Hi list, hi RexExp experts,

I really like the boxquotes[tm] of KorrNews and I was wondering if it
is possible to implement such a feature in TB! using QTs and Macros.

On the german list I saw a template that could display the attachments
only one in a line using recursive QT calls. What an excellent idea!

I played around a little bit and created four QTs for boxquoting and a
new quotestyle. I give you an expample of how to use them:

Insert Boxquote from clipboard (QT 'bq'):

 While writing a mail copy some text into the clipboard. Call the QT
 (bq Ctrl+Space). The text in the clipboard will be included as a

 Text in clipboard:
 Fmpmfpmfffmm mfffmm mmmppp mppfpfmmmppmpfmpmfmpp ppfmpf
 mmpppffpfpfpfmfppffmpmffpppmfm mffppp Fmpmfpmpp Mmpmmmfmp!

 ,----- [ ]
 | Fmpmfpmfffmm mfffmm mmmppp mppfpfmmmppmpfmpmfmpp ppfmpf
 | mmpppffpfpfpfmfppffmpmffpppmfm mffppp Fmpmfpmpp Mmpmmmfmp!

Insert Boxquote from file (QT 'bqf'):

 While editing a mail type in a file name and copy it to clipboard
 (i.e. d:\temp\test.txt). Call the QT bqf (bqf Ctrl+Space). The content
 of the file is inserted as a boxquote.

 ,----- [ d:\temp\test.txt ]
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 1
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 2
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 3
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 4
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 5
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 6
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 7
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 8
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 9
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 10
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 11
 | This is an example of boxquoting in The Bat! Line 12

New Quotestyle (QT 'nq'):

 In a reply just call the 'nq' template. Quotes are inserted with just
 an '|' at the beginning of each line. 'nq' detects '-- '.

 But please do not use this QT as we all should keep on using simple
 '>'s. Just take it as a proof that TB! can use '|'s for quoted text

 | Hello Carsten,
 | how about [...]
 | again. We could [...]
 | and if nothing [...]

I hope that there are no bugs anymore but it would be wonderful if you
- the experts - could do some beta testing or make any suggestings for
improvements ;-)

The template bq2 is called by the other QTs.

Here come the QTs:

=-=[ bq ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
,----- [ ]
=-=[bq end ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

=-=[ bqf ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
,----- [ %clipboard ]
=-=[ bqf end ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

=-=[ nq ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
=-=[ nq end ]-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

=-=[ bq2 ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
"%SETPATTREGEXP='(?ism)(.*?)[\n](.*)'%REGEXPBLINDMATCH='%COMMENT'| %subpatt='1'
=-=[ bq2 end ]=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-

Best regards, Carsten

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