Toolbar Button

2020-06-27 Thread Joe Maywood via TBBETA
Hello Tbbeta,

  Testing, if I

  Customize the Standard toolbar to add a Thread:Delete button, then
  Assign an icon / image to the button
  (Whether I lock the toolbar or not)

  The button works as it should for the current session. However, when
  I exit and restart TB, the toolbar button changes to the word Copy
  and the action seems to have changed to Thread:Copy.


'Using TBBETA' information:

Selective Download filter

2012-05-09 Thread Joe
  I have a "Selective Download Filter" defined that seems to work OK, however, 
I have checked "Delete Immediately", but the email never gets deleted on the 
host.  It is always there.  When I check for mail, the log usually says 
something like 20 messages in the mailbox, 2 new...  Those 20 are the ones that 
did not get deleted.  After a while, the number grows and then it takes a long 
time for the normal download to start as it is calculating how many messages on 
the server.  Did I explain this clearly enough, any one else have this issue.
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: The Bat! (BETA)

2012-02-10 Thread Joe
Hello Francis,

Friday, February 10, 2012, 10:05:36 AM, you wrote:

> Hello,

> Friday, February 10, 2012 at 14:29:57, Stuart wrote :
S>> This only works if you are using a junk folder within the account, not a 
S>> junk folder.

> I have a common junk folder. The behaviour on my computer is therefore
> normal.
> Thanks for your reply.

I guess I am not following this thread.  I have never seen this work this way. 
 Are you saying that if I have a junk folder in my account, not a common 
folder, and I go to the junk folder, select an email, click "mark as not 
junk"..  are you saying that the selected mail is supposed to be moved to the 
If so, I have never seen that from ver 2 to 5.  I am currently running and testing ver 5.
Just to be sure, the folder name that was automatically created when I created 
the account is named "Junk mail". Do I need to create one called "junk"?

Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Bugs not being fixed

2012-01-09 Thread Joe
Hello Carsten,

Monday, January 9, 2012, 8:41:46 AM, you wrote:

> Just installed 5.0.32

> https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=8929
> Still there, VF not working correctly.

> https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=8932
> Still exists, quick search problem (maybe a little different now, but far 
> from fixed).

> Why do I even report these bugs, make videos etc if they are not addressed?

> This is so frustrating. Surprising that Ritlabs still has beta testers at all.

Agreed.  Thank you.. 
 It seems whenever I give my opinion "complain" on this list, I get the same 
old tired excuses...
V 5 was a complete re-write.  They need time to sort it out.  Well, it's been 
over a year now.. 
Yes, I said  a FULL YEAR.. and still:

1: VF's don't work as well as in V4
2: Constant hangs forcing a restart
3: And most importantly, FILTERS....  Still nmot working right.

Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Filters aren't always used automatically

2011-12-15 Thread Joe

Thursday, December 15, 2011, 11:59:50 AM, you wrote:

> Hi,

>> After uninstallation, removal of AddData\The Bat!\MAIL and registry key,
>> reinstallation of TB 4, recreating the mailbox and filters and upgrading
>> back, filters work.
>> (I created MB from scratch - the messages were re-downloaded from the server
>>  but all the settings were gone, of course.)
>> So, no idea how to troubleshoot this further without having source code. It
>> could be anything.
>> Recreating the mailbox should help.

> Confirmed!
> Now my "TB!" works with filters. Installed 4.X, setup and update to 
> 5.X...works.

> Regards

>  Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:
> http://www.silverstones.com/thebat/TBUDLInfo.html

That's great.  I have been waiting for a fix to the filters.  I upgraded to 5 
and had so may filter issues I went back to 4.  My question is, did you have to 
completely delete everything and install from scratch.  I can't do that, I have 
too many filters and lots of folders.  Maybe  RIT could provide a utility that 
scans all your settings/filters/folders databases etc. to verify they are OK 
and can work with 5 and maybe fix any inconsistencies it finds or report 
something that is not compatible...  The normal maintenance center didn't seem 
to be enough for me.  At this point, I would gladly pay RIT for the upgrade, 
but only if I don't have to jump through hoops to get it to work.
 What do you all think? Is this possible?

Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Are Filters fully working yet

2011-10-10 Thread Joe
  I have not been following for the last month.  I had to revert back to because of all the issues with filters and av's and hangs with version 
5.  I was just wondering, how is version 5 doing?
Is it finally stable?
Are filters working as good as they did in version 4?
Does v5 still hang after a few hours/days of continuos running?

Thanks for the input.
Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Version 4

2011-06-06 Thread Joe
Hello Rick,
Monday, June 6, 2011, 12:18:19 PM, you wrote:

> Why would ANYONE on the Beta Test list be considering moving back to v4 ?

Because they installed the official release of V5 a few months back assuming 
that it went through a full beta and would work fine with maybe  a few minor 
bugs.  What they found was a release that should never have seen the light of 
day.  It's really  really bad.  Did I have enough really's in there... really, 
really bad They were hoping that they would get fixes for the multitude of 
problems with the official V5 release.  
  I installed the official release and had so many issues with filters, AV,  
twice daily hangs and virtual folder issues, that I was spending over an hour a 
day just dealing with my email client bugs.  So, I was on this beta list hoping 
to find quick fixes, making the stupid assumption that all my problems with the 
official release would soon be fixed.  
  As I watch this list, I can say with no doubt that none of the bugs that I 
have are fixed yet.  These are major issues and still not fixed. This is 
incredible. Really poor management at RitLabs.   
 IMHO Release 5 is still beta and if you want to run production, V4 is the only 
way to go.  So, I am back to 4 for production, still using 5 for beta testing 
and waiting patiently to see my bugs fixed, however, if past history ( read the 
threads about all the IMAP issues) is any indication, maybe we will have to 
wait for v6 after we pay for the upgrade to get basic v5 functionally.
  What I don't understand...  Can anyone answer this... I check the official 
TheBat list and I do not see that much activity.  Does that mean that no one 
new has purchased TheBat???  Does it mean that the new users don't know that it 
is seriously broken?  Does it mean that we, beta  testers, are the only 
users...  If there were a substantial list of new TheBat customers I would 
expect TheBat list would have many posts.
Any ideas?  
Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:


2011-05-14 Thread Joe
Another release and still no fixes for virtual folders counts, daily hangs and 
broken filters
 Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems that v5 finally has much better IMAP 
support.  IMAP seems to be working for me now better then it did in v3 or 4.  
  So, since IMAP was virtually broke in v3 and v4,  and now we have virtual 
folders,  filters and daily hang issues, does that mean, given the past history 
of IMAP, that we will have to wait for v8 before filters and virtual folders 
are working correctly...  I mean IMAP was not really fixed till v5, so my only 
conclusion is that all the issues listed above will not be fixed till version 
8.  Simple math :)
Ritlabs, prove me wrong.  Fix virtual folders, daily hangs and filter issues 
before release 6...   

Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:


2011-05-12 Thread Joe
> Hello Maxim,

> I'm  very  disappointed  to  see  that the thread deletion bug (Delete
> versus Ctrl-Shift-Delete) is not yet fixed.

I'm very disappointed to see that the filter and virtual folders issues are not 
fix yet.

Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Conveert to thunderbird

2011-05-11 Thread Joe
I guess I have had it with thebat.  
We have pleaded with RitLabs to fix the filters and hangs and virtual folders 
issues.  It has been over 6 weeks since the official non working version of 5 
came out.  Six weeks to fix basic advertised functionally!!!  Like I said 
before, something is going on at RitLabs and I am not going to have my business 
rely on a product that they just can't seem to fix.  6 weeks is ample time to 
fix all the issues we addressed on this forum.  The only explanation is that 
something is going on at RitLabs and maybe they are going bankrupt, or some 
people quit because of the bad management decisions they seem to make..
  I have created multiple tickets and all I ever get back is the standard 
answer, "yes we will fix all the problems", no estimate as to when the fixes 
will come out.
  I just can't use it in this state and I am afraid of going back to v4.

So, my question is, does any one know of a foolproof process to export all of 
TheBat emails and address books to Thunderbird?
Can you point me to a link with some doc on this matter.  Thanks...

Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

No Filters fix yet. Hardd to believe

2011-05-07 Thread Joe
If find it so hard to believe, that it has been almost two months since the 
dreaded release of v5 and there is still no fix for major basic functionally 
such as filters, virtual folders and hangs.  Is it really too much to ask?  I 
am begging, not shouting... PLEASE FIX THE FILTER ISSUES. (Yes, a known 
reported bug)

Please fix the hangs.  Every morning I have to restart TheBat as it is hung. 
(Yes a known reported bug)

Please fix the virtual folders issues. (Yes a known reported bug)

I have pleaded you Ritlabs to fix these issues and they assured me that they 
will.  I have been in product development, and I can tell you it doesn't take 2 
months to fix basic, promised, documented functionally which leads me to 
believe something bad is happening at RitLabs. 

I have to ask:  What are your new customers saying.  I mean, if someone is 
purchasing TheBat for the first time, installs v5 and filters and virtual 
folders don't work as advertised, and the product AV's and hangs constantly, 
what are these customers to think???  Maybe TheBat doesn't have any new 
customers  That would explain the lack of urgency to fix these issues.
To be honest, I read these lists and I usually get a laugh out of people 
venting.  I have never done that, however, I am so frustrated and disillusioned 
with this product and the RitLabs team that I felt it necessary to vent.  Just 
to calm me down every morning when I go through the ritual of restarting TheBat 
and then cleaning up all the errors the filters made and then restating the bat 
again to clean up folder
 counts.  I hate what this product has made be become... a list ventor...  
Sorry to all reading this

Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 5.0.12 Advanced search options are ignored

2011-05-03 Thread Joe
Hello Martin,

Tuesday, May 3, 2011, 1:43:09 PM, you wrote:

> Hi all,

> when activating "recieved after" function in advanced tab of search it is
> simply ignored, all messages found in message base are listed in results,
> no matter when the messages were recieved. Maybe other advaced options are
> also ignored, I did not check, yet.

> This problem exists for all 5.x versions but I report it the first time
> now, I always forgot to mention this.

> Can anybody confirm?


Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: - Virtual folders

2011-04-29 Thread Joe
Friday, April 29, 2011, 2:17:35 PM, you wrote:

>>>Some of their implementations are superior to anything else out there

>> Yes, we've all heard that before. More than once...

> I am curious. You complain a lot about the Bat. Are you reporting
> the issues that bother you, getting confirmations and entering them in the 
> bug tracker?
I use many products, and I usually never complain.  I have used TB since ver 2. 
 I never experienced major issues from one release to the next and I have never 
complained before.  I love the product and have said so on many occasions.  The 
filtering and virtual folders are superior to any other client.  However, this 
release is really bad. 

Yes, of course we are reporting the issues.  It's just that all my "reported" 
issues were found in the 5 Beta.  I never thought they would put out for 
general release a product that had so many bugs reported in the Beta against 
"Basic, already working" functions.  They basically broke so many things, all 
reported, that if I were a first time user of the bat and just purchased 
release 5, I would ask for my money back.

Let's see, it have been over a month now and still no fixes for AV, hangs, 
virtual folders and filter bugs, all reported in the beta.
I will give this release 7 more days.  If they can't fix the basic things that 
I purchased the product for, I will be forced to leave.
That's a challenge to the development team.  But, I don't think they really 
care about one user leaving

Best regards,
 Joe (BETA)
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: - Virtual folders

2011-04-28 Thread Joe

> I can see that you're tackling some pretty major issues but please
> also spend some time on virtual folder updating and negative counts.
> It would stop a lot of us moaning.
Agreed.  All the issues I see on this list worked fine in release 4.
 Release 5 should have never gone out the door.  It just baffles me that 
functions that worked fine in release 4 are broke in 5 and the release still 
went out.  I don't blame the programmers.  I think management needs to be 
Also, I truly hope I don't have to wait till release 5.1, and have to pay to 
get basic functions working again.
So all I am asking is that you first fix all the features that worked in 
release 4 that you broke in release 5.
Sorry fro the venting.  I have been a user since ver 3 and love the product.  I 
paid for every major upgrade.  This is the first release that has caused me so 
much grief.  You have a great product, why did you decide to put out such a 
buggy release  You can't tell me that with  all the beta users you did not 
know about all these issues in basic functionally. 

Best regards,
 Joe (BETA)
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:


2011-04-28 Thread Joe
Still no fix for all the filter issues and hangs.  When are you going to fix 
the filters bugs?  I had no problems in the previous 4.x release with filters 
or hangs.  I regret ever installing version 5.  I waste 10 minutes every hour 
or so dealing with the filter issue, and every morning thebat hangs, (non 
responsive), and I have to use kill process to get it to restart.  These are 
all known issues and I can't believe this is not fixed yet.  Can you please 
give us an estimate as to when these issues will be fixed? 
Best regards,
 Joe (BETA)
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 5.0.8 release - Exceptions

2011-04-21 Thread Joe
Thursday, April 21, 2011, 9:41:05 AM, you wrote:

>> Please,  please,  please can you fix these exceptions as they stop 
>> filtering working.

> This is killing my patience with TB. I've been reporting this for
> months and it affect a major part of the program. It is not cosmetic
> and is an essential feature and one of the main selling points. If
> filtering doesn't work then this will surely knock on the the raft of
> virtual filter problems.

> Is there anything else I can do to get the priority of this raised?
> This is the current BT: https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=8572

I agree, why is the priority fro this bug "normal"... This is a major feature 
and needs to be fixed ASAP.  This should be high priority.

Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Virtual folders are working finally in

2011-04-19 Thread Joe
Hello Marek,

Monday, April 18, 2011, 1:06:31 PM, you wrote:

> Hello,
> since all virtual folders are updated for me correctly, anybody can
> confirm?

Can not confirm.  I am running and my virtual folder unread counts are 
always wrong.  Also, my tabs don't work. (Aren't tabs really just virtual 
The tab for attachments seems to work, but none of the tabs I have created work 
(they worked OK on previous release 4.) They do not
show all the contents of the folders I selected, some show no contents, some 
only show ONE item where there are over a 1000.
  This whole release bafflers me. How could basic TheBat functions that worked 
so well in release 4 be so badly broken in release 5?
Was this a complete rewrite?  If so, it should have be release as a new product 
under release 1.  Then I could understand all the bugs.
But to go to a upgrade release and have so many basic functions not working is 
just too weird and shows a real lack of discipline.

  Sorry to vent a little here, but I am really frustrated. All the basic, 
really neat features that I use are broken in release 5.0.8 and nothing was 
fixed for me  Thebat hangs every day.  No exception, just hangs.  I 
never once experienced a hang in ver 4.
when it hangs, there is no log info I can give to the developers to help them 
Is there some secret flag I can turn on to try and gather some logging info to 
help them?

Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: 5.0.8 is DOA

2011-04-15 Thread Joe
Hello Gene,

Thursday, April 14, 2011, 9:03:17 PM, you wrote:

> I attempted to upgrade to 5.0.8. When I start Ver 5, I get nothing but
> the splash screen.

> I cannot re-install version 4, because it won't complete.

> So, for whatever reason, Version 5 has banned The Bat! from my
> computer.

> If someone can't offer a fix, I guess I'm done with The Bat! Any
> thoughts?

Wow...  Sorry to hear that.  
I usually don't knock a product, especially one as great as the bat, however, 
for me, 5.0.8 has also been a nightmare. It is riddled with bugs.  All my 
issues seem to be already reported BEFORE the release.  I regret to inform 
TheBat developers that I will be changing to a different email client.  The 
IMAP issues, crashes, hangs, missing data in folders, unread mail counts, tabs 
not working and filters not working correctly is all just too much to take in 
an official release.  Releasing 5.0.8 so buggy was a bad idea. 
Thanks for a great product, but I am forced to change email clients.  
Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re: Sorting Office Filter(s) not working

2011-04-06 Thread Joe
> After upgrading to 5.0.8 I've noticed that the

>  "Mark the message as read"

> action in my sorting office filters is no longer
> working.  The messages are correctly being sorted
> in different folders, but they are all showing as
> UNREAD, even though many of my folders should never
> have an unread message (most notably, my "probable
> spam" folder.)

> Hopefully this will be corrected quickly...

> Or is there some other magic file I'll need to go
> delete to make this feature work, too?

I know this is the Beta forum, but since I saw this post, I felt obligated to 
to report that I have the same issue after upgrading to 5.0.8.However, it's 
intermittent.  Sometimes it works, sometimes not.
I get about 10 messages a minute that use the same filter.  Out of the 10, 
about 4 don't get marked as read. Weird...
The messages are identical.  This worked fine in 4.x.  

Best regards,
 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: IMAP fixes

2007-04-13 Thread Joe
> On Thursday, April 12, 2007, 1:13:15 PM, Vili wrote:

> I don't know about the POP part any more, since I no longer use it
> except on rare occasions for some special reason, but I disagree with
> your negative assessment of IMAP. It may not be perfect, and there are
> a few things about Outlook which I am forced to use some at work
> because of interfacing with other software, but I find it quite
> usable, and preferable to any other options I tried.
 You are one of the lucky ones.  I can not use TheBat's IMAP.  It just does not 
The count's are always wrong, it hangs trying to sync up and it only seems to 
work when I first bring it up from a re-boot.
Then it works for a few minutes.  However, as soon as I read a few emails and 
deleted some, it starts to slow down then just quits working.  I have commented 
on a few of the bugs but gave up on the release because it seems like they 
never work on these issues.  I for one will not pay for another release to see 
if they fixed the bugs.  Another person commented here that outlook,  netscape 
and other email clients all seem to work fine with IMAP.  

Best regards,
 Current beta is 3.98.11 | 'Using TBBETA' information:

Re[2]: view header fields area shrunk

2006-08-26 Thread Joe

Saturday, August 26, 2006, 9:25:08 AM, you wrote:

> Hello Joe & everyone else,

> on 26-Aug-2006 at 15:13 you (Joe) wrote:

>> I noticed that the scrollable header area has changed size and is now
>> only one field high. When I send a message, or look at it in the view
>> pain, I used to see the subject, from, To, CC and BCC in the header
>> area. Now I just see one field and have to scroll to see the others.
>> What happened? How do I get it back the way it used to be? 

> I don't see that here.

> When you edit the headers, is the checkbox "view this header in the
> scrollable part..." selected?

> Anyway... its new to me that this setting also applies to the editor, I
> always thought its only the viewer part that is affected by the setting.

I just changed all the Fields to NO for scroll able in the edit headers and that fixed the problem.  So I guess the header area fits all the headers you want to see, but if you set them as scrollable the header area changes to a one field scroll area.  

Best regards,

 Current beta is 3.81.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re[2]: view header fields area shrunk

2006-08-26 Thread Joe

Saturday, August 26, 2006, 9:25:08 AM, you wrote:

> Hello Joe & everyone else,

> on 26-Aug-2006 at 15:13 you (Joe) wrote:

>> I noticed that the scrollable header area has changed size and is now
>> only one field high. When I send a message, or look at it in the view
>> pain, I used to see the subject, from, To, CC and BCC in the header
>> area. Now I just see one field and have to scroll to see the others.
>> What happened? How do I get it back the way it used to be? 

> I don't see that here.

> When you edit the headers, is the checkbox "view this header in the
> scrollable part..." selected?

> Anyway... its new to me that this setting also applies to the editor, I
> always thought its only the viewer part that is affected by the setting.

Yes, I have all the Fields I want to see set to YES.

Best regards,

 Current beta is 3.81.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

view header fields area shrunk

2006-08-26 Thread Joe

I noticed that the scrollable header area has changed size and is now only one field high. When I send a message, or look at it in the view pain, I used to see the subject, from, To, CC and BCC in the header area. Now I just see one field and have to scroll to see the others. What happened? How do I get it back the way it used to be? 

Best regards,


 Current beta is 3.81.14 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Finding lost folder.

2005-03-08 Thread Joe

Hello Stuart,

Tuesday, March 8, 2005, 6:02:50 AM, you wrote:

> Can some kind soul remind me of the magic spell used to get TB to look
> for folders that are MIA or orphaned please?

Best regards,

 Current beta is Pre-beta | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

AV in Maintenance center

2004-11-24 Thread Joe

 I am still having this  problem.
I have begged and pleaded with RIT labs to look into this.  I can easily recreate the problem. It happens on three machines:
XP SP1, XP SP2 and Win 2k all SP's and latest updates.  
 All my requests for service to RIT go unanswered.  They just don't respond.  Not even a notification that they received my request. I hate to say this  but that is just unacceptable treatment of a paying customer.  To ignore a customer completely just shows their maturity level as a company and if this keeps up, I will be forced to look for another alternative as an email client for my company. 
  I have had this problem since the gold release of 3.0 and it is so easy to recreate.  All I have to do is click Folder --> Maintenance and, depending on the time of day :)), it will either just quit, no error message at all, or I get the AV.  After the AV, TB becomes unstable. 
Why is this so hard to troubleshoot?  I develop code for a living and I always add traces and debug options to find these problems.  Is there not some type of startup option I can invoke to help diagnose this problem?  Why is RIT ignoring my requests for help? 
  Here is another scenario.  I installed a fresh TB on a clean machine, Win 2k all SP's and patches, and TB works fine.  I then use my backup from the other machine and now this new machine gets the AV.  So, it is definitely something in my config or mail files causing this.  Does anybody have any idea what could cause this, or, do you have any idea how to narrow this down?

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

Best regards,

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

TB crash on Maintenance

2004-11-19 Thread Joe

   Anyone else have this problem.  I click Folder --> Maintenance.
TB uses 100% CPU for 30 seconds, then just goes away.  No error messages, nothing, just quits.
This happens to me 100% of the time.  Very easy to recreate.

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

Best regards,

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

More Access violations

2004-11-04 Thread Joe

Can anyone explain these messages in the except.log file.
REPULSE/Administrator 10/28/2004 11:10:34 AM HUtils:1 EAccessViolation Access violation at address 00401D0E in module 'theBat.exe'. Read of address 6364676D
REPULSE/Administrator 10/28/2004 11:10:34 AM HUtils:1 EAccessViolation Access violation at address 00401D0E in module 'theBat.exe'. Read of address 6364676D
REPULSE/Administrator 10/28/2004 11:10:34 AM HUtils:1 EAccessViolation Access violation at address 00401D0E in module 'theBat.exe'. Read of address 6364676D
REPULSE/Administrator 10/28/2004 11:10:34 AM HUtils:1 EAccessViolation Access violation at address 00401D0E in module 'theBat.exe'. Read of address 6364676D
REPULSE/Administrator 10/28/2004 11:10:34 AM HUtils:1 EAccessViolation Access violation at address 00401D0E in module 'theBat.exe'. Read of address 6364676D
REPULSE/Administrator 10/28/2004 11:10:34 AM HUtils:1 EAccessViolation Access violation at address 00401D0E in module 'theBat.exe'. Read of address 6364676D
REPULSE/Administrator 10/29/2004 11:17:45 AM jpgd:1 EAbort Operation aborted
REPULSE/Administrator 10/29/2004 11:31:28 AM IMAP_Cmp:5 EListError List capacity out of bounds (383321524)
REPULSE/Administrator 11/2/2004 8:16:13 AM IMAP_Cmp:5 EListError List capacity out of bounds (383323567)

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.4 Rush on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

Best regards,

 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re[2]: The Bat! is now available

2004-10-27 Thread Joe

Hello Peter,

Wednesday, October 27, 2004, 2:03:38 PM, you wrote:

> Hi Zeynel,

> on Wed, 27 Oct 2004 20:47:36 +0300GMT, you wrote:

9>>> The Bat! is now available from
9>>> http://www.ritlabs.com/en/tbbeta/

Z>> TB! freezes on exit here. Previous versions didn't had this problem.

> Confirmed here. Not nice. :-(

Confirmed here also.  Freezes on exit.  In my case the pop up that compresses folders on exit seems to work ok, then TB just freezes.  Task manager shows no CPU being used for TB so it is just waiting on something... I waited 60 seconds... 

Best regards,

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.2 Rush on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

 Current beta is | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re[2]: Spelling

2004-10-23 Thread Joe
Hello Marck,

Saturday, October 23, 2004, 8:19:19 AM, you wrote:

> Dear Zygmunt,

> @23-Oct-2004, 14:09 +0200 (23-Oct 13:09 UK time) Zygmunt Wereszczynski
> [ZW] in mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] said:

>>> It doesn't work with HTML mail. Could that be a clue?

ZW>> No, Marck. Automatic spell checking works fine since TB 3.01 RC5 (if I
ZW>> remember correctly).

> Okay. Shows how often I write any! ;-)

Hmm.. Just tried it by changing the messaage format to HTML/Plan Text and now spell 
check is working again.  I change the format to text only and spell check does not 
work.  Is this a bug or normal?

Best regards,

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.1 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

 Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -


2004-10-23 Thread Joe

 TB automatic Spell check stopped working and I can't turn it back on.  I click on the 
"automatic spellchecking " dropdown on the bottom of sending an email and it does not 
take effect.  This is just crazy.  I have never had so many problems with a product 
before, except windows, as I am having with TB.  From AV and pointer exceptions to now 
Spell Check not working.  I did nothing special, it just stopped working.  Anyone else 
have this problem?

Using The Bat! v3.0.2.1 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

Best regards,

 Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -


2004-10-20 Thread Joe

  Not sure if this got lost, so here we go again..
I am getting AV's with 3.0 and the latest GA version and the latest beta and all the RC.
All I have to do is click on the Folder Maintenance manager and bamm... AV...
Am I the only one having this problem
See https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/view.php?id=3901
Also, the bug is in "feedback" status.  what does that mean?  Are they expecting something from me?  IF so, what?
They did not indicate anything in a note...  Thanks for the help


Using The Bat! v3.0.2.1 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

Best regards,

 Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

2004-10-19 Thread Joe

OK, I give up... how do you get ?

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

Best regards,

 Current beta is Beta/1 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re[2]: Bug Feedback status

2004-10-10 Thread Joe

Hello Stuart,

Sunday, October 10, 2004, 3:44:05 PM, you wrote:

J>>   What does a bug status of "feedback" mean.

> My understanding is that they require additional input to solve the
> issue. Either from you or someone else on this list.

> Did you post the details of the bug on this list? You can copy the URL
> for the bug and paste it in a message with the details of the bug and
> anyone who can reproduce it can then add notes which will assist
> someone at Ritlabs in solving the issue.

Thanks for the info.  The bug number is 0003901 
Anyone else have this problem?

Best regards,

Using The Bat! v3.0.1 RC6 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

 Current beta is 3.01 RC/6 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -