on
> > Windows.
> did you try to give it more memory? As soon as you offer it say
> 600MB-1 GB it gets more stable ;-)

I use it with -Xmx512m with openjdk (on Linux), I don't remember having JOSM 
Lastly I have used it for hours with tens of thousands of objects loaded, 
lots of tiles from bing or yahoo and more than a thousand edits in the undo 
From the few times I did use potlatch (about a year ago) it was way slower 
than JOSM (on the same computer), but flash for Linux is quite bad.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Bing coverage - more levels

2011-02-11 Thread Renaud MICHEL
On vendredi 11 février 2011 at 02:43, Toby Murray wrote :
> On Thu, Feb 10, 2011 at 6:27 PM, Dave F.  wrote:
> > At what zoom level to I have to be at to view an already zoomed in area
> > to view dark blue (z20)?
> > 
> > I'm trying, but still failing to see the benefit in this.
> If enough of an area has been populated, it shows at pretty low zoom
> levels. Hey look, Topeka has z20 imagery!
> 4&lon=-95.39738145713467&zoom=8

Moving around a bit on that map, I found this
looks like someone has a lot of time to waste...

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New Logo in the Wiki

2011-04-30 Thread Renaud MICHEL
On samedi 30 avril 2011 at 17:54, ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert 
Gremmen wrote :
> What are you all whining about ?
> The new CT clearly transfers most of your rights
> to OSMF, and this what happens if you transfer rights
> to a self appointed  group of people that have joint
> together to do what they think is best for OSM, and got
> the power from the community.


Even on a discussion about the logo someone manage to highjack the thread 
with FUD about the license change.


Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Announce: Beginning of Phase 4 of license change process

2011-06-16 Thread Renaud MICHEL
On jeudi 16 juin 2011 at 10:20, Tom Hughes wrote :
> To inject some actual hard data into the conversation, here are some 
> actual numbers, straight from the database:
> Users with edits who have agreed: 96917
> Users without edits who have agreed: 104663
> Users with edits who have not agreed: 86764
> Users without edits who have not agreed: 129406
> Changesets by users who have agreed: 7229801 (85.5%)
> Changesets by users who have not agreed:  (14.5%)
> Edits by users who have agreed: 181482 (89.2%)
> Edits by users who have not agreed: 218756288 (10.8%)

Thanks for the data.

When you write "users who have not agreed", do you mean only those that have 
explicitly said no to the CT?
Or do you include all the users who have not made a choice yet?

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Orphaned Relations

2011-07-19 Thread Renaud MICHEL
On mardi 19 juillet 2011 at 00:54, Jorge Gustavo wrote :
> I remove "my" orphaned relations, using JOSM.
> 1) wget 
> ive][@uid=193530]  -O old_relation_boundary_jgr.osm
> 2) JOSM -> Open -> old_relation_boundary_jgr.osm

No need to download each relation manually before opening in JOSM, JOSM can 
download an object by ID (type Ctrl-Shift-O, or from the File menu), and 
recent versions of JOSM even accept a list of IDs to download them all at 

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] amenity=doctor or amenity=doctors ? [tagging]

2009-02-22 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le dimanche 22 février 2009 à 14:19, Guenther Meyer a écrit :
> Am Sonntag 22 Februar 2009 schrieb Dave Stubbs:
> > You could just /not/ run a bot on it. Seriously, these tag correcting
> > bots can be really annoying. As long as it's documented both ways it
> > can be trivially implemented both ways.
> but why should we use two different tags for the same thing?
> it would be better to consolidate this...

I agree.
I am a recent (4 months) contributor to OSM and I sometimes find it annoying 
to have multiple, sometimes incompatible, tagging used for the same 
Sometimes I just don't tag something, not knowing an acceptable way to do 
so. So I acually concentrate on roads which have a good consensus on the 
tagging (and is the main purpose of OSM).

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Add 'Keep right!' to the list of map links in the 'place' template

2009-03-02 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le lundi 02 mars 2009 à 16:48, Ed Avis a écrit :
> I'd like to request that 'Keep right!' <> be
> added to this list.  It checks various map errors, not all of which are
> covered by maplint or the other tools.

Hey, I just discovered this site, it's great!
I've quickly corrected many small problems in Liège, so many of the bugs 
present here
should be gone by the next update ;-)

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Front page design and SEO

2009-03-04 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le jeudi 05 mars 2009 à 01:47, Robert (Jamie) Munro a écrit :
> I.e. having windows automatically tiled the whole time, making maximum
> use of screen real estate. When you moved the bottom of one window, for
> example, you were dragging the top of the window beneath it. While I
> usually overlap my windows, and don't mind, sometimes the ability to
> force them into a grid layout would be really useful.

You can.
THere are many such window manager available for X window

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Filtering out errors from GPX file

2009-03-11 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le mercredi 11 mars 2009 à 05:16, Simon Wood a écrit :
> $ head -n 1 temp.unicsv > new.unicsv
> $ head -n -1 temp.unicsv | awk -F ',' '{if ($5<20) print $0;}' >>
> new.unicsv

You can do that with awk only:
$ awk 'NR==1||$5<20{print $0}' temp.unicsv > new.unicsv

Useful information anyway, thanks.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - h==highway

2009-03-29 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le lundi 30 mars 2009 à 05:46, PAA a écrit :
> Request for comments on creating the key:h and making it synonymous with
> key:highway.

That's just ridiculous.
Don't start duplicating tags with the same meaning.

> As i understand things, this has four huge benefits: 
> -reduce data entry time when editing OSM (e.g. 6/7ths less characters to
> type)

JSOM already helps you there, when adding a new highway tag I only have top 
type "hig" and JSOM adds "hway", same for values.
If three letters is still too much for you you can make a JOSM plugin that 
will translate h into highway.

> -reduce data entry errors when editing OSM (current obvious errors from
> tagwatch europe: highlight, hightway, highwaY, highwat, higwhway, and the
> champion, higway, with 1478 entries)

That's what predefined settings are made for, you click on a menu and 
select "primary road".

> -reduce OSM data storage space (over 6M highways just from
>; simple naive estimate
> 6M*6 bytes=36MBytes uncompressed data reduction)
> -reduce bandwidth for transfers to/from OSM

planet files are already compressed, you won't gain much by replacing 
meaningful tags by codeletters.

And once you start with tag names, you could go on with values and 
replace "primary" with "p", "secondary" with "s" and so on.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - h==highway

2009-03-30 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le lundi 30 mars 2009 à 15:00, PAA a écrit :
> >> Request for comments on creating the key:h and making it synonymous
> >> with key:highway.
> >
> > That's just ridiculous.
> > Don't start duplicating tags with the same meaning.
> It's definitely not something to be done with all tags, but i don't
> think you made a very good case why it's ridiculous for this one tag
> that is both prone to misspelling and in greater use than all others.

(I replied quickly this morning before leaving for work and forgot to write 
my main argument, should never reply in a hurry)
With two synonymous tags you can get inconsistent tagging, like a way tagged

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] How to tag oneway exceptions?

2009-04-26 Thread Renaud MICHEL

I didn't find an answer in the wiki, how should I tag roads that are one way 
for motorized vehicles but two way for bicycle?
For now those are only tagged oneway=yes, so a routing software for cycleway 
will think it can only go oneway.

It seems unwise to use another value for oneway, so I should probably use a 
complementary tag, I see in tagwatch that there is bicycle:oneway which 
seem to be in use (and a few variations a few times) is that a good choice?

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Move the Map

2009-06-16 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le mardi 16 juin 2009 à 22:45, SteveC a écrit :
> > One of the main annoyances that people tell me that they have with OSM
> > is that whenever they visit the site, the map shows them just the UK.
> I thought that the IP 2 geo stuff was in there to make it default to  
> the country it thinks you're in?

It is.
When I open my browser on OSM it is centered on belgium (except from some 
place where it is whole europe, probably because it can't associate the IP 
there to a specific country).

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Undo request button for changesets

2009-07-14 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le mardi 14 juillet 2009 à 13:13, Francois Van Der Biest a écrit :
> Therefore, I imagine we should show features which have been
> created/updated/deleted in different colors (eg: green/blue/red) on
> the changeset page.

That would be really cool.
I've been missing such a feature since changeset have been introduced.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Clearance

2009-07-31 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le vendredi 31 juillet 2009 à 03:23, Roy Wallace a écrit :
> What about a way that has either a physical limitation or a legal
> limitation (not both). Perhaps there is some argument that the tag
> should differentiate between these situations? Though I admit I can
> only think of a weak one - that it makes it clearer for users and
> mappers

I have a very good example:
For an ambulance, many legal limitations (like speed limit) don't apply, so 
if a road has a legal limitation for the maximum height of 2m but you can 
actually physically take that road with a 3m ambulance, that is a useful 
information for the ambulance driver who then knows he can actually take 
that road, although regular users may not.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] tag proposal surface=gravel; concrete; dirt; grass

2009-08-14 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le vendredi 14 août 2009 à 15:02, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit :
>  but IMHO it is an error in the editors not to warn
> you, if tags are added in a combine-action (not only on contradictory
> tags should warn). I already filed a trac-ticket for JOSM some time
> ago.

I've had the problem some month ago (in Namur, Belgium) that someone had 
joined many way making one long railway that was both a tunnel and a bridge. 
I had a hard time splitting it again at the correct nodes (I was lucky that 
at the time mapnik didn't update so frequently and I was able to look where 
the bridges/tunnels were)

potlatch should also have such a warning, as beginners generally start with 
potlatch and are more likely to make such a mistake.
(If it already does ignore this comment, I rarely use potlatch)

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] copyright problem with data copied from a map

2009-08-16 Thread Renaud MICHEL

Two weeks ago, I found problem in Dison, Belgium, see here
At that moment, the motorway had been shifted north-west by user Neo while 
adding other roads.
I moved it back to correspond to GPS traces and messaged Neo about the 

He did some more edits, see and 
that's when I realised that he was actually copying an actual map. He 
actually put the bounding box of his map

He confirmed a week later that he was really copying a map he scanned and 
loaded in JOSM (not rectifying it, so the shifted roads).
He was obviously not aware of the copyright problem as he asked me, in the 
same message, if he could somehow copy the map from his tomtom.

I replied one week ago explaining why he must not do that and asking him to 
remove all the edits he made based on that map, but had no more answer so 
So now I'm thinking about removing those edits myself, but am not sure 
what's the best way to do so.

I don't know if the changeset can be reverted, as there are many of them, 
and I also did some edits there (changeset #1997354 #2005715 #2046924 a 
least) before knowing of the copyright problem.

Any advice?
I think I'm going to remove all this "by hand" with JOSM.
But the ways will still be present in the DB with the history. Can we do 
something about this?

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] copyright problem with data copied from a map

2009-08-17 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le lundi 17 août 2009 à 20:37, Andy Allan a écrit :
> Hi Renaud,

Hello, thank you for your answer.

> I think the best thing for you to do in this case is to contact the
> Foundation, as explained in the FAQ.

I had missed that question in the FAQ, should have read more carefully.

> Provide all the details you have gathered so far, and it will be
> passed on. Copyright violation is something we need to take seriously,
> and the relevant working group can take further actions such as
> banning the user and removing data from the history should such things
> prove necessary. You have certainly done the right thing so far by
> contacting the user directly to make initial investigations.

OK, I'll mail them all the informations.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] copyright problem with data copied from a map

2009-08-18 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le mardi 18 août 2009 à 13:55, Morten Kjeldgaard a écrit :
> Educating mappers so they fully understand the free-and-open principles
> means that they in turn can teach others, and everyone saves time in the
> end.
> Throwing the book at this fellow is too harsh at this point. You can
> email him and politely ask if he wants to put the roads back on the GPS
> trace, or you will do it. Convince him to get a GPS and start collecting
> data. Tell him it's fun.

That's what I did.
I first sent him a message telling him that he was doing wrong edits. He 
answered me once and told me he was actually copying a scanned map.
So I answered back explaining why he should not do that, that was eight days 
ago and to this day I've had no more answers.
I've sent him another message two days ago telling him that his edits might 
be removed due to copyright problem if he did not clarify the situation.

As adviced by Andy, I've sent a mail to the osmfoundation explaining the 

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [RFC] Deprecating the use of Tag :highway=stop in favour of Key:stop

2009-08-24 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le lundi 24 août 2009 à 15:25, Lester Caine a écrit :
> Adding an extra node does make sense, but probably needs a 'relation' to
> the intersection as well? In any case the direction through this new
> node is the critical piece of information? Tagging ways would require
> that every section of a way is broken up. I'm thinking of some route
> around here that have several intersections along them, many but not all
> of which are compulsory stop along that single way. Simply adding nodes
> on the correct side of each intersection would be somewhat easier to
> implement, while currently these restrictions are not recorded.

How about simply creating a relation with those two nodes?

You have an intersection of two (or more) roads and when you come to that 
intersection from one particular road (in one particular direction) you have 
a stop. Then you add a node on that way before the intersection, then create 
a relation (let's say of type=stop, or any more self-explanatory value) 
where you have the stop node with role "stop_from" and the intersection with 
role "stop_at".

Such a scheme can be easily interpreted as: when you pass over a node 
highway=stop that is a member of a relation type=stop with role stop_from, 
then you must stop at the node of that relation that has the role stop_to.

You might eventually add the way to the relation to avoid ambiguity in 
complex case, the way would have a role like "stop_along" and be interpreted 
to stop at the stop_at node only if travelling along that way.

What do you think?

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] New proposal: Bad data

2009-08-26 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le mercredi 26 août 2009 à 09:56, John Smith a écrit :
> Anything tagged source=yahoo* or source=landsat should be treated worst
> than source=survey and people should source the data properly otherwise
> others will assume the data was traced if hi-res imagery is available.

What does survey mean?
The page doesn't list that 

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Path vs footway vs cycleway vs...

2009-11-28 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le samedi 28 novembre 2009, Steve Bennett a écrit :
> 1) In the parks near me, there are lots of paths, which I guess were
> probably intended for pedestrians, but cyclists use them too.
> Sometimes paved, sometimes not. I've been tagging them "highway=path,
> bicycle=yes" (to be safe).

If you use highway=path and not highway=footway, then you should also add 
foot=yes (or even foot=designated if appropriate).
If I understand correctly
adding a bicycle=yes to a highway=path means that only bicycles are allowed 
(whereas highway=path alone would mean "any non-motorized vehicle").

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] How to manage GPX files?

2009-12-30 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le mercredi 30 décembre 2009, Maarten Deen a écrit :
> > enlarge your Java VM
> > eg java -Xms1536m -Xmx1536m -jar /usr/share/josm/josm.jar
> Is it just me or is there a limit to the size of the Java VM you can
>  enter in Windows XP? I've had on separate occasions had to lower the
>  limit to something like 1300 because it just wouldn't run.

32bits windows JVM (at least from SUN) have problem if you try to allocate 
more than 1400Mo (with a hard crash of the JVM), on Linux it can go up to 
1800Mo. You should'nt have any problem with 64bits JVMs.

By the way, reserving all your memory at startup (-Xms1536m) is only useful 
if you known it will very quickly (like a few seconds after startup) use all 
that memory, if not it will suck up all your memory and keep it until it 
need it (maybe never).
You should leave the -Xms small (or not set it at all) and only set -Xmx, 
that way you tell the JVM how much memory it is allowed to use at most and 
it will take memory as needed.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] konqueror does not display openstreetmap anymore

2010-04-18 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le dimanche 18 avril 2010 à 10:59, Rainer Dorsch a écrit :
> I noticed that konqueror stopped displaying the openstreetmap maps some
> time  ago. The page of is loaded, but the
> screen stays empty (see screenshot at ).

No problem here with konqueror 4.4.2

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Street name abbreviations

2010-04-24 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le samedi 24 avril 2010 à 16:29, Andrew Gregory a écrit :
> I'd been thinking for a long time that the OSM wiki needed a table with  
> some common street name abbreviations (if it exists, I can't find it).  
> When I started surveying I kept on finding weird abbreviations that
> took   some searching to figure out (all the other online maps are also
> abbreviated). After months of survey, I found I had a large list,
> compiled from a variety of web sites (councils, real estate,
> universities) as well as personal knowledge. It's English, and as I'm in
> Australia, it probably has a couple of local peculiarities, but should
> probably be good for other English-speaking countries. I hope it's
> useful.

I thought the consensus was not to abbreviate and always use the full name?

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] The Best way to show individual shops within a shopping complex?

2010-05-04 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le lundi 03 mai 2010 à 11:02, Nic Roets a écrit :
> Sometimes I include some of the halls / walkways. This one has half of
> the walkways. The other half are on the upper level, but I can't see
> any benefit in adding them.

You could have connected those halls to the surrounding streets, where 
appropriate, so that they can be routable.
Here is an example I am working on
(still have to add the individuals shops thought)

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] GPS Logger

2011-11-07 Thread Renaud MICHEL
On lundi 07 novembre 2011 at 08:13, Maarten Deen wrote :
> I've been using the iGot-U GT-600 for a while now 
> <> and I'm quite pleased with it. The only 
> annoying thing is that it has yet another different USB cable, but the 
> non-standard connector is to make the case completely watertight. It 
> also does not have a replaceable battery, but my last GPS logger died 
> before the battery did.

I have the GT-200e, it works fine either as a standalone datalogger or as an 
external GPS via bluetooth.

> Logging frequency can be changed to a maximum of one point/sec and can 
> also be set to be dependant on the speed you move with. Downloading the 
> logs is possible with bluetooth but also when connected via USB. You 
> have to use their proprietary program (@trip PC) to download the logs, 
> but it has an easy export to GPX.

There is a program (igotu2gpx) to extract the logs for linux and macos
version 0.3.0 is outdated, you should take the source from the trunk
and if you want to clear the memory from a GT-200e or GT-600 you should take 
the branch (or apply its changes to the trunk, it has not been integrated 

The program is based on qt4 (even the command line tool), and the gui has an 
optional plugin to display the tracks over an OSM map using marble.

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Mails to undecided mappers (was: Editing of content that will be deleted on April 1st)

2011-12-16 Thread Renaud MICHEL
On vendredi 16 décembre 2011 at 03:21, Robert Norris wrote :
> However as far as I can tell the edits made by anonymous users will be
> removed come the 'judgement day'

No, see explanation on legal talk:

Renaud Michel

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] usercases for josm outside osm

2009-02-02 Thread Renaud MICHEL
Le mardi 03 février 2009 à 04:27, Kim Hawtin a écrit :
> what i'd really like is a mode where i can edit the GPS trails.
> just top and tailing the junk off the ends where the GPS was started
> and stopped, any time where you are are effectively indoors...

Yes i'd also like to have such editing features.

> also splitting large GPS trails into smaller more manageable sections.

Splitting can easily be done manually with a text editor, GPX files are XML 
files with a simple structure.

> one of the issues i have is that i can spend a fair bit of time
> trailing and can upload those trails, but don't always have the
> notes to go with to identify the specific journey. you have to upload
> the trail to the web site before you know where it is, and them edit
> the other attributes to go with it. so being able to use josm to get
> your bearings about which GPS trail it is before uploading it would
> be handy...

You may open GPX files in JOSM before you upload them.

Renaud Michel

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