[Talk-us] Central Oregon & Pacific Railroad: usage=branch -> usage=main?

2018-05-26 Per discussione OSM Volunteer stevea
I realize that distinctions between railway=rail + usage=* tags is subjective 
(even as OpenRailwayMap — ORM — renders main orange and branch yellow).  Full 
disclosure:  I have tried to sharpen focus in contributing to 
https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenRailwayMap/Tagging and related wiki re 
OSM rail tagging.  I am in a listening mode as I do so and don't wish to be too 
aggressive in positing anything too new or too controversial.

I have not done a comprehensive review of how many Class II railroads (a 
category of regional railroad in the USA which is not usually as "short line" 
as Class IIIs, but neither is it as large as the mighty Class Is) are tagged 
usage=main vs. usage=branch.  I suppose I now toss out as an interesting 
question in the USA (Overpass Turbo can query) a wider beginning of consensus 
regarding Class II railroads being tagged usage=main instead of usage=branch.  
In short, all discussion is welcome:  calling all interested parties.

Starting with Central Oregon and Pacific (reporting mark CORP, in rail-speak) 
now being tagged usage=branch, might this better be tagged usage=main?  Should 
other USA Class II railroads be tagged usage=main as a matter of course?  I'm 
leaning in that direction, suggesting that CORP and other Class II railroads 
see usage=* tags become main (if not main, be changed from branch to main).

Comments?  This includes soliciting Comments from overseas readers, like in 
Germany...those who wrote the ORM renderer and "watch" (and at least pay 
attention) to such things.  (The concept of "Class II" railroad might literally 
be a foreign concept, but I believe European, Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese, 
Korean, pan-Asian, African, Australian, South American...all worldwide OSM rail 
mapping watchers can understand Class II in the context of "USA Rail"):  these 
are "medium/regional-sized" railroads, measured economically by revenue as 
"between large interstate carriers and short line/more-local carriers."

If you are a rail fan / rail buff or otherwise find OSM rail-useful, please 
consider chiming in here and now as a way to better establish a modicum of 
sub-community (OSM-US rail interest).  I have heard from many over the years 
and consider hearing from others a polite nod in this direction.  I also 
welcome all others and all "new comers" (from my limited perspective) — those 
with whom I have no idea you are "out there."  Thank you.

Perhaps https://wiki.osm.org/wiki/Talk:OpenRailwayMap/Tagging_in_North_America 
is a place to further discuss, as at least one open issue is under discussion 
there (by happy5214) now.  Or, we can discuss here.

Happy holiday weekend (perhaps belated as you read this),
Talk-us mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] alberi monumentali

2018-05-26 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
Per la provincia di Pistoia avevo usato questo tagging


Una curiosità: puoi vedere se le coordinate del dataset nazionale hanno per
Pistoia lo stesso errore?

Il 25 mag 2018 9:57 PM, "Giuseppe Cillis"  ha scritto:

> Salve a tutti,
> come molti di voi già sapranno, il ministero ha approvato l'elenco degli
> alberi monumentali nazionali con tanto di elenchi per regioni.
> C'è già qualche tag relativo agli alberi monumentali?
> Grazie
> GC
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] alberi monumentali

2018-05-26 Per discussione Maurizio Napolitano
Scusate se scrivo a puntate.
Ho dato un altra occhiata al sito.
Non trovo riferimento sulla licenza.
In basso a sinistra c'è un "Tutti i diritti riservati © 2017"
Seguendo poi il link "Note legali" si trova scritto
Per fini di lucro è consentito utilizzare, copiare e distribuire i
documenti e le relative immagini disponibili su questo sito solo dietro
permesso scritto (o egualmente valido a fini legali) della Presidenza del
Consiglio dei Ministri, fatte salve eventuali spettanze di diritto. Le note
di copyright, gli autori ove indicati o la fonte stessa devono in tutti i
casi essere citati nelle pubblicazioni in qualunque forma realizzate e

che assomiglia molto ad una "cc-by-nc" anche se fa riferimenti a documenti
e immagini.
In ogni caso mi sa tanto che è meglio fare una richiesta per averli come
opendata da importare (se si vuole) in OSM.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] alberi monumentali

2018-05-26 Per discussione Maurizio Napolitano
il dataset è qui
e i file sono rilasciati in formato ods.
Capisco la buona volontà dello scegliere un formato aperto, ma vista la
struttura, di fatto era quasi meglio un csv.
In ogni caso i dati ci sono e questo va bene.
Quello che non mi torna è la licenza di riuso: non ne vedo traccia.
In basso trovo un bel "copyright 2017" che fa saltare quindi anche ĺ'open
by default del CAD.

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] alberi monumentali

2018-05-26 Per discussione Maurizio Napolitano
On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 1:21 PM Giuseppe Cillis  wrote:

> Per quanto riguarda il dataset, è ststo ufficializzato sul sito del
ministero delle politiche agricole e forestali. Questa lista è la prima
versione di un elenco unificato e standardizzato a livello nazionale; sono
indicati tutti I dati a norma di legge specifica fatta ad hoc.

Speriamo che il dataset sia rilasciato in cc0

Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Blocage de contributeur

2018-05-26 Per discussione Guillaume Rischard

Le Data Working Group a re-re-bloqué l’utilisateur. Il est maintenant bloqué 
pour plus longtemps, mais s’il revenait avec un autre avatar ou si, miracle, il 
venait discuter sur le forum ou la ml, merci de nous prévenir sur 

Guillaume (Stereo)

> On 25 May 2018, at 11:46, Thomas Ruchin  wrote:
> Oups : 
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/59246818  
> Le 25 mai 2018 à 11:09, Thomas Ruchin  > a écrit :
> Fait :
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/5924681 
> Le 25 mai 2018 à 10:56, marc marc  > a écrit :
> écris un message sur un changeset
> je transmet à Guillaume
> Le 25. 05. 18 à 10:45, Thomas Ruchin a écrit :
> > Au secours, il recommence !
> > 
> > Pour la petite histoire, après plusieurs jours de discussion avec le 
> > fameux contributeur à double compte, Noémie, Jean-Yvon et Guillaume, 
> > Guillaume (DWG) a fini par le bloquer et faire un revert sur l'ensemble 
> > de ses contributions (bien trop complexe pour réussir à démêler le 
> > positif du vandalisme)
> > Sauf qu'il recommence exactement comme avant (cf : 
> > https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/1780486821 
> > ) mais cette fois avec son 
> > compte initial :
> > rayan belkhir  > >
> > Beaucoup d'énergie dépensée, deux blocages et un retour au point de 
> > départ...
> > 
> > Thomas
> > 
> > 
> > Le 12 mai 2018 à 12:11,  >  
> >  > >> a écrit :
> > 
> > C'est toi Stereo_repair ? non je vois "This account is used by
> > Guillaume Rischard (Stereo) for undo/revert operations for the Data
> > Working Group." donc pour le premier auteur le DWG est déjà au courant.
> > 
> > https://www.openstreetmap.org/changeset/58278617#map=11/48.7984/2.3574 
> > 
> >  > >
> > 
> > "This changeset has been reverted fully or in part by changeset
> > 58278617 where the changeset comment is: revert poor quality mapping"
> > 
> > Je vois que les commentaires de DZ213 sont meilleurs que les
> > précédents (même si insuffisants ",J'ai ajouté une sortie de gare"
> > et surtout non correspondant à la réalité - là notamment le
> > renommage de l'agence commerciale RATP de Borug-la-Reine par
> > exemple) et que tu a fait un revert sans explication.
> > Si tu penses que c'est la même personne, je peux le comprendre mais
> > il vaut mieux faire l'hypothèse que c'est un débutant et des
> > débutants en région parisienne ça doit exister ! Et donc lui tenir
> > la main pour ses premiers pas.
> > 
> > Je vois https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/531817806/history 
> > 
> >  > > : tu supprimes
> > "name  > >
> > Chantier Grand Paris Express Ligne 15 Sud Gare Arcueil-Cachan".
> > À mon avis vous avez tous les deux tort.
> > Lui parce que ce n'est pas un nom, toi parce que tu devais discuter
> > avec lui et lui dire que c'était une description.
> > Donc :
> > description=Chantier Grand Paris Express Ligne 15 Sud Gare
> > Arcueil-Cachan
> > 
> > Je vois en plus que "https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/487197910 
> > 
> >  > > (avec une faute
> > d'orthographe et du même) utilise la station actuelle.
> > 
> > "OSM n'est pas censé être un ramassis de bureaucrates"
> > Non, ce qui est demandé c'est de contribuer dans un bon esprit.
> > Tu expliques sur les changesets pourquoi ce n'est pas à faire et tu
> > signales à la liste, et s'il ne comprend pas (ou ne veut pas
> > comprendre), Guillaume par exemple prend le relai.
> > 
> > Comme il s'intéresse aux transports en commun, il vaut mieux le
> > mettre en relation avec des gens qui s'y intéressent (Noémie par
> > exemple) et ils lui expliqueront le pourquoi du comment du nommage.
> > 
> > Là je pense qu'on arrive à deux frustrés - toi et lui. Je préfère 2

Re: [Talk-GB] How to tag

2018-05-26 Per discussione Artur R. Czechowski
Hi Jerry,
Thanks for your advice. I think I will left items 1 and 3 as they are till
a better way to tag such situation will be devised. For item 2 I will just
visit them and ask what kind of care and for whom they are providing here.

Best regards

On Sun, May 20, 2018 at 2:32 PM, SK53  wrote:

> I cant really help with the second two (would be really useful to know
> about shops which sell out!), but estate agents which have side lines of
> business are quite common. They often may have a mortgage broking arm, an
> insurance broker or be agent for a building society, and offer surveying
> services. These are pretty much all ancillary to their main business
> because they represent products they can sell to prospective house
> owners/tenants/sellers etc. I therefore think a note is fine. Potentially
> you could use insurance[_broker]=yes or similar tags for things which are
> ancillary to the main business (as in food=yes on a drinking establishment
> or bar=yes for a hotel).
> Jerry
> On 19 May 2018 at 13:50, Artur R. Czechowski  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Sorry for previous empty mail.
>> Could you, please, provide me the advice how to properly tag following
>> objects I have surveyed recently?
>> 1. There is an estate agent and insurance broker. I have currently marked
>> it as estate agent. Is there a better way to tag it?
>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/5626681212
>> 2. What social_facility I should choose for Total Home Care?
>> https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/5626680663
>> 3. Is there a better way to tag opening hours for Saturdays and Sundays
>> for this bakery? https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/5626680664
>> Best regards
>> Artur
>> ___
>> Talk-GB mailing list
>> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Scottish community councils

2018-05-26 Per discussione SK53
Adding such things tends to be down to local mappers. The best source for
accurate boundaries is OS Open Data Boundary Line: this needs a little
experience to process well, but IIRC JOSM handles it reasonably well.

I don't think area committees, at least in Argyll & Bute, have anything
like the same powers and responsibilities as English District Councils (the
main admin_level=8 grouping), and technically are committees of the full
council just like finance, planning etc., rather than being separate legal
entities. (Such powers as are delegated are mentioned alongside the basic
delegations to officers needed for effective administration, see A's
A good concrete example is that English District Councils have Returning
Officers, whereas the A Returning Officer is the Head of Customer
Services.) Nor am I sure if the area committees have any dedicated staff,
although I find it hard to see how they can achieve anything without a
minimum of secretarial support.

I would therefore suggest these are not formal administrative boundaries
(in OSM terms), and certainly the admin_level=8 should be avoided. We don't
do well in keeping non-formal admin boundaries separate from other types of
boundaries (e.g., wards which are essentially a political boundary
determined by the boundary commission, even if ward councillors may get
limited budgets and councils may align service provision with the wards).

As an interim approach I'd suggest using admin_level=9, but I think we
could do with a bit more of a re-think of some of our boundary tagging (the
bodies with powers 'devolved' upwards, such as the West Midlands Combined
Authority (currently tagged admin_level=6, but an anomaly), is another case.


On 26 May 2018 at 13:48, S M  wrote:

> Hi, this is my first post on this forum.
> My question is: is there any reason why community councils in Scotland are
> not mapped? I ask because I do a lot of mapping in Angus, and I was
> planning to map the community councils for Angus council area, but I wanted
> to check first. These community councils do not have as many powers as
> English civil parishes and Welsh communities, but they do have a few
> statutory powers.
> If they have just not been done yet, I will get started doing Angus
> council area's community councils, and I can do Edinburgh's as well. They
> would be admin_level=10 to fit with English civil parishes and Welsh
> communities. It is worth noting that Scotland also has "area committees"
> which some council areas (such as Glasgow, Aberdeenshire, Argyll and Bute
> etc) have devolved certain powers to. If these were to be mapped they would
> be admin_level=8 presumably.
> Thanks.
> Saoirse
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
> Talk-GB@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-gb
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [talk-au] poor business listing edits

2018-05-26 Per discussione Andy Townsend

Hi all,

just to let people know the admins have found a fair bit of commonality 
between the accounts behind the edits mentioned so far in this thread 
and have taken action* against them.  With a bit of luck, the spam 
torrent should reduce for a bit, but please let us know if it starts 
picking up again.

Best Regards,

Andy (not an admin, but from the Data Working Group and dealing with 
this complaint there)

* I'm not going into too much detail here for obvious reasons.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] alberi monumentali

2018-05-26 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 25. May 2018, at 22:11, paolo bubici  wrote:
> Qui un esempio di primi inserimenti...
> https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/5617730989

perché name e species hanno gli stessi valori? Per me i tag name sono da 
togliere in questo caso...

Ciao, Martin ___
Talk-it mailing list

[Talk-GB] Scottish community councils

2018-05-26 Per discussione S M
Hi, this is my first post on this forum.

My question is: is there any reason why community councils in Scotland are
not mapped? I ask because I do a lot of mapping in Angus, and I was
planning to map the community councils for Angus council area, but I wanted
to check first. These community councils do not have as many powers as
English civil parishes and Welsh communities, but they do have a few
statutory powers.

If they have just not been done yet, I will get started doing Angus council
area's community councils, and I can do Edinburgh's as well. They would be
admin_level=10 to fit with English civil parishes and Welsh communities. It
is worth noting that Scotland also has "area committees" which some council
areas (such as Glasgow, Aberdeenshire, Argyll and Bute etc) have devolved
certain powers to. If these were to be mapped they would be admin_level=8

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose : Ajout de DELETE TAG sur les stations essence

2018-05-26 Per discussione Jérôme Amagat
J'ai aussi vu ce problème mais j'ai vu sur github (
https://github.com/osm-fr/osmose-backend/issues/296) que le problème va
être réglé. J'ai même l'impression que le code a été changer hier donc
d'ici max 2 jour le temps de refaire l'analyse et ça sera réglé)

Le 26 mai 2018 à 13:43, marc marc  a écrit :

> Le 26. 05. 18 à 13:28, Francois Gouget a écrit :
> > https://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/#=8202=17;
> lat=48.9327971=2.2325832=3
> > + fuel:e85 = DELETE TAG aechohve0Eire4ooyeyaey1gieme0xoo
> > + fuel:lpg = DELETE TAG aechohve0Eire4ooyeyaey1gieme0xoo
> > - fuel:octane_95
> >
> > À quoi correspondent ces nouveaux champs positionés à DELETE TAG ?
> cela semble être un bug
> > quel type de vérification faire avant de valider les mises à jour ?
> Contrôle sur le terrain ?
> on n'a pas tranché la dernière fois.
> certains considère la base prix carburant tellement fiable qu'on peux
> faire confiance dans les maj qu'elle contient.
> mais si c'est tellement fiable, on devrait automatiser.
> Tu peux bien sur utiliser l'analyse comme un indice d'endroit à vérifier
> sur le terrain et donc faire un changeset source=survey :)
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Osmose : Ajout de DELETE TAG sur les stations essence

2018-05-26 Per discussione marc marc
Le 26. 05. 18 à 13:28, Francois Gouget a écrit :
> https://osmose.openstreetmap.fr/en/map/#=8202=17=48.9327971=2.2325832=3
> + fuel:e85 = DELETE TAG aechohve0Eire4ooyeyaey1gieme0xoo
> + fuel:lpg = DELETE TAG aechohve0Eire4ooyeyaey1gieme0xoo
> - fuel:octane_95
> À quoi correspondent ces nouveaux champs positionés à DELETE TAG ?

cela semble être un bug

> quel type de vérification faire avant de valider les mises à jour ? Contrôle 
> sur le terrain ?

on n'a pas tranché la dernière fois.
certains considère la base prix carburant tellement fiable qu'on peux 
faire confiance dans les maj qu'elle contient.
mais si c'est tellement fiable, on devrait automatiser.
Tu peux bien sur utiliser l'analyse comme un indice d'endroit à vérifier 
sur le terrain et donc faire un changeset source=survey :)

Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] Osmose : Ajout de DELETE TAG sur les stations essence

2018-05-26 Per discussione Francois Gouget

Osmose veut effectuer plein de mises à jour sur les stations essence 
mais je ne comprends pas bien ce qu'il propose comme mise à jour :

Par exemple :

+ fuel:e85 = DELETE TAG aechohve0Eire4ooyeyaey1gieme0xoo
+ fuel:lpg = DELETE TAG aechohve0Eire4ooyeyaey1gieme0xoo
- fuel:octane_95

À quoi correspondent ces nouveaux champs positionés à DELETE TAG ?
Cela ne semble pas correspondre à des carburants que la station ne vend 
plus puisqu'Osmose propose de juste supprimer le champ fuel:octane_95. 
Deux poids deux mesures ?

Et aussi, quel type de vérification faire avant de valider les mises à 
jour ? Contrôle sur le terrain ?

Francois Gouget   http://fgouget.free.fr/
  All generalizations are false, including this one.
 -- Mark Twain___
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] alberi monumentali

2018-05-26 Per discussione Giuseppe Cillis
Per quanto riguarda il dataset, è ststo ufficializzato sul sito del
ministero delle politiche agricole e forestali. Questa lista è la prima
versione di un elenco unificato e standardizzato a livello nazionale; sono
indicati tutti I dati a norma di legge specifica fatta ad hoc.
Per quanto riguarda la dimensione, è chiaro che gli alberi crescono ma la
monumentalità si basa, soprattutto, su valori soglia minimi per ogni specie
per cui è necessaria inserirla. E poi sulla crescita di questi alberi
secolari ...parliamo di 1 cm ogni decennio tra un po' per cui non vedo il
problema dell'inserire i valori. Inoltre l'elenco si basa su segnalazioni e
verifiche tecniche per cui è affidabile. Ovviamente c'è qualche albero già
caduto rispetto all'elenco e questi andranno verificati. Inoltre
l'aggiornamento nazionale è costante.
Essendoci degli attributi specifici, avevo pensato , appunto, a specifici

Il sab 26 mag 2018, 10:53 Martin Koppenhoefer  ha

> sent from a phone
> On 26. May 2018, at 10:46, Volker Schmidt  wrote:
> prima di importare nuovi alberi dobbiamo chiarire la situazione degli
> alberi in OSM in Italia.
> Dovuto a import di dati, almeno in Veneto, abbiamo in OSM una marea di
> alberi, la grande maggioranza non monumentali e quasi tutti non verificati.
> se trovate alberi tagliati/caduti, considerate di convertire in
> natural=tree_stump invece di cancellare l’albero,
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:natural%3Dtree_stump
> Ciao, Martin
> ___
> Talk-it mailing list
> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-it
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] parcours sportif

2018-05-26 Per discussione Julien Lepiller
Le Sat, 26 May 2018 12:20:33 +0200,
Ralf Treinen  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 11:57:29AM +0200, Julien Lepiller wrote:
> > Ça je sais faire, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver sur le wiki comment
> > cartographier les aménagements sportifs du parcours : barres de
> > traction et autres appareils de torture.  
> il y a une page wiki en anglais :
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:leisure=fitness_station
> > Je me demande aussi s'il est
> > possible de créer une relation pour regrouper tout ça ? Des
> > idées ?  
> C'est sans doute une bonne idée :
> https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/FR:Tag:route%3Dfitness_trail
> -Ralf.

Merci pour la réponse rapide ! C'est fait :

> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
> Talk-fr@openstreetmap.org
> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/talk-fr

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] parcours sportif

2018-05-26 Per discussione Ralf Treinen

On Sat, May 26, 2018 at 11:57:29AM +0200, Julien Lepiller wrote:

> Ça je sais faire, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver sur le wiki comment
> cartographier les aménagements sportifs du parcours : barres de
> traction et autres appareils de torture.

il y a une page wiki en anglais :


> Je me demande aussi s'il est
> possible de créer une relation pour regrouper tout ça ? Des idées ?

C'est sans doute une bonne idée :



Talk-fr mailing list

[OSM-talk-fr] parcours sportif

2018-05-26 Per discussione Julien Lepiller
Bonjour à tous !

J'ai récemment fait une ballade qui passait par un parcours sportif.
J'en ai profité pour cartographier les aménagements le long du
parcours : bancs, tables de picnic, un terrain de boules. J'ai des
petits cours d'eau et des ponts à rajouter aussi.

Ça je sais faire, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver sur le wiki comment
cartographier les aménagements sportifs du parcours : barres de
traction et autres appareils de torture. Je me demande aussi s'il est
possible de créer une relation pour regrouper tout ça ? Des idées ?

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] alberi monumentali

2018-05-26 Per discussione Martin Koppenhoefer

sent from a phone

> On 26. May 2018, at 10:46, Volker Schmidt  wrote:
> prima di importare nuovi alberi dobbiamo chiarire la situazione degli alberi 
> in OSM in Italia.
> Dovuto a import di dati, almeno in Veneto, abbiamo in OSM una marea di 
> alberi, la grande maggioranza non monumentali e quasi tutti non verificati.

se trovate alberi tagliati/caduti, considerate di convertire in 
natural=tree_stump invece di cancellare l’albero, 

Ciao, Martin ___
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [Talk-it] alberi monumentali

2018-05-26 Per discussione Volker Schmidt
Due commenti di tipo molto diversi.
prima di importare nuovi alberi dobbiamo chiarire la situazione degli
alberi in OSM in Italia.
Dovuto a import di dati, almeno in Veneto, abbiamo in OSM una marea di
alberi, la grande maggioranza non monumentali e quasi tutti non verificati.
In alcune zone non hanno poco a vedere con quello che c'è sul terreno.  (
https://overpass-turbo.eu/s/z6u produce 87k alberi)
Vi invito caldamente di procedere in tal modo che i nuovi import siano
chiaramente distinti da quelli vecchi e che siano fatti controllando per
doppioni con l'esistente.

2) sul contenuto ho forti dubbi.
Vedo dal esempio che si mette la circonferenza del albero con la precisione
del centimetro. Di quello che so io, alberi crescono, cioè questo valore
non è più valido oggi e il dataset non dice niente sull'anno della misura.
Lo stesso vale per l'altezza, ma almano pere questa la "precisione" e molto

2018-05-26 9:09 GMT+02:00 Cascafico Giovanni :

> Finalmente! Dov'è il dataset?
> Il 25 mag 2018 9:57 PM, "Giuseppe Cillis"  ha
> scritto:
>> Salve a tutti,
>> come molti di voi già sapranno, il ministero ha approvato l'elenco degli
>> alberi monumentali nazionali con tanto di elenchi per regioni.
>> C'è già qualche tag relativo agli alberi monumentali?
>> Grazie
>> GC
>> ___
>> Talk-it mailing list
>> Talk-it@openstreetmap.org
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Re: [Talk-it] alberi monumentali

2018-05-26 Per discussione Cascafico Giovanni
Finalmente! Dov'è il dataset?

Il 25 mag 2018 9:57 PM, "Giuseppe Cillis"  ha scritto:

> Salve a tutti,
> come molti di voi già sapranno, il ministero ha approvato l'elenco degli
> alberi monumentali nazionali con tanto di elenchi per regioni.
> C'è già qualche tag relativo agli alberi monumentali?
> Grazie
> GC
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