Re: [OSM-talk] Is OpenAerialMap service dead?

2009-06-30 Thread Robin Paulson
2009/6/13 Stefan de Konink :
>> Also - Is OpenStreetPhoto going to be usable for storage of ground level
>> photos of junctions, bridges etc which can be useful for photo route
>> planning or not. The name you have used would lead me to expect that it
>> would, however the project description seems to focus on aerial
>> photography. Would this be a possible extension of the project?
> It is work in progress :) The Google Summer of Code part of the projects
> takes image recognition to the next level; slight preview:

will this ever turn into a google street view type project?

is anyone planning/allowing for that sort of image display?


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] how to map flowing water the easy way?

2009-12-22 Thread Robin Paulson
i had an idea recently, that it might be possible to map a stream or
small river (in an area with poor aerial photo coverage) by using a
gps in a waterproof container attached to a flotation device

i created a wiki page to collect ideas and criticisms, unfortunately
my local streams are all too congested or i'd be trying it. maybe
someone else will find it useful?


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] augmenting contour data with gps track logs

2009-12-28 Thread Robin Paulson
the srtm contour data used in some osm renders is great, partic for
cyclists and walkers. i've realised that it's not as high
accuracy/precision as it might be though. i notice that most GPS
devices also record the elevation within their tracklogs, and that it
might be useful to extract this data, and use it to provide more data
for calculating the altitude of a given point.

any ideas?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] augmenting contour data with gps track logs

2009-12-28 Thread Robin Paulson
2009/12/28 Frederik Ramm :
> Pure GPS elevation is worthless due to bad precision (for technical reasons,
> Z measurement is much worse than X/Y measurement in GPSes). Some GPSes have

ok, i didn't realise that. what levels of bad precision are we talking
about; i assume it varies form model to model; how does it compare to
the precision of srtm?

> We would need a mechanism that takes the spot heights measured with your GPS
> and somehow weaves them into this (or a finer-resolution) bitmap, *or* go
> for a true 3D surface model of the earth. Both will require different kinds
> of editors than we have now.

i would envisage it being used in favour of the srtm data (which is
very coarse, as you point out, hence my interest in replacing it)

> Simply adding altitude information to features we map will not do because
> most editors are unaware of that, and it is unclear what it means exactly.
> If you map a post box with altitude=100ft, and I later find that the post
> box is in fact on the other side of the road - does that mean that this side
> of the road is still 100ft, just the post box has to be moved, or does that
> mean that I have to move the altitude information together with the post
> box?

the idea was not to get people to manually tag the altitude of objects
(like post boxes), partly for the reasons you point out, partly
because it's slow.

my idea was to extract a series pf lat, lon, alt triplet from the gps
tracks, and use this to build a 'mesh' of the earth's surface, which
would be stored independently of the points/ways which we create at
the moment. the implicit assumption being that wherever the post box
or any other object is placed on the globe, it takes it's height from
the underlying mesh. from this mesh, we can then generate contours, 3d
models, etc, etc as we do at present with the srtm data

> In my eyes, a separate project "OpenTerrainModel" or something like that is
> called for, the results of which could seamlessly replace our usage of SRTM
> data today.


is there an api for accessing the gpx files en masse? or a gpx.planet download?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Render icons for parking areas

2007-12-20 Thread Robin Paulson
On 20/12/2007, Knut Arne Bjørndal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Robin Paulson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On 19/12/2007, Frederik Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> > i am confident the maths to figure out where to place the label,
> >> > whilst ensuring it is inside the bounds of the area (and complying
> >> > with any other set of arbitrary rules), would be fairly trivial to
> >> > implement.

> Sounds really good, I've been thinking a good bit about how to solve this 
> problem lately, without really having much luck.
> If you can come up with the algorithm and need help implementing it, just 
> give me a holler and I'll have a look at it.

i came up with a few ideas last night, all needing some work to
complete them, but then jon burgess said earlier in this thread that
it was already done in mapnik. is osmarender a completely different
system, or is there some other good reason that method can't be used

thanks for the offer of help, i will put some ideas up here as soon as
they are in a more friendly form

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] proposed feature - vote

2007-12-20 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been open for comments now for two weeks, with no major objections

now open for voting


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] proposed feature - vote

2007-12-20 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been open for discussion now for 2 weeks with no major objections

could i get some votes please


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] American or british english

2007-12-20 Thread Robin Paulson
On 21/12/2007, Hanno Böck <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Today I wondered how tags should be named if the used word can be american or
> british english (e.g. everything that contains centre/center in some way).
> I wouldn't care which one to take, but I think there should be some policy for
> that case.

well, the englishman in me gets indignant and says 'use the true
queen's english' of course

but that starts lots of arguments and is ridiculous

i presume this is for things like 'The Arndale Centre' i.e. proper
nouns (names) of buildings/areas etc? in which case, the spelling is
dependent on whatever the owner of the structure chooses.
if they spell it 'centre', then it's 'centre'.
if they spell it 'center', then it's 'center'.
if they spell it 'senterr' then it's 'senterr'.
imo we're here to reflect reality, not make political or otherwise
statements about the validity of any language or dialect over any

or maybe it's for the name of the actual tag key? in that case, it
doesn't really matter - whatever the proposer comes up with. i would
hope there wouldn't be any silly arguments over which to use, so long
as everyone sticks to it when they map

or do the renderers check for alternative spellings?

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] proposed feature, opinions requested

2007-12-20 Thread Robin Paulson
i'm surprised this doesn't exist already, or maybe it's called something else?

if it doesn't exist, could i get some opinions on the proposal please

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] proposed feature, opinions requested

2007-12-20 Thread Robin Paulson
i have updated this proposal, changing it form man_made to natural

could i get some opinions and suggestions please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] proposed feature, opinions requested

2007-12-20 Thread Robin Paulson
i've created a proposal to cover those de-commissioned naval (and
other) ships which exist intact in various harbours around the world

opinions and comments requested please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] namespacing of tags

2007-12-20 Thread Robin Paulson
there a few proposals currently on the wiki that have comments
regarding namespacing of tags. i understand the general concept of
what it is, but why do we need it? it appears to me to be an
unnecessary complication for a tag

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] proposed feature, opinions requested

2007-12-21 Thread Robin Paulson
On 21/12/2007, J.D. Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Why not just use k=landuse v=industrial ?
> Works for me for both ports and airports, since both are industries -
> one involving transport by air, and one involving transport by sea.

well, lots of things are industries, so that doesn't really hold.
should they all be the same colour? not imo

> Otherwise I foresee we will end up with a multitude of values for the
> landuse tag, that the rendererengines  need stylesheets for.

great. stylesheets are easy to write

> Including
> landuse=ToiletAndBathAreaAtRoskildeFestival_Bring_NoseClamp_On_Day_Two_and_Later.
> I'm suggesting a shitty-brownish-yellow color for that one, right away.

that's slightly more extreme than my suggestion. i sense a straw-man
argument here

> Is it really necessary to go that finegrained down, in the definition of
> the landuse tag ?

yes, it is. the more info the better

> Do we want a psychedelic multicolored map, or do we want something that
> people can stand to look at for prolonged durations ? If the former is
> the general consensus, we should already now think about putting a
> disclaimer directed at the possible viewers suffering from visually
> induced epileptic seizures, at the bottom of the mappage...

well, that's got nothing to do with me/us really. we're not creating a
map, we're recording information that can be used for a map. it's up
to the maintainers of the renderers to decide what info to show. if
they want all industrial areas (including airports, sea ports, etc) to
show as one colour then they can. if they don't then they can display
them as many colours. but if we log them all as the same, they have no
option. there cannot be too much information - disk space and
bandwidth are not an issue (as far as i'm aware).

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] proposal; voting now open

2007-12-21 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been under proposal for a month now, with no objections

voting is now open


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] bbox download problems

2007-12-23 Thread Robin Paulson
i've been trying to download a subset of the osm data, for auckland,
as detailed at:

wget -O auckland.osm*[bbox=174.4,-37.2,174.9,-36.7]

is the command i used, but i get first an error about wildcards not
being accepted (is this a wget error?), but even if i replace the *
with 'node' i get a 501 error. is this really an error on the server,
or have i stuffed up the command? if so, can someone help me with the
syntax of the command?


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting open - railway land

2007-12-25 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been hanging around for some months now, with no objections

voting is now open


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting open - tram station

2007-12-25 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been open for discussion for some time now, and the major
objection has been answered:

voting is now open

please take note of the final comments by 80n and UlfL, concerning
renderers understanding what way a node is connected to

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] proposal open for voting

2007-12-26 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been a proposal for two weeks now, with no major unresolved problems

voting is now open


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Storing extensive notes on points of interest in OSM?

2007-12-26 Thread Robin Paulson
On 10/12/2007, Gregory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Personally I prefer the additional information appearing on the left (like
> you have for walking routes) than a popup.
> Sometimes I think it may also be nice to have something like this happening
> if you were just viewing something on the map. Only examples I can think of
> are "Note: this area is not completed to the East" and "Note: The towns in
> this area are also known by Turkish names, view the map at www to see an
> alternative version".
> ...What about also "See how complete the area of this map is by reading
> wiki.osm/area_project"
> then would "Someone is living here only using this map and mapping the city
> on his own see to track progress" be acceptable and
> not just an advert?
> I'm doing a lot of thinking on the spot while typing, I'll leave it there.

maybe this would be a good location for storing more info on items?

we could have a new tag, something like:
key=wm value=

where wikimapia id number is the 6-digit number corresponding to the
item in question? and clicking on the link icon for the item opens it
somewhere - a new tab, window, sidebar or a small overlay popup

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] proposal open for voting

2007-12-27 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been on the proposed features page for some time now, with no

voting is now open


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] RFC for tag proposal

2007-12-27 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been up for a couple of weeks now

could i get some more comments please, i don't feel it's right for voting yet


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] more votes requested

2007-12-27 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been open for voting for two weeks now, and currently has 9 yes votes

could we get some more please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] proposal open for voting

2007-12-27 Thread Robin Paulson
there have been no unsolved problems with this proposal

time for some votes


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] proposed feature - crane

2007-12-27 Thread Robin Paulson
a new proposal i've put forward

could i get some comments please


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Ideas for OSM enhancements

2007-12-28 Thread Robin Paulson
On 29/12/2007, Laurence Penney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > One would be to do something similar to what I already do on Freemap,
> > namely clickable POIs: The user could click on a POI then get a window
> > containing a link to its Wikipedia article (if applicable) and its
> > description tag (if it has one).

> I'd very much like to allow pop-up info windows on OSM for POIs that
> are not Wikipedia articles - that's "not" as in "not yet" and "never
> likely to be".
> But communities everywhere should have the ability to write in a
> Wikipedia style about their own localities without such wrangles.
> I'd very much like to see a site devoted to connecting OSM point and
> way IDs with wiki texts. Is there wider support for this idea? If I
> set one up, will anyone use it?
> (One issue is that OSM IDs are not necessarily persistent. If someone
> cleans up an area, the IDs are possibly different from before.)
> If OSM IDs really aren't suitable, then a site using POI names, naming
> in a Wikipedia style, would still be very useful for similar stuff.

no need to create a new site, this is exactly what is for

as far as i can see, there are no limits on 'importance' as there are
on wikiepdia, so every little square, street, park, pub, supermarket,
etc can have it's own page, and it already has huge amounts of data on
hundreds of thousands of POIs

it currently overlays it's data on to google map tiles, it would be
nice if they were switched to OSM/OAM tiles

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] building= Modified Proposal - Request For Comments

2008-01-01 Thread Robin Paulson
On 01/01/2008, Mike Collinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> FYI, this tag is already being used extensively experimentally and is the 
> current featured image of the week. Where there is Yahoo imagery, I find it 
> great for characterising an area by tracing out just the important buildings. 
> Other examples:
> Stockholm University:
> Experiment using linear ways to show terraces (houses built side by side and 
> not very deep) in the north of England. Osmarender view only.

purely a renderer issue i know, but the current way of showing it is a
bit confusing - it may need to be drawn with thickness, to indicate it
has a substantial depth. at the moment, i look at that and think it's
a line, i.e. a road, path, boundary, etc.

maybe it should render as an area, with an automatic width of whatever
the average depth of terrace houses is, possibly with 'dividers' to
show that there are multiple items?

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] feature approved - natural=volcano

2008-01-02 Thread Robin Paulson
voting is now closed for natural=volcano.

it has been approved, with 14 yes votes and 2 no votes

it has been added to the approved features and map features pages

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting open man_made=rig

2008-01-02 Thread Robin Paulson
this proposal has been open for two weeks now, with no objections.

voting is now open, for two weeks


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] proposed feature - amenity=preschool

2008-01-02 Thread Robin Paulson
i have cleaned up the proposal for preschool, could i get some
comments lease. please note, that voting does not usually take place
until comments have been requested, discussed and objections resolved


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] RFC - railway=miniature

2008-01-02 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been open for discussion for 4 months now

it looks pretty straightforward - could i get some comments, if there
are no objections i will open for voting next week


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] new proposal - railway=turntable

2008-01-02 Thread Robin Paulson
i've put forward a new proposal for comments

any opinions and suggestions welcome


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] new proposal - man_made=dike

2008-01-02 Thread Robin Paulson
i've submitted a new proposal for discussion

could i get some comments and opinions please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] request for more votes - man_made=wastewater_plant

2008-01-02 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been open for voting for a week now, could i get some more
please, so we can decide one way or the other


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] rfc - sport=aussie_rules

2008-01-02 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been around for 7 months now

could i get some more comments so we can agree on something and get voting open


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting open natural=saltmarsh

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been open for comments for three months now, with no objections

voting is now open, for two weeks


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting open landuse=port

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been open for discussion for two weeks now, with no
unanswered objections

voting is now open, for two weeks


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] more votes requested - man_made=sub_station

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been open for voting for 2 weeks now

it currently has 9 yes votes and 0 no votes. could i get some more, to
either approve or reject it?


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] new proposal accepted - man_made=pipeline

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
the voting period has now ended for this proposal, it has passed with
10 yes votes and 0 no votes

it has been added to the map features and approved features pages

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] rfc - man_made=city_wall

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
this proposal has been up for 9 months now

could i get some more comments please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] redundant proposal? - man_made=fenced_compounds

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
in my quest to tidy the proposals page on the wiki, some proposals
have come up which appear to be redundant

is there an acknowledged way of removing them, without going through
the whole comments/opinions/voting process?

is a good example


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] rfc - man_made=well

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been a proposal for 2 months now, with very few comments

i've tidied up the proposal, could i get some comments please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] rfc - tourism=gallery

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been a proposal for 5 months now

i've changed it form attraction to tourism, as the attraction
top-level tag does not exist yet

could i get some comments please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] rfc - power=

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
there are various keys under the man_made tag which represent power
stations. there is a  proposal under way to deprecate these and
replace them with one tag, under the 'power' top-level tag

comments please

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] removel of duplicate proposal - roundend and RFC - turning_circle

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
this proposal is a duplication of another proposal

before creating proposals, please check to make sure it does not
already exist, either as a proposal or as an approved feature

it has been removed from the proposed features page, please direct all
comments to the identical proposal, which pre-dates it by some months:

this has laid dormant for some months now, so could i get some comments please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] new proposal - military=naval_base

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
there is a new proposal on the wiki

could i get some opinions and comments please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] RFC - sport=model_aerodrome

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
this proposal has been open for two months now. i've tidied it up;
could we get some comments, with a view to opening voting soon


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] more information needed - tourism=rest_camp

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
could the person who proposed:

please provide some more information on the proposal?

it is unclear what it is actually for, beyond duplicating a range of other tags

failing that, could it be removed from the proposals page


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] RFC - tourism=chalets

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
i've tidied up this proposal, it's been dormant for several months now

could i get some comments please, i would like to open voting soon to
move it off the proposals page


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] more votes requested - man_made=sub_station

2008-01-03 Thread Robin Paulson
On 04/01/2008, Brent Easton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You don't need any more votes. If there are no negative votes, then 6 Yes's 
> is enough to approve it.

it is? oh, i thought it was 10. 6 seems awfully low

thanks though, wil move it across to approved

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] redundant proposal? - man_made=fenced_compounds

2008-01-04 Thread Robin Paulson
On 04/01/2008, Michael Collinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >is there an acknowledged way of removing them, without going through
> >the whole comments/opinions/voting process?
> Ye, it would certainly be good to be more aggressive in cleaning up
> up the Proposals page, it is hard to casually browse for "live" proposals.

very hard, i think that's part of the reason so few people look
through - there's so much rubbish

> Currently, the only mechanism is to move proposals into the "Needs
> cleanup/modification" and "Works in Progress/Pending" sections at the
> bottom - which are roughly equivalent to the place sick proposals go to die.

yeah, i saw that, but i'm not a fan. a vast % fall into one of those categories

> I propose:
> 1) Mark redundant proposals with "This proposal appears to be
> redundant or duplicated.  Unless there are any objections it will be
> removed on or after dd-mm-" and leave it there until you or
> someone else is next doing a clean-up round.

that's a very good idea, i will do that for lots. i've already moved
some duplicates, see earlier concerning roundend/turning_circle

> 2) More generally, any proposal that has been there for more than a
> year (see the pages "history" tab) be removed.  Looking at a few
> other proposals, this may be a little too aggressive as the
> "riverbank"
> proposal would go (or perhaps is should?).   An alternative would be
> to remove any proposal that has been there a year and had no
> substantive activity for 6 months.

i'll stick with the warning, and give each one two weeks to be resurrected

> Here the dates for your example:
> Created - 29 August 2006
> Last substantive comment - Dec 2006
> Last comment of any kind - Apr 2007

yes, there's a lot of that


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Adding vmap0 road data to OSM

2008-01-06 Thread Robin Paulson
On 07/01/2008, Will Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks everyone for your interest and opinions on this topic. Would there be
> any objections if I started trying to add this data to areas where no data
> exists yet, and would anybody be willing to help with this? Also, what do
> you think would be the best approach for adding this data to OSM? Thank you
> again for your input.

getting some data for new zealand would be fantastic, there's very
little outside the main cities. however, we are investigating some
other mass data imports, which are probably better quality than vmap0,
so could you hold off uploading anything there for the time-being? i
will start a discussion on the nz mailing list [1] and see what other
mappers suggest


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] POIs from wikipedia

2008-01-07 Thread Robin Paulson
while i was looking up some info on wikipedia [1], i noticed that a
lot of pages have a lat/lon value to describe their location; this
strikes me as something we could use to increase the amount of data in

it would require a mass download of data from all the pages that
contain these values, matching to relevant tags and importing into

dos anyone here have the experience to query the wikipedia db in a way
that could pull out just those pages with location info?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] POIs from wikipedia

2008-01-07 Thread Robin Paulson
On 08/01/2008, Robin Paulson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> while i was looking up some info on wikipedia [1], i noticed that a
> lot of pages have a lat/lon value to describe their location; this
> strikes me as something we could use to increase the amount of data in
> it would require a mass download of data from all the pages that
> contain these values, matching to relevant tags and importing into
> OSM.
> dos anyone here have the experience to query the wikipedia db in a way
> that could pull out just those pages with location info?
> [1]

bad i know, but replying to my own mail:

has a database of all georeferenced POIs in SQL format

i realise a lot of these will be in OSM already, so there would need
to be some cross-referencing/filtering to prevent duplication

suggestions, comments? has this been done already?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Adding vmap0 road data to OSM

2008-01-07 Thread Robin Paulson
On 06/01/2008, Will Harrison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm involved with the FlightGear Flight Simulator
> ( and I've volunteered to help the custom scenery
> project ( by
> adding vmap0 road data to OSM. I originally tried to start this task on my
> own, but I quickly realized that I probably won't be able to do this on my
> own. Basically, I'm wondering if anyone is interested in helping.
> Vmap0 contains road data for the entire world. The road data is available
> here:

has the data been taken down? i can't see anything on that page, only
a link to to the higher level directory

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] new proposal - paintball

2008-01-07 Thread Robin Paulson
a new tag for proposal

please could i get some opinions


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] new proposal - paintball

2008-01-07 Thread Robin Paulson
On 08/01/2008, Ulf Lamping <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> key=tourism value=artwork ?!?
> Regards, ULFL

ah crap, corrected.

thanks ulf and rob.

no prizes for guessing where i created my template from...

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] RFC - studio

2008-01-07 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been open for opinions now for over a month

could i get some comments please, i would like to open for voting asap


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] request for more votes - petanque

2008-01-08 Thread Robin Paulson
user lastgrape has made a comment on this page that the proposal was
changed mid-way through voting

i haven't changed anything, and can't see any differences, but in the
interests of doing things properly, could i request anybody who voted
on it to check they are ok with what they are voting for? and then
could i get some more votes, it's stuck on 5 approves

the current approvers are:


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] request for more votes - tram_stop

2008-01-08 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been open for voting for two weeks now

it currently has 11 approve and 1 disapprove, can i get some more
votes to push it one way or the other


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting open - cave_entrance

2008-01-08 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been open for opinions for over 4 weeks now

voting is now open


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] RFC - crematorium

2008-01-08 Thread Robin Paulson
i've tidied up this proposal, it's been languishing for 4 months

time for some comments please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting closed - kiosk

2008-01-08 Thread Robin Paulson
this proposal has been open for voting for 8 weeks now

it has been approved with 14 yes votes

it has been moved to the map features and approved features page


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] voting closed - kiosk

2008-01-08 Thread Robin Paulson
On 09/01/2008, Ulf Lamping <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robin Paulson schrieb:
> > this proposal has been open for voting for 8 weeks now
> >
> >
> >
> > it has been approved with 14 yes votes
> >
> > it has been moved to the map features and approved features page
> >
> >
> Hi!
> There's a very similar proposal shop=newsagent, which is basically the
> same IMHO.
> Should we remove it from proposed features?

in england, aus and nz, they're quite different. newsagent is
generally a proper shop with a big range of items open longish hours
and in a building. kiosk is s small shack on the pavement, with a
small range and usually open only in office hours

i'd say keep them both

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] POIs from wikipedia

2008-01-09 Thread Robin Paulson
On 08/01/2008, Richard Fairhurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > while i was looking up some info on wikipedia [1], i noticed that a
> > lot of pages have a lat/lon value to describe their location; this
> > strikes me as something we could use to increase the amount of data in
> > OSM
> These are almost certainly derived from Google Maps et al, therefore
> unsuitable for OSM.

really, that sounds like it would contravene wikipedia's rules and
google's terms of use? and is it our responsibility to pre-guess what
wp editors are doing? i think taking their data at face value is

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] administrative boundaries and is_in

2008-01-09 Thread Robin Paulson
can someone explain a few things about the way boundaries work, and
their relation to the is_in key?

as far as i can tell, when a location (say the suburb of balham, in
london) is added to the map, the is_in tag needs to be set, multiple
times. in this case, it would be set as follows:

is_in:Westminster (...i think)
is_in:greater london

which seems counter-intuitive, not to mention requiring huge amounts
of work. do we set this for every item - roads, churches,
supermarkets,thousands of other items?
is there anything underway to enable OSM to calculate where an object
is, based upon knowledge of administrative boundaries - after all,
they are only a polygon-shaped bounding box?

if i set is_in of balham to london, and the is_in of london to
england, does osm know that balham is therefore in england, by
cascading the is_in values? and so on, for as many levels as we

my second, related, point concerns boundaries that coincide with
coastlines: do we need to trace over the coastline of a
country/city/suburb to define an unbroken loop for each administrative
areas, or can OSM work out for itself that the coastline forms the
rest of the boundary? what about if the entire boundary is defined by
coastline? are these questions only relevant if and when items are
automagically aware of their location?

thanks for any help

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] POIs from wikipedia

2008-01-09 Thread Robin Paulson
On 10/01/2008, Richard Fairhurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > [co-ordinates on Wikipedia]
> > really, that sounds like it would contravene wikipedia's rules and
> > google's terms of use? and is it our responsibility to pre-guess what
> > wp editors are doing? i think taking their data at face value is
> > acceptable
> Please read
> It actively recommends getting co-ordinates from Google Maps,
> Multimap, Microsoft etc. etc. etc.

it does, cheers

i'm slightly lost now, wondering how osm fits in to this. if wp users
can do it (i assume their legat team has looked through it?), why not

i guess it's ok, because they're using it for illustrative purposes
(fair use?), rather than as a basis for their content

ok, i'll keep looking and keep thinking. thanks

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] administrative boundaries and is_in

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
On 10/01/2008, Michael Collinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >which seems counter-intuitive, not to mention requiring huge amounts
> >of work. do we set this for every item - roads, churches,
> >supermarkets,thousands of other items?
> >is there anything underway to enable OSM to calculate where an object
> >is, based upon knowledge of administrative boundaries - after all,
> >they are only a polygon-shaped bounding box?
> Yes, sort of.  But the other way around, I am working on deriving
> administrative boundaries from "is_in" and "place" tags. *If* it
> works, the answer to your main question would be to randomly use
> is_in tags on low level items such as roads and churches and let the
> computer work out a boundary around them.  I should be able to report
> back in February.

sorry mike, i'm sure you've put a lot of work in, but that sounds even
more backwards, and very difficult to control well - i foresee a lot
of fudging to make it work in a lot of areas.

the boundary data should be relatively easy to come by, and require a
*lot* less points to be drawn/edited, than your method. plus, your
method is never going to be one hundred percent perfect. for example,
what happens in areas of open country side, with no POIs to mark, when
the boundary changes direction - something that will happen a lot?
and what when a place is in two administrative boundaries? there are
fairly major cities that straddle for instance state lines in the US.
i think arkansas may be one?

but i guess itches should be scratchedsomething will doubtless
come from this, whether unintended or not. ok, it'll be interesting to
see your results

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] proposal approved - artwork

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
after two weeks of voting, this has been approved, with 8 yes votes,
and 0 no votes

it has been moved to approved features and map features


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting open - australian rules football

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been discussed for several months now, with no unanswered issues

voting is now open, please note the change to the tag name

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting closed, proposal rejected - incline

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
this proposal hs been open for voting for 6 months, and has 6 yes
votes and 2 no votes

it has been moved to the rejected features page

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting open - battlefield

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been proposed for two months now, with no objections

voting is now open


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] new proposal - handball

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
a new proposal

comments and opinions please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting open - museum

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
this proposal is for two things: a new tag, tourism=museum and the
deprecation of the old tag, historic=museum

voting is now open


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting open - turning_circle

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
after 8+ months of discussion, voting is now open


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting closed, proposal approved - tram_stop

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
voting has now closed for this proposal, it has been approved, with 20
yes votes, and 1 no vote

it will be moved to the approved features and map features pages


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] RFC - dog off leash area

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
this is a month old now, with very little opinion/discussion

could i get some opinions and suggestions added please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] auto drawing island country borders (was Re: administrative boundaries and is_in)

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
On 11/01/2008, Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - There's no reason why you can't stick an admin boundary on a
> natural=coastline way.

sounds good

the idea of tracing over an existing boundary is not something that
particularly appeals to me though, and as it's been done once, does it
need to be done again:

are there any tools for automating this? for aus, it would be great
for instance to define a bounding box, containing the whole country,
then run some simple commend to 'double up' the coastline ways, to
create the country border

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Highway and Ralyway - tram_stops and the like

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
On 11/01/2008, Lester Caine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> > it will be moved to the approved features and map features pages
> Should it be used for the stops on the track of a bus_guideway ;)
> I do think that taking a lot of these features in isolation is missing the
> whole picture.
> Add the rich diversity world wide and things become even more complex.

totally right, absolutely.

this has been at the back of my mind for some time now. my gut feeling
about it, is to create the tags the way we are doing now, in
isolation, using the current top-level tags (they are quite
inconsistent and overlap lots, IMO)

at the moment we are seeing a rapid rise in the number of tags
proposed/accepted, and this is going to continue for some months,
after which it will decrease, signifying we have created the vast
majority (we will never fully complete, there will always be something

at this point, we will have a far better, more-rounded picture of what
is happening with tags, how they could be improved, etc.:
does namespacing need to be seriously considered?
should we have such a shallow depth of tags, or a more nested approach?
should railways and highways be joined into one category (this would
remove a lot of arguments.)?
do we need to look at how we define permission son highways?
and many more

at this point, i can see the tag system undergoing a major overhaul

i think trying to make changes like you are suggesting while we are
going through such a period of rapid change, would be a mistake

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] administrative boundaries and is_in

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
On 11/01/2008, Lukasz Stelmach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> What is more important to me, and this is question for all who know,
> >> how to cope boundaries *between* two areas, like administrative
> >> ones? How to cope with boundaries of different administrative
> >> levels? If a line is a boundary between communes it is also a
> >> boundry of respective provinces.
> >
> > Not necessarily - it could be at the moment, or it could not be. There
> > are examples (in the UK at least) of overlaps.
> Do you mean that a commune (the lowest level of self government) can
> be part of more than one unit of each of higher levels? Like this?

yes. some examples:

Franklin district in new zealand lies partly in auckland region,
partly in waikato region

i think turkey lies partly in europe, partly in asia?

the kansas city metro area lies in missouri and kansas (US)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Highway and Ralyway - tram_stops and the like

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
On 11/01/2008, David Earl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think a lot of the discussions we end up having are because we are
> forced to put a feature into a sometimes arbitrary or not-quite-right
> category.

very true, they are poorly selected, but they were based on what was
known at he time - i.e. very little. OSM is still very young, but it
is very easy to make en masse changes as we learn.
some tags are form-based (physical characteristics), some use-based
(conceptual characteristics), which is inconsistent, they all need to
be one or another or we get overlaps. this is one of the first changes
i have been considering proposing, but i think we should wait till
more tags are developed until we do anything

> But why do we need a category at all? Might it not be better to simply
> say "this is a tram stop and these are its properties".
> Instead of
>highway=primary, ref=A1303, name=High Street
> we'd say
>primary_road(ref=A1303, name=High Street)
> [note: please don't think I'm proposing a syntax here, I'm just
> illustrating the concept - a concept which is not uncommon]

categories make it very easy to select a wide group of items based on
their properties. for highways it would be fairly trivial to select
'primary_road', 'secondary_road'. etc. in a multi-select, but some
categories - shop - will have hundreds of sub-types.

this enables others to very easily make custom maps, only showing the
data they want, by quickly hiding other information

> And instead of pointlessly arguing over whether a museum is tourist or
> historic (a current proposal to change one to the other was circulated
> earlier), it would simply be
>museum(name=Science Museum)

if you have any arguments against a proposal, please join in the
discussion - everyone's opinion is considered

> A tram stop is just a tram stop. A bus_guideway is just that, there's no
> need to argue the nuances of whether it is a railway-like feature or a
> highway-like feature - it doesn't then matter.

no. this is one area where current maps fall down. what we are doing
enables very easy processing of a lot of tags/groups of tags and to
produce complex queries very quickly

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] voting open - museum

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
On 11/01/2008, Tony Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> I was going to comment on the page, but it seems like a wider issue. Why
> are some things like this only for nodes, and others for areas?

generally because people don't think of it when they're proposing, and
because a lot of discussions get very little attention, so no-one
notices. if you think it needs changing, put it forward.

it is a wiki, everyone is responsible for what goes on - you're as
important and as likely to be listened to as the next person.

> Currently a museum is only a node and I'm not sure why - they're often
> quite big, taking the space of at least a block or two.

i agree

> For a rather bizarre example, an intact castle is only a node, but the
> ruins of a castle can be an area.

yes. there are dozens of inconsistencies in the tags, but the tag
system is still in it's infancy, we're making it up as we go along and
writing the guidelines day-by-day.

problem is, there are very few people managing the tag proposals
system and they don't have time/the
inclination/wherewithal/inspiration/experience/whatever for writing
guidelines/creating templates. more bodies is always good

> Is there previous discussion on this somewhere? Would it not make sense
> to allow all amenity / shop / tourism / historic etc to be areas unless
> specifically decided otherwise?

there aren't any templates for proposals, it would be very useful if
someone made some updo you want to do it?

if you want to go through the proposals page and suggest changes, that
would be great

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] RFC - checkpoint

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been on the proposals page for 8 months now, with very little
attention paid to it

a request for comments and opinions, please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] proposal templates

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
further to my previous post about editing the wiki, are there any
mediawiki gurus here?

a set of templates (or even one!) for proposals would save a lot of
time, does anyone feel like volunteering to create one? hopefully,
this would give some guidelines for people when proposing tags, and
save a lot of time currently wasted on cleanups

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] administrative boundaries and is_in

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
On 11/01/2008, Lukasz Stelmach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robin Paulson wrote:
> > On 11/01/2008, Lukasz Stelmach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Do you mean that a commune (the lowest level of self government) can
> >> be part of more than one unit of each of higher levels? Like this?
> >
> > yes. some examples:
> >
> > Franklin district in new zealand lies partly in auckland region,
> > partly in waikato region
> Are those regions admistrative units? I've never been to New Zeland,
> it's the other end of the world for me ;)

yes. i'm not well up on it, maybe franklin is entirely governed by the
ARC (auckland regional council) for simplicity's sake? OTOH,
government is rarely logical

> > i think turkey lies partly in europe, partly in asia?
> Bad example ;-) We there are no comtinental governments, yet.
> Spealing about administrative boundaries.

ok, but we still need to distinguish between the two. i think i've
lost sight of where this discussion was going.

> > the kansas city metro area lies in missouri and kansas (US)
> Ok, how about its administration. To which governor must a mayor of
> kansas city suck up? I'm pretty sure that not to both. Maybe the
> "metro area" has som independence? Then I would draw it like this.

yes, that may be true, but still boundaries at a high level do not
have to coincide with boundaries at a low level. i think that was
where this all started

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] proposal templates

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
On 11/01/2008, Tony Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Unless I'm misunderstanding what we need here, Mediawiki Templates
> aren't quite what we want: we want something more akin to Templates in
> Word, where you 'clone' the template and then edit it to what you want.
> Mediawiki templates require passing in arguments to the call to them,
> which isn't really suitable for large clumps of text.
> We might be better installing one of these:
> These would allow us to create a little 'form' that people can type into
> when proposing a feature, that will then create the relevant wiki page.

as you can see, i'm not a mediawiki gurui probably got the
terminology wrong, yes i was using templates in it's more generic

i guess that means contacting the wiki admins to get them installed?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] I've removed historic=icon from map features

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
On 11/01/2008, Ulf Lamping <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> After - I think - three questions over the last months about
> historic=icon on this list - with no real response - I just removed it
> from the map features page.
> If some one comes up with a good explanation what this is we might put
> it back later, but in the meantime this was only confusing ...

no complaints here, it was very out of place

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] I've removed historic=icon from map features

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
On 11/01/2008, Tony Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ulf Lamping wrote:
> > After - I think - three questions over the last months about
> > historic=icon on this list - with no real response - I just removed it
> > from the map features page.
> > If some one comes up with a good explanation what this is we might put
> > it back later, but in the meantime this was only confusing ...
> Was my explanation not valid?

it was valid, but they're not really map-worthy. if we go down that
route, where do we stop? every painting?

for example, we would not map the crown jewels, but would map the
tower of london (i think...), which contains them. ditto the Mona Lisa
and the Louvre, and others. map the building/location it's in, not the

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] proposal templates

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
On 11/01/2008, Gerald A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 11/01/2008, Tony Bowden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Mediawiki templates require passing in arguments to the call to them,
> > > which isn't really suitable for large clumps of text.
> I'm not a template guru, but there are ways to create a template that will
> automatically populate on creation.
> Maybe if Robin could give us a rundown on how he'd like it to work, I will
> take a stab at tracking down the way to get that to happen. you've got me.

i've created a page on the wiki and added a few sparse notes, maybe we
should move the discussion there. i'm sure others will have good ideas
as to how we should do this (if at all)

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] RFC - model aerodrome

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
this proposal has been languishing for 2+ months now, with little discussion

please could i get some comments


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting open - ship

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
this proposal has no unanswered objections

voting is now open


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] RFC - deletion of football tag

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
this tag has now been superseded by gridiron, rugby league, soccer, etc.

in the interests of doing things properly, i've created a proposal for
deletion, similar to how we handle proposals for creation of tags.

i'd rather not get into making unilateral decisions, only for someone
next week to say "where's the football tag gone?", and re-create it

comments please


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] administrative boundaries and is_in

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
On 11/01/2008, Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> - The border of a country is not the coastline, but (at the very
> least) 12 nautical miles from the coastline and in some places, much
> further than that.

ok, let's say i wanted to use this as a basis for drawing the national
boundary for a country. i appreciate that part of the border will be
more than 12nm away from the coast (depending on the depth of the
ocean floor, yes?), but it's a good start

does some enterprising coder want to come up with a way of
automagically drawing the border at a 12nm offset to the coastline?
anywhere that the border is different, i would be happy to edit it
manually, if a large part of it was being done by programmatic means

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] RFC - lock

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
this has been a proposal for 13 months, with very little comment

a request for some more opinions please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] tidied proposal/RFC - waterfall

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
i did a bit of work tidying this up, although it's basically sound as
far as i can see - should be pretty straightforward

comments and opinions please


talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] RFC - lake

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
is there any reason why this proposal has so many opposers?

it seems a logical one to me, we need to differentiate between lakes
and rivers, canals, etc.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] voting closed, proposal approved - dam

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
voting has now closed on waterway=dam, with 14 approve votes, and no
object votes

it has been moved to the approved features page


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] voting closed, proposal approved - dam

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
On 11/01/2008, Ulf Lamping <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Robin Paulson schrieb:
> > voting has now closed on waterway=dam, with 14 approve votes, and no
> > object votes
> >
> >
> >
> > it has been moved to the approved features page
> >
> >
> Is there a reason that you've not added it to the map features page - or
> am I just too blind to see?

lame answer i'm afraid: i tried adding one a few days ago, got a in a
hideous mess, table all mangled and everything, took me ages to sort
and i didn't really know how i did it. since then, i've been relying
on one user who seems to be reading my 'proposal accpeted' mails and
adding them to map features for me, can't remember the name, but they
seem better acquainted with mediawiki than me - i hate tables, they're
very clumsy IMO. i should really learn i know... i'll give it a go in
a bit, unless you want to do it?

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] new proposal - reservoir

2008-01-10 Thread Robin Paulson
in a bid to keep things consistent, i've created a new proposal for
waterway=reservoir, and suggest deprecating landuse=reservoir

comments and opinions please


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] RFC - lake

2008-01-11 Thread Robin Paulson
On 11/01/2008, Michael Collinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> >
> >it seems a logical one to me, we need to differentiate between lakes
> >and rivers, canals, etc.
> Yes, probably logical if we started from scratch but today it exactly

totally, i realise the tagging system has evolved very quickly form
nothing, it's bound to change over time as we learn new things. my
tone was probably wrong, that is itself a good reason why the tag was

> duplicates natural=water which is very, very widely used - 9421 times

no problem, they can all be changed very simply i should think.

> according to the Statistics link
>, though I suspect
> that is out of date.  There is also natural=coastline, so there is
> another logic too.

that is actually pretty logical (for practical reasons) - the
alternative would be one area comprising 99% of the world's oceans.
using a boundary instead, greatly simplifies things, plus the creation
of new oceans/seas is highly unlikely, so once it's done, it's done.
on the other hand, new lakes/reservoirs/etc. are a lot more likely, so
we need a consistent scheme for adding them. i'm sure there are other
good reasons, too

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] maritime borders (was: administrative boundaries and is_in)

2008-01-12 Thread Robin Paulson
On 12/01/2008, Igor Brejc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Just as a curiosity: 12 NM was chosen because it it the farthest point a
> person can see from the shore (due to Earth's roundness). Or something
> like that :)

according to wp, it was the range of a cannon in 14th c or something

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