Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch (Re: Multi-User "randale" ( s?dlich Reutlingen/T?bingen ))

2008-06-10 Diskussionsfäden Martin Thurau
On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Christian Koerner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The conflict management could be simple, a new API call 'lock' could be
> introduced to lock and unlock ways for editing (online editors only?).

I agree, that this would be solution, but good locking is really hard
to implement. And if you deal with an request-based architecture like
the web it's even harder.
Atomic locking (= for every street/point) also increases DB load (this
can by avoided by holding locks in memory).
Maybe an area lock ("User XX locked a rectangle from lat,lng to
lat,lng") would be better. If the user pans out of this area, the
frontend would asked "Save changes" and releases the lock.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch (Re: Multi-User "randale" ( s?dlich Reutlingen/T?bingen ))

2008-06-09 Diskussionsfäden Christian Koerner
On Sun, 8 Jun 2008 21:52:27 +0100
Richard Fairhurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Andre Rechelt wrote:
> > Ich frage mich ganz einfach, was sich die Entwickler von Potlach  
> > heraus nehmen, um im Gegensatz zu ALLEN ANDEREN direkt in der  
> > Datenbank herumzupfuschen und nicht den Weg ?ber die API gehen.
> Potlatch does not have, as you have put it elsewhere, a "direct  
> tunnel to the data". This just isn't true.
> Potlatch (the application) uses an API, just as JOSM does, which  
> sanitises requests, requires authentication, etc. There are three  
> significant differences between that part of the API used by  
> Potlatch, and that part of the API used by JOSM etc.
> - Potlatch uses a different encoding (AMF rather than XML). This is  
> simply for the sake of efficiency: older (Actionscript 1)/free  
> (Gnash) Flash players work much better with AMF than with XML.  
> Encoding, of course, makes no difference to the data.
> - Some of Potlatch's calls are constructed differently. Some of this  
> is for historical reasons - you might be too new to realise this,
> but in earlier versions of the API, we had three object types: ways  
> (comprising a chain of segments), segments (connecting two nodes),  
> and nodes. Potlatch (which has always had broadly the same UI)  
> abstracted segments away from the user. Therefore the API functions  
> provided _at_the_time_ were not particularly suitable.
> Since then, the rest of the API has in fact moved closer to Potlatch  
> through the abolition of segments (Frederik and Gabriel's work,  
> thanks :) ). I believe that there is some will to provide the rest
> of the API with the remaining Potlatch-only functionality (in  
> particular, a PUT /way//full method).
> Bear in mind too that, at present, the design of the main API calls  
> are better suited to an offline editor (like JOSM) than an online
> one (like Potlatch). In particular, the /map call pulls down the
> entire contents of the bounding box every single time. This would
> mean that, every time the user panned the map in Potlatch, all the
> ways and nodes would be sent again - even if the user had only panned
> left by 10% of the screen area. Instead, Potlatch takes an approach
> which does not require already-loaded ways to be resent, with
> significant benefits for bandwidth and server load.
> - A significant proportion of the code in amf_controller.rb uses SQL  
> rather than Rails objects. Except in some cases where SQL provides a  
> significant speed advantage, this is generally accepted as a defect.  
> It's only the case because I don't speak Rails. If you want to do  
> something constructive, fixing this would be the single best place
> to start, and would be enormously welcomed by many people including  
> myself. Please take it forward to the dev list if so - you'll find  
> lots of people willing to help you!
> While I'm here I might as well say something about the lack of a
> Save button.
> I'm not violently against the concept: I think "unconvinced" is  
> perhaps the best way to describe my opinion.
> There are two big issues with it. One is that for edit sessions  
> lasting more than a couple of seconds, there has to be conflict  
> management. If you're a JOSM user, then you are de facto a
> clued-up, computer-savvy type, so conflict management doesn't worry
> you. But if you are a newbie - maybe even a schoolkid - trying just
> to edit your local area, then being presented with "The following
> conflicts were detected. Accept/Resolve/Revert?" will just utterly
> confuse you, and you'll click the wrong thing and cause more errors.
> Or maybe just close Potlatch and never return to OSM.
> The second is that, in JOSM, your "canvas" is usually quite small -  
> i.e. you have downloaded a particular area and are working on that  
> exclusively. In Potlatch, because you can pan around an infinite
> map, your canvas may be much bigger. You may have traced a 600km
> cycle route (I know, I've done that! :) ) in one session. Yet you
> can't zoom out to see the whole thing, because requesting a 600km
> bounding box would break both the server and the browser. So you
> would be clicking "Save" to upload changes that you can't actually
> see or review, and that - in my opinion - defeats the point of it.
> But actually they're not my biggest problem with the idea.
> What worries me most, because I've seen it before, is that people
> are seizing on the first thing they don't like, and thinking that's
> the reason why there are bad edits. People used to criticise Potlatch
> for causing bad edits because there was no 'revert' feature, so I
> added a revert feature (the H key). Then they criticised Potlatch for
> causing bad edits because there was no 'test' mode, so I added a test
> mode. Then they criticised Potlatch because there was no 'splash
> screen' explaining things, so I added a splash screen. Now they
> criticise Potlatch because ther

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch (Re: Multi-User "randale" ( s?dlich Reutlingen/T?bingen ))

2008-06-09 Diskussionsfäden John07
Richard Fairhurst schrieb:
> Apologies, as a non-German speaker I can only half-follow this 
> discussion through Google Translate, and I realise it's very rude to 
> post in English on a German-speaking list. I thought it would 
> nonetheless be valuable to follow up two points in particular, hope 
> you don't mind.
Thanks for entering this discussion, i think it is mucht better to speak 
with the developer, not about/against him.

> That's not to say that Potlatch can't be improved. Of course it can, a 
> lot. One simple easy-to-fix thing which I'm planning to change soon, 
> and which I think would make an enormous difference, is actually to 
> have a very prominent "uploading..." display when a way is being 
> uploaded. This would make it pretty obvious the first time that you 
> changed something that it was writing to the map. You would make one 
> bad edit, maximum. (In general, making what's happening "transparent" 
> and obvious is a good thing, and Potlatch doesn't follow that 
> principle enough at the moment.)
I think this would be a very good improvement. When i first worked with 
Potlach i didnĀ“t understand/realize that my edits are saved/uploaded 
If you could add a single line under "uploading" like: "If you want to 
revert your Edits press H" (or they key for that) it would be perfect.

> Another thing is localisation, so that the advice at the start - "If 
> you click 'Start', you'll be editing the main map directly" - shows up 
> in German, too. Lots of you have offered help with that, which is 
> great - thank you all; I hope to have some more news on that really soon.
If there are to less people I even could help translating.

At last I want to say that Potlach got  better a lot since I joined OSM 
last year.


Talk-de mailing list

Re: [Talk-de] Potlatch (Re: Multi-User "randale" ( s?dlich Reutlingen/T?bingen ))

2008-06-08 Diskussionsfäden Robert Heel
My opinion as a newbie (potlatch & josm user)...

Richard Fairhurst schrieb:
> There are two big issues with it. One is that for edit sessions lasting
> more than a couple of seconds, there has to be conflict management. If
> you're a JOSM user, then you are de facto a  clued-up, computer-savvy
> type, so conflict management doesn't worry you. But if you are a newbie
> - maybe even a schoolkid - trying just to edit your local area, then
> being presented with "The following conflicts were detected.
> Accept/Resolve/Revert?" will just utterly confuse you, and you'll click
> the wrong thing and cause more errors. Or maybe just close Potlatch and
> never return to OSM.

You need a conflict management even if you edit the database directly. If one 
user change a point/way, and another user
already loaded this section in potlatch and change this point/way different? - 
The last one wins without a warning ...

In josm you have to initialize the "save" prozedure AND it shows you the 
changes bevor saving - potlatch just saves.
Most editors for text, pictures and audio waits for a user action to save, 
that's in peoples mind.

Potlatch helped me to get into this project, too. Many thanks for this "easy to 
use" tool!
But I'm afraid of vandalism. In this short time I spend a lot of time to map... 
The more people know about this project,
the more will make it bad.
So the software (josm too) have to
- minimize (newbie) user input mistaces
- easy repair options against vandalism

You're right, a "save" button is not the last change, but give it a try if this 
button decrease the newbie mistaces ...



Talk-de mailing list

[Talk-de] Potlatch (Re: Multi-User "randale" ( s?dlich Reutlingen/T?bingen ))

2008-06-08 Diskussionsfäden Richard Fairhurst
Apologies, as a non-German speaker I can only half-follow this  
discussion through Google Translate, and I realise it's very rude to  
post in English on a German-speaking list. I thought it would  
nonetheless be valuable to follow up two points in particular, hope  
you don't mind.

Andre Rechelt wrote:

Ich frage mich ganz einfach, was sich die Entwickler von Potlach  
heraus nehmen, um im Gegensatz zu ALLEN ANDEREN direkt in der  
Datenbank herumzupfuschen und nicht den Weg ?ber die API gehen.

Potlatch does not have, as you have put it elsewhere, a "direct  
tunnel to the data". This just isn't true.

Potlatch (the application) uses an API, just as JOSM does, which  
sanitises requests, requires authentication, etc. There are three  
significant differences between that part of the API used by  
Potlatch, and that part of the API used by JOSM etc.

- Potlatch uses a different encoding (AMF rather than XML). This is  
simply for the sake of efficiency: older (Actionscript 1)/free  
(Gnash) Flash players work much better with AMF than with XML.  
Encoding, of course, makes no difference to the data.

- Some of Potlatch's calls are constructed differently. Some of this  
is for historical reasons - you might be too new to realise this, but  
in earlier versions of the API, we had three object types: ways  
(comprising a chain of segments), segments (connecting two nodes),  
and nodes. Potlatch (which has always had broadly the same UI)  
abstracted segments away from the user. Therefore the API functions  
provided _at_the_time_ were not particularly suitable.

Since then, the rest of the API has in fact moved closer to Potlatch  
through the abolition of segments (Frederik and Gabriel's work,  
thanks :) ). I believe that there is some will to provide the rest of  
the API with the remaining Potlatch-only functionality (in  
particular, a PUT /way//full method).

Bear in mind too that, at present, the design of the main API calls  
are better suited to an offline editor (like JOSM) than an online one  
(like Potlatch). In particular, the /map call pulls down the entire  
contents of the bounding box every single time. This would mean that,  
every time the user panned the map in Potlatch, all the ways and  
nodes would be sent again - even if the user had only panned left by  
10% of the screen area. Instead, Potlatch takes an approach which  
does not require already-loaded ways to be resent, with significant  
benefits for bandwidth and server load.

- A significant proportion of the code in amf_controller.rb uses SQL  
rather than Rails objects. Except in some cases where SQL provides a  
significant speed advantage, this is generally accepted as a defect.  
It's only the case because I don't speak Rails. If you want to do  
something constructive, fixing this would be the single best place to  
start, and would be enormously welcomed by many people including  
myself. Please take it forward to the dev list if so - you'll find  
lots of people willing to help you!

While I'm here I might as well say something about the lack of a Save  

I'm not violently against the concept: I think "unconvinced" is  
perhaps the best way to describe my opinion.

There are two big issues with it. One is that for edit sessions  
lasting more than a couple of seconds, there has to be conflict  
management. If you're a JOSM user, then you are de facto a  clued-up,  
computer-savvy type, so conflict management doesn't worry you. But if  
you are a newbie - maybe even a schoolkid - trying just to edit your  
local area, then being presented with "The following conflicts were  
detected. Accept/Resolve/Revert?" will just utterly confuse you, and  
you'll click the wrong thing and cause more errors. Or maybe just  
close Potlatch and never return to OSM.

The second is that, in JOSM, your "canvas" is usually quite small -  
i.e. you have downloaded a particular area and are working on that  
exclusively. In Potlatch, because you can pan around an infinite map,  
your canvas may be much bigger. You may have traced a 600km cycle  
route (I know, I've done that! :) ) in one session. Yet you can't  
zoom out to see the whole thing, because requesting a 600km bounding  
box would break both the server and the browser. So you would be  
clicking "Save" to upload changes that you can't actually see or  
review, and that - in my opinion - defeats the point of it.

But actually they're not my biggest problem with the idea.

What worries me most, because I've seen it before, is that people are  
seizing on the first thing they don't like, and thinking that's the  
reason why there are bad edits. People used to criticise Potlatch for  
causing bad edits because there was no 'revert' feature, so I added a  
revert feature (the H key). Then they criticised Potlatch for causing  
bad edits because there was no 'test' mode, so I added a test mode.  
Then they criticised Potlatch because there was no 'splash screen