Re: [Talk-ro] Propunere edit automat: schimbare opearator=R.A.D.E.T. Constanta în operator=Termoficare Constanța pentru punctele termice din Constanța

2022-02-15 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Nici eu nu văd nici o problemă.


On Tue, Feb 15, 2022 at 5:42 PM Strainu  wrote:

> De acord.
> Strainu
> Pe marți, 15 februarie 2022, hazelnot via Talk-ro <
>> a scris:
> > În momentul de față, punctele termice din Constanța au tagul de
> operator=R.A.D.E.T. Constanta, sau nu au deloc tagul de operator. RADET
> Constanța a dat faliment în 2021, și a fost restructurat ca Termoficare
> Constanța S.R.L.
> >
> > Propun schimbarea tagului operator în operator=Termoficare Constanța
> pentru toate punctele termice din oraș puse pe OSM, reparând tagurile
> învechite și adăugând tagul punctelor termice care nu îl au.
> >
> > Ca să fac asta, voi folosi JOSM și API-ul Overpass, voi selecta toate
> nodurile din oraș taguite cu industrial=heating_station și voi adăuga sau
> schimba tagul de operator după caz, după care voi selecta toate căile cu
> același tag (industrial=heating_station), cu excepția CET Palas, care
> depinde de Electrocentrale Constanța, și voi adăuga sau schimba tagul de
> operator după caz.
> >
> > Vor fi schimbat 137 de căi și 25 de noduri. Sunt peste 200 de puncte
> termice în oraș din câte înțeleg, dar nu toate există pe OSM.
> >
> > Voi posta propunerea și pe mailing list-ul Talk-ro, și documentația se
> află la
> >
> > Dacă nu există obiecții, schimbarea va avea loc vineri, 18 februarie
> 2022, și îmi asum responabilitatea în caz că ceva nu merge ok.
> >
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-ro mailing list
> >
> >
> > ___
> Talk-ro mailing list
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Re: [Talk-ro] Autostrada A1-Lugoj Nord

2014-12-02 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Exista, am folosit-o prin august fara probleme.

2014-12-02 17:55 GMT+02:00 Strainu


 Nu găsesc prin presă nicio referință că ar fi dat în funcțiune, ca
 autostradă, drumul între Lugoj Nord și A1 (e vorba de acel drum
 albastru, pe direcția N-S, de la )

 Poate cineva să confirme sau să infirme că această autostradă există?


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[Talk-ro] Extrasul Romaniei a depasit 100 MB

2013-10-04 Thread Ciprian Talaba
In cazul in care a trecut neobservat, vreau sa va atrag atentia asupra
faptului ca extrasul Romaniei a trecut de frumoasa cifra de 100 MB. O
crestere frumoasa de peste 25% de la inceputul anului!

attachment: osm-ro-100mb.png___
Talk-ro mailing list

Re: [Talk-ro] Userul Nzero vandalizeaza harta

2013-06-20 Thread Ciprian Talaba

Am sa te rog sa nu mai folosesti sorinisme, sa incercam sa fim mai
toleranti, sa pornim de la premiza ca nu e rea vointa. L-a contactat cineva
ca sa vedem care e motivul editarilor?


2013/6/20 Razvan

 Doar ce si-a facut cont acest dobitoc si a sters deja o gramada de POI-uri
 si nume de strazi din zona Soseaua Giurgiului. A sters numere de scoli din
 zona si si-a intitulat  modificarile Harta Empty.

 Ma interb oare cand vor face ceva cei de la OSM in privinta asta. Sa
 dispara o tara intreaga de pe harta  ca sa fie un motiv suficient? Ca se
 poate face usor cu un bot...

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Re: [Talk-ro] Fwd: [OpenStreetMap] Re: Nume de strazi modificate

2013-05-21 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Sa lamuresc cateva aspecte: Sorein este in continuare abonat la lista,
teoretic primeste mesajele, insa este moderat din motive destul de evidente
zic eu. Orice mesaj venit de la el va ajunge pe lista atat timp cat nu
aduce nici o jignire vreunui membru al comunitatii OSM (nu neaparat RO)
indiferent ca are o editare sau cateva mii.

Legat de strazi, daca sa folosim sau nu Strada X, Str. X, sau X: OSM
*nu este* o harta ci o baza de date. Personal sunt de parere ca daca vrei
rezultate cu adevarat bune folosind datele OSM, vezi avea nevoie de niste
pasi suplimentari, de exemplu o prelucrare automata asupra extrasului
Romaniei care sa inlocuiasca Strada cu Str sau chiar sa o elimine
complet (daca rezultatul final va fi folosit pe dispozitive cu ecran mic),
eventual de schimbarea categoriei unui drum in functie de calitatea
acestuia, si exemplele pot curge. Eu recomand sa folosim un standard care
sa permita astfel de prelucrari automate cat mai usor, iar cel mai simplu
in acest moment este Strada X.

Numai bine,

2013/5/21 Popescu Constantin

 Vin si eu cu mica intrebare. De ce nu Str. in loc de Strada? Bd. in loc de
 Bulevard ...samd. Pe mobilele care nu au ecran gigant, conteaza fiecare
 caracter in denumire.

 2013/5/21 alex-map

 Sorein a fost scos din lista de vre-o 4 5 ani, din cauza care o banuiti.
 Probabil avem nevoie de un robot care sa adauge Strada in numele
 strazilor care nu se cheama Aleea Calea .

 Am Montag, 20. Mai 2013 23:35:37 UTC+2 schrieb Razvan:

  Acum a mai aparut si problema cu stricatul CLC-urilor zilnic.
 Acum trei zile craiova, ieri Brasov si Iasi, azi si in prezent la
 sud-est de Ploiesti pe DN1 A.
 Cat despre sorein- oricum nu e abonat la si nu cred ca vede
 toate discutiile noastre. Altfel cred ca ar fi raspuns.

 On 20.05.2013 23:58, Ioan Indreias wrote:

 il lasam sa-si vada in continuare de treaba? el cu ale lui - noi cu ale


 2013/5/20 Gabriel Sebastian Moise GabrielSeb...@gmail.**com

 Pai si ce ne facem cu sorein ?  Ca o tine tare pe-a lui si a inceput sa
 modifice pe unde prinde.

 View this message in context: http://gis.19327.n5.nabble.**
  Sent from the Romania mailing list archive at

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Re: [Talk-ro] întrebare

2013-01-22 Thread Ciprian Talaba

Raspunsul lui Michael este OK daca intrebarea se referea la curtea
interioara, dar nu si daca ne referim la curtea din jurul unei case. In
acest caz cred ca termenul corect ar fi de parcela, si din pacate nu am
gasit nici un consens pe Wiki cum ar trebui marcat:

Importul facut in Fresno County, California pare ca a folosit
landuse=residential, dar pe pagina de wiki se specifica The landuse tag is
mostly used for larger areas and not at parcel granularity.

Imi pare rau ca nu pot da un raspuns clar la intrebare.


2013/1/22 Michael Häckel


 Am Dienstag, 22. Januar 2013, 21:02:40 schrieb Cristian Suciava:
  Pui pe hartă o clădire. Dar clădirea are şi o curte. Cum o pun pe hartă,
  sub ce tag?

 Cu un multipolygon:

 Relația are un tag building=yes și wayurile nu au nici taguri. Din păcate
 multe clădire cu o curte nu sunt corect in OSM dar Mapnik este tolerant. Un
 exemlu corect este aici:


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Re: [Talk-ro] Cum fac sa pot sa deschid osm.pbf in Qgis ?

2012-11-02 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Total de acord cu Cristian, PostgreSQL+PostGIS este ceea ce ai nevoie.
Din ce stiu osm2pgsql are suport de PBF (va fi nevoie sa iei probabil
o versiune mai actuala si sa o compilezi din surse), asa ca nu e
necesara conversia la OSM.

Cateva cereri pe care le foloseam eu:

1. Total km de strazi

SELECT sum(ST_Length(way))/1000 as km_roads from planet_osm_line WHERE
highway IN ('motorway', 'trunk', 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary',
'unclassified', 'residential', 'service');

2. Total km de poteci, alei

SELECT sum(ST_Length(way))/1000 as km_paths from planet_osm_line WHERE
highway IN ('path', 'pedestrian', 'footway');

3. Total km piste biciclete

SELECT sum(ST_Length(way))/1000 as km_cycle from planet_osm_line WHERE
highway IN ('cycleway');

4. Numar total orase+sate

SELECT COUNT(*) as cities FROM planet_osm_point WHERE place IS NOT NULL;

--Ciprian T.

2012/11/2 Cristian Draghici
 Eu n-aș folosi QGIS pentru așa ceva - din experiența mea dacă încarci
 cantități mari de date devine aproape inutilizabil.

 Eu folosesc pbf2osm (acum inlocuit de osmconvert) pentru conversie .pbf la
 Și ulterior osm2pgsql pentru încărcarea OSM-ului în Postgresql/Postgis.

 QGIS e foarte bun la vizualizări - poți încărca o parte dintr-un layer
 Postgis filtrând pe baza de bounding box (ca atare folosind indecșii
 spațiali din DB).

 Postgis este mult mai nimerit pentru statistici, spre exemplu:

 1/ Lungime drumuri primary si trunk in Romania:

 roclc=# select sum(st_length(st_transform(way, 31700)))/1000 as km from
 planet_osm_line where highway in ('trunk', 'primary');
 (1 row)

 Time: 458.829 ms

 2/ Kilometri asfaltați in sectorul 1 București:

 roclc=# select sum(st_length(st_transform(l.way, 31700)))/1000 as km from
 planet_osm_line l, planet_osm_polygon p where l.highway in ('trunk',
 'primary', 'secondary', 'tertiary', 'residential', 'service') and
 st_contains(p.way, l.way) and'Sector 1' and p.way  l.way;
 (1 row)

 3/ Câte farmacii pe metru pătrat sunt în București:

 roclc=# select st_area(st_transform(way, 31700)) / 100 as suprafață from
 planet_osm_polygon where name = 'Municipiul București';
 (1 row)

 roclc=# select count(*) from planet_osm_point p, planet_osm_polygon s where = 'Municipiul București' and s.way  p.way and st_contains(s.way,
 p.way) and p.amenity = 'pharmacy';
 (1 row)

 Time: 615.201 ms
 roclc=# select 218 / 236.567216236954 as fkm2;
 (1 row)

 Time: 0.443 ms


 2012/11/2 Badita Florin functioneaza iarasi perfect, iar pentru
 acesta doresc sa le multumesc celor care se ocupa de el, si ofera acest
 lucru frumos.

 Dar eu am o intrebare mai de noob. Cum fac din osm.pbf un format
 acceptabil ca sa il incerc in Qgis, sa pot sa ma joc cu datele.

 As folosi direct extrasul shp de la geofabrik, dar acela nu este complet,
 lipsesc POi-uri, iar din mailul pe care l-am dat au zis ca pt extrasul
 complet trebuie sa platesc.

 Ceea ce nu ma avantajeaza, eu vreau doar sa ma joc cu datele, sa mai fac
 niste statistici, cati kilometrii au fost adaugati intr-o luna de zile,
 niste reprezentari vizuale,etc :)

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[Talk-ro] Centura Caransebes

2012-10-17 Thread Ciprian Talaba

Cineva din zona care poate confirma daca soseaua de centura a
Caransebesului este deschisa traficului? Pe OSM apare ca functionala,
dar in august cand am trecut pe acolo era inchisa.

O zi buna,

Talk-ro mailing list

Re: [Talk-ro] Re-clasificari globale

2012-09-26 Thread Ciprian Talaba
 Cu excepția faptului că pierzi uniformitatea datorită câtorva excepții
 ȘI strici toate generatoarele de hărți existente - fie ele pe hârtie
 sau electronice.

 Toată discuția a început (din partea mea) de la faptul că excepțiile
 fac dificilă completarea și implementarea hărților, iar voi propuneți
 niște excepții și mai mari.


Uniformitatea este buna cand are ceva real la baza. Din pacate nu e
cazul aici cand diferentele sunt extrem de mari intre ce este oficial
si ce este pe teren. Repet, exceptiile trebuie sa apara doar in cazul
diferentelor mari, nu o sa marcam un DJ care are un asfalt mai prost
ca tertiary, si nici ca primary daca este proaspta asfaltat. Dar daca
este un drum de tara care nu este practicabil cu autoturismele atunci
nu vad la ce foloseste eticheta highway=secondary. Cred ca un tag
highway=track impreuna cu ref=DJ* aduce o informatie in plus:
acesta este un drum judetean doar pe hartie, in realitate este un drum

Si o intrebare un pic separata de subiect: cu ce ajuta uniformitatea
in cazul asta? Prelucrarea automata? Verificari? Poate sunt eu mai
old-fashion, dar cred ca cel putin drumurile ar trebui cartografiate
cu GPS-ul in mana, nu pe baza unor imagini satelitare ;) ceea ce face
prelucrarea automata sa duca la erori.


Talk-ro mailing list

[Talk-ro] Imagini noi de la Bing

2012-02-29 Thread Ciprian Talaba

Am observat (din intamplare) ca Bing a adaugat noi imagini satelitare
in Romania, cel putin unele care acopera orasul Macin si parte din
muntii cu acelasi nume precum si o parte din delta si Tulcea.
Imaginile sunt destul de actuale (2010 sau mai noi, in Tulcea de
observa niste sensuri giratorii care nu erau in 2009). Din pacate nu
am gasit un site actualizat care sa ofere informatii despre ultimele
update-uri asa ca nu stiu pe unde ar mai putea fi imagini noi.

O seara buna,

Talk-ro mailing list

Re: [Talk-ro] info despre CLC

2012-02-06 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Sau e posibil ca cineva sa il fi repus in drepturi.


2012/2/6 ciprian niculescu
 aha, inteleg, acum cu explicatiile tale, observ ca obiectul in cauza e un
 bloc ce are doua taguri unu landuse si altu pre-CLC:landuse

 deci faptul ca are tagul landuse il face sa apara pe harta.
 Se pare ca la taguirea CLC au scapat unele ne de-taguite

 ca info eu ma uit prin zona ce o cunosc pe obiectele ce nu sunt cu noua
 licenta in regula, asa am picat peste.


 2012/2/6 Asztalos Attila

 On 21:59, ciprian niculescu wrote:


 Din cate inteleg textul This item has been retagged to make it invisible
 in renderings, but still available for edits. zice ca e retaguit ca sa nu
 apara pe harta, dar apare.
 A fost scos tagul de do not render (care e de fapt care?) si a ramas
 textul sau e altceva mai subtil...

 Merci pentru iluminare :)


 Aceste note insotesc obiecte care au fost ascunse la momentul efectuarii
 importului Corine, pentru a evita duplicarea. La momentul respectiv, la
 obiecte cu tag-uri de genul landuse=forest acestea au fost schimbate in
 pre-CLC:landuse=forest, care nefiind un tag standard a rezultat efectiv in
 disparitia acestora de pe harta vizibila. Evident, daca ulterior cineva a
 restaurat tag-ul in firma sa originala gen landuse=forest, poligonul a
 aparut din nou, in pofida notei care sustine altfel. In rest insa nu exista
 nici un tag magic do not render din cate stiu... :)
 - Attila

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[Talk-ro] Modul hibrid s-a intors!

2012-02-03 Thread Ciprian Talaba

Acum ceva vreme pe am adaugat un mod hibrid cu
ajutorul lui Ionut Muntean. Din pacate acesta nu mai functiona ceea ce
era pacat :). Asa ca de azi modul hibrid s-a intors, momentan bazat pe
stilul Mapnik, poate in viitor cu ceva mai mult contrast.

O zi buna,

Talk-ro mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] No map rendering at, in Chrome.

2012-01-08 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi Steve,

I don't know if it's our case but I have a similar problem when I'm
using the StumbleUpon extension in Chrome and try to navigate to Closing the SU toolbar fixes the problem for me.


On Mon, Jan 9, 2012 at 8:52 AM, Steve Bennett wrote:
 Hi all,
  When I go to at the moment, I'm just getting a big
 white box with nothing inside it, instead of a map. I had this
 recently, and clearing cookies helped, but not now. I see the
 permalink and shortlink links, but not the plus button to change
 layers. I'm getting this in Chrome - FireFox is ok.

 Any ideas?


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Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Possible OSM copyright violations

2011-06-10 Thread Ciprian Talaba
On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 10:33 PM, Richard Weait wrote:

 On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 3:18 PM, Ciprian Talaba
  I would be interested to know if this is the place where we can discuss
  possible OSM copyright violations or should I direct my concerns directly
  the Data Working Group? The problems I noticed are related to some well
  known digital map providers and I don't want to harm any possible future
  relations based on some presumed issues. What do you think I should do?

 An email to either of the following is probably a good place to start. - for inappropriate data that appears to be in
 OSM database or to - for inappropriate use of OSM data without
 complying with OSM license.

Thanks Richard! I wasn't sure if the Licensing WG that respond to would handle such requests (the text on the OSMF
site is not clear about this) but I see that you are part of the group so I
have to trust you :).

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Attribution of CORINE and Urban Atlas imports

2011-04-06 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi Frederik,

I updated the source tag in the Wiki for CLC import in Romania I am not sure if this
is enough or will EEA require a complete change in the database?


On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 11:27 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:


   at a conference today I met someone who works for EEA in Copenhagen and
 we had a chat about EEA data in OSM. A very friendly chat, I must add, he
 wasn't actually complaining about anything, but he did mention a few
 oddities he found when studying how OSM was using CORINE (and Urban Atlas)

 I'm listing them here in the hope that maybe some of them can be rectified,
 or avoided in future CORINE imports (hello Dermot!)

 a) Corine Land Cover

 Generally, you can obtain CORINE data from national bodies or from the EEA
 directly. The data sets may be minimally different, and may be licensed

 The French import states as their source: Union européenne - SOeS, CORINE
 Land Cover, 2006., where SoeS stands for le service de l'Observation et
 des Statistiques (SOeS) du Commissariat général au développement durable
 (CGDD). This is a French national organisation.

 The Romanian import took their data directly from the EEA (as documented on, but in their source
 tags they credit SOeS like the French did which is not correct. It would be
 great if this could be fixed, or at least rectified on the wiki page.

 There's also a Spanish, Estonian, and Hungarian CORINE import of which I
 haven't fully investigated the tags. For Hungary, mentions both the
 national office and the EEA as their source which is porbably not correct

 b) Urban Atlas

 There's a lot of Urban Atlas-sourced material in OSM was well, most of it
 in Poland or Slovakia. Some of it is tagged only with source=urban atlas
 but there's no mention of the EEA. Much like ourselves, the EEA would prefer
 to be credited properly if their data is used.

 As I said, it's not that EEA are complaining (and they don't have any
 set-in-stone attribution rules anyway, only that you have to attribute) but
 we should certainly aim to do it right!


 Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail  ##  N49°00'09 E008°23'33

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Re: [OSM-talk] City with completed housenumbering?

2011-03-24 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Why don't you add the app to this question:

On Thu, Mar 24, 2011 at 10:42 AM, Martijn van Exel mart...@geodan.nlwrote:

 On 3/24/11 9:31 AM, Floris Looijesteijn wrote:


 I'm 80% complete for Haarlem city center in The Netherlands.
 In Haarlem we have a pretty weird system with black and red numbers.
 You can have 2black, 2red, 4black, 4red.
 I'm just marking that as an even interpolation from 2 to 4.
 But I'm making sure I do get the numbers on every corner so routers
 can give the right turn instructions.

 After this is done I will continue with Amsterdam city center.

 BTW: I'm using for android.

 Hi Floris, all,

 Floris showed me this tool he's using for address surveying. Looks simple
 and useful. What are others using for address surveying in OSM? Walking
 Papers? MapZen? I would love to hear suggestions (Android or iPhone, or


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Re: [OSM-talk] CORINE land cover data

2011-01-03 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi Oscar,

I have found different statements about the license of CLC data on the EEA
website at some point so we (Romania's OSM users) took the time to send them
an email asking about using their data in OSM. The response was positive and
was delivered in around 2 weeks. So I recommend to do the same thing if you
want to be sure.


On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Oscar Orbe wrote:

 Hello, in this page it says
 Until now, the terms of use did not allow commercial use unless the Agency
 has expressly granted the right to do so [2], but if you go to link [2], it
 says Unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content on the EEA website for
 commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided
 that the source is acknowledged. Is our wiki out-of-date? CLC data can now
 be used in OSM (not only in France and other specific areas)? --Oscar

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Re: [OSM-talk] CORINE land cover data

2011-01-03 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi David,

Our question was related to OSM in general, not speaking about a specific
license. Their current license makes things much easier (at that time -
November 2009 - things were not that clear); EEA standard re-use policy:
unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content on the EEA website for
commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided
that the source is acknowledged [1]



On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 6:52 PM, David Murn wrote:

 Hi Ciprian,

 Was this positive response you received, in response to licensing their
 data under the previous OSM licence or the proposed new one?  This is
 something to be mindful of if requesting permission from EEA, and
 continuing to use the data long-term.

 The issues with them changing their licence several times after granting
 permission to use, is not dissimilar to ongoing discussions here.  It is
 important to understand the terms of use of the data that you're using
 and recognising they may be different from a statement given some time
 in the past on the wiki.


 On Mon, 2011-01-03 at 13:32 +0200, Ciprian Talaba wrote:
  Hi Oscar,
  I have found different statements about the license of CLC data on the
  EEA website at some point so we (Romania's OSM users) took the time to
  send them an email asking about using their data in OSM. The response
  was positive and was delivered in around 2 weeks. So I recommend to do
  the same thing if you want to be sure.
  On Mon, Jan 3, 2011 at 1:22 PM, Oscar Orbe
  Hello, in this
  page it says
 Until now, the terms of use did not allow commercial use unless the Agency
 has expressly granted the right to do so [2], but if you go to link [2], it
 says Unless otherwise indicated, re-use of content on the EEA website for
 commercial or non-commercial purposes is permitted free of charge, provided
 that the source is acknowledged. Is our wiki out-of-date? CLC data can now
 be used in OSM (not only in France and other specific areas)? --Oscar
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Re: [OSM-talk] new version of Bing aerial imagery analyzer tool

2010-12-14 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Thanks for this tool, it's really helpful in Romania.


On Tue, Dec 14, 2010 at 3:48 PM, Martijn van Exel wrote:

 Hi all,

 I just replaced the Bing aerial imagery analyzer tool with a new version.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] POI collector

2010-08-15 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Works on my HTC Magic with Cyanogen 4.2, but it's quite slow and keeps
refreshing the map. There are some replacements for MapView that are using
OSM, did you tried them?


On Aug 15, 2010 2:56 PM, Patrick Weber wrote:

Yes force close here as welll on HTC Desire 2.2

2010/8/15 Jeffrey Ollie

 2010/8/14 Paweł Niechoda


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Re: [OSM-talk] OSM vehicle tracking in Turkey.

2010-08-10 Thread Ciprian Talaba

On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 12:18 PM, Niccolo Rigacci wrote:

 On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 10:16:14AM +0200, ozgur akyar wrote:
  Now, I had an idea which is making a vehicle tracking system and
  companies to use it and through this adding tracks in to OSM.

 As far I know there is not an open source fleet tracking software
 right now.

You mean like OpenGTS: ? :)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Small village high detail low angle orthorectification

2010-06-13 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Maybe Map Warper can help you.


On Jun 13, 2010 4:50 PM, Tristan Scott wrote:

I happen to know a chap who has quite a lot of aerial imagery of
Norfolk villages.
Because he publishes the images, I cannot release the images to the
public or to other mappers, but I can use them myself to generate
mapping data.

Some of the uses I have in mind is to map landuse in villages and
missing roads, for villages where most of the roads have already been
gps-mapped, giving lots of known points to perform the rectification

Now, the images are taken at quite a low angle, so I'll need to recify
them using software, ideally some sort of orthorecification thing in
JOSM, if such is availiable. The tranform will be a basic trapezoid
shape, but with a bottom probably half as long as the top (so the
image taken at 45 degrees) possibly with slightly bowed sides for any
barrel distorion in the lens. Obviously this will only work from items
on the flat plane, but handily that pretty much describes norfolk.

Does anyone have experience of this, who could point me in the
direction of the appropriate JOSM plugin, or external software? I have
Linux (Gentoo) and Windows XP on systems used for mapping.

This must be a fairly common issue for mappers, right?

Tristan Scott BSc(Hons)
Yare Valley Technical Services
07837 205829
01603 858441

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Re: [OSM-talk] features of a given type within bounding box

2010-04-19 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi Dan,

You should have a look at XAPI:


On Mon, Apr 19, 2010 at 5:57 PM, Dan Yamins wrote:

 I'm trying to determine whether the open Street map API can be used to
 extract lists of large high-level geographic features -- e.g. US states,
 counties, or postal codes -- within a given bounding box.

 As far as I can tell by looking here:
 it seems like the OSM data contains information on all the types of entities
 I care about.

 On the other hand, the API described here: describes how to get data
 within a given bounding box.However, this seems to return _all_ points
 and ways within the bounding box, and as a result, the largest boxes I can
 use is much smaller than what I need.

 What I would like to do is to be able to limit the request to only return
 lists of features of a particular type, e.g. county, state or posal code --
 and, consequently, be able to query much larger regions.

 Is the OSM api capable of this?   If so, is there a place I can read about
 how to do it?   If not, could someone point me to a project that might give
 this sort of capability? (I'm mostly interest in US data).


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Still interest in an Android POI collector?

2010-02-23 Thread Ciprian Talaba
I will definitely be interested in something like this.


On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 4:36 PM, Nick Whitelegg

 Firstly thanks for the replies regarding a tile generator using the Mapnik
 OSM plugin - looks like there's a little bit of interest so I might start
 work on it.

 The other thing I have in mind to do is a POI collector for Android
 devices. I seem to remember there being an interest in this before
 Christmas when the Mapzen collector for the iPhone was launched - and I've
 just got hold of an Android phone (HTC Hero) and fancy having a play.
 Would there still be interest in this? What I'll probably do is work on
 both apps - time permitting - but prioritise the one which has the most
 current interest.


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Project of the week

2010-02-09 Thread Ciprian Talaba

On Tue, Feb 9, 2010 at 9:44 PM, ce-test, qualified testing bv - Gert Gremmen wrote:

 Ok , nice idea,
 But Denver ...???!!?? Why Denver..of all places
 And House numbers ??? Who needs a house number in Denver ?

I believe a lot of people asked the same questions about Haiti BEFORE the
earthquake. I don't think we need to have a real need for specific data in
order to add something on the map. We should have fun going out and map,
like Steve and everybody from Denver will do in order to add the house
numbers, or just trying to create the best map in the world ;).

 I would suggest something like Vancouver
 and try to locate all the Olympic Locations !!!

 What about important touristic regions : Yogi Bear Parc

All great ideas, and you should make sure to add these to the proposal page.

 Let's be inspired by the news events !

But not only. Let's keep in mind that things like Gaza strip or Kibera maps
did not make the news before the mapping started, but they are incredible
useful for the people living there.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Server problem

2009-12-28 Thread Ciprian Talaba

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 5:11 PM, Marcus Wolschon wrote:

 On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 12:25 PM, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
  Hi all,
  If you get a message from Potlatch complaining about uninitialized
  constant ActiveSupport::Multibyte, and asking you to e-mail me, you
  don't need to.
  Something has changed on the server and Potlatch is simply passing the
  message back to the user. Nothing has changed in Potlatch recently.
  I am on holiday so can't really look any further. However I can see
  that my inbox is rapidly filling up... :|

 I got the same yesterday.
 When I tried again it was gone.

I see the same error in the console output of  JOSM (2561) when trying to
download raw GPS data, so this is not affecting only Potlatch.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] SotM10 meeting: choosing the venue

2009-12-08 Thread Ciprian Talaba
On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 11:20 AM, Henk Hoff wrote:

 Hi all,

 Later today the organizing committee will meet to (hopefully) decide on
 the venue of next year's State of the Map. There are bids from Italy,
 Spain, the Netherlands and Austria. You can see them all at

 If you also want to join this meeting, let me know at henk#stateofthemap
 org, and I'll send you the details how to dail in to this meeting.

 The meeting will be at 8pm GMT (that is 9pm for mainland Europe).

 Henk Hoff

Since we didn't see an annoucement on the list I assume a decision have not
been taken yet. There will be another meeting? And if yes, when?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM/GoogleMap mashup

2009-12-07 Thread Ciprian Talaba
On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 8:06 PM, Claudius wrote:

  Or (sorry it is available only in romanian, but try Hibrid): The data is available worldwide.

 Now that's a cool presentation. Did you ever thought about rendering
 rivers/lakes/areas half-transparent? Or maybe event tried to set the OSM
 layer transparency to 20%?


 No, but I will start to think about it right now :)

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM/GoogleMap mashup

2009-12-06 Thread Ciprian Talaba
On Sun, Dec 6, 2009 at 1:08 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote:


 Steve Bennett wrote:
  Wondering if there is a site that overlays OSM data over GoogleMaps (or
  any other site, for that matter)?

 Several, for example

 with a side-by side comparison and

 with a transparent overlay.

Or (sorry it is available only in romanian, but try Hibrid):
The data is available worldwide.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Osmarender layer not working

2009-12-01 Thread Ciprian Talaba
On Tue, Dec 1, 2009 at 4:52 PM, Steve Bennett wrote:

 Just thought I'd ask - the Osmarender layer isn't displaying for me, as of
 the last 24 hours or so, maybe more. I just get a white page that keeps
 trying to load...

It's working just fine for me.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Seeing only my traces in JOSM ?

2009-11-23 Thread Ciprian Talaba
You should check Raw GPS data on the download dialog, but I don't know a
way to download just my traces (I didn't need that).


On Mon, Nov 23, 2009 at 4:23 PM, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote:

 In Potlatch, 'Shift+g' shows only your traces and 'g' show all the
 traces (
 But the same shortcuts don't work in JOSM and nothing similar is listed
 in Is there a way to do
 that or should I file a wishlist bug for JOSM ?

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Wikimapia

2009-11-18 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi Matthew,

On Wed, Nov 18, 2009 at 9:48 PM, Matthew Luehrmann wrote:

 Wikimapia at: seems to have the same
 mission as OSM.  Has anyone contacted them to talk about merging the two
 projects so that we can both accomplish more?  They definitely have better
 usability and explain how to contribute better.  They also seem to have
 permission to display their data with Google's aerial imagery and trace
 Google imagery.


Unfortunately I don't see that Wikimapia has the same mission as OSM. They
might advertise this on the site, but it is not true. After reading their
Terms of Service ( looks like you
can use the data only for non-commercial purposes:

F. *All User Submissions of all users and all WikiMapia data are available
through WikiMapia website, WikiMapia API and other current or future
WikiMapia services for  non-commercial* *purposes only: **personal or
educational* (the highlight is from the original document).

OSM is about freedom all the way, not about freedom as Google or others
understood it.

About the permission to display and trace from Google imagery, I doubt they
had any contact with Google, they just don't care. Why Google is not
actively working to make sure that their Terms of Service are respected is
still a mystery for many people.

Sorry if this response seems a little bit too harsh, but I am really tired
to see companies/people that say Look how many things you get free from
us!, while actually this is not true.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Getting roles of relation's members in PostGIS using osm2pgsql

2009-11-15 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hello Jon,

On Sat, Nov 14, 2009 at 10:49 PM, Jon Burgess jburgess...@googlemail.comwrote:

 On Sat, 2009-11-14 at 21:58 +0200, Ciprian Talaba wrote:
  I am trying to do some work with the public transport network, and for
  that I need to get the roles (forward/backward mainly) of the route
  members as attributes of ways(lines) in PostGIS. I am using osm2pgsql
  and I hoped to get this done by modifying the default style. I have
  added a new line in the style file way   roletextlinear but
  this is not working (maybe it's obvious why not for some of you).
  Also I was looking at the osm2pgsql source code and I saw that getting
  information about the cycling network is treated separated in the code
  (in output-pgsql.c), and I was thinking of doing the same for public
  Do you know if there is a way for doing this with the style, or I have
  to dig more in the code? Any pointers will be appreciated.

 I'm afraid the relation roles are not accessible in the style file.
 Pretty much all the relation processing is handled in the C code and
 each type of relation needs special handling.

 When a route relation is converted into a postgis geometry all of the
 constituent ways are joined into a single linestring. There is no
 obvious place where the role of each individual way could be recorded on
 this linestring.

 One possibility might be to keep the members as separate linestrings for
 and then add an artificial tag, say route_role=... in the output.

 Another approach might be for you to query the planet_osm_rels table
 (provided you imported the data in --slim mode). This contains the raw
 data listing all the relations and their members. Armed with this
 information you could then query the planet_osm_line table to obtain the
 geometry for each of these ways (all the members will probably appear as
 distinct roads in this table).


Thank you about this info. I will probably start with the last approach
(using planet_osm_rels and planet_osm_line tables) because this will keep my
code separate from osm2pgsql. I will try to publish my tries because I
believe others will be interested in something like this.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Getting roles of relation's members in PostGIS using osm2pgsql

2009-11-14 Thread Ciprian Talaba

I am trying to do some work with the public transport network, and for that
I need to get the roles (forward/backward mainly) of the route members as
attributes of ways(lines) in PostGIS. I am using osm2pgsql and I hoped to
get this done by modifying the default style. I have added a new line in the
style file way   roletextlinear but this is not working (maybe
it's obvious why not for some of you).

Also I was looking at the osm2pgsql source code and I saw that getting
information about the cycling network is treated separated in the code (in
output-pgsql.c), and I was thinking of doing the same for public transport.

Do you know if there is a way for doing this with the style, or I have to
dig more in the code? Any pointers will be appreciated.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM Evolution video

2009-11-08 Thread Ciprian Talaba
On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 12:59 AM, Valent Turkovic


 Guide by Bulgarian OSM guy with nick mapguy showing how to make
 OpenStreetMap Evolution video of your country/town/region...

 Thank you mapguy, this is a great tutorial!

Romanian, not Bulgarian. Second warning, next time you get an yellow card

And I am glad that you liked the first part, that is actually concentrating
on creating country extracts from older/newer planet files, a prerequisite
on being able to create that evolution movie.

--Ciprian a.k.a. Mapguy
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM Map Evolution (make your own Year Of Edits video)

2009-10-29 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Valent, Frederik,

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 9:42 AM, Valent Turkovic

 On Thu, 29 Oct 2009 02:14:36 +0100, Frederik Ramm wrote:

  I don't understand where the git repository comes in? I mean we do have
  an archive of old planet files already, it's not that stuffing them into
  a git repository would somehow magically select the region of your
  interest from them?

 Can you explain how can OSM users then get a history for one city from
 old planet files, that would be really helpful. If this is possible then
 git repository isn't necessary, AFAIK, but I'm not the one who made the
 scripts so maybe there has to be a git repository.

 How can I get snapshots month by month for my home town from january 2006
 to present day via old planet files? Is that possible?

A git repository is certainly not mandatory, but the existing scripts I
mentioned needs this. If you don't want to create/use git for this purpose
it should be easy enough to modify the scripts to use bzipped/gzipped
extracts of a country. And if you do this change please share the scripts
:), I know that a lot of people would like to use this approach.

Frederik, we used a git repository for our Romanian extract for 2 main
1. the extract is a XML file so it should be straightforward to use a
versioning system to take care of the history.
2. space constraints: the Romania history from late 2007 to the present is
around 5GB in .gz format, and the whole git repository has 480MB, and this
includes the latest extract, unpacked (260MB), so it's a big improvement.

Valent, how you can get older data is explained very well by Frederik and
Grant in this thread on Talk:
To be more specific, I used the following revisions of the scripts to get a
pre 0.5 extract in the current format:
- r4779 for osm-extract
- r4778 for planetdiff
- r4835 for conv05

Once you have the country format you can use osm2pgsql to insert data in the
database, and you can filter the data to a specific box that will fit your

Hope this clear some points and wil get you started,
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM Map Evolution (make your own Year Of Edits video)

2009-10-29 Thread Ciprian Talaba

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 9:59 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 A git repository, unless git has some magic properties that I am not
 aware of, does not change the fact that you have to extract the data
 from old planet files.


You are right, the git repository is just another way to store already
extracted data, a way that works for *us* (for example I am not sure if this
will be feasible for Germany, because of the large extract size).

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM Map Evolution (make your own Year Of Edits video)

2009-10-28 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi Valent,

On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 12:17 AM, Valent Turkovic

 Please check out this great blog post from Romanian OSM mappers:

 Ever since I saw great ITO World animation Year of Edits I wanted to
 make my own version. This look like it is possible. Just look at the
 Bulgarian OSM mappers blog post.

As you mentioned in the first paragraph its Romanian, not Bulgarian mappers

 So in order to make this work they made git repository for planet file
 and that is how it is possible to get a history for some town or place,
 because git repository keeps all changes ever made.

 So in order to make your own animations you need to have your own
 planet.osm git repository. That is the first big hurdle :(

 I hope that OSM creates an official public git repository so that anybody
 can get history for his town/place.

 If/when we get history for some town what are the next steps? I'm still
 not clear what are the next steps needed.

 Is somebody more familiar with this? If you are please provide some step-
 by-step instructions.

As I mentioned on my blog I will try to write a more detailed tutorial about
this, but it will take me a few days probably.

 Here is the translation from Bulgarian blog post:
 To help Eddy, it was requested to provide OpenStreetMap on national
 television, I took the scripts we use it and with minor changes (required
 to use own Mapnik installation) I was able to generate several films with
 developing the project OSM in Romania. The results are not terribly
 spectacular (see ITO World) but I think the record pretty well out of so
 many people work.

And a little better translation of my post: In order to help Eddy, who was
invited to present OSM on the national TV channel, I took the scripts he
used, and with little changes in order to fit my Mapnik installation I was
able to generate a few movies with the OSM evolution in Romania. The results
are not spectacular (compared to ITO World) but I think they show pretty
well the work of so many people.

Ciprian, OSM Romania
talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] Older planet files (from 2007)?

2009-10-21 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi everybody,

On Fri, Oct 16, 2009 at 9:57 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 Yes, it's called!

 Note, however, that if you go any earlier than October 2007 you will
 encounter version 0.4 planet files which cannot be processed using today's
 tools. You will have to use SVN to retrieve an old version of


 from SVN, and then use


 to produce a version 0.5 extract which can be processed with today's tools.

 You can also get a primitive history animation (only nodes shown as dots)
 from, or if you give me the bbox then I could
 make an animated GIF like the ones on But I must admit that the ITO
 animations look best so if you get them to do one that would be preferable.


Thanks for all the info. With your help I was able to obtain older extracts
for Romania and to create some evolution movies. They are not great compared
with what ITO have done in the past but they covered our needs (we have also
contacted ITO, actually Peter Miller, but we had limited time to do this,
and we didn't get an answer in this short period).

I had only one small issue with older planet files: after converting from
API 0.4 to API 0.5 some of the ways had members without ref (something like
 way id='23312491' timestamp='2008-03-16T11:15:13+00:00' user='Ciprian'
nd ref='' /
nd ref='' /
/way). I have removed these ways and compared the results using 2 versions
of JOSM (one for 0.4, another for 0.5) and the results were similar, so I
move forward. Is this something that is documented somewhere?

If you want to see the results here are some of them:

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Older planet files (from 2007)?

2009-10-16 Thread Ciprian Talaba

Is there a place where we can download old planet files, from 2007 for
example? I would like to create an animation with the development of a
Romanian city, but the extracts I have started in November 2007, and I would
like to start with an (almost) empty canvas (if possible).

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] How would you present OSM on a TV show?

2009-10-14 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi everybody,

Eddy Petrisor from the Romanian OSM community is close to get OSM on a
Romanian TV show, so in order to get the most from that appearance we tried
to get together some ideas. So the Media/TVShows wiki page was created. We
would like your help, so please tell us what would you like to hear on TV
about OSM. The page is available here:, any ideas are welcome.

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] New tracks from available across Central and Eastern Europe

2009-10-09 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hello everybody,

I just want to point out that have donated another set of tracks
that cover Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. They have
been already sorted, tagged and uploaded to OSM so you can use them to
create roads using your preferred editor. If you want to know if norc tracks
are available near you, you should visit and see if they visited
your area.

Another reminder that we have been given permission to derive data from
their panoramas, so feel free to add street names, POIs, route restrictions
or any other info that you can find.


Ciprian, OSM Romania

P.S. I am preparing a new set if tracks that will cover Moskow, I will
announce here when that happens.
talk mailing list

[Talk-at] New tracks from available across Central and Eastern Europe

2009-10-09 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hello everybody,

I just want to point out that have donated another set of tracks
that cover Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. They have
been already sorted, tagged and uploaded to OSM so you can use them to
create roads using your preferred editor. If you want to know if norc tracks
are available near you, you should visit and see if they visited
your area.

Another reminder that we have been given permission to derive data from
their panoramas, so feel free to add street names, POIs, route restrictions
or any other info that you can find.


Ciprian, OSM Romania
Talk-at mailing list

Re: [Talk-at] New tracks from available across Central and Eastern Europe

2009-10-09 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi Boris!

On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 2:40 PM, Boris Cornet wrote:

 Hi Ciprian!

 Today (Friday, October 9, 2009) at 11:06 you noted:
   I just want to point out that have donated another set of
  tracks that cover Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and
  Romania. They have been already sorted, tagged and uploaded to OSM
  so you can use them to create roads using your preferred editor.

 Details, please!
 Where are these tracks, in what format are they, etc.

 Quite obviously there's a lot of data for Tirol, which could be really
 useful, but I didn't find any traces on the map, neither mapdata nor
 gpx tracks.


The tracks have been uploaded to OSM under the norcTracks user, so you can
get all the Austria tracks using this link:

But I recommend to use them from your preferred editor. Here is how the area
around Zell am See looks like in JOSM after downloading both OSM data and
Raw GPS data:

I would expect that some of the tracks that are not used for now came from
the Norc import.

Talk-at mailing list

[Talk-cz] New tracks from available across Central and Eastern Europe

2009-10-09 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hello everybody,

I just want to point out that have donated another set of tracks
that cover Austria, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. They have
been already sorted, tagged and uploaded to OSM so you can use them to
create roads using your preferred editor. If you want to know if norc tracks
are available near you, you should visit and see if they visited
your area.

Another reminder that we have been given permission to derive data from
their panoramas, so feel free to add street names, POIs, route restrictions
or any other info that you can find.


Ciprian, OSM Romania
Talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] cloud made routing and turn restrictions

2009-10-08 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi Valent,

On Thu, Oct 8, 2009 at 1:19 PM, Valent Turkovic

 I have added a few turn restrictions in my home town of Osijek, but it
 seams that Cloudmade is ignoring them. Why? Does use
 turn restricitons feature?

 It there any website that is using OSM data and utilizes turn


From what I know Cloudmade's routing is not using turn restrinctions (yet).
If you want something like this take a look at YOURS:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OSM in Poland

2009-09-23 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi Frederik,

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 11:41 AM, Frederik Ramm wrote:

 So where does the Polish OSM community hang out? Checked the Wiki and
 found nothing in terms of regular meetings or in fact any contact
 address or real name. Do they perhaps have a forum or something? Is
 there perhaps anyone in Wroclaw who would be willing to work with the
 university on this?

I have found this one:

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [Announcement] talk-alps - European Alps mailing list

2009-08-02 Thread Ciprian Talaba
I'm in the Alps right now (summer vacation), mapping Westendorf, Austria :)

Anyone around here?


On 8/2/09, Mike Collinson wrote:
 There is now a talk-alps mailing list.  This is for mapping parties, topics
 and general discussion for anyone mapping in the European Alps.

 This is experiment for a multi-language list for discussion in Italian,
 French, German, Slovenian, Romanche and, oh, may be English too.  If it does
 not work, we can split it up.  Thank you to Simone Cortesi for thinking up
 the idea and for hosting.


 For details on how to subscribe to this and other country, language, and
 topic-specific OSM mailing lists, see

 About the Alps:

 But, hey, who needs Wikipedia when you can see the Alps in our great Cycle
 Maps view:

 I am really going to cycle across the Alps one day. Any day now. Anyone got
 a spare pair of legs?


talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-dev] planet hourly diff generation stopped 20090627 19:00

2009-07-26 Thread Ciprian Talaba

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 7:47 AM, Florian Lohoff wrote:

 there are no newer diffs for the last 12 hours ...


And no daily diffs since July 25th.

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] accessibility mapping and OpenStreetMap

2009-06-15 Thread Ciprian Talaba
I believe we have something like this as part of GSOC 2009:


On Sat, Jun 13, 2009 at 7:09 AM, Mikel Maron wrote:


 Anyone working on accessibility projects with OpenStreetMap?
 Please get in touch, would like to talk more.


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] OpenStreetView

2009-05-13 Thread Ciprian Talaba
We, the Romanian OSM team (as Norc is a Romanian based service), are in
contact with the people from Norc since the launch of the project. They have
given us permission to derive from their panoramas, and also they donated
their GPS logs. We are waiting in the next few days to get a new set of
tracks from their last surveys.

More details here:


On Wed, May 13, 2009 at 6:19 PM, John McKerrell wrote:

 On 13 May 2009, at 16:04, Joseph Reeves wrote:

  How does the service provided by compare with people's
  desires? looks similar to Google, which is nice, but I guess the
 question is what license is the imagery available under? Also could I
 submit my own imagery if I had any available?


 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Ruby Error while adding user as friend?

2009-04-21 Thread Ciprian Talaba

I am getting a Ruby error when I am trying to add some user as my friend. It
seems to be related to some username (for now I can only notice this error
if the username contains a space). The error is below:

The OpenStreetMap server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented
it from fulfilling the request (HTTP 500)

Feel free to contact the
OpenStreetMap community if your problem persists. Make a note of the exact
URL / post data of your request.

This may be a problem in our Ruby On Rails code. 500 ocurrs with exceptions
thrown outside of an action (like in Dispatcher setups or broken Ruby code)

Is anyone else seeing this error?

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-legal-talk] Possible datasources: Corine Land Cover 2000dataset

2009-03-15 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi Andy, Jukka,

I have created a new entry on the Potential Datasources wiki page:

I am also posting this to OSM-talk so more people can review the possibility
of using this dataset. Because Jukka pointed out that on another page the
copyright notice is different:

EEA grants free access to all its data/applications provided that the
 user agrees:
· to acknowledge the source as follows: Copyright EEA, Copenhagen, 2007
· to display a link to the EEA web site
· not to use the data/applications for commercial purposes unless the
 Agency has expressly granted the right to do so

I will try to contact the Agency and obtain an official answer about the
usage. In the meantime feel free to give any feedback on the matter.


On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) wrote:

 Ciprian Talaba:
 Sent: 12 March 2009 9:28 AM
 Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] Possible datasources: Corine Land Cover
 Hi all,
 I know the discussion lately have been towards agreeing about an OSM
 license, and probably this is not the best time to ask this question.
 But I came across Corine Land Cover 2000 datasets and I want to make sure
 that they can be use in OSM. The organization behind CLC 2000 is European
 Environment Agency (EEA) and the website where the dataset is available
 have some legal information like:
 1. on the page
 Unless otherwise indicated, the information available from this site is
 within the public domain. Public domain information on the EEA web pages
 may be downloaded free of charge, and reproduced provided the source is
 * Citing this website
 2. on the page from
 where you can download the datasets, in the tab My details where is the
 following notice:
 The information available in this application is under copyright of EEA
 and within the public domain. Public domain information in this
 be used free of charge, provided the source is acknowledged. The
 acknowledgment should read (c) EEA, Copenhagen, 2007
 So my opinion is that we can use data from CLC 2000 as long as we add the
 source as a tag to each imported element. So you see any problems in using
 this dataset?


 I would suggest you drop this information on a wiki page and ask for
 comments there as well. At face value on what you have put in your email it
 looks similar to other data sets that require attribution. We normally deal
 with that as you say by adding the correct source tag and also placing the
 attribution on the wiki page at and or (looks like those two pages
 should be combined or redirect to just one.)

 As a final confirmation its worth writing to the data provider explaining
 the intention and how attribution is dealt with. That at least shows a
 trail if anyone asks a question at a later date.

 Finally its worth doing any imports under a specifically set up username,
 that way its easy to identify the original upload of data.

 Hope these pointers help.



 legal-talk mailing list

legal-talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] [OSM-legal-talk] Possible datasources: Corine Land Cover 2000dataset

2009-03-15 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Hi Andy, Jukka,

I have created a new entry on the Potential Datasources wiki page:

I am also posting this to OSM-talk so more people can review the possibility
of using this dataset. Because Jukka pointed out that on another page the
copyright notice is different:

EEA grants free access to all its data/applications provided that the
 user agrees:
· to acknowledge the source as follows: Copyright EEA, Copenhagen, 2007
· to display a link to the EEA web site
· not to use the data/applications for commercial purposes unless the
 Agency has expressly granted the right to do so

I will try to contact the Agency and obtain an official answer about the
usage. In the meantime feel free to give any feedback on the matter.


On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 12:21 PM, Andy Robinson (blackadder-lists) wrote:

 Ciprian Talaba:
 Sent: 12 March 2009 9:28 AM
 Subject: [OSM-legal-talk] Possible datasources: Corine Land Cover
 Hi all,
 I know the discussion lately have been towards agreeing about an OSM
 license, and probably this is not the best time to ask this question.
 But I came across Corine Land Cover 2000 datasets and I want to make sure
 that they can be use in OSM. The organization behind CLC 2000 is European
 Environment Agency (EEA) and the website where the dataset is available
 have some legal information like:
 1. on the page
 Unless otherwise indicated, the information available from this site is
 within the public domain. Public domain information on the EEA web pages
 may be downloaded free of charge, and reproduced provided the source is
 * Citing this website
 2. on the page from
 where you can download the datasets, in the tab My details where is the
 following notice:
 The information available in this application is under copyright of EEA
 and within the public domain. Public domain information in this
 be used free of charge, provided the source is acknowledged. The
 acknowledgment should read (c) EEA, Copenhagen, 2007
 So my opinion is that we can use data from CLC 2000 as long as we add the
 source as a tag to each imported element. So you see any problems in using
 this dataset?


 I would suggest you drop this information on a wiki page and ask for
 comments there as well. At face value on what you have put in your email it
 looks similar to other data sets that require attribution. We normally deal
 with that as you say by adding the correct source tag and also placing the
 attribution on the wiki page at and or (looks like those two pages
 should be combined or redirect to just one.)

 As a final confirmation its worth writing to the data provider explaining
 the intention and how attribution is dealt with. That at least shows a
 trail if anyone asks a question at a later date.

 Finally its worth doing any imports under a specifically set up username,
 that way its easy to identify the original upload of data.

 Hope these pointers help.



 legal-talk mailing list

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[OSM-legal-talk] Possible datasources: Corine Land Cover 2000 dataset

2009-03-12 Thread Ciprian Talaba

Hi all,

I know the discussion lately have been towards agreeing about an OSM 
license, and probably this is not the best time to ask this question.
But I came across Corine Land Cover 2000 datasets and I want to make 
sure that they can be use in OSM. The organization behind CLC 2000 is 
European Environment Agency (EEA) and the website where the dataset is 
available have some legal information like:

1. on the page
/Unless otherwise indicated, the information available from this site 
is within the public domain. Public domain information on the EEA web 
pages may be downloaded free of charge, and reproduced provided the 
source is acknowledged^* .

//^* Citing this website/

2. on the page from 
where you can download the datasets, in the tab My details where is 
the following notice:
/The information available in this application is under copyright of 
EEA and within the public domain. Public domain information in this 
application may
be used free of charge, provided the source is acknowledged. The 
acknowledgment should read (c) EEA, Copenhagen, 2007/

So my opinion is that we can use data from CLC 2000 as long as we add 
the source as a tag to each imported element. So you see any problems in 
using this dataset?

legal-talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Multipolygons in Mapnik

2009-03-09 Thread Ciprian Talaba
This question arise on the Romanian OSM list. We are trying to get
multipolygons rendered in Mapnik and we are following the instructions on
the Wiki page: So
we are trying with no tags on the inner way and the building is still not
rendered in Mapnik (it is fine in Osmarender). The building is the one name
'AJOFM Huneadoara' from here:

The interesting fact is that I used a different approach a couple of months
ago (when direction of the way counted, and with tags on both ways) and
those buildings are render just fine even now. When I tried to help our
collegue with his building and applying the same rules that worked before I
still have the same results (no hole rendered).

What are we doing wrong? How should we tag the building to get rendered with

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] permission to derive from Romanian streetview-alike?

2009-02-28 Thread Ciprian Talaba
I have created a new account called norcTracks, where I have uploaded
all the tracks donated by I managed to tag each track with
the city where the track belongs.

Besides the Romanian cities of: Bucharest, Constanta and the seaside
resorts, Iasi, Ploiesti, Pitesti, Targoviste, Brasov, the resorts on
Valea Prahovei, Cluj-Napoca and Timisoara there are tracks available
for the following cities:
- Wien
- Praha
- Bratislava
- Brno
- Kosice
- Krakow
- Warzawa
- Poznan
- Wroclaw
- Banská Bystrica

Hope it helps!


On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 12:35 AM, Ciprian Talaba wrote:
 Yes, we have permission to derive data from these images. Here is the email
 I got from norc:

 Dear Ciprian,
 Of course you could freely use our data for all countries we have
 data. We have more than the panorama gps tracks we have continuos gps
 data collection between all
 pano points. The logs are collected at 5Hz using U-blox 4t and 5t in
 UBX raw  mode. We are using high end antennas.
 70% of our Romanian data is tracked using DGPS corrections with our
 base in Bucharest (ashtech zx12) (we do not have logs from this base).
 Also we are interested to use your data for our project, and in few
 days we will release a version with your data. Here maybe we need some
 guidance of how to handle your copyright.

 We also have access to the logs, and I just started to convert them to GPX.
 The logs will then be uploaded to OSM tagged with the corresponding city
 name. The account will be announced here.


 On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 12:26 AM, OJ W wrote:

 looks interesting:

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk] permission to derive from Romanian streetview-alike?

2009-02-20 Thread Ciprian Talaba
Yes, we have permission to derive data from these images. Here is the email
I got from norc:

Dear Ciprian,
 Of course you could freely use our data for all countries we have
 data. We have more than the panorama gps tracks we have continuos gps
 data collection between all
 pano points. The logs are collected at 5Hz using U-blox 4t and 5t in
 UBX raw  mode. We are using high end antennas.
 70% of our Romanian data is tracked using DGPS corrections with our
 base in Bucharest (ashtech zx12) (we do not have logs from this base).
 Also we are interested to use your data for our project, and in few
 days we will release a version with your data. Here maybe we need some
 guidance of how to handle your copyright.

We also have access to the logs, and I just started to convert them to GPX.
The logs will then be uploaded to OSM tagged with the corresponding city
name. The account will be announced here.


On Sat, Feb 21, 2009 at 12:26 AM, OJ W wrote:

 looks interesting:

 talk mailing list

talk mailing list

[OSM-talk] Matching existing OSM data with third party coordinates

2009-02-13 Thread Ciprian Talaba
We have received data from a company that employs a service similar to
Google Street View, and they are asking some questions on how to use our
data as a base layer. They want to do something like this: they have some
coordinates for their panoramas, and want to snap these images to the
nearest vector in OSM. The reason is pretty simple, they want to have nice
output, and to give the impressions that the map and images are matching.

Do you know how they can achieve something like this (using free or
commercial product)?


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