[Talk-cz] (no subject)

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Marián Kyral
tak jsem si do RSS čtečky přidal potenciálně podezřelé changesety ( http://
=10==%3E=10=d=n )

a hned na mne vyskočilo toto:


Z louky se stal park. Další pole smazal a udělal tam "Park u domu". V Týně 
nad Vltavou zakreslil "Park u vody". Na komentář k changesetu zatím 

Co si o tom myslíte?
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Rahvuspargid

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Jaak Laineste

Protseduuriliselt oleks õige teha wikileht, kus on impordi kohta kirjas 
allikas, litsentsitingimused ja siis plaanitud tehniline protseduur 
importimiseks, eelkõige uus tagging. Seal saab ka koguda laiemat arvamust 
tag-ide kohta. See võib olla eesti keeles tegelikult isegi.

Kui seal korras, siis imports-listi teavitada ja kui keegi blokki ei pane siis 
teha .osm failid, need üle vaadata (tagging jällegi, ja konflatsioon 
olemasolevate andmetega) ja kui ok siis ettevaatlikult uploadida.

Charset läks mul korda kui tegin export SHAPE_ENCODING="ISO-8859-1"


> On 11 Jan 2017, at 09:07, Teet Koitjärv  wrote:
> Hoiualad on üks kiht, kuid kaitsealad hoopis eraldi kiht registris.
> Teet Koitjärv
> Mihkel Oviir > 
> kirjoitti 11. jaan 2017 kello 8:38:
>> Jah, ma laadisingi Keskkonnaregistrist hoiualad alla SHP kujul. Võimalik, et 
>> peaks otse küsima, sest allalaetud failil on ilmselged tähekodeeringu 
>> probleemid. Lisaks vajab see fail ka puhastamist, ilmselt kõike ei ole mõtet 
>> importida? Näiteks Mukri soo hoiuala ja maastikukaitseala kattuvad oma 80% 
>> ulatuses. SHP:
>> https://www.dropbox.com/s/mwur3stkjrcqyik/shape_47a5fc4c-9205-4236-8c1d-908c827ed11c.zip?dl=0
>> terv,
>> mihkel
>> 11. jaanuar 2017 01:47 kirjutas Teet Koitjärv > >:
>> Tere.
>> Kõikide kaitsealade andmed on tegelikult digikujul EELIS-es 
>> (Keskkonnaregister – Eesti looduse infosüsteem) olemas. Sel teemal tasuks 
>> suhelda Keskkonnaagentuuri Eluslooduseosakonnaga 
>> (http://keskkonnaagentuur.ee/et/kontaktid 
>> ).
>> Tervitades
>> Teet Koitjärv
>>   <>
>> From: Jaak Laineste [mailto:j...@nutiteq.com ] 
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:50 PM
>> To: OpenStreetMap Estonia > >
>> Subject: Re: [Talk-ee] Rahvuspargid
>> Käsitsi neid ei kaardista, seega kuni ruumi-avaandmete x-teed pole leiutatud 
>> ja realiseeritud, siis ei jää tõesti muud üle kui andmed ümber tõsta.
>> Kui piirjooned saab kokku viia (seal vist rannajoont peaks korduvkasutama?), 
>> ja kontrollida kas mõni pole juhtumisi juba olemas, siis ma pole vastu.
>> Jaak
>> On 10 Jan 2017, at 18:45, Mihkel Oviir > > wrote:
>> Tõstaks teema üles uuesti. Kes on poolt, et looduskaitsealad võiks 
>> massimpordiga ära lahendada? Nokin Eidapere ümbrust ja laadisin 
>> keskkonnaregistrist hoiualade andmed alla (bljää, küll andis otsida, kuidas 
>> saaks looduskaitse andmeid andmetena kätte), aga tundus ikkagi kuidagi 
>> mõtetu see käsitsi ühekaupa sisestamine.
>> terv,
>> Mihkel
>> Muidu näeb selline välja:
>> 1. september 2016 15:38 kirjutas Mihkel Oviir > >:
>> Kas administratiivse(ma)te piiridega ei saaks kasutada olemasolevaid andmeid 
>> ja mass-importi? Igasugune käsitsi külapiiride nikerdamine on asi, mis on 
>> mulle küll vastukarva, sest see viib kiirelt väärandmeteni. Sama ka 
>> looduskaitsealadega.
>> Mihkel
>> 1. september 2016 15:29 kirjutas Jaak Laineste > >:
>> Piinlik lugu soode, rabade ja looduskaitsealade maal Eestis: siin on OSM-i 
>> kohaselt vaid üks rahvuspark! Viktoriini küsimus: milline?
>> Ja tõsisem küsimus: kas ülejäänud on kuhugi kadunud, või pole olnudki? Ja 
>> kes parandab selle vea?
>> Jaak
>> ___
>> Talk-ee mailing list
>> Talk-ee@openstreetmap.org 
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ee 
>> ___
>> Talk-ee mailing list
>> Talk-ee@openstreetmap.org 
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ee 
>> ___
>> Talk-ee mailing list
>> Talk-ee@openstreetmap.org 
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ee 
>> ___
>> Talk-ee mailing list
>> Talk-ee@openstreetmap.org 
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ee 

Re: [Talk-ee] Rahvuspargid

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Teet Koitjärv
Hoiualad on üks kiht, kuid kaitsealad hoopis eraldi kiht registris.

Teet Koitjärv

> Mihkel Oviir  kirjoitti 11. jaan 2017 kello 8:38:
> Jah, ma laadisingi Keskkonnaregistrist hoiualad alla SHP kujul. Võimalik, et 
> peaks otse küsima, sest allalaetud failil on ilmselged tähekodeeringu 
> probleemid. Lisaks vajab see fail ka puhastamist, ilmselt kõike ei ole mõtet 
> importida? Näiteks Mukri soo hoiuala ja maastikukaitseala kattuvad oma 80% 
> ulatuses. SHP:
> https://www.dropbox.com/s/mwur3stkjrcqyik/shape_47a5fc4c-9205-4236-8c1d-908c827ed11c.zip?dl=0
> terv,
> mihkel
> 11. jaanuar 2017 01:47 kirjutas Teet Koitjärv :
>> Tere.
>> Kõikide kaitsealade andmed on tegelikult digikujul EELIS-es 
>> (Keskkonnaregister – Eesti looduse infosüsteem) olemas. Sel teemal tasuks 
>> suhelda Keskkonnaagentuuri Eluslooduseosakonnaga 
>> (http://keskkonnaagentuur.ee/et/kontaktid).
>> Tervitades
>> Teet Koitjärv
>> From: Jaak Laineste [mailto:j...@nutiteq.com] 
>> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:50 PM
>> To: OpenStreetMap Estonia 
>> Subject: Re: [Talk-ee] Rahvuspargid
>> Käsitsi neid ei kaardista, seega kuni ruumi-avaandmete x-teed pole leiutatud 
>> ja realiseeritud, siis ei jää tõesti muud üle kui andmed ümber tõsta.
>> Kui piirjooned saab kokku viia (seal vist rannajoont peaks korduvkasutama?), 
>> ja kontrollida kas mõni pole juhtumisi juba olemas, siis ma pole vastu.
>> Jaak
>> On 10 Jan 2017, at 18:45, Mihkel Oviir  wrote:
>> Tõstaks teema üles uuesti. Kes on poolt, et looduskaitsealad võiks 
>> massimpordiga ära lahendada? Nokin Eidapere ümbrust ja laadisin 
>> keskkonnaregistrist hoiualade andmed alla (bljää, küll andis otsida, kuidas 
>> saaks looduskaitse andmeid andmetena kätte), aga tundus ikkagi kuidagi 
>> mõtetu see käsitsi ühekaupa sisestamine.
>> terv,
>> Mihkel
>> Muidu näeb selline välja:
>> 1. september 2016 15:38 kirjutas Mihkel Oviir :
>> Kas administratiivse(ma)te piiridega ei saaks kasutada olemasolevaid andmeid 
>> ja mass-importi? Igasugune käsitsi külapiiride nikerdamine on asi, mis on 
>> mulle küll vastukarva, sest see viib kiirelt väärandmeteni. Sama ka 
>> looduskaitsealadega.
>> Mihkel
>> 1. september 2016 15:29 kirjutas Jaak Laineste :
>> Piinlik lugu soode, rabade ja looduskaitsealade maal Eestis: siin on OSM-i 
>> kohaselt vaid üks rahvuspark! Viktoriini küsimus: milline?
>> Ja tõsisem küsimus: kas ülejäänud on kuhugi kadunud, või pole olnudki? Ja 
>> kes parandab selle vea?
>> Jaak
>> ___
>> Talk-ee mailing list
>> Talk-ee@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ee
>> ___
>> Talk-ee mailing list
>> Talk-ee@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ee
>> ___
>> Talk-ee mailing list
>> Talk-ee@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ee
> ___
> Talk-ee mailing list
> Talk-ee@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ee
Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Peter Paul

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Peter Barth

Stefan Tauner schrieb:
> Frederick, kannst du da bitte was machen, das wird langweilig. :)

Ich heiß zwar nicht Frederi[c]k, hab ihn trotzdem mal einen 0 Stunden
Block verpasst:

Viele Grüße,

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Rahvuspargid

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Mihkel Oviir
Jah, ma laadisingi Keskkonnaregistrist hoiualad alla SHP kujul. Võimalik,
et peaks otse küsima, sest allalaetud failil on ilmselged tähekodeeringu
probleemid. Lisaks vajab see fail ka puhastamist, ilmselt kõike ei ole
mõtet importida? Näiteks Mukri soo hoiuala ja maastikukaitseala kattuvad
oma 80% ulatuses. SHP:



11. jaanuar 2017 01:47 kirjutas Teet Koitjärv :

> Tere.
> Kõikide kaitsealade andmed on tegelikult digikujul EELIS-es
> (Keskkonnaregister – Eesti looduse infosüsteem) olemas. Sel teemal tasuks
> suhelda Keskkonnaagentuuri Eluslooduseosakonnaga (
> http://keskkonnaagentuur.ee/et/kontaktid).
> Tervitades
> Teet Koitjärv
> *From:* Jaak Laineste [mailto:j...@nutiteq.com]
> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:50 PM
> *To:* OpenStreetMap Estonia 
> *Subject:* Re: [Talk-ee] Rahvuspargid
> Käsitsi neid ei kaardista, seega kuni ruumi-avaandmete x-teed pole
> leiutatud ja realiseeritud, siis ei jää tõesti muud üle kui andmed ümber
> tõsta.
> Kui piirjooned saab kokku viia (seal vist rannajoont peaks
> korduvkasutama?), ja kontrollida kas mõni pole juhtumisi juba olemas, siis
> ma pole vastu.
> Jaak
> On 10 Jan 2017, at 18:45, Mihkel Oviir  wrote:
> Tõstaks teema üles uuesti. Kes on poolt, et looduskaitsealad võiks
> massimpordiga ära lahendada? Nokin Eidapere ümbrust ja laadisin
> keskkonnaregistrist hoiualade andmed alla (bljää, küll andis otsida, kuidas
> saaks looduskaitse andmeid andmetena kätte), aga tundus ikkagi kuidagi
> mõtetu see käsitsi ühekaupa sisestamine.
> terv,
> Mihkel
> Muidu näeb selline välja:
> 1. september 2016 15:38 kirjutas Mihkel Oviir :
> Kas administratiivse(ma)te piiridega ei saaks kasutada olemasolevaid
> andmeid ja mass-importi? Igasugune käsitsi külapiiride nikerdamine on asi,
> mis on mulle küll vastukarva, sest see viib kiirelt väärandmeteni. Sama ka
> looduskaitsealadega.
> Mihkel
> 1. september 2016 15:29 kirjutas Jaak Laineste :
> Piinlik lugu soode, rabade ja looduskaitsealade maal Eestis: siin on OSM-i
> kohaselt vaid üks rahvuspark! Viktoriini küsimus: milline?
> Ja tõsisem küsimus: kas ülejäänud on kuhugi kadunud, või pole olnudki? Ja
> kes parandab selle vea?
> Jaak
> ___
> Talk-ee mailing list
> Talk-ee@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ee
> ___
> Talk-ee mailing list
> Talk-ee@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ee
> ___
> Talk-ee mailing list
> Talk-ee@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-ee
Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Geometrie budov s podloubím a RUIAN, jak zmapovat správně

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Janda Martin
Mysleno tim bylo stare rucni mapovani budov (2012 - 2014) podle Bingu. 
Priklad takove oblasti byl kolem silnice c. 102 ze Stechovic nahoru do kopce. 
kdy je velky rozdil vysek. Orotofoto z Bingu nebylo korikovano podle nadmorske 
Vzniklo tak posunuti domu na druhou stranu silnice, 

Momentalne nemam dalsi podobny pripad. Pokud na nej narazim rovnou provadim 
pretrasovani a nevedu si seznamy. 
Pokud Vas to bude nadale zajimat mohu jej tady pripadne zverejnit. 

Vyskyt prekryvajicich se budov a artefaktu (rovna zed prerusena vybezkem ve 
tvaru trojuhelniku - nevim jak toto muze vzniknout) v nich je beznejsi. Nasel 
jsem i rucni rozdeleni parcel v obci ktere se tez prekryvalo. 



From: "Jan Macura"  
To: "OpenStreetMap Czech Republic"  
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:16:12 PM 
Subject: Re: [Talk-cz] Geometrie budov s podloubím a RUIAN, jak zmapovat 


2017-01-10 10:28 GMT+01:00 Janda Martin < jan...@crcdata.cz > : 

* soucasny stav: nektere budovy jsou posunute az o stovky metru, chybi 

co je tím myšleno? 


Talk-cz mailing list 
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] Peter Paul

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Stefan Tauner
On Thu, 5 Jan 2017 20:49:49 +0100
Stefan Tauner  wrote:

> He did it again...
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/44929255

And again... http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/45049991
Frederick, kannst du da bitte was machen, das wird langweilig. :)

Kind regards/Mit freundlichen Grüßen, Stefan Tauner

Talk-at mailing list

Re: [talk-au] How to label illegal tracks?

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Andrew Davidson

Here's the thread from the last time this was discussed:


Tracks are supposed to be usable by two-track vehicles:


so they should be downgraded to path.

Access=discouraged is probably the way to go:


On 11/1/17 15:46, Eon4wd wrote:


This is my first time so not exactly sure of protocols and procedures.

I have been out mapping in my area by survey.

I have particular interest in 4wd tracks and bush camping access.

I have some questions that I am not sure how to handle

There are a number of tracks marked in bushland. I assume most by people
looking at Bing.

I am not sure how to reference or if there is an id system but one example
is at the following lat and long



Most tracks in this area, as labelled 'highway=track' in OSM, are formed by
motor bikes and are only suitable for motorbikes.

There are signs up saying that all vehicles must keep to formed roads. If a
motor bike was caught by police on these tracks they would be fined.

Cars can not fit on these tracks. They could be used by mountain bikes or
walkers but not very suitable for either as the motorbikes have created the
track because of the challenge ie over a disused mullock heap from an
abandoned mine.

As I see it, these should not be listed as a track. But do I delete them? Or
label them as something else?

Thanks for your help.


Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] How to label illegal tracks?

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden forster


A similar issue was discussed in  

The question was whether to map illegally constructed mountain bike  
paths. The consensus was to allow mapping of whatever exists on the  
ground regardless of its legality. They can be tagged as closed but  
this makes little difference to how they are rendered.



This is my first time so not exactly sure of protocols and procedures.

I have been out mapping in my area by survey.

I have particular interest in 4wd tracks and bush camping access.

I have some questions that I am not sure how to handle

There are a number of tracks marked in bushland. I assume most by people
looking at Bing.

I am not sure how to reference or if there is an id system but one example
is at the following lat and long



Most tracks in this area, as labelled 'highway=track' in OSM, are formed by
motor bikes and are only suitable for motorbikes.

There are signs up saying that all vehicles must keep to formed roads. If a
motor bike was caught by police on these tracks they would be fined.

Cars can not fit on these tracks. They could be used by mountain bikes or
walkers but not very suitable for either as the motorbikes have created the
track because of the challenge ie over a disused mullock heap from an
abandoned mine.

As I see it, these should not be listed as a track. But do I delete them? Or
label them as something else?

Thanks for your help.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] How to label illegal tracks?

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Warin

On 11-Jan-17 03:46 PM, Eon4wd wrote:


This is my first time so not exactly sure of protocols and procedures.

I have been out mapping in my area by survey.

I have particular interest in 4wd tracks and bush camping access.

I have some questions that I am not sure how to handle

There are a number of tracks marked in bushland. I assume most by 
people looking at Bing.

I am not sure how to reference or if there is an id system but one 
example is at the following lat and long



Looks like way 319202537 
changeset 27746285 .. 
source Mapbox;OpenStreetMap GPS traces;Local GPX

see https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/27746285

The courteous thing to do is to contact the mapper ... you do that best 
through the above changeset.

Give it 2 weeks for a response, they may no longer be active. No 
response .. then you have to consider what to do by yourself.

Most tracks in this area, as labelled ‘highway=track’ in OSM, are 
formed by motor bikes and are only suitable for motorbikes.

There are signs up saying that all vehicles must keep to formed roads. 
If a motor bike was caught by police on these tracks they would be fined.

The argument could be that these tracks were formed before the sign went 

Cars can not fit on these tracks. They could be used by mountain bikes 
or walkers but not very suitable for either as the motorbikes have 
created the track because of the challenge ie over a disused mullock 
heap from an abandoned mine.

As I see it, these should not be listed as a track. But do I delete 
them? Or label them as something else?

If they are not wide enough for a small 4WD then they are not 'track' 
width .. path could be a good tag.

The OSM wiki can be helpful from time to time. 

I would have no problem with a path that allows, or is used by 
motorcycles ... fairly common in other parts of the world too (Asia, 
Africa for two).

The access tag can also be applied.

Who is responsible for the area? Should be on a sign ... possibly the 
one saying vehicles must be kept to a formed road.  I'd contact them for 
their take on these trails.

access=no bans all .. including walkers. motorcycle=no only bands 
motorcycle. motor_vehicle=no bans motor vehicles - including motorcycles.

I deleted stuff in my early days ... don't do it. I was going back and 
re adding much of it afterwards!

Much better it to change the tag..

nonexistant:*=* will result in it disappearing from the rendered maps 
... but it will still be in the data base so it can easily be recovered.

You might consider adding surface=   ?unpaved or more specific if 
consistent along the length soil? rock?

Good Luck.

Talk-au mailing list

[talk-au] How to label illegal tracks?

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Eon4wd

This is my first time so not exactly sure of protocols and procedures.


I have been out mapping in my area by survey.

I have particular interest in 4wd tracks and bush camping access.

I have some questions that I am not sure how to handle

There are a number of tracks marked in bushland. I assume most by people
looking at Bing.

I am not sure how to reference or if there is an id system but one example
is at the following lat and long




Most tracks in this area, as labelled 'highway=track' in OSM, are formed by
motor bikes and are only suitable for motorbikes.

There are signs up saying that all vehicles must keep to formed roads. If a
motor bike was caught by police on these tracks they would be fined.

Cars can not fit on these tracks. They could be used by mountain bikes or
walkers but not very suitable for either as the motorbikes have created the
track because of the challenge ie over a disused mullock heap from an
abandoned mine.


As I see it, these should not be listed as a track. But do I delete them? Or
label them as something else?


Thanks for your help.


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Rahvuspargid

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Teet Koitjärv

Kõikide kaitsealade andmed on tegelikult digikujul EELIS-es (Keskkonnaregister 
– Eesti looduse infosüsteem) olemas. Sel teemal tasuks suhelda 
Keskkonnaagentuuri Eluslooduseosakonnaga 


Teet Koitjärv

From: Jaak Laineste [mailto:j...@nutiteq.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2017 9:50 PM
To: OpenStreetMap Estonia 
Subject: Re: [Talk-ee] Rahvuspargid

Käsitsi neid ei kaardista, seega kuni ruumi-avaandmete x-teed pole leiutatud ja 
realiseeritud, siis ei jää tõesti muud üle kui andmed ümber tõsta.

Kui piirjooned saab kokku viia (seal vist rannajoont peaks korduvkasutama?), ja 
kontrollida kas mõni pole juhtumisi juba olemas, siis ma pole vastu.


On 10 Jan 2017, at 18:45, Mihkel Oviir 
> wrote:

Tõstaks teema üles uuesti. Kes on poolt, et looduskaitsealad võiks 
massimpordiga ära lahendada? Nokin Eidapere ümbrust ja laadisin 
keskkonnaregistrist hoiualade andmed alla (bljää, küll andis otsida, kuidas 
saaks looduskaitse andmeid andmetena kätte), aga tundus ikkagi kuidagi mõtetu 
see käsitsi ühekaupa sisestamine.


Muidu näeb selline välja:


1. september 2016 15:38 kirjutas Mihkel Oviir 
Kas administratiivse(ma)te piiridega ei saaks kasutada olemasolevaid andmeid ja 
mass-importi? Igasugune käsitsi külapiiride nikerdamine on asi, mis on mulle 
küll vastukarva, sest see viib kiirelt väärandmeteni. Sama ka 


1. september 2016 15:29 kirjutas Jaak Laineste 
Piinlik lugu soode, rabade ja looduskaitsealade maal Eestis: siin on OSM-i 
kohaselt vaid üks rahvuspark! Viktoriini küsimus: milline?

Ja tõsisem küsimus: kas ülejäänud on kuhugi kadunud, või pole olnudki? Ja kes 
parandab selle vea?


Talk-ee mailing list

Talk-ee mailing list

Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta apertura dati ai comuni attraverso Wikimedia

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Davide Sandona'
ok, ho inserito gli url dei webgis.


Il giorno 10 gennaio 2017 13:05, Germano Massullo <
germano.massu...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

> Il 09/01/2017 22:36, Alessandro Sarretta ha scritto:
> >
> > Ho preso la lista di Davide e messa su una tabella condivisa su GDrive
> > (so che ci sono soluzioni più open, ma ho preferito la praticità...
> > spostate dove ritenete meglio :-)):
> > https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X00dt7WB_ZiEcVetrffln-
> C9qW1T7g7UeJ2S084qwrE/edit?usp=sharing
> >
> Magari in futuro si potrebbe cercare di integrare quella tabella con
> questa qui
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/IT:Elenco_amministrazioni_contattate
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] tag prow_ref

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Robert Norris
> I cant follow the logic of  "Visibly signed things go into 'ref'", since
>that would seem to mean we don't need lcn_ref tags as these are visible

IMHO The ref key is for the primary key (so in these cases against the highway).
It keeps it simple for mappers and is verifiably the ground truth - AKA what 
one should see if travelling or being routed along that way.
As a bonus this is then used *now* by standard renderers/routers/data users 
with no extra effort.

So for a 'road' it's road signs, although it may have signs for subsections of 
users such as cyclists.

Then for ways with multiple uses/routes then subsidiary ref keys should  be 
namespaced to avoid conflicts or suggesting the ref is related to the wrong 
key, hence prow_ref and ncn_ref/lcn_ref/rcn_ref (bicycle route refs probably 
best set once on the relation anyway).

And then specialist data users can do more specific things e.g. OSM Cycle Map 
or SomeoneElses's UK Style using data in the additional keys.

I hope that makes sense.

Be Seeing You - Rob.
If at first you don't succeed,
then skydiving isn't for you.

From: David Groom 
Sent: 10 January 2017 01:17:24
To: Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] tag prow_ref

The prow:ref tag emerged from a discussion I started on this list about
the problem of using the ref tag to refer to PROW references.  The
specific problem was that some highways were also designated footpaths /
bridleways, and so if the ref tag was used to tag a rights of way
reference it was given the same rendering priority on these ways as a
road reference.  There was also no way to distinguish between a ref tag
which was for a road reference, and a ref tag which was for a prow
reference on that road.  Thus the prow:ref tag was suggested.

At a later stage I noted the prow_ref tag started to be used.  I did not
follow the discussion / reasoning behind that, but I find it hard to
believe that we need both a prow_ref  tag and a prow:ref tag.  So I
assume the prow_ref tag supoerceeded the prow:ref tag, but for the
reasoning outlined in the first paragraph I would not think it helpful
to simple use the plain "ref" tag on the Isle of Wight.

I cant follow the logic of  "Visibly signed things go into 'ref'", since
that would seem to mean we don't need lcn_ref tags as these are visible


-- Original Message --
From: "Robert Norris" 
To: "Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org" ; "David
Sent: 10/01/2017 00:36:41
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] tag prow_ref

>If I remember correctly the use of "prow_ref" tag is normally when the
>reference is taken from the  Council ROW information documents that are
>compatible with OSM.
>'ref' is used when the Reference itself is on the signed on the ground.
>Thus for the Isle Of Wight, it is probably recommended to use the 'ref'
>field since I believe most if not all ROW on the IOW have the reference
>on the sign posts.
>Whereas for most of the rest of England and Wales, only rarely are the
>ROW references put on sign posts (I don't know of anywhere else that
>does it consistently compared to the IOW). The only times I normally
>see ROW references are on permissive notices or temporary route
>diversion notices.
>Thus similar to the recommendation for 'C' road references vs A/B
>Roads. Visibly signed things go into 'ref' so used for A/B roads.
>'official_ref' or similar should be used for C roads.
>Be Seeing You - Rob.
>If at first you don't succeed,
>then skydiving isn't for you.
>From: David Groom 
>Sent: 09 January 2017 23:56:51
>To: Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
>Subject: [Talk-GB] tag prow_ref
>Has any one got any instances of any providers of OSM data using the
>prow_ref on rendering / routing
>I recently pointed out to a mapper that if the reference numbers he was
>adding to footpaths were official PROW reference numbers it was
>recommended to use the "prow_ref" tag rather than the plain "ref" tag.
>He's now amended his entries to prow_ref but is a little disappointed
>it doesn't show up on the main map, OsmAnd, or Maps.me.
>I have pointed out to him that OSM is mainly a provider of data, not
>maps, so not everything is rendered on the man map, but it would be
>nice if I could point him in the direction of where it is being used,
>other than my own web site and custom OsmAnd file.

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] probabile troll

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden THESTORM375
Che poi .. non costa niente fare "il grifer " ... perché basta che ti fai
un account e modifichi tutto.. io spero che la gente che si iscriva a
openstreetmap sia gente con la testa sulle spalle.. ..dovrebbero aggiungere
secondo me un metodo di sicurezza.. come Google maps.. che quando modifichi
.. la modifica deve essere accertata  e verificata dal server e dalla
community ecc

Il Mar 10 Gen 2017 23:50 THESTORM375  ha scritto:

> Secondo me lo dobbiamo fermare prima che rovini altri PDI.. della zona..
> Il Mar 10 Gen 2017 21:07 Volker Schmidt  ha scritto:
> Qualcuno ha cercato di entrare in contatto con l'utente cinese?
> 2017-01-10 20:17 GMT+01:00 girarsi_liste :
> Il 10/01/2017 20:08, Giuliano ha scritto:
> > No è Grantorto, provincia di Padova.
> No, mi son spiegato male, intendevo il nome el tag, "galleria vittorio
> emanuele ll", da ricerca la trovo a Milano.
> > A me pare un turista per caso che non sa quello che sta facendo,
> utilizzando tag
> > che assomigliano a quello che lui crede di vedere...
> > Non credo sia uno pericoloso ma comunque uno che fa danni
> Su questo non ci piove.
> --
> Simone Girardelli
> _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
> |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
> --
> Written by Valerio

Written by Valerio
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] probabile troll

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden THESTORM375
Secondo me lo dobbiamo fermare prima che rovini altri PDI.. della zona..

Il Mar 10 Gen 2017 21:07 Volker Schmidt  ha scritto:

> Qualcuno ha cercato di entrare in contatto con l'utente cinese?
> 2017-01-10 20:17 GMT+01:00 girarsi_liste :
> Il 10/01/2017 20:08, Giuliano ha scritto:
> > No è Grantorto, provincia di Padova.
> No, mi son spiegato male, intendevo il nome el tag, "galleria vittorio
> emanuele ll", da ricerca la trovo a Milano.
> > A me pare un turista per caso che non sa quello che sta facendo,
> utilizzando tag
> > che assomigliano a quello che lui crede di vedere...
> > Non credo sia uno pericoloso ma comunque uno che fa danni
> Su questo non ci piove.
> --
> Simone Girardelli
> _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
> |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it

Written by Valerio
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose "Possible missing traffic_signals:direction or crossing "

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden osm . sanspourriel


Effectivement après vérification que quelques dizaines de feux à 
Helsinki il s'agit bien de feux pour le tramway et non de R24.

Pour les R24, sur les passages à niveaux ferroviaires 
met crossing:light 

Est-ce que là ce n'est pas un pan ? Avec crossing:barrier 
=no ça va de soi.


Le 10/01/2017 à 16:06, lenny.libre - lenny.li...@orange.fr a écrit :

Le 09/01/2017 à 20:31, osm.sanspourr...@spamgourmet.com a écrit :

Et question subsidiaire : qu'est ce que signifie ce 

Ne semble utilisé qu'à Toulouse et Helsinki.

D'après le nom (non décrit dans le wiki) ça devrait être un feu pour 
les trams, pas un feu pour les voitures indiquant un tram, but why 
not. Mais wiki à compléter si on veut que ce soit largement utilisé 
(un vote avant ?)
C'est moi le coupable sur Toulouse 
(http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/20471895), j'avais dû trouver 
cela dans une discussion (que je ne retrouve pas) et que j'avais 
sûrement mal comprise, à cause de mon mauvais anglais ...
Il me semblait que les feux R24 étaient particuliers et qu'il fallait 
les différentier (et comme je ne vois pas d'intérêt à indiquer les 
feux propres aux trams) il me semblait approprié d'ajouter un tag qui 
indique "attention tram" ; je vais l'enlever et mettre une description.


Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Robert Skedgell
On Tuesday, 10 January 2017 21:46:53 GMT Steve Doerr wrote:
> On 10/01/2017 07:54, Robert Skedgell wrote:
> > ref=legible_london
> I don't understand the rationale for this as a 'ref'. Refs are normally
> unique identifiers for a particular object (unique within a particular
> domain, that is). Thus each sign would have a different ref, if there
> were indeed a system of refs for Legible London signs. The value
> 'legible_london' looks more like a network tag.

ref=* was (as already stated in another reply) an error in my thinking/
recollection - something like brand=legible_london or network=legible_london 
would seem appropriate choices from the suggestions made.

On closer inspection of a few of the miniliths in Stratford, they do have a 
unique ID number which would be an appropriate use for the ref key.

Robert Skedgell (rskedgell)

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Steve Doerr

On 10/01/2017 07:54, Robert Skedgell wrote:


I don't understand the rationale for this as a 'ref'. Refs are normally 
unique identifiers for a particular object (unique within a particular 
domain, that is). Thus each sign would have a different ref, if there 
were indeed a system of refs for Legible London signs. The value 
'legible_london' looks more like a network tag.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Public source for street numbers

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Andrew Harvey
On Wed, 11 Jan 2017, at 12:17 AM, Luke Picciau wrote:
> Are there any free to use sources for street numbers and property 
> borders? I have seen quite a lot of maps that have all the street 
> numbers and property borders and I cant see how they would have this 
> without some kind of government source. Anyone know of such a thing?

Those maps with property borders are most likely using PSMA CadLite
https://www.psma.com.au/products/cadlite which is neither free in terms 
of license or cost.

For address points there is PSMA GNAF
https://data.gov.au/dataset/geocoded-national-address-file-g-naf which
is free in terms of license (albeit depending on your definition) and
cost, which has been imported into https://openaddresses.io/.

I understand you're able to make your own maps which include OSM and
GNAF together so long as you follow the terms of both the GNAF license
and the OSM license.

GNAF is simply address points, I see OSM and GNAF as being able to
evolve independently, in OSM you generally attach the address
information to some other feature whereas in GNAF it's just a point.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] [DGW] Contribution entreprise aux données OSM

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Vincent de Château-Thierry


Le 10/01/2017 à 16:49, Jean-Martial NDOUTOUME NFENGONE - ZIT.COM a écrit :

Demain, chaque Ambassadeur de la culture faisant partie de notre réseau (mais 
aussi tous les autres qui n'y figurent pas encore et sur lesquels nous 
maintenons une veille) sera intégré à notre SI avec ses informations de 
géolocalisation et tout un tas d'autres données utiles à notre métier:
- nom effectif de l'enseigne (sur le terrain, ça change souvent!),
- contacts,
- horaires d'ouverture,
- site Internet, etc.

Par ailleurs, fervant défenseur du Logiciel Libre, nous souhaitons nous 
interfacer avec OSM pour gérer nos données de géolocalisation concernant ces 
établissements (physiques).

Notre ambition est donc de partager avec la communauté tout ou partie des 
informations terrain que nous receuillons et mettons à jour au quotidien.

Question: dans quelle mesure pouvons-nous le faire?

Parmi les informations que vous allez recueillir, celles qui ont leur 
place dans OSM sont celles qui à la fois :
- disposent d'une géolocalisation suffisamment précise : en France grâce 
à la présence fréquente des bâtiments dans la base, on ne s'attend pas à 
trouver un commerce sur le centre d'une voie, mais bien au niveau du 
bâtiment qu'il occupe
- disposent d'une stabilité géographique dans le temps : les commerces 
ambulants ont moins leur place, même si ça fait débat

- ne contiennent pas d'informations nominatives (nom du gérant, etc)
- trouvent leur place d'un point de vue sémantique, notamment par 
rapport à ce que propose cette page : 
- et bien sûr sont issues de sources dont le copyright est compatible 
avec l'ODbL. S'il s'agit de vos propres relevés de terrain c'est a 
priori sans souci.

On parle donc d'un sous-ensemble de vos relevés (enfin, j'imagine). Se 
posera potentiellement pour vous la question de l'articulation des 
données injectées dans OSM avec le reste de vos données. Le "pont" entre 
les deux environnement devrait éviter de se faire via un identifiant qui 
vous est propre et qui serait inclus côté OSM. Il faut privilégier une 
gestion de votre côté de cette correspondance, ou bien le recours à des 
mécanismes sans ID propriétaire : combinaison de la reconnaissance du 
nom, de la raison sociale, du positionnement spatial, d'un SIREN, que 


Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-ca] a neat thing from Mappy Hour Toronto: OurPoster

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Stewart C. Russell
Bryan from OurPoster came to Mappy Hour last night. They make city
posters based on MapBox renderings of OSM maps. I haven't seen them on
paper yet, but they look rather nice on the website: https://ourposter.com/

These are printed locally in Toronto.



(there's no Glasgow poster yet, grr)

Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-ca] building guidelines for Canada

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Stewart C. Russell
Hi John - happy new year to all!
> The first is a strip mall with businesses inside.
> If the businesses are mapped as nodes then each can have its own name,
> web site, internet_access=wlan etc.

Each unit will also have a unique addr:unit too. In theory Nominatim
should pick up the address from the feature enclosing the node (that is,
the building) but in practice it likely won't. It's not wrong to include
addr:housenumber and addr:street for each node, and I wouldn't say that
this was mapping for the renderer at all.

> Which also raises the issue of building outlines of houses and street
> numbers.  A terrace of houses should be mapped as a building outline
> building=terrace and nodes added for each unit?

Yes, each with addr:housenumber and possibly addr:unit

> Which leads into
> detached building outline and do we add a node for the address etc?

Yes, if you have the information separate from the building. There
doesn't seem to be much consensus —
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Addresses#How_to_map_addresses — so
do the easiest thing your conscience can live with.

> Second the use of commas or ; to separate names of businesses in the
> mall.  I'm personally against this

Yeah; don't do this. We can afford nodes for separate business.

> We don't have many semi-detached houses in Canada and the map features
> suggests these be mapped as house.  If we know these are semi-detached
> is it worth adding in the extra detail?

Hey, as a dedicated dweller of duplex land, there are semi-detached
houses everywhere! I've tagged some of them as one building with two
address nodes, as this matches local municipal address point data
practice. [Not that I've imported municipal address data, he adds
quickly ...]

> An office building that lists 1-16 floors except there is no 13 th floor
> I assume should be mapped as levels=15 not 16.  Do we state this anywhere?

“Simple Indoor Tagging”
tagging  non_existent_levels=, but I haven't seen that live. You'd
need pretty good internal knowledge to know which were missing. Many
buildings in BC and ON are also missing level 4, 14, etc. Superstition
is a powerful thing ...


Talk-ca mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Présence à Décryptagéo 2017

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Vincent de Château-Thierry

Comme chaque année OSM France bénéficie d'un stand lors des journées 
Décryptagéo, les 24 et 25 janvier à l'ENSG (Marne-la-Vallée) :


Si vous êtes sur le site à cette occasion, vous avez l'obligation de 
passer dire bonjour :) Et pour ceux qui auront un peu de temps pour 
contribuer à l'animation du stand, vous êtes évidemment bienvenus. Plus 
on est de fous...

De mon côté je serai présent sur le stand essentiellement le 24. Le 25 
matin en réunion avec Christian, et le 25 après-midi j'animerai une session.

à bientôt,

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Public source for street numbers

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Andrew Davidson

This lists the publicly available address datasets:


None of which we can currently use in OSM. The NSW LPI Base Map has 
street numbers on it if you zoom in close enough and we do have 
permission to use these.

Otherwise there is always good old survey.

When you say "property borders" do you mean fence lines? The ones I've 
seen in OSM appear to have been traced from the aerial imagery.

On 11/01/17 00:17, Luke Picciau wrote:

Are there any free to use sources for street numbers and property
borders? I have seen quite a lot of maps that have all the street
numbers and property borders and I cant see how they would have this
without some kind of government source. Anyone know of such a thing?

Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Public source for street numbers

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Warin

On 11-Jan-17 12:17 AM, Luke Picciau wrote:
Are there any free to use sources for street numbers and property 
borders? I have seen quite a lot of maps that have all the street 
numbers and property borders and I cant see how they would have this 
without some kind of government source. Anyone know of such a thing?

For NSW .. the LPI Base Map has those detail for residential/commercial 
areas. And OSM has permission to use that ... you should find it as an 
available map/image in your editor.
The property boundaries are harder to determine in rural areas, and 
numbers may not make much sense, they usual have property names ... I 
have tagged these as name= on both the building=farm and place=farm ... 
I think that is the case in most if not all cases. The LPI Imagery is 
very good too - better than bing in most places.

Other states?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Geometrie budov s podloubím a RUIAN, jak zmapovat správně

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Jan Dudík
Domy s podloubím by medle měly být vyznačeny dle skutečného půdorysu.
Zaprvé, aby se dalo zakreslit to podloubí. Zadruhé - jsou ulice, kde má
podloubí třeba jediný dům (v ČB např. v ulici Dr. Stejskala je naproti
divadlu jediný dům s podloubím. A ten trčí oproti ostatním domům do ulice
https://mapy.cz/s/1k0XB ) A ten je i z leteckého pohledu vystrčený do ulice


Ing. Jan Dudík
projekce dopravních staveb
tel. 777082195

Dne 10. ledna 2017 9:02 majka  napsal(a):

> Zdravím,
> v souvislosti s changesetem č. 45027391 bych se potřebovala zeptat, zda
> vládne nějaká shoda ohledně toho, jak mapovat budovy s podloubím - v tomto
> případě je to specificky kolem náměstí v Českých Budějovicích.
> Bylo (a část ještě je) zmapováno podle vnějšku, tedy včetně podloubí nad
> kterým je obvykle druhé a další patro budovy. Podloubí je pak zmapováno
> jako "arcade". Podle mě je to takhle logicky, i když papírově je podloubí
> součástí náměstí. Z přetrasování budov jsem tuhle část vynechávala, spíš
> jsem časem chtěla podle JOSM/pointinfo doplnit tagy.
> Jenže teď byla severní část přetrasována podle RUIAN - kde samozřejmě to
> podloubí chybí a není součástí budovy. Hodně nešťastné je, že je teď
> čtvrtka náměstí zmapována jinak než zbytek, takže bych potřebovala poradit
> co s tím. Navíc zůstalo to bývalé průchozí podloubí (arcade) mimo budovu,
> takže nesmyslně. Patra (building:levels) podle RUIAN také nesedí všude,
> občas se týkají jen části budovy, tady je to převzaté všude.
> Obdobně - co s rodinnými domy, které mají např. připojené garážové stání
> pod opticky společnou střechou, ale podle RUIAN je "budova" jen ta část
> pevně spojená se základy nebo ještě extrémnější případ některých skladových
> či výrobních hal, kde podle RUIAN je budovou jen část?
> Díky za radu,
> Majka
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list
> Talk-cz@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-cz
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Patra a nákupní galerie ...

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Pavel Zbytovský

reaguju trochu po delší době, ale je to zajímavé téma.

1) to Atrium Flora je zmapované správně - dokonce i ten mnou upravený iD
editor to pěkně umí prohlížet [1] - viz nahoře přepínač pater.

2) Už podle Simple Indoor Tagging [2] by měly level tagy koresponodovat
zejména s označením ve výtahu/v realitě. Také to doporučuji.
"Local level notations per building should be reused. e.g. at Munich
Airport 3 is the ground level."

3) Podle mého proposalu [3] by šlo doplnit i ty footwaye - viz OC Smíchov

4) Ve 2D je relativně snadný hack jak to zpřehlednit - a to filtrovat u
way/areas pouze level=0, ale s nodama nic neuděláme. A než se to ujme, tak
to bude nepřehledné :-)

Mějte se

[1] https://openstreetmap.cz/edit/#level=0=19.20/14.46135/50.07867
[2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Simple_Indoor_Tagging
[3] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/CoreIndoor
[4] http://openstreetmap.cz/edit/#id=w382843342=18.06/14.40284/50.07310

On Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 12:41 AM Pavel Machek  wrote:


> Jo. Je to takové nepřehledné. Mně by se líbilo, kdyby byly zakresleny i
> ty zdi, aby měl člověk představu, jak to uvnitř přesně vypadá. Ale to by
> chtělo podporu na hlavní mapě. Udělat tu budovu interaktivní a po
> rozkliknutí zobrazit nějaký pokročilý prohlížeč.
> Ale jak to vykreslit ve 2D, aby to bylo pokud možno přehledné, to fakt
> netuším.

MUNI v Brne (tusim) ma 3D zmapovane budovy, a maji na to i
prohlizec. Nekde jsem videl zaznam z prednasky..

(english) http://www.livejournal.com/~pavelmachek
(cesky, pictures)
Talk-cz mailing list
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-cz] Geometrie budov s podloubím a RUIAN, jak zmapovat správně

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Jan Macura

2017-01-10 10:28 GMT+01:00 Janda Martin :

>  * soucasny stav: nektere budovy jsou posunute az o stovky metru, chybi
co je tím myšleno?

Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] probabile troll

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Volker Schmidt
Qualcuno ha cercato di entrare in contatto con l'utente cinese?

2017-01-10 20:17 GMT+01:00 girarsi_liste :

> Il 10/01/2017 20:08, Giuliano ha scritto:
> > No è Grantorto, provincia di Padova.
> No, mi son spiegato male, intendevo il nome el tag, "galleria vittorio
> emanuele ll", da ricerca la trovo a Milano.
> > A me pare un turista per caso che non sa quello che sta facendo,
> utilizzando tag
> > che assomigliano a quello che lui crede di vedere...
> > Non credo sia uno pericoloso ma comunque uno che fa danni
> Su questo non ci piove.
> --
> Simone Girardelli
> _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_
> |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] probabile troll

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Fabrizio Tambussa
C'è sempre l'ottimo servizio di Pascal Neis x individuare i changeset
Qui c'è il link x trovare quelli fatti da nuovi utenti in Italia che hanno
 nel commento la parola "created":


Il 10/Gen/2017 20:49, "Alecs"  ha scritto:

Giuliano Zamboni wrote
> A me pare un turista per caso che non sa quello che sta facendo,
> utilizzando tag che assomigliano a quello che lui crede di vedere...
> Non credo sia uno pericoloso ma comunque uno che fa danni

Concordo, credo che non probabilmente non si è nemmeno accorto di avere
fatto modifiche visibili a tutti, come spesso capita con MAPS.ME, si può
provare a contattarlo commentando il changeset, ma per esperienza i tassi di
risposta sono bassissimi, non credo che un messaggio privato migliori le
cose, visto che per definizione lo vede chi è loggato su openstreemap.org, e
non è questo il caso.

Di recente c'è anche questo, un utente che ha creato alcuni POI dall'aspetto
"genuino" più alcune stranezze tipo queste:

senza contare gli hotel che si chiamano "casa", le fermate degli autobus in
mezzo alle piste degli aeroporti, i POI in mezzo alle strade, gli oggetti
duplicati, ...

Invito tutti a controllare la cronologia della propria zona (i commenti dei
changeset di MAPS.ME sono creati per default dalla app sulla base di cosa si
è creato/modificato, si riconoscono subito, del tipo "Created a resturant"),
e a controllare questa pagina (al momento in ritardo di qualche giorno con
gli aggiornamenti):


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Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-ee] Rahvuspargid

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Jaak Laineste

Käsitsi neid ei kaardista, seega kuni ruumi-avaandmete x-teed pole leiutatud ja 
realiseeritud, siis ei jää tõesti muud üle kui andmed ümber tõsta.

Kui piirjooned saab kokku viia (seal vist rannajoont peaks korduvkasutama?), ja 
kontrollida kas mõni pole juhtumisi juba olemas, siis ma pole vastu.


> On 10 Jan 2017, at 18:45, Mihkel Oviir  wrote:
> Tõstaks teema üles uuesti. Kes on poolt, et looduskaitsealad võiks 
> massimpordiga ära lahendada? Nokin Eidapere ümbrust ja laadisin 
> keskkonnaregistrist hoiualade andmed alla (bljää, küll andis otsida, kuidas 
> saaks looduskaitse andmeid andmetena kätte), aga tundus ikkagi kuidagi mõtetu 
> see käsitsi ühekaupa sisestamine.
> terv,
> Mihkel
> Muidu näeb selline välja:
> 1. september 2016 15:38 kirjutas Mihkel Oviir  >:
> Kas administratiivse(ma)te piiridega ei saaks kasutada olemasolevaid andmeid 
> ja mass-importi? Igasugune käsitsi külapiiride nikerdamine on asi, mis on 
> mulle küll vastukarva, sest see viib kiirelt väärandmeteni. Sama ka 
> looduskaitsealadega.
> Mihkel
> 1. september 2016 15:29 kirjutas Jaak Laineste  >:
> Piinlik lugu soode, rabade ja looduskaitsealade maal Eestis: siin on OSM-i 
> kohaselt vaid üks rahvuspark! Viktoriini küsimus: milline?
> Ja tõsisem küsimus: kas ülejäänud on kuhugi kadunud, või pole olnudki? Ja kes 
> parandab selle vea?
> Jaak
> ___
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> Talk-ee@openstreetmap.org 
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Talk-ee mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] probabile troll

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Alecs
Giuliano Zamboni wrote
> A me pare un turista per caso che non sa quello che sta facendo,
> utilizzando tag che assomigliano a quello che lui crede di vedere... 
> Non credo sia uno pericoloso ma comunque uno che fa danni 

Concordo, credo che non probabilmente non si è nemmeno accorto di avere
fatto modifiche visibili a tutti, come spesso capita con MAPS.ME, si può
provare a contattarlo commentando il changeset, ma per esperienza i tassi di
risposta sono bassissimi, non credo che un messaggio privato migliori le
cose, visto che per definizione lo vede chi è loggato su openstreemap.org, e
non è questo il caso.

Di recente c'è anche questo, un utente che ha creato alcuni POI dall'aspetto
"genuino" più alcune stranezze tipo queste:

senza contare gli hotel che si chiamano "casa", le fermate degli autobus in
mezzo alle piste degli aeroporti, i POI in mezzo alle strade, gli oggetti
duplicati, ...

Invito tutti a controllare la cronologia della propria zona (i commenti dei
changeset di MAPS.ME sono creati per default dalla app sulla base di cosa si
è creato/modificato, si riconoscono subito, del tipo "Created a resturant"),
e a controllare questa pagina (al momento in ritardo di qualche giorno con
gli aggiornamenti):


View this message in context: 
Sent from the Italy General mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] probabile troll

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Il 10/01/2017 20:08, Giuliano ha scritto:
> No è Grantorto, provincia di Padova.

No, mi son spiegato male, intendevo il nome el tag, "galleria vittorio
emanuele ll", da ricerca la trovo a Milano.

> A me pare un turista per caso che non sa quello che sta facendo, utilizzando 
> tag 
> che assomigliano a quello che lui crede di vedere...
> Non credo sia uno pericoloso ma comunque uno che fa danni

Su questo non ci piove.

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] probabile troll

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Giuliano


Il 10/01/2017 19:53, girarsi_liste ha

  Il 10/01/2017 19:28, Fabrizio Tambussa ha scritto:


Non conosco Vicenza, ma questo [0] mi pare, da ricerca, sia a Milano.

No è Grantorto, provincia di Padova.

L'altro changeset non capisco se c'era effettivamente un castello lì[1],
o questo è uno che prende in giro.

A me pare un turista per caso che non sa quello che sta facendo,
utilizzando tag che assomigliano a quello che lui crede di vedere...
Non credo sia uno pericoloso ma comunque uno che fa danni


[0] http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4599904402

[1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4599931689#map=19/45.54581/11.54439


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] probabile troll

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden girarsi_liste
Il 10/01/2017 19:28, Fabrizio Tambussa ha scritto:
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Tsung%20Ying%20Lai

Non conosco Vicenza, ma questo [0] mi pare, da ricerca, sia a Milano.

L'altro changeset non capisco se c'era effettivamente un castello lì[1],
o questo è uno che prende in giro.

[0] http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4599904402

[1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/4599931689#map=19/45.54581/11.54439

Simone Girardelli

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] probabile troll

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Fabrizio Tambussa

Il 10/Gen/2017 18:43, "Volker Schmidt"  ha scritto:

> spelling preciso del UseriD ?
> 2017-01-10 18:30 GMT+01:00 Davide Sandona' :
>> Il seguente utente [1] ha inserito un paio di oggetti che, secondo me,
>> sono fittizi...
>> [1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Tsung Ying Lai/
>> Davide.
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
>> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
> ___
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Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] tag prow_ref

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Dave F
With 31 993 occurrences prow_ref appears to be the agreed way to go. To 
check is FootpathX an official authority reference format?


On 10/01/2017 16:02, Paul Berry wrote:
So, convinced you were talking about me :) should I change *ref* to 
*prow_ref* on this and other footpaths I've tracked recently?



On 10 January 2017 at 11:05, Dave F > wrote:

This thread:

Specifically this point by Andy R.:

As pointed out official_ref=* is a little to vague. It's always
good to be specific as possible.


On 10/01/2017 10:39, Colin Smale wrote:

On 2017-01-10 10:04, Dave F wrote:

FYI The agreed tag for 'C' roads was highway_authority_ref as it
was felt there could be other official or authority tags. It's
always good to be specific.

Where was that discussed/agreed?
The wiki[1] says to use official_ref or admin_ref.

Talk-GB mailing list

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Talk-GB mailing list

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] probabile troll

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Volker Schmidt
spelling preciso del UseriD ?

2017-01-10 18:30 GMT+01:00 Davide Sandona' :

> Il seguente utente [1] ha inserito un paio di oggetti che, secondo me,
> sono fittizi...
> [1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Tsung Ying Lai/
> Davide.
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-it] probabile troll

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Davide Sandona'
Il seguente utente [1] ha inserito un paio di oggetti che, secondo me, sono

[1] http://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Tsung Ying Lai/

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Andy Allan
On 10 January 2017 at 15:55, SK53  wrote:

> I was going to say that usually we have the atco code in ref for bus stops
> with the more visible stop C in local ref, and thus bus stops aren't the
> perfect example. I certainly wouldn't tell someone to wait at bus stop
> 3390V1 rather than V1.

Ah, that's my misremembering of the nuances of bus stop tagging. But I
don't want to drag this too far off-topic, so suffice to ignore
mentions of bus stops in my previous email.

> I then felt obscurely cheated that the latter local_ref shows up on the
> Transport Map in bus stops in high zooms for London and some city centres,
> but apparently not elsewhere. Is this some magical trade secret or me just
> missing some tagging difference.

It's limited to two characters at the moment, perhaps that's the
problem? If not, feel free to get in touch with an example and I'll


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Dan S
2017-01-10 16:37 GMT+00:00 Andy Mabbett :
> On 10 January 2017 at 07:54, Robert Skedgell  wrote:
>> ref=legible_london

Yeah, I agree this isn't the way "ref=" is normally used

> I'd expect to see something like:
> operator=legible_london
> or, say:
> operator=GLA
> scheme=legible_london

Seems to me to have a strong analogy to eg the bike hire scheme so my
guess would have been

network=Legible London


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-ko] Help fix Korean Crossroads on Maproulette

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Max

Here is an interesting node:

name:en=Yeongjungmyeonbokji Hall Ap

Please help me out with my Korean, but I'm pretty sure the 앞 means 
something like "In front of" in English, not "Ap" which could be 
mistaken for a misspelling of the abbreviation of Apartment (Apt.).

IMHO It's another case of database inflation with "English" that just 
isn't English and should rather be ommitted or generated 
programmatically from the Korean, rather than be a key=value pair.

On 2017년 01월 09일 19:47, Max wrote:

I made this maproulette challenge so that the very important crossroads
can actually be mapped as junctions.


Talk-ko mailing list

Talk-ko mailing list

[Talk-ca] building guidelines for Canada

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden john whelan
We have map features fine but there are a couple of things that don't seem
to be as granular or directly applicable.  So suggested guidelines please.

The first is a strip mall with businesses inside.

All the businesses have the same street number and postcode so they can be
attached to the building outline.  The less data redundancy we have the
more compact the database and the less likely we are to get conflicts.  ie
two different postcodes on the same building.

If the businesses are mapped as nodes then each can have its own name, web
site, internet_access=wlan etc.

However OSMand will only pick up addresses from nodes not building
outlines.  So if you want to feed in the address into a routing system you
need the street address on each node.  Yes the ideal is we don't map for
the renderer but in this case its fairly major.  Adding the postcode etc on
a central node doesn't work well as the end nodes will pick up the nearest
node address not the one within the building outline.

Which also raises the issue of building outlines of houses and street
numbers.  A terrace of houses should be mapped as a building outline
building=terrace and nodes added for each unit? Which leads into detached
building outline and do we add a node for the address etc?

Second the use of commas or ; to separate names of businesses in the mall.
I'm personally against this as first not many rendering systems can show
all the names, JOSM works fine, and second you can add tags such as web
site, phone number etc.

We don't have many semi-detached houses in Canada and the map features
suggests these be mapped as house.  If we know these are semi-detached is
it worth adding in the extra detail?

An office building that lists 1-16 floors except there is no 13 th floor I
assume should be mapped as levels=15 not 16.  Do we state this anywhere?


Thanks John
Talk-ca mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Andy Mabbett
On 10 January 2017 at 07:54, Robert Skedgell  wrote:

> ref=legible_london

I'd expect to see something like:


or, say:


Andy Mabbett

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Robert Skedgell

That's a very good point. I suspect that I mis-remembered the use of 
crossing_ref=* (used with highway=crossing + crossing=*) as just "ref".
brand=legible_london seems a much better fit, particularly as it makes it seem 
less of an assertion about the actual legibility of the map (as noted in an 
earlier comment).
Perhaps also operator=* for the borough responsible, or TfL as appropriate? 
-- Robert Skedgell  (rskedgell)

 Original message 
From: Andy Allan  
Date: 10/01/2017  15:10  (GMT+00:00) 
To: Robert Skedgell  
Cc: Talk-GB  
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions 

On 10 January 2017 at 07:54, Robert Skedgell  wrote:

> ref=legible_london

I would only use the ref= tag if there is a reference code for each
installation, e.g. if the totem has a displayed reference like "A01"
designed for users to see. From the pictures I don't think that they
do, and if they did, I would expect it to be a reference for internal
use - i.e. official_ref=

Think of it like bus stops (ref=C) or road numbers (ref=A204). Would
it make sense if I was to render a map with an icon for the
information point, with the reference shown underneath?

I would suggest brand=legible_london as an alternative, but there
might be other options too.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] tag prow_ref

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Robert Whittaker (OSM lists)
On 10 January 2017 at 16:02, Paul Berry  wrote:
> So, convinced you were talking about me :) should I change ref to prow_ref on 
> this and other footpaths I've tracked recently?
> http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/464500797

I'd definitely recommend using prow_ref=* to store the reference
names/numbers of Public Rights of Way (Footpaths, Bridleways,
Restricted Byways and BOATs).

Usually, I think, the numbering system is on a per-parish basis. If
so, then it would be useful to include the parish name too for
disambiguation purposes. Unless the County Council uses some other
specific scheme, I'd suggest using a standard format of
prow_ref="[Parish Name] [Type] [Number]" where [Type] is one of FP,
BR, RB, and BY, and [Number] is the assigned path number without any
leading zeros (usually integer, possibly with a letter suffix).

So your example above would presumably become be prow_ref=Ingbirchworth FP 1.

Best wishes,


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Vandpibesteder

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Niels Elgaard Larsen

Jørgen Elgaard Larsen:
> Niels Elgaard Larsen:
>> Hvordan tagger vi vandpibesteder?
> Jeg vil mene, at de skal tagges som selvstændig amenity.
> Der er en smule præcedens for amenity=hookah_lounge.

Ja, der er 34 af dem.
Det kan jeg så fordoble.

> Det står ikke på den officielle wiki, men er nævnt på den russiske:
> http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/RU:%D0%9A%D0%B0%D0%BA_%D0%BE%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B7%D0%BD%D0%B0%D1%87%D0%B8%D1%82%D1%8C
> Du kan jo overveje at lave et proposal.

Det er jeg ikke kvalificeret til. Jeg kender ikke ret meget til
vandpiber. Jeg har bare tagget dem fordi de er med hos fødevarestyrelsen.

Niels Elgaard Larsen

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] tag prow_ref

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Paul Berry
So, convinced you were talking about me :) should I change *ref* to
*prow_ref* on this and other footpaths I've tracked recently?



On 10 January 2017 at 11:05, Dave F  wrote:

> This thread:
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-gb/2015-May/017390.html
> Specifically this point by Andy R.:
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/talk-gb/2015-May/017423.html
> As pointed out official_ref=* is a little to vague. It's always good to be
> specific as possible.
> DaveF
> On 10/01/2017 10:39, Colin Smale wrote:
> On 2017-01-10 10:04, Dave F wrote:
> FYI The agreed tag for 'C' roads was highway_authority_ref as it was felt
> there could be other official or authority tags. It's always good to be
> specific.
> Where was that discussed/agreed?
> The wiki[1] says to use official_ref or admin_ref.
> //colin
> [1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_Tagging_Guidelines
> ___
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> listTalk-GB@openstreetmap.orghttps://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb
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Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] [DGW] Contribution entreprise aux données OSM

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Jean-Martial NDOUTOUME NFENGONE - ZIT.COM

Dans le cadre d'un projet de SI d'entreprise, j'aimerais savoir dans quelle 
mesure (ethique, communautaire, technique, etc. vis à vis du projet OSM) nous 
pouvons faire ce qui suit.

Notre métier est de diffuser de l'information culturelle sur un réseau de 
commerçants de proximité.

Nous couvrons toute la région Centre-Val de Loire.

Nous exerçons depuis plus de dix ans (culture locale, sociale et solidaire, 
etc.), et notre force est d'être en contact et d'animer au quotidien un réseau 
de +1300 commerçants de proximité.

Nous tenons donc à jour une base données de ces commerçants.

Qui plus est, nous faisons partie d'une fédération de «diffuseurs 
d'informations culturelles» qui regroupe d'autres acteurs faisant le même 
métier que le nôtre sur les régions Bretagne et Pays de la Loire, et 
représentant ainsi +6000 points de diffusion locaux sur ces trois grands 

En 2017, nous passons à Odoo pour toute la gestion de notre activité et je suis 
en charge du projet technique.

Demain, chaque Ambassadeur de la culture faisant partie de notre réseau (mais 
aussi tous les autres qui n'y figurent pas encore et sur lesquels nous 
maintenons une veille) sera intégré à notre SI avec ses informations de 
géolocalisation et tout un tas d'autres données utiles à notre métier:
- nom effectif de l'enseigne (sur le terrain, ça change souvent!),
- contacts,
- horaires d'ouverture,
- site Internet, etc.

Par ailleurs, fervant défenseur du Logiciel Libre, nous souhaitons nous 
interfacer avec OSM pour gérer nos données de géolocalisation concernant ces 
établissements (physiques).

Notre ambition est donc de partager avec la communauté tout ou partie des 
informations terrain que nous receuillons et mettons à jour au quotidien.

Question: dans quelle mesure pouvons-nous le faire?

À vous lire.

Sincères salutations


Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden SK53
On 10 January 2017 at 15:10, Andy Allan  wrote:

> Think of it like bus stops (ref=C) or road numbers (ref=A204). Would
> it make sense if I was to render a map with an icon for the
> information point, with the reference shown underneath?
> Thanks,
> Andy
I was going to say that usually we have the atco code in ref for bus stops
with the more visible stop C in local ref, and thus bus stops aren't the
perfect example. I certainly wouldn't tell someone to wait
 at bus stop 3390V1 rather
than V1.

I then felt obscurely cheated that the latter local_ref shows up on the
Transport Map in bus stops in high zooms for London and some city centres,
but apparently not elsewhere. Is this some magical trade secret or me just
missing some tagging difference.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Señales de tráfico verticales RCE

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Santiago Higuera
¡Buen trabajo!

El mar, 10-01-2017 a las 16:04 +0100, Santiago Crespo escribió:
> Hola,
> La Dirección General de Carreteras (Ministerio de Fomento) ha
> respondido
> a la solicitud que les hice del listado georreferenciado con todas
> las
> señales de tráfico verticales en vías de competencia estatal (Red de
> Carreteras del Estado, RCE)
> Han publicado un excel como anexo a la solicitud, con la posición de
> 673.024 señales :)
> https://ssweb.seap.minhap.es/almacen/descarga/envio/78a726468f663ff09
> 6d4545c0d84c286d6d73f74
> No sé si este enlace caducará en 30 días. Por ahora no aparece en el
> portal de datos.gob.es.

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Andy Allan
On 10 January 2017 at 07:54, Robert Skedgell  wrote:

> ref=legible_london

I would only use the ref= tag if there is a reference code for each
installation, e.g. if the totem has a displayed reference like "A01"
designed for users to see. From the pictures I don't think that they
do, and if they did, I would expect it to be a reference for internal
use - i.e. official_ref=

Think of it like bus stops (ref=C) or road numbers (ref=A204). Would
it make sense if I was to render a map with an icon for the
information point, with the reference shown underneath?

I would suggest brand=legible_london as an alternative, but there
might be other options too.


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import lampioni Comune di Cento

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
2017-01-10 15:29 GMT+01:00 Matteo Fortini :
> Grazie Napo,
> per fare una delibera non è un grosso problema, la si porta in Giunta,
> quindi è condivisa da tutti.
> Penso che girerò la domanda anche su spaghettiopendata perché spero ci sia
> un modo più snello di procedere, perché se passa questa prassi occorre fare
> un atto ogni volta che si scopre un dato, che sarebbe un delirio.

Secondo me basta una delibera del tuo Comune che si collega poi alle
politiche di agenda digitale
della tua regione dove il processo open data è molto chiaro e descritto.
Sentirei Dimitri.


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose "Possible missing traffic_signals:direction or crossing "

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden lenny.libre

Le 09/01/2017 à 20:31, osm.sanspourr...@spamgourmet.com a écrit :

Et question subsidiaire : qu'est ce que signifie ce 

Ne semble utilisé qu'à Toulouse et Helsinki.

D'après le nom (non décrit dans le wiki) ça devrait être un feu pour 
les trams, pas un feu pour les voitures indiquant un tram, but why 
not. Mais wiki à compléter si on veut que ce soit largement utilisé 
(un vote avant ?)
C'est moi le coupable sur Toulouse 
(http://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/20471895), j'avais dû trouver 
cela dans une discussion (que je ne retrouve pas) et que j'avais 
sûrement mal comprise, à cause de mon mauvais anglais ...
Il me semblait que les feux R24 étaient particuliers et qu'il fallait 
les différentier (et comme je ne vois pas d'intérêt à indiquer les feux 
propres aux trams) il me semblait approprié d'ajouter un tag qui indique 
"attention tram" ; je vais l'enlever et mettre une description.


Talk-fr mailing list

[Talk-es] Señales de tráfico verticales RCE

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Santiago Crespo

La Dirección General de Carreteras (Ministerio de Fomento) ha respondido
a la solicitud que les hice del listado georreferenciado con todas las
señales de tráfico verticales en vías de competencia estatal (Red de
Carreteras del Estado, RCE)

Han publicado un excel como anexo a la solicitud, con la posición de
673.024 señales :)


No sé si este enlace caducará en 30 días. Por ahora no aparece en el
portal de datos.gob.es.

Entiendo que las condiciones de uso deberían ser las que marca la Ley
37/2007, de 16 de noviembre, sobre reutilización de la información del
sector público:


El artículo 8 dice que la reutilización de esta información "podrá estar
sometida" a ciertas condiciones (citar la fuente, fecha de actualización
de los datos, etc). El artículo 9 dice: "1. Las Administraciones y
organismos del sector público incluidos dentro del ámbito de aplicación
de esta Ley, fomentarán el uso de licencias abiertas con las mínimas
restricciones posibles sobre la reutilización de la información."

¿Y qué pasa cuando la administración/organismo público publica los datos
pero no especifica licencia? ¿Hay algún abogado por aquí?

Santiago Crespo

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import lampioni Comune di Cento

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Matteo Fortini

Grazie Napo,
per fare una delibera non è un grosso problema, la si porta in Giunta, 
quindi è condivisa da tutti.
Penso che girerò la domanda anche su spaghettiopendata perché spero ci 
sia un modo più snello di procedere, perché se passa questa prassi 
occorre fare un atto ogni volta che si scopre un dato, che sarebbe un 

Il 10/01/2017 15:24, Maurizio Napolitano ha scritto:

Allora, i dati non sono ancora distribuiti, nel senso che li posso avere
dagli uffici del Comune, del quale sono assessore. Mi chiedo se occorra un
atto o se i dati siano "aperti".

Non puoi farli mettere nella sezione "amministrazione trasparente" del comune
e così sono open data e sono resi pubblici?

È una domanda che penso sia importante
perché di interesse generale per chiunque lavori nella PA e quindi veda sia
quello che già è pubblicato, che ciò che non lo è, ma potrebbe esserlo. Va
da sè che tutte le informazioni non necessarie e anche solo potenzialmente
sensibili verrebbero strippate.

Quindi vuoi prima pubblicare in osm e poi pubblicare come dataset sul sito?
Mi sembra un po' contorto ma posso capire.
Consiglio quasi di fare una delibera dove il comune da il permesso di
importare i dati
in OpenStreetMap
Capisco però che se la fa l'assessore per se stesso suona male  :)

In generale si potrebbe fare una delibera che il Comune lascia che i
dati pubblicati
o quelli richiesti possoano essere ripubblicati ovunque (fra cui openstreetmap)

Contorta? forse si :)

Talk-it mailing list

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import lampioni Comune di Cento

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Andrea Musuruane
2017-01-10 15:19 GMT+01:00 Matteo Fortini :

> Secondo voi ci sono delle questioni da verificare relativamente alla
>> proprietà dei dati?
> Sì. Con quale licenza sono distribuiti i dati? Chi è il proprietario? Da
> dove li hai scaricati?
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Import/Guidelines#Step_
> 3_-_License_approval
> Allora, i dati non sono ancora distribuiti, nel senso che li posso avere
> dagli uffici del Comune, del quale sono assessore. Mi chiedo se occorra un
> atto o se i dati siano "aperti". È una domanda che penso sia importante
> perché di interesse generale per chiunque lavori nella PA e quindi veda sia
> quello che già è pubblicato, che ciò che non lo è, ma potrebbe esserlo. Va
> da sè che tutte le informazioni non necessarie e anche solo potenzialmente
> sensibili verrebbero strippate.

I dati sono generati da zero dagli uffici del Comune o sono stati acquisiti
da terzi?

Se siamo nel primo caso, allora Alessandro proprio oggi ha mandato un link
dove trovi le linee guida 2016 sugli open data:

Probabilmente lì trovi quanto cerchi (NB non l'ho ancora letto tutto).


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Darme de baja

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Óscar Zorrilla Alonso
Puedes darte de baja desde este enlace:


Por si el programa de correo del móvil no te lo mostraba. Un saludo

On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 12:49 PM +0100, "Carlos Cabezas" 
> wrote:

Hola Tino,

Ya se te ha dicho que si deseas darte de baja debes entrar en el enlace que 
aparece debajo de cada correo y desuscribirte. No es necesario escribir el 
mismo mensaje en distintos hilos.

El 10 de enero de 2017 12:44:11 CET, Tino Rodriguez Mendez 

Ruego no me manden para correos , un saludo
Enviado desde mi iPhone

Talk-es mailing list

Carlos Cabezas
Talk-es mailing list
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import lampioni Comune di Cento

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
> Allora, i dati non sono ancora distribuiti, nel senso che li posso avere
> dagli uffici del Comune, del quale sono assessore. Mi chiedo se occorra un
> atto o se i dati siano "aperti".

Non puoi farli mettere nella sezione "amministrazione trasparente" del comune
e così sono open data e sono resi pubblici?

> È una domanda che penso sia importante
> perché di interesse generale per chiunque lavori nella PA e quindi veda sia
> quello che già è pubblicato, che ciò che non lo è, ma potrebbe esserlo. Va
> da sè che tutte le informazioni non necessarie e anche solo potenzialmente
> sensibili verrebbero strippate.

Quindi vuoi prima pubblicare in osm e poi pubblicare come dataset sul sito?
Mi sembra un po' contorto ma posso capire.
Consiglio quasi di fare una delibera dove il comune da il permesso di
importare i dati
in OpenStreetMap
Capisco però che se la fa l'assessore per se stesso suona male  :)

In generale si potrebbe fare una delibera che il Comune lascia che i
dati pubblicati
o quelli richiesti possoano essere ripubblicati ovunque (fra cui openstreetmap)

Contorta? forse si :)

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import lampioni Comune di Cento

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Matteo Fortini

Secondo voi ci sono delle questioni da verificare relativamente
alla proprietà dei dati?

Sì. Con quale licenza sono distribuiti i dati? Chi è il proprietario? 
Da dove li hai scaricati?


Allora, i dati non sono ancora distribuiti, nel senso che li posso avere 
dagli uffici del Comune, del quale sono assessore. Mi chiedo se occorra 
un atto o se i dati siano "aperti". È una domanda che penso sia 
importante perché di interesse generale per chiunque lavori nella PA e 
quindi veda sia quello che già è pubblicato, che ciò che non lo è, ma 
potrebbe esserlo. Va da sè che tutte le informazioni non necessarie e 
anche solo potenzialmente sensibili verrebbero strippate.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Import lampioni Comune di Cento

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Andrea Musuruane
2017-01-10 13:25 GMT+01:00 Matteo Fortini :

> Avrei intenzione di caricare i punti relativi ai lampioni del Comune di
> Cento che ho convertito da DWG, verificando l'allineamento.
> Secondo voi ci sono delle questioni da verificare relativamente alla
> proprietà dei dati?

Sì. Con quale licenza sono distribuiti i dati? Chi è il proprietario? Da
dove li hai scaricati?

> Per la procedura, faccio riferimento al wiki di OSM.

Per gli import devi seguire queste linee guida:


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Reunión con IGN sobre PNOA y SIOSE

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Jorge Sanz
2017-01-10 10:51 GMT+01:00 Santiago Crespo :
> Hola, gracias Jorge por organizar esta reunión.
> No me queda claro el objetivo del primer punto (posible importación de

La idea sería (a propuesta de IGN de hecho en aquella reunión que os
comentaba) sustituir la información de CORINE por la cobertura de
SIOSE, que es igualmente información de usos del suelo pero a escala


Es decir plantear el borrado de la información en OSM de CORINE y la
importación de SIOSE, contando con el permiso explícito de IGN.

> Sobre el tema del permiso explícito, entiendo que sería para todos los
> productos digitales del IGN, no solo PNOA.

Eso es lo que me gustaría que saliera de la reunión, pero como mínimo
PNOA porque digamos que estamos ya en situación de campo quemado
cuando ya sale en iD pero sí, efectivamente lo ideal sería un permiso
completo aunque no sé si hay manera de digamos sacar un comodín o hay
que preparar un permiso para todos los productos que el IGN publica.
Además está la complicación de que algunos de ellos son en
colaboración con otras instituciones (SIOSE entre ellos) por lo que
bueno, hay que verlo allí.

> Contad conmigo para la reunión y para echar una mano a quién quiera
> organizar esta posible importación.
> Saludos,
> Santiago Crespo

Respecto a la asistencia virtual, lo pregunto. A priori debería ser
posible tal y como hemos hecho otras veces, aunque ojo que el servicio
de videoconferencia que gastan (webex creo recordar) no funciona en
Linux y toca usar Windows, Mac o Android.


Jorge Sanz

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Monitoring OSM changes (was Re: natural=heath)

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Derick Rethans
On Tue, 10 Jan 2017, Andy Townsend wrote:

> On 09/01/2017 14:38, Adrian McEwen wrote:
> > On 09/01/17 12:50, Andy Townsend wrote:
> > > More seriously, edits are public, and feeds such as Pascal Neis's,
> > > Whodidit and OsmCha allow monitoring of changes in an area, so if you see
> > > something that "looks wrong" please do investigate and contact the user
> > > about it.
> > 
> > Is there a good introduction to those sorts of feeds anywhere? 
> Here's a list of some of the ones that I use:
> New UK mappers:
> http://resultmaps.neis-one.org/newestosm?c=United%20Kingdom#8/52.955/-0.654
> Monitoring changes in a local area:
> http://zverik.osm.rambler.ru/whodidit/?zoom=12=53.15581=-1.36634=BTT
> (actually an RSS feed is available, and there are a couple of "Whodidits"
> around - check the wiki for info)

I tie this in with IFTTT (If This Than That) to send me an email every 
time it triggers.


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Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] bicycle=use_sidepath

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Marc Gemis
Beide vormen worden door elkaar gebruikt. "In den beginne" werd enkel
de cycleway=track op de hoofdweg gebruikt, maar met de verbeterde
luchtfoto's gaat men meer en meer afzonderlijke fietspaden intekenen.
Of dit altijd een goede zaak is, is wat anders. Veel voorkomende
fouten bij het afzonderlijk intekenen:

- geen verbindingen met de straten aan de overzijde, zodat je niet
links kan afslaan op een kruispunt
- fietspaden die ergens halverwege beginnen (niet verbonden met hoofdweg)
- ontbrekende bicycle=use_sidepath tag
- niet verleggen van fiets- en wandelroutes naar het fietspad
- allerlei vreemde connecties van fietspaden op kruispunten omdat "men
het beu is" het fietspad verder te tekenen. (het beste is om ze naar
het centrale punt te brengen, denk maar eens wat een navigatietool
moet zeggen als je het fietspad op een zijstraat laat eindigen en je
moet verder langs de hoofdweg, "sla links af naar ... sla onmiddelijk
rechtaf ...  terwijl je gewoon rechtdoor moet rijden)
- Fietspad wordt maar aan 1 kant getekend terwijl het aan beide kanten
ligt en men laat een mikmak van tags op de hoofdweg staan.
- Afzonderlijke fietspaden getekend terwijl het duidelijk om cycleway=lane gaat.

Het is misschien aantrekkelijk om ze afzonderlijk in te tekenen, en
veel "beginners" wagen zich eraan, maar het is moeilijk om het goed te


2017-01-10 14:24 GMT+01:00 Pieter Brusselman :
> Dag Marc,
> Als ik het goed begrepen heb, teken je in deze situatie
> (https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/w/images/thumb/8/8e/Belgium_road_with_D7_nopavement_speedabove50.jpg/250px-Belgium_road_with_D7_nopavement_speedabove50.jpg)
> een aparte fietsweg in?
> - het fietspad krijgt volgende tags: highway=cycleway
> - de autoweg moet bijkomend getagged worden met bicycle=use_sidepath
> Echter, op deze pagina (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:cycleway)
> wordt dezelfde situatie omschreven als "A cycle track is separated from the
> road by curbs, parking lots, grass verges, trees or another physical
> barrier, but is running parallel and next to the road. ".
> Met andere woorden: er wordt geen bijkomend fietspad ingetekend.
> Wat zijn de conventies in België hierover? Of gebruken we de beide vormen
> door elkaar?
> Grtn,
> Pieter
> Op 13/10/2015 om 20:38 schreef Marc Gemis:
> Hallo,
> Ligfietser, de maker van OpenFietsMap, vroeg me om de tag
> bicycle=use_sidepath nog eens toe te lichten op de Belgische mailing list.
> Deze wordt blijkbaar nog al eens foutief begrepen.
> De bedoeling is om deze tag enkel te gebruiken op straten waarnaast een
> afzonderlijk fietspad is getekend. Dus de combinatie highway=xxx,
> cycleway=track, bicycle=use_sidepath, zonder extra lijn voor het fietspad is
> incorrect. OpenFietsMap zal je niet over zo een straat routeren.
> Ligfietser, the programmer of OpenFietsMap, asked me to write a mail to the
> Belgian mailing list to once again explain the tag bicycle=use_sidepath. It
> seems that the tag is not always used correctly.
> The tag should only be used on streets where there is a separate line for
> the cycleway. Thus the combination highway=xxx, cycleway=track,
> bicycle=use_sidepath without an extra line for the cycle path is incorrect.
> OpenFietsmap will not use that street for cycleway routing.
> regards
> m
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be
> ___
> Talk-be mailing list
> Talk-be@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-be

Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Novità sulle piazze

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 6 Jan 2017, at 17:11, Lorenzo Beba Beltrami  wrote:
> @Martin: ho visto che il wiki l'hai modificato tu inserendo quel 
> suggerimento. C'è una discussione a cui fare riferimento? Non è un po' troppo 
> macchinoso da manutenere dopo?

non ricordo se c'era una discussione, ma in ogni caso è la logica che richiede 
operare così: la piazza va fino al confine. È una questione di topologia, 
andare quasi al confine ma non proprio sarebbe sbagliato al livello topologico.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-be] bicycle=use_sidepath

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Pieter Brusselman

Dag Marc,

Als ik het goed begrepen heb, teken je in deze situatie 
een aparte fietsweg in?

- het fietspad krijgt volgende tags: highway=cycleway
- de autoweg moet bijkomend getagged worden met bicycle=use_sidepath

Echter, op deze pagina (http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:cycleway) 
wordt dezelfde situatie omschreven als "/A cycle track is separated from 
the road by curbs, parking lots, grass verges, trees or another physical 
barrier, but is running parallel and next to the road. ".

/Met andere woorden: er wordt geen bijkomend fietspad ingetekend.

Wat zijn de conventies in België hierover? Of gebruken we de beide 
vormen door elkaar?


Op 13/10/2015 om 20:38 schreef Marc Gemis:


Ligfietser, de maker van OpenFietsMap, vroeg me om de tag 
bicycle=use_sidepath nog eens toe te lichten op de Belgische mailing 
list. Deze wordt blijkbaar nog al eens foutief begrepen.

De bedoeling is om deze tag enkel te gebruiken op straten waarnaast 
een afzonderlijk fietspad is getekend. Dus de combinatie highway=xxx, 
cycleway=track, bicycle=use_sidepath, zonder extra lijn voor het 
fietspad is incorrect. OpenFietsMap zal je niet over zo een straat 

Ligfietser, the programmer of OpenFietsMap, asked me to write a mail 
to the Belgian mailing list to once again explain the tag 
bicycle=use_sidepath. It seems that the tag is not always used correctly.

The tag should only be used on streets where there is a separate line 
for the cycleway. Thus the combination highway=xxx, cycleway=track, 
bicycle=use_sidepath without an extra line for the cycle path is 
incorrect. OpenFietsmap will not use that street for cycleway routing.



Talk-be mailing list

Talk-be mailing list

[talk-au] Public source for street numbers

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Luke Picciau
Are there any free to use sources for street numbers and property 
borders? I have seen quite a lot of maps that have all the street 
numbers and property borders and I cant see how they would have this 
without some kind of government source. Anyone know of such a thing?

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Monitoring OSM changes (was Re: natural=heath)

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Andy Townsend

On 09/01/2017 14:38, Adrian McEwen wrote:

On 09/01/17 12:50, Andy Townsend wrote:
More seriously, edits are public, and feeds such as Pascal Neis's, 
Whodidit and OsmCha allow monitoring of changes in an area, so if you 
see something that "looks wrong" please do investigate and contact 
the user about it.

Is there a good introduction to those sorts of feeds anywhere? 

Here's a list of some of the ones that I use:

New UK mappers:

Monitoring changes in a local area:
(actually an RSS feed is available, and there are a couple of 
"Whodidits" around - check the wiki for info)

There's also https://github.com/SomeoneElseOSM/Changeset1 which runs 
from the command line and lists bounding box overlaps (and some other 
things, like unfeasibly large buildings).

Checking for notes with certain content:

Notes country feed:

Searching for a particular editor, among other things:

Looking at MAPS.ME activity:

Relation history:
(you can check nodes and ways too)
See also:

Changeset visualisation:
For very large changesets, zoom in to where you are interested in, turn 
the "pistemap" layer on (which fails to display) then zoom out to show 
the nearest change to you, then turn the "pistemap" layer off to see 
where it is.

Username changes over time:

Best Regards,


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Robert Skedgell

The wiki lists map_type and map_size as "useful combinations" for the tag 
combination tourism=information + information=map ( 
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:information%3Dmap ).
Using map_type=street probably makes sense as it is already in use and seems a 
reasonable match for the feature.
I am rather more dubious about map_size, partly because nothing currently in 
use really seems to fit and partly because "size" seems potentially ambiguous 
to convey information about the area covered.
I was aware of the different types of sign listed in TfL's product range PDF, 
but was not really convinced that the distinction between monolith and totem 
(or variants of minilith) would really be useful. Something other than 
tourism=information + information=map would be needed for the waymarker bollard 
and fingerposts in any case as these do not have maps.

 Original message 
From: David Groom  
Date: 10/01/2017  10:59  (GMT+00:00) 
To: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org 
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions 

Not quite sure what you had in mind by the tags map_type and map_size, 
but maybe need a tag something along the likes of "sign_type" withn 
values of "bollard | monolith | finger_post | totem" ( see 


-- Original Message --
From: "Robert Skedgell" 
To: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
Sent: 10/01/2017 07:54:41
Subject: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions

>Does anyone have any suggestions for tagging nodes for the Legible 
>signs/maps (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legible_London and 
>tfl.gov.uk/info-for/boroughs/maps-and-signs )?
>  tourism=information
>  information=map
>  map_type=street
>  map_size=site
>  name=*
>  ref=legible_london
>Robert Skedgell (rskedgell)
>Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-it] Import lampioni Comune di Cento

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Matteo Fortini
Avrei intenzione di caricare i punti relativi ai lampioni del Comune di
Cento che ho convertito da DWG, verificando l'allineamento.

Secondo voi ci sono delle questioni da verificare relativamente alla
proprietà dei dati?
Per la procedura, faccio riferimento al wiki di OSM.

Grazie per i commenti.
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Etiquetado construcciones típicas/populares

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Jesús Gómez Fernández
En el caso de la cabaña pasiega [1] a mi entender la etiqueta que más se
ajusta a su función tradicional es building=cowshed [2] y es así cómo las
estoy etiquetando excepto las que se habitan de forma continua o han
cambiado su uso a vivienda de campo. Posiblemente puedas utilizarla para
alguna otra tipología de construcción.
Además tienes building=barn [3] para aquellos edificios dedicados a
granero. Quizás el hórreo entraría dentro de esa categoría aunque sin duda
es muy especial y bien merece un tag específica.
En el caso de los grandes palomares [4] que se pueden ver en Castilla yo
usaría building=yes, man_made=dovecote [5].

[1] https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caba%C3%B1a_pasiega
[2] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:building%3Dcowshed
[3] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:building%3Dbarn
[4] https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palomar_(aves)
[5] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:man_made%3Ddovecote

El 10 de enero de 2017, 12:45, Jesús Lopez 

> Me preguntaba si se podrían etiquetar de alguna forma específica este tipo
> de construcciones (hórreos, masías, barracas, pallozas….) que se salen de
> la tipología común del edificio residencial o industrial. Aparte del
> building=residential/industrial para cada una según su uso, ¿se le podría
> añadir alguna etiqueta que haga saber su origen tradicional/popular y su
> denominación? Tal vez sea superfluo añadir esta información…
> ¿Tourism=attraction para las que se puedan visitar? ¿Cuál es vuestra
> opinión y como lo etiqeutaríais vosotros?
> Saludos
> Jesús
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es
Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-it] wiki italiana, creare collegamenti a pagina amministrazione contattate

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Germano Massullo
Vorrei creare dei collegamenti (all'interno della wiki italiana) verso
la pagina delle amministrazione contattate[1], in maniera da renderla
più facilmente reperibile. Avete delle idee a riguardo?


Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta apertura dati ai comuni attraverso Wikimedia

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Germano Massullo
Il 09/01/2017 22:36, Alessandro Sarretta ha scritto:
> Ho preso la lista di Davide e messa su una tabella condivisa su GDrive
> (so che ci sono soluzioni più open, ma ho preferito la praticità...
> spostate dove ritenete meglio :-)):
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X00dt7WB_ZiEcVetrffln-C9qW1T7g7UeJ2S084qwrE/edit?usp=sharing
Magari in futuro si potrebbe cercare di integrare quella tabella con
questa qui

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-gb-westmidlands] Wolverhampton Railway Station

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Andy Mabbett
On 9 January 2017 at 22:21, Wolves on Wheels Cycle Campaign

> Just to introduce myself, I'm Steve Young from Wolverhampton ( First
> message, very very recently joined this mailing list )


> I've not made an edit yet, though hoping to make the next meeting in
> Birmingham.
> If I could bring my laptop and arrive a little earlier with someone to "hold
> my hand" and answer some newbie questions, I'd find it useful.

Do, but be careful - that's how I got started, and its addictive!

> I know roads in Brum which are on OSM but not Google M :-)

Which ones?

Andy Mabbett

Talk-gb-westmidlands mailing list

hebdoOSM Nº 337 27/12/2016-02/01/2017

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden weeklyteam

Le résumé hebdomadaire n° 337 de l'actualité OpenStreetMap vient de paraître en 
français. Un condensé à retrouver à:


Bonne lecture!

Qui?: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/WeeklyOSM#Available_Languages 
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Darme de baja

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Carlos Cabezas
Hola Tino, 

Ya se te ha dicho que si deseas darte de baja debes entrar en el enlace que 
aparece debajo de cada correo y desuscribirte. No es necesario escribir el 
mismo mensaje en distintos hilos. 

El 10 de enero de 2017 12:44:11 CET, Tino Rodriguez Mendez 
>Ruego no me manden para correos , un saludo
>Enviado desde mi iPhone
>Talk-es mailing list

Carlos Cabezas___
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Darme de baja

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden María Arias de Reyna
Hola Tino,

A esta lista sólo puedes desapuntarte de la misma forma que te
apuntaste. Puedes encontrar el link al final del correo.

Por favor, deja de mandar correos pidiendo que te demos de baja que es
un poco molesto.

On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 12:44 PM, Tino Rodriguez Mendez
> Ruego no me manden para correos , un saludo
> Enviado desde mi iPhone
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-es] Etiquetado construcciones típicas/populares

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Jesús Lopez
Me preguntaba si se podrían etiquetar de alguna forma específica este tipo de 
construcciones (hórreos, masías, barracas, pallozas….) que se salen de la 
tipología común del edificio residencial o industrial. Aparte del 
building=residential/industrial para cada una según su uso, ¿se le podría 
añadir alguna etiqueta que haga saber su origen tradicional/popular y su 
denominación? Tal vez sea superfluo añadir esta información… 
¿Tourism=attraction para las que se puedan visitar? ¿Cuál es vuestra opinión y 
como lo etiqeutaríais vosotros?

Talk-es mailing list

[Talk-es] Darme de baja

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Tino Rodriguez Mendez

Ruego no me manden para correos , un saludo
Enviado desde mi iPhone

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-se] Husnummerimport i Hbg kommun

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Lars Aronsson

On 01/09/2017 09:49 AM, Andreas Vilén wrote:
Med bokstäver menar jag adresser av typ 15A, där 15 ligger under 
husnummer och A ligger under extrataggen. Ett något okonventionellt 
sätt att lösa det är att lägga A under addr:unit, men detta avråddes 
jag ifrån när jag frågade om det på engelska OSM-IRC för några veckor 

En viktig användning är att gå från postadress till vägbeskrivning.
Man vill inte resa till Storgatan 15 utan till 15A och då vill man
att vägbeskrivningen ska leda till rätt sida av huset, inte till dess
baksida, som kanske kan nås via en park. Det är därför viktigt
att 15A är en punkt på en sida av huset, som nås av vägar.

  Lars Aronsson (l...@aronsson.se)

Talk-se mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Reunión con IGN sobre PNOA y SIOSE

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Matías h

Lo siento, pero me es imposible asistir. Como dice Jorge, si acaso de forma


El 10 de enero de 2017, 10:00, Jorge Sanz  escribió:

> Hola a todos,
> En diciembre tuvimos en la sede del IGN una primera actividad de AESIG
> tras su reactivación (no entréis en la web que todavía da penica) y el
> caso es que salió otra vez el tema de OSM. Se comentó la posibilidad
> de importar los datos de usos del suelo del proyecto SIOSE, que son
> mucho más precisos que el CORINE LandCover que ahora mismo (si no me
> equivoco) tenemos en OSM España, además de ser seguramente
> técnicamente más sencillo y viable que otros datasets que IGN tiene
> publicados.
> Como consecuencia de esa discusión y a raíz también de las
> conversaciones sobre formalizar el permiso explícito del IGN para que
> la comunidad use PNOA (especialmente ahora que es la ortoimagen por
> defecto en iD) he organizado una reunión con los responsables del IGN
> para tratar ambos temas.
> La reunión va a ser en la sede del IGN en Madrid el 24 de enero a las
> 10 de la mañana y de forma intencionada solo quiero tratar esos dos
> temas para que sea corta, productiva y a la vez un arranque "en serio"
> de colaboración entre ambas organizaciones.
> Por otro lado me gustaría *no* ser el único representante de OSM en
> esa reunión más que nada porque si bien seguramente soy quien más
> contacto tiene con IGN, ciertamente estoy un poco desconectado (por
> falta de tiempo, no de interés) de todas las conversaciones que vais
> llevando aquí y en telegram así que estoy seguro de que me estoy
> perdiendo mucho del buen trabajo que estamos haciendo entre todos.
> ¿Qué os parece? ¿Alguien se anima a venir a la reunión?
> ¡Saludos!
> --
> Jorge Sanz
> http://www.osgeo.org
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Jorge_Sanz
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] tag prow_ref

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Dave F

This thread:

Specifically this point by Andy R.:

As pointed out official_ref=* is a little to vague. It's always good to 
be specific as possible.


On 10/01/2017 10:39, Colin Smale wrote:

On 2017-01-10 10:04, Dave F wrote:

FYI The agreed tag for 'C' roads was highway_authority_ref as it was 
felt there could be other official or authority tags. It's always 
good to be specific.

Where was that discussed/agreed?
The wiki[1] says to use official_ref or admin_ref.
[1] https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/United_Kingdom_Tagging_Guidelines

Talk-GB mailing list

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Talk-GB mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Le site ouvoter.lesprimairescitoyennes.fr localise sur OSM les bureaux de vote

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden gnrc
Pour info, voir exemple sur lien 


Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-be] Mapillary

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Philippe Casteleyn
Ik heb de Dijle gephotographeerd per velo.  Er zijn daar nog veel 
picnicplaatsen niet gemapt.  Misschien doe ik het volgende week zelf uit 
verveling.  Ik heb ook de fietsknooppunten gephotographeerd.  Die notes mogen 
dus weg.

De staat heeft met ons geld heel Vlaanderen gephotographeerd.  De beelden en 
lidar gegevens houdt ze voor zichzelf.  Dit jaar is er trouwens geen geld meer 

Dat zou al voldoende moeten zijn om elke open data voorstander kwaad te maken 
en naar de pik of zeis te doen grijpen, ik bedoel dat appje te gebruiken.

Iedereen bekijkt tegenwoordig voor zijn reis zijn bestemming via Google 
Streetview.  OSM is kwetsbaar voor vandalisme en fouten.  Dat is reden te meer 
om een stevige verifieerbare, geloofwaardige dekkende basis te hebben.

Een photo zegt meer dan duizend tags.  Het is ook gemakkelijker dan OSM mappen. 
 Die duizenden photographen die de zondagnamiddag onze steden overspoelen 
zouden eigenlijk nuttige photo's kunnen maken waar nog iemand zelfs naar kijkt.

Mapillary kan ook voor en na vergelijken.  Indien ik Mapillary ambassadeur ware 
geweest, dan had ik toch eens een samenkomst georganiseerd.



Talk-be mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden David Groom

Not quite sure what you had in mind by the tags map_type and map_size, 
but maybe need a tag something along the likes of "sign_type" withn 
values of "bollard | monolith | finger_post | totem" ( see 


-- Original Message --
From: "Robert Skedgell" 
To: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
Sent: 10/01/2017 07:54:41
Subject: [Talk-GB] Legible London signs - tagging suggestions

Does anyone have any suggestions for tagging nodes for the Legible 
signs/maps (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legible_London and 

tfl.gov.uk/info-for/boroughs/maps-and-signs )?


Robert Skedgell (rskedgell)

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Reunión con IGN sobre PNOA y SIOSE

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso
Yo presencialmente por la distancia no puedo, pero si se puede virtualmente
Un saludo.

El mar., 10 ene. 2017 a las 11:27, Santiago Higuera ()

> Hola:
> Gracias por las gestiones, Jorge.
> Trataré de asistir.
> Un saludo
> Santiago Higuera
> El mar, 10-01-2017 a las 10:51 +0100, Santiago Crespo escribió:
> > Hola, gracias Jorge por organizar esta reunión.
> >
> > No me queda claro el objetivo del primer punto (posible importación
> > de
> > SIOSE).
> >
> > Sobre el tema del permiso explícito, entiendo que sería para todos
> > los
> > productos digitales del IGN, no solo PNOA.
> >
> > Contad conmigo para la reunión y para echar una mano a quién quiera
> > organizar esta posible importación.
> >
> > Saludos,
> > Santiago Crespo
> >
> > On 01/10/2017 10:00 AM, Jorge Sanz wrote:
> > >
> > > Hola a todos,
> > >
> > > En diciembre tuvimos en la sede del IGN una primera actividad de
> > > AESIG
> > > tras su reactivación (no entréis en la web que todavía da penica) y
> > > el
> > > caso es que salió otra vez el tema de OSM. Se comentó la
> > > posibilidad
> > > de importar los datos de usos del suelo del proyecto SIOSE, que son
> > > mucho más precisos que el CORINE LandCover que ahora mismo (si no
> > > me
> > > equivoco) tenemos en OSM España, además de ser seguramente
> > > técnicamente más sencillo y viable que otros datasets que IGN tiene
> > > publicados.
> > >
> > > Como consecuencia de esa discusión y a raíz también de las
> > > conversaciones sobre formalizar el permiso explícito del IGN para
> > > que
> > > la comunidad use PNOA (especialmente ahora que es la ortoimagen por
> > > defecto en iD) he organizado una reunión con los responsables del
> > > IGN
> > > para tratar ambos temas.
> > >
> > > La reunión va a ser en la sede del IGN en Madrid el 24 de enero a
> > > las
> > > 10 de la mañana y de forma intencionada solo quiero tratar esos dos
> > > temas para que sea corta, productiva y a la vez un arranque "en
> > > serio"
> > > de colaboración entre ambas organizaciones.
> > >
> > > Por otro lado me gustaría *no* ser el único representante de OSM en
> > > esa reunión más que nada porque si bien seguramente soy quien más
> > > contacto tiene con IGN, ciertamente estoy un poco desconectado (por
> > > falta de tiempo, no de interés) de todas las conversaciones que
> > > vais
> > > llevando aquí y en telegram así que estoy seguro de que me estoy
> > > perdiendo mucho del buen trabajo que estamos haciendo entre todos.
> > >
> > > ¿Qué os parece? ¿Alguien se anima a venir a la reunión?
> > >
> > > ¡Saludos!
> > >
> > ___
> > Talk-es mailing list
> > Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> > https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es
Jorge Sanz Sanfructuoso - Sanchi
Blog http://blog.jorgesanzs.com/
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Darme de baja en este servicio

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Santiago Crespo
Hola Tino, te puedes dar de baja en el enlace que se añade
automáticamente al final de cada email.

Santiago Crespo

On 01/10/2017 11:37 AM, Tino Rodriguez Mendez wrote:
> Buenas, ruego que me dejen de mandar  correos a mi cuenta, sin otro motivo 
> reciban un cordial saludo 
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] tag prow_ref

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Colin Smale
On 2017-01-10 10:04, Dave F wrote:

> FYI The agreed tag for 'C' roads was highway_authority_ref as it was felt 
> there could be other official or authority tags. It's always good to be 
> specific.

Where was that discussed/agreed? 

The wiki[1] says to use official_ref or admin_ref. 


Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-es] Darme de baja en este servicio

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Tino Rodriguez Mendez

Buenas, ruego que me dejen de mandar  correos a mi cuenta, sin otro motivo 
reciban un cordial saludo 
Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Reunión con IGN sobre PNOA y SIOSE

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Santiago Higuera
Gracias por las gestiones, Jorge.
Trataré de asistir.
Un saludo

Santiago Higuera

El mar, 10-01-2017 a las 10:51 +0100, Santiago Crespo escribió:
> Hola, gracias Jorge por organizar esta reunión.
> No me queda claro el objetivo del primer punto (posible importación
> de
> Sobre el tema del permiso explícito, entiendo que sería para todos
> los
> productos digitales del IGN, no solo PNOA.
> Contad conmigo para la reunión y para echar una mano a quién quiera
> organizar esta posible importación.
> Saludos,
> Santiago Crespo
> On 01/10/2017 10:00 AM, Jorge Sanz wrote:
> > 
> > Hola a todos,
> > 
> > En diciembre tuvimos en la sede del IGN una primera actividad de
> > tras su reactivación (no entréis en la web que todavía da penica) y
> > el
> > caso es que salió otra vez el tema de OSM. Se comentó la
> > posibilidad
> > de importar los datos de usos del suelo del proyecto SIOSE, que son
> > mucho más precisos que el CORINE LandCover que ahora mismo (si no
> > me
> > equivoco) tenemos en OSM España, además de ser seguramente
> > técnicamente más sencillo y viable que otros datasets que IGN tiene
> > publicados.
> > 
> > Como consecuencia de esa discusión y a raíz también de las
> > conversaciones sobre formalizar el permiso explícito del IGN para
> > que
> > la comunidad use PNOA (especialmente ahora que es la ortoimagen por
> > defecto en iD) he organizado una reunión con los responsables del
> > IGN
> > para tratar ambos temas.
> > 
> > La reunión va a ser en la sede del IGN en Madrid el 24 de enero a
> > las
> > 10 de la mañana y de forma intencionada solo quiero tratar esos dos
> > temas para que sea corta, productiva y a la vez un arranque "en
> > serio"
> > de colaboración entre ambas organizaciones.
> > 
> > Por otro lado me gustaría *no* ser el único representante de OSM en
> > esa reunión más que nada porque si bien seguramente soy quien más
> > contacto tiene con IGN, ciertamente estoy un poco desconectado (por
> > falta de tiempo, no de interés) de todas las conversaciones que
> > vais
> > llevando aquí y en telegram así que estoy seguro de que me estoy
> > perdiendo mucho del buen trabajo que estamos haciendo entre todos.
> > 
> > ¿Qué os parece? ¿Alguien se anima a venir a la reunión?
> > 
> > ¡Saludos!
> > 
> ___
> Talk-es mailing list
> Talk-es@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-es

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] beetroot or beet

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Dave F
I'm surprised contributors are spending their time with the ephemeral 
'crop' tag in the UK. As pointed out by Andy we have crop rotation 
systems. Previously to ensure the land wasn't stripped of nutrients, but 
now primarily based on what is the highest EU CAP subsidy.


On 10/01/2017 01:44, Andy Townsend wrote:

On 10/01/17 01:20, David Groom wrote:

Tag info shows 579 ways tagged with crop = beet, of these 572 are in 
northern Italy added by 3 users, so its probably quite easy to ask 
what exactly they meant by "beet" , and retag these existing ways if 
they actually should be beetroot.

In the UK I could hazard a guess as to whether sugarbeet or something 
else based on the proximity to one of British Sugar's plants such as 
Newark or Peterborough, but in Northern Italy asking the mapper 
definitely seems like a good idea.

Another caveat in the UK - crops are often rotated (and planted based 
on price expectation) so what is beet one year is barley the next, and 
perhaps oil-seed rape after that.  Essentially, where this variation 
happens it'd be difficult to trust any "crop" tag over a year old.

Best Regards,


Talk-GB mailing list

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-es] Reunión con IGN sobre PNOA y SIOSE

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Santiago Crespo
Hola, gracias Jorge por organizar esta reunión.

No me queda claro el objetivo del primer punto (posible importación de

Sobre el tema del permiso explícito, entiendo que sería para todos los
productos digitales del IGN, no solo PNOA.

Contad conmigo para la reunión y para echar una mano a quién quiera
organizar esta posible importación.

Santiago Crespo

On 01/10/2017 10:00 AM, Jorge Sanz wrote:
> Hola a todos,
> En diciembre tuvimos en la sede del IGN una primera actividad de AESIG
> tras su reactivación (no entréis en la web que todavía da penica) y el
> caso es que salió otra vez el tema de OSM. Se comentó la posibilidad
> de importar los datos de usos del suelo del proyecto SIOSE, que son
> mucho más precisos que el CORINE LandCover que ahora mismo (si no me
> equivoco) tenemos en OSM España, además de ser seguramente
> técnicamente más sencillo y viable que otros datasets que IGN tiene
> publicados.
> Como consecuencia de esa discusión y a raíz también de las
> conversaciones sobre formalizar el permiso explícito del IGN para que
> la comunidad use PNOA (especialmente ahora que es la ortoimagen por
> defecto en iD) he organizado una reunión con los responsables del IGN
> para tratar ambos temas.
> La reunión va a ser en la sede del IGN en Madrid el 24 de enero a las
> 10 de la mañana y de forma intencionada solo quiero tratar esos dos
> temas para que sea corta, productiva y a la vez un arranque "en serio"
> de colaboración entre ambas organizaciones.
> Por otro lado me gustaría *no* ser el único representante de OSM en
> esa reunión más que nada porque si bien seguramente soy quien más
> contacto tiene con IGN, ciertamente estoy un poco desconectado (por
> falta de tiempo, no de interés) de todas las conversaciones que vais
> llevando aquí y en telegram así que estoy seguro de que me estoy
> perdiendo mucho del buen trabajo que estamos haciendo entre todos.
> ¿Qué os parece? ¿Alguien se anima a venir a la reunión?
> ¡Saludos!

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta apertura dati ai comuni attraverso Wikimedia

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Davide Sandona'
> Dato che lo sento un giorno si ed uno anche, se vuoi investigo :)

Investiga, investiga :) :)


Il giorno 10 gennaio 2017 10:10, Maurizio Napolitano 
ha scritto:

> 2017-01-09 22:36 GMT+01:00 Alessandro Sarretta <
> alessandro.sarre...@gmail.com>:
> > Napo mi stimola sempre pensieri positivi :-)
> >
> > Ho preso la lista di Davide e messa su una tabella condivisa su GDrive
> (so
> > che ci sono soluzioni più open, ma ho preferito la praticità... spostate
> > dove ritenete meglio :-)):
> > https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X00dt7WB_ZiEcVetrffln-
> C9qW1T7g7UeJ2S084qwrE/edit?usp=sharing
> l'importante e' che, se si sposta, si decida esattamente quale quello
> ufficiale.
> Per il resto non mi cambia molto fino a che non c'e' obbligo di
> registrazione
> > Dovrebbe essere editabile da chiunque abbia il link.
> >
> > Ho aggiunto alcune colonne di "metadati" da riempire per aggiungere info
> > utili per una analisi un po' più approfondita e per eventualmente una
> > richiesta in Regione. Ho compilato come esempio le info per il comune di
> > Rubano. Per la data policy più informazioni specifiche riusciamo a
> mettere
> > meglio è, credo.
> >
> > Potrebbe essere effettivamente interessante e utile arricchire la tabella
> > con le info che si riescono a reperire per i vari comuni (possibile che
> non
> > esista già qualcosa di simile?).
> Mi chiedo se i dati sono entrati nel RNDT
> http://www.rndt.gov.it/RNDT/ka-map/index.php
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-dk] Vandpibesteder

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Jørgen Elgaard Larsen

Niels Elgaard Larsen:

Hvordan tagger vi vandpibesteder?

Jeg vil mene, at de skal tagges som selvstændig amenity.

Der er en smule præcedens for amenity=hookah_lounge.

Det står ikke på den officielle wiki, men er nævnt på den russiske:


Du kan jo overveje at lave et proposal.

- Jørgen

Talk-dk mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] beetroot or beet

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Andy Robinson
I can see a whole new wiki excursion into the underground world of root crops 


-Original Message-
From: Craig Wallace [mailto:craig...@fastmail.fm] 
Sent: 10 January 2017 01:52
To: talk-gb@openstreetmap.org
Subject: Re: [Talk-GB] beetroot or beet

On 2017-01-10 01:20, David Groom wrote:
> Although "beet" could also refer to "sugar beet"

Or "fodder beet" (aka mangelwurzel).
I think it is rather similar to sugar beet, not sure if you could tell the 
difference in the field.

It seems they are all the same species (Beta vulgaris), but different 
cultivars. Also Swiss chard is the same species, but using the leaves.

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta apertura dati ai comuni attraverso Wikimedia

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
2017-01-09 22:36 GMT+01:00 Alessandro Sarretta :
> Napo mi stimola sempre pensieri positivi :-)
> Ho preso la lista di Davide e messa su una tabella condivisa su GDrive (so
> che ci sono soluzioni più open, ma ho preferito la praticità... spostate
> dove ritenete meglio :-)):
> https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X00dt7WB_ZiEcVetrffln-C9qW1T7g7UeJ2S084qwrE/edit?usp=sharing

l'importante e' che, se si sposta, si decida esattamente quale quello ufficiale.
Per il resto non mi cambia molto fino a che non c'e' obbligo di registrazione

> Dovrebbe essere editabile da chiunque abbia il link.
> Ho aggiunto alcune colonne di "metadati" da riempire per aggiungere info
> utili per una analisi un po' più approfondita e per eventualmente una
> richiesta in Regione. Ho compilato come esempio le info per il comune di
> Rubano. Per la data policy più informazioni specifiche riusciamo a mettere
> meglio è, credo.
> Potrebbe essere effettivamente interessante e utile arricchire la tabella
> con le info che si riescono a reperire per i vari comuni (possibile che non
> esista già qualcosa di simile?).

Mi chiedo se i dati sono entrati nel RNDT

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] tag prow_ref

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Dave F

On 10/01/2017 00:36, Robert Norris wrote:

If I remember correctly the use of "prow_ref" tag is normally when the 
reference is taken from the  Council ROW information documents that are compatible with 
'ref' is used when the Reference itself is on the signed on the ground.
Thus for the Isle Of Wight, it is probably recommended to use the 'ref' field 
since I believe most if not all ROW on the IOW have the reference on the sign 
Whereas for most of the rest of England and Wales, only rarely are the ROW 
references put on sign posts (I don't know of anywhere else that does it 
consistently compared to the IOW). The only times I normally see ROW references 
are on permissive notices or temporary route diversion notices.
Thus similar to the recommendation for 'C' road references vs A/B Roads. 
Visibly signed things go into 'ref' so used for A/B roads. 'official_ref' or 
similar should be used for C roads.

I'm unsure why you feel there should be a difference in tagging when 
it's signed on the ground. They refer to the same objects as would be 
listed in the Isle of White Council ROW information documents, so should 
be tagged prow_ref.

FYI The agreed tag for 'C' roads was highway_authority_ref as it was 
felt there could be other official or authority tags. It's always good 
to be specific.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] Richiesta apertura dati ai comuni attraverso Wikimedia

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Maurizio Napolitano
> Si può fare. Per dovere di cronaca, verso fine ottobre contattai i
> responsabili di dati.veneto.it per sapere se avessero in programma di
> rilasciare altri dati (la mia richiesta era mirata ai numeri civici):
> Gianluigi Cogo mi rispose che "al momento non avevano nulla, ma sicuramente
> con il passare dei mesi qualcosa si muoveva".

Dato che lo sento un giorno si ed uno anche, se vuoi investigo :)

>> Potrebbe essere effettivamente interessante e utile arricchire la tabella
>> con le info che si riescono a reperire per i vari comuni (possibile che non
>> esista già qualcosa di simile?)
> Ottimo! Pian pianino ti aiuto ad inserire le informazioni.


Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-es] Reunión con IGN sobre PNOA y SIOSE

2017-01-10 Diskussionsfäden Jorge Sanz
Hola a todos,

En diciembre tuvimos en la sede del IGN una primera actividad de AESIG
tras su reactivación (no entréis en la web que todavía da penica) y el
caso es que salió otra vez el tema de OSM. Se comentó la posibilidad
de importar los datos de usos del suelo del proyecto SIOSE, que son
mucho más precisos que el CORINE LandCover que ahora mismo (si no me
equivoco) tenemos en OSM España, además de ser seguramente
técnicamente más sencillo y viable que otros datasets que IGN tiene

Como consecuencia de esa discusión y a raíz también de las
conversaciones sobre formalizar el permiso explícito del IGN para que
la comunidad use PNOA (especialmente ahora que es la ortoimagen por
defecto en iD) he organizado una reunión con los responsables del IGN
para tratar ambos temas.

La reunión va a ser en la sede del IGN en Madrid el 24 de enero a las
10 de la mañana y de forma intencionada solo quiero tratar esos dos
temas para que sea corta, productiva y a la vez un arranque "en serio"
de colaboración entre ambas organizaciones.

Por otro lado me gustaría *no* ser el único representante de OSM en
esa reunión más que nada porque si bien seguramente soy quien más
contacto tiene con IGN, ciertamente estoy un poco desconectado (por
falta de tiempo, no de interés) de todas las conversaciones que vais
llevando aquí y en telegram así que estoy seguro de que me estoy
perdiendo mucho del buen trabajo que estamos haciendo entre todos.

¿Qué os parece? ¿Alguien se anima a venir a la reunión?


Jorge Sanz

Talk-es mailing list

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