Re[5]: PGP and auto decrypt - was Re: New proposed ideas / features for The Bat

1999-10-28 Thread Mark Aston

Hi tracer,

Wednesday, October 27, 1999, 11:50:46 AM, you wrote:

t> what unlock password..
t> Use cabmanager and it unlocks without even asking for one
t> Its an executable cab file, right click and you see if cabmanager is
t> installed all the files, just drag them to a directory, no password
t> required (g)
Oh  yes,  just tried it with RAR, still not worth the bother though, I
could not get it to do a fetch all accounts so gave up. Thanks for the
tip anyway.

Best regards,

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Re[2]: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-28 Thread tracer

Thursday, October 28, 1999

Hello Paula,

Thursday, Thursday, October 28, 1999, you wrote:

Paula> A democratic nation that ignores the fact that the majority of its
Paula> citizens are not voting at all will be in trouble eventually; a business
Paula> even more so.  If the vocal minority is representative of the market,
Paula> fine. If they are not ... well ... I've been computing for alot of years
Paula> and could give you a long list of truly great programs that are no
Paula> longer around, despite a core of avid, if not fanatical, fans, because
Paula> that market wasn't enough to feed the programmers, who do have to eat
Paula> like the the rest of us.
Agreed, but most users donot know one end of a pc from the other end
and they use what you preinstall...
If the bat could be installed with lets say 6 month running before
asking for registration then after 6 months of use, almost all those users
will fork out the money instead of wanting to learn a new program,
moving all their files etc.
That $35 is cheaper then relearning a new program.
As they are competing with free internet mail/outlook, one has to get
people to use it and that means marketing, not really added

>> I do have to say that I wish more people were tolerant of "unpopular
>> wishes"...

>> If you think it might be a better way, then ask! You might catch some
>> flack, but hey, life goes on.

Paula> No criticism of the list was intended. It's a nice list.

>> Computers are not going away, they will continue to become a more and
>> more integral part of our daily lives. Computers aren't intuitive, and
>> like the great majority of other skills in the world, they must be
>> learned and practiced.

Paula> Not to digress too much, but I work with a man who recently purchased a
Paula> PC for his home. He knows very little about PCs.He first bought a HP,
Paula> when he struggled with setting it up because HP did not provide an easy,
Paula> setup guide and he couldn't get his printer to work with it, he packed
Paula> it up, returned it to the store and got an Compaq instead (e!) which
Paula> is real good at thinking like people who know nothing about PCs. He's
Paula> delighted with it; his wife is delighted with it; his daughter is
Paula> delighted with it. This represents the future of computing.
Well,  did he ask advice??
Does he have any decent local shops??
Why does he end up setting it up himself?
I thought setting up an HP and similar systems means sticking a cd in
and letting it run... You get a system full with unwanted software but
it is easy...
In general buying these brand name systems LOOKS nice but it can give
you a big headache when it comes to repairs / service.
I have seen Compacs. Look nice but when you check whats inside the box
I guess you pay at least 20%  extra for those looks.
Add a lousy Bios (compaqs is famous) and its one of the machines we
seriously considered NOT wanting for service. You can add Acers, Leo and
IBM to that list. And Siemens as a machine with their name which
died was a twin of an Acer... Same case, bios, the lot.
Any time you have a problem, you have not just windows problems but
Bios/driver problems.

Anyway, he shouldnt have had to setup the machine himself.
You cannot blame the factory for lazy sales people (unless its cash
and carry and then he got as ignorant computer buyer exactly what de
deserved). Service is much more important then the box/name if you
donot know the basics of what you are buying.
The fact that they swapped it indicates to me they donot know what
they are selling either...

Future of computing? I doubt it, I havent seen anyone here who
buys a second Compaq if the first breaks down...

HP printers are easy to setup, but again the shop should have
done it. We always set them up. Not just to help the customer, but to make
sure it works so that when they mess it up we KNOW it was working when
it left.

Paula> Computers will become a more and more integral part of our lives, but
Paula> they will look and behave nothing like these primitive, difficult to
Paula> use, unreliable, frustrating tools we use now - and it won't be that
Paula> long - but in the meantime, there are livings, even fortunes, still to be
Paula> made.
Buy a MAC. seriously, we sell those as well, and sofar all the buyers
come, get the system; they install the software and we never see them
back unless for addons.   Compare that with pc's and the difference is
very obvious.

>> This is the only argument I can't refute. In a business aspect, it
>> would most likely behoove RIT Labs to cater to the larger and less
>> savvy market. I love TB, but wouldn't hesitate to look elsewhere if it
>> became bloatware.

Paula> If RIT Labs thought they had a chance of putting TB on even a small part
Paula> of corporate desktops, do you think there would be any contest?
I doubt they even considered it, as to do that you have to get people
to use it and thats by spreading it via all those magazine/sharewa

Re: PGP question

1999-10-28 Thread tracer

Thursday, October 28, 1999

Hello Michael,

Thursday, Thursday, October 28, 1999, you wrote:

Michael> Hello TBUDL,

Michael>   Sorry for such a basic question... I'm a PGP novice.  How do I send
Michael>   someone my key?

Attach it. Just make sure you send him the public key and not the
secret one (g)

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.36 


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Re: "Out of memory" trying to attach 9 megabyte ZIP file

1999-10-28 Thread Ray Vermey

Hi Ralf,

Thursday, October 28, 1999, 12:15:07 AM, you wrote:

> Is anybody able to replicate this? (I already sent a bug report)

Ack here too! PII 64 MB of RAM. 7 MB exe file.


For my PGP key click below:

mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=send_pgp_key

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1999-10-28 Thread Adam Gołębiowski


  it`s just a test, pls ignore this...

/Adam + [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.temp.n/   ICQ#: n/a \
| "Chiquita"  | IRC: G_ADam   @#zielonka   #klub  #radiostacja |
\ Gołębiowski + PGP key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=SEND%20PGP /

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few things

1999-10-28 Thread Adam Gołębiowski


  A few days ago I wrote about dissapered mail, and Phillip helped me
  (thanks) and told me about Shift+Ctrl+Alt+L shortcut. I got my
  folders structure back, but:
  1. My message templates are gone, how come?
  2. Can someone explain why actually it happend?
  oh and anonther questions:
  3. I can`t install v. 1.36. Setup program installes (actually I
  think it unpacks) files, and then I got an "Application corrupted!
  Terminated". How come?
  4. I had a problem with so called broken mail, you told me about
  mbrepair.exe program, well I my mail back, but when I try to import
  it, the bat creates one letter that contains whole letters from
  repaired message base. How come?

/Adam + [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.temp.n/   ICQ#: n/a \
| "Chiquita"  | IRC: G_ADam   @#zielonka   #klub  #radiostacja |
\ Gołębiowski + PGP key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=SEND%20PGP /

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Re: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-28 Thread Steve Lamb

Wednesday, October 27, 1999, 7:30:11 PM, Thomas wrote:
> Why? Even if this was meant to offend computers (which it wasn't), why
> do you take it personally?

Because it is an attack on those who don't find computers in that manner.

SL>> difficult to use,

> I disagree - they are, for the general public. At least "too"
> difficult.

The "general public" finds the concept of breathing too hard.  What's your

SL>> unreliable

> I believe this depends on the software - hardware is pretty reliable
> these days, in my personal experience.

That depends on the OS, mostly.  Windows is unreliable.  Mac is
unreliable.  Yet these are the systems that were "designed" for the very
clueless nits that Paula is talking about.  I do see a correlation there.

SL>> or frustrating.

>  I wish you were always right on this one. ;-)

Why do you find your computers frustrating.  What I find frustrating are
the people who do not understand several of my points on why certain things
work.  Has nothing to do with the computers.  So far the computers that I have
worked on (the many, MANY computers I have worked on) have all done what I
expected of them.  It is rare that I find one that does not perform as

> This is the point were I entirely disagree with you. Expectations that
> might look "unreasonable" to you today, may be the standard tomorrow.

No, what looks unreasonable to me today is, well, unreasonable today.
Tomorrow is another day.  People have unreasonable expectations *today* for
what computers can do *today*.  People expect computers to sing, dance, play
the fiddle, fart in the wind, do their taxes, and play a mean game of checkers
all without them doing a thing.  No, ain't gonna happen.

Computers are one of the most complex, if not the most complex machine in
use by the general population.  It is complex because it is designed, from the
onset, to be general.  We have a machine that can kill you 20 ways to tuesday
in a game, help you file your taxes, interface with other computers continents
away like it was nothing, etc, etc, etc.  In short it performed thousands of
barely related tasks.  Name another machine that can do that in general use.

Now, people are expecting to use this very complex machine with *NO*
training at all!  People can't even hammer in a nail without some training.
The hammer and nail both serve one function.  One is designed to drive into
material and the other is designed to place a large amount of force on a small
area.  Yet people need training for that.  People need training to drive a
car, to cook, to shower, to shave, to vacuum, to do everything in their lives,
all of which, by comparison, use tools which are magnitudes less complex than
the computer and they expect to be able to use the computer with no training
at all.

*THAT* is the unreasonable expectation.

> at Bank A today?") as an example. Keyboards are one of these things
> nobody wants to use in the future.

Love that prediction.  You know, there are a slew of people who don't want
to use the mouse for many operations you would claim they would not want to
use the keyboard for.  I'm sorry, I'd rather type out many commands than say
them because I can type them faster.

rm -rf /foo/* | less

"Arr Emm space dash arr eff space slash foo slash star space pipe less"

"Computer, recursively and forcably delete all files in the root level
directory foo, display the resulting information in the pager less"

Oh, yeah, that is much easier.  Yeah.  *eyeroll*

> The average user does not need to be beyond complete idiots. Without
> going too much into detail, I take programming a VCR as an example.

Good example.  Programming a VCR has gotten easier and easier yet people
still find it difficult.  It does not matter how easy they make it, people
need training and they don't want to put in the time and effort to learn.

> is that many people whose focus on life is somewhere else than
> computers, may not be too stupid to use them but simply not
> inrterested in the complicated way they work now.

My focus is computers.  Yet I still have taken training to do the many
other things that I do in my daily life.  Others can do the same for

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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Re: "Out of memory" trying to attach 9 megabyte ZIP file

1999-10-28 Thread Steve Lamb

Wednesday, October 27, 1999, 11:55:36 PM, Ralf wrote:
> I've done it before. Well, a 5 megs attachment went along it's way just
> fine. Why should some points reject a large message? Is there a general
> rule or a RFC or something like that that restricts the maximum size of
> a message?

The RFCs (I thought it was 822, but it is not, I am now looking for the
exact one) only guarantee up to 64kb.  Furthermore large attachments were, and
still are, considered a denial of service.  Many places will limit the size of
the message.  The average that I have herd of is 5Mb where some are as low as

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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Re[2]: "Out of memory" trying to attach 9 megabyte ZIP file

1999-10-28 Thread tracer

Thursday, October 28, 1999

Hello Ralf,

Thursday, Thursday, October 28, 1999, you wrote:

Ralf> Dear Ali,

Ralf> you wrote on Thursday, October 28, 1999, 00:59:59:

Ralf> [snip]

>>> And every person on the list who has any inkling of the standards
>>> just gnashed their teeth greatly. You are aware that a 9Mb attachment
>>> will most likely not be accepted by any point along the way?

>> So it's perhaps deliberate sabotage? :))

Ralf> :-)

Ralf> Well, then why it doesn't tell me "Buddy, this attachment will
Ralf> most likely not be accepted  by any point along the way [OK] [Cancel]"?
Ralf> ;-) instead?
Some servers will say that if you use them... Normally the maximum is
set to 2 mb. At least thats what I do so you would get it direct back
as refused as outgoing mail...

Ralf> Joking aside, I think this is a bug and it looks to me like there is
Ralf> memory not properly being released or there is some other kind of memory
Ralf> leak. Doesn't leave me with much trust in the general stability of the
Ralf> program.
Memory leaks... well, I think it has them, but not sure if its on its
own or in cooperation with other software.
You may have mised the discussion last week which was about a similar
problem but with 15 mb BMP's being send...

Its not just you, if the sending does through it can cause problems on
the other side and if it bounces you get that same sized email back to
your mail box...

Ralf> Ralf.

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.36 


Just another check, relax if not already relaxed:-)

1999-10-28 Thread Alexander V. Kiselev

See subject again:-)

SY, Alex
(St.Petersburg, Russia)
Thought for the day:
  Statistics are a highly logical and precise method for saying
  a half-truth inaccurately.

PGP public keys on keyservers:
0xA2194BF9 (RSA);   0x214135A2 (DH/DSS)
F222 4AEF EC9F 5FA6  7515 910A 2429 9CB1 (RSA)
A677 81C9 48CF 16D1 B589  9D33 E7D5 675F 2141 35A2 (DH/DSS) 

Swedish (or other) characters...

1999-10-28 Thread Anders Engstrom


  This might be a question that is a bit off topic, but as far as i've
  seen you TBUDL-people seems nice and friendly .

  Could someone sort out the problem of using 8-bit characters (like
  swedish letters å ä ö etc.) in emails.

  I'm trying different settings in TB, but for some recipients my
  subjects gets all scrambled up. I've tried quoted-printable and
  base64 in the settings, but nothing seems to fix the problem.

  AFAIK this mostly depends on the mailserver and/or recipients

  Anyone out there that might provide some information on this matter?

  Best regards. /Anders

Anders Engstroem
Dept. of Physical Geography
Lund University, Sweden
[tfn: (+46) (0)46 222 03 78]
[tfn2: (+46) (0)709 620773]
Your mind is like an umbrella -
It doesn't work unless it's opened.
 /Frank Zappa

I try again -> Re: 2nd help message

1999-10-28 Thread Renzo

Renzo wrote:
> Hello The Bat! developers,
>   I'm using The Bat! Version 1.19
>   under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998
>   w98 lite (without Explorer + w95 UI)
>   and would like to report a problem
>   The problem description:
>   importing mail from Netscape 4.6:
>   3 times ok
>   4th time application and system crashed
>   now:
>   root6  793
>inbox  6  160(86) no message displayed
>sent  193(43)
>trash 174
>var   0(133)
>   if i try to open inbox:
>   1_ "Exception ElistError in module THEBAT.EXE at 00012816.
>  List index out of bounds"
>   2_ "Access violaton of address 00589E28. Read of address
>  "
>   3_ blue screen
>  "Call VxD not valid from VWIN32(05)+119E for "0002" serv
>  "1""
>   4_ system crash
> Any advice?
> Regards,
>   renzo

Re: THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?

1999-10-28 Thread Nick Danger

In Reference to "THE BAT! Will it be a newsreader option ?" From Steve Lamb:

SL> Computers are one of the most complex, if not the most complex machine in
SL> use by the general population.  It is complex because it is designed, from the
SL> onset, to be general.  We have a machine that can kill you 20 ways to tuesday
SL> in a game, help you file your taxes, interface with other computers continents
SL> away like it was nothing, etc, etc, etc.  In short it performed thousands of
SL> barely related tasks.  Name another machine that can do that in general use.

While I understand your point (and agree with most of it) I have to
take exception to this portion. Computers don't actually "do" a varied
amount of things.  All they real do is compute.  The software has a
myriad of uses.  To use your hammer anology, I can uses a hammer to
build a house, break a rock, crack an egg (gingerly), straighten a
bent whatever, etc. But all it's really doing is hammering.  Just as a
calculator could help me with taxes, build a bridge, and perform a
hostile takeover of microsoft (a calculator and the GNP of 17

 Yeah, it's a nitpick, I know what you meant, but I had to toss in my
2 cents anyway. ;-)

- Nick

Nick Danger's Complimentary Curse <(©¿©)>:
May 10,000 incompetent convicts make camp in your jacket.

Using The Bat! 1.36
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

Printing with TB and Epson660 impossible ?

1999-10-28 Thread Florian Schulz

Hello Mailinglist,
I try to print out messages from TB with my Epson 660, but this fails
whenever I try it. The Epson replacement of the standard spooler pops
up, but no printing jobs are displayed. The spooler is closed after
two or three seconds. I can print from all other applications without
any problems.
Is there any hint how to get TB working with my printer ?


Best regards,
 Florian  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Printing with TB and Epson660 impossible ?

1999-10-28 Thread Giamma

Ciao Florian,

in data giovedì, 28 ottobre 1999, alle 18:03, hai scritto:

FS> whenever I try it. The Epson replacement of the standard spooler pops
FS> up, but no printing jobs are displayed. The spooler is closed after

I have a 640, I think the drivers can be very similar for interface (I
think are the same...), but here no problem



 Gian Matteo
 The Bat! 1.36

(No Subject)

1999-10-28 Thread mapapo

Hello Batmen (and women),

 A few days ago I changed my Email-Address for all my mailing lists.
 (As long as The Bat is not available for the PalmIII I do not read
 the mailing list on my palm :) )

 So I unsubscribed with my old address and subscribed with my new
 address. I got an confirmation-message, that I am removed from the
 mailing-list (for my old address), but from that moment I got all the
 messages twice (really heavy traffic)

 I enjoy reading the mailing list, and I can confirm, that the
 Kill-dupes function works fine, but maybe there is a way, how I can
 remove myself from the mailing list :)

 All this happend after the big crash, so don´t blame it on the
 hardware :)
Best regards,
 mapapo  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: "Out of memory" trying to attach 9 megabyte ZIP file

1999-10-28 Thread Oliver Sturm

Hi Ray Vermey,

On Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 1999 at 14:29:27 you wrote:

>> Is anybody able to replicate this? (I already sent a bug report)

RV> Ack here too! PII 64 MB of RAM. 7 MB exe file.

Seems  to be a problem of 1.36. I certainly did it before, but now the
error is reproducible with a 20 MB file on a 256 MB PIII. Hm.

Two minutes later:

Funny  enough,  The  Bat! didn't exactly crash, I even wrote the first
part of this message after the "Out of memory"-message. But it refused
to show me any folder contents after that. Had to restart.

Oliver Sturm

Oliver Sturm / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Key ID: 71D86996
Fingerprint: 8085 5C52 60B8 EFBD DAD0  78B8 CE7F 38D7 71D8 6996

Re[7]: Autoformat

1999-10-28 Thread Oliver Sturm

Hi Marck D. Pearlstone,

On Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 1999 at 20:21:16 you wrote:

OS>> I  don't  care  at all, really. Even if I repeat myself: I want a
OS>> function to auto-format the text I type.

MDP> I  was  only  saying  that that is not what is *there*. Accepted it is
MDP> what you are suggesting.

Thanks ;)

MDP> Be  specific.  "Badly thought out" is not. If you're a programmer then
MDP> you, too, should be able to define a bug clearly.

Badly  thought out is not specific, you're certainly right about that.
But every programmer has to deal with the user (and I am a user of The
Bat!,  not  it's  programmer)  telling  her "I don't like the way this
function  works  for  this  reason  and  that". She needs to go to her
chamber  or  whatever  and think about which parts of the program from
the technical point of view (that's the point you can only really have
if  you  know the source, too) could be faulty in whatever way (notice
the absence of the word "bug" here) to cause the user's criticism.

OS>> Making  a  function  work in the way it should have from the start
OS>> has  nothing  to  do  with enhancing anything. A bug is not only a
OS>> single point you can lay your hand on and say "this is what has to
OS>> be  done  to  fix  it",  but  it's  also  failure  in  concept  or
OS>> implementation. IMO, that's exactly the point about a-f.

MDP> I  disagree.  "Making  a  function  work  better" comes more under the
MDP> "suggestions for improvement" banner. By definition a "bug" is a logic
MDP> error which has a defined method for reproducing it and a quantifiable
MDP> effect on what happens.

It  seems  we  have a different understanding of what is a logic error
with  a...  and  so  on. I've several times described exactly in which
cases  the a-f function doesn't do what it's supposed to do (or what I
think  it should do, as AFAIK there's no public statement about that).
That behaviour is absolutely reproducible (just like your problem with
the  quotes)  and it certainly has a quantifiable effect (for example,
taking our time discussing it ;-)

MDP> The  guys  at RIT have a policy of only acknowledging the first report
MDP> on  a specific bug and only notifying that single person of its' cure.
MDP> It is my belief that they do read them all.

LOL. I certainly hope so!

[description of several bugs cut]

MDP> .. in due course?

Exactly.  I  don't  believe  it's the best way to have a priority list
made  up  of the most interesting programming tasks. Inserting lots of
new icons is surely very important, although nice.

OS>> Pardon me for ranting.

MDP> Pardoned. It's been an interesting debate. :-)

It  is.  Anyway,  why  don't  they  make  The  Bat!  open  source? I'd
immediately take over that a-f function ;)

Oliver Sturm

Oliver Sturm / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Key ID: 71D86996
Fingerprint: 8085 5C52 60B8 EFBD DAD0  78B8 CE7F 38D7 71D8 6996

Re[2]: "Out of memory" trying to attach 9 megabyte ZIP file

1999-10-28 Thread Oliver Sturm

Hi Steve Lamb,

On Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 1999 at 18:06:55 you wrote:

SL> Wednesday, October 27, 1999, 11:55:36 PM, Ralf wrote:
>> I've done it before. Well, a 5 megs attachment went along it's way just
>> fine. Why should some points reject a large message? Is there a general
>> rule or a RFC or something like that that restricts the maximum size of
>> a message?

SL> The RFCs (I thought it was 822, but it is not, I am now looking for the
SL> exact one) only guarantee up to 64kb.  Furthermore large attachments were, and
SL> still are, considered a denial of service.  Many places will limit the size of
SL> the message.  The average that I have herd of is 5Mb where some are as low as
SL> 2Mb.

I've  been  telling  customers  about  that 64kb limit all the time...
after  having  tried, I must say many mail server admins don't seem to
care  about that rumor ;) I send around large files, even 15 MB or so,
often, without general problems.

Oliver Sturm

Oliver Sturm / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Key ID: 71D86996
Fingerprint: 8085 5C52 60B8 EFBD DAD0  78B8 CE7F 38D7 71D8 6996

Re[8]: Autoformat

1999-10-28 Thread Oliver Sturm

Hi Alexander V. Kiselev,

On Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 1999 at 0:55:31 you wrote:

> [explanation of that well-thought-out algorithm cut]

That's  exactly what I meant in this thread. The algorithm used by The
Bat!  at the moment just doesn't look to me like someone could explain
it  in  such  a  technical  way. And if someone would, you'd be saying
"wait a minute, that won't work too well" all the time.

Just IMHO, of course.

Oliver Sturm

Oliver Sturm / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Key ID: 71D86996
Fingerprint: 8085 5C52 60B8 EFBD DAD0  78B8 CE7F 38D7 71D8 6996

Re[2]: "Out of memory" trying to attach 9 megabyte ZIP file

1999-10-28 Thread tracer

Friday, October 29, 1999

Hello Ray,

Thursday, Thursday, October 28, 1999, you wrote:

Ray> Hi Ralf,

Ray> Thursday, October 28, 1999, 12:15:07 AM, you wrote:

>> Is anybody able to replicate this? (I already sent a bug report)

Ray> Ack here too! PII 64 MB of RAM. 7 MB exe file.

Ray> Ray

Ray> For my PGP key click below:

Ray> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=send_pgp_key

Try dragging the big attachment.. the 22 mb attachment was in progress
of transfer (ie a 30 mb email!!!) but as I guess you donot want the
game I cancelled it.

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.36 


Re: (No Subject)

1999-10-28 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

On 28 October 1999 at 19:02, [EMAIL PROTECTED] told the list:

m>  A  few  days  ago  I  changed  my Email-Address for all my mailing
m>  lists.  (As  long as The Bat is not available for the PalmIII I do
m>  not read the mailing list on my palm :) )

m>  So I unsubscribed with my old address and subscribed with my new
m>  address. I got an confirmation-message, that I am removed from the
m>  mailing-list (for my old address), but from that moment I got all the
m>  messages twice (really heavy traffic)

m>  I enjoy reading the mailing list, and I can confirm, that the
m>  Kill-dupes function works fine, but maybe there is a way, how I can
m>  remove myself from the mailing list :)

m>  All this happend after the big crash, so don´t blame it on the
m>  hardware :)
The  'big  crash'  was  one of a "complete loss of configuration data"
rather  than  any  kind  of  hardware  failure.  We  apologize for any
inconvenience  this  may  have caused, but the re-configuration of the
server has left holes which we are still working hard to correct.

I'm afraid you have fallen through one of them.

Please  write to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to report any anomalies
any of you may be experiencing.

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
PGP key: 
Using The Bat! 1.36
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

Re[8]: Autoformat

1999-10-28 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

On 28 October 1999 at 19:06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] told the list:

MDP>> Pardoned. It's been an interesting debate. :-)

OS> It  is.  Anyway,  why  don't  they  make  The  Bat!  open  source? I'd
OS> immediately take over that a-f function ;)

ROFL - I'll arm-wrestle you for the job! ;-))

Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Co-moderator TBUDL / TBBETA discussion lists
PGP key: 
Using The Bat! 1.36
under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

Re: "Out of memory" trying to attach 9 megabyte ZIP file

1999-10-28 Thread Ali Martin

Hi all,

On Thursday, October 28, 1999, 1:13:01 PM (-5 GMT), Oliver scribbled:

SL>> The RFCs (I thought it was 822, but it is not, I am now looking for the
SL>> exact one) only guarantee up to 64kb.  Furthermore large attachments were, and
SL>> still are, considered a denial of service.  Many places will limit the size of
SL>> the message.  The average that I have herd of is 5Mb where some are as low as
SL>> 2Mb.

> I've  been  telling  customers  about  that 64kb limit all the time...
> after  having  tried, I must say many mail server admins don't seem to
> care  about that rumor ;) I send around large files, even 15 MB or so,
> often, without general problems.

My ISP limits my attachment size to 2MB.

I was just receiving a 1.5MB attachment here and think that the limit
is a good idea. I used to occasionally send large files split into
smaller pieces with 'Filesplitter' and send them via e-mail before
getting myself some free server space and using ftp. Geocities offers
this. If you exchange large files with someone it's really worth the
effort to get some server space and use ftp.


   >>> Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something. <<<
  Running The Bat! v1.36 in Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

Re: "Out of memory" trying to attach 9 megabyte ZIP file

1999-10-28 Thread Ali Martin

Hi all,

On Thursday, October 28, 1999, 1:34:14 PM (-5 GMT), tracer scribbled:

> Try dragging the big attachment.. the 22 mb attachment was in progress
> of transfer (ie a 30 mb email!!!) but as I guess you donot want the
> game I cancelled it.

Sending attachments is discouraged on this list. Your message alone is
the equivalent of 10-15 others on average.

The nature of your attachment and the fact that you sent it in the
first place shows your different bandwidth concerns to the rest of us
which we don't share.


   >>> Some things have got to be believed to be seen. <<<
  Running The Bat! v1.36 in Windows NT 4.0 (Service Pack 5)

Re[2]: "Out of memory" trying to attach 9 megabyte ZIP file

1999-10-28 Thread tracer

Friday, October 29, 1999

Hello Steve,

Thursday, Thursday, October 28, 1999, you wrote:

Steve> Wednesday, October 27, 1999, 11:55:36 PM, Ralf wrote:
>> I've done it before. Well, a 5 megs attachment went along it's way just
>> fine. Why should some points reject a large message? Is there a general
>> rule or a RFC or something like that that restricts the maximum size of
>> a message?

Steve> The RFCs (I thought it was 822, but it is not, I am now looking for the
Steve> exact one) only guarantee up to 64kb.  Furthermore large attachments were, and
Steve> still are, considered a denial of service.  Many places will limit the size of
Steve> the message.  The average that I have herd of is 5Mb where some are as low as
Steve> 2Mb.
correct, and anyone doing it on a regular basis gets complaints...
It seems in general to be coupled to 'free' mailbox size but as most
mailservers have limited storage capacity large emilas arent
apreciated as they can totally hang the system.
Thats why splitting files and sending them as one by one seperate
parts is better and more polite but really files should be ftp'd.
Its really not that complicated to run an ftp server on your system so
that the receiver from the other side can ftp the stuff out..
Vermillion is an obvious candidate but it isnt free...

Best regards,

Using theBAT 1.36