I wish to unsubscribe

2003-01-02 Thread Databug
I've been trying to unsub from this list for days now. I've been to the site 
and unsubbed every EMail address I can think of that i may have used to 
subscribe. But I'm still here. Can anyone help!?

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  Databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

Current version is 1.62 | Using TBUDL information:

How can I get rid of an account

2002-10-09 Thread Databug

Hello all,
My daughter has set up an account but forgotten the password. How can
I delete this account? Is it possible at all?

That`s all for now

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We don't believe 
this to be a coincidence.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: How can I get rid of an account

2002-10-09 Thread Databug

Hello Deborah,
On the 09/10/2002, you babbled on about How can I get rid of an account 

DW On Wednesday, October 9, 2002, 10:22:03 AM, Databug wrote:

D My daughter has set up an account but forgotten the password. How can
D I delete this account? Is it possible at all?

DW Do you mean delete it from TB or from the email provider?

DW If it's from TB, just click on tha account name, then on the Account
DW menu, then click on Delete. If you mean from the email provider, you
DW will have to check with them.

No can`t do that because its password protected and its this password
I need.

DW She may be able to get the password by checking with the email
DW provider btw.

It the password for the account within the Bat. She password protected
it to keep it private.

That`s all for now

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is a better defense.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[4]: How can I get rid of an account

2002-10-09 Thread Databug

Hello Mark,
On the 09/10/2002, you babbled on about How can I get rid of an account 

MW Databug-

MW Wednesday, October 9, 2002, 10:16:01 AM, you wrote:

D It the password for the account within the Bat. She password protected
D it to keep it private.

MW IIRC (and someone will set me straight if not) the file ACCOUNT.CFG in
MW the mail folder contains the password info. If you rename that or move
MW it somewhere else then the account will again become unprotected.

MW -Mark Wieder

Cheers Excellent that worked :).

That`s all for now

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most times he will pick himself up 
and carry on...

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: How can I get rid of an account

2002-10-09 Thread Databug

Hello Peter,
On the 09/10/2002, you babbled on about How can I get rid of an account 

PP On Wed, 9 Oct 2002 18:16:01 +0100
PP Databug [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 If it's from TB, just click on  tha account name, then on the Account
 menu, then click on Delete. If you  mean from the email provider, you
 will have to check with them.

 No can`t do that because its  password protected and its this password
 I need.
PP [...]
 It the password for the account within the Bat. She password protected
 it to keep it private.

PP Close The Bat!, rename the accounts folder and start The Bat!. See
PP what happens. 

PP If The Bat! refuses to work normally close it again,

PP - execute'regedit.exe', 
PP - search for
PP - Save this tree to a .reg file.
PP - Go to 
PP   HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RIT\The Bat!\User Depots
PP - Look around in that key for an entry having the accounts name as 
PP   value.
PP - remember the number in this entrys name
PP - delete exactly this one entry
PP - delete the 'Dirnumber' entry
PP - bring all other entries to correct and progressional numbering
PP - update the value of 'count' (or similar, have no windows ready at the
PP   moment)
PP - close registry editor
PP - start The Bat!

PP Attention: all this is written down form memory only, names may very
PP _slightly_. If there are key/value names _really_ different from what's
PP written here yu might be at wrong position in regitry.

Thank you also however renaming the account.cfg did what I needed and
was the least complicated way of doing things :).

That`s all for now

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

I have opinions of my own - strong opinions - but I don't always agree with them.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: Now here's an odd one?

2002-09-08 Thread Databug

Hello Richard,
On the 08/09/2002, you babbled on about Now here's an odd one? 

RL Glad to know it's not just me. I must admit I've seen more odd happenings in
RL the latest releases of TB, so much so that I'm tempted to go back to and old
RL version if I can find one. Up until recently TB was 100% rock solid, now it
RL doesn't seem to take much to get it to fall over in some way.

I get something similar too and as far as I remember i always have
had. I use Netcaptor so i always thought there was a compatibility
between the 2 programs. Still it doesn`t seem to be a major problem as
it doesn`t stop anything from working.

That`s all for now

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// /_//_/ / /_/ / /_//_/ // // // /__
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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

I'm not under the alkafluence of inkahol that some thinkle peep I am.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re: Default Address Book

2002-09-01 Thread Databug

Hello Databug,
On the 31/08/2002, you babbled on about Default Address Book 

D Hello all,
D This is related to the how to set up filters thread. basically i
D have set up an account for my daughter and I would like her to have
D her own address book. OK so that part isn`t difficult. However when I
D tick use this address book as account default. It still always seems
D to use my address book instead. When I write a new mail in my
D daughters account I have to select her address book manually. Is this
D a bug. It seems to be totally ignoring what i`m telling it.

To clarify things. I have realized that the selected address book
works from the main window but when you go to the EMail compose window
and click the address book button at the end of the address string
gadget its always the default address book that pops up. I would have
thought it would make sense to have this button call up the address
book selected in the account prefs. I tend to use this address button
much more that the main one in the main window (force of habit).

That`s all for now

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

I don't suffer from Insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

How do you set up account filters?

2002-08-31 Thread Databug

Hello all,
This has probably been asked before but how do I set up a filter for
my daughter so that she only collects mail that is for her, and the
same for my account so that I can`t download her mail.

That`s all for now

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// /_//_/ / /_/ / /_//_/ // // // /__
\\/\_\\_\/  \_\/  \_\\_\/\\/\\/\\/___
.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

I hate it when my foot falls asleep during the day because that means it's going to be 
up all night.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: How do you set up account filters?

2002-08-31 Thread Databug

Hello Roelof,
On the 31/08/2002, you babbled on about How do you set up account filters? 

D This has probably been asked before but how do I set up a filter for
D my daughter so that she only collects mail that is for her, and the
D same for my account so that I can`t download her mail.

RO Are you two using one account together, so that your mail is collected
RO from one pop3 box.
RO Or are you using separate accounts?

Yes the first Option.

RO In the first case you can't download your mail or her mail without
RO changing the filters every time you switch users, you can however
RO filter her mail into a folder and yours in another.

Hmm That`s how I was doing things. However for privacys sake and
because she mails quite a lot now she wanted her own account (within
the bat). Most mailers give you an option within the filters to not
download mail that fits certain criteria. At least my mailer on the
Amiga allowed you to do this.

That`s all for now

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: How do you set up account filters?

2002-08-31 Thread Databug

Hello Jan,
On the 31/08/2002, you babbled on about How do you set up account filters? 

RO Are you two using one account together, so
RO that your mail is collected from one pop3 box.
RO Or are you using separate accounts?

RO In the first case you can't download your mail
RO or her mail without changing the filters every
RO time you switch users, [/...]

JR   What about setting up a dummy 2nd account w it's
JR   own settings?
Thats is kind of what i`m trying to do. But for this I need a filter
option to leave certain mails on the servers and only download ones
that are addressed to that particular aacount.

That`s all for now

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

I don't suffer from Insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Re[2]: How do you set up account filters?

2002-08-31 Thread Databug

Hello Julian,
On the 31/08/2002, you babbled on about How do you set up account filters? 

JBL Another option could be to set up a selective download filter in both
JBL of the accounts, set up to ingore messages for the other person, so:

JBL Account X - Ignore messages for Account Y
JBL Account Y - Ignore messages for Account X

JBL When account X logs on, only messages for account X will be
JBL downloaded, and messages for Y left on the server, and the opposite
JBL will happen when account Y logs on.

JBL The filter would look like this:

JBL Account X: Detect by Entire Header
JBL Advanced|Action: Ignore

JBL Account Y: Detect by Entire Header
JBL Advanced|Action: Ignore

Thank you this is exactly was I was after doing.

That`s all for now

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

When you come to a fork in the road, take it

Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information:

Font sizes

2002-08-17 Thread Databug

Hello all,
I`ve just upped my screen res due to recent Graphic card purchase. Now
i`ve sorted out how to change all the font sizes with the exception of
the font in the lister tree. Does this size change in the system
setting. Either way can someone give me a clue as to where to change

That`s all for now

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// /_//_/ / /_/ / /_//_/ // // // /__
\\/\_\\_\/  \_\/  \_\\_\/\\/\\/\\/___
.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets.

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information: 

Re[2]: Font sizes

2002-08-17 Thread Databug

Hello Thomas,
On the 17/08/2002, you babbled on about Font sizes 

TF FAQ: Where do I change the font?

TF Editor:
TF Options / Editor Preferences / Display

TF Viewer:
TF Options / Preferences / Viewer

TF Source View:
TF Options / Preferences / Source View

TF Message List:
TF Options / Message List Fonts and Colours

TF Folder Pane and Message Header Pane (the latter mistakenly called
TF Message Pane):
TF Options / Preferences / System / Fonts

TF (Have I forgotten one?)

Thanks that`s brilliant. oh and a suggestion for future versions of
the Bat. I know customizable Toolbars have been suggested by many and
I would like to see this also but in addition how about re-sizable
button banks. Not sure if such a thing can be done. But under my
current screen res the buttons are very small.

That`s all for now

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\\/\_\\_\/  \_\/  \_\\_\/\\/\\/\\/___
.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

The dumber people think you are, the more surprised they're going to be when you kill 

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information: 

Re[2]: Font sizes

2002-08-17 Thread Databug

Hello Allie,
On the 17/08/2002, you babbled on about Font sizes 

D Thanks that`s brilliant. oh and a suggestion for future versions
D of the Bat. I know customizable Toolbars have been suggested by
D many and I would like to see this also but in addition how about
D re-sizable button banks. Not sure if such a thing can be done.
D But under my current screen res the buttons are very small.

ACM Have you switched to large fonts in your system display settings?
ACM This will make things, i.e., fonts and window elements, generally
ACM bigger and yet you enjoy the higher resolution.

I have yes. And I`ve fiddled with the advanced settings too and
changed the font sizes individually. Unfortunately message requester
still remain in tiny font mode. I mean the requesters that say things
like do you really want to delete etc but then all this is a bit OT
for the Bat list :).

That`s all for now

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

The ships hung in the sky in much the same way that bricks don't. 

 Current version is 1.61 | Using TBUDL information: 

Why won`t the Bat get rid of old mail

2002-06-18 Thread Databug

Hello all,
I have the mailing list folders set to not have more than 150 mails in
them (Using the folders properties window). Befor this I tried the get
it to delete mails after 10 days. neither of these settings seem to do
anything. I currently have 280 mails in the Bat ml folder alone and I
would like to keep them down. If I have mis-understood something could
someone give me an idiots guide to how to set this kind of thing up?

That`s all for now

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// /_//_/ / /_/ / /_//_/ // // // /__
\\/\_\\_\/  \_\/  \_\\_\/\\/\\/\\/___
.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

Software suppliers are trying to make their software packages more 'user-friendly' 
Their best approach, so far, has been to take all the old brochures, and stamp the 
words, 'user-friendly' on the cover.

Current Ver: 1.60q
FAQ: http://faq.thebat.dutaint.com 
Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives   : http://tbudl.thebat.dutaint.com
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports: https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/

Re[2]: Why won`t the Bat get rid of old mail

2002-06-18 Thread Databug

Hello Thomas,
On the 18/06/2002, you babbled on about Why won`t the Bat get rid of old mail 

TF Hello Databug,

TF On Tue, 18 Jun 2002 14:07:18 +0100 GMT (18/06/02, 20:07 +0700 GMT),
TF Databug wrote:

D I have the mailing list folders set to not have more than 150 mails in
D them (Using the folders properties window). Befor this I tried the get
D it to delete mails after 10 days. neither of these settings seem to do
D anything.

TF These figures work when you purge the folder. Over here, I manually
TF Purge  Compress All Folders every few days, but you can also let TB
TF handle this automatically:

TF Folder / Properties / General / On Exit...

I have it set to remove old messages on Exit. Do you have to have
compress folder set too?

That`s all for now

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets.

Current Ver: 1.60q
FAQ: http://faq.thebat.dutaint.com 
Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives   : http://tbudl.thebat.dutaint.com
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports: https://www.ritlabs.com/bt/

Re[2]: 1.60m - State of the art?

2002-05-30 Thread Databug

Hello Marck,
On the 30/05/2002, you babbled on about 1.60m - State of the art? 

MDP If you have then I think it wasn't TB leaking! It only leaks on Win2k

 I like to leave theBat running all day, but after using PhotoShop
 and Dreamweaver, suddenly I'm down to 23% resources available!

MDP Then it was one of them that leaked. TB only leaks while you are
MDP *using* it. More specifically it leaks in drips every time you view a
MDP message in the RTV. The simple cure for those afflicted (that includes
MDP me) is to switch to PTV until the fix comes in.

I`m not sure If i get leaks but I do have WinXP. So what is all this
RTV and PTV then? I assume its something view.

That`s all for now

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

Some people hope to achieve immortality through their works or their children.  I 
would prefer to achieve it by not dying.

Current Ver: 1.60m
FAQ: http://faq.thebat.dutaint.com 
Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives   : http://tbudl.thebat.dutaint.com
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Bug Reports: https://bt.ritlabs.com

New Connection = No Connection

2002-04-11 Thread Databug

Hello all,
I wanted to change my dialup prefs by renaming the connections in the
Controlpanel/networkconnection. But when I dialled up with the newly
renamed connection The bat would no longer log into my EMail account.
I tried severall times with diffrent dialup numbers. Yet Outlook
managed it. Is there any way around this?

That`s all for now

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

America may be unique in being a country which has leapt from barbarism to decadence 
without touching civilization.

Current Ver: 1.60c
FAQ: http://faq.thebat.dutaint.com 
Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Archives   : http://tbudl.thebat.dutaint.com
Moderators : mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Nickname auto complete

2002-03-29 Thread Databug

Hello all,
I`m using the Bat 1.60c and have been pleased to find the nickname
comletion working however if I could suggest a further improvement to
this feature. I have a friend whose nickname is Phinehas and his EMail
addy is phinehas1@--- however when I type phinehas it comes up with the
Email instead of the Nick. Then the Bat uses phinehas1 for the
%TOFName. So my suggestion is that that the nickname search takes
priority over both the name and Email addresss. and that the %TOFName
should always be the actual first name and not the first part of an
EMail addy.

That`s all for now

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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

I don't suffer from Insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

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Re[3]: Is this possible

2002-03-28 Thread Databug

Hello reclutamiento,
On the 28/03/2002, you babbled on about Is this possible 

rsn Try 1.60c - it should search for nicknames too...
rsn -
rsn Where can I get that 1.60c?

yes I`d like to know that too. on the  site there only seem to be
download links for 1,60 and I already have that.

That`s all for now

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_/ // / / _  / /\/ /\_\/ _  / / __ / / // / / /¸-¸\/_
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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

I went for a walk last night and she asked me how long I  was going to be gone. I 
said, The whole time.  

Current Ver: 1.60 / 1.60a
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Is this possible

2002-03-26 Thread Databug

Hello all,
Is it possible to have auto cmplete for a nickname too. I used to be
able to do this on the various Amiga EMailers and I kind of miss this.

That`s all for now

__ _  _  __  _  _  __ __  _ _
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_/ // / / _  / /\/ /\_\/ _  / / __ / / // / / /¸-¸\/_
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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

Be careful of reading health books, you might die of a misprint.

Current Ver: 1.60 / 1.60a
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Re[2]: Is this possible

2002-03-26 Thread Databug

Hello Gene,
On the 26/03/2002, you babbled on about Is this possible 

GG Every e-mail client I have used has that feature except BAT.  I
GG requested it about two weeks ago and while they didn't say yes, they
GG also didn't say no.  There was some private e-mail back and forth as
GG to what I would expect, etc. so  I think it was taken seriously.

I look forward to seeing this feature then. However I would like it
then to use the persons first name for the %TOFName tag in the
template. I would just prefer to search/autocomlete on nicknames as I
have severall Friends called Steve and the Bat always chooses the
first one unless I go by a match on the surname or EMail addy in the
latter case it uses the first part of the EMail addy for the %TOFName
wich is a little annoying.

That`s all for now

__ _  _  __  _  _  __ __  _ _
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_/ // / / _  / /\/ /\_\/ _  / / __ / / // / / /¸-¸\/_
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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

I am thankfull for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose.

Current Ver: 1.60 / 1.60a
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Export Settings

2002-03-24 Thread Databug

Hello all,
Is there a way to export my Bat settings for backup purposes? (I hope
this isn`t covered in the instructions as I have a reputation for
this) :)

That`s all for now

__ _  _  __  _  _  __ __  _ _
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_/ // / / _  / /\/ /\_\/ _  / / __ / / // / / /¸-¸\/_
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\\/\_\\_\/  \_\/  \_\\_\/\\/\\/\\/___
.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

I hate it when my foot falls asleep during the day because that means it's going to be 
up all night.

Current Ver: 1.53d
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Re[2]: Export Settings

2002-03-24 Thread Databug

Hello Marcus,
On the 24/03/2002, you babbled on about Export Settings 

MO On Sunday, March 24, 2002, 14:15, you wrote:

 Is there a way to export my Bat settings for backup purposes? (I
 hope this isn`t covered in the instructions as I have a reputation
 for this) :)

MO Try the menu Tools - Backup...

Thanks Duh never spotted that before :).

That`s all for now

__ _  _  __  _  _  __ __  _ _
_ //\/ _  /\/_  __/\/ _  /\/ __ /\/ // /\/ ___/\_
_/ // / / _  / /\/ /\_\/ _  / / __ / / // / / /¸-¸\/_
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\\/\_\\_\/  \_\/  \_\\_\/\\/\\/\\/___
.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

The Problem with Reality is the lack of background music.

Current Ver: 1.53d
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Re: Arrow icons

2002-03-18 Thread Databug

Hello Joseph,
On the 18/03/2002, you babbled on about Arrow icons 

JN Whether my messages are threaded or not, and whether they ascend or
JN descend by creation date, there seems to be no way for me to start
JN with the first (top) message in my list and then proceed through them
JN by clicking the arrow icons.  I can, sometimes, start at the bottom of
JN the list and click the back icon to proceed backward, but for some
JN reason even then I cannot start at the top and go straight down from
JN within the viewer by click those icons.  It's as if there is some
JN obscure logic they follow, which I just cannot grasp.  Am I alone in
JN experiencing this?  Is it an artifice of the way my messages are
JN arranged in my inboxes?

No I`ve found this too and a friend of mine also pointed it out to me.
Having said that I am quite used to manually advancing to the next
mail but being able to click the forward arrow would be nice.

That`s all for now

__ _  _  __  _  _  __ __  _ _
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_/ // / / _  / /\/ /\_\/ _  / / __ / / // / / /¸-¸\/_
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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

Everybody is talking about the weather but nobody does anything about it.


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Latest Vers: 1.53d
FAQ: http://faq.thebat.dutaint.com 

Re[2]: address book icon placed inefficiently

2002-02-25 Thread Databug

Hello Jonathan,
On the 24/02/2002, you babbled on about address book icon placed inefficiently 

JW On Sunday, February 24, 2002, 11:06:17 AM, chas [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

c   its only a tiny quibble , but anyone know if its possible to bring the address
c   book icon to the left hand side of create new message applet ie next
c   to To: it might save on shoe leather for me mouse having to walk 800 pixels
c  and back!!

JW It's part of a bigger quibble - the much asked for feature of customizable
JW toolbars.

ooh yes please. Even some replacement button Images. Not sure if such
a thing exsits on PC`s but it was very common on Amiga`s.

That`s all for now

__ _  _  __  _  _  __ __  _ _
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_/ // / / _  / /\/ /\_\/ _  / / __ / / // / / /¸-¸\/_
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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

I can see clearly now, the brain is gone.


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Latest Vers: 1.53d
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Re[2]: New User - Its making me BATTY!

2002-02-16 Thread Databug

Hello Charles,
On the 16/02/2002, you babbled on about New User - Its making me BATTY! 

CC Lionrhod,

CC Just started using the Bat myself and I think the templates are killers.
CC Anyone think I've got this wrong please correct me:

Too true I wanted a mailing program that was as flexible as the
program I was using on my Amiga and the bat is well up to that task
and goes beyond it. Although the Amiga was old but there were a few
things it did well and those were/are EMail and IRC.

That`s all for now

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_/ // / / _  / /\/ /\_\/ _  / / __ / / // / / /¸-¸\/_
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.this Email has been brought to you by the Databug ©.

ICQ Nr:-  87314826 IRC Nicks:-  databug, MadMango
Homepage:- http://www.arkofnoah.co.uk

If we aren't supposed to eat animals, why are they made of meat?


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