Re[2]: Sharing Filters

2002-10-03 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Thomas,

Wednesday, October 2, 2002, 9:27:00 PM, you wrote:


TF I would be insterested in knowing what you intend to do. If you think
TF the filtering system is not very easy, it is a good time forofficial
TF suggestion, because the developers are completely revamping the
TF filtering system for v2. There are no news about what will be changed
TF though, but I hope a few of my suggestions will find their way into
TF it. ;-)

And where do those official suggestions go?

For something as powerful as TB and the filtering process, i find it
funny (well .. err :-) that some, what seem to me, intuitive features
are missing.  The two biggest, off the top of my head, are Shared
Filters and Single Creation of Filter for both IN and OUT

Shared Filter Example:
Spam is Spam is Spam .. Thanks to some lists I am on I get offers to
increase the size of just about everything .. and them offers to
reduce .. to me a single filter to cover all accounts (with optional
switch to turn off) is in order.

IN/OUT Filter Example:
I have an email from [EMAIL PROTECTED]  I want to
have a folder for all correspondence to/from

Go into create filters and at that point i have to say if I am
creating and inni or outti.  It would seem to me that it should be
possible to define this in one place.  If I receive from or send to ..
put the mail here.

As for what I am going to do .. for right now I will work on figuring
out the format of the Filter record (why oh why do developers like to
use char 0?) and once I feel comfortable with the format I will work
on a) a *shared filter* creator .. for TB that would mean a copy
samething everywhere b)way to define a filter for both in/out in one

Just some things to make my life easier G

Thanks for the note ..

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using 'The Bat' 1.61
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Sharing Filters

2002-10-02 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Is there any way to share filters between accounts?

There are several filters which I want in all accounts but do I really
have to create these in each account?

Where are the filters saved?  what 'dos' file


Best regards,
 David  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using 'The Bat' 1.61
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Re[2]: Sharing Filters

2002-10-02 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Miguel,

Thanks for the reply on copying filters ..

Do you know where the Filters are stored?

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: Sharing Filters

2002-10-02 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Thomas,

DTS Do you know where the Filters are stored?

TF In the files account.srx in your mail directories.

Thanks .. I had though I looked there sigh

Guess i will have to write an app to maintain these a little easier

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: created v rcvd time anomoly

2000-12-15 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

DTS How about an option for the bat which would get current time from one
DTS of the many site locations.  This could happen at startup, mail
DTS receive/send what ever.

TF TB is an email client. Do not make it a circus, like those monolithic
TF MS products.

Circus .. good way to discuss something

TB now has backup facility .. there are plenty of those around.  DID
you claim the developers were making a circus of TB then?

DTS I use one of these products and know my system is *always* sync'd but
DTS it would be a nice feature.

TF There are enough freeware synch proggies around. I personally use
TF AboutTime (URL already submitted by Terry Mundis). I think integrating
TF this funcitonality into an MUA is pure bloatware.

I think backup in a email client is bloatware.

David Tod Sigafoos

Using 'The Bat' 1.48 Beta/11

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Re[2]: created v rcvd time anomoly

2000-12-14 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

On 11 Dec 11:52PM, I rcvd a msg created on 12 Dec 12:04AM. I
believe this file was created in the US.

ML One of you (or both) has a slightly inaccurate PC clock. What's the
ML problem?

How about an option for the bat which would get current time from one
of the many site locations.  This could happen at startup, mail
receive/send what ever.

I use one of these products and know my system is *always* sync'd but
it would be a nice feature.

David Tod Sigafoos

Using 'The Bat' 1.48 Beta/11

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Re[2]: created v rcvd time anomoly

2000-12-14 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Marck,

Thursday, December 14, 2000, 7:48:29 AM, you wrote:

MDP Hash: SHA1

MDP Hi David,

MDP On 14 December 2000 at 07:01:39 -0800 (which was 15:01 where I
MDP live) David Tod Sigafoos wrote and made these points:

On 11 Dec 11:52PM, I rcvd a msg created on 12 Dec 12:04AM. I
believe this file was created in the US.

ML One of you (or both) has a slightly inaccurate PC clock. What's the
ML problem?

DTS How about an option for the bat which would get current time from
DTS one of the many site locations. This could happen at startup,
DTS mail receive/send what ever.

MDP That's not going to help with the "created time" on a received message
MDP - -  the topic being discussed :-). Now, if there were a time synch tool
MDP that  could affect someone *else's* PC remotely whenever they send you
MDP a message ... well!

oh .. and all this time i thought it would update someone elses system

David Tod Sigafoos

Using 'The Bat' 1.48 Beta/11

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Re[2]: created v rcvd time anomoly

2000-12-14 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Markus,

Thursday, December 14, 2000, 7:54:08 AM, you wrote:

MG Hi,

MG On Thursday, December 14, 2000, 4:01:39 PM, David Tod Sigafoos wrote:

 How about an option for the bat which would get current time from
 one of the many site locations. This could happen at startup, mail
 receive/send what ever.

MG I object. The Bat should not become a NTP (network time protocol)
MG client. Everybody wanting to have an accurate local time on his/her
MG machine may decide to install an NTP client separately.

I object too

David Tod Sigafoos

Using 'The Bat' 1.48 Beta/11

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Re[4]: created v rcvd time anomoly

2000-12-14 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

David [...] an option for the bat which would get current time from
David one of the many site locations. [...] I use one of these
David products [...]

JRWhile the programmers consider your suggestion, which product(s)
JRin this category do you recommend? The Bouvs wanna know.


There are a couple .. One I have used for a long time is called Atomic
Clock from parsons Technology.  They are now part of mattelinteractive
so not sure their product is still around.

The one I am testing is Clockwise ..  It has some
nice features.  It costs 29$.  As I said I have just started testing
it but will be happy to let you know.

(later that same morning .. didn't even know I was gone did you :-)

Actually Atomic Clock is still available at

Seems they have enhanced it with a lot of additional features.
David Tod Sigafoos

Using 'The Bat' 1.48 Beta/11

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Re[2]: news lists

2000-12-10 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Ming-Li,

Sunday, December 10, 2000, 6:43:24 AM, you wrote:

ML On Saturday, December 09, 2000, 12:57:58 PM, David wrote:

 No TB can't be used as a news reader.  The one that comes with
 Netscape works very very well OR there is always Agent.  Both are

ML Netscape version? Haven't tried it for news for a long time, but
ML don't think it's in the same league of those news specialists
ML (Agent, Gravity, XNews, etc.). Of course, it's surely a matter of
ML needs and tastes.

Don't remember mentioning any leagues?  IF the user has NS then it is
a good solution to try.  A place to start.  I find it very useful
(along with FREE agent) for reading threading news.  Don't know what
else it would be used for.  Possibly storing away gigabytes of
messages that will never be seen again.  And not looking it for meail
as it seems I have a fair mail product.

ML And Agent isn't free. (Free Agent is free, but its power is quite
ML limited compared to Agent.)

And of course you are right here (as has been pointed out before).  I
would have though that when the user goes to forte they would SEE that
there is a free on and a pay for one.  Glad you pointed this out
though.  Not sure of the limits .. but then I get the info I need ..
save of specific messages and move on.

David Tod Sigafoos

Using 'The Bat' 1.48 Beta/11

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Re: news lists

2000-12-09 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

JRI'm not an experienced news forum reader. Can I use TB! to read
JRnews groups? And can someone tell me where I can find information
JRhow to set TB! up for a newsgroup? I searched FAQ without much


No TB can't be used as a news reader.  The one that comes with
Netscape works very very well OR there is always Agent.  Both are free

David Tod Sigafoos

Using 'The Bat' 1.48 Beta/11

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Re[2]: New message notification

2000-12-06 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Marck,

Tuesday, December 05, 2000, 3:48:49 PM, you wrote:

MDP Hash: SHA1

MDP Hi dsig,

MDP On 05 December 2000 at 11:56:14 -0800 (which was 19:56 where I
MDP live) David Tod Sigafoos wrote and made these points:

DTS  .. no ticker taking over the screen

MDP g I just couldn't resist:

MDP The  ticker  *can* be tamed. And it is *so* useful. Each to his own, I
MDP guess.

If you are pointing out the ticker at the bottom of the screen .. yes
it can be 'tamed' but it is still in my screen space.

As I write code with multiple screens open (yada yada) things flashing
or sounds burping/farting/ticking etc (though some of those noises are
more the fault of my comrades) tend to interrupt my concentration
(though music of Bartok to ZZTop doesn't .. odd).

So I have my StartBar in 'hide' mode and every once in a while run the
cursor down to see what's shaking with the bat.  If flapping i have to
check it.  IF just the really REALLY important folders were tagged to
flap then I wouldn't have to get out of the stream other than
important messages.

Sort of like the old Rocky and Bullwinkle thing ...

Bullwinkle "Rocky .. watch me pull a rabbit from my hat"
Rocky "Oh that trick never works"
Bullwinkile "Nothing up my sleve"
Rocky "Is it important?"
Bullwinkile "This is what I really call a message"

As for your picture .. since you probably have a filter which
transfers all messages from me into the really important folder which
the tickler is part of .. yeow .. I am honored :-)

David Tod Sigafoos

Using 'The Bat' 1.48 Beta/8

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Re[2]: New message notification

2000-12-05 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

CaLViN [...] Whenever I get new Mail (or to be more precise, when I have
CaLViN unread Mail anywhere) the bat flaps its wings in the system
CaLViN tray. I'd like an option (on a per folder basis) whether or
CaLViN not the bat should indicate unread mail by flapping. [...]

JRAs an alternative you can set your eMail ticker to only show msgs
JRthat are filtered to certain folders.
Jan .. although the 'ticker' is a cute feature, for me it just becomes
an annoyance.

It would be nice to have TheFlap respond to folders

Love those Bouviers

David Tod Sigafoos

Using 'The Bat' 1.48 Beta/8

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Re[2]: New message notification

2000-12-05 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

David It would be nice to have TheFlap respond to folders

KJ What about a different sound for the important folders of yours?
KJ Wouldn't that help as it is not possible to customize "TheFlap" (by
KJ now?) ?

Yes .. i can (and do) do that now BUT it would be nice if my computer
made less beeps, burps etc.

It would just be nice to have that little bat flap .. no noise .. no
ticker taking over the screen

David Tod Sigafoos

Using 'The Bat' 1.48 Beta/8

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Re: Starting to crash

2000-12-05 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

DW Just as I was thinking I must register it I've had problems twice this
DW evening. Once it shut down while sending with a message about no
DW parent window, and once I had a problem with a folder which it managed
DW to correct (nice, but made me nervous) -- sorry, I didn't write down
DW the problem in time, it may have been something to do with a thread.

Of all the things I don't like about TB .. stability isn't one of
them. This possibly the most stable sw I have used in a long time.
Even the betas have been very stable (well there was one back there a
little weird.

What is your configuration?  What else is running when TB is running?
 What new sw have you put on.

 Questions Questions Questions

David Tod Sigafoos

Using 'The Bat' 1.48 Beta/8

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Re[2]: reply quote not working

2000-11-28 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

TF If you mean that the incoming message was not quoted when you hit
TF reply, those messages probably came in as HTML but not alternative.
TF Check the headers fgor content-type.

TF I said it before and I'll say it again: For those messages, TB fakes a
TF plain-text message when you set HTML auto-view "off" but refuses to
TF use this same method for replying, and that is annoying. Greatly
TF annoying, and it makes TB unusable for people like my mother. How
TF would I epxlain headers to her? She just wants to reply to an incoming
TF message!

TF Does anybody agree with me?

Yes.  To me this is another 'bit' which the bat falls short.  It is
all well and good to tilt at windmills and chant 'no html .. no html'
BUT it is there.  Plain and simple.  It is not going away so how can
BAT make working with it easier.  It does a good job at making a text
version.  SO why not pass that on to the reply?

David Tod Sigafoos

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Re[3]: reply quote not working

2000-11-28 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello David,

Tuesday, November 28, 2000, 6:35:41 AM, you wrote:

TF If you mean that the incoming message was not quoted when you hit
TF reply, those messages probably came in as HTML but not alternative.
TF Check the headers fgor content-type.

TF I said it before and I'll say it again: For those messages, TB fakes a
TF plain-text message when you set HTML auto-view "off" but refuses to
TF use this same method for replying, and that is annoying. Greatly
TF annoying, and it makes TB unusable for people like my mother. How
TF would I epxlain headers to her? She just wants to reply to an incoming
TF message!

TF Does anybody agree with me?

DTS Yes.  To me this is another 'bit' which the bat falls short.  It is
DTS all well and good to tilt at windmills and chant 'no html .. no html'
DTS BUT it is there.  Plain and simple.  It is not going away so how can
DTS BAT make working with it easier.  It does a good job at making a text
DTS version.  SO why not pass that on to the reply?

BUT in follow up I must say that in just going back and testing this I
do not see this behavior any more sigh.  Although I *know* that this
was happening I do not know what could have corrected this.

SO to BAT .. i apologize.  Although I find some bits anoying this is
possibly the most powerful product out there.

David Tod Sigafoos

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Re[2]: Anomaly?

2000-11-28 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

MSG The total number is always correct, but the total number selected is
MSG usually 2--even though I have only one message highlighted.

TF While I get this box also only sometimes (there must be some logic
TF somehwere...), I confirm it always says "2 Message Selelcted" even if
TF I have selcted only one.

View is set to split-mode full height preview mode.

If I have one item selected I do not get the message.  Any more than 1
and I get the x messages xxx selected.  The selected count always
seem to be correct.

This message display is similar to what you get if you move the cursor
to the folder tree .. to the right of a folder whos entire name does
not show.

The message displays and then times out.  It will not display again
unless the cursor leaves the message list pane and returns.

If this is the same message .. once again the count seems to be always
correct for selected items.  These messages I am talking about are
probably from the Options/Cool Hits

David Tod Sigafoos

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Re: Manually sort the order of my foldes?

2000-11-22 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

AT I know I can auto-arrange folders within my account alphabetically by
AT clicking on "folder", but what if I want to manually arrange the order of my
AT folders? In fact, I want to have the "personal folders" first, and the
AT "mailing list folders" second.

Unless I am missing what you are asking for .. simply hold the alt key
down, select the folder with you mouse and move up/down the folder

This works within an account

David Tod Sigafoos

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Re[2]: Received time

2000-11-15 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

ACM Personally, I prefer the received time as TB! defines it. After-all, it
ACM doesn't really matter to me when the server received the message because
ACM I haven't personally received it until I have downloaded it. Knowing
ACM when the mail hit my inbox is therefore more useful. I can tell others
ACM when I downloaded their messages.

Please sir ..

since it is part of the rfc header wouldn't it be possible to expose
this information and allow the users to determine which time to use.

For example I receive many many mails during the night and so have
many many mails with 1 receive time in the morning.  it is not
possible to read them in any order as they all have the same receive
time.  if i were allowed to see them according to the time my server
received then then I could follow the thread of thought.

sorry to interrupt

David Tod Sigafoos

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Re[2]: Rebuild Msg index

2000-11-05 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Marck,

Friday, November 03, 2000, 1:53:33 PM, you wrote:
DTS 1) how can I get this rebuilt or will i have to live ahead of everyone

MDP Usually just clicking into a folder with a '?' instead of a count will
MDP make it re-index.

Well it doesnt.  SO .. how to get the index rebuilt?

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Rebuild Msg index

2000-11-03 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

A routine this morning reset my clock/calendar to 2001.  Now although
I greatly enjoy the writings of Clarke I find this puts a crimp in
following 'when received'.

I have edited the message.tbb file and changed all instance of 2001
but I have been unable to get the index file to rebuild.

I have tried deleting (as I read some time past on this list) the .tbi
file but then all folders after this one simply had ?

1) how can I get this rebuilt or will i have to live ahead of everyone
2) is there a better way to take care of this type of problem in the
future (of course not having your clock/calendar go oogy is probably

Thanks in advance ..

Best regards,
 David  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: Placing subjects in introductions

2000-10-28 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Marck,

i hope i don't take you out of context ..

Saturday, October 28, 2000, 9:19:56 AM, you wrote:

MDP Hash: SHA1

MDP Hi snip
MDP snipwrote and made these points on the subject
MDP snipin introductions':

CG [...]
MDP list charter.


for over quoting ..

let me see .. which do i want to see .. 21 lines of signature crap or
information dealing with the thread of discussion.

MDP - --
MDP Cheers,
MDP .\\arck
MDP [Marck D. Pearlstone | Moderator TBUDL / TBBETA  ]
MDP [ PGP Key ID: 0x929DCDA0 | www:  ]

MDP  Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines.
MDP  TB! v1.47 Halloween Edition S/N 14F4B4B2 on Windows NT 5.0 Build 2195 Service 
Pack 1

MDP Version: PGP 6.5.8 Secured
MDP Comment: PGP Sealed for freshness

MDP iQA/AwUBOfr8rDnkJKuSnc2gEQI73QCfRZ3CFLQprHiJNGomjSSieN18hhQAn0jq
MDP veHhbSOQ1ImKEjzD4sspT94S

Once again this is only opinion.  Doesn't mean i'm nuts or stupid or
anything else.  As I mentioned (and it was cut out due to lack of
understanding) it does depend.  When dealing in a programming list (AS

Inclusion of only those bits you want to attack can be very effective.

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: Placing subjects in introductions

2000-10-28 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

ACM Now, David, I do realize that you must feel a bit slighted for being
ACM accused of making a stupid suggestion.

Not at all .. if i had to rely on this group for my self awareness I
would be very foolish indeed.

ACM Most of all, try not to tangle with a moderator in the way that you're
ACM doing. It unfortunately encourages bad conduct on the list.

you are right .. i must not disagree with the moderators .. will just
go back to stealth mode.


thank you very much for the pointers

David Tod Sigafoos

stealth mode on

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Re-Send a message

2000-10-05 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello TBUDL,

  When I resend a message it is stored in the 'sent' folder with the
  same save and created date/time as the original.

  shouldn't the 'new' message have a different save time at least?

Best regards,
 David  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: Filter and Copying

2000-09-28 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Januk  Thomas,

Thanks for the reply .. and although I had checked the faqs in my
blurry late night session missed stepped the destination folder ..

Thanks again


Wednesday, September 27, 2000, 8:17:57 PM, you wrote:

JA Hello David,

JA On  Wednesday, September 27, 2000  at  19:25:13 GMT -0700 (which was 7:25 PM
JA where I live) witnesses say David Tod Sigafoos typed:

   I have been trying to figure out how to create a filter which could
   'copy' the message to a hold folder.  Once this is done it would
   allow normal filtering on down the line.

JA First and foremost, I would recommend checking out the FAQ on
JA filtering available at
JA There is a great tutorial there that can help you get started.

JA Now if I understand you correctly, you want a copy of the message put
JA in your hold folder, and the Inbox copy should be processed by the
JA rest of the filters, correct?

JA If so, set the source and destination folders to be your Inbox.  Then
JA under the actions tab select Copy to folder and choose the folder.
JA Next, under the Options tab, select "Continue Processing..."

JA This should do the trick.  If you continue to have problems, please
JA post what you've tried and what errors (unexpected actions, etc.)
JA you're getting.  Also, please note that the order of filters is very
JA important.

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Filter and Copying

2000-09-27 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello TBUDL,

  I have been trying to figure out how to create a filter which could
  'copy' the message to a hold folder.  Once this is done it would
  allow normal filtering on down the line.

  Is this possible.  There are copy/move to folder commands but I
  can't find anything that looks like it would work for a filter


Best regards,
 David  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Status bar, twice

2000-09-20 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Karin,

KS The one that baffles me is the small icon. When I open a new
KS message or reply to mail, it is a minuscule TB icon (in the
KS shape of a stamp). Clicking it once changes it into a
KS minuscule exclamation mark (yellow on a red stamp) and
KS clicking it once more changes it into a down arrow (white on
KS a blue stamp). Any ideas as to their meaning?

If you right-click the stamp it will show you the options .. this is
priority and confirmation

In fact .. right click works for all the 'options' there


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Re[2]: Deleting messages and spacebarring through 'em

2000-09-18 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello A,

Monday, September 18, 2000, 10:50:19 AM, you wrote:

ACM Also note Karin, that the message list in the folder view works
ACM independently of the message list view in the main TB! window. The
ACM folder view window works with it's own message list as well. This is why
ACM you thought moving from message to message was occurring at random. Both
ACM message list sortings were different.

Hmmm .. so how do you make it so the 'folder viewer' works the same as
the main tb! window?

For example .. I have my folder set for thread / subject.  I dclick on
a message which brings up the message viewer.  I see that I can go
into view there and do the thread thing again but how do I set it so
it automatically follows what the folder is set to?  Doesn't make
sense to have to reset it.  What am i missing

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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[ attachment has been remove by MDaemon ]

Re[2]: Need to create a filter to shut down TB!...

2000-09-17 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Januk,


JA Create a two line batch file like the following.

JA ---Begin Batch file---
JA C:\"Program Files"\"The Bat!"\thebat.exe /NoLogo [EMAIL PROTECTED];S="I'm 
Shutting Down";Send
JA C:\"Program Files"\"The Bat!"\thebat.exe /NoLogo /exit
JA ---End Batch file---

JA Now run this from a filter.  Just be careful not to create an infinite
JA loop as I did while testing the above. sigh  It also appears that
JA you really do need the first command to give TB enough time before
JA shutting down.  I'm not sure why a batch file with only the second
JA line doesn't work when called from a script.

Bravo .. now THAT is a nice hack :-)  Filing this one away

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Uninstall problem

2000-09-17 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Susanne,

I would like to suggest that you try to stick with TB.  Although I
don't know what specific problems you are having I do believe that the
majority of them can be worked out.

I too am new to TB after using Eudora since it came out.  There are
some methods to the madness :-)  Some of the differences are
refreshing and some are irritating.  But my guess is that the good
will outweigh the bad.

As for the Uninstall problem Marck has given you a good process.  It
should work.  I wouldn't worry too much about the 'lint' left in the
registry.  Although it isn't a good design practice many many routines
do that sigh

Well, hope that you keep trying TB.  It is the best that I have found.

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: New user, lotsa questions

2000-09-16 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Karin,

Just a quick note ..

As you are probably seeing there is a lot of 'we know everything' and
there is only ONE way to do things .. yada yada yada.  Try to let
these notes go by .. just sympathize.

The real thing is to look at The Bat and all of its features.  I have
moved to The Bat from Eudora.  Although there is a learning curve (and
a bit of patience) it is a good move.

Heck .. one of the things I was complaining about I was told would
never happen .. i was wrong .. and it was a dead horse.  Only to get a
message from one of the developers saying .. yep .. we're changing it
.  So who knows .. if enough of us work with it and ask for some
changes AND change the way we do things .. The Bat will improve.

Hang in there,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Single filter for multiple boxes

2000-09-15 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello TBUDL,

  is it possible to set a filter for in and out?  Or copy a filter
  from in to out

Best regards,
 David  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: Replying to your message dated Thursday, September 14, 2000, at 9:54 AM

2000-09-14 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Steve,

Thursday, September 14, 2000, 1:01:28 PM, you wrote:

SL On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 12:55:09PM -0700, David Tod Sigafoos wrote:
 And why shouldnt email be presentable?  

SL Email /is/ presentable.  It doesn't need HTML for that.  

Who says?  Who is the leading authority on what email needs or doesn't

 What is it about HTML that scares people so much.  

SL The fact there is no standard for displaying it, what standard does exist
SL is for browsers and no two browsers display correctly.

True .. there is no 'definitive' standard.  But 99% of HTML (not
dhtml, xhtml etc) is compatible.

SL On top of that 99% of the time it is completely annoying because
SL it overrides how /I/ like to see my mail. I don't want to see it
SL in someone else's preferences, I want to see it in mine.

I'm not sure what this means.  Do you mean if i write a letter and
format it as i desire (using regular underline, bold etc) the

 Having the ability to send a message to our users with a toc at the
 beginning of the note and links to other spots in the note is a great

SL Search does that just fine.

So is USPD but ..
SL Please, why do people insist on trotting out this tripe?  It is the top
SL /NOW/ because it works nicely as an email /CLIENT/, not as a browser, not as
SL an html page editor.

Tripe .. that's a fish isn't it?

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: Newbie questions

2000-09-10 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Ming-Li,

Sunday, September 10, 2000, 4:45:26 AM, you wrote:


WOW .. talk about bandwidth g

Actually IF there is a worry about security etc it would be very
simple to have a switch (option, user preference etc) for retrieve or
don't retrieve.  No be huha.

Developers choice .. it is also a developers choice to use the
registry to store info, it is also a developers choice to hard code
the attachment location (full path including drive) in the mail.
These are all developers choices and fine ones they are.

As I mentioned it would be very easy to make this optional .. YES?

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[3]: Newbie questions

2000-09-10 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Curt,


I am glad that TB developers have been charged with saving me.  Have
you ever heard of choice?  Preference of 'do you want to get or not'.

But at least I got all the replies I thought would happen G.  I
always find it amazing how people get 'up' for this subject.

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Newbie questions

2000-09-09 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello BillG,

TB does not do html email because they believe that email shouldn't be
able to do html. Of course they are rumored to do newsreader coming
and have many do render html (except for the graphics) but pooh pooh
on what is becoming standard.

Oh .. and watch .. you will probably be getting a lot of '.. yeah man
we dont do html' yada yada.

Just take it in and realize that some people like to stand in the way
of a raging tide :-).  It would be nice if it was switchable but until
they realize that email does/will contain html and graphic pointers

But that shouldn't stop you from using TB.  It does seem to be the
best out there.


Saturday, September 09, 2000, 9:26:54 PM, you wrote:

B I'm guessing that I have not been using TheBat long enough - that some
B of you experts can answer these questions.  The lack of a NewMail
B indicator, and the HTML viewer problem might be show-stoppers (if I
B can't figure out what I'm doing wrong).

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Re[2]: Favorites

2000-09-08 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

The saddest part of this is that it is another example of why most
developers do not use the registry to store anything.  The only
'problem' i have had since moving to TB has been the use of the

I have sent a couple of messages to the 'bug' email box but have not
received one reply.  They are probably to busy adding a newsviewer to
fix/remove the registry concept.

I almost went back to Eudora the other day .. but their newest beta
gave me reason to stay with TB until I find something better. G

Friday, September 08, 2000, 5:16:08 AM, you wrote:


JD The drop downs are stored in the registry. Therefore if you delete
JD your favorites list it won't be able to drop down.

ACM Seems like a Win95 to 98 upgrade 'spook'. :-)

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Sharing between desktop and laptop

2000-09-05 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Last week I asked about sharing data between TB on my desktop and my

I was told to simply export TB from the registry and import into the

SO I went to my office machine, Start/Run/Regedit and did the export.
 Then I copied the file to my laptop and Start/Run/Regedit and import.
  Selected the file and POW!!! i was told it wasnt are real registry
  file.  Imagine my surprise after so many said it was so simple.

So .. how do I share data?  My desktop is a w2k system.  The laptop is
a win98.

if anyone from tb is there maybe they could chime in.



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Re[2]: HELP! Unable to receive mail

2000-08-25 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Tom,

I guess I was being obtuse ..

Using this exact same setup on my laptop I have been/am able to
connect to my isp (teleport) using the internet (compuserve or direct
connection through company land lines).  In fact this reply is being
sent through compuserve dialup to my isp (teleport).

I am at a new client site.  I find that although I can receive mail
from teleport i can not send mail to teleport.  there is a timeout
error that comes up.

This doesnot seem to be a problem with teleport OR actually a problem
with TB.

My question is .. does anyone know what could cause this type of
connection problem.  The IS/Network guys here are stumped.

Since I am sending this message through CIS dialup to my isp AND
since I have connected to my isp through other company land lines to
the internet to my isp .. what could be blocking this connection?

Thanks ..


Thursday, August 24, 2000, 11:08:34 AM, you wrote:

d I travel so I use TB using various dialups (normally to my isp through their
d remote connections) and through my clients internet connections.  This has
d always worked well.

d I am now at a new client and at this location I can receive mail using TB but I
d can not send mail.  I get a timeout connection error sending.

TP If you are connected to your ISP via a dial-up of theirs, and your
TP current TB installation has worked before and works again when you go
TP home, then you must be lying.  ;)

TP If you're using IPass or something like that, I would imagine that
TP Teleport might have some blockers on their outgoing mail server to
TP only allow connections from machines on their network(s) (I used to be
TP a Teleport customer, way back in the day).  In this case you'll have
TP to get help from Teleport's support staff on connecting to their mail
TP server from a remote location.  Same goes for the case where you're
TP plugging your computer into the client's network (unless they're
TP served by Teleport).

TP Obviously it would be tough to send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if
TP you can't send mail, so in that case I suggest looking up their 1-800
TP number (if they still have it, they just installed it as I was on my
TP way out), or "temporarily" change TB to use the same outgoing mail
TP server as everyone else in the building.  If that doesn't work, they
TP have a 1-800 support line for help in connecting to their email
TP services, 800-223-3435 if memory serves.  :)

TP -tom!

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: HELP! Unable to receive mail

2000-08-25 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Thomas,

I hadn't thought of them being banned .. they would surely get a
'kick' out of that.

I will check with Teleport on monday .. on the road again

Thanks for the idea.

Friday, August 25, 2000, 7:49:31 AM, you wrote:

TF Hallo David,

TF On Fri, 25 Aug 2000 07:33:05 -0700 GMT (25/08/2000, 22:33 +0800 GMT),
TF David Tod Sigafoos wrote:

DTS I am at a new client site.  I find that although I can receive mail
DTS from teleport i can not send mail to teleport.  there is a timeout
DTS error that comes up.

TF Sounds to me that the client's internet connection cannot connect to
TF teleport's smtp server, right? Why first guess would be your client's
TF IP address or domain name is blacklisted by teleport as a potential
TF spammer, so connections from there to the smtp server are blocked.
TF Sorry, I don't know your client and may be completedly off-target, but
TF it seems a logical explanation to me.

TF In order to be able to send, does it work if you use your client's
TF smtp server? If you have to stay there for a couple of days, it may be
TF easier than having to dial up the old Cserve connection every time.

Best regards,
 Davidmailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Use of WEB2POP with The bat

2000-08-01 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Has anyone used web2pop with the bat.  I have been trying to set it up
and it does not seem to be working.

Any info would be appreciated.


Best regards,
 David  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re[2]: Use of WEB2POP with The bat

2000-08-01 Thread David Tod Sigafoos

Hello Angel,

Tuesday, August 01, 2000, 7:29:31 PM, you wrote:

A Hi there :)

A I've been using Web2Pop for a while now and it seems to be working ok.

A What specific problem(s) are you having?

A Regards,
A ~~~Angel ...your RDR "I am out of my mind..but please feel free to leave a message 
at the hollow-tone.."
A Tuesday, August 01, 2000 7:27:54 PM

Just trying to get it installed.

For example .. settings for hotmail.

I created an account then made settings similar to eudora but it could
not connect.

How do you have yours set Up


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