Re: [OSM-talk] Ground truth for non-physical objects

2018-12-11 Thread Victor Shcherb
I think, the problem that rule says "on-the-ground" and if it doesn't mean
on-the-ground and people *cannot find it, * for example there is no sign at
all like houses missing the number plate or abandonned houses or forest /
national park divisions.

Indeed, mail address is one of the possibility to check but they are not
consistent. Sending 2 emails to correct-like address could give
contradicting results easily because they are human processed.

There is no need to discredit the rule, especially where it couldn't
applied, there is a need to enhance the rule for a non-physical objects
which are mostly driven by documents. And OSM was always fine to accept
these imports driven by municipality documents.

On Tue, 11 Dec 2018 at 12:28, Jochen Topf  wrote:

> On Tue, Dec 11, 2018 at 01:08:35PM +0200, Tomas Straupis wrote:
> >   I had an actual situation 5 or so years ago when an address was
> > mapped in Vilnius. Address does not exist in official records. The
> > user sent me a picture of this house number. I contacted municipality
> > ant they explained that the sign is not an official one, it means
> > nothing, there is no such address.
> It seems you haven't understood the on-the-ground rule 5 years ago and
> you still haven't. For all intents and purposes there is such an
> address. Mail will arrive there, people can find the house when looking
> for it. It doesn't matter what the official record says. It doesn't
> matter whether the address should be there or not according to some
> authority. The address is there and it should be mapped that way. That
> is what on-the-ground rule means. It works in practice. It works well.
> And, yes, there are always corner cases. But that's no reason to
> discredit the rule.
> Jochen
> --
> Jochen Topf
> +49-351-31778688
> ___
> talk mailing list
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Re: [OSM-talk] Feature Proposal - RFC - Mapping disputed boundaries

2018-11-27 Thread Victor Shcherb
Hi All,
It might sound a bit critical but I believe the ways *without a role * in
admin_level=2 creates more confusion than bring value.
First of all, the biggest value of admin_level=2:
- to identify country as it is in UN
- to have name translated in different languages
- to have extra tags related to the country (probably spoken language or
some details like right/left hand driving)
- define further administrative structure *driven by local country

I like the idea that Ukraine has a proper admin subdivision for regions
defined by local OSM community and it has Crimea registered with role
"claimed" which is 1) indicative and 2) valuable

Ways on these relations could be misinterpreted  as 1) official boundaries
by UN 2) boundaries that are controlled and patrolled by official army 3)
boundaries "recognized" by OSMF 4) boundaries by constitution of the
country itself . And it creates a mess of interpretation and doesn't help

Another argument that ways of admin_level=2, these enormous relations are
mostly broken and create issues for editing/validating anyway. In theory
the users of admin_level boundaries could use the sum of further
administrative division and subselect proper roles.

So, I would suggest:
1) To get rid of non-role member ways from admin_level relation
2) But keep the ways themselves visible that will represent controlled

Best Regards,

On Tue, 27 Nov 2018 at 09:33, Roland Olbricht 

> Hi all,
> a much simpler approach is to look into the respective constitution.
> The Ukrainian constitution defines the state's territory in article 133.
> Other countries, like Germany do so as well, and Ireland does or has
> done so. France does not define its terriotry in the constitution, and
> the UK has AFAIK no constituation. Probably in both countires laws exist.
> Thus I suggest to create a relation comprising the regions mentioned in
> that said article. It should hold the various name tags and a distinct
> tag (not "boundary", "admin_level", or "source") to indicate that it is
> a boundary according to the consitution, e.g.
> "legitimation=constitution" (and "legitimation=national_law" if not
> declared by the constitution). Countries where the constitution
> conincides with the de-facto border can just get the tag.
> For Cyprus and Western Sahara, I have been unable to find the relevant
> documents. I'm cautiously optimistic that they can be modeled in the
> same way.
> Given that there is at most one constiution per country, that those are
> designed to change infrequently and most countries are expected to
> conincide, this allows to add no-nonsense data without opening a can of
> worms.
> Best regards,
> Roland
> ___
> talk mailing list
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Re: [OSM-talk] Distribution of OSM ids could be much more useful!

2018-11-25 Thread Victor Shcherb
Sorry messed up with interface, my reply was to Paul Norman but I didn't
get his message so replied to a wrong email.

I mentionned Permanent id because OSM anyway failed to implement it or
didn't want to have it with sequential id.

Best Regards,

On Sun, 25 Nov 2018 at 16:13, Tomas Straupis 

> Could you ealborate more on why you mention permanent id here? I see your
> idea, but do not understand how it is connected to permanent id problem.
> There were some tests done regarding permanent id in Lithuania, but those
> were regarding places of interest.
> If this has something in common, I could share some ideas and
> observations, so that they do not now go in vain. Maybe somebody would like
> to continue research, as this is quite an important thing to OSM.
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Re: [OSM-talk] Distribution of OSM ids could be much more useful!

2018-11-25 Thread Victor Shcherb
Yes, I threw the idea slightly unprepared to create a discussion. May be it
shouldn't be that revolutionary as using 30 bits for geo-location index but *16
bits *wouldn't change much.

As I see, we are talking *density vs geo-index.* I understand, your point
that most of (or some) software is built to optimize density but it should
be able to take advantage from geo-index as well.

> 33 bits of ids will mean 56-64-bit space for geo-index cache (wouldn't
fit operating memory)
As of today we are approaching 33 bits and we may never approach 36 bits.
Though to build a geolocation cache we need to associate each id at least
with its location i.e. int representing a tile. So we need to add to 33
bits - 30 or 32 bits and we end up around 64 bits, so it is almost
impossible to keep a geo index in the memory.
The operation of extraction is the most popular in OSM and there it could
benefit the most i.e. iterating over Way nodes you can immediately say if
it is valuable or not for your dataset which might fit the operating memory
well. By the second run you can combine the ways you are interested with
with the nodes.

> Z-curve locality
I don't see any problem with locality of Z-curve cause it would not be used
in any algorithm I see. The algorithm would build Z-tiles index which are
interested for data set extraction.

>Density issue, how many bits is the best to store
Of course, we could write an algorithm and find the best-ratio between
id-distribution and bits allocated for geo-index. I would try to speculate
with 16 bits.
If we take only 16 bits, the most dense area I would see as Munich and its
suburbs (8th tile zoom). As I see that tile takes around *60 MB in osm.pbf*.
And it brings roughly 5 000 000 - 10 000 000 ids and it is *23 extra bits. *So
we could safely assume that we will stay in *26 bits* and 16 + 26 = *42
bits *which falls under your assumption of dense software, I guess.

The most important to say that difference between 42 and 34 bits is not
huge for software at all cause there is always alignment by 8 bits.

BTW: I could imagine that working with Whole planet is different use case
where you need to maintain all global indexes and so on. Of course, by
taking extra work on OSM DB and OSM API, it should help a lot 3rd party
apps which don't process whole planet.

Best Regards,

On 25 Nov 2018 06:36:39 -0800, Paul Norman wrote

> It would be terrible for most software that I am aware of that can
> process the full planet. Current assumptions about density would be
> broken, vastly inflating memory usage and slowing down processing.
> The benefits aren't great as I see them. Using a z-order curve encoded
> in the first 30 bits will help cache locality, but like all z-order
> curves, it doesn't guarantee that two nearby places in 2d space have
> nearby places on the curve. This means that an implementation still
> needs to be able to search through the nodes for nearby ones.
> Two other problems come to mind. The first of these is implementation.
> IDs are a PostgreSQL bigserial, and to write something custom that
> assigns IDs based on location would be difficult as it would need to get
> MVCC right. The second is the number of bits. Some software is limited
> to 53-59 bits, and other to 63 bits. We're using about 75% of 33 bits
> right now.
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[OSM-talk] Distribution of OSM ids could be much more useful!

2018-11-25 Thread Victor Shcherb
Hi All,

As we know OSM id for nodes exceeded long time ago 2^32 and keep growing on
the other hand the ids itself are pretty useless because they don't
represent history good enough and also they couldn't implement principle of
Permanent ID (

I suggest to discuss geometrical value of OSM id per node. Of course there
is ongoing discussion to attach OSM nodes to ways, so the number of nodes
will decrease dramatically but that's a long-mid term strategy. Much easier
is to give some value to OSM ID.

PROPOSAL. Dedicate 30 bits of OSM ids to the quadrant of the Globe (per
square radiant) i.e. last *30 bits *of the ID could represent *15th zoom of
globe radiant tile *(not Mercatoor projection tiles).

What's useful.
1. Programs to import OSM could process it much faster cause id in the ways
could indicate where physically the way is located.
2. Programs that store IDs could store much more compressed i.e. OsmAnd
maps could benefit for storing maps in QuadTile structure and keep only
part of id attached to QuadTile
3. It is a step forward to compress the data and have formats for faster
processing and better storage.
4. Probably something more?

Why it is easy to implement.
- Doesn't require to change anything in the schema and in the tools
- Most likely doesn't require to change any editor cause the changes could
be postprocessed by the changeset commiter.
- *Backward compatible!* Old ids before the given number could stay the
same for a while.

Challenges / Objections.
- If you move a node from its original tile the history will be lost and id
will be changed (I doubt it is a strong objection cause information could
be partially / visually restored from changeset history).
- The uploading changeset from editor could differ from result changeset
stored in OSM API.

What do you think?

Best Regards,
talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] OSMF makes a political decision where should be a technical solution?

2018-11-22 Thread Victor Shcherb
Hi All,

I followed many topics for the last 3 days about the Ukraine/Crimea and I
would like to propose another look to all known issues.

First of all, I would like to thank everybody for staying calm and
considering all views for this *non-trivial* problem. Originally, I'm from
Belarus (former USSR) and currently I live for a long time in the
Netherlands, so I hope I can express my point of view objective but also
explaining the gist of the issue. Even though I'm leading OsmAnd mobile
development, I will speak solely from my perspective on this question.

*STATEMENT 1. *There is no ToTG principle for artificial objects such as
boundaries + Boundaries are always driven by one or another authorities.

*1.1 *To clarify that principle we can go the lowest level, city or suburb
boundaries. it is very clear that it is impossible to identify on the
ground whether city-suburb has ended and another has started.
*1.2 *Of course, we can clarify or build it that knowledge from milestone,
flags or fence. Though we have different Mapping for fence, milestone and *we
shouldn't mix it with country borders.* Following that principle, it will
be hard to build polygons cause we always could miss data in between or it
could be very incomplete from the Ground knowledge
*1.3 *Most of the data today is coming from authorities. Local
municipalities provide that public data, so admin_level of lower level
corresponds to
*1.4 *There is no ToTG to identify a country, unless you go and do a voting
on the special piece of terriritory. I think you can find lots of places
like Kurdistan where people would say that they belong to country that
doesn't exist or not listed in UN. Country is an entity that coexist with
other countries and other countries should acknowledge it and acknowledge
their borders (especially for neighbor countries).
*1.5 *Fence or any physically present object which could be verified by
ToTG doesn't make border legitimate and will be very likely removed from
admin_level relations doesn't matter if it looks or claimed by
non-authorized entity a special territory if it contradicts to 99.9%
perception of other mappers.

With this point I'm trying to say, that hiding a solution behind ToTG
principle we are raising even more questions than we had.

*STATEMENT** 2. *There is no right decision unless we clarify what exactly
data and how it should be organized.

*2.1 *Moving objects or making special statements about concrete objects
will drive to a mess. It is obvious that we better focus on Proposal and
clarify how to deal with data rather than changing the map itself.
*2.2 *Every mapper should be able to make the right decision himself
following the wiki documentation. If it is not possible than the
documentation or rules are not complete or not correct. We should not block
people that do mistakes in understanding whether their logic correct or not
especially if it is a significant number of people.

*STATEMENT** 3. *Any decision about current Relations in OSM will be
political and it will only evolve confrontation between local editing
groups. I believe OSMF should not take any political decisions in such

I truly believe that DWG/ OSMF didn't want to make any political decision
and only correct the data and make it consistent which makes perfect sense
from top level view unless you don't bother with the real situation itself.
Unfortunately it is not possible to solve political question and don't get
dragged into politics.
*3.1 *Hidden political decisions are bad. Why this decision is political?
First of all, there is a small politics involved anyway DWG is elected by
OSMF members and DWG made that decision. In case people are against it,
they can vote for different DWG group and next year the situation around it
will be changed again and again. The problem remains here anyway, what if
Ukrainian community to vote will be smaller than Russian or what if votes
can be based on various connections between people, so we'll get into a
minority problem.

*3.2 *THE WORST PART: We evolve confrontation between 2 big group of
mappers which were always welcome in OSM but as of today they read OSM
rules differently and the war of edits begins. In case we want to keep both
group of mappers because they INDIVIDUALLY support different regions, we
need to find a solution for both of parties.
In that case I would actually support idea of deleting all country
boundaries to avoid this question completely.

*3.3 *DWG/OSMF should minimize any political impact with all possible
technical solutions. I truly believe that this question could be solved
with proper tagging mechanism and even more it could be solved on the level
Google Maps solves it, by having different maps for locales UK_en.
Everything should be considered and estimated in order to minimize
reputation and diplomatic damage.

*STATEMENT** 4. *Decisions should be focused on providing the most value to
A) users/editors B) Applications -> to users in the