Re: How do I put my folders in alphabetic order?

2000-04-18 Thread Thomas Fernandez

Hi Thobias,

On Wed, 19 Apr 2000 08:00:58 +0200GMT (19/04/2000, 14:00 +0800GMT),
Thobias Nilsson wrote:

>> Cant you just click on the Folders column header? It does sort them
>> alphabetically. Or am I missing something here?

TN> Well I want my messages in date order... that's why I can't do as you suggest

Do you mean messages or folders? If you do nothing and a new folder is
always created at the bottom, you have them in date order. ;-)

Your subject suggests you want the folders in alphabetical order. This
you do by clicking on the "folder" bar in the "folder" list.

If you are talking about messages in date order, that has nothing to
do with the order of the folders.



Message reply created with The Bat! 1.41
under Chinese Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  
on a Pentium II/350 MHz.

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Re[2]: How do I put my folders in alphabetic order?

2000-04-18 Thread Thobias Nilsson

Hello Ian,

Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 6:21:07 PM, you wrote:

> Hello Thobias,

> Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 1:50:29 PM, you wrote:

TN>> Everytime I create a new folder in my mailbox it always places
TN>> itself at the bottom of all the other folders, I want it to place
TN>> itself it alphabetic order automatic, how do I do that? Is it
TN>> possible?

> Cant you just click on the Folders column header? It does sort them
> alphabetically. Or am I missing something here?

Well I want my messages in date order... that's why I can't do as you suggest

Best regards,

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DeadHorse - was Re: SOT: Replacement for M$'s Word?

2000-04-18 Thread Leif Gregory

Hello users,

On Tue, 18 Apr 2000 at 19:14:03 [GMT +0200], you wrote:
CJT> StarOffice also lacks support for languages like Polish so it is
CJT> disqualified at the very beginning.

Deadhorse on this thread. It's been going on a while, and is
"SERIOUSLY Off-Topic!".


Leif Gregory 

TBUDL/TBBETA List Moderator
Web Site   

Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/18 under Windows 98 4.10 Build  A  
on a Pentium III 500 MHz notebook with 128MB.

Tagline of the day:
A "sucking chest wound" is nature's way of saying slow down.

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Re: How do I put my folders in alphabetic order?

2000-04-18 Thread Marck D. Pearlstone

Hi Thobias,

On 18 April 2000 at 14:50:29 GMT +0200 (which was 13:50 where I
live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote and made these points on the subject
of "How do I put my folders in alphabetic order?":

> Everytime I create a new folder in my mailbox it always places
> itself at the bottom of all the other folders, I want it to place
> itself it alphabetic order automatic, how do I do that? Is it
> possible?

Please,  please,  please,  please,  please,  please  do NOT reply to a
message  to  start  a  completely  new  topic. This *really* messes up


Marck D. Pearlstone, Consultant Software Engineer
Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA
PGP key: 

| Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/17 S/N 14F4B4B2
| under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  

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Re: OT: Re: Vote for The Bat!

2000-04-18 Thread Patrick Erler

hallo Christopher!

on Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 9:52:21 PM, you wrote:

CJT> Hello Steve,
CJT> On Tuesday, April 18, 2000 you wrote:

>> With PMMail a close 2nd.  Hmmm, how did that link get there!?  :)

CJT> By the way, could anyone enlighten me? I always thought that PMMail is
CJT> the other name of Pegasus Mail. Is this wrong?
yep. the bat is a reason to change from PMail, to say something to
describe PMmail (it is quite similar, but the developement stopped
long and started some time ago as i read..)


PGP fingerprint: DAC6 2FDA 1ED7 AD55  BD1F 5142 3D5F 72BF

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Re: OT: Re: Vote for The Bat!

2000-04-18 Thread Steve Lamb

Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 12:52:21 PM, Christopher wrote:
> Hello Steve,
> On Tuesday, April 18, 2000 you wrote:

>> With PMMail a close 2nd.  Hmmm, how did that link get there!?  :)

> By the way, could anyone enlighten me? I always thought that PMMail is
> the other name of Pegasus Mail. Is this wrong?

Yup.  The other name for Pegasus would be PMail.  PMMail stands for
Presentation Manager Mail.  PM was OS/2's GUI interface before the Workplace
Shell (WPS).  PMMail originated on OS/2 and was ported to Windows in 1998.
There are currently four versions of PMMail.  PMMail/2 Standard, PMMail/2
Professional, PMMail2000 Standard and PMMail 2000 Professional.

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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OT: Re: Vote for The Bat!

2000-04-18 Thread Christopher J. Trybowski

Hello Steve,
On Tuesday, April 18, 2000 you wrote:

> With PMMail a close 2nd.  Hmmm, how did that link get there!?  :)

By the way, could anyone enlighten me? I always thought that PMMail is
the other name of Pegasus Mail. Is this wrong?

Christopher J. Trybowski 
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Re: Japanese

2000-04-18 Thread Christopher J. Trybowski

Hello Gary,
On Monday, April 17, 2000 you wrote:

>   I have someone who is interested in TB! in the States here, and he
>   wondered if he can receive things in Japanese.   Does a Cyrillic
>   character set cover this?


Sometimes  I  am  surprised  how  little  people  know about different
languages :). Just a few days ago I explained one guy from Switzerland
that  Polish  language  uses normal Latin alphabet (with some accented
characters) and he was very surprised.

And  now  this ;). Well, Cyrillic is a totally different alphabet than
any  kind  of  CJK!  It  has a sensible number of characters, not like
Japanese  thousands.  Don't ask me how many - I don't know, nor I know
Cyrillic itself.

Of course don't take it personally :)

Christopher J. Trybowski 
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Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/18 [reg] under Windows 98 4.10 build 1998.

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Re[2]: Vote for The Bat!

2000-04-18 Thread Lionel Elie Mamane

Hash: SHA1

Hello Mark,

Monday, April 17, 2000, 3:08:44 PM, you wrote:

MRH> Yes,  now  it's all clear to me... I have never heard anyone here
MRH> request  'skins'  in  the  next  version/release of TB! How come?

No! Useless. *Please* don't loose your time too much on that, Ritlabs.
I find the other request *much* more usefull.

- --
Best regards,
 Lionelmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Version: PGP 6.5i


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(No Subject)

2000-04-18 Thread Martin van Soest

Hello The Bat! Users and hi Januk,

Sometime on Tuesday, April 18, you wrote about "Dragging Folders":

>> I noticed that when I have selected a folder and start dragging it
>> while holding the alt-key it might work out unexpectedly. And when I
>> drag the folder when it is not selected I always get what I want.
>  I'm not sure I follow.  How can you drag a folder without pressing
>  the alt key?  Maybe I'm missing something.

No... You're not missing anything... Somehow I thought that saying
this about the alt-key would make it a bit clearer ;-) Ah well...

>>   Has anyone else noticed this awkward behaviour and is there
>>   something going to be done about it?
>  I like having to press the Alt key, it prevents me from messing up
>  the order of my folders by accident.  Stefan, one of the authors, has
>  expressed this on one of the TB discussion lists as well.  So it is
>  unlikely that this behaviour will change.  Or are you concerned with
>  some other aspect?  It's late here, so maybe I'm misreading.

I also like pressing the Alt-key. I don't want to change that behaviour...
I want to get rid of the unexpected movement of some folders (which is
described quite clearly by Allie Martin).

>>   I have been unable to find a sort-folder option...
>  Try clicking on the folder bar in the folder list pane.

Why didn't I think of that? But still... I don't want to sort

>> I would love to see such a feature. It would be nice if u could
>> select which folders are sorted and which are not.
>  That sounds neat, but how often do you really rearrange your folders?
>  I find that I rearrange my folders no more than once every couple of
>  months, after the initial setup.
You're right... I don't sort my folders very regularly. Actually, I
only 'sort' them when I add a new folder.

A big thank you to all who kindly answered to my question.

Greetinx & sort on,


Martin 'MuFfiN' van Soest, using 1.42 Beta/17 under 
  Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  
  AND using LiteStep 0.24.6, build 17/apr/2000
  on a Pentium 200MMX with 96MB RAM

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Re: Printing from Outbox not possible?

2000-04-18 Thread Oliver Sturm

Hi Michael Heydekamp,

On Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 6:42:02 PM you wrote:

> just realized that I was not able to print a message sitting in the
> outbox (using the print button and the menu command, forgot to check
> with Ctrl-P).

I tried it on 1.41 and it works without problems.

Oliver Sturm

% \(-
(-: Command not found.
Oliver Sturm / <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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Re: LinuxBat now!

2000-04-18 Thread Christopher J. Trybowski

Hello Arno,
On Saturday, April 15, 2000 you wrote:

> Opera Software, I agree, has been a bit - how am I going to put this
> politically  correct :-) - too enthousiatic when proclaiming version
> 4.0.

Yes,  I  have  tested beta1 and it displayed pages worse than 3.60. Of
course   some  of  them  were  displayed better, but in overall it was
terrible.  I  have  tested  b3  only for a few minutes and it seems no
better. I will send some info on Opera list soon.

> However, Opera is the leading browser on CSS technology and has been
> that ever since CSS made it's appearance.

More or less. It supports some attributes which aren't supported by IE
and  NN,  but on the other hand it doesn't support such a simple thing
as   (I have to use bgcolor=).
Of course this was about v. 3.60, I dunno about 4.

> It  helped  people working on low-power systems to surf the Web in a
> normal way. It's speed is overwhelming when compared to IE and NS.

I must agree with this. I had a 486dx4/100 with 16 MB RAM and I ran
win95 with Opera with no problems.

> It  has  all  kind of - for some people irrelevant, but very handy -
> features as

Turning off graphics in a one click. *That* is great!

> Your taskbar is not getting filled with tons of seperate windows, you
> can switch between different sites in an instant,

I feel the same.

> Opera 3.60 has hanged two times in one and a half year at my system.
> That extends the crashes of IE with thousands of percents.

Here  it  had hanged until I had enlarged my swap file to 50 MB. Later
it was working OK.

> It displays incorrect HTML incorrectly. As did Netscape in it's good
> days.

Not  really,  it fails to display many attributes which are correct in
HTML.  And  Netscape  now  displays  incorrectly  even  correct  HTML.
Seriously I must say, that I hate NN for this.

One  thing  that  really  sucks  in Opera is the lack of international
support. This is essential for many users. And implementing this isn't
complicated  at  all.  Opera  only  has  to select correct font script
(adequate  to  that  the  charset definition says) and make some small
transcriptions  (I'm writing about Latin-based languages, like Polish,
which requires only six characters to be changed upon displaying). One
of  Polish users even wrote a patch that replaces Opera's registration
procedure  with  the  one  that  replaces  these  six  characters (Iso
charset) with the ones from CP. But it only worked in ver. 3.60.

Of  course  I have heard about the plans to include Unicode support in
4.1, but this is a way around -- Unicode is much more complicated than
what I wrote above.

This off-topic has gotten quite large, sorry :). EOT ;)

Christopher J. Trybowski 
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Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/17 [reg] under Windows 98 4.10 build 1998.

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Re: SOT: Replacement for M$'s Word?

2000-04-18 Thread Christopher J. Trybowski

Hello Allie,
On Monday, April 17, 2000 you wrote:

> It's crossplatform nature and the fact that it's free are it's
> only remarkable qualities. Otherwise it's an incredible resource eater.
> Nothing more than resource overhead and yet you have nothing tangible to
> really show for it. If I start StarOffice, it uses more resources than
> Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access all started *together* (I checked this
> just out of curiosity). Imagine all that resource just to wordprocess? :(
> Furthermore, the wordprocessing is very much like that of Word and the
> font rendering leaves a lot to be desired.

I  must  agree  with  this.  Although  it  looks  interesting with its
integration  with  Windows'  desktop  (I  used  Win  version),  it  is
incredibly  slow,  and not a powerful as MS Word (and I mean it -- the
problem  is that people don't feel like learning what's there in Word,
and  then  they grab another piece of software, discover something and
yell  that  they  have  found  something that MS Word doesn't have). I
haven't tried Word Pro, but maybe I'll check it out someday.

StarOffice  also  lacks  support  for  languages  like Polish so it is
disqualified at the very beginning.

Best regards,

Christopher J. Trybowski 
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Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/17 [reg] under Windows 98 4.10 build 1998.

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Re: SOT: Replacement for M$'s Word?

2000-04-18 Thread Christopher J. Trybowski

Hello Arno,
On Monday, April 17, 2000 you wrote:

> I  could  send  you  a  CD containing Corel Office 2000, so that you
> could  give  it all a try, if you'd like. You have to promise to buy
> the program, though... :-))

You'd  better  not  say such things on mailing list or you'll soon get
tons of letters saying "send me too" ;).

Anyway, I'll try Corel Office 2000.


Christopher J. Trybowski 
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Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/17 [reg] under Windows 98 4.10 build 1998.

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Re: Printing from Outbox not possible?

2000-04-18 Thread Arno van Stralen


Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 6:42:02 PM, schreef je:

Michael> just realized that I was not able to print a message sitting in the
Michael> outbox (using the print button and the menu command, forgot to check
Michael> with Ctrl-P).

Michael> Is that a bug or intentional?  After I sent the message, I was able to
Michael> print it from the Sent folder with no problem.

Michael> Not even sure if this is a Beta/17 issue only ...

It works perfectly fine with 1.41 Educational.

Michael> [some minutes later]

Michael> Just tried to print this very message from the outbox three times.  The
Michael> first time it didn't work, the next two times it did.  Looks to me as if
Michael> TB! would not always be aware where the focus is?

That's very strange. Anyone else experiencing this?


Met vriendelijke groeten,

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Printing from Outbox not possible?

2000-04-18 Thread Michael Heydekamp

Hello The Bat! users,

just realized that I was not able to print a message sitting in the
outbox (using the print button and the menu command, forgot to check
with Ctrl-P).

Is that a bug or intentional?  After I sent the message, I was able to
print it from the Sent folder with no problem.

Not even sure if this is a Beta/17 issue only ...

[some minutes later]

Just tried to print this very message from the outbox three times.  The
first time it didn't work, the next two times it did.  Looks to me as if
TB! would not always be aware where the focus is?

Best regards,

Michael Heydekamp
AIR TRAFFIC Euro Charter GmbH

  Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/17 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 
  on a PIII/450, 128MB RAM, 10GB Harddisk
  in a NetWare 3.12 network environment

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Re: Vote for The Bat!

2000-04-18 Thread Steve Lamb

Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 9:21:02 AM, Paula wrote:
> 178 votes and dozens of positive reviews. One of the marketing
> advantages of having a users list, eh? 

With PMMail a close 2nd.  Hmmm, how did that link get there!?  :)

 Steve C. Lamb | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
 ICQ: 5107343  | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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Re: Vote for The Bat!

2000-04-18 Thread Paula Ford

On Monday, April 17, 2000, Stanislav Polozov wrote:


178 votes and dozens of positive reviews. One of the marketing
advantages of having a users list, eh? 

Paula Ford
The Bat! 1.41 (reg)
Windows 95 4.0 Build 950

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Re: How do I put my folders in alphabetic order?

2000-04-18 Thread Ian Bowes

Hello Thobias,

Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 1:50:29 PM, you wrote:

TN> Everytime I create a new folder in my mailbox it always places
TN> itself at the bottom of all the other folders, I want it to place
TN> itself it alphabetic order automatic, how do I do that? Is it
TN> possible?

Cant you just click on the Folders column header? It does sort them
alphabetically. Or am I missing something here?

Best regards,
 Ian Bowes

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Re[3]: How do I put my folders in alphabetic order?

2000-04-18 Thread Marek Mikus

Hello all,
Tuesday, April 18, 2000, Thobias Nilsson wrote:

> Hello Marek,

> Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 2:54:49 PM, you wrote:

>> Hello all,
>> Tuesday, April 18, 2000, Thobias Nilsson wrote:

>>> Hello

>>> Everytime I create a new folder in my mailbox it always places itself
>>> at the bottom of all the other folders, I want it to place itself it
>>> alphabetic order automatic, how do I do that? Is it possible?

>> no, it is not possible :-(

> Meybe in the next version?

You can add this to wishlist on this WWW page:



Marek Mikus

Using the best The Bat! 1.42 Beta/17 reg
under the worst Windows 95 4.0 Build  B
Intel Celeron 266 MHz, 32 MB

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Re[2]: How do I put my folders in alphabetic order?

2000-04-18 Thread Thobias Nilsson

Hello Marek,

Tuesday, April 18, 2000, 2:54:49 PM, you wrote:

> Hello all,
> Tuesday, April 18, 2000, Thobias Nilsson wrote:

>> Hello

>> Everytime I create a new folder in my mailbox it always places itself
>> at the bottom of all the other folders, I want it to place itself it
>> alphabetic order automatic, how do I do that? Is it possible?

> no, it is not possible :-(

Meybe in the next version?


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Re: How do I put my folders in alphabetic order?

2000-04-18 Thread Marek Mikus

Hello all,
Tuesday, April 18, 2000, Thobias Nilsson wrote:

> Hello

> Everytime I create a new folder in my mailbox it always places itself
> at the bottom of all the other folders, I want it to place itself it
> alphabetic order automatic, how do I do that? Is it possible?

no, it is not possible :-(



Marek Mikus

Using the best The Bat! 1.42 Beta/17 reg
under the worst Windows 95 4.0 Build  B
Intel Celeron 266 MHz, 32 MB

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How do I put my folders in alphabetic order?

2000-04-18 Thread Thobias Nilsson


Everytime I create a new folder in my mailbox it always places itself at the bottom of 
all the other folders,
I want it to place itself it alphabetic order automatic, how do I do that? Is it 


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Re: dragging folders

2000-04-18 Thread Allie Martin

On Tue, 18 Apr 2000 03:11:14 -0700, Januk Aggarwal wrote:


>> I noticed that when I have selected a folder and start dragging it
>> while holding the alt-key it might work out unexpectedly. And when I
>> drag the folder when it is not selected I always get what I want.

>  I'm not sure I follow.  How can you drag a folder without pressing
>  the alt key?  Maybe I'm missing something.

You can drag and drop a folder by *first* selecting/highlighting the
folder that you intend to do the move operation on, or you may just drag
and drop it without first selecting it. If you don't first
select/highlight the folder before dragging and dropping it to another
location, what happens is unpredictable in that it doesn't go where you
wanted it to go, and more commonly, *another* folder is moved instead of
the intended one. Because of this, I specifically click on the folder I
wish to move, to select it :-), *then* I do the drag and drop. Clear now?

>>   Has anyone else noticed this awkward behaviour and is there
>>   something going to be done about it?

Yes, I've been noting this as well.

© 2000 Allie Martin
  Using TB! v1.42 Beta/17 on Win2k Pro
** Ever notice that 'What the hell' is always the right decision?

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Re: dragging folders

2000-04-18 Thread Januk Aggarwal

Hello Martin,

On  Tuesday, April 18, 2000  at  11:30:02 GMT +0200 (which was 2:30 AM
where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] typed:

>   I hate dragging folders because it goes wrong most of the time. When
>   I drag a folder using Alt-sometimes another folder is dragged...

 If you are dragging a folder that has subfolders, the subfolders will
 be dragged along too.

> I noticed that when I have selected a folder and start dragging it
> while holding the alt-key it might work out unexpectedly. And when I
> drag the folder when it is not selected I always get what I want.

 I'm not sure I follow.  How can you drag a folder without pressing
 the alt key?  Maybe I'm missing something.

>   Has anyone else noticed this awkward behaviour and is there
>   something going to be done about it?

 I like having to press the Alt key, it prevents me from messing up
 the order of my folders by accident.  Stefan, one of the authors, has
 expressed this on one of the TB discussion lists as well.  So it is
 unlikely that this behaviour will change.  Or are you concerned with
 some other aspect?  It's late here, so maybe I'm misreading.

>   I have been unable to find a sort-folder option...

 Try clicking on the folder bar in the folder list pane.

> I would love to see such a feature. It would be nice if u could
> select which folders are sorted and which are not.

 That sounds neat, but how often do you really rearrange your folders?
 I find that I rearrange my folders no more than once every couple of
 months, after the initial setup.

Thanks for writing,
 Januk Aggarwal

 Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/17
 under Windows 98 4.10 Build   A 

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Re: OT: Resource Usage Monitor

2000-04-18 Thread Tony Boom

This message: 18/04/2000 08:39 GMT.

On 18 April 2000 at 11:52:35 GMT +0800 (which was 04:52 where I live)
Thomas ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) typed:

TF> I understand the WinNT users have a built-in utility telling them how
TF> much RAM is used by which application curently running.

TF> Does anybody know whether this neat little gauge exists (maybe as an
TF> application) for Win98?

Mcaffee Nuts & Bolts among it's many diagnostic tools contains an
application called Discover Pro. It will do exactly what you require
for Win98. I can see at the time of writing that The Bat is taking up
4.25Mb of Ram and using 17% of system resources.

It's part of a complete diagnostic program and I'm not sure if it
is obtainable as a separate application. I think the whole package
cost me about 30 UK pounds when I bought it.


Best regards, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Using The Bat! 1.42 Beta/17
 Under Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998

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dragging folders

2000-04-18 Thread Martin van Soest

Hello The Bat! Users,

  I hate dragging folders because it goes wrong most of the time. When
  I drag a folder using Alt-sometimes another folder is dragged... I
  noticed that when I have selected a folder and start dragging it
  while holding the alt-key it might work out unexpectedly. And when I
  drag the folder when it is not selected I always get what I want.

  Has anyone else noticed this awkward behaviour and is there
  something going to be done about it?

  I have been unable to find a sort-folder option... I would love to
  see such a feature. It would be nice if u could select which folders
  are sorted and which are not.



Martin 'MuFfiN' van Soest, using 1.42 Beta/17 under 
  Windows 98 4.10 Build 1998  
  AND using LiteStep 0.24.6, build 17/apr/2000
  on a Pentium 200MMX with 96MB RAM

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