[Talk-GB] wiki confirmation code

2019-05-15 Thread nkn


I'm asked to enter a confirmation code after attempting to add some 
content to my wiki profile page for the first time.

Where do I get the confirmation code from?


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] OSMappers meeting in Norfolk

2019-05-15 Thread nkn


Robert - Thank you for the Norfolk/Meetups wiki page!

Jez - Adivce is hard to give after doing this for the first time but 
here are some thoughts. For the recent meeting, I received the most 
responses by writing to people individually via the Who is around me? 
site. Apparently not many people in Norfolk read this list (or simply 
enjoy mapping on their own). It is a bit time-consuming but it was worth 
it and I might do it again for the coming meeting.

In terms of date and time, I believe a weekend day and a time in the 
middle of the day makes sense for people to travel to the place. I 
preferred a public locality that can be reached by public transport. As 
it was an initial meeting, there was no thematic agenda but that could 
change in the future, depending what people prefer to do. However, I 
don't believe this occurs anytime soon as there is no routine 
established yet.

It would be great to read about experiences from people who frequently 
organise or join OSM meetings.


Am 14/05/2019 um 11:47 schrieb Jez Nicholson:

Good stuff!

Any advice to others about holding a meetup? Like, how people found 
out it was on.

Makes me think I should hold one in Brighton. It has been a while.

On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 9:26 AM Robert Whittaker (OSM lists) 
> wrote:

On Sun, 12 May 2019 at 20:31, Rob Nickerson
mailto:rob.j.nicker...@gmail.com>> wrote:
> I hope the Norfolk event went well yesterday. I hope to see some
more in the future.

Yes, I think it went well, and many thanks to Nora for taking the
initiative and organising it. I've put together a quick wiki page for
what will hopefully be a series of Norfolk meetups, along with some
notes and links about the things we discussed:
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Norfolk/Meetups . I'd encourage
others to add anything I've missed, and put links to their user pages
if they want.


Robert Whittaker

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Increase of mail size limit

2019-05-15 Thread Rob Nickerson
David wrote:

>Please don't.  If people regularly start sending large attachments, I
>will need to remember to check for them and remove them from my personal
>archive, even if I defer reading the mail.

Hi David,

If your struggling *that* much I can probably spare some old floppy disks
or CD-Rs :-P

Joking aside, please note I'm not asking for much here. A 40kb limit is
tiny and people do breach the limit occasionally. In this instance it was
~500kb. I ended up having to put the attachments elsewhere but that delayed
the post by 24 hours (it was already late and I decided to delay faffing
until the next day).

I also don't think an increase is going to result in the flood of "large"
emails that you seem to fear.

So with that in mind, I would still like my request to be considered.
Anyone know what the right channel to request this is? An email to the list
owner, a GitHub ticket, or other?

Thank you,
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] TfL Cycling Infrastructure Database

2019-05-15 Thread Jez Nicholson
If Martin comes to the OSMUK AGM he could do a talk and/or we could host a


On Tue, May 14, 2019 at 10:11 PM Rob Nickerson 

> Hi Martin, Hi all,
> -- Second attempt to send this mail, this time with attachments hosted on
> cloud (feel free to copy to OSM wiki)
> Good to see the TfL project moving forward. As background for those that
> were not aware, Transport for London first approached the OpenStreetMap
> United Kingdom community interest company towards the end of 2018. We met
> them twice and helped them to scope out the project that Martin has now
> picked up via the OSM UK Talent Directory [1].
> I realise in my email to this list in March I promised some more
> background (beyond what had gone into the board meeting minutes, here and
> on Loomio). I'm not sure I delivered on that promise - March and April is a
> blur in my memory as work was non-stop.
> I think the easiest way to rectify that is to share the text from the
> tender document (see [2]). I also attach the slides from the second meeting
> we had with TfL.
> One key extract from that document relates to the desire to investigate
> how best to integrate this data into OSM. As noted although it is possible
> to add the CID data to OpenStreetMap using the standard editing tools
> alone, this was identified as a potentially undesirable solution (to be
> explored as part of this project) due to the long time it would take and
> the difficulty of ensuring all data is added. I for one look forward to
> seeing what Martin discovers as part of the project. I have a small bit of
> experience using Ilya's conflation tool, but the earlier Potlatch2 merge
> tool (used on England cycle data) was before I joined OSM. Keen to find out
> what the current best practice is.
> The other key extract is related to how the data was collected:
>- The first phase of the project involved the surveying of greater
>London that was split into 25 data packages, 13 in Inner and 12 in Outer
>London. A total of 23,728 km of public highways was surveyed as part of
>this project. More than 30 surveyors have been on site 7 days a week to
>record all cycling infrastructure currently in place and over 477,000 asset
>photographs were captured.
>- 203,900 points and 34,931 individual lines were captured. The linear
>features cover a total distance of 2,088km (1 1⁄2 times the length of
>- Two photographs were captured of every asset.
>- Checking and correction has been undertaken to ensure that the
>quality of the data met the 95% thresholds agreed with TfL.
> The approach of ground survey data collection, along with the photographs,
> is essentially the same as we do. I think this has helped to ensure that
> the data collected is of high quality and accuracy (unlike some other open
> data we have seen in the past which may have been poorly digitised from
> within the office).
> It would be great if we can all take a moment to look at the data,
> consider the options for getting it in to OSM, and share feedback here for
> Martin to capture within the project :-)
> P.S. Whilst this one is London based, the learning from it is valuable to
> OSM UK as it ticks of some of our aims (increasing the amount of quality
> data in OSM and promoting the release of open data). What we learn here can
> be applied to projects as and when then come up throughout the UK, IoM and
> CI.
> Thank you,
> *Rob*
> [1] https://osmuk.org/join-our-talent-directory/
> [2]
> https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1K3MQtV4-4Kl_ewrLB2lmvV3tnYyYjXpM?usp=sharing
> ___
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> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
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