Hi list, hi RexExp experts,

> I really like the boxquotes[tm] of KorrNews and I was wondering if it
> is possible to implement such a feature in TB! using QTs and Macros.


Thank you for the positive feedback!

I simplified the QTs a little and added some REMs. Now it is easier to
read the QTs and modify them for your special purposes.

But I also have some questions. Maybe you guys can help me ;-)

What is the maximum size of an string to store in the %COMMENT macro?
I experienced that 200 lines are processed in about 1 sec. on my
P3-700 notebook. But including a boxquote from a file with 2887 lines
and 43305 characters lead to an CPU usage of 99% for 3-4 minutes until
I killed TB! via Task Manager :-( You should not process such large
files, but why should you?

Is there a maximum number of recursive QTs calls allowed?

Here are the modified QTs. Use them like I described in my first Mail.

--==[ QT: bq ]----====----====----====----====----====----====----====--
,----- [  ]
%REM=_Copy clipboard into comment_%-
%REM=_Does comment end with line break?_%-
%REM=_If no: add line break_%-
%REM=_Call the bq2 template_%-

=-=-[ QT: bqf ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
,----- [ %clipboard ]
%REM=_Insert file (name in clipboard) into _%-
%REM=_Call QT_%-

--==[ QT: nq ]----====----====----====----====----====----====----====--
%REM=_Cut out part before '^-- $'_%-
%REM=_and insert it into comment_%-
%REM=_Call QT_%-
%SETPATTREGEXP='(?ism)[\n]*(.*?)[\n]*((-- [\n])|\z)'%-

=-=-[ QT: bq2 ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
%REM=_Does comment have two or more lines?_%-
%REM=_If yes: print | and the first line_%-
%REM=_        cut this line out of comment_%-
%REM=_        and call this QT again_%-
%REM=_If no:  print | and the last line and exit_%-

Please report bugs to me or the list. Thanks.

Best regards, Carsten

The Bat! (v1.54/10e) Business
Windows NT 5.0 (Build 2195) Service Pack 2

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