ON Wednesday, February 2, 2005, 2:41:09 PM, you wrote:
KS> Hi,
KS> A friend of mine has recently started using The Bat! and has over
KS> 50,000 messages in it (most imported from OE). The problem is that it
KS> takes quite a while to close The Bat!. It shows "Compressing folders"
KS> for more than a couple of mins.
KS> Is there any way to get around this suitation?


That sounds normal. It all depends on how many mails he receives each day.

I run TB! with about 125,000 emails and my solutions is to not purge & Compress
each box on exit. In fact I don't do this at all except for my inbox because all
email goes though the inbox.

Instead I P&C once a day using a scheduled event.

This way closing TB! is instantaneously.

Best regards,
Equipment - According to the rules of golf, equipment is "anything that can be
thrown, broken, kicked, twisted, torn, crushed, shredded or mangled; or
propelled, driven or directed, either under its own power or by means of a
transfer of momentum, into underbrush, trees or other overgrown terrain; or over
the edge of a natural or artificially elevated area; or below the surface of any
body of water, whether moving or impounded."

Using The Bat! v3.0.1.33 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2



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