Re[2]: storing mail

2000-03-03 Thread Patrick Erler

hallo Paula!

on Friday, March 03, 2000, 7:28:09 AM, you wrote:

PF On Thursday, March 02, 2000, Patrick Erler wrote:

 you MUST try Zoot for storing mail! its somehow cool.. just try it!


PF I looked at the web site, but I don't see an explanation of how it can
PF be used to store mail from anything but Outlook. Could you explain?
it simply sucks (or zoots as they say) anything in, via clipboard,
outlook synchronization or import (and zoot even knows which website i
vistited, no matter if with opera or explorer... cool). as import
options you have newsgroup and email. it looks like it is quite
format-independent. it just extracts the infomration it needs...

the lack of a help-file is quite problem, but you can download an
archive which puts their knowledge-base and their mailing-list into
zoot. what is simple impresive is that almost every queston people ask
is answered with "yes, do it like this.." and almost never with "we
plan this for the next release".

another megaplus is that almost every function has a hotkey.

since yesterday i simple suck all information i find into zoot and
later, when i like, i organize them into projects and folders or find
them with their superfast searchengine. its a dream...


vcard/LDAP/PGP public key:
PGP fingerprint: DAC6 2FDA 1ED7 AD55  BD1F 5142 3D5F 72BF

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Re: Nicknames, Favourites and Auto-Completion

2000-03-03 Thread Tobias Wrede

Hello List,

Friday, 3. March 2000 at 08:16:36 Steve wrote:

 Thursday, March 02, 2000, 9:52:10 PM, Oleg wrote:
 You  can  just enter a nick in the TO: field and forget it. It will be
 expanded by TB! to address while sending message.

 Incorrect.  Last time I checked it only expands names when you leave the
 field in question.  If you enter a nick and hit F2 without leaving the field
 it will not expand but it will try to send.

Furthermore there are some other oddities with the TO-field and the

In most cases I use a person's first name as nick. When entering the
nick in the field after a second or so, the bat completes the name
with an entry from the history. You can avoid this by leaving the
field before that mentionend second.

Often this doesn't matter as the completed name is the one you want.
But in that case it doesn't change the capitalization. Since I usually
enter the nicks in small letters only, a completed address then has the
first name starting with a small letter and the middle/last names are with
capital letters as entered in the addressbook.

Another thing is that you have to seperate several nicks/addresses by
";". Otherwise the nicks won't expand. When just entering comlete
addresses a "," works fine, too.

so long

Tobias Wrede

Ford stood up. "We're safe," he said. "Oh good," said Arthur. "We're in
a small galley cabin," said Ford, "in one of the spaceships of the Vogon
Constructor Fleet." "Ah," said Arthur, "this is obviously some strange
usage of the word safe that I wasn't previously aware of."
(from D. Adams: The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy)

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Re: Nicknames, Favourites and Auto-Completion

2000-03-03 Thread Mark R Harding


Regarding your message dated: Friday, March 03, 2000...

DT Hi everyone,

DT I'm wondering what Nicknames (Handles) and Favourites are used for
DT within TheBat!

Nicknames are used as shortcuts to people's email addresses. There are
problems with the way it works and rather than describe in full those
shortcomings I will attach a previous reply made by Jast to a similar
enquiry I made on the subject.

Favourites is another shortcut feature that works in a slightly
different way. If you place the mouse cursor in one of the address
fields of the compose window (To:, CC:, BCC:) and right-click then a
menu appears.  At the bottom of the menu will be attached the
names/email addresses of your favourites.  Selecting one of these from
the menu will enter the relevant details into the address field.

To reinforce what I've just said, go to your address book and pick
out someone who you may like to regard as a favourite.  'Tick' the
favourite box for this person and then go back to the bat and open
up a 'compose new message' window.

Place the cursor over the To: field, right-click and when the menu
appears you should see that the person you have just selected to
be a favourite appears on the bottom of that menu.

One final point to mention on this subject is that if the address-book
entry of the person you selected as a favourite appears in a
sub-address-book of your main address book (I think in Bat parlance
this is called a "group") then when you right-click in the compose
window address field you will instead see a sub-menu titled with the
group-name and your favourite person will appear inside that sub menu.

I hope this proved useful - and the attached earlier message about
nicknames etc... from Jast is below...



 I am used to Netscape Messenger's pinpoint addressing where you begin to
 enter a recipient's email address and then complete it using the tab-key.
 The client matches against either real or nick names and shows
 abbreviated lists when there are multiple matches. I have found that The
 Bat is much more fussy as to when it auto-completes a name. Pressing tab
 rarely works and the stated function-key (ctrl+) works in only a fey
  I believe it works mostly correctly here:
  a) a phrase is auto-completed without additional keyboard intervention if
 it appears in the drop-down list of the address field.
  b) a phrase is auto-completed from the address book if entered incompletely
 (at least 4 letters) and you change focus to another field. This only
 works when entering part of a real name or the full handle.
  c) press Ctrl-Plus: auto-complete from the address book by entering any
 number of letters and go to next address containing these letters at the
 start when pressing continually. This will also complete email addresses
 you start to type without the name put in.
  Situations under which this does not work (bugs AFAICS):
  b) won't complete names shorter than 5 characters or where the first name
 contains less than 5 chars. It also won't complete handles with spaces
 in them, no matter how much you enter.
  c) won't complete from handles, even if entered completely.

Using The Bat! 1.39
under Windows NT 4.0 Build
1381 Service Pack 6

Mark R Harding
Department of Electronics  Electrical Engineering
The University of Edinburgh, King's Buildings, Mayfield Road
Edinburgh. EH9 3JL. Scotland. U.K.

Phone:  +44 (0)131 650 5662
Fax:+44 (0)131 650 6554
Email:  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Fwd: Fwd: Minor security problem in The Bat!

2000-03-03 Thread Steve Lamb

===Original message text===
From: Jason K. Fritcher [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Friday, March 03, 2000, 9:36:48 AM
Subject: : Minor security problem in The Bat!

Received: from lizard ( []) by (8.9.3/8.9.3) with SMTP id JAA10244 for 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]; Fri, 3 Mar 2000 09:37:15 -0800 (PST)
From: "Jason K. Fritcher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Steve Lamb" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2000 09:36:48 -0800
Reply-To: "Jason K. Fritcher" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Priority: Normal
X-Mailer: PMMail 98 Professional (2.01.1600) For Windows NT (4.0.1381;5)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: Fwd: Minor security problem in The Bat!
X-UIDL: b9d6672ba413f27909974251e05ed23c
Hash: SHA1

This is good. :)

X-BAT-FILES: c:\autoexec.bat
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 17:43:08 +0300
Subject:  Minor security problem in The Bat!
X-cc: Stanislav Polozov [EMAIL PROTECTED]


"The Bat!" by RitLabs is extremely convenient mail agent with a lot of
features  for Windows platforms. One of "The Bat!" features is storing
files  attached to e-mail messages apart from messages bodies. In this
case  "The  Bat!"  puts  attached  files  in  preconfigured folder and
removes  according  MIME  part  from message. Instead, "The Bat!" adds
additional pseudo-header X-BAT-FILES, something like:

  X-BAT-FILES: D:\Home\Incoming\attachment.doc

There are few possible troubles:

1. Then forwarding message with attachment this header isn't stripped.
This  fact  allows  recipient  of  the  forward  to  know the physical
location  of  the  user's  incoming files. This can be very useful for
attack  like  in  "Georgi  Guninski  security  advisory  #8, 2000" ;-)
because  you  can  send  any file to user and you will know where this
file will be located.

2. "The Bat!" doesn't check headers of the incoming message to contain
this header (and this is even more dangerous). Intruder can spoof this
header, for example to specify
in  message  headers.  In  this  case  user.dat will appear as message
attachment!  If  recipient  will forward this message user.dat will be
attached  to forward. If recipient will delete this message and option
"Delete  attached  file  then  message  deleted  from trash folder" is
checked C:\WINDOWS\user.dat will be deleted.

Tested with version 1.39

Vendor contacted.

P.S.  "The Bat!" users will see their own c:\autoexec.bat  attached to
{ . . } |\
+--oQQo-{ ^ }-+ \
|  3APA3A  U  3APA3A   }
+-o66o--+ /


- -- 
Jason K. Fritcher
Software Developer, Business Web Hosting
(626) 296-5880 x65880

Version: PGPsdk version 1.0 (C) 1997 Pretty Good Privacy, Inc


End of original message text===

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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Re: Fwd: Fwd: Minor security problem in The Bat!

2000-03-03 Thread Simon


Steve Lamb @ [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

SL There are few possible troubles:

Yes, I too emailed RIT when I noticed this 'hole' right after I first
registered TB!. The email and reply are below:

Hash: SHA1

Hello The Bat! developers,

 I am a bit disturbed about a specific 'feature' of The Bat!. I
was wondering  whether  there  was  some  way to prevent the 'Kludges'
from displaying  the  path  to  my  mailbox?  I  ALWAYS keep my mailbox
path private for obvious security reasons. But low and behold, I find that
I am now inadvertently emailing it to all and sundry. Eg below:

Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="--12111C10A12B2B883"
X-BAT-FILES-SUBST: "block.jpg"@"C:\\Post Office\\Email\\Simon
X-BAT-FILES: C:\Post Office\Email\Simon (F9)\Attach\block9.jpg

Surely this is a bit of a security issue is it not? Can you advise?




Hello Simon,

S I am a bit disturbed about a specific 'feature' of The Bat!. I was
S wondering whether there was some way to prevent the 'Kludges' from
S displaying the path to my mailbox?

You can keep files in message bodies, but this can be the cause of
crashes/slowdowns when it comes to large attachments.

We will change it to something more convenient in the next version
because this "feature" causes losing attachment when the account's
home directory is changed...

 Stefanmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


 Simon mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Usin' TB! v1.41 B3


  L’homme est bien insensé. Il ne saurait forger un ciron, et forge des Dieux à 

  (Man is quite insane. He cannot create a maggot, and he creates Gods by the dozen)

  MONTAIGNE 1533-1592


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Settings Reset at random?

2000-03-03 Thread Todd Louis Green

I just downloaded The Bat and have been playing with it
for about two hours.  I think it's an amazing program as it has a
wide variety of capabilities not found with my current client
(Forte Agent).  However, for the life of me, I can't seem to
figure out how to keep various settings from going back to their
defaults seemingly at random.

In particular, I cannot get the View|ViewThreadsBy
setting to remain in place with each restart of the program.

Even worse are the message columns.  I have four accounts
set up on my incarnation of The Bat.  I am trying to get them all
to share the same message column settings.  But one account seems
to be fine (somehow I figured out how to set the "default" for
that account and the rest follow it as instructed in their
Folder|Properties menus) ... while another account reverts to the
original setting immediately after I set it, and I cannot get that
account's "default" to change.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  You can email me
at this account, [EMAIL PROTECTED], with any advice.

Thanks, and stay safe!  ...Todd

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Re: Brazilian mail - no you see it now you don't

2000-03-03 Thread Tom Plunket

JDH (Datula has a button to detach a message from its existing
JDH thread; I couldn't find such a feature in The Bat! though.)

MDP It  exists  in  a  different  form. From the message editor, use View/
MDP Follow-up  to  and remove/edit the reference ID when instigating a new
MDP thread.

I think John means that you can "prune" a thread?  This is a feature
that I'd definitely like to have  Actually, even better would be
thread manipulation tools 'cause this other list I'm on has a bunch of
LookOut users, and it appears to copy the references field rather than
update it?  Whatever it is, it's a pain that would be nice to deal
with on my end, since you can't talk to "these people."  ;)


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Re: Brazilian mail - no you see it now you don't

2000-03-03 Thread John De Hoog

Tom Plunket [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I think John means that you can "prune" a thread?

The button in the Datula mail/news composition window starts a new 
thread. Both Datula and EdMax also have the ability to break 
threads of received articles and to string together broken threads.

John De Hoog, Tokyo   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Japanese email software:

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Re: storing mail

2000-03-03 Thread Paula Ford

On Friday, March 03, 2000, Patrick Erler wrote:

PF I looked at the web site, but I don't see an explanation of how it can
PF be used to store mail from anything but Outlook. Could you explain?

 it simply sucks (or zoots as they say) anything in, via clipboard,
 outlook synchronization or import (and zoot even knows which website i
 vistited, no matter if with opera or explorer... cool). as import
 options you have newsgroup and email. it looks like it is quite
 format-independent. it just extracts the infomration it needs...

Just to be perfectly clear before I go to the trouble of trying to space
on hard drive to squeeze in another program, how are you importing
messages from The Bat?

Paula Ford
The Bat! 1.38e (reg)
Windows 95 4.0 Build 950

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List index out of bounds

2000-03-03 Thread Paula Ford

Hello All,

In the last couple of weeks, I've gotten 2-3 error messages saying "List
index out bounds" then the messages display gets out of sync with the
message list. Today, the error was followed by an Access Violation

What does the 'list index out of bounds' error message mean and should I
be doing something about it?

Paula Ford
The Bat! 1.38e (reg)
Windows 95 4.0 Build 950

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A slight twist on the filtering question

2000-03-03 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello all,

 I just set up my Unix account to act as my POP3 server.  For some
 reason Unix creates an e-mail message, that isn't really a message,
 that holds some necessary configuration information.  Now for my
 question.  How can I set up The Bat to ignore that message?  I want
 TB to download all other mail and delete it from the server, but I
 want that configuration file to stay on the server.

 I think I can delete the file without any problems, but until I find
 out for sure from an Unix guru, I think I'd rather leave it on the
 server.  If I can delete the file, no problem, then I'll just set up
 a kill filter, nice and easy.  But if I need that file, is there
 anything I can do in TB or in Unix to fix this?

 And while we're on the topic of my Unix server and TB, does anyone
 know of a good way to have my SSH program launched when I launch TB?
 My current solution is simply a batch file. Ideally I would love to
 have a plug in or something that would make TB capable of connecting
 to the mail server using SSH. This probably isn't practical, but I'll
 wait for the more savvy to correct my errant ways. :)

 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.39
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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