Hello Rick,
Monday, June 6, 2011, 12:18:19 PM, you wrote:

> Why would ANYONE on the Beta Test list be considering moving back to v4 ?

Because they installed the official release of V5 a few months back assuming 
that it went through a full beta and would work fine with maybe  a few minor 
bugs.  What they found was a release that should never have seen the light of 
day.  It's really  really bad.  Did I have enough really's in there... really, 
really bad.... They were hoping that they would get fixes for the multitude of 
problems with the official V5 release.  
  I installed the official release and had so many issues with filters, AV,  
twice daily hangs and virtual folder issues, that I was spending over an hour a 
day just dealing with my email client bugs.  So, I was on this beta list hoping 
to find quick fixes, making the stupid assumption that all my problems with the 
official release would soon be fixed.  
  As I watch this list, I can say with no doubt that none of the bugs that I 
have are fixed yet.  These are major issues and still not fixed. This is 
incredible. Really poor management at RitLabs.   
 IMHO Release 5 is still beta and if you want to run production, V4 is the only 
way to go.  So, I am back to 4 for production, still using 5 for beta testing 
and waiting patiently to see my bugs fixed, however, if past history ( read the 
threads about all the IMAP issues) is any indication, maybe we will have to 
wait for v6 after we pay for the upgrade to get basic v5 functionally.
  What I don't understand...  Can anyone answer this... I check the official 
TheBat list and I do not see that much activity.  Does that mean that no one 
new has purchased TheBat???  Does it mean that the new users don't know that it 
is seriously broken?  Does it mean that we, beta  testers, are the only 
users...  If there were a substantial list of new TheBat customers I would 
expect TheBat list would have many posts.
Any ideas?  
Best regards,
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