Re: Re(2): Subject cleaner

2005-01-13 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Jernej Simoncic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> %SETPATTREGEXP=/^(?:(?:[^:]{0,4}(?:[\[\(]\d+[\]\)])?:)?\s*(\[[^\]]*\]\s)|(?:(?:[^:]{0,4}(?:[\[\(]\d+[\]\)])?:)?\s*(?:\[[^\]]*\]\s*)?)?)%-
> \s*(?:(?:[^:]{0,4}(?:[\[\(]\d+[\]\)])?:)?\s*(?:\[[^\]]*\]\s*)?)*%-
> (.*?)%-
> ([\(\[].+[\)\]])?$/%-
> %RegExpBlindMatch="%OSubj"%-
> %Subject='Re: %SUBPATT="1"%SUBPATT="2"'

Hm, how about using the ?x-option for making the regexp a little
more readable? Here is an example of another subject cleaner that I
once wrote (not saying that this one is better than yours but only
to show how ?x could beautify your code):

--8<---cut here---start->8---
%Subject="Re: %-
(   (\[(.*?|LIST1|LIST2|LIST3)\]) # Listnames
  | (\((.*?|LIST4|LIST5|LIST6)\)) # Listnames
  | ((aw|antw|antwort|fw|fwd|forw|forward| 
(\[\d*\])?:)   # Reply counters
  | (\s*))*# This is a comment.
(.*?)(\s*) # This is a comment.
(   (\(wa(r|s)(:|\s+).*?\))
  | (\[wa(r|s)(:|\s+).*?\])
  | (\(fwd\))
  | (\(pgp.*)
  | (\(s/mime.*)
  | \z)'%-
--8<---cut here---end--->8---


Re: I'm fed up with ...

2004-08-29 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Lars Sölter writes:

> Some thing must be totally wrong, if I get flamed in the
> mailinglist of a software - for using this software.

You haven't been flamed. Everything is fine.


Re: I'm fed up with ...

2004-08-29 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Lars Sölter writes:

> The man is using some kind of editor monster to read mail.


>  Most
> email clients of these days have no problems displaying wraped
> linens. Which (in my eyes) a much more natural way to display
> text.

Gnus can of course wrap lines when viewing articles. But for some
reason or another I decided not to that.

> The recomendations have their origin in days, where the most users
> had no access to graphical user interfaces. But this times lie
> back over 15 years by now. And even on today mail systems that are
> accessed with no GUI, it should be no problem to break the lines
> in the recieving software.

Correct, this is why on the 8th day or so God invented
»Content-Type: [...] format=flowed«. Which is what you want.

But there can be no doubt that TB!'s Windows Editor doesn't send
messages the way they are displayed in the editor. Outlook Express
users have been flamed for that for many, many years now ...


Re: I'm fed up with ...

2004-08-29 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Lars Sölter writes:

>> You could switch to MicroEd.

> I'm pretty shure that my hands will die and fall of, if I do so.

They won't!

>> Or unplug your comp. Or send e-pigeons. Or use Eudora. Or Agent.
>> Or ...

> Or the poster, that has complained about my long lines could use a
> email software to read email - I know, a rather stunning concept.

He uses the most powerful (and maybe slowest :-) mail client one can
find these days and certainly rewrap your lines by pressing W w ...

This is done by a thing called Article Washing which I really would
like to see in TB! (the possibility to »do something« with a message
when viewing it, not modifying the message itself)


Re: I'm fed up with ...

2004-08-24 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Lars Sölter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> And there are more things...

Lars, I am not going to read your email. It looks unspeakably ugly.
Your lines are way too long. Simply unreadable.

The reason is that you use the so calles Window Editor. It
doesn't produce correct line breaks. That's bad.

Yes, TB! may wrap long lines while viewing messages ... some
others don't.

Here's a screenshot of what others might see:

Get well soon!


Re: Examples of new feature usage

2004-08-17 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Chris writes:

> Foster, Graham @ 2004-Aug-17 10:50:21 AM
> "Examples of new feature usage" 

>> Word document / webpage / help file / PDF (Which format??)
> HTML files available both online and as a download with a good index.
> This method, I have found, is easiest to keep maintained.

How about a Wiki?


Re: template problem

2004-06-12 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Luc writes:
> 20:00:29 where I live) Carsten Thönges would write:

>  Good  news:  problem  solved.  I  removed  the  %SubPatt  and changed
>  ='"%OFROMNAME to ='"%OFROMFNAME and all is at peace in QT heaven :-).

>  Strange that i had to adjust it because it always worked that way??

OK, it was the useless %SubPatt macro. The scope of regexp macros
changed from 1.xx to 2.xx. In 1.xx your %SubPatt always returned
an empty text while in 2.xx it returns a subpattern of the last
evaluated regexp, wherever that may be.


Re: template problem

2004-06-12 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Luc writes:

> %Qinclude="Cds" where cds :
>  %TO=""%TO="list address"%CC=""

>  %Qinclude='RTPOCDL' where RTPOCDL:
>  %TO=''%TO='"%OFROMNAME on css-discuss %SubPatt=#1#%" '

I see a %SubPatt but no regexp pattern and no match ...
And why do you adjust %To twice?

What does your To field look like after evaluating the template? And

This looks like we need more details :-)

>  and %Qinclude="IE" where IE:
>  %IF:"%TIME='hh:mm:ss'"=>"04:00:00":"%IF:'%TIME=""hh:mm:ss""'<='11:59:59':'Good
> morning'"%-%IF:"%TIME='hh:mm:ss'"=>"12:00:00":"%IF:'%TIME=""hh:mm:ss""'<='17:59:59':'Good
> afternoon'"%-%IF:"%TIME='hh:mm:ss'"=>"18:00:00":"%IF:'%TIME=""hh:mm:ss""'<='23:59:59':'Good
> evening'"%-%IF:"%TIME='hh:mm:ss'"=>"00:00:00":"%IF:'%TIME=""hh:mm:ss""'<='03:59:59':'Hello'"%-

This one works for me. (You should try to reformat you QTs as they
are hardly readable ... at least for a human being ;-)


Re: %ODate

2004-06-12 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Roland Burger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> is it possible to split "%ODate" so that I will get the date in
> German, English, etc.?

Yes. You can pass a format string to the macro:

   -> 12.06.2004

   -> 2004-06-12

The help file tells you how to use the format specifiers.


Re: Testing X-Archive - Ignore

2004-03-11 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Leif Gregory writes:

>   [...] testing to see that Gmane does it.

I find it a little irritating that

  TBTECH is gmane.mail.the-bat.devel and
  TBDEV is gmane.mail.the-bat.plugins

Is that intentional? I'd expected TBTECH to become
something like ...


Re: Question about %InputBox and variables (MyMacros 1.10)

2004-03-10 Thread Carsten Thönges
* "George M. Menegakis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I  want to make a quick template that should use one of MyMacros (%InputBox to
> be specific).

Does ist work if you change these three lines

> | %_OLDZONE=%InputBox("Old zone:","")%-
> | %_NEWZONE=%InputBox("New zone:","")%-
> | %_SOA=%InputBox("SOA:","")%-


%_OLDZONE='%InputBox("Old zone:","")'%-
%_NEWZONE='%InputBox("New zone:","")'%-



Re: BUG: Pyxie plugin output is dismissed in filter's new-message-templates

2004-03-04 Thread Carsten Thönges
* dAniel hAhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> on Wed, 03. Mar 2004 at 22:27:44 +0100 Carsten Thönges wrote:

> Thanks for your answer, but are you sure that you tested it with a
> Sorting Filter (and not "plain" QT)?

Hm, no, sorry :-)

> from re import sub, search
> from string import strip
> text = '''%TEXT'''

> text = sub('(?i)(Delivered-To: xxx'\
> '|((X-POPFile-Link|X-Text-Classification|X-GMX-Antispam|X-GMX-Antivirus): 
> ))[^\n]*\n', '', text)
> text = sub('(?i)(To|Message-ID|References|In-Reply-To): [^\n]*\n', r'\1: \n', 
> text)
> text = sub('(?i)((|xx)\s*)?[^\s]*xx[^\s;]*', '', text)

> text = text.strip()

> if not search(r'(\n\n)', text):
>text = text + '\n\n' + 'Non-text-portions stripped..'

For tasks like that you might want to take a look at Python's email


Re: BUG: Pyxie plugin output is dismissed in filter's new-message-templates

2004-03-03 Thread Carsten Thönges
* dAniel hAhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> ->8 template for "Forward to" filter action 8<-
> %PY("
> from string import replace
> from re import sub
a) import re

> text = tb.macro(r'%%TEXT')

> text = replace(text, '\nDelivered-To: GMX delivery to xxx)', '')
> text = re.sub('[EMAIL PROTECTED]', '', text)
 ^^^ or b) »text = sub(...«
> print text
> ")%-
> ->8

I get an error with your code. But it works with either
modification a) or b).


Re: MIME(?)-decoding in QT

2004-02-20 Thread Carsten Thönges
* dAniel hAhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> on Fri, 20. Feb 2004 at 16:37:44 +0100 Carsten Thönges wrote:

>>> Is it possible to convert %20 back to space or any other special chars
>>> to its "real value"?
>> Python.

> I was sure you would come up with that.. :)

> Now I'm just installing Python. I hope it works with the cygwin
> version?! We'll see..

I bet it won't work. But the native Windows version is OK. You
should also look for a good editor as the provided editor »Idle« is
not very good (SPE, Boa Constructor, Emacs, ...)

>> quoted_string = tb.macro(r'%%_tbvar')

> what's the 'r' for?

It declares the string as a »raw string« (you don't need it, it's
rather superfluous in this case).


Re: MIME(?)-decoding in QT

2004-02-20 Thread Carsten Thönges
* "Foster, Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Python!!!??? I've clearly not been paying attention. When did TB!
> become scriptable in Python??. Its its an extension - where do I get
> it. 

See  and take a look at the
thread around

| Subject: Re: TBPyxie (was: SmartBat's Evaluate Function and Order of Operations)
| Date: Thu Feb 05 19:47:14 2004 +0100

>   Can other languages be used too?

Not with that plug-in. Any why should they? Python is a wonderful


Re: MIME(?)-decoding in QT

2004-02-20 Thread Carsten Thönges
* dAniel hAhler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The problem is, that the Name is MIME(?) encoded, like this:
> Peter%20Palmreuther

> Is it possible to convert %20 back to space or any other special chars
> to its "real value"?


--8<---cut here---start->8---

import urllib

quoted_string = tb.macro(r'%%_tbvar')
print urllib.unquote(quoted_string)
--8<---cut here---end--->8---


Re: low memory win95 antivirus program with Bat plugin?

2004-02-18 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Charlie Laidlaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> can anyone recommend an antivirus program for a 486 with 16mb of ram
> running win95 osr2.5? ideally with the Bat plugin, but i suppose the
> lean/low memory requirements is more important, as the computer is
> darn sluggish already

F-Prot Antivirus for DOS. It has some problems with NTFS but this
shouldn't be an issue under Win 95.

There is a bit tricky way to combine it with The Bat! described


Re: Eliminate Blank Lines in Macro & "%-"

2004-01-25 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Greg Strong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> How do you eliminate blank lines in a macro when the data may or may not
> exist in the address book?

You don't need to eliminate them. Why don't you include the line
breaks only when you really need them? You'll just have to print
them together with the macros:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
%IF:%ABToNamePrefix<>"":"%ABToNamePrefix %ABToLastName
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

You see what I mean?


Re: Crash with recursive QT

2003-12-13 Thread Carsten Thönges
* George Mitchell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Just for giggles, I decided to write a QT to reverse a string. 

Nice one :-)

> %If:"%_Rev_Init"="":"%-
> %___%If:'%_Rev_Src'='':'%_Rev_Src(%Clipboard)'%-
> %___%SetPattRegExp('(?s)(.)(.*)')%-
> %___%_Rev_Out('')%-
> %___%_Rev_Init('T')":""%-
> %-
> %RegExpBlindMatch(%_Rev_Src)%-
> %_Rev_Out("%Subpatt(1)%_Rev_Out")%-
> %_Rev_Src(%Subpatt(2))%-
> %-
> %If:"%_Rev_Src"<>"":"%Qinclude(rev)":"%_Rev_Out"%-

> It works for short strings, but crashes TB! with long ones.

> Does anyone see a problem with my QT or am I just recursing too deep
> and overflowing the stack?

You are recursing too deep, yes.

> If the problem is recursing too deep, is it a bug that I can crash
> TB!, or is this just a case of "don't do that!"?

Two things you could do to harden your QT:

a) Check for the length of the input string (here %CLIPBOARD) and
   cut it to a reasonalbe length or print an error message.

b) Reduce the number of recursive calls. You just have to modify two
   lines to speed up the QT and increase the maximum size of your
   input string:

   | [...]
   | %_Rev_Out("%Subpatt(3)%Subpatt(2)%Subpatt(1)%_Rev_Out")%-
   | %_Rev_Src(%Subpatt(4))%-
   | [...]

(BTW: you should add this one to Marcks QT Library)


Re: automatically extracting text from start of a letter?

2003-11-27 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Charlie Laidlaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> right now it does when i reply is this:
> on 17/11/03, Animal-List wrote

> AL> From: Marc MacYoung
> AL> Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003

> AL> Slugg
>>> > Without knowing all the facts of this case, I
>>> > believe ...

> what i want it to do is this:

I don't think this really is what you want ...

> on 17/11/03, Marc MacYoung wrote
  This is the date the mailing list software forwarded
  Marc's e-mail to the list, not when he sent the mail.

> AL> From: Marc MacYoung
> AL> Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003
 These quote initials are misleading. Actually you want
 »CL«. I'd recommend to not use quote initialls at all.

> oh, deleting the first two text lines (From: and Sent:) is not at all
> essential, but it would be nifty. i'm not sure why the date there is
> different from what Bat identifies as the creation date, but i don't
> really care.

You could try something like this in your reply template for that
special mailing list:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
%RegExpMatch(%Text) wrote:

--8<---cut here---end--->8---

If you are interested in stuff like that you should take a look at


Re: Week of the year

2003-11-22 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Mark Partous <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Saturday, November 22, 2003, 12:10:25 AM, you wrote:

>>> I don't know if there are any other...
>> No yet, But I'll send code to Andrey for next verion's update

> Do you mean code for "Week of the year"?

... and don't forget that there is more than one definition for
»week of the year«. :-/


Re: changing the 'from' account for a email i'm about to send?

2003-10-21 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Januk Aggarwal writes:

> =[Begin requote2 QT]=
> %-
> %_COMMENT=_%SETPATTREGEXP="(?is-m)^(((\w{0,5}?(\>\s*)+)?)(.*?)\n(.*)$|\z)"%-
^ isn't this one interpreted as a
  closing bracket?

Re: RexExp für eBay

2003-10-02 Thread Carsten Thönges

> I wrote a macro for replaying to to eBay-auktions message with help
> from some examples in the forum a long time ago. Unfortunately eBay
> has changed the format of their mail and I couldn't rewrite the regexp
> to fetch the email address.

Does  help?
This is a German text.

Re: Some Newbie Questions...

2003-07-06 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Januk Aggarwal writes:
> Choppystride [C] unveiled:

>> Is there a easy way for me to configure TB to call an external
>> program (i.e. as a menu item, a button, a shortcut, etc.) so that
>> it can run my script?

> Create a manual filter that does nothing and assign it a hotkey.
> Under the Actions tab you can "Run External Program".  There is a
> trick in selecting options so that the filter will run in any folder
> and not move the current message to the inbox.  I don't remember
> exactly what options you should use, but I'm sure someone here will
> fill in the details.

Sorting Office, your Rule, Options:

[ ] Check the selected message against this rule

Re: Filters

2003-07-02 Thread Carsten Thönges
* David Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a filter set up to take of a series of automatic email notification.
> These emails are from and to the same person [EMAIL PROTECTED]

> But this filter is also catching email with

> Return-path: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> From: David Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To: David Elliott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Do you think that this is right.

No. I think it is wrong. The Reply-To address does not necessarily
belong to the sender.

Re: message subject in bold

2003-06-27 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Wilfried Mestdagh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>  I have a strange email in another mailing lsit. The message subject is bold.
>  When I toggle read / unread it stay bold but seems to change font. If I reply
>  to it or forward it then in the top panel of my form (where To, CC, BCC,
>  Subject edit fields are) all is in bold too.

>  Someone have an idea how this is possible ?

Did you define Color Groups? If you activate [x] bold for "normal"
and "unread" messages you get exactly the effect you are describing.

I could imagine that one of your forgotten¹ filters assigns such a
color group to some messages -- but this is only guessing.

¹  I always forget setting filters inactive I created only for
   testing purposes. Argh. After not getting mails in a certain
   account for nearly half a year, I found out that I once created a
   filter to test selective downloads. Uhh. Okay, the account wasn't
   that important ...

Re: reply to html messages quote text does not wrap normal

2003-06-19 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Domagoj Klepac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Wednesday, June 18, 2003, 1:03:47 AM, Carsten wrote:
>> * Domagoj Klepac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>>> What's that paragraph mark in the middle of ct_quotes:
>>> %-%-%-%-%REGEXPMATCH=~%COMMENT~§%- ..maybe something didn't get
>>> sent through e-mail properly?

>> ROTFL ;-)

> OK, I'm lousy at regexs... ;))) so go ahead, make fun of me. I deserve
> it. :)

(-: Don't get me wrong, you are absolutely right.

Some QT code *is* terribly ugly and if any mail on its way through
the internet ever gets currupted then the result will be something very
similar to %-%-%-%-%REGEXPMATCH=~%COMMENT~§%- *grin*

Re: reply to html messages quote text does not wrap normal

2003-06-18 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Charlie Laidlaw <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> on Tuesday, 17 June 2003, Marck wrote

[ ct_quotes ]

>> This will wrap long lines, but only long lines. It doesn't deal with
>> short lines at all so a paragraph of long-ish lines will end up
>> "limping" (a full length line followed by a short line followed by a
>> full length line followed by a short line ... etc.).

> ok, can you help a bit more please. I made a QT of the above called
> qt_quotes, then i put it in the following QT called 'driver'

> %Comment="%QInclude='quote_cleanup'"%-
> %QInclude="qt_quotes"%-
> %Comment=""%-

Make sure that when you rename the QT from ct_quotes to qt_quotes
you must also adjust its recursive call %QINCLUDE='ct_quotes' to

Re: reply to html messages quote text does not wrap normal

2003-06-18 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Domagoj Klepac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What's that paragraph mark in the middle of ct_quotes:
> %-%-%-%-%REGEXPMATCH=~%COMMENT~§%-
> ..maybe something didn't get sent through e-mail properly?


Re: Freezing problems using networking features

2003-06-11 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Joel Johnstone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just set up three copies of The Bat! (one server and two clients)
> using the networking features.  It's been running for a few days and
> I'm having terrible freezing problems.  I assume the problem is
> related to the networking setup because all copies freeze at the same
> time. [...]

I experienced problems when the client somtimes starts to consume
more and more RAM (incl. pagefiles) until the whole system (W2k) is
kind of frozen. But that doesn't happen every ten minutes but
approximately three or four times a week.

Is this the kind of freezing you are talking about?

Re: Add_Reference Now Works

2003-06-04 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Bill McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The filter found in The Bat! Library does not function as
> "advertised."  The problem is in the export template.  The following
> macro was tested with all 21 possible locations of multi-line
> In-Reply-To and References lines (since I don't know the official
> rules as to where these must be).

I didn't do that much tests, but I think you can shorten this QT a bit.

 > --8<---cut here---start->8---
 > %SetPattRegExp="(?ismx)
 > (?:
 >   (?:
 > (.*?)  # SubPatt 1
1> (?:
1>   ^In-Reply-To: | ^References:
1> )
1> .*?\n(?:\s.*?\n)*
X> (.*?)  # SubPatt 2
2> (?:
2>   ^In-Reply-To: | ^References:
2> )
2> .*?\n(?:\s.*?\n)*
X> (.*?)  # SubPatt 3
 >   )
 >   |
 >   (?:
 > (.*?)  # SubPatt 4
3> (?:
3>   ^In-Reply-To: | ^References:
3> )
3> .*?\n(?:\s.*?\n)*
X> (.*?)  # SubPatt 5
 >   )
 >   |
X>   (.*?)# SubPatt 6
 > )
 > --8<---cut here---end--->8---

There are three equal parts (1, 2, 3) that match an IRT or Refereces
header. Each followed by an "(.*?)" (X). You first check for the
existance of both headers, then for only 1 or none.

--8<---cut here---start->8---
(.*?)  # SubPatt 1
^In-Reply-To: | ^References:
  (.*?)# SubPatt 2
){0,2}  #  <- !!!
In-Reply-To: %ClipBoard

--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Again, this is not fully tested, but I think it is just a shorter
version of your pattern. And I hope it works as good as yours.

> Please let me know if you see any improvements or problems I've
> overlooked.

I didn't see any problems (maybe the \n\n should be a \n+, but I
don't know). Actually I'm not even sure if this shorter version is
an improvement.

Re: Macro problem: Using the "Rethread messages" from the MacroLibrary

2003-06-03 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Bill McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I was playing around today with the Add Reference macro.  The task of
> adding the reference looks easy.  But removing the references has been
> surprisingly difficult.

> [...] Let's assume that either there is no In-Reply-To or
> Reference lines OR they are both present with the Reference lines
> immediately following the In-Reply-To line.

> %SetPattRegExp="(?is)((.*\n)%-
> In-Reply-To:.*?\nReferences:.*?\n%-
> (?:\s.*?\n)*)%-
> |((.*\n))%-
> (.*)\n"%-
> %RegExpBlindMatch="%Headers"%SubPatt="2"%SubPatt="4"%SubPatt="5"
> %Text

> If they exist, SubPatt 2 contains the header text before the
> In-Reply-To line as expected.  However SubPatt 5 is empty.

Yes. Your Regular Expression is wrong. Read on.

> I pasted the header to Vim editor session and typed the command:

> s/\v((\_.*\n)In-Reply-To:.*\nReferences:.*\n%(\s.*\n)*)|((\_.*\n))(\_.*)/\2\4\5

> This worked perfectly.

No, it didn't. The lines following the References: header stay
untouched. That makes it look like it "worked perfectly" ;-)

Add a few \5 at the end of the Vim command and you'll see that the
result doesn't change. That means \5 is empty. Just like the empty
subpatterns of your PCRE version in The Bat!

This is it your version:

> ((.*\n)In-Reply-To:.*?\nReferences:.*?\n(?:\s.*?\n)*)|((.*\n))(.*)
  ||| | | | |||||  |
  |'' '-' | |''|'--'
  '---' '--'

The priority of the vertical bar is lower than the priority of a
ordinary concatenation of subpatterns. So your RE checks for "any
text + In-Reply-To: line + References: lines (nothing more)" OR "any
text (= patterns trailing the |)". That leads exactly to the results
your are experiencing.

Compare these two examples to see what I mean (the first one is like
you did it, the second one is like you wanted it ;-)

| %setpattregexp="(ab)(c)|(x)(def)"
| %regexpblindmatch="abcdef"
| %subpatt="0" -> abc
| %subpatt="1" -> ab
| %subpatt="2" -> c
| %subpatt="3" -> 
| %subpatt="4" -> 
| %setpattregexp="(ab)((c)|(x))(def)"
| %regexpblindmatch="abcdef"
| %subpatt="0" -> abcdef
| %subpatt="1" -> ab
| %subpatt="2" -> c
| %subpatt="3" -> c
| %subpatt="4" -> 
| %subpatt="5" -> def

And what you actually want is this:

|||| | | | ||||  |
||'' '-' | ''|'--'
|'---'   |

As a quick template:

--8<---cut here---start->8---
--8<---cut here---end--->8---

Uuuhhh, I really need recovery from using Vim...

[1] drawing such lines without a free caret editor is horrible!

Re: change quote character

2003-06-02 Thread Carsten Thönges
* David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

CT>> BTW when you change the Quick Template's name (I guess you want to
CT>> keep the original bq) don't forget to adjust the %QIncludes to the
CT>> new name.

> Here, though, I found that if I made the %qincludes to be for "bqq"
> (the name I've given to this new template), it didn't work, but if I
> keep them as "bq", they work fine.

With these changes your QT works here as expected -- and calls
itself, not bq.

> %REM=' bqq - Paste as BQQ
> original written by Carsten Thoenges, December 2002
> '%-
> %If:+%-
> %-%SetPattRegExp=&\A(ct,6567,,,TOH)&%-
> %-%RegExpMatch=&%Comment&+<>+ct,6567,,,TOH+%-
> :+%-
> %-,- [ %OFROMNAME said: ]%-

%-,- [ %OFROMNAME said: ]

> %-%COMMENT='%TEXT'%-
> %-%COMMENT='%QINCLUDE="wrap2"'%-
> %-%IF:"%SETPATTREGEXP='(?is).*\n\z'%REGEXPMATCH='%COMMENT'"=""%-
> :"%-
> '"%-
> %-%Comment=&ct,6567,,,TOH%COMMENT&%QInclude=&bq&%-


> %-`---+%-
> :+%-
> %-%IF:"%-
> %-%SETPATTREGEXP='(?is)\A.*?\n(.*)'%-
> :"%-
> %-%SETPATTREGEXP='(?is)\Act,6567,,,TOH(.*?)\n'%-
> %-
> %-%COMMENT='ct,6567,,,TOH%-
> %-%SETPATTREGEXP=_(?is)\Act,6567,,,TOH.*?\n(.*)_%-
> %-%QINCLUDE='bq'"%-


> :"| %SETPATTREGEXP=&\Act,6567,,,TOH(.*)&%-
> %-%-%COMMENT=''"%-
> +%


(a minus was missing in the last line)

> Now - does anyone know how to get the text to wrap properly like this,
> but keep the original spaces between the paragraphs instead of lumping
> everything together into one long, orgiastic paragraph?

Should work with this new version.

Re: Macro problem: Using the "Rethread messages" from the MacroLibrary

2003-06-01 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Bill McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> The key is knowing what macro represents the clip board.  I couldn't
> find it.


Re: change quote character

2003-06-01 Thread Carsten Thönges
* David <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Your bqq template does not put the ",-[ from: ]" leader nor the
> "`--" trailer like the original boxquotes template. I tried to
> modify yours to include those (by copying how the original bq
> template did it), but for some reason it adds garbage at the end of
> the "`-", a bunch of +, :, and |.

Okay, with these 3 modifications your quick template should work:

> ___
> %REM=' bq - Paste as BQQ
> original written by Carsten Thoenges, December 2002
> '%-
> %If:+%-
> %-%SetPattRegExp=&\A(ct,6567,,,TOH)&%-
> %-%RegExpMatch=&%Comment&+<>+ct,6567,,,TOH+%-
> :+%-
> %-,- [ %OFROMNAME said: ]%-
%-,- [ %OFROMNAME said: ]
> %-%COMMENT='%TEXT'%-
> %-%COMMENT='%QINCLUDE="wrap2"'%-
> %-%IF:"%SETPATTREGEXP='(?is).*\n\z'%REGEXPMATCH='%COMMENT'"=""%-
> :"%-
> '"%-
> %-%Comment=&ct,6567,,,TOH%COMMENT&%QInclude=&bq&+%-

> %-`---+%-
> :+%-
> %-%IF:"%-
> %-%SETPATTREGEXP='(?is)\A.*?\n(.*)'%-
> :"%-
> %-%SETPATTREGEXP='(?is)\Act,6567,,,TOH(.*?)\n'%-

> %-
> %-%COMMENT='ct,6567,,,TOH%-
> %-%SETPATTREGEXP=_(?is)\Act,6567,,,TOH.*?\n(.*)_%-
> %-%QINCLUDE='bq'"%-
> :"| %SETPATTREGEXP=&\Act,6567,,,TOH(.*)&%-
> %-%-%COMMENT=''"%-
> +%-

BTW when you change the Quick Template's name (I guess you want to
keep the original bq) don't forget to adjust the %QIncludes to the
new name.

Re: Macro problem: Using the "Rethread messages" from the MacroLibrary

2003-06-01 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Bill McCarthy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Thu 29-May-03 12:13pm-0400, Gwyn Evans wrote:

> If there is a References: line, remove only it.  Any In-Reply-To: line
> stays put as do any references that had followed the References: line.

> So if the following sequence was encountered:

> In-Reply-To: 
> References: 

> That block would be changed to:

> In-Reply-To: 

To completely remove the references you have to change one line of
the originally posted QT:

DELETE: %SETPATTREGEXP="(?is)(.*)\n(References:.*?\>)\n(.*)"%-
INSERT: %SetPattRegexp="(?ism)(.*)(\nReferences:.*?)\n(\S.*)"%-

> I don't see where it adds the reference from the clip board and I
> don't think that what it does makes sense.

Hm, that might be true. Actually I never used this QT and don't know
how it works.

Re: Saving the "Newsgroup:" kludge

2003-03-18 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Andrew Aronoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> %SETPATTREGEXP="(Newsgroups:.*?\n)"%-
>> Does this work?
>> %REGEXPBlindMATCH="%HEADERS"%subpatt="1"%-

> Better, but not yet perfect. It inserts a carriage return after the
> Newsgroups: line.

Okay, then try:

Gruß, Carsten

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Saving the "Newsgroup:" kludge

2003-03-18 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Andrew Aronoff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I still don't understand why
> %SETPATTREGEXP="(Newsgroups:.*\n)"%-

  Does this work?

> %REGEXPBlindMATCH="%HEADERS"%subpatt="1"

> ... does not work as anticipated. I suspect (please confirm) a bug in
> The Bat! regex handling.
Gruß, Carsten

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Template to Remove Leading Spaces

2003-02-24 Thread Carsten Thönges
* Januk Aggarwal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> You need to use a recursive template for that type of processing.
> That means you need two templates (you can do it with one, but the
> only person I know of who has done it correctly is Carsten). [...]

Yes, you could write a single QT for that purpose. But I'd recommend
to use two, just like the ones Januk posted.

Why? Just because those QT pairs are much simpler to create and
debug... There is only a few template pairs I merged into a new one,
like the boxquote template[1], just because it simplifies
"installation" for some newbies :-)

[1] you can find it on my not-up-to-date (sorry) web page
Best regards, Carsten

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Need help with Regex in filter

2003-01-21 Thread Carsten Thönges
* "Miguel A. Urech" writes:

> I need/want to set up a manual filter to flag messages that include a
> MID from me (my domain) in the References header line.


This one finds your FQDM (here>) in the
References: header lines only. Here is a short example:

, [ part of a mail header (with line numbers) ]
| 1  X-another-X-Header: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| 2  In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| 3  References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
| 5   <18921040171.20030121145911@[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|10  X-another-X-Header: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The regexp matches the Message-ID in line 3. If the message id in
line 3 was different it would match the one in line 7, but never the
one in line 10. It ignores the one in line 1 (X-another-X-Header
could stand for From:, CC:, Message-ID, etc.),2 or 10. The
References: header is the only header that counts for this regular


It looks for the string References: only at the beginning of
lines. If the domain part of the message id isn't in this first line
(line 3 from our example) it examines the following lines (4-9) as
long as they start with a whitespace character (folding).

BTW if isn't "unique" enough (also interesting for gmx,
hotmail, myrealbox, etc. users) there is a way in the TB! to
customize the domain part of your message-id:

In the account properties choose a (invalid) From: address like
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and your message ids will look like
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Okay, you have to change back your
from adress to the correct one (automatically in your templates via

This makes it easier to automagically detect even indirect answers
to your postings. HTH.
Best regards, Carsten

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: spamfilters

2002-08-29 Thread Carsten Thönges

* kjarri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> What spamfilters are you guys (and girls) using with The Bat!?

> I have used spamassassin under unix (KMail + spamassassin) and i am
> very pleased with it. Has anyone integrated spamassassin with The
> Bat!? Any ideas of other powerful spam filters?


Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.62/Beta1) Business
Windows 2000 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Message-id composition?

2002-05-07 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Peter, hi list,

* Peter Palmreuther (PP) writes:

PP> But to sum it up: there's written nearly the same as already done by me in
PP> :

PP> Make a god faith attempt to generate a _UNIQUE_ ID, formed 'foo@bar', the
PP> rest doesn't really matter :-)

Hm, don't know Agent but I heard the rumor that Agent would encrypt
its serial number in generated MIDs...

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.60j) Business
Windows 2000 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Even a better version (was: Reply Format)

2002-04-19 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Nick, hi list,

* Nick Danger (ND) writes:

[ pick out multiple info from an e-mail ]

ND> Just for my own curiosity, what if there were 3 or 4 instances?  Is
ND> there a logical progression?

There is even a better solution. See what I found in my inbox this

| Hi Carsten,
| I was quickly browsing the archives for TBTECH and saw your reply to
| Nick Danger's question about multiple "Item" lines.  Why not use one of
| your nifty recursive templates to do the job for an arbitrary number of
| items?  (BTW, I'm not using TB at the moment, so this is untested.)
| ===[QT: item_list]===
| %QINCLUDE="item"%-
| ==
| ===[QT: item]===
| %IF:"%-
| %-%-%SETPATTREGEXP='(?msi)^item'%-
| "<>"":"%-
| %-%-%SETPATTREGEXP='(?msi)^item:\s*(.*?)\s*\n'%-
| %-%-%COMMENT='%-
| %-%-%-%-%SETPATTREGEXP=_(?msi)^item:\s*.*?\s*\n(.*)_%-
| %-%-%-%-%REGEXPMATCH=_%COMMENT_'%-
| %-%-%QINCLUDE='item'%-
| ":"%-
| %-%-%COMMENT=''"
| ==
| Have fun!
| Januk Aggarwal

Untested, but working :)

Best regards, Carsten
(Januk gave his okay to forward this to TBTECH)
The Bat! (v1.60d) Business
Windows 2000 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Re: Reply Format

2002-04-12 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Nick, hi list,

* Nick Danger (ND) writes:

>>  First Item: %SetPattRegexp="(?msi)^item:\s*(.*?)\s*\n"%RegexpMatch="%Text"
>> Second Item: %SetPattRegexp="(?msi)^item:.*?^item:\s*(.*?)\s*\n"%RegexpMatch="%Text"
>> firstsecond
>> item item

ND> Just for my own curiosity, what if there were 3 or 4 instances?  Is
ND> there a logical progression?

yes, there is:

 First Item: %SetPattRegexp="(?msi)^item:\s*(.*?)\s*\n"%RegexpMatch="%Text"
Second Item: %SetPattRegexp="(?msi)^item:.*?^item:\s*(.*?)\s*\n"%RegexpMatch="%Text"
 Third Item: 


 First Item:%-
Second Item:%-
 Third Item:%-
Fourth Item:%-

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.60d) Business
Windows 2000 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Re: Reply Format

2002-04-12 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Nick, hi list,

* Nick Danger (ND) writes:

KM>>> Hi (insert their name from "your_name:"),
>> Hi %SetPattRegexp="(?msi)^your_name:\s*(.*?)\s*\n"%RegexpMatch="%Text",

ND> I've got a semi-related question.  Say you're trying to pick out
ND> multiple info from an e-mail with the exact same prefix.

ND> Item: Bicycle
ND> blah, blah, blah...

ND> Item: Television
ND> blah, blah, blah..

ND> Is there any way to lift both items and deposit in a reply?

 First Item: %SetPattRegexp="(?msi)^item:\s*(.*?)\s*\n"%RegexpMatch="%Text"
Second Item: %SetPattRegexp="(?msi)^item:.*?^item:\s*(.*?)\s*\n"%RegexpMatch="%Text"
item item

,- [ qt's output when used in a reply to your mail ]
|  First Item: Bicycle
| Second Item: Television
Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.60d) Business
Windows 2000 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Re: Reply Format

2002-04-12 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Ken, hi list,

* Ken & Marilyn (KM) writes:

KM> hot_rum: Hot Rum
KM> your_name: Jack Schmedlap
KM> your_email_address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
KM> Submit: Submit

KM> Hi (insert their name from "your_name:"),

Hi %SetPattRegexp="(?msi)^your_name:\s*(.*?)\s*\n"%RegexpMatch="%Text",

KM> You  subscribed  using  the  address of (insert "your_email_address:")

You subscribed using the address of


%Wrapped='You subscribed using the address of
%SetPattRegexp="(?msi)^your_email_address:\s*(.*?)\s*\n"%RegexpMatch="%Text", blah 
HTH + best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.60d) Business
Windows 2000 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Re: "What's new in The Bat! 1.60?"

2002-03-25 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Luc, hi list,

Luc (L) writes:

GE>> Press "Reset" in Xlat tables dialog.

L>  That was easy lol. But how do i get the euro sign to appear when i
L>  type ?

If your keyboard doesn't support the EUR-Sign you could copy/paste
this one ->"¤"<- into a quick template and use that qt to insert Euro
symbols ;)

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.60) Business
Windows 2000 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Re: Rot13 encryption

2002-03-17 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Melissa,

>> it's slow, it's ugly, it's a rot13 encoder for TB!'s editor ;-)

MR> And so... my question is:  Why?  Why rot13 at all?  It's not
MR> "encryption", it's igpay atinlay.  :-)

| How many hardware engineers does it take to change a lightbulb?
| Abar: "Jr'yy svk vg va fbsgjner."

This is why ;-)
Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/49) Business
Windows 2000 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Re: Rot13 encryption

2002-03-17 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Gerd,

* Gerd Ewald writes:
GE> On Sun, 17 Mar 2002 19:35:18 +0100 GMT your local time,
GE> which was 17.03.2002, 19:35 (GMT+0100) where I live, you wrote:

>> it's slow, it's ugly, it's a rot13 encoder for TB!'s editor ;-)

GE> Well done! But why don't you use the possibility that is offered on
GE> Guenther Eiseles site ? It adds another
GE> character set in the menu View, Character Set.

I know, but that one is best for _viewing_ Rot-13 text ;-)

GE> Doesn't xlat-ROT13.reg work with the 1.54 version? Or is there another
GE> reason? If so, it is at least a possibility for 1.53 users to use
GE> ROT13 ;-)

IMHO composing mails with this character set thingy is nothing but a
pa^w - eh - I mean difficult... ;-)

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/49) Business
Windows 2000 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Rot13 encryption

2002-03-17 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi list,

it's slow, it's ugly, it's a rot13 encoder for TB!'s editor ;-)

This is another one of these recursive templates. Use it like this:
simply copy some (short!) text into the clipboard and execute the r13
quick template (r13 Ctrl+Space).

You'll need both attached templates. And don't forget that it's
extremely slow, so you shouldn't encrypt more than a few lines.

,- [ this text took about 4 seconds to encrypt (P3 700) ]
| Uv yvfg,
| vg'f fybj, vg'f htyl, vg'f n ebg13 rapbqre sbe GO!'f rqvgbe ;-)
| Guvf vf nabgure bar bs gurfr erphefvir grzcyngrf. Hfr vg yvxr guvf:
| fvzcyl pbcl fbzr (fubeg!) grkg vagb gur pyvcobneq naq rkrphgr gur e13
| dhvpx grzcyngr (e13 Pgey+Fcnpr).
| Lbh arrq obgu nggnpurq grzcyngrf. Naq qba'g sbetrg gung vg'f rkgerzryl
| fybj.

And yes, it will crash your v1.53. Use it only with TB! v1.54 (beta).

   source of QT r13_r
 source of QT r13

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/49) Business
Windows 2000 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323


Re: Delete certain lines in quote

2002-03-03 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Dominik,

>> Is it possible to delete lines starting with "mfg" in a quote??

[ Dominik's recursive templates ]

TB! v1.53 users should not test these recursive templates as this will
cause TB! to crash/hang.

,- [ never forget to mention ]
| These funny recursive templates work only on TB! v1.54 beta. Enjoy :-)
Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/45) Business
Windows 2000 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Re: RegExp : Remove all emails in text for automatic forward

2002-01-20 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Alexis,

AH>  Objective:
AH>  (In automatic filter, in template msg for "Forward to action")
AH>  Remove all instance of string of e-mail in body message, for forward
AH>  a msg without e-mail (our privacy policy)


AH>  regexp e-mail is: ^[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]{2,}[.][a-zA-Z]{2,4}$
AH>  ok ?

Looks good, but I don't know if this is 100% okay ;-)
AH> Date : %ODate, %OTimeLong
AH> %SUBJECT="%OSUBJ (without comment)"%-
AH> %FROM=""%-

AH> ==
AH> No answer needs to be formulated.

This one only works with _one_ address. Something like

[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]{2,}[.][a-zA-Z]{2,4}$)(.*)? ...

_could_ work (not tested) with up to n mail addresses.

But you can solve the problem with the help of recursive
"replace all" quicktemplates.

qt a: - %comment="%text"
  - qinclude="b"

qt b: - test: is there an email pattern in comment
  - if no: print whole comment
  - if yes: print comment until first appearence of mail pattern
(insert replace string, empty in this case)
cut printed part + mail address from comment
call b again

Also take a look at the footnote[1] qts. Comment is parsed for
(FB:.*?#) here...

I didn't test that, too. But it should work :-)

[1] msgid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] and replys
Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/30) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Re: Pick e-mail & name from text - Regex Help

2002-01-19 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Raj,

R> [...] I then need to send out standard e-mail to the candidates
R> requesting them to send details as per a particular format. [...]
R> What I need to achieve is pick out the names (nice to have) and
R> e-mail id's of the candidate(must).

This one should detect mail addresses:
^\s*brief of the resume\s*$%-
Picking names is really difficult. You have to define exact rules
where names could appear in the text, but that isn't easy ;-)

BTW Question to the experts:
is there something like an "official regexp" for e-mail addresses?
HTH + best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/30) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Re: Regexp needed, please help

2002-01-17 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Marek,

MM>  Name: 
MM>  Surname: 
MM>  e-mail: 

You could try this one:
"%subpatt=_1_, %subpatt=_2_" <%subpatt="3">'%-

HTH :-)

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/30) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Re: Custom quote prefix style

2002-01-09 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Jernej,

JS>  On the TBUDL list was asked some times, if the quote prefix could be
JS>  changed to anything without the '>' sign. This is pretty easy to
JS>  achieve with a little modification to the boxquote QT's and the reply
JS>  template:

hmm, isn't that exactly what "nq"[1] does? It's important - like you
did - to copy and rename "bq2" when you want to use _other_
quotestyles (like ' : ! etc), not |.

,- [ CT in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
| New Quotestyle (QT 'nq'):
|  In a reply just call the 'nq' template. Quotes are inserted with just
|  an '|' at the beginning of each line. 'nq' detects '-- '.
|  But please do not use this QT as we all should keep on using simple
|  '>'s. Just take it as a proof that TB! can use '|'s for quoted text
|  ;-)
|  | Hello Carsten,
|  |
|  | how about [...]
|  | again. We could [...]
|  | and if nothing [...]

--==[ QT: nq ]--
%REM=_Cut out part before '^-- $'_%-
%REM=_and insert it into comment_%-
%REM=_Call QT_%-
%SETPATTREGEXP='(?ism)[\n]*(.*?)[\n]*((-- [\n])|\z)'%-

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/25) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Re: linking recursive QTs

2001-12-27 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Jan,

JR>   Except for the extra space @ the bottom, it works like a
JR>   charm, Januk. I see the difference in the templates but I
JR>   don't understand the statement that caused the extra
JR>   line(s).

It was the two missing %- that caused the line-breaks :-)

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/20) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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Re: Anti virus packages

2001-12-21 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Alastair,

[ F-Prot / DOS ]

AS> Just to make this clear, the Windows client [which you pay for] has an
AS> Update button and automated download; the DOS client [which is free,
AS> and can be downloaded on its own; it is supplied with the Windows
AS> client anyway] has manual updates.

You could use WGET[1] to download the latest virus
definitions automatically:


you could

 - download the virus definitions
 - unzip them
 - check PGP signatures
 - copy files into f-prot directory

in a shell/batch script. I always wanted to write such a script,

BTW I use F-Prot like described on Günther's web site :-)

[1] comes with cygwin ;-)
Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/18) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2, PGP 0xe2d25323

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2001-12-17 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Alexander,

AdG>> Beta issue ?
AdG>> problem occur here too but my full reply is on TBBeta ;)

AL> No, no... It's simply, as I can reconstruct it... It happens for The
AL> Bat with "user's level" account presented, and _doesn't_ - with only
AL> "pure admin"

Okay. That's it.

But, Alexander, is it normal to have this huge amount of duplicate
lines in this file (see my first mail, and Alain's mail in tbbeta)?
TIA + best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/16a) Business
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Re: Reply template for quoting blank lines

2001-12-07 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Pete,

[ snipped and ACK ]

P> But hey, we are different. We have different sense of aesthetics.

You are right. But we just had to demonstrate hat TB! _can_ quote
empty lines... if we want :-)

You don't use the macro - neither do I ;-)
Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/15) Business
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Re: Reply template for quoting blank lines

2001-12-05 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Andreas,

>> Dear Carsten, would it be possible to change the QT so that doubly
>> quoted lines begin with ">>"? Thank you very much in advance.

H, let me think... yes, i think it's possible ;-)

AW> [...] Maybe it would be better to let TB! do the quoting, and in
AW> the result just replace every blank line with a line consisting of
AW> one single ">" character.

Yes, this is exactly what I did :-) These should work with the different
%quotestyle settings. Does it work allright now?

This is QT 'quote_bl':
(Regexp strips blank lines at the beginning and the end of %quotes.)

This is QT 'quote2':
:$%setpattregexp=_^(.{0,10}>+) _%REGEXPMATCH=_%qheaders_$
(Writes line by line of 'orignial quotes'. Uses %qheaders to get the
 right quotation for blank lines. Detects initials up to 10

Your reply template could look like:

Still bugs?

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/15) Business
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Re: Reply template for quoting blank lines

2001-12-04 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Andreas,

> could someone please post a reply template by which blank lines are
> quoted (i.e. start with a ">"). Maybe this can be realized similar to
> the multi-paragraph %WRAPPED replacement which was recently posted
> here.
> Unfortunately, I have absolutely no experience with regular
> expressions and macros, but I really would be happy about blank lines
> being quoted.

QT 'quote_bl' does it.
Add %QINCLUDE="quote_bl" to your reply template.

This is QT 'quote_bl':
%REM=_Cut out part before '^-- $'_%-
%REM=_and insert it into comment_%-
%REM=_Call QT_%-
%SETPATTREGEXP='(?ism)[\n]*(.*?)[\n]*((-- [\n])|\z)'%-

This is QT 'quote2': (needed)

Maybe someone could modify the QTs for a correct "%quotestyle-ing".

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54 Beta/15) Business
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Re: Idea or RegExp wanted

2001-11-27 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Alexander,

AL> I started tool, which can test incoming mail and add additional header

Under which type of licence?! :-) *scnr*

AL> "X-Spam-Chance: xx", where xx is value of chance

AL> now I have _big_ trouble... How to detect strings, where number is
AL> more (for example), than 5...

I guess you want wo create a filter in TB! to move such mails into
special folders...

Strings: (?ism)^X-Spam-Chance:\s*0*(([2-9][0-9])|([1-9]\d{2,}))
Location: Kludges
Presence: Yes
[x] Regular Expressions

Let's take a closer look to the RegExp. This one works for a
spam-chance value >= 20

¯¯   ¯¯¯
20 to 99  100 to infinity

spam-chance value >= 5 (not tested, but should work)

¯   ¯¯¯
covers   covers
5 - 910 to infinity

HTH + Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business
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Re: Footnotes à la KorrNews

2001-11-23 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Silviu,

SC> A little something that will make adding the footnote tag easier
SC> to edit:

SC> ,- [ afn ]
SC> | (FN:#)
SC> '-

yes, very good idea!

But I'd prefer

,- [ QT: afn ]

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business
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Re: Footnotes à la KorrNews

2001-11-23 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Januk,

CT>> !!! The maximum number of footnotes is 9 !!!

JA> [...] A minor adjustment to the regexps will allow an
JA> arbitrary number of footnotes.  See below.

Wow, that was quick! Thank you so much :-)

Best regards, Carsten (working on tic-tac-toe for TB! *gg*)

The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business
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Footnotes à la KorrNews

2001-11-23 Thread Carsten Thönges

Dear Ritlabs, thank you for %CALC. It was a good decision to implement
it, all critics were wrong ;-)

Hi list,

I made a new macro for footnotes like in KorrNews. This is how to use

Write a mail, for example:

,- [ Mail text before ]
| Dear Melissa,
| do you know The Bat!? What a fantastic E-Mail client it is. You can
| download it directly from Ritlabs ( or write a mail
| to John (FN:[EMAIL PROTECTED]#) to bla bla bla ...
| -- 
| Best regards
| Carsten

Now copy the whole text into the clipboard, call the QT (+a,
+x, fn +) and your mail looks like:

,- [ Mail text after ]
| Dear Melissa,
| do you know The Bat!? What a fantastic E-Mail client it is. You can
| download it directly from Ritlabs [1] or write a mail
| to John [2] to bla bla bla ...
| [1]
| -- 
| Best regards
| Carsten

You still have to +L the paragraph and everything is okay. I
experienced that it is better first to write a paragraph and then add
the (FN:blablabla#), so the lines shrink to nearly normal length after
cutting out (FN:blablabla#) by the QTs, and you might not need +L

Footnotes are being pasted right above the '-- ' or - if there is
none - under the last line.

!!! The maximum number of footnotes is 9 !!!

BTW I used the first character in %COMMENT to store the counter
"variable". Doing this you can define as many "variables" as you want.
Everything seems possible :-)

Tested only with TB! 1.54/10e. Please report bugs (including fixes ;-)
to the list. I hope %REM documentation is clear enough for you to
modify the QTs for your own special likings.

--[ QT: fn ]==--
%REM='Copy counter and clipboard into comment'%-
%REM='Call fn2'%-
%REM='Cut counter variable out of comment'%-
%REM='Print and clear comment'%-

fn2 is only called by fn and itself.

=-[ QT: fn2 ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
%REM='Is there still a (FN:.*$#)?'%-
%REM='If yes: Split and rebuild comment'%-
%REM='Increase counter and save it in position 1.'%-
%REM='Cut FN text and paste it to the right place'%-
%REM='Call this QT again.'%-
%SETPATTREGEXP="(?ism)(.)(.*?)(\(FN:(.*?)#\))(.*?)(^-- $.*|\z)"%-

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2

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Re: put out all quote-marks in message macro

2001-11-22 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Brano,

> I have to thanks to:
> Carsten Thönges (for main idea of recursive macros)

short remark:

not my idea... as I wrote earlier I saw the first recursive macro
some weeks ago on the german list ;-) (%attachment string splitted
into more than one line)

here is it:

,- [ Matthias Appel on thebat-dt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ]
| %IF:"%ATTACHMENTS"="":"":"Anlagen:
| %IF:"%SETPATTREGEXP='(?i)^.*?(;).*$'%REGEXPMATCH='%COMMENT'"=";":"%-
| %SETPATTREGEXP='(?i)^\s*(.*?)\s*;.*$'%REGEXPMATCH='%COMMENT'
| %COMMENT='%SETPATTREGEXP=""(?i)^.*?;\s*(.*)\s*$""%REGEXPMATCH=""%COMMENT""'%-

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2

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Re: Update & Questions

2001-11-21 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi list, hi RegExp experts,

[ Boxquotes ]

how about changing the first line of QT 'bq' from

,- [  ]


,- [ %CURSOR ]

I like that :-)

Best regards, Carsten
The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business 044c d4b2 75a6 a68e 9b79
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Re: Be careful with 1.53

2001-11-19 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi CaLViN,

[ Boxquotes ]

>> for some reason the QTs _don't_ work on TB! 1.53. I don't know why.
>> They are usable with 1.54 betas.

> Can not confirm. Using 1.53d and everything concerning QTs is fine.
> Like it always was for me...

I was talking about the QTs I posted earlier in this thread
(Boxquotes). Sorry for the misunderstanding. QTs in general are

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2

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Re: Be careful with 1.53

2001-11-19 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Dierk,

>> for some reason the QTs _don't_ work on TB! 1.53. I don't know why.
>> They are usable with 1.54 betas.

> Have you been reverting from beta 10e to 1.53?

no, I checked that on two other PCs both with TB! 1.53t. They definitely never came in
contact with 1.54/10e.

Tested QTs with 1.54/9 and 1.54/10e on different machines. No
problems here.

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2

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Be careful with 1.53 (was: Update & Questions)

2001-11-19 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi list, hi RexExp experts,

[ Boxquotes ]

> Please report bugs to me or the list. Thanks.

for some reason the QTs _don't_ work on TB! 1.53. I don't know why.
They are usable with 1.54 betas.

I'm sorry, TB! 1.53 crashes after using the QTs :-(( So be careful!

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business
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Re: Update & Questions

2001-11-18 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi Allie,


> I had to remove the '%-' and insert the extra return or else the final
> "'-" didn't start in a new line after the quoted material.

I could not reproduce that :-(
I deleted my QTs and created them again copy/pasting from my mail. And
they do work for me.


,- [ Copied whole lines ]
| Line1
| Line2
| Line3

,- [ Copied parts of first and last line ]
| ne1
| Line2
| Li

,- [Copied additional lines ]
| Line1
| Line2
| Line3

I'm using 1.54/10e. You use 1.54/10. Could there be differences?

Who else has these problems?

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2

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Update & Questions (was: Boxquotes à la KorrNews and new quotestyle)

2001-11-18 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi list, hi RexExp experts,

> I really like the boxquotes[tm] of KorrNews and I was wondering if it
> is possible to implement such a feature in TB! using QTs and Macros.


Thank you for the positive feedback!

I simplified the QTs a little and added some REMs. Now it is easier to
read the QTs and modify them for your special purposes.

But I also have some questions. Maybe you guys can help me ;-)

What is the maximum size of an string to store in the %COMMENT macro?
I experienced that 200 lines are processed in about 1 sec. on my
P3-700 notebook. But including a boxquote from a file with 2887 lines
and 43305 characters lead to an CPU usage of 99% for 3-4 minutes until
I killed TB! via Task Manager :-( You should not process such large
files, but why should you?

Is there a maximum number of recursive QTs calls allowed?

Here are the modified QTs. Use them like I described in my first Mail.

--==[ QT: bq ]--
,- [  ]
%REM=_Copy clipboard into comment_%-
%REM=_Does comment end with line break?_%-
%REM=_If no: add line break_%-
%REM=_Call the bq2 template_%-

=-=-[ QT: bqf ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
,- [ %clipboard ]
%REM=_Insert file (name in clipboard) into _%-
%REM=_Call QT_%-

--==[ QT: nq ]--
%REM=_Cut out part before '^-- $'_%-
%REM=_and insert it into comment_%-
%REM=_Call QT_%-
%SETPATTREGEXP='(?ism)[\n]*(.*?)[\n]*((-- [\n])|\z)'%-

=-=-[ QT: bq2 ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
%REM=_Does comment have two or more lines?_%-
%REM=_If yes: print | and the first line_%-
%REM=_cut this line out of comment_%-
%REM=_and call this QT again_%-
%REM=_If no:  print | and the last line and exit_%-

Please report bugs to me or the list. Thanks.

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2

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Re: Boxquotes à la KorrNews and new quotestyle

2001-11-17 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi list,

I saw that some very long lines are beeing wrapped in the viewer. I
reformated two QTs for easier copy/paste :-)

=-=[ nq ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
%COMMENT="%SETPATTREGEXP=""(?ism)[\n]*(.*?)[\n]*((-- [\n])|\z)""%-
=-=[ nq end ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

=-=[ bq2 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
=-=[ bq2 end ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2

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Boxquotes à la KorrNews and new quotestyle

2001-11-17 Thread Carsten Thönges

Hi list, hi RexExp experts,

I really like the boxquotes[tm] of KorrNews and I was wondering if it
is possible to implement such a feature in TB! using QTs and Macros.

On the german list I saw a template that could display the attachments
only one in a line using recursive QT calls. What an excellent idea!

I played around a little bit and created four QTs for boxquoting and a
new quotestyle. I give you an expample of how to use them:

Insert Boxquote from clipboard (QT 'bq'):

 While writing a mail copy some text into the clipboard. Call the QT
 (bq Ctrl+Space). The text in the clipboard will be included as a

 Text in clipboard:
 Fmpmfpmfffmm mfffmm mmmppp mppfpfmmmppmpfmpmfmpp ppfmpf
 mmpppffpfpfpfmfppffmpmffpppmfm mffppp Fmpmfpmpp Mmpmmmfmp!

 ,- [ ]
 | Fmpmfpmfffmm mfffmm mmmppp mppfpfmmmppmpfmpmfmpp ppfmpf
 | mmpppffpfpfpfmfppffmpmffpppmfm mffppp Fmpmfpmpp Mmpmmmfmp!

Insert Boxquote from file (QT 'bqf'):

 While editing a mail type in a file name and copy it to clipboard
 (i.e. d:\temp\test.txt). Call the QT bqf (bqf Ctrl+Space). The content
 of the file is inserted as a boxquote.

 ,- [ d:\temp\test.txt ]
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 1
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 2
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 3
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 4
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 5
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 6
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 7
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 8
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 9
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 10
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 11
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 12

New Quotestyle (QT 'nq'):

 In a reply just call the 'nq' template. Quotes are inserted with just
 an '|' at the beginning of each line. 'nq' detects '-- '.

 But please do not use this QT as we all should keep on using simple
 '>'s. Just take it as a proof that TB! can use '|'s for quoted text

 | Hello Carsten,
 | how about [...]
 | again. We could [...]
 | and if nothing [...]

I hope that there are no bugs anymore but it would be wonderful if you
- the experts - could do some beta testing or make any suggestings for
improvements ;-)

The template bq2 is called by the other QTs.

Here come the QTs:

=-=[ bq ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
,- [ ]
=-=[bq end ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

=-=[ bqf ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
,- [ %clipboard ]
=-=[ bqf end ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

=-=[ nq ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
=-=[ nq end ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

=-=[ bq2 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
"%SETPATTREGEXP='(?ism)(.*?)[\n](.*)'%REGEXPBLINDMATCH='%COMMENT'| %subpatt='1'
=-=[ bq2 end ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2

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