Re: Voyager - I'm crying Uncle.

2005-12-05 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Nick,

On Mon, 5 Dec 2005 11:09:42 -0600GMT (5-12-2005, 18:09 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

ND> When trying to restore a backup from my "main" TB! program Voyager
ND> insists on writing the directories using the original path.

Can't confirm that. Not the first time I restored a backup and not
just now. Created a new instance of Voyager (this time on my local
drive and not my USB drive) and restored my weekly backup.
Everything went ok.

ND> So in my original mail folder I end up with all the normal files
ND> along with encrypted folders along side. If I make the original
ND> path unreadable all I get is errors in Voyager telling me it can't
ND> write to it - which it shouldn't be doing anyway!

So you weren't using OTFE, that's a difference with me. Did you have
all of your accounts stored in the same mail directory or were they
in different locations?

ND> I have not been able to get any common filters copied over to it.

Can't comment on that as I don't use those.

ND> If I just copy the folders from my main program over to the USB drive
ND> and try to point Voyager to use that as the home for a new account it
ND> doesn't recognize any of the content in those folders and just creates
ND> a new empty account.

I guess that could be because of the unencrypted format of your current
accounts, because that's what I did for test purposes just now.
You should realize though that Voyager needs the account directory to
be stored in a subdirectory MAIL of the programdir.
I tried it and got the message that a message base for Secure Bat! was
encountered in the MAIL directory nd that it had a different
encryption key (not true, same key) and subsequenty it was being
opened just fine.

ND> On some fresh installs I would end up with a program that wouldn't
ND> allow any additions to filters. Any changes I made were lost between
ND> sessions.

What version did you use? All of my tests were run with the first extracted and the latest beta put on top of it.

While running these tests I finally came up with two instances of
Voyager installed on the same HDD, this didn't cause me any troubles.
What I also tried was to run two instances of Voyager (from different
locations) but that didn't work. Running Voyager and TB at the same
time causes me no problem whatsoever.

Groetjes, Roelof

It is easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar.

The Bat! 3.63.06 (Beta)
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

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Re: Voyager - I'm crying Uncle.

2005-12-05 Thread Nick Danger
Reply to message sent 12/05/2005, @ 19:55:24 (12:55 PM Locally)

Hello Roelof,

ND>> When trying to restore a backup from my "main" TB! program Voyager
ND>> insists on writing the directories using the original path.

> Can't confirm that.

Yeah, I keep seeing the messages where people say that the restore to
TBV went fine. Believe me I'm envious!

> So you weren't using OTFE, that's a difference with me.

To be honest, I haven't a clue how to convert to OTFE. I just received
my Pro registration and loaded up the latest .msi from Ritlabs over my
home version. There was no option about converting that I've seen and
no option in the menus. But yeah, the files/folders I backed up were
not encrypted.

> Did you have all of your accounts stored in the same mail directory
> or were they in different locations?

All the accounts are under one folder called mail.

ND>> I have not been able to get any common filters copied over to it.

> Can't comment on that as I don't use those.

Unfortunately, that all I use. Hundreds of them!

ND>> If I just copy the folders from my main program over to the USB drive
ND>> and try to point Voyager to use that as the home for a new account it
ND>> doesn't recognize any of the content in those folders and just creates
ND>> a new empty account.

> I guess that could be because of the unencrypted format of your current
> accounts,

Probably. So... what's the trick to converting to OTFE in Pro?

> What version did you use? All of my tests were run with the first
> extracted and the latest beta put on top of it.

That's exactly how I've been testing for the last twenty tries or so.

Maybe it's the encypted/non-encrypted thing that creating problems.
I'd love to convert my Pro over and give it another shot.

Fly for now,
 òžó Nick

[MUA: The Bat! v3.62.14]
[OS: Windows XP 5 1]

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Re: Voyager - I'm crying Uncle.

2005-12-05 Thread Robert van der Hulst
Hi Nick,
On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, at 13:10:28 [GMT -0600] (which was 20:10 where I live) 
you wrote about: 'Voyager - I'm crying Uncle.'

>> Did you have all of your accounts stored in the same mail directory
>> or were they in different locations?

> All the accounts are under one folder called mail.

What is your setting for Home Directory in Account Properties/Files &
Directories. Did you speficy a complete path or are you using .
I have  for each account and just a Mail Directory set in

I bet you have a hard coded path in your Account properties. Get rid of
that and let everything be relative to the General Mail Directory, and it

Robert van der Hulst

Using The Bat! 3.63.06 (Beta) on Windows XP.5.1.2600 Service Pack 2


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Re: Voyager - I'm crying Uncle.

2005-12-05 Thread Nick Danger
Reply to message sent 12/05/2005, @ 20:44:25 (1:44 PM Locally)

Hello Robert,

> What is your setting for Home Directory in Account Properties/Files &
> Directories. Did you speficy a complete path or are you using .
> I have  for each account and just a Mail Directory set in
> Preferences/System.

A complete path. Because. and this is why I want Voyager so badly,
I have the mail directories on a USB drive - not below the folder with
all of TB's executables.

> I bet you have a hard coded path in your Account properties. Get rid of
> that and let everything be relative to the General Mail Directory, and it
> works.

I guess I can try copying all my mail folders to the default position
and try that. What's another hour or so after a wasted weekend! Keep
your fingers crossed.

Fly for now,
 òžó Nick

[MUA: The Bat! v3.62.14]
[OS: Windows XP 5 1]

 Current beta is 3.63.06 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Voyager - I'm crying Uncle.

2005-12-05 Thread Roelof Otten
Hallo Nick,

On Mon, 5 Dec 2005 13:10:28 -0600GMT (5-12-2005, 20:10 +0100, where I
live), you wrote:

>> I guess that could be because of the unencrypted format of your current
>> accounts,
ND> Probably. So... what's the trick to converting to OTFE in Pro?

Unfortunately converting to OTFE almost is like switched to Voyager.

However here it comes.

Create an internal back-up with TB, including everything.
Now copy your complete message base to a safe location (that's not
needed for the transition, but just in case)
Export the TB registry settings to a safe location
(The full HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!  tree)
Uninstall TB
Delete your message base
(The uninstall shouldn't do that, but just in case it does you already
have got your backup)
Install TB pro
On running it'll ask you whether you want to use OTFE, answer yes and
pick a password (that's needed for en/decryption)
Next it'll ask whether you want to create a new account or restore
from backup, select the backup option and restore everything.

Note that this won't restore any spam dictionaries you might have put
in your mail directory too or cookie files, but basically this
restores and encrypts everything.
You've got to close and open TB again before it loads the restored
registry settings.

When it doesn't work as you want, uninstall TB again.
Delete the message base
Install TB, but don't run it.
Copy your original message base back to its old location
Restore TB's old registry settings (just open the exported file)
Start TB and everything is back to normal.

One note:
When you're using a restricted user account in Windows, you can't
(un)install TB, so you've got to that that from an admin account. This
means that TB's registry settings in the account you're using TB won't
be deleted with uninstalling it. (Makes kind of sense) So you've got
to delete those settings via regedit.
Yes, this means that it's possible to run an encrypted message base in
one user account under Windows and plain under an other account. (Yes,
I'm doing that, my guest account has a plain message base)

Groetjes, Roelof

Cleanliness is next to "clean-limbed," in the dictionary.

The Bat! 3.63.06 (Beta)
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Description: PGP signature

 Current beta is 3.63.06 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Voyager - I'm crying Uncle.

2005-12-06 Thread Robert van der Hulst
Hi Nick,
On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, at 13:55:15 [GMT -0600] (which was 20:55 where I live) 
you wrote about: 'Voyager - I'm crying Uncle.'

> Hello Robert,

>> What is your setting for Home Directory in Account Properties/Files &
>> Directories. Did you speficy a complete path or are you using .
>> I have  for each account and just a Mail Directory set in
>> Preferences/System.

> A complete path. Because. and this is why I want Voyager so badly,
> I have the mail directories on a USB drive - not below the folder with
> all of TB's executables.

If you set the root mail directory in TheBat (Preferences/System) to the
USB drive, you should be able to use  for each Account.

Robert van der Hulst

Using The Bat! 3.63.06 (Beta) on Windows XP.5.1.2600 Service Pack 2


 Current beta is 3.63.06 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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Re: Voyager - I'm crying Uncle.

2005-12-06 Thread Nick Danger

Reply to message sent 12/05/2005, @ 20:44:25 (1:44 PM Locally)

Hello Robert,

> Get rid of that and let everything be relative to the General Mail
> Directory, and it works.

Wow, what an adventure that turned out to be!

I changed the directory of all my accounts to be defaulted to the
normal mail folder. Suddenly TB crashed. Big time. Wouldn't start back
up. Rebooted. Still no luck. Ran MSI repair. Nothing. Oh-oh.

I had to do a complete uninstall and reinstall.

Finally got Pro installed and running but guess what - I could never
get my common filters loaded into Pro. I'm guessing there's a real
problem associated with common filters and converting to Pro or

For giggles, since I was already in up to my neck, I added some new
common filters to Pro and tried to get Voyager up and running.

Well, changing my mail folders back to default did indeed fix the
problem of Voyager trying to access stuff that didn't exist and I got
all my accounts loaded and intact - but the new common filters I
created in Pro didn't make the transfer. So I'm stuck rebuilding
hundreds of common filters.

After all this, I have these words for Ritlabs about Voyager:

They really need to work out how to do a backup and restore from a
program that is *not* using the default settings - I can't be the only
person that was not using them.

They also need to figure out what's happening with common filters.

Still, overall I am very happy to have Voyager running - even if I
have a lot of filter rebuilding ahead of me.

Fly for now,
 òžó Nick

[MUA: The Bat! v3.63.07 (BETA)]
[OS: Windows XP 5 1]

 Current beta is 3.63.06 | 'Using TBBETA' information:
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