Re: [talk-cz] Překlady pro iD s KeepRight

2019-01-13 Per discussione Jan Macura
No já tuhle pandořinu skříňku otevírat právě teď nechtěl, hledal jsem jen
tu příčinnou souvislost..

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Překlady pro iD s KeepRight

2019-01-13 Per discussione Marián Kyral

-- Původní e-mail --
Od: Petr Vozdecký 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 13. 1. 2019 23:49:09
Předmět: Re: [talk-cz] Překlady pro iD s KeepRight
"s takovýmhle přístupem by se vlastně v autoškole nemělo používat slovo
'volant', ale něco jako 'to kolo vevnitř', ve vodáckém oddíle nikoli 'pádla'

ale 'prkýnka', v bance ne 'hypotéka' ale 'zvláštní půjčka na bydlení' a tak

dál, ne?

Karle, zkus se na to podívat pohledem někoho, kdo začíná. Já sám si
vzpomínám, že pro mě byly zrovna nesrozumitelnosti v terminologii v mych
zacatcich v roce 2007 duvodem, proc jsem se k OSM otocil zady.

Pavel (Zby) s tím má obrovské zklušenosti - zažitý překlad (především
"cesta") je natolik matoucí, že v úplně prvním kontaktu nováčka s realitou
české terminologie mapování (bez které se neobejde na wikipedii apod.) v něm
dokáže vytvořit natolik zmatený první dojem, že ten může být bez debaty
příčinou toho, že ten člověk v dalším objevování OSM prostě nepokračuje.

Vím, že zkušeným mapperům se to zdá být jako malichernost, ale těm, pro
které jsou v prvních dnech (i déle!) pojmy node, way a tag (a probůh ještě
ta relace!) nekonečným vesmírem, který zaplňuje celý mozek - těm bezkolizní
či intuitivní překlad jen prospěje. A tím i nám všem.


Na druhou stranu, v dnešní době *všechny* lidské činnosti používají zažitou
a pro nováčka zpočátku nesrozumitelnou terminologii. Namátkou: elektronika,
modelařina, fotografování...  Takže tohle není jen specifikum OSM. A nováček
se s tím stejně musí, dříve či později, popasovat. Stejně tak je velkou
výhodou alespoň základní znalost angličtiny.




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Re: [talk-au] Brisbane City Address Import

2019-01-13 Per discussione David Wales
Hi Joel,

I have had a quick look at the address data file in JOSM, and it looks
pretty good. When you split it by suburb / region, will you share the
smaller region files so other mappers can help with the review /
conflation / upload process?

David Wales

On 13/1/19 11:13 pm, Joel H. wrote:
> Here is my processed OSM file
> The BCC dataset has issues with overlapping nodes and dupe addresses, I
> ended up removing all other address types and only getting the official
> ones (as opposed to the alternates).
> And now the data is a lot better.
> My plan is to split the data either by suburb or as squares.
> -Joel
> On 13/1/19 6:24 pm, Andrew Harvey wrote:
>> Another option is take the CSV export from OpenAddresses
>> and use to convert it to .osm.
>> It has options for title case, remapping tags, it already combines the
>> road name and road type together, and converts to WGS84.
>> But if you've already done it, best post the processed .osm file you
>> plan on importing and the procedure you're planning on using.
>> On Sun, 13 Jan 2019 at 15:46, Joel H.  wrote:
>>> Hi no need. I figured out all I needed with a simple python script I found 
>>> online and LibreOffice Calc.
>>> On 13/1/19 12:59 pm, David Wales wrote:
>>> If you create a repository for your import scripts, and create some
>>> issues, I'm happy to help out.
>>> Have a look at Dion Moult's import repository for the NSW LPI Address
>>> data for some ideas. We are importing suburb by suburb, and putting
>>> changesets up for review on the repository before uploading them.
>>> This Brisbane import should be *much* more straightforward than the NSW
>>> LPI import, because you have access to all the data upfront.
>>> On 13/1/19 1:52 pm, wrote:
>>> - What does the "ADDRESS USE TYPE" field mean? And should it be
>>> preserved?
>>> Hi, just guessing, when a property fronts onto two roads, 'Uprn
>>> (official location)' is where their mail is delivered and 'Alternate' is
>>> the other frontage.
>>> Tony
>>> ___
>>> Talk-au mailing list
>>> ___
>>> Talk-au mailing list
>>> ___
>>> Talk-au mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-au mailing list
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list

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Talk-au mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] I have a philosophical question...

2019-01-13 Per discussione Gareth L
It’s easy to forget that OSM is a geographically referenced database of 
objects. That just happens to be rendered as a map. If you want to know how 
many post boxes have the George the 5th cypher, you can query the database to 
find out. If you want to limit that by geographic bounds (say, a city’s limits) 
then great, you can do that.

Google maps things to keep people in their ecosystem and find more out about 
where people want to go. They care most about points of interest so they can 
advertise accordingly, or suggest to those points of interest/businesses that 
they may want to pay google money so they get seen better than they would do 
normally. It’s why cities have streetview data barely a year old, but country 
roads are 7 years out of date. There’s little money in covering it.

Roads/lane markings are getting a lot of attention because of assistive driving 
system development causing a shedload of money being pumped into that area of 

I like adding to OSM as a pedestrian. It’s annoying to walk a circuitous route 
to a shop only to find there’s an alleyway that will take you there in 10% of 
the time.

The freely available database allows interesting data to be presented with low 
barrier to entry. As academia finds, it’s annoying to have to pay to view a 
journal behind a paywall, when you dunno if it even has the info you want.

A couple weaknesses for the main OSM ‘map’ I’ve found:
Transport routes (particularly buses) change too frequently and would be better 
as a separate service that is overlaid onto an OSM derived map.

All the different features that people have as priorities to add are valid, but 
it’s sometimes tricky to figure out the best order to add them in. Why add all 
the stiles and gates to a field before you have the footpaths added? Or adding 
bins and benches by roads before defining what kind of pavement/sidewalk it 

A couple Strengths of OSM:

Updates are fast. Google/bing are less fast at updating areas, and especially 
so if in a quiet region. OS only publish a new paper map when the old one has 
gone out of print, meaning the Leicestershire map is more out of date than the 
more popular peak district ones.

If you want more info available on xyz feature.. you can add it, and encourage 
others to do so also.

So, back to the philosophical question: I’d say it’s all important. However, 
the order that things are best added to the map could be helpful to know. Not 
in a tollgate “don’t add z until qrstuvwxy has been added first” way, but 
knowing what additional information is enabled to be added as a result of you 
adding a certain feature.

*sidewalks are such a nightmare in general in osm with no easy approach on how 
to best add them, it seems.

Not an easy question!

From: BD
Sent: 13 January 2019 23:10
Subject: [Talk-GB] I have a philosophical question...

Hi All,

I do make my little contribution to the effort of OSM. Recently I added some 
data to Mapillary and consider adding more (for the use of other mappers).

After reading someone's OSM profile I started to think and now have some 
doubts... We (mappers) are concentrating on various areas of the map. Some are 
dedicated to buildings, some to geographical features others add businesses 
etc. Can someone explain what is the aim of OSM, are we trying to build a map 
better than Bing and Google (in towns and cities) or are we planning to create 
a useful tool for tourists (with paths, places of interests)?

What is the aim of OSM, what should we concentrate on?
Should we map roads for sat-nav or buildings for urban area accuracy? Paths and 
tourists attractions or schools and electric cars charging points?

many thanks,

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] [SUSPECT] I have a philosophical question...

2019-01-13 Per discussione Dave F
The aim of OSM is to map the physical world. As long as it's physical & 
static, you can map it. Add whatever interests you. Remember there are 
numerous renderings of the OSM database concentrating on different, 
specific subjects.

If you wish to concentrate on one specific aspect, you may wish ot 
contribute to:


01/2019 23:09, BD wrote:

Hi All,

I do make my little contribution to the effort of OSM. Recently I 
added some data to Mapillary and consider adding more (for the use of 
other mappers).

After reading someone's OSM profile I started to think and now have 
some doubts... We (mappers) are concentrating on various areas of the 
map. Some are dedicated to buildings, some to geographical features 
others add businesses etc. Can someone explain what is the aim of OSM, 
are we trying to build a map better than Bing and Google (in towns and 
cities) or are we planning to create a useful tool for tourists (with 
paths, places of interests)?

What is the aim of OSM, what should we concentrate on?
Should we map roads for sat-nav or buildings for urban area accuracy? 
Paths and tourists attractions or schools and electric cars charging 

many thanks,

Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] I have a philosophical question...

2019-01-13 Per discussione Warin

On 14/01/19 10:09, BD wrote:

Hi All,

I do make my little contribution to the effort of OSM. Recently I 
added some data to Mapillary and consider adding more (for the use of 
other mappers).

After reading someone's OSM profile I started to think and now have 
some doubts... We (mappers) are concentrating on various areas of the 
map. Some are dedicated to buildings, some to geographical features 
others add businesses etc. Can someone explain what is the aim of OSM, 
are we trying to build a map better than Bing and Google (in towns and 
cities) or are we planning to create a useful tool for tourists (with 
paths, places of interests)?

What is the aim of OSM, what should we concentrate on?

OSM is a collection of individuals.
"We" all contribute what 'we' want to contribute.
If it was dictated that only contributions for 'x' are to be made then 
vast numbers of people would leave.

The aim of OSM? To map the world?

Whatever contribution that an individual choses to make to improve the 
map should be accepted.

I map in deserts. I map sports. I map all sorts of things.
What you chose to map is up to you.
A group may get together and chose to concentrate on some features, up 
to those individuals as to how much they contribute to that effort.

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] I have a philosophical question...

2019-01-13 Per discussione Rob Nickerson
A while ago we had an idea of creating a "top 10" list of things to focus
on. Ideas welcome.

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] I have a philosophical question...

2019-01-13 Per discussione BD
Hi All,   I do make my little contribution to the effort of OSM. Recently I 
added some data to Mapillary and consider adding more (for the use of other 
mappers).   After reading someones OSM profile I started to think and now 
have some doubts... We (mappers) are concentrating on various areas of the map. 
Some are dedicated to buildings, some to geographical features others add 
businesses etc. Can someone explain what is the aim of OSM, are we trying to 
build a map better than Bing and Google (in towns and cities) or are we 
planning to create a useful tool for tourists (with paths, places of 
interests)?   What is the aim of OSM, what should we concentrate on?   Should 
we map roads for sat-nav  or buildings for urban area accuracy? Paths and 
tourists attractions or schools and electric cars charging points?   many 
thanks,  dzidek23
Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Překlady pro iD s KeepRight

2019-01-13 Per discussione Petr Vozdecký

"s takovýmhle přístupem by se vlastně v autoškole nemělo používat slovo
'volant', ale něco jako 'to kolo vevnitř', ve vodáckém oddíle nikoli 'pádla'

ale 'prkýnka', v bance ne 'hypotéka' ale 'zvláštní půjčka na bydlení' a tak

dál, ne?

Karle, zkus se na to podívat pohledem někoho, kdo začíná. Já sám si
vzpomínám, že pro mě byly zrovna nesrozumitelnosti v terminologii v mych
zacatcich v roce 2007 duvodem, proc jsem se k OSM otocil zady.

Pavel (Zby) s tím má obrovské zklušenosti - zažitý překlad (především
"cesta") je natolik matoucí, že v úplně prvním kontaktu nováčka s realitou
české terminologie mapování (bez které se neobejde na wikipedii apod.) v něm
dokáže vytvořit natolik zmatený první dojem, že ten může být bez debaty
příčinou toho, že ten člověk v dalším objevování OSM prostě nepokračuje.

Vím, že zkušeným mapperům se to zdá být jako malichernost, ale těm, pro
které jsou v prvních dnech (i déle!) pojmy node, way a tag (a probůh ještě
ta relace!) nekonečným vesmírem, který zaplňuje celý mozek - těm bezkolizní
či intuitivní překlad jen prospěje. A tím i nám všem.

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Překlady pro iD s KeepRight

2019-01-13 Per discussione Karel Volný

> Btw. pokud by node měl být uzel, pak way by měla být hrana, taková je česká
> terminologie teorie grafů (v angličtině v tom mají trošku bordel a
> používají několik různých termínů).

ó nikoliv, hrana je pouze dvojice vrcholů, way je skutečně cesta (popř. v OSM 
to může být i kružnice)


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talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Překlady pro iD s KeepRight

2019-01-13 Per discussione Karel Volný
čest práci,

> Aktuální terminologický slovníček:
> - node = *bod* (nikoliv uzel)
> - way = *linie* (nikoliv cesta)

dovolil bych si zásadně nesouhlasit, datový model je prostě graf, a kryplit 
terminologii s vlhkým pocitem konaného dobra, aby tomu jako rozuměl někdo, kdo 
věci vůbec nerozumí a stejně se jí musí naučit, je cesta do pekel

s takovýmhle přístupem by se vlastně v autoškole nemělo používat slovo 
'volant', ale něco jako 'to kolo vevnitř', ve vodáckém oddíle nikoli 'pádla' 
ale 'prkýnka', v bance ne 'hypotéka' ale 'zvláštní půjčka na bydlení' a tak 
dál, ne?

> - tag = *vlastnost*

nejsem rád tomu, jak je v současnosti čeština przněna, nicméně z čistě 
praktického hlediska, myslímže "tag", "otagovat", "tagování" je aktuálně 
zažité natolik, že mi zde překlad přijde kontraproduktivní


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talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Access tagging for dogs

2019-01-13 Per discussione Andrew Harvey
On Mon, 14 Jan 2019 at 08:10, Graeme Fitzpatrick  wrote:
> Would you need to specify that guide & other assistance dogs are allowed, or 
> is that a given?
> & how about Police, or are always permitted anywhere (same for Mounted Police 
> if you're talking about horses?)

Unless the signage indicates otherwise, I'd just keep it simple and
tag in the general case.

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Access tagging for dogs

2019-01-13 Per discussione Graeme Fitzpatrick
On Sun, 13 Jan 2019 at 19:50, Warin <> wrote:

> On 13/01/19 20:31, Philip Mallis wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am looking at a few areas in parks across Melbourne where dogs are
> prohibited (e.g. through this gate to Kew Billabong:
> I’ve tried looking in a few places for guidance, but there isn’t anything
> other than this abandoned tagging schema proposal from 2012:
> What would be the best way to tag features to indicate that dogs (or cats,
> for that matter) are prohibited?
> dog=no
> cat=no  .. cats are harder to 'ban'.
> Same as done for horse;
> horse=no

Would you need to specify that guide & other assistance dogs are allowed,
or is that a given?

& how about Police, or are always permitted anywhere (same for Mounted
Police if you're talking about horses?)

(Incidentally, the photo on that horse page would suggest to me that horses
are allowed! - if they were prohibited, I would have thought there would be
a line across the image?)


Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] [Talk-cz] Prevody na spolek

2019-01-13 Per discussione Petr Vozdecký


Me by se libilo

1) vyuzit to jako mapu s pripinatelnou vrstvou MTB a turistickych tras (tedy
renderovane zvlast) - dnes mame MTB mapu na a je tam velmi hezka,
ale treba pro pesi turisty je ta zmet fialovych car odpudiva, na druhou 
stranu mapa ukazuje i jine nez KČT barevne znacene trasy, coz je vlastne v
ceskem rybnicku unikatni...

2) stejne jako je vypracovana legenda (dynamicky pro ruzne zoomy!)
renderovat legendu ke kazde mape. Ale mam dojem, ze k tomu neexistuje zadny
vzity uzus, jak to vlastne delat, takze se to nedela (nejake automaticky 
renderovane XML s obrazky, jazykove prizpusobitelne atp). A bylo by super,
zkusit nastavit nejaky vzor a zkusit presvedcit i ostatni autory, aby ten 
system/princip u svych renderu tez pouzivaly a aby bylo mozne tu legendu 
zobrazit (treba jako pop-up okno apod.)

pokud jsem uplne mimo, sorry :)


-- Původní e-mail --
Od: Jakub Sykora 
Komu: OpenStreetMap Czech Republic 
Datum: 13. 1. 2019 12:44:31
Předmět: Re: [talk-cz] [Talk-cz] Prevody na spolek

pokud by nebyl nikdo proti, převedl bych i doménu na spolek.


Dne 19. 12. 18 v 13:35 Tom Ka napsal(a):
> Ahoj,
> jen info - psal jsem klukum co vlastni a
> ohledne prevodu domen na spolek a zaroven jsem na spolek jiz prevedl
> svou VPS kde bezi web.
> Bye
> ___
> Talk-cz mailing list

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talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Překlady pro iD s KeepRight

2019-01-13 Per discussione Petr Vozdecký

 Pokud se way překládalo jako cesta, bylo to pro ně matoucí - proto "linie"
se ukázalo jako dobrý neutrální termín. Podobně slovo uzel znají spíše
matematici, proto se slovo "bod" zdá vhodnější. 


talk-cz mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Opencyclemap : absence des relations network= icn

2019-01-13 Per discussione Jérôme Seigneuret

Essai de voir avec Christian qui mis ses tuiles pour Bano et autre ou sur
la liste tech
Bonne soirée

Le dim. 13 janv. 2019 à 17:12, Phyks  a écrit :

> Bonjour,
> Pour ceux qui étaient intéressés par un style libre similaire à
> OpenCycleMap, j'ai un peu avancé sur cette question, en me basant sur
> OpenMapTiles (
> Le résultat est ici pour l'instant :
> C'est assez basique et
> il manque notamment les valeurs des tags cycleway (voir
> et les noms des
> relations cyclables (mais les relations sont affichées).
> N'hésitez pas à me faire signe si vous souhaitez contribuer et avez
> besoin d'un coup de main pour démarrer :)
> Au passage, est-ce que par hasard quelqu'un a un serveur OpenMapTiles
> déjà en service (ou un serveur tout court) et serait intéressé pour
> rajouter [quelques éléments en
> plus](
> )
> pour que le style puisse être affiché facilement sur une carte de démo
> quelque part ?
> Bonne journée !
> --
> Phyks
> Le 13/12/2018 à 16:44, Phyks a écrit :
> > Bonjour,
> >
> > Je ne saurais répondre particulièrement sur la question des network =
> > icn, mais OpenCycleMap n'est pas libre (contrairement à ce que son nom
> > pourrait laisser penser). Ce n'est donc pas possible de contribuer. En
> > revanche, il y a un suivi de tickets ici
> > L'autre
> > solution est de contacter directement l'auteur par
> >
> >
> > En rapport, il était question hier sur le canal IRC osm-fr d'essayer
> > d'avoir un vrai rendu cyclable collaboratif et libre. OpenCycleMap a un
> > certain nombre de problèmes/limitations, dont certains qui ne seront
> > peut être jamais corrigés (comme ça, je vois notamment la question des
> > parkings partagés motos / vélos qui sont ignorés ou l'absence de rendu
> > de zone pour les zones commerciales, qui offrent souvent des points
> > d'eau / toilettes même s'ils ne sont pas explicitement renseignés dans
> > OSM). Plusieurs personnes étaient intéressées, je profite de ce message
> > pour relayer l'info, si d'autres personnes pourraient également être
> > intéressées / vouloir participer.
> >
> > Bonne journée,
> > --
> > Phyks
> >
> > Le 2018-12-13 16:21, Mathias Vadot a écrit :
> >> Bonjour à tous,
> >>
> >> Après plusieurs test, je me rends compte que le fond de carte OCM
> >> n’affiche pas les itinéraires internationaux, relations taguées de
> >> cette manière : network = icn. [1] Je m’en suis rendu compte pour
> >> les relations que je connais en France [2], mais c’est finalement un
> >> problème globale. Les relations bien visibles en rouge [3] sont
> >> tagué comme étant des relations nationale, network = ncn [4].
> >>
> >> Dans la légende [5], les icn n’ont en effet pas l’air d’avoir
> >> leurs places, ce qui parait aberrant.  Est-ce un problème qui a
> >> déjà été relevé ? Je n’ai pas trouvé le github de ce projet.
> >>
> >> Mathias
> >>
> >>   [6]
> >>  Garanti sans virus. [6]
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Links:
> >> --
> >> [1]
> >> [2]
> >>
> >>
> >> [3]
> >>
> >>
> >> [4]
> >> [5]
> >> [6]
> >>
> >>
> >> ___
> >> Talk-fr mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> > --
> > Phyks
> >
> > ___
> > Talk-fr mailing list
> >
> >
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list
Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] La carte Près de Chez Nous PDCN

2019-01-13 Per discussione deuzeffe


Même impression dans ma zone de confort : des POI que j'ai mappés ne 
sont pas présents (quels tags sont retenus pour récupérer le POI ?) 
D'autres ressources bien connues dans la région sont absentes (d'osm 
aussi :/ )

On 12/01/2019 07:52, Stéphane Péneau wrote:

Bonjour Vincent,

Je viens de regarder par chez moi, et il ne semble pas qu'il y ait de 
rapprochement entre les poi Osm et leurs couches de données. Osm est 
bien meilleur.

Le pire que j'ai vu concerne une boutique nommée Casavrac :,-1.272,13z?cat=Alimentation 

En réalité elle est à plusieurs km :


Le 11/01/2019 à 18:31, Vincent Bergeot a écrit :


nous en avions parlé sur cette liste il y a quelques temps et le 
développeur principal de Près de Chez Nous est venu au dernier SotM-fr 
à Bordeaux, pour rencontrer un peu mieux OSM, les contributeurs, ...

Il vient de me dire qu'un certain nombre de POI d'OSM sont utilisés et 
mis à jour de manière hebdomadaire (magasin bio et hackerspace).

C'est par ici :,1.80,6z?cat=all

Bonne exploration de cette carte qui agrège beaucoup beaucoup de 
données !

Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [OSM-talk-fr] Opencyclemap : absence des relations network= icn

2019-01-13 Per discussione Phyks

Pour ceux qui étaient intéressés par un style libre similaire à
OpenCycleMap, j'ai un peu avancé sur cette question, en me basant sur
OpenMapTiles (

Le résultat est ici pour l'instant : C'est assez basique et
il manque notamment les valeurs des tags cycleway (voir et les noms des
relations cyclables (mais les relations sont affichées).

N'hésitez pas à me faire signe si vous souhaitez contribuer et avez
besoin d'un coup de main pour démarrer :)

Au passage, est-ce que par hasard quelqu'un a un serveur OpenMapTiles
déjà en service (ou un serveur tout court) et serait intéressé pour
rajouter [quelques éléments en
pour que le style puisse être affiché facilement sur une carte de démo
quelque part ?

Bonne journée !

Le 13/12/2018 à 16:44, Phyks a écrit :
> Bonjour,
> Je ne saurais répondre particulièrement sur la question des network =
> icn, mais OpenCycleMap n'est pas libre (contrairement à ce que son nom
> pourrait laisser penser). Ce n'est donc pas possible de contribuer. En
> revanche, il y a un suivi de tickets ici
> L'autre
> solution est de contacter directement l'auteur par
> En rapport, il était question hier sur le canal IRC osm-fr d'essayer
> d'avoir un vrai rendu cyclable collaboratif et libre. OpenCycleMap a un
> certain nombre de problèmes/limitations, dont certains qui ne seront
> peut être jamais corrigés (comme ça, je vois notamment la question des
> parkings partagés motos / vélos qui sont ignorés ou l'absence de rendu
> de zone pour les zones commerciales, qui offrent souvent des points
> d'eau / toilettes même s'ils ne sont pas explicitement renseignés dans
> OSM). Plusieurs personnes étaient intéressées, je profite de ce message
> pour relayer l'info, si d'autres personnes pourraient également être
> intéressées / vouloir participer.
> Bonne journée,
> -- 
> Phyks
> Le 2018-12-13 16:21, Mathias Vadot a écrit :
>> Bonjour à tous,
>> Après plusieurs test, je me rends compte que le fond de carte OCM
>> n’affiche pas les itinéraires internationaux, relations taguées de
>> cette manière : network = icn. [1] Je m’en suis rendu compte pour
>> les relations que je connais en France [2], mais c’est finalement un
>> problème globale. Les relations bien visibles en rouge [3] sont
>> tagué comme étant des relations nationale, network = ncn [4].
>> Dans la légende [5], les icn n’ont en effet pas l’air d’avoir
>> leurs places, ce qui parait aberrant.  Est-ce un problème qui a
>> déjà été relevé ? Je n’ai pas trouvé le github de ce projet.
>> Mathias
>>   [6]
>>  Garanti sans virus. [6]
>> Links:
>> --
>> [1]
>> [2]
>> [3]
>> [4]
>> [5]
>> [6]
>> ___
>> Talk-fr mailing list
> -- 
> Phyks
> ___
> Talk-fr mailing list

Talk-fr mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Greater London Authority

2019-01-13 Per discussione Simon Poole
The OGl doesn't make any statements on the status of third party (in
this case OSMs) content included in the published dataset.

On 13.01.2019 11:31, Brian Prangle wrote:
> Does anyone have any contacts in GLA? Came across this entry  at
> wich was entered in November 2018 so pretty recent. It's  a good write
> up of OSM and offering practical tips on how to use OSM data and also
> with some data extracts pubished under OGL ( does our licence allow this?)
> Rgrds
> Brian
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-it] Tagset per uffici ASL

2019-01-13 Per discussione francesco gargano
 Buongiorno, vioglio inserire la sede di medicina legale della ASP di
Catanzaro, quali sono i tag e le key giuste per questo tipo di uffici
laboratori ambulatori e CUP ?
Talk-it mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Brisbane City Address Import

2019-01-13 Per discussione Joel H.
Here is my processed OSM file

The BCC dataset has issues with overlapping nodes and dupe addresses, I
ended up removing all other address types and only getting the official
ones (as opposed to the alternates).

And now the data is a lot better.

My plan is to split the data either by suburb or as squares.


On 13/1/19 6:24 pm, Andrew Harvey wrote:
> Another option is take the CSV export from OpenAddresses
> and use to convert it to .osm.
> It has options for title case, remapping tags, it already combines the
> road name and road type together, and converts to WGS84.
> But if you've already done it, best post the processed .osm file you
> plan on importing and the procedure you're planning on using.
> On Sun, 13 Jan 2019 at 15:46, Joel H.  wrote:
>> Hi no need. I figured out all I needed with a simple python script I found 
>> online and LibreOffice Calc.
>> On 13/1/19 12:59 pm, David Wales wrote:
>> If you create a repository for your import scripts, and create some
>> issues, I'm happy to help out.
>> Have a look at Dion Moult's import repository for the NSW LPI Address
>> data for some ideas. We are importing suburb by suburb, and putting
>> changesets up for review on the repository before uploading them.
>> This Brisbane import should be *much* more straightforward than the NSW
>> LPI import, because you have access to all the data upfront.
>> On 13/1/19 1:52 pm, wrote:
>> - What does the "ADDRESS USE TYPE" field mean? And should it be
>> preserved?
>> Hi, just guessing, when a property fronts onto two roads, 'Uprn
>> (official location)' is where their mail is delivered and 'Alternate' is
>> the other frontage.
>> Tony
>> ___
>> Talk-au mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-au mailing list
>> ___
>> Talk-au mailing list
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] [Talk-cz] Prevody na spolek

2019-01-13 Per discussione Jakub Sykora


pokud by nebyl nikdo proti, převedl bych i doménu na spolek.


Dne 19. 12. 18 v 13:35 Tom Ka napsal(a):


jen info - psal jsem klukum co vlastni a
ohledne prevodu domen na spolek a zaroven jsem na spolek jiz prevedl
svou VPS kde bezi web.


Talk-cz mailing list

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Greater London Authority

2019-01-13 Per discussione SK53
The reference to Information Freeway suggests it's based on pretty old info
which no longer works

There are also Greater London extracts from Geofabrik (& possibly BBBike).

The page could do with some updates.


On Sun, 13 Jan 2019 at 10:33, Brian Prangle  wrote:

> Does anyone have any contacts in GLA? Came across this entry  at
> wich was entered in November 2018 so pretty recent. It's  a good write up
> of OSM and offering practical tips on how to use OSM data and also with
> some data extracts pubished under OGL ( does our licence allow this?)
> Rgrds
> Brian
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list
Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-es] Cómo mapear una pérgola

2019-01-13 Per discussione dcapillae

Ayer consultaron cómo se mapeaba una pérgola [1]. En el wiki no existe nada
específicamente pensado para mapear pérgolas o cenadores (estructuras en
forma de tejado abierto que normalmente se cubren con plantas trepadoras).
La única referencia que he encontrado es una recomendación en la versión del
wiki en alemán que sugiere mapearlas como tejados ocasionalmente cubiertos
de plantas, con «building=roof» junto a «roof:material=plants».

He añadido las pérgolas y cenadores a nuestra página «Cómo mapear un» [3]
para tratar de homogeneizar su mapeado en toda España. Si tenéis alguna
sugerencia al respecto, podéis comentarla en este hilo.


Daniel Capilla 
OSM user: dcapillae 
Sent from:

Talk-es mailing list

Re: [Talk-GB] Greater London Authority

2019-01-13 Per discussione Dan S

They're not exactly offering OSM data extracts under OGL. In fact
they're cross-linking to Geofabrik's data extract downloads. The page
simply has a mistake on it where it says "Licence: Open Government
Licence" at the top, and that needs fixing. If anyone has a contact
please do send them a friendly message!


Op zo 13 jan. 2019 om 10:33 schreef Brian Prangle :
> Does anyone have any contacts in GLA? Came across this entry  at  
> wich was entered in November 2018 so pretty recent. It's  a good write up of 
> OSM and offering practical tips on how to use OSM data and also with some 
> data extracts pubished under OGL ( does our licence allow this?)
> Rgrds
> Brian
> ___
> Talk-GB mailing list

Talk-GB mailing list

[Talk-GB] Greater London Authority

2019-01-13 Per discussione Brian Prangle
Does anyone have any contacts in GLA? Came across this entry  at

wich was entered in November 2018 so pretty recent. It's  a good write up
of OSM and offering practical tips on how to use OSM data and also with
some data extracts pubished under OGL ( does our licence allow this?)


Talk-GB mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Překlady pro iD s KeepRight

2019-01-13 Per discussione Jan Sten Adámek
Také souhlasím, s touhle terminologií je IMO mnohem jasnější, co to 
znamená, i pro lidi, kteří neměli teorii grafů. Místo linie by asi šlo 
použít i čára.

Btw. pokud by node měl být uzel, pak way by měla být hrana, taková je česká 
terminologie teorie grafů (v angličtině v tom mají trošku bordel a 
používají několik různých termínů).


Dne 13. ledna 2019 11:47:46 Pavel Zbytovský  napsal:
Danieli, mě link funguje. Pokud je na vině mail klient, zkus se tam 
proklikat třeba odsud:

Honzo, dík za případnou snahu :)
Co se týče terminologie, snažil jsem se pomocí těchto překladů vyjít vstříc 
začátečníkům na mých školeních OSM. Pokud se way překládalo jako cesta, 
bylo to pro ně matoucí - proto "linie" se ukázalo jako dobrý neutrální 
termín. Podobně slovo uzel znají spíše matematici, proto se slovo "bod" zdá 

Je to klidně k diskusi. :) Jen možná lepší držet nyní jeden terminologický 
klíč a pak případně změnit všechny výskyty.


On Sat, Jan 12, 2019 at 6:13 PM Jan Macura  wrote:

On Sat, 12 Jan 2019 at 11:16, Pavel Zbytovský  wrote:
pokud byste měl někdo chuť, budu rád za pomoc s překlady v editoru iD [1].

taky mi přišlo oznámení, zkusím tomu pár chvilek věnovat.

Aktuální terminologický slovníček:
- node = bod (nikoliv uzel)
- way = linie (nikoliv cesta)

Aniž bych do toho teď chtěl víc rýpat, tak čistě ze zvědavosti: kde se 
vzalo přesvědčení, že je vhodnější překládat node jako bod a way jako 
cesta? (feature jako prvek je naprosto "all right")

talk-cz mailing list
talk-cz mailing list

talk-cz mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Access tagging for dogs

2019-01-13 Per discussione Warin

On 13/01/19 20:31, Philip Mallis wrote:

Hi all,

I am looking at a few areas in parks across Melbourne where dogs are 
prohibited (e.g. through this gate to Kew Billabong:

I’ve tried looking in a few places for guidance, but there isn’t 
anything other than this abandoned tagging schema proposal from 2012:

What would be the best way to tag features to indicate that dogs (or 
cats, for that matter) are prohibited?


cat=no  .. cats are harder to 'ban'.

Same as done for horse;



Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-cz] Překlady pro iD s KeepRight

2019-01-13 Per discussione Lukáš Gebauer

Dne 12.1.2019 v 23:46 Pavel Zbytovský napsal(a):
Co se týče terminologie, snažil jsem se pomocí těchto překladů vyjít 
vstříc začátečníkům na mých školeních OSM. Pokud se way překládalo 
jako cesta, bylo to pro ně matoucí - proto "linie" se ukázalo jako 
dobrý neutrální termín. Podobně slovo uzel znají spíše matematici, 
proto se slovo "bod" zdá vhodnější.

Já s tímto plně souhlasím, myslim, ze jsi to vymyslel dobre.

Vysvetlovat totiz, ze cesta vlastne nemusi byt jen cesta, ale i cokoliv 
jineho? Zatimco pochopit, ze linie muze byt cestou, hranici, nebo i 
terennim zlomem, je mnohem prirozenejsi.

Stejne tak uzel vs. bod. Uzel je v normalni mluve misto, kde se neco 
setkava nebo zašmodrchá. (Dopravni uzel, uzel na tkanicce...) 
Vysvetlovat, ze uzel vlastne nemusi byt vzdy uzel, ale i samostatny bod? 
Zatimco pochopit, ze bod muze byt zcela samostatny, ale klidne i mistem 
uzlu, je opet prirozenejsi.

talk-cz mailing list

[talk-au] Access tagging for dogs

2019-01-13 Per discussione Philip Mallis
Hi all,

I am looking at a few areas in parks across Melbourne where dogs are prohibited 
(e.g. through this gate to Kew Billabong: 

I’ve tried looking in a few places for guidance, but there isn’t anything other 
than this abandoned tagging schema proposal from 2012: 

What would be the best way to tag features to indicate that dogs (or cats, for 
that matter) are prohibited?



Talk-au mailing list

Re: [talk-au] Brisbane City Address Import

2019-01-13 Per discussione Andrew Harvey
Another option is take the CSV export from OpenAddresses
and use to convert it to .osm.

It has options for title case, remapping tags, it already combines the
road name and road type together, and converts to WGS84.

But if you've already done it, best post the processed .osm file you
plan on importing and the procedure you're planning on using.

On Sun, 13 Jan 2019 at 15:46, Joel H.  wrote:
> Hi no need. I figured out all I needed with a simple python script I found 
> online and LibreOffice Calc.
> On 13/1/19 12:59 pm, David Wales wrote:
> If you create a repository for your import scripts, and create some
> issues, I'm happy to help out.
> Have a look at Dion Moult's import repository for the NSW LPI Address
> data for some ideas. We are importing suburb by suburb, and putting
> changesets up for review on the repository before uploading them.
> This Brisbane import should be *much* more straightforward than the NSW
> LPI import, because you have access to all the data upfront.
> On 13/1/19 1:52 pm, wrote:
> - What does the "ADDRESS USE TYPE" field mean? And should it be
> preserved?
> Hi, just guessing, when a property fronts onto two roads, 'Uprn
> (official location)' is where their mail is delivered and 'Alternate' is
> the other frontage.
> Tony
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list
> ___
> Talk-au mailing list

Talk-au mailing list