Re: Message after message after message..........

2009-11-03 Thread Gene
Hello MFPA,

Monday, November 2, 2009, 8:44:38 AM, you wrote:

M> Hi

M> On Saturday 31 October 2009 at 3:55:58 PM, in
M> , Gene wrote:

>> I am getting SPAM emails that somehow have the ability
>> to set The Bat! to continue to download the message
>> over and over and over.

>> Account|Dispatch Mail on Server|All Messages: reveals
>> that the receive box is checked for that item. I can
>> remove the check mark and sometimes it will, again,
>> check itself and begin downloading again. 

M> The only experiences I have with messages keeping on downloading are
M> when the connection to the server is lost. This has happened when
M> there has been an issue with my computer, my internet connection, or
M> the server. It has also happened when some "kind" soul has sent an
M> email with huge attachment(s) that take so long to download that the
M> server times out the connection. Both of these result in *all*
M> messages being downloaded again repeatedly before any new messages
M> until a server session is successfully completed.

M> As far as I know, the tick in the receive box in the dispatcher window
M> only applies for downloading in *that* dispatcher session. It should
M> only be there by default if you have not yet downloaded that message
M> (or if something has happened to whichever file TB! uses to identify
M> which messages have already been downloaded, in which case it would
M> probably be ticked for *all* messages)

>> I had one do this for nearly a year, before I realised
>> it wasn't a rogue server or intentional act. It was
>> merely my own instance of The Bat! malfunctioning.

M> Nearly a year? I must say that I admire your patience. Did this  
M> "rogue" message prevent newer messages from being downloaded, or do 
M> you always "dispatch on server?"

I never "dispatch on server" unless I'm troubleshooting.

>> Along those same lines, I discovered that if one sends
>> a message to a group of people as BCC: and one of the
>> messages comes back undeliverable, 

M> You mean you get a "bounce" message back later.0, or the server refuses
M> to accept an addressee at the time?

In this case one was undeliverable due to being and old and dead

>> the message stays in
>> the Outbox and continues to attempt delivery... thus
>> sending an unending stream of duplicate messages to the
>> succesfully delivered addresses. 

M> That doesn't happen for me. 

 It doen't to me, every time

Best regards,

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 091102-0, 11/02/2009
Tested on: 11/2/2009 5:18:57 PM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2009 ALWIL Software.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Message after message after message..........

2009-11-03 Thread Gene
Hello Costas,

Saturday, October 31, 2009, 4:04:56 PM, you wrote:

CP> Hello Gene,

CP> Saturday, October 31, 2009, 5:55:58 PM, you wrote (possibly edited):
>> Along those same lines, I discovered that if one sends a message to a
>> group of people as BCC: and one of the messages comes back
>> undeliverable, the message stays in the Outbox and continues to
>> attempt delivery... thus sending an unending stream of duplicate
>> messages to the succesfully delivered addresses.

CP> I find difficult to believe that it's a problem with The Bat. I should
CP> think  that once a message is sent, it is moved from the Outbox to the
CP> Sent  messages folder, rather than waiting to see what the fate of the
CP> sent message will be.

I should think so, too but there it is, big as life, sitting in the
Outbox in bold type!

CP> Also  regarding your other problem, I don't think that it's The Bat!'s
CP> fault.

Perhaps, but it is either that or the Timw-Warner/Road Runner

CP> Others  may  be  able  to  provide a more technical, and possibly more
CP> convincing, reply.

Best regards,

avast! Antivirus: Outbound message clean.
Virus Database (VPS): 091102-0, 11/02/2009
Tested on: 11/2/2009 5:22:11 PM
avast! - copyright (c) 1988-2009 ALWIL Software.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: german forum

2009-11-03 Thread Rick
> What is about the german forum

> Does anyone from ritlab read it.

> I post there the last two days but no one answered.

> Should I repeat all my questions here on the list?

This is a better place to get help than the forums IMHO :)

You're only young once; you can be immature forever

v4.2.12.2 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 3


Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

german forum

2009-11-03 Thread Christian Buhtz

What is about the german forum

Does anyone from ritlab read it.

I post there the last two days but no one answered.

Should I repeat all my questions here on the list?

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: existing folder not in TheBat

2009-11-03 Thread Christian Buhtz

Jens Franik schrieb:

CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-L Reads the Folders in again and restores them.

Thank you, this help a lot!

And why does all this happens? Why does folders disapear?

Depends on which Version you are using...

I am using the current version.

The Bat! [4.2x_de - Rev. 2009-07-26]

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: Message after message after message..........

2009-11-03 Thread MFPA

On Monday 2 November 2009 at 10:18:56 PM, in
, Gene wrote:

>>> the message stays in the Outbox and continues to
>>> attempt delivery... thus sending an unending stream
>>> of duplicate messages to the succesfully delivered
>>> addresses.

M>> That doesn't happen for me.

>  It doen't to me, every time

I expect you mean "does" (-;

It seems very odd. 

I have just tested with four different domains.

I created emails to several recipients including a non-existent address. 

When the non-existent address was on a valid domain but not the same
domain as the smtp server I was sending through, all four domains
accepted their test message and it went from my outbox. Three of the
four later sent me bounce messages saying the remote server had
rejected the message. It was delivered to the other addresses it was
meant for.

When the undeliverable address was on the same domain as the smtp
server I was sending through, two servers accepted the test message as
normal, so it went from my outbox. So far one of these has sent me a
"User is unknown" bounce message. The other two servers both spotted
one recipient was an "unknown user" and refused to accept the message
for any address at all. It stayed in my outbox and was not delivered
to any address.

When the undeliverable address was on a now-defunct domain, one of the
servers spotted it and said "cannot resolve your domain" and refused
to accept the message. It stayed in my outbox and was not delivered to
any address. The other three servers accepted it as normal, delivered 
it to the other addresses as normal, and two sent me bounce messages 
about the unrouteable domain.

All of the servers I used for the test either rejected the message 
(causing it to stay in my outbox and not be delivered to any address), 
or they accepted the message (so it was gone from my outbox and got 
delivered to the valid, routeable addresses).

If you have had the message remain in your outbox but also get 
delivered to some of the addresses, I guess the server you are sending 
out through is not behaving correctly. 

Best regards

Yellow snow is not lemon flavoured

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

customize keyboard shortcuts

2009-11-03 Thread Christian Buhtz

Is it possible to customize the keyboard shortcuts?
For example Strg+F5 for mail-reply is still unergonomic.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: existing folder not in TheBat

2009-11-03 Thread Jens Franik
Guten Tag Christian Buhtz,

am Dienstag, 3. November 2009 um 19:28 schrieben Sie:

> How can I make the folder visible in TB again?

CTRL-ALT-SHIFT-L Reads the Folders in again and restores them.

> And why does all this happens? Why does folders disapear?

Depends on which Version you are using...

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Jens Franik
The Bat! + AntiSpamSniper + Gaijin XMP Makro Plugin 1.2.1
Language-File-Checksum: 7347F234
Windows XP 5.1 build 2600 Service Pack 2
AMD Athlon Dual Core 4850e 2,50 GHz, 4 GB RAM
Debian Lenny + Windows XP @VirtualBox 3.0.10 r54097 non-OSE
8 POP3 Accounts - 1 IMAP - 170 (Common) Folders - about 10 Messages

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:


2009-11-03 Thread Christian Buhtz

I know how to configure a auto-backup but I still have questions about it.

Is it possible to catch up a backup-job if TB doesn't run on the 
specified time?
For example there is a daily job configured at 22:00 o'clock. But what 
happens if TB doesn't run at this time and I just run it the next day at 
6 o'clock?
Is there something like a service installed in windows that will open TB 
and run the backup-job at the specified time?

As "Backup methode" I set "Create an Update to an existing archive:". 
The archive is still there. But on each backup there is a new created 
archive with the same name plus a number.

Why and how can I fix it?
I make a daily backup. I don't wont over 300 files there for each year!

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: customize keyboard shortcuts

2009-11-03 Thread MFPA

On Tuesday 3 November 2009 at 6:29:31 PM, in
, Christian Buhtz wrote:

> Is it possible to customize the keyboard shortcuts? For
> example Strg+F5 for mail-reply is still unergonomic.

In the main TB! window, right-click a blank space in the toolbars and 
pick "customise" then pick the "shortcuts" tab...

Best regards

The One with The Answer is seldom asked The Question

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: german forum

2009-11-03 Thread Volker Ahrendt
[Reply to: »Christian Buhtz« · 2009-11-03 · 18:58 h (CET)]

Moin, Christian!

> What is about the german forum

> Should I repeat all my questions here on the list?

Or here:

- (German Forum)
- (German ML)
- news:// (German Usenet Group)


- --
Volker Ahrendt |
Direct eMail without [The Bat!] in subject line will end in Nirvana!
Using The Bat! [Pro] on Windows XP [Pro] Service Pack 3.

»There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly
what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly vanish
and be replaced by something even more bizarre and incomprehensible.
There is another theory which states that this has already happened …«

Douglas Adams ('52 - '01), »The Restaurant at the End of the Universe«

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

delete old messages

2009-11-03 Thread Christian Buhtz
It is possible to set the maximum number of stored messages and/or the 
max days to keep messages in a folder.

Are this two conditions connected with AND or OR? What happens if there 
are more than max messages in the folder but they are not old enough?

I can set this option for each folder. But I didn't found a global 
settings dialog to set this option for all folders global. Is there one?

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

Re: delete old messages

2009-11-03 Thread MFPA

On Tuesday 3 November 2009 at 6:34:06 PM, in
, Christian Buhtz wrote:

> It is possible to set the maximum number of stored
> messages and/or the max days to keep messages in a
> folder.

> 1. Are this two conditions connected with AND or OR?

I just copied some messages to a test folder and experimented, using 
"purge and compress" from the context menu. I found that the folder is 
compressed first and then the old or exceeding messages are deleted.

If either one of the two conditions are met then some messages are

> What happens if there are more than max messages in the
> folder but they are not old enough?

The oldest messages present are deleted so that max messages is not 

> 2. I can set this option for each folder. But I didn't
> found a global  settings dialog to set this option for
> all folders global. Is there one?

I have always set it for each folder - nobody has ever pointed me to a 
way to set this globally or by account and I have never found one 

Best regards

Confusion is always the most honest response

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

existing folder not in TheBat

2009-11-03 Thread Christian Buhtz
I created a folder in TheBat. I don't know why an when but it disapeared 

If I would created it new TB told me that it is still there.
I can't see it in TB but I can see it in my filesystem itself.

How can I make the folder visible in TB again?

And why does all this happens? Why does folders disapear?

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