Re: About 3.51 release

2005-07-26 Thread hggdh

Stuart Hemming wrote:

It's more an issue of convenience. If I've got the files for 3.51.1
3.51.9 and 3.51.10 then windoze organises them in the order


if you used the format x.xx.xx then windoze would list them in version
number order.


And then it will break again when/if you exceed 99. And again if you 
exceed 999. And so on. So this is not a a real fix, it's just a postponing.

And, BTW, this happens with every product I have seen.


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Re: Error Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted

2005-07-12 Thread hggdh

Marek Mikus wrote:

I found conflict, two accounts used the same port.

But it was very hard to detect this, I hope, Ritlabs will improve this
error message to display, which account are in conflict.


All I think could be done here -- and it *should* be done -- is to add 
on the error message/pop-up the offending IP address and port, and the 
module getting hit. I fully agree with Marek on this. Not doing so makes 
it very hard to solve this.

It is difficult to predict this type of error, and you could have an 
altogether different program allocating the socket... but if you know 
what socket got a conflict, then you can hunt it down.



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Re: Error Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted

2005-07-11 Thread hggdh

Marek Mikus wrote:

Hello all,
I saw this error message today during TB's start, any further
description about this error is missing.

Max, what this means?

This is a WinSock error. It means the socket in question (which one, I 
do not know, but I would guess it is related to TB!) is already in use.



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Re: 3.51

2005-07-06 Thread hggdh


Topologically speaking 3.5 is smaller than 3.5.1 (given a left-to-right 
ordering schema).

And this is how, usually, software versions are set.

On CVS you may (if you want) re-version to a new PRODUCT version base, 
but it is not necessary. So you can have a source file at CVS version 
1.219 that corresponds to a product version 3.5.0.


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(OT) It worries me...

2005-06-29 Thread hggdh

Liz wrote:

As  a  developer  I  do know how hard it is to write something to suit
everyone,  however,  if  you broke something that used to work, rather
than  add  new  stuff,  its  much  better  for  the confidence of your
userbase  to fix the broke stuff, before adding new. We all understand
breakages,  stuff  happens,  but when it remains broken, and ignored..
quite  often  people  report  bugs because they used that feature, and
now their usage is hampered.
I did not want to add to this already rather thick soup, but... my 
fingers itched :-)

There is a detail here that we must not forget. RL indicated that they 
were doing a major code re-write (which sounds very much like a 
re-design: you only re-write major parts of your product if you decide 
you reached a limit, and a re-design is warranted).

Usually, when a product reaches a milestone -- like a new version, 
re-design, whatever -- you branch on your source management tool. This 
means you create a new subtree, separate from the currently-available 
source code base. At this point in time work will then go on two 
radically different fronts: maintenance and support on the production 
(soon to be old) source code base, and development action on the new 
source code branch.

As such, issues that have been discovered on the current support version 
*may* *not* be seen on the development version. Even more, if the 
development process gets to re-write major portions of the code, then 
the issue found on production code may not even be reproducible on 
development code.

Also, usually development is left alone until a point in time when new 
(since the code branch) product issues are verified against the 
development, and the code bases are then synchronised. Obviously, as I 
pointed out earlier, sometimes you just cannot do it. And, of course, 
there are those that say development people live in a different world... 
having been on both sides of the fence (development and support), I have 
to say I agree with it.

Also, every product issue is given a priority, and high-priority issues 
are worked on first. One way to give an issue higher priority is by 
showing the issue impacts negatively a large portion of the customer 
base. Issues that do not impact many customers, or that do not cause 
catastrophic failure of the product are, by consequence, left for later 
work. Take your own conclusions on how you can influence, folks.

I am not saying, or even implying, this is what RL did, or does. I am 
just pointing out how this usually works on large development shops. I 
personally guess this is the *only* way this type of work can be done, 
in general...



developers do not need rockets to reach the moon. I know. I have been 

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Re[6]: OT Couth Mary [Re: 3.5.30 MSI]

2005-06-26 Thread hggdh
Hello Avi,

Sunday, June 26, 2005, 1:44:57 PM, you wrote:

 If  that  person has broken the list rules then they require reminding
 of  said  rules  but the mods are usually remind the whole list of the
 rules  in order to stop repeated breaking of the rules by other people
 apart from those who are being trouted. So normally it is not just the
 person that the trout is being flung at that is being told.

 Agreed with reservation. I think this can only work if the moderators
 are unbiased in respect to whom they single out as whipping boys.

Words carry power. This has been known for a very long time, and is
used unreservedly by many religions. For example, many Jews use
'HaShem' to refer to, hum, HaShem; many Christians frown on words like
'hell', and others.

OT One should also note that words are now used by the new religion
out there -- politics (perhaps, not so new). /OT

Depending on one's upbringing, some words will be either rude or
blatantly offensive, while a different culture may consider the same
words nothing special. This makes moderating an international list
extremely complex, and almost impossible to be completely fair. This
is probably where we can plug this un-natural thing called courtesy...
and the knowledge that upbringing does not need to be coherent.

In other words, fairness in  moderation is a lost cause :-)

Any one doing moderation will eventually find it so, or has already
found it so. All we need is time.

But, let's move on to bias. Every moderator is biased. This is no big
deal -- we are *all* biased, one way or another --, see above. The
difference is understanding that one is biased, and trying to find out
if the inbred/developed bias is acceptable (to one's ethical being).

So, yes, Marck is biased. So are you. So am I. Yet I do not find
Marck's bias selective on whom gets the whip. He is doing what he is
tasked to and, as far as I can see, doing it as correctly as possible,
even if I do not completely agree with it. And... the fact that I do
not agree with it does not bring any demerit to his moderation.

And, at the end of the day, I find I still can live with you, Marck,
and everybody else here.



Using The Bat! v3.5.0.31 and Bayes Filter Plugin v2.0.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 
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Re: 3.5.06 Again no way to close Windows with TB running

2005-06-16 Thread hggdh

MaXxX wrote:

I'm on a roll! I'm on a roll!
Thanks, MaXxX. I needed something like that today. I just hope the rest 
of the people here take it on the lighter side...

(p.s. -- there's also another identifying trait of a bat -- it defecates 
[censor action] all over you...)

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Re: Who sent this e-mail? (was: Global folders, multiple e-mail accounts, and replies)

2005-04-03 Thread hggdh

Hello Greg,

GS Define valid account please! By Global Folder do you mean common
GS folder or has Ritlabs changed the terminology here?

A valid account, as far as I am concerned here, is an account that has
been defined in TB!, and on which one can send and receive e-mails. A
valid account is composed of an e-mail user name (and, perhaps, more
than one) and one or more e-mail servers which are used to send or
receive e-mails.

and yes, Common Folder. I stand corrected.


GS What is a fake 'From' field?

First of all -- TB! is a client e-mail programme. This means that it
is used to reach an e-mail server (perhaps more than one) and collect
or send e-mails. TB! is not an e-mail server.

For any e-mail client to be used one has to configure it with valid
e-mail account names, servers, etc.

An fake 'From:' field is, then, when the 'From:' (or 'Reply-To') is
filled with an e-mail address that does not correspond to the e-mail
account name (perhaps more than one).

GS If one defines 'fake' in a broad sense, then one could say that my ISP
GS should NOT accept my outbound email using a 'From' header of my own
GS domain the does NOT correspond with [EMAIL PROTECTED] configuration.

This could also be discussed -- if an ISP should, or should not,
accept incorrectly-coded (as defined for the specific account in use)
e-mail addresses.

But I am not discussing the ISP, here -- my problem is with the

GS If this is what you mean, then I totally disagree. Why? Because I use
GS authentication to access my ISP's SMTP mail server. What this provides
GS is the ability to use the same email address without regard to what
GS ISP I use. I wouldn't be able to do this without an email client like
GS TB unless I ran my own mail server. If I ran my own mail server I
GS would have to have an ISP that does NOT restrict port 25 or prohibit
GS such applications in their TOS unless I purchase a much more expensive
GS business account.

Authentication has nothing to do with this issue. Authentication is an
issue between you and your ISP. I also use authentication on *ALL* of
my e-mail accounts. I also use encryption when I connect to my ISP to
send/receive e-mails.

And, still, I was able to send, on an e-mail account, with an
incorrectly-coded (for this e-mail account) 'From:' field.



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Re: Who sent this e-mail?

2005-04-03 Thread hggdh

Hello Jernej,

Sunday, April 3, 2005, 10:11:15, you wrote:

JS That would make it very hard to use TB in my configuration - I use
JS my own mail server, and it's configured to accept a lot of
JS addresses and deliver them to me. I also send messages with some
JS of these addresses in the From field (using TB's macros to
JS automatically select the proper address), but I have only 1
JS address configured in the account properties. By doing this, it's
JS easy for me to track where somebody got my e-mail address, and I
JS can also easily disable the address server-side if I start getting
JS too much spam on it. Your suggestion would make this impossible.

JS The address I use for mailing lists is one such example.

So we have two of us that use it this way. This is enough to say that
such a rule cannot be absolute.

I have nothing against this.

What I still have against is TB! sending out e-mail *defaulting* to
such behaviour.



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Re: Who sent this e-mail? (was: Global folders, multiple e-mail accounts, and replies)

2005-04-03 Thread hggdh

Hello Zygmunt and Boris,

ZW Using common folders (I think they are that what you mean) with different
ZW SMTP servers and matching appropriate accounts is possible by reply
ZW template. Place in this template a series of %IF macros like:

ZW %IF:%OTOADDR=your_addr_account1:%ACCOUNT='account1'

ZW It should resolve your problem with sending replies matched to 'valid'
ZW accounts and servers. Of course, if your address is in BCC field then
ZW this method fails. In such a case The Bat! will use default account.

and, from Boris:

BA But he could maybe use the Envelope-To or Delivered-To header to
BA detect to which address the mail was sent.

Thanks to both for pointing this out to me.

It is a way out right now.

But... my point is that one should not need to do that -- TB! should
be able to easily do it.



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Global folders, multiple e-mail accounts, and replies

2005-04-02 Thread hggdh
Hash: SHA1

Hello folks,

BeforeI  open a bug I would like your comments on the following.

1. I have multiple e-mail accounts, which are used for
different purposes. These e-mail accounts are not under the same
server -- for example, I have accounts under '', under
'', etc.

2. I use Global Folders to aggregate related e-mail; usually the GFs
will receive (via an incoming filter) e-mails from some, or all, of my
e-mail accounts.

3. the account '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' happens to be the first account in
TB! (this may have an impact on what happened).

So far, so good.

Now. I received one e-mail (which was stored under a Global Folder)
that I replied to.

Much to my surprise the reply was sent under a different e-mail (and
corresponding e-mail account) than the e-mail that received it. In
other words: the original e-mail was received under my account
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]', and the reply went thru my e-mail

This is really not kosher, I thought to myself. So (I kept thinking to
myself), maybe I need to set the 'From:' account when doing this.

So I sent another reply (from an e-mail stored in a Global Folder) and
I explicitly set the 'From:' to match my original e-mail -- for
reference, '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.

It *did* go with such a 'From:' as I set, BUT... it used the e-mail
server at ''!

off-topic this also says something about security at Comcast, but is
is completely outside this discussion.

NOW this is so un-kosher that even my grandmother would not complain
on my (ab)use the the word 'kosher'.

Here's what I would expect:

(a) on Global Folders TB! should respect, when on a reply, the account
that received the original e-mail;

(b) on Global Folders, if you override the default 'From:' e-mail
address, TB! should use the corresponding account to send this e-mail.

What do you, dear colleagues, think about this?


- --


 Suffering The Bat! v3.0.9.12 Return on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195
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Who sent this e-mail? (was: Global folders, multiple e-mail accounts, and replies)

2005-04-02 Thread hggdh

Hello Marcus,

Saturday, April 2, 2005, 18:03:29, you wrote:

MO On Sunday, April 3, 2005, 01:39, hggdh wrote:

MO Multiple accounts I have used though. What you do when changing
MO the 'From:' address is just that, changing the 'From:' address.
MO Changing accounts is made either by right clicking the account
MO name in the status bar of the editor window, or by selecting
MO account in Options | Active account.

MO This is intended behaviour and, according to me, reasonable behaviour as
MO well. If a change of the 'From:' field would change account as well, I
MO do not see how I could change the 'From:' address without changing
MO accounts, something I need to do now and then.

I do not quite agree (and, before we advance, I also have to state
that I do not quite disagree).

My personal view is that an e-mail client should frown on using a
'From:' address that is not configured under a valid account. In other
words, the 'Reply-To' header field has to be a valid reference when
the e-mail leaves the e-mail client.

This, for an e-mail client, would go a long way on having said e-mail
client taken out of some spammer lists.

Which sort of throw us back into the the off-topic/ issue I raised
in my first e-mail: Comcast should have rejected my reply with a fake
'From:' field -- because this is what is was: a fake email address, as
far as the Comcast environment was concerned.

Please do not get me wrong -- it is still easy for those of us that
play in the Internet standards (IETF, etc) to find out where the
e-mail came from; there is always the legal request to the ISP to
provide this information, as a last resort... and, believe me, if you
show cause, they will. But I still would rather prefer an e-mail
client that enforces such a restriction.



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Re: Config: Registry - File

2005-02-24 Thread hggdh

Hello NetVicious,

Thursday, February 24, 2005, 14:31:21, you wrote:

N jueves, 24 feb 2005 at 20:28, it seems you wrote:

 Currently, The Bat! keeps its files in two directories:
 1. The read-only program files in the Program Files folder
 2. The files that it modifies in the MAIL Directory

 We don't like to make one additional directory besides the MAIL
 directory, we don't like to have three different directories.
N Well  in  this  case, TB! should create or mark the ini files with the
N Windows  username  it's  using the program. If you don't separate this
N the different users of the program will have the same configurations

 But if there is rationale for this third directory, please let us know.

N The   old   ini   files  where  deprecated  with  the registry because
N with  the old ini files each program had one only configuration. Later
N in Win2000 M$ added the DocumentsSettings folder.

N I only said one think. Now with the registry each user could have it's
N config. If TB! uses ini files if TB! don't marks or uses different ini
N files  for  each user all the users of the computer will have the same
N configuration, and if one user changes something the others users will
N get also the same changes.

N BsPlayer  (  uses xml files marked with the username.
N Example:  BSPlayer.User1.xml  and BSPlayer.User2.xml. You could create
N folders on mail folder or where you like for the user ini files.

Some things here:

0. the old .ini files were deprecated because every application put
them under the Windows system directory -- which, even at the
beginning (and I am talking about Windows 1.x here) was an atrociously
bad idea.

1. even if this is getting not to be common anymore, you can have many
users sharing a single Windows system. User-specific settings should
*by default* be saved under the current user system folder; the user
can be given an option to move it elsewhere. The reason here is a
simple one -- privacy.

2. samewise, each user should be able to configure TB! as if this user
were to be the single TB! user. This means that configuration data, be
it in the Registry or in an initialisation file, should also be stored
under the current user area (either HK_CurrentUser, or under 'My
Documents', for example). This means, for example, that one user can
use BayesIt! while another user, on the same box, can use Bayes

3. Except for system settings, using the Registry just makes life a
lot more miserable for those of us that jump systems, or have to
rebuild them -- for whatever reason. On the other hand, for corporate
users that roam on a Domain, not having the settings under the
HK_CurrentUser will, of course, be a major pain.

4. And, on the other hand (that's the third hand for those of you that
did not count them) this is probably not a significant issue given
that the roaming user will still need to access the mail base
(probably on an altogether different computer that the one in use to
execute TB!).

So... right now, it is difficult to decide which way. I myself would
go off the Registry, no questions asked -- I simply hate the beast,
and the current abuse of what started as a good idea. My personal vote
is for XML-based initialisation files.



Using The Bat! v3.0.2.10 and  on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195 Service
Pack 4, waiting for an UNIX-based TB!

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Re: Change password with On The Fly Encryption

2005-01-04 Thread hggdh

Hello Tony,

Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 13:07:03, you wrote:

TB  Create a backup.
TB  Delete RIT registry entries.
TB  Run The Bat.
TB  Choose OTFE with new password.
TB  Restore from backup.

TB  Voila.

Huh, I am not sure I understand -- maybe I messed something on the
OTFE. I understood the *base* was encrypted, and OTFE would write
encrypted mails to the base, and un-encrypt when reading.

If I am correct, then what you propose could not work.



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Re: Problems at shuwdown with

2004-11-26 Thread hggdh

Hello James,

Friday, November 26, 2004, 10:01:03, you wrote:

JO Is everyone experiencing this problem using BF, or any plugin for
JO that matter? Does the problem go away if all plugins are
JO disabled/deleted?

JO Might be worth checking into...

Happened with me with BayesIt!; after moving to Bayes Filter, I did
not get it anymore, but... still waiting.



Using The Bat! v3.0.2.8 and Bayes Filter Plugin v2.0.0 on Windows 2000 5.0 
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Re: UNIX text files

2004-11-25 Thread hggdh

Hello Avi,

Thursday, November 25, 2004, 01:34:03, you wrote:

AY Whenever I receive a UNIX text file in TB, the file seems to be
AY automatically converted to DOS format. I don't know if this is a
AY behavior of TB or Windows XP. Is there some setting that I can impose
AY that would prevent this conversion from taking place?

You mean attached files? Can you expand a bit on what is going on?



Using The Bat! v3.0.2.8 and Bayes Filter Plugin v1.5.6 on Windows 2000 5.0 
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BayesIt! strikes back

2004-11-16 Thread hggdh
Hash: SHA1

This morning I found the computer I run TB! showing a pop-up with the
following text: counter error in nspamdict, with a OK button.

Ah well. I knew Alexey is still working out the bugs. So I decided to
look up the bayesit.log.

Last entry is on Nov 14th: 14.11.2004 19:59:12 Current recalculation
session is interrupted..

Now, I do remember that I closed TB! two days ago at about 21:00. I am
also very sure I restarted it yesterday at about 19:00.

But, going on. There's a 'BayesIt1' folder, same level as my original
'BayesIt', with some files, and dated Nov 16th. All files under it,
including the temp working folders are timestamped at about 03:45 Nov

Except... '.\BayesIt1\Base\Transact\autotrain.bys' is timestamped
07:18 this morning.


1. The BayesIt! log has not been updated since Nov 14th;2. There's a
new 'BayesIt1' folder, out of the blue; 3. BayesIt! got  (it seems)
utterly lost.

This is BayesIt! 0.74. I do not remember any new official version from
Alexey -- is there one?

- --


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Re: BayesIt! strikes back

2004-11-16 Thread hggdh
Hash: SHA1

A bit more of info -- I looked up the BayesIt! configuration. I was
magiacally changed to NO logging, and the directory was indeed set to

I do not mind auto-configuring software, but I really do expect it to
at least notify me that it decided to change my settings.

I am not very happy, right now.
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Re: BayesIt! strikes back

2004-11-16 Thread hggdh

Hello Alexey,

Tuesday, November 16, 2004, 09:01:32, you wrote:

ANV hm... Believe me, there is no such code in the BayesIt! It makes
ANV it's configuration during the first run by determining the
ANV working folder of The Bat! (the value of
ANV [HKCU\Software\Rit\Thebat!\Working Directory] plus bayesit). It
ANV never tries to make the folders like bayesit1 or likely. The
ANV ways it MAY be changed is a) manually do the configuration. b)
ANV manually edit tbplugin.ini in The Bat! working folder (however,
ANV this file contains plugin's settings being BASE64-encoded, and
ANV so, it is quite difficult to edit it really manually); c)
ANV restoring from backup copy where bayesit's settings were in
ANV bayesit1 and logging was switched off.

ANV If nothing from enumerated happens, it is really magic :)

Welcome to the Brave New World, that has such magic in it :-)
(Shakespeare, please forgive me)

a) manually do the configuration: no I did not do it. Since this
system is only accessible by myself, I can also guarantee nobody did

b) manually edit tbplugin.ini: also negative (even thou it is not that
difficult to work with base64-encoded files).

c) restoring from backup: no. No backups have been taken, so no
backups could have been restored.

Still... it changed to .\BayesIt1, and it reset logging. The last
update on TB! was when I installed TB! on Nov 8th. Whatever
happened, happened between Nov 14th and Nov 16th (when I found it).

I do not doubt you at all. I am just stating what happened.



Using The Bat! v3.0.2.6 and BayesIt! 0.7.4 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: Encrypting mail and national law - rather OT

2004-11-13 Thread hggdh

Hello Mary, long time...

Saturday, November 13, 2004, 06:54:09, you wrote:

MB As no doubt was made clear earlier, in the U.S. this law exists,
MB too, and for the reason just given above. And also the right, just
MB confirmed on this thread as existing in Great Britain, to view
MB encrypted material on hard drives. But to seize a hard drive in
MB the U.S. for that purpose, it's my understanding that a court
MB order must still be obtained. However, the U.S. Patriot Act
MB seems to be under continual re-interpretation.

Yes indeed. In the US a court order has to exist. But it may be sealed
(meaning you cannot get to it, read it, or have your
councellor/barrister read and counter the order), if it is given under
the Patriot Act. See, for example, the now famous IndyMedia case,
where hardrives were collected from IndyMedia servers from US and UK
(and possibly other places). The UK government will not comment on the
case, and in the US, a court order exists, but cannot be discussed. No
charges have been made against IndyMedia (to my knowledge). But,
still, charges *may* be brought in the future. BTW, the harddrives
have been returned, seemingly intact.

Also, the enforcement agency (usually the FBI in the US, I guess) can
receive a 'blanket' warrant, allowing it to go to your
home/office/whatever, and collect anything and everything that the
enforcement agents consider interesting. That means, then, the
harddrives, the CDROMs, any and all pieces of paper found, the trash
can, the contents of the shelves, your cell, etc. You will not have a
chance of calling in witnesses, and to argue on what can be collected.

And, done that, if an encrypted file is found, you may be required to
provide the keyphrase. And... you yourself do not know _why_. It is,
after all, National Security. Need-to-know and all of that.

It may happen that later they find nothing against you, and all
collected materials will be returned. This may take some years (see
Steve Jackson, some years ago -- and this was _before_ the Patriot
Act!). By this point in time, if you depended on the collected
material to survive, you are already under...

Encryption of data will, then increase your privacy in relation to
your peers, not in relation to the government. No key escrow is
actually required in this process, since refusal to provide the
encryption keys is a tacit admission of guilt.

The most astonishing piece of it all is that you can be sued without
actually knowing the real contents of the charges, and without being
able to see/discuss/counter incriminating evidence collected against

What was it, again, this guy Ben Franklin once said, about liberty,
rights, etc?



Using The Bat! v3.0.2.6 and BayesIt! 0.7.4 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: Encrypting mail and national law

2004-11-13 Thread hggdh

Hello Gonçalo,

Saturday, November 13, 2004, 01:30:28, you wrote:

GF Just  like  that?  Just  by  wishing?  You have absolutely no
GF right to privacy  or  their desires must come with a good reason
GF to demand your key?

Privacy does not really exist in the US. There is a lot of hot air
vented around the idea, but no real privacy -- it's bad for business.

Europe is, in general, much more strict...



Using The Bat! v3.0.2.6 and BayesIt! 0.7.4 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: Encrypting mail and national law

2004-11-13 Thread hggdh
Hash: SHA1

Hello rmorris,

Saturday, November 13, 2004, 20:36:10, you wrote:

r Where can I learn about using e-mail encrypting? I have read a lot
r of posts on this and its getting me curious.

For a pretty good treatment on it, have a look at 'Network Security -
Private Communication in a Public World', Kaufman, C., Perlman, R.,
Speciner, M., Prentice Hall 2002. It covers the ideas, motivations,
pitfalls, etc, with just a bit of mathematics.

For a more formal treatment see 'Handbook of Applied Cryptography',
Menezes, A., Van Oorschot, P., Vanstone, S., CRC Press, 1996.

Also good are all of Bruce Schneier's books. Highly recommended.

- --


Using The Bat! v3.0.2.6 and BayesIt! 0.7.4 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Version: GnuPG v1.2.5 (MingW32)
Comment: public key at


 Current beta is Rush | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Gmail is hot!

2004-11-12 Thread hggdh
Avi Yashar wrote:

Well, you got me curious, Alexander. And your signature tells us where
to go to find out more about you. So I thought neurowerx - well,
that sounds like it could be neurotic in English, and I wanted to
know if you had done that much self-analysis. :-) So, lo and behold,
what do I find at the top of a Web page from a man who has just
identified his number one aversion as advertising and marketing? You
guessed it - a PayPal Donate button and a sales pitch to go with it!

Sigh. I will be flamed... and this is completely OT. Ah well. Such is life.
'neurowerx' sounds more like a play of words with 'neurowerks'. This may 
mean a lot of things, but I do not see it as 'neurotic'...

And... Alexander is doing nothing out of normal putting a PayPal button 
on his page. He is not proposing to collect your information, analyse 
it, and provide you with needed feedback' in the form of commercial links.

Peace, folks.

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Re: Wish: HTML inline forwarding

2004-11-10 Thread hggdh
Tony Boom wrote:
Problem is so many people on this and the other lists fought long and
hard to keep html of any description out of TB! completely. So whatever
html capability TB! has is a bonus whether wrong or right.
I'm not saying I agree one way or t'other but that's how it was.
Well, it *does* make sense not to use HTML. Given that most HTML 
rendering is done by the MS-supplied DLLs (maybe TB! has it's own, I do 
not know), I am really, really, not willing to see HTML-based e-mails...

We are getting one exploit after the other on this... last one is the 

It is much prettier, and easy to read, I agree. I just wish MS had not 
completely blown HTML into a monster. In summary: HTML-based e-mail is 
not safe (and, by extension, Windows is also not safe).

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Re: Wish: HTML inline forwarding

2004-11-10 Thread hggdh
Alexander S. Kunz wrote:

And you  I - we both have to deal with an HTML mail one day. Maybe. And on
that day, it should work as expected (and I do not expect my mail client to
blow an HTML message to pieces when forwarding/redirecting it), and thats
what this thread is about.
I stand corrected. You are, of course, right.
It is, then, much more important that the HTML-rendering libraries be 
limited on what they can render...

..hggdh.., with a manual cut mark, since I have already eaten dinner 
with the magnificent forele blau Marck sent me :-)

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[Fwd: [Full-Disclosure] The Bat! libpng bo?]

2004-11-04 Thread hggdh
 Original Message 
  It  looks  like  The  Bat!  uses  libpng  1.0.5  and zlib 1.1.3 and is
  vulnerable  to very old buffer overflow and double free bugs. At least
  it catches exception on
  and  thread  is  silently closed... There is no any visual effect, but
  you can see it in debugger. The rest of The Bat! is written in Delphi.
  Can  anyone  confirm  if  this  is  exploitable  (I know nothing about
  Borland compilers)?
{ , . } |\
+--oQQo-{ ^ }-+ \
|  ZARAZA  U  3APA3A   } You know my name - look up my number (The Beatles)
+-o66o--+ /
Full-Disclosure - We believe in it.

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Re: Fellow The Bat! Users?

2004-11-01 Thread hggdh
Kian Andersen wrote:
I would like to know if anyone of you know of a mail program for Linux
that resembles the features I have in The Bat! ?
 Hum. mutt comes to my mind, but it's line mode.

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Re: GnuPG 1.3.92 Problem

2004-10-29 Thread hggdh
Kevin Coates wrote:
Hi Peter,

Yes we're getting a little OT, so this is the end of this thread
unless someone can recommend a setting tweak in TB to fix my error.
Here's a list of the changes in the last few GPG test versions:
Noteworthy changes in version 1.3.90 (2004-10-01)
libiconv is now used to support other character sets other than
  UTF-8, Latin-1,-2 and KOI8-2.  The W32 version will only work
  correctly when iconv.dll is installed on the system.  A binary
  version is available at all GNU mirror sites under libiconv.

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Life with Betas (was: Re: 3022 is awfull)

2004-10-28 Thread hggdh

Hello MaXxX,

Thursday, October 28, 2004, 04:39:08, you wrote:

M That is the risk of Betas that insist on acting like Releases.

Sorry, MaXxX, but I fail to see the reason of a Beta that does not
function like the release product.

M Let me say it once more, for good measure, so that anybody concerned
M hears...


Please allow me to offer my version (it is, of course, still beta):



This is part of the game. The function of a Beta is to be used, AS IF
IT WERE THE REAL THING, by a sample population.



Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: 3022 is awfull

2004-10-28 Thread hggdh

Hello Allie,

Thursday, October 28, 2004, 12:40:49, you wrote:

AM On Thursday, October 28, 2004, at 12:37 PM, Alexander S.
AM Kunz wrote:

 But it does - no one forces you to participate in the beta test
 program, aye?

AM Why not stop this? MaXXX wants to beta test. He just wishes to beta
AM test without having to use his working installation as the beta test
AM bed.

AM He's looking for and asking for an easy way to run another
AM installation in parallel to the one he relies on for day to day work.

AM Prior to MSI installations, it was OK, but there are little glitches
AM now that he mentioned. I don't find his concerns unreasonable. Clearly
AM Ritlabs did too and offered something before.

My own twopence: Yes, moving on to MSIs hase made testing betas much
more difficult. And, yes, RL should help on this. And, YES, MaXxX is
within reason with his request.

And, now that I understand MaXxX's problem better, I do agree that RL
should provide something that will allow two instances of TB! to be
used. With due care -- for example, by setting the second (beta) one
*not* to delete POP3 messages from teh server, one would be able even
to concurrently run the production and the beta without impact. Of
course, this still requires one to  duplicate the message base, but
this (I think) is a small problem.

And, again I stress, it is up to RL to state HOW to do this.

I am still right on what I said earlier, but I now think I was too
limited in my view.



Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: 3022 is awfull

2004-10-28 Thread hggdh

Hello George,

Thursday, October 28, 2004, 12:45:28, you wrote:

GMM Thursday, October 28, 2004, 8:42:35 PM, George M. Menegakis wrote:

 beta test must take the decision and the implicit risk.

GMM s/test/tester

ahhh, an UNIX user... Good. I was thinking I was alone here :-)




Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: Feature wish- allow user to permanently permit session with incomplete SSL/TLS server certs

2004-10-28 Thread hggdh

Hello Army,

Tuesday, October 26, 2004, 21:58:41, you wrote:

AR Hello hggdh,

AR Sunday, October 24, 2004, 5:46:31 PM, you wrote:

(HUGE snip)

I did not forget you... I just need time to read it all  answer ;-)



Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: On S/MIME -- perhaps old news

2004-10-26 Thread hggdh

Hello Dimitry,

Tuesday, October 26, 2004, 14:36:50, you wrote:

DA On 2004-10-26 at 21:28:44 Dimitry Andric wrote:

 Now, I had never used the TB! S/MIME certificate generator (usually I
 run openssl to do something like this).

 Where is this nice generator hidden?  At least, I can't seem to find
 the magical sequence of commands to enable the Generate button in
 the address book properties dialog.

DA Duh, I just found it... Never mind. :)  I'm not sure why I didn't
DA think of the account properties sooner.  Probably because you do seem
DA to have to do all other certificate stuff via the Address Book
DA interface.  A small hint in the help file indicating this would be
DA nice, I guess.

Well, Dimitry, now I do not feel so bad, after my rather dumb mistake.

Also, you have to use the internal implementation, *not* the MS Crypto
API for this to work.

But there is still some more work to do here... I am not quite happy
with the interface and the options... later I should have more to say
on it.



Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: Feature wish- allow user to permanently permit session with incomplete SSL/TLS server certs

2004-10-25 Thread hggdh
James Whitmoor wrote:
I disagree, I control my local server and DNS, Redleg controls his
local server and DNS.  We could happily exchange messages in clear but
for privacy would like the option to choose to validate each others
certs by external methods.
Yes, I know you control your DNS, and Redleg controls his/her. So... I 
leave your DNS (and Redleg's) alone, and go poison a DNS upstream. All I 
need is to have the remote user contact MY server first. Easy, 
unfortunately. And, what is worse, already done, many times over. End 
result: you will still believe you are all set  secure...

Of course, this is still rather different from broadcasting -- I would 
be the only one able to follow your conversations.

And, again of course, I might decide it's a good enough conversation to 
post out to the public.

If you have external methods to guarantee the key, then you do not need 
rootless certificates. In fact (except if you are using self-signed 
certificates), you do not need TLS/SSL at all.

For private use, personal private verification works fine.
Browsers happily let you import a non-CA cert and allow a user an
option to do their own choice of verification first.
Yes... but you can set yours to at least warn you something 
(potentially) fishy is going on. Unfortunately, not many of the users do 
that. Also, I do not like the amount of root certificates given to us, 
by default, on Windows. But I certainly am *very* careful whenever I get 
to a site where I receive a certificate that does not match common name, 
or for which I have no root.

However this arguement assumes that I have not met my brother or
friend and do not have another method of validation such as voice p2p.
Also another thought,  I may want to exchange mails with someone I do
not trust - however I'd prefer the option to reduce the chance of
someone else listening in at least for most of the journey.
This is valid only when all parties involved do have other means of 
certifying each other (like, as you point out, private comm, in loco 
meetings, etc). This does not apply to open-ended systems, like a HTTP 
server. And, if you want to exchange secure e-mail with somebody else, 
all you both need is to generate  exchange self-signed public 
certificates, and make sure both sides encrypt (or, of course, use 
PGP/GNUPG). An added bonus is signature and non-repudiation. But... you 
do not need, anymore, channel encryption. It can still be used, but you 
are not relying on it as the *sole* privacy measure.

Please remember that most people (and web sites) use server-only 
authentication -- you rely on the server for all encryption, 
authentication, validation, and certification. This is a major part in 
my worries. If I have to rely on a third party (which I do not 
personally know), then I want a bit more of safety. Accepting a rootless 
certificate voids all inherent safety.

Also, there are other means of securing a channel on a closed loop 
(i.e., where the parties know each other). You can use self-signed 
certificates here without any problems; you can use STS 
(Station-To-Station) encryption, which is pretty much like TLS/SSL, but 
without identification information; you can use PGP/GNUPG; etc, etc. 
TLS/SSL is built to allow you to secure a channel when the parties have 
*NOT* met, or do not physically know each other. It takes care of the 
key distribution problem for you.


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On S/MIME -- perhaps old news

2004-10-25 Thread hggdh
Hello folks,

I have been  trying to show another user how to generate self-signed
certificates on TB!.

Now, I had never used the TB! S/MIME certificate generator (usually I
run openssl to do something like this). so obviously I hit some
roadblocks, which were bypassed. All in all, quite easy, even
considering that the Help sort of lacks on explanations of what fields
should be populated. You either know what you need, or you are on your

Nevertheless, so far, so good.

I then added the brand new self-signed cert to the root, and TB! was

But then, when I tried to use this brand new self-signed, I found
that if you *already* have a S/MIME certificate, then... you cannot
select WHICH S/MIME you want to use. TB! will *ONLY* use the first you
added in!

It happens I have a Thawte S/MIME certificate, to the
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' account. So, although I could add the self-signed
certificate to the same account, there is *NO* way to use it.


TB! will not let you select WHICH of the S/MIME certificates you want
to use.

The only way I could get it to work was by removing the Thawte cert
from the store.

I personally consider this to be a bug -- one should be able to select
which, of the (possibly) many different certificates one wishes to
use. If I need to keep on adding/deleting certificates from the store,
then this is simply not usable.

But... since this may impact others I would like to have your input on




Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: On S/MIME -- perhaps old news

2004-10-25 Thread hggdh
Hash: SHA1

Hello Marck,

Monday, October 25, 2004, 21:52:59, you wrote:

MDP That's exactly what the Reset signers... button in the account
MDP properties .. Edit personal certificates dialog is for.

shame oh boy, oh boy, oh boy /shame :-)



Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Comment: public key at


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Re: Feature wish- allow user to permanently permit session with incomplete SSL/TLS server certs

2004-10-24 Thread hggdh
,you go get your mails, and it's the bad guy that answers you. All
mails you send up/downaload  are received by the bad guy (in clear
text) and immediately uploaded to the mail server/downloaded to you.
This is possible because the bad guy is posing as YOU, with your
account, password, lock, stock, and all barrels)! After all, YOU sent
him your account, password, SecureId, whatever...

Also, I fail to understand a site that publishes it's public
certificate, but does not provide pointers to the roots (i.e., to
where you can get the roots, and it better be a completely different

AR My trust is in the server. The certificate is there to afford me the
AR opportunity to establish the security and privacy provided by an
AR encrypted transport with this trusted server...

As shown above, you cannot trust your server. And... you cannot
trust a rootless certificate. You can swallow it, but not trust.

AR Nothing can force me to trust the entire chain in a formal PKI and
AR certainly shouldn't be a forced requirement when my trust is established
AR in the server only, in some cases.

No. nothing can force you to. The whole idea of root certificates on
TLS/SSL is to allow you to *confirm* that a public certificate
received has been verified by someone. And... this someone survives
only because he will never, ever, sign a fake certificate. Yeah, yeah,
I know, iffy. See below for a failure :-).

The idea here is similar to the web of trust in PGP/GNUPG. You do not
know me, but you know someone that signed my PGP key stating I am who
I say I am. You do not actually, really, know your server's
certificate, or any other certificate you receive when opening a
TLS/SSL session, but... down the line, there's a root certificate you
decided to trust. This is why I said that trust is transitive.

But... you are correct: why should we trust a CA?

AR As you mention below, self signed certs will always be a factor. Simply
AR due to the cost associated with the mainstream CA's, especially with
AR those roots included in OS and browsers. Once my standards heve been
AR met then I should be the decision maker, imnsho, not TB!.

OK. OK. I accept it. The *final* user should have a *final* say on
whether the rootless certificate will be accepted or not. On further
thinking, I consider your approach valid, albeit the result is a
potentially compromised session.

But, the user assumes all risks. Caveat emptor.

h This is not paranoia (although, I have to say, I *am* paranoid). This
h is simply the rules of the game.

AR I am interested in where you have read these rules of the game,
AR falling under the broad umbrella of paranoid myself.

See (for start), which
is the TLS RFC.

At page 39 it states:

   This is a sequence (chain) of X.509v3 certificates. The sender's
   certificate must come first in the list. Each following
   certificate must directly certify the one preceding it.
   * my markings here - hggdh *
   *Because  certificate validation REQUIRES that root keys be
   distributed  independently*,
   * my markings here -hggdh *
   the self-signed certificate which specifies the
   root certificate authority may optionally be omitted from the
   chain, under the assumption that the remote end must already
   possess it in order to validate it in any case.

And, then, the rest of RFCs, and the PKIX IETF work group.


h Allie, you are absolutely correct when you wonder about the security
h of this. There is none.

AR I beg to differ.  The user, regardless of what any one entity says, is
AR the *final* approving authority on what is acceptable in regards to what
AR level of security and privacy that user desires.

Which does not change my point above. There is no gained security. At
all. But this is a risk that YOU, as the final user, has to have the
rigth to accept.

AR There is no security afforded, whatsoever, when TB! refuses to allow me
AR to even view an incomplete certificate chain. All I am permitted to do
AR is say OK or Cancel...

TB! is being strict here. I personally like this. But, as I said
above, I now do agree with you (in that the final user has to have
the final say, even if this means throwing out all theoretical
security and privacy).


AR Thanks for the feedback, looking forward to more- and hopefully
AR (eventually) even get entertained by the development powers that be.

Indeed, this is fun. I suggest you to open a formal wish (I do not
know how to do it, but certainly someone in here will).

I will sign down on it (given that a stern warning is issued prior to
acceptance of the rootless public certificate).

On using a hash, or equivalent, to verify if the newly received
certificate is identical to one stored: this is already available. All
TLS/SSL public certificates have such a hash. So, what would be needed
is to warn the user that the just-received certificate does *NOT*

Re: Feature wish- allow user to permanently permit session with incomplete SSL/TLS server certs

2004-10-23 Thread hggdh

Hello Allie,

Saturday, October 23, 2004, 17:36:00, you wrote:

AM On Saturday, October 23, 2004 at 1:34:00 PM [GMT -0500], Army Redleg
AM wrote:


 The Unknown CA Certificate dialog box must give the User the ability
 to always select View allowing for a verification of server cert

Agree. See below.

 When viewing certificates in this manner a hash or digital fingerprint
 should be made of the certificate that TB! will check against in all
 future sessions to protect against sudden changes, tampering, MitM
 issues, etc...

Disagree. Se below.

 The Unknown CA Certificate dialog box should give the User the ability
 to Add to Trusted any server certificate, chain complete or not, if
 they have viewed/verified and have determined this is from a server the
 User trusts (again, regardless if the server negotiates with a complete
 chain or not).

Agree. See below.

AM Interesting. Seems reasonable, though one wonders about the security of
AM it. I guess you're more interested in transmission encryption more than
AM strict authentication of the certificates? 

An user should *always* be allowed to View a certificate, mostly
when there is an issue regarding it's validity (like an incomplete
root chain). If this does not happen nowadays, then it is a bug on TB!.
No questions about it.

One might even go ahead and allow the user to add a certificate with
an incomplete root chain to the base. No big deal here.

But, here, we must draw the line. If the user succeeds in finding out
the missing intermediate roots, and adds them to the base, then
everything is OK, and life goes on. Otherwise -- i.e. there are still
missing intermediate roots --, then TB! *HAS* to refuse using the
certificate. If this is not an option for the user, then I humbly
suggest the user to stop using SSL (or other schema in the same line).

When you receive a certificate (on SSL negotiation) you do NOT trust
this certificate. What you trust, want it or not, is that it's
signature can be verified by a known authority -- known to you, and
accepted as such by you. This known authority is represented by the
root certificates you accepted to use. Your trust on the certificate
you received is transitive: you trust it because a know root confirms
it. And *THIS* root is trusted by you not to mess up. As such, if
there are missing intermediate root certificates, then there is no
trust transitivity, and the certificate you received is, by default,

This is not paranoia (although, I have to say, I *am* paranoid). This
is simply the rules of the game.

Allie, you are absolutely correct when you wonder about the security
of this. There is none.

Another option here is that this server is using a self-signed
certificate. If this is the case, all that is needed to do is add the
certificate itself to the trsuted root. 0bviously, there is then the
problem of trust, back to haunt: you *can* trust a self-signed
certificate, as long as you can positively confirm it. Since you
cannot use a trusted root anymore, the only way to confirm it is by
direct contact with the other party. Only after such confirmation
should you add the certificate to the trusted root.



Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: Finally I found the problem of high CPU (WAS: Since msi-v3rc6 my CPU wont cool anymore)

2004-10-17 Thread hggdh
Hello Eddie,

bugtrack 3953 opened for you on this. I have asked RL to contact you.

I will forward to you any actions on this issue.



Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: Finally I found the problem of high CPU

2004-10-16 Thread hggdh
Hello Eddie,

Saturday, October 16, 2004, 12:34:30, you wrote:

EC Thanks 'hggdh' (sound almost like R2D2 *gg*)  ;))

Well, 'hggdh' is actually a word in an old language (transliterated in
the Latin alphabet), but this is a rather old story, remembered yearly
:-). I am a bit protective of my name, and never use it on public --
it's mine, preciou;-).

EC Actually I'm amazed. During quit some beta cycles we had this high CPU
EC problem. Nobody has ever given a real answer if this bug has being
EC solved. on some systems it just disappeared. But I doubt there is
EC knowledge on this Bug.

The problem here is reproducibility. If a bug manifests itself
randomly (or so it seems) and/or needs a certain sequence of steps to
manifest itself, then chances are it will not be fixed. Not that the
developers do not want to fix it, but because nobody knows how
to trigger it (and so it is much more difficult to zero in the root

This has plagued you for quite a time, but only you, it seems. My high
CPU usage was tagged down to BayesIt!, and eventually Alexey found the
cause (but here we had many other users hitting the same bug). This is
exactly the scenario where a bloody trace would help all of us (users
and RL). This is the perfect fit: YOU can reproduce it at will, nobody
else can!


EC Now that I'm almost at the point being able in closing on the problem
EC no one makes any move to support my work. I do hope RL is reading here
EC my post and can (or someone else who knows the answer) give me a help
EC on the files that are attached to the 'global option' in the
EC Backup/Restore function.

But we (at least, *I*) do support it. You have succeeded in finding
how to reproduce it on your environment. You might even go ahead and
write down all the values you have in the GO, then go back to a clean
install, and start changing th GO one step at a time, and observing
the results. This *might* work. Or might not. Anyway, AFAIK, this
certainly goes above and beyond the Beta work, and should instead be
done by RL.

This is why I suggested you to open a BugTrack on it. RL will
certainly not touch it if it is not officially a bug (I would not,
in my work).

This is a bomb, and we do not know how it is triggered. Bad, bad, bad.



Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Description: PGP signature

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IMPORTANT: To register as a Beta tester, use this link first -

Re: Finally I found the problem of high CPU (WAS: Since msi-v3rc6 my CPU wont cool anymore)

2004-10-15 Thread hggdh
Hello Eddie,

Friday, October 15, 2004, 12:03:47, you wrote:

EC Now my System is up and normal. But I want to find the proper file
EC that was creating this high CPU. Therefore my request for your help -
EC especially from RL (as it's actually there issue).

EC I need to know which are the files that are restored under the Global
EC Options? I want then restore those one by one and see what happens.
EC Any idea?

GREAT work, Eddie.

I think the problem lies on corrupted value(s) in (probably) your
global options -- or, perhaps, an interaction between options. As
such, this should be opened as an issue in BugTrack, and the backup of
the Global Options attached to it.

The issue seems to be not what files are used when you restore it, but
what is in there. Whatever it is, a backup took it, and a restore used
it. So... RL should be able to look at the backup, and gather the
necessary data to find what values causes the high CPU.

Notice that this is not quite the same as finding the root cause but,
hopefully, they will be able to backtrack even more...

I still wonder why so many programmers nowadays do not put in an
extensive debug facility in their products, and give the users an
option for starting a debug trace. Yes, the code grows, but it is only
a resource impact (in terms of time and CPU usage) if the traces are

RitLabs -- please do yourselves, and us, a favour, and consider this
for a next release. Correctly implemented (and, please do not tell me
it's impossible: I have written a lot of code with trace embedded),
it helps the customer when hit by a reproducible issue, and helps
A LOT the fixer.

Alea jacta est. Let's now see how RL reacts.



Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: Firefox and MSI Download...

2004-10-14 Thread hggdh
Hello Scott,

Thursday, October 14, 2004, 16:54:54, you wrote:

SG Has anyone used Firefox 0.10.1 to download the latest MSI Release?

SG I tried yesterday and today, and always ended up with either a dead
SG Firefox, or a corrupted MSI.  I gave up and tried IE today, and it
SG downloaded perfectly the first time...

SG Anyone else with similar trouble?

I only use Firefox, and it is 0.10.1. No problems at all here.



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Re: Wrapped .33

2004-10-13 Thread hggdh
Cheers Mary,

Wednesday, October 13, 2004, 14:34:51, you wrote:

MB Did you mean that sarcastically? I am very sensitive about it, since
MB I've only been doing it since v. 3.0. That was only because someone on
MB tbudl challenged me to come on here and help test filters.

Ah well. Mary, please do not waste your time with trolls. You have
been doing a *very* good job. Anyone who has been on the other side of
the fence -- the developer's side -- knows how important feedback on
product usage is.

MB I really didn't think that I had the computer skills to be able to
MB contribute, among the really able people on a list where I'd been
MB lurking for awhile.

Another thing the computer masters tend to forget is that their
programs are not going to be used by other computer masters, but by
normal people. You may, or may not, have what you thought you needed
on computer skills, but you certainly know what you want/need/do not
like in an -email client program. And THIS feedback is, in my humble
view, a LOT more important than (for example) mine, a so-called
computer guru :-).

I am sure RL really appreciate the efforts of everybody here. As I am
sure some do not, but such is life.



Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: Wrapped .33

2004-10-13 Thread hggdh
Hello Arjan,

Wednesday, October 13, 2004, 16:51:41, you wrote:

AdG You may or may not have read my contribution on TBBeta about my
AdG (failed) attempt at installing the No RC 3.01 MSI package
AdG (which needed three attempts at RitLabs to get it more or less
AdG working). That really sucked. In my opinion RitLabs could have
AdG easily avoided the problems by doing some basic testing them-
AdG selves. But instead they hastily threw out yet another faulty
AdG version which had at least 1 bug from previous beta's
AdG reoccurring. I cannot conclude otherwise than that they made an
AdG extremely sloppy job of this No RC package release.

AdG And yes, this experience has 1) annoyed me, 2) strengthened my
AdG intention to avoid version 3, at least for the time being, and
AdG 3) opened my eyes to the fact that The Beta! Testers get exactly
AdG what they deserve.

With all due respect I would like to point out some details here:

1. Microlost Installer sucks.
2. MSI installs have an uncanny ability of blowing up.
3. There many, many, different ways an install can go wrong. No
developer can test them all. Not even Microlost can.
4. the (in)famous Microsoft Installer Clean Up utility was written by
MS so that absolutely blotched MSOffice installs could be cleared out
of the system *WITHOUT* a full format  reinstall of Windows itself.
5. having more than one entry in the ARP is no big deal. I am not
saying it is good, or even correct -- just saying it is no big deal.
6. No one is REQUIRED to upgrade. I myself have, many times, held on
to an older release of a product because I did not like/trust/whatever
the newer versions. But, eventually, one either upgrades, or leaves
aside the product.

and, on a personal note:

7. You came in way too strong and, what is worse, your note sounded
like a personal attack -- ergo, troll.
8. finally, I am not sure the TB! beta testers got what they deserve.
But, it seems, we are stuck with you :-).
9. If one does not like a feature (or absence of one) in a product,
there are better ways of getting it there. Amazingly all of them
usually start with being nice and providing reasons. You note
lacked both.

Now, for a very old saying: when you enter a city, abide by it's



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Re: Mod: Dead Horse (was: Wrapped .33)

2004-10-13 Thread hggdh
Hello Leif,

Wednesday, October 13, 2004, 17:25:46, you wrote:

LG This thread has gone on for quite a while with no apparent conclusion
LG in sight and is going to have to be a case of Agree to Disagree.
LG Please do not post anything else to this thread.

Sorry Leif. My reply was being sent when I received this.



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Re: Updated MSIs (12 October)

2004-10-12 Thread hggdh
Hello Maxim,
I had 2 entries in the ARP: one from RC6, and the other from the Oct
11 MSI. The RC6 entry had the Remove button grayed out.

After installing Oct12 MSI I have one single ARP entry, V3.0.1.29, and
the remove button is grayed out. So... no uninstall option
available :-).

MSI install log is saved, if needed.



Using The Bat! v3.0.1 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: Ritlabs Drops MSI Bomb THen Takes The Weekend Off

2004-10-12 Thread hggdh
Hello Eddie,

Monday, October 11, 2004, 14:02:47, you wrote:

 you can find it at and
 the file name ist 20041011_TBinstall.log (file size: 301 kb).


EC Any feedback is welcomed.

Sorry for the delay.

On the multiple entries in the ARP: seems to be a known issue that
Maxim took care of today. You log shows the following:

MSI (c) (BC:D0): Product Code from property table before transforms: 
MSI (c) (BC:D0): Product Code from property table after transforms:  
MSI (c) (BC:D0): Product not registered: beginning first-time install

So this seems to have been a RL issue.

I also know the code level (as announced by the MSI package:

1:  The Bat! (Professional Edition) {79F4440D-2209-4882-BB43-460A926BE3E4}  1033  ***Related***

The UNKNOWN entries seem to be registration entries and, as a result,
also a RL issue; the install progress shows that MSI found most of the
files already in place, and at the correct level (mostly checksum
compares, since most of the files do not seem to carry version

All in all, it does not seem to be very broken. Also, the log is clear
that installation eventually ENDED. But... you report 100% CPU after
installing TB!, and I can see the installation ending in your log.

*IF* you see 'msiexec.exe' eating up your CPU resource, THEN it stands
to reason this is not TB!'s issue, but (alas) Microsoft.

One chance: download and try to install the Latest  Greatest MSI
(it's your call to upgrade to V3 (if you are running XP) or maintain
V2 (which is what you are running right now). I would only go V3 on XP
-- right now.



Using The Bat! v3.0.1 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: Ritlabs Drops MSI Bomb THen Takes The Weekend Off

2004-10-12 Thread hggdh
Hello Eddie,

Tuesday, October 12, 2004, 12:14:08, you wrote:

EC Where do you see I'm using v2?
EC No I where always using v3rc5 now rc7 on a W2kSP3.

 Sorry Eddie, I meant Microsoft Installer V2, not TB! V2. You are
 running this (MS Installer):

 === Verbose logging started: 11.10.2004  20:33:07  Build type: SHIP UNICODE 
2.00.2600.02  Calling process: C:\WINNT\system32\msiexec.exe ===

 This is pretty recent. Mine says 2.00.2600.1183 (which means, *if*
 Microlost is indeed using the last number as revision) I am just
 about 1181 updates in front of you. If this is true (which I do NOT
 know) trying to update the Installer may help. Or not.

 I simply HATE MSIs. MS has succeded in creating a monster. And, as
 usual, they tied it up with Windows and the AD architecture, so...

 Even more, there's scarcely any documentation available for the
 Installer, the errors are not documented, and sometimes it screws up

 A good idea that got out of control.

 Ah well. Such is life in the MS lane.

 Since you are running W2KSP3, keep on V2 of the Installer.

 Additional note: I simply cannot find an Installer with a similar
 version number as mine on the Microsoft site. My guess (and this is a
 GUESS) is that I got mine because this machine has the MS Platform
 SDK installed. And... the file date is 2003, as opposed to the one
 you can download from MS (2001). But... who knows?

 But, back to your problem. If you are running BayesIt!, and it is not
 at version 0.73, it might be a good idea to upgrade it. There are
 some steps you might have to perform if you upgrade from 0.71 or
 previous, but I do not have the details with me anymore.

 Every time I had a high CPU on TB!, I found it was caused by a
 plug-in, not TB! itself.



Using The Bat! v3.0.1 and BayesIt! 0.7.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: Ritlabs Drops MSI Bomb THen Takes The Weekend Off

2004-10-11 Thread hggdh
Eddie Castelli wrote:

msiexec /I TheBat.msi /lv* c:\temp\the_bat_install.log

I tried this one but get an error:
Error 1719: The Windows Installer Service could not be accessed. This
can occur if you are running Windows in safe mode, or the Windows
Installer is not correctly installed. Contact your support personnel
for assistance.
How can I get over it?
I hope you are running W2K or XP -- I have stopped using Win9x/ce a long 
time ago. It sounds like your Installer is either disabled, or bad.

On W2k/XP, the Windows Installer service  has to be enabled. Go to 
Computer Management/Services, and look for Windows Installer. It 
should be set to manual under Startup type.

Another option is to download and install the current version of Windows 
Installer . For V2, this is the link on Win9x/ce:

and this is the one for Win2K:


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Re: Visual RegExp debugger in BayesIt 0.6.4

2004-09-18 Thread hggdh
Hello Alexey,

Saturday, September 18, 2004, 10:04:48, you wrote:

ANV Hello, tbbeta.

ANV As I already said before in some letters (one of them was sent to TBTECH), this
ANV version of BayesIt includes visual RegExp debugger. It was realized about month
ANV ago, however I've received no suggestions and bugreports about it (I think,
ANV because nobody tried it).

OK. I created a simple RE (which, BTW, did not need to be that long,
but test is test):


Set the back list to match, case sensitive, working on the headers,
and applied it. Here's the result (BayesIt! 0.6.4):

18.09.2004 20:02:22 Black list was loaded successfully
18.09.2004 20:02:22 Beginning of preloading ignore list...
Number of loaded ignore list rules: 0
18.09.2004 20:02:22 Ignore list was loaded successfully
18.09.2004 20:14:10 Beginning of preloading black list...
Rule: SMTP configuration
Can't initialize regular expression's library

Number of loaded black list rules: 0
Number of errors in the black list of rules: 1
18.09.2004 20:14:10 Black list was loaded successfully

I also tested the RE with The Regulator, using as input the headers of
a spam I received. It matched correctly.

Additionally, on the White/Black list Editor: if I click on the
RegExpbutton, I get an access violation, and TB! does not respond
anymore, forcing me to kill it. I get a pop-up titled The Bat! 
stating Access violation at address . Read of address 



Using The Bat! v3.0.0.15 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: BayesIt 0.6.21 (bugfix)

2004-09-09 Thread hggdh
Hello Alexey,

Thursday, September 9, 2004, 16:45:19, you wrote:

ANV - a little correction which caused a heap of bugs since MS VC runtime library is
ANV NOT fully compliant to ANSI C++ standart. - Please, review all latest bugs in

Huh, well, come on, Alexey -- did you really expect Microsoft to be
*compliant* with a standard ;-) ?



Using The Bat! v3.0.0.11 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Unhandled exception: TheBat! (NTDLL.DLL) V3.0.0.8

2004-09-08 Thread hggdh
One more. I find it disturbing that test versions do not have debug
information set on the modules.


unhandled exception in TheBat.exe (NTDLL.DLL): Access Violation

call stack:

NTDLL! 77fcc2c0()
MSVCRT! 78001532()
MSVCRT! 780014cf()


 EAX = 0007002E EBX = 0003 ECX = 00080002 EDX = 0090 ESI = 0328C098 EDI = 
 EIP = 77FCC2C0 ESP = 0F60F4F8 EBP = 0F60F6C4 EFL = 0212
 MM0 = 01883A81 MM1 = 77F81F550355FB30 MM2 = 77FCC71E0355FB40 MM3 = 
77FCC644 MM4 = 
 MM5 = 01477954 MM6 = 01883A800355FB0C MM7 = 04BD1388
 XMM0 = 00137FFD8C0077F81F000355F8C8 XMM1 = 77F87C9A00087FFD8C45
 XMM2 = 0355FAAC7C5783280001006E XMM3 = 014777F82A8C00110355FB60
 XMM4 = 0355FB380328F5700011014709B8 XMM5 = 77F82AD077F81F550355FD280900
 XMM6 = 014709B877FCC1D00355FD38 XMM7 = 77F82A8C0080
 CS = 001B DS = 0023 ES = 0023 SS = 0023 FS = 0038 GS =  OV=0 UP=0 EI=1 PL=0 ZR=0 
AC=1 PE=0 CY=0

 00080002 = 

 XMM00 = +6.28807E-037 XMM01 = +1.00650E+034 XMM02 = +1.#QNANE+000 XMM03 = 
 XMM10 = +9.66896E-044 XMM11 = +1.#QNANE+000 XMM12 = +9.18366E-040 XMM13 = 
 XMM20 = +1.54143E-043 XMM21 = +1.40130E-045 XMM22 = +4.47602E+036 XMM23 = 
 XMM30 = +6.28836E-037 XMM31 = +2.38221E-044 XMM32 = +1.00668E+034 XMM33 = 
 XMM40 = +3.65575E-038 XMM41 = +2.38221E-044 XMM42 = +4.96525E-037 XMM43 = 
 XMM50 = +3.22859E-042 XMM51 = +6.28857E-037 XMM52 = +1.00650E+034 XMM53 = 
 XMM60 = -1.#QNANE+000 XMM61 = +6.28858E-037 XMM62 = +1.02530E+034 XMM63 = 
 XMM70 = +0.0E+000 XMM71 = +1.79366E-043 XMM72 = +0.0E+000 XMM73 = 
+1.00668E+034 MXCSR = 1F80
 ST0 = -0.15707039052971686e+4505 ST1 = +5.01178111714122294e+1235 ST2 = 
 ST3 = +0.0e+ ST4 = +0.0e+ ST5 = 
 ST6 = +0.0e+ ST7 = -0.005872769e+4539
 CTRL = 027F STAT =  TAGS =  EIP = 
 CS =  DS =  EDO = 

Using The Bat! v3.0.0.8 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195 Service Pack 4

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Re: Install suggestion

2004-09-07 Thread hggdh
Hello Ethan,

Monday, September 6, 2004, 13:59:04, you wrote:

 What about going back to a previous version, which is currently
 possible by just exchanging the EXE?

EJM Excellent questions.  In the example given, Word Perfect, one does not
EJM go back to a previous version.  However, that sounds like it may be an
EJM important feature for RIT labs.

I do not think it is possible dur to the way Installer works (or does
not work, whatever).

There is another wyu to do this:

when running the install, TB! is put
in a directory that has the version/release in the name (like 'Program

Also, the Installer code will ask if you want to upgrade in place, or
upgrade and maintain the previous install. If you decide to upgrade in
place, then the privous version is removed; otherwise, it is
completely kept in.

Then, it is up to you which version you want to use.

Obvious, there are some potential issues on compatibility.



Using The Bat! v3.0.0.7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: MSI installer

2004-08-27 Thread hggdh
Hello John,

Friday, August 27, 2004, 13:04:02, you wrote:

JS   Just downloadedthe beta 8 msi. It complains that another version is
JS   already installed. Is this normal. Will not install unless I
JS   uninstall TB!.

Yes, this is normal. If the product program Id is the same, a new version of
the MSI will only be installable if the previous is removed.

Usually, program Ids are only changed between version/releases. So...
if you installed TB! 2.13 Beta x as an MSI, I would not expect the program
Id to have changed. So... save your data, un-install TB!, re-install with
the new Beta, restore your data.



Using The Bat! v2.13 Lucky Beta/8 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: MSI Installation

2004-06-12 Thread hggdh
Hello Greg,

Saturday, June 12, 2004, 3:09:09 PM, you wrote:

GS I tried this with NO luck. Still have doulble entries in Add/Remove
GS programs for TB in the control panel.

GS Any other ideals?

XTeq X-Setup allows you to delete extra uninstall entries in the
add/remove programs --

Also good to clean up MSI installs is the Microsoft Installer Clean-up
Utility -- see;en-us;240116



Using The Bat! v2.11.02 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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Re: Dr. Watson was - Re: Spontaneous shutdowns

2004-06-03 Thread hggdh
Hello Leif,

Thursday, June 3, 2004, 12:36:21 PM, you wrote:

LG Do people actually disable Dr. Watson? I know you can, but I've not
LG heard of anyone actually doing it. I know in XP, people disable the
LG notification, but I don't think that actually disables Dr. Watson.

It is not actually disabling it, but DrWatson comes in with some
defaults set -- including the number of same errors to report. In
other words, by default, DrWatson auto-disables after some set
number of same errors.

Of course, it can also be set *not* to save any errors.

One should run drwtsn32.exe to set it up and/or clear it up.



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Re[2]: Un-sending messages (was: Untrimmed reply, was: IMAP interfering with ...)

2004-04-11 Thread hggdh
Hello Marcus,

Sunday, April 11, 2004, 12:54:12 PM, you wrote:

MO My first thought was this was a joke.
MO A less technical skilled user might not
MO understand the difference between sending message within one Exchange
MO server and between different mail servers (no offence hggdh, I still
MO think you were joking).

 Indeed I was joking.



Using The Bat! v2.05 Beta/16 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build  2195
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 Current beta is 2.05 beta 16 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Temp files of The Bat

2004-01-24 Thread hggdh
Hello all,

Some comments on temporary files, that may (or may not :-) help.

1. Sound programming practices recommend a program to clean up it's own
temporary files. AFAIK TB does it.
2. The same programming pratices suggest that a program's temporary
files are to be created in a known place (for example, a subdirectory
of the system temporary space), and that the user's access controls
are to be enforced.
3. But... we all know that things can go wrong. So now kicks in
4. sound sysadmin practices recommend that the system temporary space
should be cleared every so often.

With that in mind, it seems to me that the best for TB is to create
it's temp files under it's own temp space; if this is a multiple user
TB, then each user should have it's own private space, and Windows
access control should follow the user's permissions.

Also, if TB is to use a private temporary space, then... the best is
for TB to clean up the temp space on start-up.

If TB keeps on using the system temp space, then it's the sysadmin
responsibility to create a script to clean it up every so often.

Best regards,
 hggdhmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Description: PGP signature

 Current beta is 2.03 Beta/47 | Using TBBETA information:
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Re[3]: Temp files of The Bat

2004-01-24 Thread hggdh
Hello Luigi,

Saturday, January 24, 2004, 12:06:58 PM, you wrote:

LR Hello hggdh,
LR Saturday, January 24, 2004, 7:01:47 PM, you wrote:

h With that in mind, it seems to me that the best for TB is to create
h it's temp files under it's own temp space; if this is a multiple user
h TB, then each user should have it's own private space, and Windows
h access control should follow the user's permissions.

LR Under Windows (and not only under Windows) is better to ask the Operating
LR System where the temporary files directory is, instead of creating temp dir
LR around the file system and have the SysAdmin hunt down temp files!  :-))

LR Ciao,
LR luigi

This is why I suggest it's the program's responsibility to provide for
the clean up or private temp space :-)

Best regards,
 hggdhmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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