Re: [OSM-talk-be] A12 motorway

2015-09-05 Per discussione Erik Beerten

Ter info:
In België zijn de gewesten verantwoordelijk voor de wegen. Voor 
Vlaanderen is er een bindende categorisering en opsomming van de 
belangrijke wegen Ruimtelijk Structuurplan Vlaanderen.
Op de 15de pagina van dat document (pagina 491 van het volledige 
Structuurplan) vind je:

"Het Vlaams Gewest selecteert volgende wegvakken als hoofdweg:
R1 van A1 (Ekeren) tot A14 (Linkeroever)
R0 van A7 (Drogenbos) tot A7 (Ittre)
R2 van N49/A11 (Beveren) tot A12 (Stabroek)
A1 (E19) van R1(Ekeren) naar Breda
A1 (E19) van R0 (Machelen) tot R1 (Berchem)
A2 (E314)van A3 (Bertem) tot Nederlandse grens
A3 (E40) van R0 (Kraainem) naar Luik
A4 (E411) van R0 (Hoeilaart) naar Namen
A7 (E19) van R0 (Drogenbos) naar Bergen
A8 (E429) van R0 (Halle) naar Doornik
A10 (E40) van A18 (Jabbeke) tot R0 (Groot-Bijgaarden
A11/N49 van A18 (Westkapelle) tot A14 (Linkeroever)
A12 van A1 (Ekeren) naar Bergen op Zoom
A13 (E313) van R1 (Wijnegem) naar Luik
A14 (E17) van R1 (Antwerpen-LO) naar Rijsel
A17 van A10 (Oostkamp) tot A8 (Doornik)
A18 (E40) van A10 (Jabbeke) naar Duinkerke
A21 (E34) van A13 (Ranst) naar Eindhoven
A25 (E25) van Maastricht naar Luik
A102 : te ontwerpen van R1(Merksem) tot A13 (Wommelgem)
AX: te ontwerpen van N31 (Brugge - Blauwe Toren) tot N49/A11 (West-kapelle)"

Volgens de categorisering in het Structuurplan hebben Hoofdwegen de 
hoofdfunctie om internationaal te verbinden.
Overigens is het de categorising in het Vlaamse Structuurplan en de 
Uitvoeringsplannen en ook in de Provinciale Structuurplannen bindend en 
niet meer de N-nummering van de wegen, die nog dateert uit jaren 1980.



Op 04-09-15 om 15:16 schreef Ben Laenen:

Indeed, there's only one Belgian road number on a road, and for the
Antwerp Ring this is R1, not A1 which is completely wrong. If two
numbered roads join for a while before separating again, then only one
number is used for the shared part (as opposed to the Netherlands
where they can put multiple numbers on a road).

About the E-numbers, the Ring is part of some of them, although we're
in Belgium in this special situation where we're using E-numbers of
motorways as the main reference, but never use them on the R-roads. So
it's correct but a lot of people think it's odd that the Ring would be
labeled E19 and E34.


On Fri, Sep 4, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Gerard Vanderveken  wrote:


I see thet the ring of Antwerp is incorporated in the relations of E19
(Amsterdam - Paris) and of the A1 (Flemish part of A19).
While the E-roads are a conceptual thing, this is understandable.

However the A-roads are a physical, real highway and they should be mapped
as indicated on eg. the km-markings.
That means that the ring around a city is a separate way: the R-roads and
not part of a A-road.

For this reason I would suggest to leave the A12 in 2 pieces and recommend
to remove the ring from the A1.

In any case:
- segment 3 is the end point of segment 6 and should be joined to it by
adding it and the missing piece of road between.
- same problem for segment 4 which should be joined to 6 with th missing
bridge part.


Marc Gemis wrote:


I'm wondering whether the relation for the A12 should include the ringway in
Antwerp as well.
Right now, the relation consists of 2 separate sections, north and south of

Depending on the answer to that question, I might remove what is marked as
section 3, which is not connected to any other part.



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Re: [OSM-talk-be] SPW PICC 2000 map on JOSM

2015-05-29 Per discussione Erik Beerten


I am Flemish but regularly mapping things in the south of Belgium.
To be clear, is it correct that all map data on the Walloon PICC 2000 
(including the shape of the buildings) are free for copying to OSM?
PICC is about the same as the Flemish AGIV GRB map but the building 
shapes on that map may not be copied.



Op 23-05-15 om 18:14 schreef André Pirard:

On 2015-05-15 15:13, Nicolas Pettiaux wrote :

Dear all,

I want to learn how to use JOSM and benefit from your work, and use 
the belgian settings whatever this is that as I suppose simplify 
the tasks.


Bon maintenant,

Regarding the Belgian settings, I have mentioned before that JOSM 
requires WMS EPSG:4326/3857 and reported to SPW in 2010 and here later 
that the best WA server, which was the PICC server, returned blank 
4326 tiles. It even contained many WMS configuration errors such that 
JOSM failed to configure it automatically.  There have been no 
follow-ups to those comments, just that they are not interesting.
I have lately discovered purely by chance that the PICC bugs are now 
corrected. It's possible to configure it with JOSM.

The optimized PICC configuration can be installed with:
JOSMImageryImagery PreferencesRefresh
JOSMImageryImagery Preferencesselect BE|SPW(allonie) PICC 2000 
numerical imageryActivate

You may want to remove layer 49 to prevent redundant street names 
obscuring the highways:
In ...Selected entries:SPW(allonie) PICC...double-click column 2, 
edit 49, out, return ... OK

Place names are in layers 56-60.

The maximum zoom is 21.
I have filed a request that JOSM scaled the images above that zoom.
This will be done in June (JOSM guys are really great!).  While waiting:
JOSMWindowsLayersright-click SPW...PICC...turn OFF: Automatically 
change resolution

JOSMView/Jump to Positionmap=21... or zoom=5 metres
(repeat each time the layer is added)

That PICC data is old (2000 I think, missing houses etc.).
I wish the more recent BASE imagery were available for JOSM.
But these do not support WMS EPSG:4326/3857 (;-) ).
PICC has a wonderful 25 cm precision.

May I recall that (airplane) *aerial **photographs are a pitfall* !!!
What you see of houses is rooftops.  What must be tagged is ground 
level walls.
Due to a varying shooting angle, the roofs are offset from the ground 
The offset can be as high as 2, 3, 4... meters, roughly 10 times the 
The wall images are not vertical, you can see them often as a black 

What must be tagged is the far end of that surface.
And the other end of the roof must be chopped by the same width.

PICC does all that calculation for you, you will notice it.
It sometimes looks like it is wrongly offset, but look twice, it is 
right most of the time.

You will see that by comparing it with other tagging.

With http:...WMS...transparent=yes, use a dark gray JOSM background:
Add file ~/.josm/MyCSS.css  containing:
canvas { background-color: #404040; }
and use it with:
OSMEditPreferencesMap Settings (3)Map Paint 
Styles+~/.josm/MyCSS.css ... OK

OSMWindowsMap Paint Stylesselect MyCSS

Here is a sample of what PICC will look like on JOSM,6539659.6002846,627352.0063567,6539982.9776075LAYERS=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60.

(with vector OSM on top and aerial orthos seeing through!)




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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Adressen via AGIV Crab

2015-03-16 Per discussione Erik Beerten

Voor Sint-Truiden zijn er nog geen postcode grenzen vastgelegd.
Naast 3800 zijn ook 3803 en 3806 postcodes in Sint-Truiden.
En er zijn veel deelgemeenten.



Op 16-03-15 om 22:51 schreef Sander Deryckere:

Mijn eerste idee is dat er iets fout is met de grenzen. De postcode 
grens is nodig om de correcte adressen uit OSM te halen. Als die 
ontbreekt, of niet correct is, dan kan overpass geen adressen vinden, 
waardoor alle staten dus op 0 blijven staan.

Ik zal morgen eens kijken naar die grenzen, maar het probleem kan nog 
een eindje blijven bestaan. Overpass is niet zo snel met het updaten 
van gebieden als met het updaten van andere objecten, omdat het wat 
meer rekenkracht vraagt om vanuit een OSM relatie een geografisch 
gebied te maken. Ik verwacht dat er dus enkele dagen vertraging op 
kunnen zitten.


Op 16-mrt.-2015 21:09 schreef Guy Vanvuchelen

De laatste maanden maak ik dankbaar gebruik van de mogelijkheid om
adressen in te brengen. Iemand maakte mij de opmerking dat in
Sint-Truiden geen enkel adres ingebracht is. Daar wilde ik wel
iets aan doen. Dus begon ik met de straat met de meeste adressen:
de Luikersteenweg. Voor wie die straat kent, het was met niet te
doen om de ‘uitstalramen’! Nadat ik een honderdtal adressen
ingebracht had wilde ik bewijzen dat de teller niet meer op nul
stond…maar er was niets gewijzigd. Dan heb ik enkele straten met
weinig (of slechts 1 huis) ingebracht maar ook nu blijkt er niets
te wijzigen. Eigenaardig genoeg kwam ik straten tegen waar slechts
één huis ontbreekt terwijl er wel 20 huizen ontbreken
(Halingenstraat bijvoorbeeld).

Kan iemand dat verklaren? Sint-Truiden heeft postcode 3800.

Guy Vanvuchelen

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Re: [OSM-talk-be] city names - bug in OFM?

2014-12-25 Per discussione Erik Beerten
The problem with the missing municipalities also exists in OSMAND where 
some as Kortessem and Wellen are not listed although they are in OSM.

A solution for tagging boundaries can be checking for natural boundaries 
= rivers, in different sources first.  In Flanders those rivers as 
natural boundaries are mostly good visible on  the AGIV air imagery.
But what about a similar usable tool for Wallonie. I didn't hear more 
about how to use a similar source as AGIV for Wallonie in JOSM (?).



Op 23-12-14 om 18:14 schreef Marc Gemis:
As you could see from the link in my previous post, Mallien is mapped 
as a node.

Ligfietser wrote:

The OFM map looks at the administrative boundaries on OSM to assign 
the streets to a place: … ries#Namur
First it looks in level 8 (municipality of Assese) and if available, 
it looks deeper at a section (sub municipality) admin_level=9. I dont 
know if this is the case in Maillen.
If there exists such a section of level 9, it must be entered in OSM. 
If there is no section, streets could be tagged with is_in
If those sections are not specified, the map cannot find a street in 
Maillen so you must either enter Assesse or try another OSM map (no 
guarantee it work either) or a commercial map.

So in order to make OFM work, we need the boundaries for Mallien as a 
relation. We do not have them in OSM at this moment.
Those borders are hard to get. I don't know the situation for this in 
Wallonia. In Flanders we have a lot of admin-level 9 boundaries 
(deelgemeenten), but even there the list is not complete. Maybe Julien 
Fastré or André know more about this.
In general, we have to base ourselves on out-of-date maps for the 
borders. We are not allowed to copy them from Google or other 
institutions that ask a lot of money for that data. Sometimes 
governments open up a datasource with those boundaries. This is not 
the case in Belgium.

Furthermore most recent databases from the government do not care 
about those deelgemeenten, which makes it even harder to get access 
to a source to use.



On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 6:01 PM, Alain Bourgeois wrote:

I tried the Benelux map downloaded 6 months ago – same problem.

I reported the trouble on the forum
and they sent me to Belgian team.

Bien à vous,

Alain Bourgeois

+32 496 51 85 75 tel:%2B32%20496%2051%2085%2075

*From:*Marc Gemis []
*Sent:* mardi 23 décembre 2014 17:37
*To:* OpenStreetMap Belgium
*Subject:* Re: [OSM-talk-be] city names - bug in OFM?

On Tue, Dec 23, 2014 at 5:24 PM, Alain Bourgeois wrote:


The good news is that the village is in the OSM-data [1].

The bad news is that we now have to find out why it does not
appear in the map you have downloaded.

Did you try the the Benelux Full version [2] ? I assume it is more

Otherwise you can always contact the maker of the map via mailto:i...@openfietsmap.nlHe can explain
which information from OSM is available in the different versions
of his map.





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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Artikel: GPS kent 15% van ons wegennet niet

2014-11-05 Per discussione Erik Beerten
TomTom zegt dat ze (ook) informatie van de overheid krijgen over
wijzigingen aan het wegnet.
Zou de overheid die informatie ook niet ergens beschikbaar kunnen stellen
van OSM?



Op 5 november 2014 13:47 schreef Ben Abelshausen

 2014-11-05 13:44 GMT+01:00 Marc Gemis

 Maar of OSM onder die 15% komt in België weet ik niet, zelfs niet nu ik
 al een half jaar in heel Vlaanderen langs alle belangrijke wegen passeer
 (virtueel) om er lanes + turn:lanes op te zetten.

 Kwaliteit is altijd moeilijk, het punt is denk ik dat OSM het potentieel
 heeft om véél beter te doen dan die 15%

 Met vriendelijke groeten,
 Best regards,

 Ben Abelshausen

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[OSM-talk-be] Invisible castles

2014-08-18 Per discussione Erik Beerten
I was looking on some OSM based maps for a precise location of a castle 
but I couldn't find it.

I checked another one that couldn't be found either.
Both are the type of castles surrounded by water but the map only shows 
the water not the building in the middle.

Annexes as sheds in the neighbourhood are visible on the map.

Kasteel Vogelzang

Kasteel Schoonbeek

I checked the editor and found that both castles are tagged according to 
the Wiki ' How to a”:

   – historic = castle
   – name = 

The annexes visible on the map or tagged as: building=yes.

The conclusion is that it is necessary to add a building tag as 
'building = residential'  if it is still lived in or another 
denomination according to the actual use of it.

Are there any arguments against a change of the wiki accordingly or is 
there another solution?


Erik Beerten

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Re: [OSM-talk-be] All stops of De Lijn are now in Openstreetmap

2014-07-07 Per discussione Erik Beerten


Toch nog een vraagje over de bushaltes van De Lijn.
Staan ook de haltes die enkel bediend worden door een belbus nu in 
Openstreetmap of zijn enkel de haltes op een route toegevoegd?



op 07-07-14 13:05, Jo schreef:


*Nederlands onderaan*

Since yesterday all stops of De Lijn, which are served by buses or 
trams are in Openstreetmap. It's been an enormous effort for me and a 
few others. Especially adding the last 10% has taken a lot longer than 
I'd expected.

If you are interested in adding route relations for lines which you'd 
like to see appear on the map, let me know and I'll send you a 
'skeleton relation', containing all the stops in the correct order for 
all the variations op stop sequences.

I also have a script which runs inside JOSM, which helps in finding 
the streets which are adjacent to these stops. So all that's left to 
do is to connect those streets...

Of course I'm available to share the 'expertise' on how to do this in 
an efficient manner during a Google hangout session.

Sinds gisteren staan alle haltes van De Lijn die bediend worden door 
bussen of trams in Openstreetmap. Het was een enorme inspanning voor 
mezelf en een paar anderen. Vooral het toevoegen van de laatste 10% 
heeft heel wat langer geduurd dan ik had verwacht.

Voor het toevoegen van de routerelaties is hulp zeker welkom. Als je 
daar zin in hebt, laat me dan weten welke routes je interesseren. Ik 
kan je dan een 'skeletrelatie' bezorgen waarin alle haltes in de 
juiste volgorde klaarzitten en dit voor alle variantes.

Ik heb ook een script in JOSM dat in staat is om de nevenliggende 
straten automatisch toe te voegen. Dan moeten deze enkel nog met 
elkaar verbonden worden.

Geef me dus maar een seintje en je krijgt een OSM-bestand terug.

Ik ben natuurlijk ook bereid om toe te lichten hoe je dit zo efficiënt 
mogelijk doet, tijdens een Google hangout.


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Re: [OSM-talk-be] OSM Meetup in Gent, 21 of May.

2014-05-15 Per discussione Erik Beerten


I would like to come to a meeting in Leuven too.


op 15-05-14 09:26, Julien Fastré schreef:


For me, it's easier to join a meetup in Leuven :-)


Le 12/05/14 19:31, Jo a écrit :


Ben is organising a new OSM Meetup in Gent, 21 of May. I won't be 
able to make it. I'd like to ask whether there is an interest in such 
meetups in Leuven in addition to the ones organised in Gent and 

I found a nice location:


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[OSM-talk-be] Disappeared JOSM preset Mapping in Benelux

2013-11-20 Per discussione Erik Beerten

With the JOSM update to 6383 (and 6388) the tagging preset Mapping in
Benelux disappeared and I am missing that preset made by Marc. I can’t find
it in the list of presets either.
How to get it back?


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Re: [OSM-talk-be] Just subsribed to OSM-be

2012-08-17 Per discussione Erik Beerten

I started contributing to OSM some weeks ago after I bought a  Garmin Etrex
20 for bike navigation.
This Etrex 20 is a new type that also uses Russian satellites. (it is not
on the Wiki review list). I found it in my region for 169 EUR. It works
fine. It makes gpx files that can be used directly for OSM.
I use it to gather the gpx data of small unpaved paths and tracks.
But you can also start contributing to OSM without a GPS, using the Bing
satellite photo's that are on a layer in the OSM editor Potlatch2 to put
things you notice or know on the map.



2012/8/17 Julien Minet

 Hi all,

 I know OSM for a long time but so far I could not contribute to this
 project. As I would have more time from now, I'd be glad to contribute to
 mapping! I'm planning to get a GPS and make some mapping, especially in my
 poorly-mapped area: Province du Luxembourg, and other places, mainly in

 By the way, thanks to my last job, I know some friends who are now working
 in the new (2 years old) cellule géomatique from the Walloon
 government. I already told them many times about OSM and they could be
 helpful in the process of making free some GIS data or at least to get some
 information about the inside job of the administration... I also worked a
 lot on GIS and webmapping apps using OpenLayers, among others.

 Hope to contribute and see you soon!

 Julien Minet

 PS: As I'm just looking for a OSM-friendly GPS, any hints about the choice
 of the device and/or some second-hand markets are welcome!

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