[OSM-talk-fr] public transport edit war in the Nice area

2023-06-04 Par sujet Frederik Ramm

Hello talk-fr,

the DWG has become aware of an edit war between users Patchi and 
Snusmumriken in the area of Nice.

Snusmumriken seems to be applying what he believes to be standard public 
transport tagging, which Patchi then reverts. Here is one node which 
Patchi insists to be "highway=platform" and Snusmumriken wants 
"highway=bus_stop": https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/277447606/history

Here is one node where Snusmumriken deletes "highway=bus_stop" and 
Patchi re-adds it: https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/21917308/history

It appears that neither of them are actually talking *to* each other, 
instead they just "fix" or "restore" things the other has "broken" and 
this has been going on for a while. It would be great if other mappers 
in the area could chime in. I will also message both separately and 
invite them to  participate in this discussion.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Les contours de la Bretagne

2019-03-08 Par sujet Frederik Ramm
Bonjour talk-fr,

someone has reported these two changesets


and said:

"Cet utilisateur a rédifini les contours de la Bretagne incluant le
département de la Loire Atlantique. Si ce sujet est bien débattu, et n'a
actuellement aucun impact sur le tracé des contours administratifs
régionaux. OpenStreetMap n'a pas à recevoir des données qui proviennent
d'un choix personnel et qui ne sont pas une réalité administrative et
politique du département de Loire-Atlantique."

Could you have a look at these changes and tell me if they need to be
reverted? (Or revert them yourselves if you want.)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Continued aggression against French contributors (cadastre integration)

2012-10-18 Par sujet Frederik Ramm


On 10/18/12 15:31, helene_gmx.fr wrote:

So, Frederick, please, don't be so rude with all of us, and please,
explain why using a separate account increase DataBase's safety.

The problem is that it has been explained a thousand times before.

The argument usually goes like this:

"Using a separate account for imports is generally required because of 

"Ah, but  doesn't apply to the Cadastre import so we will 
ignore your rule."

Let me give you an analogy. In Germany, we often have speed limits with 
reasons. For example, you will find a speed limit sign that says 
"Lärmschutz" (noise protection), like this


Now this sign means you may only go 80 km/h because of noise protection. 
But even if you have a very silent electric car and you believe that it 
makes practically no noise at all, you still have to follow the speed 

The same applies in the case of separate import accounts. We have 
reasons for requiring separate import accounts; they include, but are 
not limited to, the easier separation of surveyed and imported content 
and easier en-bloc reversal of problematic imports.

Now you may believe that these don't apply to Cadastre work. And I said 
before, if someone imports 100 buildings from Cadastre, they will 
certainly not be contacted by us about that, separate account or no 
separate account. But if some imports 1 buildings then he is a data 
importer and he has to stick to the same rules as every other data 
importer. The French community cannot simply "opt out" from rules that 
have been made for the whole project, at least as long they are using 
the same database as the rest of the project.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Continued aggression against French contributors (cadastre integration)

2012-10-18 Par sujet Frederik Ramm


On 10/18/12 11:47, Dominique Rousseau wrote:

But currently, from what we see of the DWG, there is a focus on some
guideline, the famous « separate account ».

See, the same applies to DWG as well. It is utterly trivial for someone 
to create a separate account for Cadastre work - a matter of five 
minutes, or less. So we wonder: Why is this such a big deal for people?

A Cadastre import is not something you do on a whim - it is something 
that you plan ahead, you prepare the files, do a lot of work 
(hopefully), so switching to your separate account for uploading a batch 
of Cadastre import is not a big deal either.

Now if someone is unwilling to do even this little bit of work in order 
to make it easier for the rest of the community - and that includes DWG 
- do clearly separate Cadastre from non-Cadastre work - what does that 
tell us about the diligence of that person otherwise?

A Cadastre import is something that should only be done by people who 
take this seriously, who are diligent, who know the rules and follow 
them - in tagging as well as elsewhere.

For someone who possesses all these skills, creating an extra import 
account should be easy.

There has been some discussion around the question of whether Cadastre 
work counts as an import or not. I am willing to accept that someone who 
uploads 100 houses is not importing something; it is conceivable that he 
has actually looked at every single one of these houses. But someone who 
uploads 1 houses in one day is clearly making an import; there's no 
way these houses have really been individually (!) reviewed.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Continued aggression against French contributors (cadastre integration)

2012-10-18 Par sujet Frederik Ramm


On 10/18/12 11:11, THEVENON Julien wrote:

I confirm that Eric point of view is shared by the majority of people
following talk-fr mailing list according to what has been discussed on
the list.

As I said, the majority of French contributors has never had any problem 
with DWG whatsoever. (Of several thousand active contributors, only a 
dozen or so has ever been blocked.) Of course, if you whip up sentiments 
like Eric does marvellously ("look! they simply changed their rules 
without asking us! that's an aggression don't you think? our nation is 
in danger!") then people will side with him - especially as Eric is 
capable of speaking to the French community in their own language, 
whereas we have nobody in DWG able to do that.

Blocking some people like you would do in case of vandalism is
considered as an agression...

Nobody is ever blocked by DWG without being talked to first - and while 
we don't do French very well, we are always polite, try to explain the 
issue to people, and we go to some lengths to translate messages if we 
find that the person in question doesn't understand English.

This may be an inconvenience for a mapper, but I think that naming it an 
"aggression" is going too far.

It is also totally unacceptable that some of you try to make this into a 
witch hunt against Paul Norman who only enforces the guidelines just as 
any other DWG member would.

I have nothing against starting a political process that tries to find 
answers to all the questions that Christian asked in his talk message 
you linked to: What authority does OSMF have, what authority does DWG 
have, how doe we make rules in this project anyway, does the world-wide 
community have a right to tell the French what to do (or do the French 
have the right to tell the people in Toulouse what to do), and so on. In 
fact, having recently been elected to the OSMF board, this whole 
question of "who makes rules and how and why are they allowed to" is one 
of my pet issues that I hope to work on.

However, working on answering all these question does not mean that in 
the mean time, the French community can have their own rules while 
everyone else doesn't. Until such time as a replacement is agreed upon, 
the current import guidelines remain in force and this means that you 
need a spearate account if you import any significant amount of data.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Continued aggression against French contributors (cadastre integration)

2012-10-18 Par sujet Frederik Ramm


   I have the impression that you are trying to make a large conflict 
out of a small issue. The overwhelming majority of the French OSM 
community has never had an issue with DWG, yet you are trying to cast 
this into a "the French community against the DWG" battle.

You are even instrumentalising those who would, on their own, not have 
any problem with following the existing guidelines and creating a 
separate account; they would prefer to simply play by the rules but you 
make them into your pawns by telling them "no! the French community 
suggests that you do not create a separate account for imports, just 
ignore what those DWG people tell you!"

You're talking as if you want to solve the issue amicably but you don't; 
when you talk of "sustained efforts" then these efforts are basically 
concentrated on getting it exactly your way. In this whole discussion I 
have never once seen any offer of compromise by you or others.

Your talk of "anti-social behaviour" is unacceptable, and your attempt 
at singling out Paul Norman as your scapegoat is just as bad. If Paul 
weren't blocking users who violate the rules then I would, or another 
member of DWG.

I have the impression that you are fighting a personal vendetta here 
because you were personally asked to follow the separate-import 
guideline, you rejected that, and you got blocked. Now it's ok if you're 
unhappy and you're free to say that, but in attempt at styling this into 
a "the whole French community is on my side, I have done nothing wrong" 
battle you are actually abusing the French community for your cause.

The separate import account rule is not a "proposed" rule and it is 
valid for France just as it is valid for any other place. I would 
sincerely ask every member of the French community to create a separate 
import account if they plan to import large quantities of Cadastre data 
- Eric is now using an account named "Marcussacapuces91 - Cadastre" and 
I think that is a good and useful convention.

(I say "large quantities" - if someone just imports his local city 
quarter then certainly nobody is going to complain.)


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

Talk-fr mailing list