Re: Aborting a Connection Centre Task

2005-11-04 Thread Gerard

ON Friday, November 4, 2005, 3:36:32 PM, you wrote:
AW> Ah, were it that simple. I don't have any plugins. Heck, on this
AW> version, there aren't plugins. Maybe OpenPGP counts, sort of, but I
AW> can't do much about that.Hi Arthur,

I did see you had an older version but I tought I mention it anyway for
the benefit of the lurkers.  You know who you are. ;-)
Best regards,
Using The Bat! v3.62.05 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Re: Aborting a Connection Centre Task

2005-11-03 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 2:37:05 PM, you wrote:
AW> Maybe there's some progress then - I don't download anything. TB! just
AW> hangs forever waiting to connect (as far as I can tell). Next time, I'll
AW> check what ports are in use to see if it's really connected or just
AW> confused. I suppose that I could keep a copy of ethereral around to
AW> diagnose, but I'm on a version that nobody is going to fix :(Hi Arthur,

Well I figured out my problem. It was the bayesIT spam plugin.
Will the Connection centre was hanging I deleted the pulg-in and viola,
normal operation resumed.

I am open to suggestions of other spam plug-ins :)

Best regards,
Cannot open file "C:\Program Files\Internet\The Bat!\golf quotes.txt"

Using The Bat! v3.62.05 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Re: Aborting a Connection Centre Task

2005-11-01 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, November 1, 2005, 12:39:15 AM, you wrote:
RD> It happened twice, to me, today. Both times were when the accounts
RD> were trying to connect to the ISP's mail-server but had NOT done so
RD> yet and no mail-count was received yet.

RD> I had to bring up Task Manager and Kill the TB! process.Hi Robert,

Mine is different in that it connects and downloads the msgŽs but fails to
end it properly. Still end with killing task in connection centre and TB!
not able to close and the end of the day. :(

Best regards,
Cannot open file "C:\Program Files\Internet\The Bat!\golf quotes.txt"

Using The Bat! v3.62.05 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Re: Aborting a Connection Centre Task

2005-10-31 Thread Gerard

ON Saturday, October 29, 2005, 7:05:22 PM, you wrote:
RD> Recently, James Senick squawked:
>> ... same daily.  I always assumed it was a K9 problem.
RD>  I have K9; turned it off for a month of Beta-Testing a Trend Micro
RD>  thingy with spam filtering, and still have the Connection Centre
RD>  issue to deal with.

Funny, I did not have this problem until I started using Kaspersky. After I
removed it the problem stayed although it is less. The problem is the
download hangs out the closing stage, were all mails are deleted from the
server. It will not delete them and just hang there forever until I either
delete or Abort the task.

RD>  I'm betting they can't duplicate the problem often enough, or ever,
RD>  in order to design a solution. Heck, I can't even make it fail by
RD>  waving a wand at the screen, on command  but it does happen often
RD>  enough to have a quick-launch kill function in the quick-launch tray.

I just the aborted the function first but then when I tried to end TB! I would
get the "tasks busy" notice a/r/c. This doesnŽt happen when I use "delete task".
The hanging is still a problem.

I have also just upped to the latest release and it seems to be slightly
better. I just happens 3 times a day were it used to be 4 to 5 times. I
just need 3 to 4 more upgrades I guess ;)

Best regards,
Cannot open file "C:\Program Files\Internet\The Bat!\golf quotes.txt"

Using The Bat! v3.62.05 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Re: large mailboxes

2005-02-02 Thread Gerard

ON Wednesday, February 2, 2005, 6:43:17 PM, you wrote:
NL> if no messages are moving in and out, nothing happens of course...

Which does not seem to be the case otherwise P+C would not take minutes.

Best regards,
Golf is a game where the ball always lies poorly and the player always lies

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Re: large mailboxes

2005-02-02 Thread Gerard

ON Wednesday, February 2, 2005, 4:18:58 PM, you wrote:
KS> Is there any chance with using the compression facility (even a remote
KS> chance) that I might lose data in any case?

It is actually the other way around, if you do not use it the change for file
corruption increases.

You will need to purge and compress depending on the number of emails you
receive from once a day to once a month.

More is better because it makes TB! work more efficient and therefore faster.

Best regards,
It Is Time To Quit When... You leave the pin in when you are on the fringe 8
feet from the pin in the hope it will stop your ball.

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Re: large mailboxes

2005-02-02 Thread Gerard

ON Wednesday, February 2, 2005, 2:41:09 PM, you wrote:
KS> Hi,
KS> A friend of mine has recently started using The Bat! and has over
KS> 50,000 messages in it (most imported from OE). The problem is that it
KS> takes quite a while to close The Bat!. It shows "Compressing folders"
KS> for more than a couple of mins.
KS> Is there any way to get around this suitation?


That sounds normal. It all depends on how many mails he receives each day.

I run TB! with about 125,000 emails and my solutions is to not purge & Compress
each box on exit. In fact I don't do this at all except for my inbox because all
email goes though the inbox.

Instead I P&C once a day using a scheduled event.

This way closing TB! is instantaneously.

Best regards,
Equipment - According to the rules of golf, equipment is "anything that can be
thrown, broken, kicked, twisted, torn, crushed, shredded or mangled; or
propelled, driven or directed, either under its own power or by means of a
transfer of momentum, into underbrush, trees or other overgrown terrain; or over
the edge of a natural or artificially elevated area; or below the surface of any
body of water, whether moving or impounded."

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Re: Delete "original message" before receiving

2004-10-22 Thread Gerard

ON Thursday, October 21, 2004, 9:59:35 PM, you wrote:
BM> Yes, it is those annoying letters you receive with the reply on top
BM> and all the original message below.

BM> Like this:

Ooh, then I do know what you mean. I get a lot of those professionally.

I do not mind that much because the threading doesn't seem to work that wel
and ir makes it difficult to lookup msg's every know and then.
What I do hate is when I send someone an attachment and they reply with
the same attachments still attached :-(

I asume this is a ploy from the storage boys together with M$

Fortunately my cutmark trims all the reply msg's down to a reasonable size.

Best regards,
What a shame to waste those great shots on the practice tee.

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Re: Delete "original message" before receiving

2004-10-21 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, October 19, 2004, 8:40:48 AM, you wrote:
BM> I would so like to delete this annoying "original message" the
BM> Microslaves keeps sending me.

Hi Britt,
I don't seem to know what this is about. Can you exlain this please?

I guess on the positive side I am not a Microslave :-)

Best regards,
It Is Time To Quit When... When you call fore on a par three everyone runs
to the green for safety.

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Re: Filtering email addresses out of message body

2004-05-05 Thread Gerard

ON Wednesday, May 5, 2004, 7:08:19 PM, you wrote:
JA> Thanks.  I imagine that it is very unlikely that Frank is a spammer,
JA> but I don't really want to post a solution that someone with more
JA> shady intentions could abuse.

 Your absolutely right. That is what I meant by "nicely put"

 I agree that it is unlikely but, then again I can not se why you would
 like to harvest email address from text in emails.

 As far as I understand it, it is the virus writes who create the email
 address list for spammers to use by letting the virus sent emails using
 the victims address book.
 I am now receiving spam on email addresses only used to send mail to
 friends and business contacts :(
Best regards,
Golfers who realize their potential generally cultivate the three
D´s--desire, determination and discipline; the three P´s--persistence,
patience and practice; and the three C´s--confidence, concentration, and

Using The Bat! v2.10 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Re: Filtering email addresses out of message body

2004-05-05 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, May 4, 2004, 8:52:57 PM, you wrote:
JA> Do you mind telling us why you're harvesting these addresses?  A
JA> general solution based on the description you've given so far has too
JA> many potentially negative applications for my tastes.


Very nicely put, without the use of offending words ;-)

Best regards,
Things That Sound Dirty At Golf But Aren't: Look at the size of his putter

Using The Bat! v2.10 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1

Re: using different smtps

2004-03-15 Thread Gerard

ON Saturday, March 13, 2004, 12:32:30 PM, you wrote:
CW> I have a feeling that`s a function a lot of people would find useful,
CW> as many of us who`ve been on the net for a number of years have
CW> multiple accounts but can only send from their present ISP.

CW> Any thoughts ? Is it already available as an option that I missed ?

Hi Colin,

That´s why you should setup your own SMTP server. That way you can collect
mail fom any account and just use your own server to send it.

It is ideal for road warriors but also for people with many email accounts.

Best regards,
Confidence is crucial to good golf. Confidence is simply the aggregate of
the thoughts you have about yourself.

Using The Bat! v2.01.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Re: batxxx.tmp files

2004-03-11 Thread Gerard

ON Thursday, March 11, 2004, 3:54:52 PM, you wrote:
PF> No. This happens when there is an "intermediary"¹ between the mail
PF> server and TB I'm told and that "intermediary" does not let TB import
PF> the messages properly.

PF> I use the Kaspersky plug-in and MyGate and have had up to 60K bat temp
PF> files!

PF> IMO it's a TB problem (that they aren't deleted again).

PF> ¹ Typically a virus scanner.

Hi Peter,
 You could be right. I use the AGV plugin. I find it works fine without
 and technical problems. t is just that AGV can be slow in picking up new

Best regards,
As ball-striking skills improve, it becomes a greater challenge to love
putting and the short game and to maintain a positive attitude toward

Using The Bat! v2.01.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Re: batxxx.tmp files

2004-03-11 Thread Gerard

ON Thursday, March 11, 2004, 2:23:07 PM, you wrote:
WM> I had certainly a very slow system, mostly this is because of thousands of files
WM> in windows tmp folder. And yes I had almost tentousand batxxx.tmp files (where
WM> xxx was hexadecimal number.

WM> When and wy are these files generated ?

Hi Wilfried,

I don´t have one of these files. Maybe using a newer version will cure
these problem.

Best regards,
He realized now why pro’s were all grave, silent men who seemed to,
struggle manfully against some secret sorrow. It was because they were too
darned good. Golf had no surprises for them, no gallant spirit of
adventure. ==P.G Wodehouse - THE MAGIC PLUS FOURS ==

Using The Bat! v2.01.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Re: tb under heavy load

2003-10-27 Thread Gerard

ON Sunday, October 26, 2003, 9:15:17 PM, you wrote:
NL> Actually I'm sitting at ~120K messages spread out in fair amount of
NL> folders. The processor is an AMD XP2800+ with dual DDR running at
NL> 333Mhz. Don't think I would probably be happy with the performance of
NL> TB!v2 with this message base on my 500Mhz laptop...

Hi Neal,

I have 100K msg´s running an my desktop 1.7Ghz / 521MB and it is fine. I
also keep a synchronized copy on my 900mHz Laptop and there is not really
a problem there either. It is just marginally slower.

I guess that the database structure used by TB! is pretty efficient.

Best regards,
I know I am getting better at golf because I am hitting fewer

Using The Bat! v2.01.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Re: tb under heavy load

2003-10-26 Thread Gerard

ON Sunday, October 26, 2003, 1:57:49 AM, you wrote:

NL> 122,959 now... 

Now you ar just trying to get to 200k in a hurry ;-)

Best regards,
On the course, golfers must have the confidence of a champion. But off
the course, champions must remember that they are not more important
than anyone else.

Using The Bat! v2.01.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Re: tb under heavy load

2003-10-24 Thread Gerard

ON Thursday, October 23, 2003, 8:13:09 AM, you wrote:
S> Hi,
S> I am planning to shift a few of my clients from OE to The Bat due to TB's
S> excellent features.
S> But some of my clients have a heavy mail load like one has total 50,000
S> HTML formated mails in his 6 email accounts in OE.
S> My question is can TB import so large a mails and also can it handle this
S> much mail efficently afterwords?
S> Does anyone have benchmark tests with TB?

Don't worry about the 50.000 email. There are people on this list, like
me, who keep x times that amount of mails.

I can not help you with importing, Inever used OE :-)
Best regards,
The main problem with keeping your eye on the ball is you have to take
your eye off your opponent.

Using The Bat! v2.01.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Re: filter question: outgoing vs replied

2003-10-22 Thread Gerard

ON Wednesday, October 22, 2003, 12:31:34 AM, you wrote:
ZW> Sorry, you described "Read messages" filters instead of "Replied messages".
ZW> Filters belonging to "Replied messages" group acts on original messages if a
ZW> reply is sent. For example, after sending reply you can move original
ZW> message to selected folder, delete it, etc.

I there a way to have the replies placed in the folder were the original
msg is in, with one (or maybe 2) filters'

Best regards,
Two balls in the water.  By God, I've got a good mind to jump in and
make it four!

Using The Bat! v2.01.3 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Re: (no subject)

2003-08-06 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, August 5, 2003, 4:18:46 PM, you wrote:

AM> Watch those pesky folder templates!

Hi Allie,

Does this have to be a folder template?
For a template its pretty empty.

Best regards,
I've had a good day when I don't fall out of the cart.

Using The Bat! v1.62q on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4

Re: possible to use %attachments conditionally, and in the Newtemplate?

2003-02-11 Thread Gerard

ON Wednesday, February 12, 2003, 3:58:00 AM, you wrote:
MDP> Only using it as a QT will do this for you. Why? Because when New
MDP> and Reply templates are executed a message has no attachments.
MDP> Template processing is always performed in real time. Once executed,
MDP> the resulting text has no memory of the underlying macros to allow
MDP> re-evaluation.

Which brings up the idea of having a function that will execute the
moment you press the send or send-to-outbox button/function.

This would allow you to do some post processing on the email.

Btw, you can use %attachement in a new template but you would have to
select the  attachements before you put the cursor in the email body.

Best regards,
You’re a golfaholic… if You think that some day you'll shoot your age,
when a more realistic goal would be to shoot your weight!

Using The Bat! v1.62h on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Losing Email Text

2003-02-10 Thread Gerard

ON Monday, February 10, 2003, 7:28:02 PM, you wrote:

TC>   I also sent this to the beta list but thought i would try here also.
TC> Im using beat 6 and the following is occuring on long emails i am typing

TC> Still losing message text of email i send.
TC> I hope folks are working to correct this.

TC> I just typed a long letter, looked at it did a spell check, sent it and looked at 
the message in the sent folder and only half of it was there.

TC> Any idea out there where the rest went?
TC> Or how it can be recovered.

Hi Timothy,

Have you seen the sent mail at the receivers end? Did it arrive with text

Best regards,
The friends you make on the golf course are the friends you make for

Using The Bat! v1.62h on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: external editor in BAT?

2003-01-16 Thread Gerard

ON Thursday, January 16, 2003, 12:50:55 AM, you wrote:
DG> To be absolutely certain, I just tested my system for two cases.

Hi Daniel,

I have exactly the same behavior on my system.
Best regards,
It Is Time To Quit When... You and your group have rules for Mulligans.

Using The Bat! v1.62h on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: external editor in BAT?

2003-01-14 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, January 14, 2003, 5:54:20 PM, you wrote:
CK> And will V.2 be able to launch a URL 'handler' of one's choice with
CK> say, 'one click'? I mean there are a lot of 'email clients' that are
CK> not in the same league with the bat that don't have this problem..or
CK> at least my problem of always getting an error message when trying
CK> to launch a URL from a TB window.

I have no problem clicking on HTML links. I have even switch from IE to
Opera without a problem.

As far as I understand it the clue is to associate HTML files with a
Browser and setting TB! as a MAPI handler
(options|prefference|applications). I also have all check-boxes marked.

Best regards,
There is no such thing as a golfer playing over his head. A hot streak
is simply a glimpse of a golfer´s true potential.

Using The Bat! v1.62h on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Deleting attachments

2003-01-14 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, January 14, 2003, 4:17:29 PM, you wrote:

IW> I guess I'm unlucky. I've got loads of them.

Here is one more possibility. You can configure TB! to store attachments
separate from the msg. In Account|properties|files&directories. I do
this for speed reasons.

When you set this, all attachments will be placed in a separate directory
were you can delete them with Explorer if you can't delete them in the
view window.

Also could you set a cut-off mark (dash-dash-space-return) just above
your name. It makes for easier replying :-)

Best regards,
Go ahead and putt, you are not interrupting my conversation.

Using The Bat! v1.62h on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Deleting attachments

2003-01-14 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, January 14, 2003, 12:35:14 PM, you wrote:
IW> I'm trying to reduce the size of my email database by deleting the
IW> large attachments from my emails. However I have a few dozen emails
IW> where either the delete operation doesn't work or the delete operation
IW> is disabled in the context menu.

IW> Does anyone know how I can delete the attachments for these emails?

Hi Iain,
Have you tried selecting the attachement left of the text view window
and pressing delete?

I never had an attachement that didn't allow me to delete it that way.

Best regards,
Comebacker - A shot that backs up after hitting the green. Or, for a
high-handicapper, a tee shot that hits one of the tee markers and ends
up behind you.

Using The Bat! v1.62h on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Bat not shutting dowm?

2002-12-02 Thread Gerard

ON Sunday, December 1, 2002, 10:10:04 PM, you wrote:

G> I have switched over to Win 2K Pro and have noticed that The Bat does not
G> shut all the way down when I closed it.

G> I click to shut it down which it does, but when I go to reboot there is a
G> message comes up that says it has to close the Bat first.

G> I notice in the running process that the Bat is still active. Is there
G> any way to get to The Bat to shut down all the way whin I click the close
G> icon


I am running win2K and haven't seen this problem. TB! shuts down as it

Best regards,
Your financial cost can best be figured out when you realize that if you
were to devote the same time and energy to business instead of golf, you
would be a millionaire in approximately six weeks.

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Libreria de acceso al Address Book

2002-11-22 Thread Gerard

ON Friday, November 22, 2002, 7:32:04 PM, you wrote:
DH> Hello -=ToÑo.!=-!

DH> On Friday, November 22, 2002 at 6:47:06 PM you wrote:


>> Hola gupo OT de los Usuarios de The bat!
>> Que tal -=ToÑo.!=-,

DH> Folder template?

Hi Dierk,

I was waiting for this one, you're getting predictable ;-)

Best regards,
Gimme:  An agreement between two losers who can't putt.

Using The Bat! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: RegEx to kill O(E) top posting

2002-11-22 Thread Gerard

ON Friday, November 22, 2002, 10:42:30 AM, you wrote:
KK>  Is there any English version of this document:
KK> ?
Hi Krzysztof,

I don't think so, sorry.

Best regards,
Analyst - Psychiatric specialist who treats individuals suffering from
the delusion that playing golf is a form of pleasure.

Using The Bat! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: RegEx to kill O(E) top posting

2002-11-21 Thread Gerard

ON Friday, November 22, 2002, 2:28:55 AM, you wrote:
PF> TheBat-users,

PF>  Could any of you RegEx-savvy users help me with a template to kill
PF>  (delete) everything under...

PF>  "-Original Message-" and "-Original Besked-" (no "s)

PF>  ...when replying. I am tired of manually deleting the bad quoting by
PF>  Lookout or Lookout Express users.


Hi Peter,

I don't know if this can be done using RegEx but it sure can be done
with a little prg called Cut. Have a look here:

I use it myself with some really annoying disclaimers at the bottom

Best regards,
What goes up must come down.  But don't expect it to come down where you
can find it.

Using The Bat! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Flagging test

2002-11-19 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, November 19, 2002, 3:36:52 PM, you wrote:
L> Real strange behaviour :-( (what about beta 6? long shot but maybe..)

Would you even consider the fact that the error was removed and for just
one version?

Best regards,
A ball will always come to rest halfway down a hill, unless there is
sand or water at the bottom.

Using The Bat! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Flagging test

2002-11-19 Thread Gerard

ON Friday, November 15, 2002, 6:05:54 PM, you wrote:
L>  Good evening Alexander,
L> It was foretold that on 14-11-2002 @ 04:27:14 GMT+0500 (which was
L> 0:27:14 where I live) Alexander Leschinsky would mumble:
AL>> But - chained processing doesn't work for me too - in 8,9 betas (beta6
AL>> not tested yet)
L> Well, i'm on beta 6, maybe that's why???

Hi Luc,

As you can see below I tried 1.62/Beta7 and it doesn't work :(

Best regards,
Things That Sound Dirty At Golf But Aren't: My hands are so sweaty I
can't get a good grip

Using The Bat! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: unsuscribe [EMAIL PROTECTED]

2002-11-18 Thread Gerard


Why does Specials|Mailinglist|Unsubscribe sends and email to

Best regards,
A person with great dreams can achieve great things.

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Flagging test

2002-11-14 Thread Gerard

ON Wednesday, November 13, 2002, 11:27:30 PM, you wrote:
L>  Could be another set-up? like Windows XP, TB! version...
L>  Because, if they work for me and you copied and pasted mine, they
L>  should work for you too obviously. I'm beginning to think it's maybe
L>  a bug in your version of TB!

Could be, but I don't really want to use a beta version.
I also have had this bug for as long as I can remember with older

Maybe someone else with version 1.62 can confirm that this bug has been
fixed. I do hope so!!!

Best regards,
What's the point of washing off your ball when teeing off on a water

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Flagging test

2002-11-13 Thread Gerard

ON Wednesday, November 13, 2002, 9:36:45 PM, you wrote:

L> I'm getting desperate now lol. I'll try to give it another go this
L> week.

I appreciate your help, don't give up yet.
I am curious why you don't see the same behavior I am seeing with the

Best regards,
Before playing any shot, a golfer must lock her eyes and mind into the
smallest possible target.

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Flagging test

2002-11-13 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 11:05:50 PM, you wrote:

G>> Are you using the filters at the same time, one before the other?
L>  Yes, i do

Hi Luc,
   I tried it again in a new account were the Test and New Test filters
   are the only filters and it doesn't work.
   All the msg with "Hallo" in the body trigger the New Test filter,
   flagged or non-flagged.

Best regards,
God is real, unless declared integer.

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Flagging test

2002-11-12 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 6:24:06 PM, you wrote:

L>  Good evening Gerard,
L> It was foretold that on 12-11-2002 @ 16:55:11 GMT+0100 (which was
L> 16:55:11 where I live) Gerard would mumble:
G>> Yepp, but the copy always comes out "unread", no need to specify that.
L> Not true, i posted that wrong: the copy comes out "read" with my
L> filter.

Yes in your filter it did. I meant if you don't want it marked read you
do not have to specify that you want it marked NOT read.

G>> Except for the flagging check that is  on my machine.
G>> Try it a few times Luc. It seems to work the first time when I install the
G>> new filters bit in the end the flags are not seen.
L> Just tried it 5 times with each filter. First filter: no problem.
L> Second filter: no problem also: message goes to the "inbox", gets
L> flagged and is marked "unread". The copy goes to the "reply" folder,
L> unflagged and marked "read".

Are you using the filters at the same time, one before the other?

Best regards,
Don't be reckless with other people's hearts, and don't put up with
people who are reckless with yours.

Using The Bat! v1.61 on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 3

 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBTECH" information:

Re: Flagging test

2002-11-12 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 4:08:00 PM, you wrote:

L>  Good afternoon Gerard,
L> It was foretold that on 12-11-2002 @ 15:53:01 GMT+0100 (which was
L> 15:53:01 where I live) Gerard would mumble:
G>> I only want the copy in the Inbox marked as read.
G>> Do the work on your machine Luc?
L> So, in short: only the message that goes to the Inbox has to be marked
L> as read, the copy has to be marked unread?

Yepp, but the copy always comes out "unread", no need to specify that.

L> The above filters i posted do exactly what they're supposed to do.

Except for the flagging check that is  on my machine.
Try it a few times Luc. It seems to work the first time when I install the
new filters bit in the end the flags are not seen.

Best regards,
Undocumented Opcode:  SHE - swap halves if equal

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Re: Flagging test

2002-11-12 Thread Gerard

ON Tuesday, November 12, 2002, 3:27:01 PM, you wrote:

L>  Good afternoon Gerard,
L> It was foretold that on 11-11-2002 @ 20:29:47 GMT+0100 (which was
L> 20:29:47 where I live) Gerard would mumble:
G>> Here are the almost original non working filters:
G>> Remark: Test is place before new test. Both are incoming mail filters.
L> Here's another try:

L> I tested the above filters and this is what they do:

L> first  filter:  subject = test > flags the message and keeps it in
L> the inbox

Yep, does that here to.

L> second filter: subject is _not_ test but "hallo" in body > message
L> in  inbox,  copy  to  folder reply and marked as read in folder reply.
L> Inbox: unflagged.

Well, just hallo in the body will create the copy. Wether it is flagged
or not

L> What happens if subject = test _and_ "hallo" in body:

L>  the  message  gets  flagged  in  the  inbox.  Copied to folder reply,
L>  flagged in folder reply and marked as read.

L>  I'm not sure if the last situation is something you want (i lost some
L>  of your mails) but let me know.

I only want the copy in the Inbox marked as read.

Do the work on your machine Luc?

Best regards,
I think; therefore I am. -Rene Descartes-

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Flagging test

2002-11-11 Thread Gerard
Hi Luc,

Here are the almost original non working filters:

Remark: Test is place before new test. Both are incoming mail filters.

Name: test
Active: 1
Source: \\CPR\Inbox
Target: \\CPR\Inbox
CopyFolder: none
MainSet: 20test
Actions: faoContinueProcessing,faFlag
AddAddrItems: afiFrom,
DelAddrItems: afiFrom,
HotKey: 0
SizeBigger: 0
SizeSmaller: 0
AgeOlder: 0
AgeNewer: 0
InAddrPos: 0
OutAddrPos: 0
KillMethod: 0
SysSound: 0
SoundTime: 0:00-0:00
AllowTime: 0:00-0:00

Name: New test
Active: 1
Source: \\CPR\Inbox
Target: \\CPR\Inbox
CopyFolder: \\CPR\Inbox\Reply's
MainSet: 30hallo
Actions: faMarkRead,faCopyMsg,faoContinueProcessing,faoAdvNoFlagged
AddAddrItems: afiFrom,
DelAddrItems: afiFrom,
HotKey: 0
SizeBigger: 0
SizeSmaller: 0
AgeOlder: 0
AgeNewer: 0
InAddrPos: 0
OutAddrPos: 0
KillMethod: 0
SysSound: 0
SoundTime: 0:00-0:00
AllowTime: 0:00-0:00

Best regards,
"One child is not enough, but two are too many." - Otoole's Axiom

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Re: Rule for *Flagged* seems to fail

2002-11-11 Thread Gerard

ON Monday, November 11, 2002, 2:54:53 PM, you wrote:

L>  Aaw, that's strange Gerard, i thought they would be working well
L>  since the last time we spoke.

Hi Luc,

It sort of did for a while and then it fell back to its old behavior.
Thanks to your effort I have decided I will give it an other go. I make 1
change at the time until I find what causes it.

As for now, it still doesn't work as advertised :(

Best regards,
History is something that never happened told by someone who wasn't
there.  -- Gomez de la Serna, Greguerias

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Re: Rule for *Flagged* seems to fail

2002-11-11 Thread Gerard

ON Saturday, November 9, 2002, 8:09:22 PM, you wrote:

RD> How can this be? The End-Spam rule missed the flag the first time and
RD> caught it on each message the second time.

Hi Robert,

I can't help you , but I do have a similar problem with flagged msg's.
I do basically the same, flag msg if the subject contains certain words,
and the try to filter msg' of which the flag is NOT set.
The result is that the filter works except it doesn't "notice" the flag

I already resigned to it being a bug except, I recently made 2 new
filters with words like TEST to filter on and for a while the worked and
then start doing the same as my old filters.
I have no explanation to offer at this point but I am still testing.

Best regards,
If people don't want to come out to the ballpark, nobody's going to stop
them. -  Yogi Berra -

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Re: No mails from this list

2002-11-08 Thread Gerard

ON Friday, November 8, 2002, 1:58:23 PM, you wrote:

RB> Hi,

RB> I don't get any mails from this list. Is this possible?

Hi Roland,

It isn't very busy if that is what you mean.

Best regards,
Necessity, who is the mother of invention. - Plato, The Republic. Book
II. 369C -

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